Economic Geology Part 2
Economic Geology Part 2
Economic Geology Part 2
Crustal architecture and mineral wealth
In fact, most of the world’s economically exploitable
mineral wealth effectively lies on the surface or just
below the surface of the Earth.
ocean VMS Ocean
ridge Cu, Co, Zn Mn, Co, Ni
Pelagic sediment
Lavas ed) Oceanic lithosphere
Cr, Ni, Pt Pyroxene
Sheeted dykes
Partial Tectonized dunite and harzburgite
Figure 1.1 Oceanic crustal architecture showing the main types of ore deposits characteristic of this environment.
Only chromite and related deposits (Cr–Ni–Pt) are related to igneous ore-forming processes; VMS (Cu, Co, Zn) and
sediment-hosted deposits (Mn, Co, Ni) are discussed in Chapters 3 and 5 respectively.
morphosed oceanic lithosphere can be observed in and a lower, more mafic zone, with the two layers
ophiolite complexes which represent segments of separated by the Conrad discontinuity (which
This is underlain by a layer, typically 1–2.5 km thick, that is
both extrusive and intrusive in character and dominantly
basaltic in composition.
Accumulations of manganese in nodules on the sea
floor, metal-rich concentrations in pelagic muds, and
volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) Cu–Zn deposits
also occur in this tectonic setting, but are not directly
related to igneous processes.
Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn Sn, W Diamond Cr, Cu, Ni, Sn, W, Cu, Au U, Th
Oceanic crus
t Tecto
Lithosphere thicke
I-type S-type ned
Asthenosphere Continental
crust Co
Kimberlite nt ine
l cru
Figure 1.2 Continental crustal architecture showing the main types of igneous-related ore deposits characteristic
of this environment.
The upper crust, which in some continental deposit types are shown and these include dia-
sections is defined as extending to the Conrad mondiferous kimberlites, anorthosite-hosted Ti
discontinuity at some 6 km depth, is made up deposits, the Cr–V–Pt–Cu–Ni assemblage of ores
of felsic to intermediate compositions (granite to !10 in continental layered mafic suites, and the
Historically, the continental crust was thought to
comprise an upper zone made up largely of granite (and
its sedimentary derivatives) and a lower, more mafic
zone, with the two layers separated by the Conrad
discontinuity (which marks a change in seismic
velocities, and, therefore crustal density).
Magma types and metal contents
the outer two layers of the Earth, the more rigid lithosphere
and the ductile asthenosphere, are largely solid.
Zones within these layers that are anomalous in terms of
pressure or temperature do, however, form and can cause
localized melting of the rocks present.
The nature of the rock undergoing melting and the extent
to which it is melted are the main factors that control the
composition of the magma that is formed.
The magma composition, in turn, dictates the nature of
metal concentrations that are likely to form in the rocks
that solidify from that magma.
A Fundamental Magma Type – These Are
1. Basalt,
2. Andesite,
3. Rhyolite, And
4. Alkaline Magmas Including Kimberlite.
1. Basaltic magma
Ore deposits associated with mafic igneous rocks
typically Ni, Co, Cr, V, Cu, Pt, and Au.
Table 1.2 Average abundances of selected elements in the major magma types
Li 10 12 50 – – 20
Be 0.7 1.5 4.1 4–24 – 2.8
F 380 210 480 640 – 625
P 3200 2800 1200 1800 0.6–0.9% 1050
V 266 148 72 235 – 135
Cr 307 55 4 – – 10
Co 48 24 4.4 – – 25
Ni 134 18 6 – 1050 75
Cu 65 60 6 – 103 55
Zn 94 87 38 108 – 70
Zr 87 205 136 1800 2200 165
Mo 0.9–2.7 0.8–1.2 1 15 – 1.5
Sn 0.9 1.5 3.6 – – 2
Nb 5 4–11 28 140 240 20
Sb 0.1–1.4 0.2 0.1–0.6 – – 0.2
Ta 0.9 – 2.3 10 – 2
W 1.2 1.1 2.4 16 – 1.5
Pb 6.4 5 21 15 – 13
Bi 0.02 0.12 0.12 – – 0.17
U 0.1–0.6 0.8 5 10 – 2.7
Th 0.2 1.9 26 35 – 7.2
Ag† 100 80 37 – – 70
Au† 3.6 – 1.5 – – 4
Pt† 17–30 – 3–12 – 19 10
S 782 423 284 598 2100 260
Ge 1.1 1.2 1.0–1.3 1.3–2.1 0.5 1.5
As 0.8 1.8 3.5 – – 1.8
Cd 0.02 0.02 0.2–0.5 0.04 – 0.2
! 2
If no average is available, a range of values is provided. *Clarke is a term that refers to the average crustal abundance.
Cd 0.02 0.02 0.2–0.5 0.04 – 0.2
If no average is available, a range of values is provided. *Clarke is a term that refers to the average crustal abundance.
Values as ppb, all other values as ppm.
Source: data from Taylor (1964), Wedepohl (1969), Krauskopf and Bird (1995).
Basalt Andesite Rhyolite
Abundance (ppm)
2. Andesitic
Andesites are rocks that crystallize from magmas of
composition intermediate between basalt and rhyolite
(typically with SiO contents between 53 and 63 wt%).
occur dominantly:
1. in orogenic zones,
2. along island arcs or
3. on continental margins beneath which subduction
of oceanic crust
Andesite can be formed:
a. as a primary magma composition derived directly
by an appropriate degree of melting of a suitable
source rock
an evolved melt formed by differentiation of a more
mafic magma such as basalt.
c. by contamination of an originally more mafic melt by
felsic material or melt.
3. Rhyolite
Most felsic magmas, however, are derived from the partial
melting of predominantly crustal material along ocean–
continent island arcs and orogenic continental margins.
4. Alkaline magmas and kimberlite
magmas that are depleted in SiO2 but highly enriched in
the alkali elements (Na, K, and Ca) are
Nephelinite associated carbonatite melts (i.e.
magmas comprising essentially CaCO3 and lesser
They usually occur in small (<1 km diameter) pipe-
like bodies, or dykes and sills, and commonly
extrude in highly explosive, gas-charged eruptions.
Variation of magma compositions
3. Crystal Fractionation
with lower MgO and higher, SiO2, so it will
Note that the REE patterns produced by higher
percentages of crystal fractionation show higher
concentrations, yet the patterns remain nearly parallel
to one another.
Mechanisms of Crystal Fractionation
ing - In general, crystals forming from a
erent densities than the liquid.
If the crystals have a lower
a higherindensity
the magma,
than thethey willthey
k ortend
settle to float
to the floororof rise upward
the magma
layer that settles will still
through the magma. Again the be in contact
a, but will later become buried by later
first layer that accumulates at
s so that they are effectively removed
. the top of the magma body will
initially be in contact with the
a lower but
density as inmore
the magma, they
at orfloat
rise upward through the
to the top and accumulate, magma.
layer that accumulates at the top of the
the earlier formed layers will
will initially be in contact with the liquid, be
float to the topremoved
and accumulate,fromthe
layers will bewith the liquid.
effectively removed from
e liquid.
2. Inward Crystallization - Because a magma body is hot
and the country rock which surrounds it is expected to be
much cooler, heat will move outward away from the
magma. Thus, the walls of the magma body will be coolest,
and crystallization would be expected to take place first in
this cooler portion of the magma near the walls.
is hot and
o be much
st, and
rst in this
ayer of
he liquid,
ls and
3. Filter pressing - this mechanism has been proposed
as a way to separate a liquid from a crystal-liquid mush.
In such a situation where there is a high concentration
of crystals the liquid could be forced out of the spaces
between crystals by some kind of tectonic squeezing
that moves the liquid into a fracture or other free space,
leaving the crystals behind.
4. Magma Mixing
2. Density Contrast- basaltic magmas have densities on
the order of 2600 to 2700 kg/m3,
whereas rhyolitic magmas have densities of 2300 to 2500
kg/m3. This contrast in density would mean that the
lighter rhyolitic magmas would tend to float on the
heavier basaltic magma and inhibit mixing.
completely dissolve
surface and aorthin
react. Thisismight
section leave disequilibrium
cut through the crystal this trapped liquid will be revealed as
For example, if a basaltic
glass inclusions in magma Evidence
the crystal. for Mixing
Mg-rich olivine
magma containing quartz, and the magma was erupted before the
d be redissolved or made over into another mineral, then we would
oning mineral
theare outinclusions
glass of equilibrium.
should represent the
composition of the magma that precipitated the
crystal, chemical analysis of glass inclusions give
Minerals. us the composition
When a mineral is of the liquid
placed in an in which the different than
crystal formed.
iginally formed, Thetogroundmass
it will tend react to retainmayequilibrium.
also Instead
tely contain glass
e or remaking representing
their entire the composition
composition, of theminerals
solid solution
tating a newliquid in which the
composition thatcrystal resided
is stable in theat new
eruption. If
the composition
new temperature. of glass
This can resultinclusions is different
in zoned crystals that show
d.g trends. from glass in the groundmass, and if the
For Example:
groundmass composition is not what is expected
"marble cake" appearance, with dark colored
from normal crystallization of the minerals
mafic rock intermingled with lighter colored
present, this provides evidence of magma mixing.
rhyolitic rock.
glass inclusions in the crystal
rring progresses
minerals normally zonebeyond the
if the Chemical
do Fe-rich crystals
rims. If a Fe-rich If the
of process
s mixed into to the point where other evidence is
a Mg-rich
tating Mg-rich evidenceor for mixing will still be
cipitate the more Mg-rich
ms of zoned
the addedcrystals that show
such crystals
reversals would reveal a
of the zoning
milarly, if a
crystallizing from a
e mixed into a basaltic !57
5. Crustal Assimilation/Contamination
If the magma absorbs part of the rock through which it
passes we say that the magma has become contaminated by
the crust.
Either of these process would produce a change in the
chemical composition of the magma unless the material
being added has the same chemical composition as the
Perhaps the best evidence of assimilation/contamination
comes from studies of radiogenic isotopes.
5. Liquid Immiscibility
where liquids do not mix with each other
like in the alkali feldspar system, immiscibility is temperature
6. Combined Processes
magmas could mix and crystallize at the same time resulting
in a combination of magma mixing and crystal
Magmatic Ore Deposits
Magmatic Ore Deposits
• Dissemination involves simple crystallization
whereby early formed crystals are found
disseminated throughout the host- rock.
• End stages of magmatic crystallization.
The most important magmatic deposits are restricted to
mafic and ultramafic rocks which represent the
crystallization products of basaltic or ultramafic liquids.
Association of Rocks and ore deposits:
1.Chromite peridotites, anorthosites and similar mafic
2.Platinum Group Metals (PGM) norite, peridotite or
their alteration products.
3.Cu-Ni sulfides associated with norite
4.Fe-Ti oxides found with gabbros and anorthosites.
5.Diamond in kimberlites
6.REE, and Zr in carbonatites
7.Pegmatites with granitic rocks.
1. Chromite Deposits
b.Podiform chromite deposits irregularly shaped
massive chromite bodies and they are
predominantly found within dunitic (olivine-rich)
portions of ophiolite complexes.
3.Platinum Group Metals PGM
The six platinum-group metals are ruthenium,
rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum.
Hydrothermal Ore deposits
Any concentration of metallic minerals formed by the
precipitation of solids from hot mineral water
(hydrothermal solution).
Conditions necessary for the formation of
hydrothermal mineral deposits include:
An example of a hydrothermal system and its circulation. From “The Blue Planet” by Brian J. Skinner (1995). Also
taken from Williams, Curtis “Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineral Deposits.” (2002).
Evidence for the existence of modern hydrothermal
fluids include
Hydrothermal solutions have a wide variety of chemical
Solvent H2O
Main factors for development of hydrothermal ore
deposition include:
• water source, heated up to 900 ̊C under high
pressure (up to many thousands of bars)
• source of ore components, and
• transport of ore constituents,
flow paths may be tens
of km long, both vertically and horizontally.
• permeability, cause, and
• ore deposition.
Meteoric waters can be collected from precipitation
factors such as snow, rain, etc;
The energy behind the hydrothermal alteration
process is the “geothermal cell”.
Hydrothermal Ore Formation
Deposition of the ore minerals is usually due to
(1) temperature decrease- cooling,
(2) decrease in pressure,
(3) change in composition of hydrothermal solutions
by reaction with the wall rock along their flow paths
(e.g. acid neutrlisation).
Deposition of the ore can be sub aerial, seafloor, found
in a fracture, or a rock.
Hydrothermal Rocks
Rocks which form by
(1) mineral precipitation from hydrothermal fluids or by
(2)fluid-mineral interactions are called hydrothermal
Forms of deposition
• Often the original crystal habits of the replaced
minerals are copied by finegrained aggregates of
the new hydrothermal minerals
Mississippi Valley-Type Lead-Zinc Deposits (MVt)
hydrothermal breccia
Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits
Magmatic activity imposes strong thermal
gradients perpendicular to the spreading ridges
(high T at MOR, low T further away from MOR).
These gradients cause seawater convection
through the fractures (i.e. multi-pass fluid flow).
The H
EAFLOOR amount of convectedDseawater
(1) ≈
1014 kg / year.
ges (MOR) are sites where
st forms by crystallization
roic) magmas fed by
nosphere. MOR are also
hydrothermal activity:
ed with the hydrothermal solution cooling at some point. The metals found in the
ns are typically found in the crust and maybe the source of the metals.