Pnsbafs 299.200
Pnsbafs 299.200
Pnsbafs 299.200
ICS 67.120.30
Code of Practice for the Processing of Cephalopods
The Philippine National Standard (PNS) – Code of Practice for the processing of
cephalopods was developed by the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS)
as its standardization process of adopting relevant international standards. It has been
prepared by the Technical Working Group through Department of Agriculture (DA) Special
Order No.1092, Series of 2018. This standard has been approved by the Secretary of the
Department of Agriculture in 20xx
This PNS was based on Codex standard on the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products
(CAC/RCP 52-2003). The Codex standard aims to safeguard the cephalopods industry by
putting in place quality and food safety parameters.
This Standard includes the following significant changes compared to the Codex standard:
• modification of the flow chart for the processing of cephalopods in accordance
with the practices in the Philippines;
• inclusion of terms and definitions used in the document;
• specification of the frozen storage for raw material and frozen storage for the end-
product; and
• inclusion of provision for distribution and transport.
This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 2.
Code of Practice for the Processing of Cephalopods
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
1 Scope
This code applies to fresh and processed cephalopods including cuttlefish (Sepia spp.), squid
(Loligo spp., Loliolus spp., Sepiotheutis spp., Uroteuthis spp., Uroteuthisreesi spp., and
Photololigo spp.) and, octopus (Octopus spp.) and giant squid (Architeuthis spp.), intended for
human consumption.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
Codex STAN 192- 1995, Codex General Standard for Food Additives
DOH- FDA Administrative Order No. 2014-0030, Rules and Regulations amending
certain provisions of Administrative Order No. 88-B s. 1984 or the "Rules and
Regulations Governing the Labeling of Pre-packaged Food Products Distributed in
the Philippines,” and For Other Purposes
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
shell of a cuttlefish
Defect Action Point
step at which control can be applied to essentially prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard
or reduce it to an acceptable level
whole cleaned and skinned squid bodies and tentacles, which may be packaged together or
foreign matter
presence of any matter in the sample unit not derived from cephalopods (excluding packing
material) that is readily recognized without magnification, or is present at a level determined
by any method
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
science-based system which identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards which are significant
for food safety at critical points during a given stage in the food supply chain
feather or rod-shaped chitinous supporting structure in the dorsal midline of squids
process of cutting cephalopods along the mantle to produce a single fillet
total volatile base nitrogen test
TVBN test
method of analysis that quantifies the presence of volatile nitrogenous compounds (e.g.
ammonia, dimethyl amine, and trimethyl amine)
squid/cuttlefish without skin, internal organs, head and gladius/cuttlebone; with or without fins
squid/cuttlefish/octopus with complete organs
4 Receiving of cephalopods
4.2.1 Organoleptic characteristics, such as appearance, odor and texture, that can also be
used as indicators of fitness for human consumption;
4.2.2 Presence of parasites, e.g. Anisakis, foreign matter;
4.2.3 Presence of physical defects such as lacerations, breakages and discoloration of the
skin, or a yellowish tinge spreading from the liver and digestive organs inside the mantle,
which are indicative of product deterioration;
4.2.4 Chemical indicators of decomposition and/or contamination, e.g. total volatile base
nitrogen (TVBN), heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, and mercury;
4.2.5 High heavy metal levels should be considered in the gut contents as these may migrate
into the flesh; and
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
4.3 Cephalopods should be rejected if known to contain defects that subsequently cannot
be reduced or eliminated.
4.5 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard should
be in accordance with the PNS Fresh and Frozen Cephalopods (PNS/BAFS 136:2014).
4.6 Designated staff inspecting the product should be trained and experienced with the
relevant species in order to recognize any defects and potential hazards.
4.7 The potential hazards and defects during receiving and succeeding processes are
listed in Annex B.
5 Storage of cephalopods
5.1.1 The cephalopods brought to the plant should be placed to a chilled storage facility
without delay.
5.1.2 The chilled storage facility should be capable of maintaining the internal temperature
of the cephalopods between 0 °C and 4 °C.
5.1.3 The chilled storage facility should have a calibrated temperature recording device that
records storage temperatures properly.
5.1.4 Stock rotation plans should ensure proper utilization of the cephalopods.
5.1.5 Cephalopods should be stored in such a way that damage from overstacking or
overfilling of boxes will be prevented.
5.1.6 The cephalopods should be stored in shallow layers and surrounded by sufficient
finely divided ice or with a mixture of ice and potable water before processing.
5.1.7 Refill of ice supply on the cephalopods should be done when appropriate. If this is not
feasible, the room temperature setting should be adjusted to attain the required temperature.
5.2.1 Cold storage should be capable of maintaining the temperature below –18°C with
minimal temperature fluctuations.
5.2.2 The storage should be equipped with a calibrated thermometer. The recording
thermometer should be placed in the warmest area in the cold storage.
5.2.3 Systematic stock rotation plan, e.g. first in, first out (FIFO), should be developed and
5.2.5 Protocols for inspection should be developed to cover identified quality such as
HACCP and/or DAP plan parameters.
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
6 Processing of cephalopods
6.1.1 The thawing parameters should be clearly defined which include time and
temperature. This is important in preventing the development of pale-pink discoloration.
6.1.2 The critical limits for the thawing time and temperature of the product should be
developed. Particular attention should be given to the volume of product being thawed in order
to control discoloration.
6.2.1 Gutting should remove all intestinal materials, the cephalopod shell and beaks, if
present. Any by-product of this process that is intended for human consumption [e.g. tentacles
(optional), mantle] should be handled in a timely and hygienic manner.
6.2.2 Cephalopods should be washed in potable water immediately after gutting to remove
any remaining material from the tube cavity and to reduce the level of microorganisms present
in the product.
6.2.3 Adequate supply of potable water should be available for the washing of whole
cephalopods and cephalopod products.
6.3.1 The method of skinning should not contaminate the cephalopods nor should it allow
the growth of microorganisms. Enzymatic skinning or hot water techniques should have
defined time/temperature parameters to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
6.3.2 Care should be taken to prevent waste material from cross-contamination of the
6.3.3 Adequate supply of potable water should be available for washing the product during
and after skinning.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared
and handled in accordance with PNS/BAFS 136.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared
and handled in accordance with the PNS/BAFS 136.
9 Grading
Grading should be carried out based on quality with minimal delay to prevent deterioration of
the cephalopods.
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
10 Freezing (end-product)
10.1 Cephalopods should be frozen as rapidly as possible to prevent microbial growth and
chemical reactions that may result to reduced shelf life.
10.2 The time/temperature parameters developed should ensure rapid freezing of product
and should take into consideration the type of freezing equipment, capacity, size and shape
of the product, and production volume. Production should be geared to the freezing capacity
of the processing facility.
10.3 Freezing temperature and monitoring of duration of freezing should be combined with
good inventory control to ensure sufficient cold treatment for killing parasites harmful to human
10.4 The product temperature should be monitored regularly to ensure the completeness of
the freezing operation as it relates to the core temperature.
10.5 Adequate records should be kept for all freezing and frozen storage operations.
11 Glazing (optional)
Glazing should be applied to cephalopods for protection against dehydration to maintain the
product quality during storage and distribution.
12.1 Packaging
12.1.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be
prepared and handled in accordance with the PNS/BAFS 136.
12.1.2 Food grade packaging material should be clean, durable, and appropriate for
its intended use.
12.1.3 Packaging material should be inspected prior to use to ensure that it is not damaged
or contaminated.
12.2 Labeling
The product should be labeled according to the provisions of the Codex General Standard for
the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985), and Administrative Order No.
2014-0030 (Rules and Regulations amending certain provisions of Administrative Order No.
88-B s. 1984 or the Rules and Regulations Governing the Labeling of Pre-packaged Food
Products Distributed in the Philippines, and for other purposes) and its future amendments.
12.3.2 Routine procedures should be initiated to ensure product rejected by the detector is
investigated as to the cause of the rejection.
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
The provisions for this section should be in accordance with the section 5.2 of this document.
14.1 The temperature of the product and the refrigerated or insulated van should be
checked and recorded before loading.
14.2 The cleanliness, suitability and sanitation of the cargo hold of refrigerated or insulated
van should be verified prior to loading.
14.4 Load stabilizer devices should be used to ensure good air flow between product and
wall, floor, and roof panels.
14.5 Air temperatures should be monitored inside the cargo hold during transportation.
Recording thermometer should be used.
14.6 Loading and transportation should be conducted in a manner that would ensure
packaging integrity, thereby avoiding damage and product contamination.
14.7.1 Transportation of fresh cephalopods in containers with dry freezer bags and not iced
should be considered where appropriate.
14.8.2 Chilled processed products should be maintained at the temperature specified by the
processor but generally should not exceed 4 °C.
14.9.1 Frozen products should be maintained at –18 °C or below (maximum fluctuation 3 °C).
14.9.2 Adequate protection should be provided against contamination from dust, exposure to
higher temperatures, and drying effects of the sun or wind.
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
Annex A
1 Receiving of cephalopods
4 Controlled thawing
5 Washing
7 Eye, beak and 6 Gutting/splitting
tentacles (optional) 5
9 Skinning/trimming
13 Freezing (end-product)
14 Glazing (optional)
15 Packaging/labeling
16 Metal Detection
18 Distribution/transportation
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
Annex B
Table B.1 – List of potential hazards and defects in the processing of cephalopods
PNS/BAFS 299:2020
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards. 2014. PNS/BAFS 136:2014, Fresh and Frozen
Cephalopods. Department of Agriculture. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). 2009. Code of practice for cephalopods and
cephalopodsery products. Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health
Organization. Rome, Italy.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). 2009. Code of practice for fish and fishery products.
Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization. Rome, Italy.
Codex Alimentarius International Food Standards. 2018. General Standard for Food Additives
CODEX STAN 192-1995. Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health
Organization. Rome, Italy.
Department of Health – Food and Drug Administration. 2013. Circular No. 2013-010, Revised
Guidelines for the Assessment of Microbiological Quality of Processed Foods. Food and
Drug Administration. Department of Health. Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
Department of Health – Food and Drug Administration. 2019. Administrative Order No. 2014-
0030, Rules and Regulations amending certain provisions of Administrative Order No.
88-B s. 1984 or the Rules and Regulations Governing the Labeling of Pre-packaged
Food Products Distributed in the Philippines,” and For Other Purposes. Food and Drug
Administration. Department of Health. Alabang, Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
Technical Working Group on the Development of
Philippine National Standard - Code of Practice for the Processing of Cephalopods
Chair Co-chair
Emilia T. Quinitio Dennis E. Tiotangco
Integrated Services for the Development of Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Fisheries and Aquaculture, Inc. Department of Agriculture
1 Simeona S. Regidor 8 Emilia T. Quinitio
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Integrated Services for the
Resources Development of Fisheries and
Department of Agriculture Aquaculture, Inc
7 Rosa S. Bassig
National Codex Organization/
National Fisheries Research and
Development Institute