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Civil War - Rulebook - Web - GenCon

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9 Equipment cards

96 Hero Cards
(12 for each Hero)

Choose your side! 6 Locations

This expansion adds not only an impressive roster of

10 iconic Heroes and new Locations, but also pits these
Heroes against each other in two game-changing Player
vs Player modes! These Heroes can either be used in
12 Population Cards
isolation or mixed with other Heroes, Villains, Locations,
and Challenges from the core box and other expansions
to create infinite different play experiences. In the Civil
War play modes, two teams of Heroes clash against each
other, with no Villain in sight. Players can choose either 6 Plastic Bases
the more casual Clash of Heroes, or the more competitive, (3 Blue and 3 red)

asymmetrical, and thematic Registration Clash.

1 civil war

6 Location
Components 9 Shield Tokens Control Tokens


1 Clash of Heroes 6 Clash of Heroes 2 Team

Summary Card Event Cards Trackers
Captain Kate Spectrum Goliath
America Bishop

6 Cell Cards 6 Danger

6 Team Blue
Mission Cards
Iron Tigra Wonder Yellow
Man Man Jacket

Player vs Player MODES SHIELDS
• Each Hero has 1 or 2 Shield tokens in front of them (depending on the mode).
Included in this expansion are two different Player vs Player (PvP) modes. Two new • Each time they take damage (even if unpreventable), if they have a Shield
special ways to play Marvel United without the Villain, with Heroes facing against token active, they MUST flip it to its exhausted side instead of discarding
each other: Clash of Heroes, a more casual mode, and Registration Clash, a more cards from their hand. They are still considered to have taken damage for
competitive mode. any game effects.
In the Player vs Player modes, the players are divided into 2 opposing Teams with 2 - Please note this only applies to damage. If an effect explicitly makes the
or 3 Heroes each (either 2x2 or 3x3). Hero discard 1 or more cards from their hand, they can’t choose to flip
While both modes share some of the same special rules, they also each have special their active Shield token instead. They must discard the card(s).
rules of their own, all described over the following chapters. • When a Hero recovers from being KO’d, they flip back their Shield token(s)
to the active side.

Special rules FOR BOTH MODEs

• In case of effects whose conditions are tied, the active Hero decides how
they should be resolved. In this PvP mode, both Teams compete by fighting each other and performing
other tasks to get the highest score by the end of 6 Rounds.
• Heroes belonging to your Team are considered Heroes for all your game effects.
• Heroes belonging to the opposing Team are considered as Enemies for all 1 Place the Civil War dashboard in the middle of the table, Clash of Heroes
your game effects. side up. Place both Team Tracker cubes on the “0” space of the score track.
- This means a Hero can use Attack actions to deal damage to a Hero
belonging to the opposing Team, causing them to discard 1 card. 2 Shuffle 6 Locations and place them around the hexagonal board, filling
• Terms such as Villain and Henchman are considered as Enemy (opposing any marked slots of each Location with either Civilian or Thug tokens, as
Hero) for all your game effects. indicated. (You can choose to play with the 6 Locations included in this
• A turn in which an Enemy (opposing Hero) is the active Hero, is considered a expansion or use any combination of Locations you own, except the ones
Villain turn for all your game effects. listed in the Location Ban List at the end of this rulebook.)

STORYLINES 3 Each Team chooses their Heroes (either 2x2 or 3x3) and attaches a
plastic base in their Team’s color to their game pieces. Each Team places
• Heroes take their turns as in the standard game, following the usual 4 steps their Heroes in their respective Team starting Location (indicated by the
in order. However, each Team has their own independent Storyline. corresponding arrows on the board).
• When taking their turn, Heroes only benefit from the symbols at the bottom
of the previous Hero card in their own Team’s Storyline. Effects that refer to 4 Place Location Control tokens on the Threat slots of each Location. Blue
the Storyline refer only to cards in that Team’s specific Storyline. side up on the Team Blue starting Location and the 2 Locations adjacent to
the Team Red starting Location, Red side up on the 3 remaining Locations.
5 Each Hero takes 1 Shield token and places it in front of them, active side up.
• The active Hero may choose to apply the End of Turn effect of the Location
where they end their turn only if the Location is controlled by their own 6 Each Hero must take the card from their Hero deck and remove it
Team, as indicated by itsLocation Control token showing their Team color. from the game. Then, they shuffle their deck and draw 3 cards into their hand.
• Locations’ permanent effects and mandatory End of Turn effects apply to Heroes should use their Equipment cards, if they have any. Heroes with no
both Teams, regardless of which Team controls the Location. Equipment cards can choose 1 Generic Equipment card. If they decide not to,
• When an Overflow is triggered in a Location, the Team that controls that they must still remove the card from their deck.
Location must choose any 1 of their Heroes to take 1 unpreventable damage.
7 Shuffle the Event cards in a facedown deck within reach of the players.
Remove 1 card from the game, keeping it facedown. No Event card is
revealed at the start of the game.
8 Shuffle the Population cards in a facedown deck within reach of the players. 9 Decide which will be the starting Team. They choose 1 of their Heroes to take
Draw and reveal 1 card, then add the indicated number of Thug and/or the first turn. That Hero takes the Summary card (Round Sequence side up)
Civilian tokens in the Locations as shown on the card. Use the red and blue for reference, placing it in front of them.
arrows on the board as references.


3 8


ROUND SEQUENCE Team trailing behind is the one that has their Tracker on top of the other Team’s
Tracker). The first Hero of each Round should take the Summary card for reference.
Once the active Hero (in the first turn, the starting Hero chosen by the starting
Team) has completed all the steps of their turn, the Teams proceed alternating NOTE: In 2x2 games, if the Initiative doesn’t change, the Hero that started the
their Hero turns until 2 Heroes from each Team have played their turn. previous Round will also start the current Round. While in 3x3 games, even if
So, after each 4 Hero turns (2 for each Team, playing back and forth) a Round the Initiative doesn’t change, the Hero starting the new Round won’t be the
ends and 1 Event card is drawn and revealed from the deck. Event cards can same that started the previous Round.
have instantaneous effects that are immediately applied or ongoing effects that
are applied until a new Event card is revealed (when a new Event is revealed, the The game continues to be played in Rounds, following the sequence stated above,
previous one is discarded). with a new Event card replacing the previous one at the end of each Round.
Then, players Check Initiative: The Team that is trailing behind in points starts • When the 5th and last Event card is revealed, a last Round is played and then
the new Round with their following Hero in turn sequence (in case of a tie, the the game ends.
• Also, if a Team’s Tracker reaches or surpasses 40, the game ends at the end
Round 1 Round 2 of that Round.
Team Red is chosen to start Team Blue gains the Initiative

2 4 5 7

1 3 6 8

PUBLIC ENDORSEMENT If there’s a tie, the Team that controls the most Locations is the winner. In case
of a further tie in Locations control, the Team whose Tracker is below the other
Heroes may use Heroic Actions to place a Heroic Action token from the pool on is the winner.
an empty slot of the Public Endorsement area of the board corresponding to the
Location in which the Heroic Action is performed. This can only be done by Heroes
in a Location their Team doesn’t control (as indicated by its Location Control SPECIAL EFFECTS ADAPTATIONS
token showing the opposing Team color side up).
When 2 Heroic Action tokens have been placed on a Location’s Public Endorsement If an effect refers to these keywords, consider them as follow, completely
area, discard them and flip that Location Control token to the other side. replacing the original effect:
• Threats: If an effect refers to adding Action tokens to a Threat, it now refers
Example: A Team Red Hero is in a Location controlled by the Blue Team. The Hero to adding Heroic Action tokens to a Public Endorsement space instead. If it
spends 2 Heroic Actions to place 2 on the corresponding Public Endorsement refers to clearing a Threat, it now refers to flipping a Location Control token to
space. The 2 tokens are immediately discarded and the Location Control token your side. If it refers to swapping Threats, it now refers to swapping Location
is flipped Red side up, showing that the Location is now controlled by Team Red. Control tokens instead (if it refers to moving Threats, it has no effect).
Now, Team Red Heroes can use its End of Turn effect if they end their turn there. • Delay the next Villain turn: During the next Enemy turn, the Hero won’t
benefit from 1 symbol of their choice at the bottom of the previous Hero card
POPULATION CARDS in their Storyline.
• Accelerate the next Villain turn: During the next Enemy turn, the Hero may
After each Hero turn, draw and resolve 1 Population card for each green space on use twice 1 symbol of their choice at the bottom of the previous Hero card in
the score track that was just reached or surpassed for the first time by any Team their Storyline.
Tracker during that turn (if any). Add the indicated number of Thug and/or Civilian • Play a Master Plan card facedown with no effect: During the next Enemy
tokens in the Locations as shown on the card. Use the red and blue arrows on the turn, the Hero won’t benefit from any symbols on the previous Hero card in
board as references. their Storyline.
• BaM! : Consider the BAM! as all the symbols both at the bottom and
IMPORTANT: In case both a Population card and an Event card must be drawn on the Special Effects of the cards used by the Enemy in their Storyline.
and resolved after a Hero turn, first draw and resolve the Population card. • Master Plan card/deck: It refers to 1 of the Enemy Hero cards or decks. The
active Hero can choose which Enemy to target. If it refers to / added
NOTE: After the very last Hero turn (when the game ends) don’t draw and resolve by a Master Plan card, it refers to the Population card instead.
Population cards. • Stunned token: Attach a Stunned token to an Enemy. Heroes with a Stunned
token treat Special Effects on all their Hero cards in their Storyline as blank
SCORING until the end of their turn. Then, they discard all their Stunned tokens.
• Health: Effects that refer to a Villain or Henchman’s Health refer to the number
On their turn, Heroes can advance their Team’s Tracker by rescuing Civilians, of Hero cards in an Enemy’s hand. (Special case: Squirrel Girl’s Common Sense
defeating Thugs, KO’ing Enemies, and taking Control of Locations. Each time each considers the total number of cards in the hands of all Enemies).
of these happens, advance the Trackers accordingly: • Defeat a Villain or Henchman: Refers to an Enemy being KO’d.
• A Civilian is rescued – Advance by 1 space the Tracker of the Team that • Villain ends their movement in your Location: Refers to an Enemy entering
rescued it. your Location, not to an Enemy ending their turn in your Location.
• A Thug is defeated – Advance by 1 space the Tracker of the Team that • Alone: A Hero sharing a Location with Enemies is still considered to be alone.
defeated it. • Ignore any text that removes Heroes, Villains, or Henchmen from the board
• A Hero is KO’d – Advance by 5 spaces the Tracker of the opposing Team. or that makes them skip their turn.
• A Location Control token is flipped – Advance by 1 space the Tracker of the • Ignore any text that refers to Missions or other components that are not
Team whose side is now up. used in the PvP modes.

IMPORTANT: When a Tracker enters a space occupied by the opposing Team’s

Tracker, it must be placed on top of the Tracker that was already there. BANNED LOCATIONS
At the end of the game, the Team whose Tracker is ahead on the score track S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Stark Laboratories, Great Mound, Hala, Mojoverse, Hellfire
is the winner! Club Building, The Danger Room, and Morlock Tunnels.

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