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II Semester B.C.A. Examination, September 2020

(CBCS) (F+R)
(2014-15 and Onwards)
BCA203 :Data Structures
Max. Marks 70
Instruction: Answer all Sections.


Answer any ten questions. Each question carries two marks. (10x2-20)
1. What are non-linear data structures ? List any two non-linear data structures.

2. State with example any two word processing operations.

3. State any four mathematical functions.

4. Compare array v/s linked list method of storage.

5. What is a sparse matrix ? llustrate with an example.

6. State the different types of linked lists.

7. State any two applications of stack.

8. Convert the following expression in postfix format:

8 (3+5)/4-2.
9. What are the typical operations performed on non-primitive data structures?

10. Compare linear queue v/s circular queue.

11. What is directed graph ? Give an example.

12. What is a binary search tree ?


Answer any five questions. Each question carries ten marks. (5x10-50)

13. a) Explain the different asymptotic notations.

b) What is an ADT ? Explain its relevance in the study of data structures 5
14. a) Explain with an example the working of any one string matching

b) Write the C' functions for the following string operations
i) Length of a string.
i) String concatenation.
sort technique. 5
15. a) Write a 'C' program for sorting an array using Bubble
collection. 5
b) Write a note on dynamic memory allocation and garbage
16. a) What is a linked list ? Describe the node of a single linked list and the
list operations.
b) Write algorithms for the foliowing single linked list operations 5

node at the beginning of a linked list.

i) Insert a
i) Searching a value in a linked list.

17. a) Write an algorithm for converting an infix expression into postfix

b) Discuss the different types of queues.

18. a) What is a binary tree ? Explain the following: 5

i) Fuil/complete binary tree.

ii) Strictly binary tree.
ii) Aimost complete binary tree.
in order and post order
b) Draw a BST for the foilowing and perform pre order,

7, 4,9, 11, 12, 8, 3, 1, 2

What is recursion ? Write a recursive function for the tower of Hanoi

19. a) 5
C program for linear search. 5
b) Write a

20. a) Discuss with examples the methods of graph representation.

b) Explain the DFS method of graph traversal.

Illlllllilllfiffiffiiltffilillllt NP - 315
I Semester B.C.A. Degree e?r*inrtion, March/A pril2023
(NEP) \2921-22and Onwards) (F+R)
Data Structures
Time : 2la Hours Max. Marks: 60

lnstruction : Answer all Sections.


Answer any four questions. Each question carries 2 marks : (4x2=$)

1. Define data structure. List out any two operations of data structure.

2. Write ADT of an array.

3. What is queue ? And mention its types.
4. Mention the different ways of tree traversal.

5. What is'B'Tree ? Mention its operation.

6. Define any two collision resolution in Hashing.


Answer any four questions. Each question carries'S marks : (4x5=20)

7. what is algorithm ? E*plain time and space complexity of algorithm.

8. Write an algorithm to delete a node in the queue.

9. Evaluate the following infix to prefix
Q=(A+B) /(C*D).
10. Explain AVL tree with its operation.

11. Explain DFS algorithm through stack concept.

12. Explain quick sort algorithm.


NP - 315 iillllllt1ilil fi iltil ililtliliiilt


Answer any four questions. Each question carries 8 marks : (4x8=32)

13. a) Explain Asymptotic notation with example. 4

b) Write the 'C' program to display sparse matrix and its transpose. 4

14. a) Explain array concepts with its classification. 4

b) Write an algorithm to insert an element to the given affay
A = {10, 30, 40, 50}. lnsert element 2A at the position 2. 4

t3. What is stack ? Explain PUSH and POP operation algorithm with example. I
16. a) Write an algorithm for bubble sort. 3
b) Sort the following elements using bubble sort. 5
38 47 24 42 17

17. a) What is 'BST' ? 2

h\ (lonstrr rnt n RST fnr thp nivon lic.t ' A

56 3B 10 65 72 44 50

18. a) Define Hashing. Explain Hash table and Hash function. 3

b) Write 'C' program for Linear search. 5

10261 0

No. of Printed Pages : 2


GS-636 8
II'"*it# :,t.itt'ii1lf t H?#*l e 20 Le

BCA 2O3 : Data Structures
Time : 3 Hours Max Marks : 7O

Insttttctlon : Answer all sections.

Answer any 1O questions. 1Ox'2=2O
1. Define data structures.

2. Define Time Complexity and Space Complexity'

. 3. Explain row major and column major representation of multi-dimensional


4. Define dynamic memory allocation

5. Define Sorting. Mention the different sorting techniques.

6. What is searching ? Mention the types

7. What are the advantages of Linked List over affays.


8. Define sparse Matrix.

g. What is Stack ? Mention the application of Stack.

10. Define overflow in case of Queue.

11. ,What is a directed graph ? Give an example.

L2. Write the difference between Tree and Binary Tree.

cs-636 2
Answer any 5 questions. 5x1O=5O
13. (a) Explain the classification of data structures in detail. 5
(b) Explain asymptotic notations with an example. o

L4. (a) Write an algorithm to sort 'N',numbers using Bubble sort. b

(b) Explain Binary search method. D

1s. (a) Define Linked list. Explain various types of Linked list. o
(b) Write an algorithm to insert a node at the beginning of Linked list. o

16. (a) Write an algorithm for Push & Pop Operation of a Stack. 6
(b) Write a C-Program to find GCD of two numbers using recursion. 4

L7. (a) Convert an infix expression 'Q'. Q:A+(B*C-D/E T R;*O;*H to post 6

fix expression.
(b) Write a C-Program to perform Concatenation of 2 strings without 4
using String Function.

18. (a) What is a Queue ? Explain the operations performed on ordinary 6

(b) Write an algorithm to insert an eiement to a Circular Queue. 4

19. (a) Write Depth First Search algorithm to traverse a graph. 5

(b) What is a graph ? What are the types of graph ? Explain' 5

20, What is a tree ? Explain different tree traversal techniques with an 10

I flil il|lilt ilt ltll! tilil ltil tffi us - 638
ll Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2017
(F + R) (cBcS)
(2014-15 and Onwards)
BCA - 2Og : Data Structures

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstruction : Answer all Sections.


Answerany ten questions. Each question carriestwo marks. (10x2=20)

1. What is linear data structure ? Give an example.

2. Define space and time complexities of an algorithm.

3. What is recursion ?

4. What is dynamic memory allocation ?

5. Define stack.

6. Compare linear search and binary search methods.

7. What is circular queue ?

B. Write the differences between stack and queue.

9. Give the node structure of a doubly linked list.

10. Define the terms :

i) Binary tree. ''

11. Mention the different ways of tree traversal.

12. Mention the graph traversal methods.

us - 638 Ilillrliltililrtiltilillliltil


Answerany five questions. Each question carries ten marks. (5x10=50)

13, a) Explain various types of data structures. 6
b) Briefly explain any four string handling functions. 4
14. a) Explain selection sort algorithm. 5
b) write an algorithm to delete an element from the array. 5
15. a) Define linked list. Mention the applications of the linked list. 5
b) Write an algorithm for searching a node in the singly Iinked list. 5
16. a) lVlention various applications of the stack. 5
b) Evaluate the following postfix expression
95 + 36 * +97 -1. 5
17. a) Write C functions to perform insertion and deletion operations of a queue. 5
b) what is queue ? Mention its underflow and overflow conditions. 5
18. a) Briefly explain infix, prefix and postfix expressions. 5
b) Convert the following infix expression into its equivalent postfix expression
(a+b).(m/n) +(x+y). 5
19. a) Define the terms (a) Graph (b) Degree of a vertex. 4
b) Write depth-first-search algorithm. 6
20" a) Define Binary search tree. Give an example. 4
b) Briefly explain various tree traversal methods with suitable examples. 6
I lillill lllll ffi lllll lllll llll llll
sM - 617
(F+R) (201 4-15 & Onwards)
ComPuter Science

Max. Marks : 70
Time : 3 Hours

lnstruction : Answer all questions'

Answer anY 10 questions.
1. Define data structure'
2. What are linear data structures ? Name any two linear data structure'
3. Define the terms :
i) SPace comPlexitY.
ii) Time comPlexitY.
4. Mention the disadvantages of an array'

5. Define sparse matrix.

6. What is a linked list ?

7. Mention various types of linked list'

8. Differentiate between stacks and queues'

9. Mention the applications of stack'

10. What is a circular queue ?

11. Define the terms :

i) Graph
ii) Tree.

12. Give examPles for :

i) ComPlete binary tree.
ii) Degree of vertex.
sM - 617
I ltililt illt ilt ilfl lilt tilt lill

Answer any 5 questions :
13' a) Explain various operations performed
on data structures.
b) lllustrate asymptotic notations with examples.
14' a) write an argor*hm for inserting
an erement into a rinear array.
b) write a c program to sofi N elements
using bubble sort. 5
15' a) Explain the node structure
of a singly linked list. Mention the advantages
of linked list over arrays.
b) write an atgorithm to insert a node
at the end of the rinked rsit. 5
16. write a menu driven c program to imprement
stack operations. 10
17. a) Explain serection sort argorithm with
an exampre.
b) Evaluate the foilowing postfix expression *
65 7g + * gz _ 4s* ++. 5
18. a) Exptain BST.
b) write recursive functions for tree traversats.
19' a) Explain adjacency matrix
and adjacency list with suitable examples.
b) write Depth First search argorithm to
traverse a graph.
20. a) Explain any four mathematicat
b) write c functions to implement following
string handling functions.
i) String tength 6
ii) String concatenation.
without using built in functions.
rllililil lril lil ililtililtilil tilt

I Semester B.C.A. Degree Examination, May 2022
(NEP - 2021-22 and Onwards)
Paper - 1.3 : Data Structures
Time :2Tz Hours Max. Marks : 60
lnstruction : Answer all Sections.
l. Answer any 4 of the following : (4x2=8)
1) How to measure the complexity of an algorithm ?
2) What is an Abstract Data type ? Give an example.
3) Explain overflow and underftow conditions in stack. '
4) What is a Binary Search Tree ? Give an example.
, 5) Mention any two types of Graphs.
6) What do you mean by Chaining in Collision Resolution ?


ll. Answer any 4 of the following : (4x5=20)

7) Define sparse matrix. Write a C program to check whether given matrix is
B) write an algorithm for ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE operations.
9) What is Recursion ? Write a program to print Fibonacci series using
Recursive funotion.
10) write Pre-order, ln-order, Post-order, Traversar for the given Tree.

NP - 164 ilililril ililtil ltfl ililIilil lil

11) Write an Algorithm for lnsertion sort. Give the analysis for lnsertion sort.
12) Write a note on.
a) Adjacency Matrix
b) Adjacency list.

lll. Answer any 4 of the following : (4x8=32).

13) a) Explain different Asymptotic Notations. 5

b) Write an algorithm to insert an element into an array. 3

1 ) a) Mention and explain the types of linked lists in brief. 4

b) Explain Towers of Hanoi problem with an algorithm" 4

15) a) Convert the following infix notation expression to postfix notation. 5

(a+blc.d) -f+e
b) Explain underflow and overflow with respect to Queues. 3

16) Explain heap sort method for the given set of elements. 8

18 32 14 I 45 06 55 16

17) a) Define Hashing. Explain Hash Table and Hash function with
an example. 6
b) List any two Probing Methods. 2

'lB) Construct birlgry tree. Given inorder and Post order traversals. I
lnorder :6 + 2. 319 "/" 2
Post order : 62 + 392 o/" I *

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