Lec 01 Transcript
Lec 01 Transcript
Lec 01 Transcript
Proteomics research originates from classical protein chemistry and it has embraced
new HT techniques to analyze complex samples. Many of the techniques used under
modern proteomics banner (e.g. 2-DE, MS) have actually originated several years ago.
So what is new?
Development of IPG strips facilitated proteome analysis using 2DE: The pH gradient in
tube gels are established by ampholytes gradients, which are not always very stable
and tend to break down upon addition of concentrated samples. Analysis of protein
mixture by 2-DE using tube gels often gives a lot of variation across gels.
Genomics to Proteomics
By involving series of steps, finally free 3’ hydroxyl group of the first exon attacks the 5’
end of the second exon such that they are joined to give the mature mRNA.
During the last decade we have witnessed the revolution in biology, as this discipline
has fully embraced “omics” tools. The emergence of genome-wide analyses to
understand cellular DNA, RNA and Protein content by employing genomics,
transcriptomics and proteomics at systems level has revolutionized our understanding
of control networks that mediate cellular processes. These concepts will be discussed in
first module.
Genes are the blue-print for life and proteins are the effector molecules. Due to this fact
the central dogma has guided research at the systems level. After completion of human
genome sequence number of genes ~25,000 are surpassed by an estimated number of
proteins in millions.
Studying large scale study of protein structure and function, requires a thorough
understanding of protein composition and their various structural levels by employing
HT tools.
Amino acids constitute the basic monomeric units of proteins, which are joined together
by peptide bonds.
Three dimensional compactly folded structure of proteins makes tertiary structure, which
represents overall organization of secondary structural elements in 3-D space.
Sickle cell anemia is caused due to single nucleotide substitution which converts a
glutamic acid residue to valine in beta chain of hemoglobin. Thalassemia is caused due
to abnormalities in hemoglobin synthesis.
Several genome sequencing projects that aim to elucidate the complete genome
sequence of organisms have been undertaken by several research groups all over the
world. From a genomic library clones were isolated and ordered into a detailed physical
map. Further, individual clones were sequenced by shotgun sequencing to provide the
complete genome sequence.
Study of all the mRNA molecules expressed by a particular cell type of an individual is
known as transcriptomics. The transcriptomic analysis measures the genes that are
being actively expressed at any given time and varies significantly with external
environmental conditions. Various techniques such as microarrays, Q-PCR etc. have
been widely used for transcriptomics analysis.
In microarray experiment, mRNA from control and test samples are extracted and
reverse transcribed into its corresponding cDNA. The cDNA samples are labeled with
Cy5 and Cy3 dyes and mixed cDNA sample is incubated on printed DNA microarray.
This allows hybridization to occur between the probe oligonucleotides on the array
surface and the labeled cDNA samples of interest. In this manner expression level of
thousands of genes can be measured and analyzed simultaneously.
Systems level studies aim to develop computationally efficient and reliable models of
underlying gene regulatory network. Quantitative analyses measures and aims to make
models for precise kinetic parameters of a system network components. It also uses
properties of network connectivity.
Gel-based proteomics
Protein extraction is the first step for proteomic analysis. The protein extraction methods
aim that most, if not all the proteins in a cell or its organelles are extracted by the
procedure and the presence of interfering compounds are minimized.
Different biological samples pose different challenges. E.g. serum proteome analysis
shown here, illustrates that proteins in biological systems such as serum may have
difference of several order of magnitudes. Albumin and immunoglobulin are the most
abundant proteins in serum, which mask other proteins at lower concentrations. It is
therefore preferred to remove these high abundance proteins by using affinity
chromatography based methods. Once the serum has been processed using a
depletion columns, proteins can be extracted.
To perform 2DE, add the reconstituted protein sample to the rehydration tray and place
the IPG strip for rehydration. Isoelectric focusing involves the application of an electric
field, which causes the proteins to migrate to the position on the pH gradient that
matches the pI of a specific protein after which it does not move in the electric field
owing to the lack of charge. The proteins migrate along the strip and come to rest at a
point where their net charge becomes zero known as their isoelectric point.
On SDS-PAGE gel, proteins get separated on the basis of their molecular weight with
the low molecular weight proteins having high mobility and migrating further through the
gel and the high molecular weight proteins remaining close to the point of application.
Gels can be visualized by different dyes such as Coomassie blue staining, Silver
staining, Cyanine dyes etc.
Gel data analysis will be discussed with application expert of GE healthcare. The gel
analysis involves, images processing, detection of spots, making match-set,
landmarking, viewing histograms etc.
Various information regarding the spots such as their area, volume, intensity and
statistical parameters such as standard deviation, can also be calculated.
2DE has high resolving power but it has several limitations such as staining and
In DIGE, proteins extracted from different types of cells or tissue samples are labeled
with different fluorescent reagents (Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5), mixed and then separated by 2
DE on a single gel. The proteins are detected separately using Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5.
The commercial software such as DeCyder facilitate the automated analysis of DIGE
gels and provide differential expression analysis, principal component analysis, pattern
and discriminant analysis.
2DE, DIGE followed by mass spectrometry technique has been applied for many
applications. Some of these applications will be discussed in this module of gel-based
Mass Spectrometry
MS has become the method of choice for analysis of complex protein samples in
proteomics studies due to its ability to identify thousands of proteins.
The gel-based techniques typically resolve only products of a few hundred genes at
best, had low throughput and low dynamic range.
To overcome such issues, Mass Spectrometry has become an important analytical tool
in proteomics, and in biology in general. It offers high-throughput, sensitive and specific
analysis for many applications. In this module we will discuss basic concepts of mass
spectrometry, ionization sources, mass analyzers, hybrid MS configurations, and
quantitative mass spectrometry techniques such as SILAC and iTRAQ.
The basic components of MS involve “Sample inlet” to transfer sample into the ion
source. “Ionization source” which converts neutral sample molecules into the gas-phase
ions, A “mass analyzer” to separate and analyze mass of ionic species. Detector, which
measures and amplifies ion current of mass-resolved ions and data system to process
and analyze data.
ESI requires sample of interest to be in solution and produces gas-phase ions from
solution. The distinguishing feature of ESI is its ability to produce multiply charged ions.
Mass analyzer disperses all ions based on their (m/z) ratio and focuses all mass-
resolved ions at a single focal point and maximizes their transmission.
Time of flight - measures m/z ratios of ions based on time it takes for ions to fly in
analyzer & strike the detector
Ion Trap - traps ions using electrical fields and measures mass by selectively ejecting
them to a detector.
Quadrupole consists of four parallel metal rods and mass separation is accomplished by
the stable vibratory motion of ions in high-frequency oscillating electric field.
Some of the latest hybrid MS technologies will be discussed with application experts.
The Orbitrap technology will be discussed with application expert of Thermo Scientific.
LTQ orbitrap technology shown in video consists of both Linear trap and Orbitrap. It
operates by trapping ions radially about a central spindle electrode. Unlike iontrap, the
orbitrap uses only electrostatic fields to focus and analyze ions.
Another latest MS technology, Q-TOF and TQ will be discussed with application expert
of Agilent Technologies.
Many such advancement in MS during the last decade have provided new ways for
protein analysis and facilitated proteomic analysis of various biological systems.
The Q-TOF LC/MS system performs MS/MS analysis using a quadrupole, hexacollision
cell and time of flight (TOF) mass analyzer.
Quadrupole selects precursor ions, which are further fragmented in collision cell. The
product ions move to detector and spectrum is generated.
Protein labeling with stable isotopes are effective methods for quantitative proteome
profiling using MS. Stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture SILAC, which is
a metabolic-labeling strategy to encode whole cellular proteome, is widely used
methods for quantitative proteomics.
Pooled samples are purified on a strong cation exchange column to remove excess
unbound reagent. These isobaric labels are detected upon fragmentation and release
in MS.
The data obtained from mass spectrometry can be analyzed by using search engines
such as Mascot. The analysis requires inputs regarding the experimental parameters
such as enzyme cleavage, modifications, instrument used, peptide tolerance etc. The
data file generated from MS is uploaded and the search carried out by employing
databases such as NCBI, MSDB and SwissProt.
Biology has evolved several mechanisms that regulate interactions, including a variety
of PTMs and the presence or absence of an activator or inhibitor molecule. A detailed
understanding of protein interactions provides an opportunity to understand the protein
functional behavior.
Inspired from the success of gene microarrays various protein microarray approaches
have emerged. The development of protein microarrays, on which thousands of discrete
proteins are printed at high spatial density, offers a novel tool to investigate protein
Some of the widely recognized technologies that have been used to map protein-protein
interactions at large scale, such as yeast-two-hybrid, IP with mass spectrometry and
different types of microarray platforms will be discussed in Interactomics module.
In Y2H, binding domain is fused with the bait protein while the activation domain is
fused with the prey protein. Binding of either one of the fusion proteins to the promoter
The gene coding for the protein of interest is expressed in a suitable heterologous host
system such as E. coli. Protein purification can be done by chromatographic procedures
to obtain the pure target protein. Tags like His6 are often fused with the protein of
interest to facilitate the purification process due to its specific affinity towards nickel.
Protein purity is tested on SDS-PAGE gels.
The array surface can be functionalized with suitable chemical reagents such as
Aldehyde and silane derivatizations that will react with groups present on the protein
surface. Protein is printed on to the array surface in extremely small volumes by using
robotic printers.
There are two types of protein arrays that are commonly used. In forward phase arrays,
immobilized antibody is probed by the test lysate. In reverse phase arrays, cellular
lysate is immobilized on the array surface and then probed using detection antibodies
specific to the target of interest.
In protein detection using direct labeling, all the target proteins are labelled with a
fluorescent tag. In sandwich assay, however, a fluorescent tagged secondary antibody
that recognizes a different epitope on the target antigen binds to it and is detected by
means of the fluorescence.
These limitations have motivated the advent of cell-free expression based microarrays,
which carry out in situ transcription and translation, and eliminate the drawbacks of
traditional cell-based methods.
In DNA Array to Protein Array (DAPA) slides bearing the DNA template and the protein
tag-capturing agent are assembled face-to-face with a lysate containing permeable
Multiple Spotting Technique (MIST) involves addition of template DNA on to the solid
array support. and second spotting step involves the addition of the cell-free lysate
directly on top of the first spot. Transcription and translation can begin only after the
second spotting step.
In HaloTag method slide is activated with the HaloTag ligand which captures the
expressed protein through firm covalent interactions thereby preventing any material
loss and ensuring oriented capture of the protein.
Microarrays have become integral part of clinical and drug discovery process.
The protein microarray experiment involves Blocking the slides with milk or SuperBlock.
Application of primary AB, and washing with milk followed by incubation of secondary
AB and signal detection.
Although microarray experiments are simple but data analysis is very challenging.
Biological research has witnessed a paradigm shift from focused reductionist
approaches to a greater dependence on data provided by large “Omics” techniques to
provide insight into biological systems and organization of physiological networks.
The microarray scanning and data analysis will be discussed with application expert of
Spinco for Molecular Devices.
Single or multiple slides can be scanned by using scanner. Using defined scanning
parameters, robotic arms can select slides and position it for scanning. The laser power
wheel can adjust the laser strength. Fluorescence signal is collected from the
photomultiplier tubes. Each channel is scanned sequentially and tiff images are saved.
Data analysis becomes crucial to make sense out of massive amount of data. Software
tools can help but they can’t answers all the questions related to functional genomics
and proteomics.
It is more important to have a good understanding of both the biology involved and the
analytical techniques rather than relying only on software. Challenges of microarray
data analysis will be discussed with Prof. Sudesh from Tulane University USA.
Protein microarrays have found wide applications for discovery and functional proteomic
studies. Microarrays are used for analyzing both antigens and antibodies in blood
Many label-free techniques such as SPR, SPRi, Ellipsometry, Interference and nano-
technique based approaches are emerging rapidly as a potential complement to
labeling methods and it will be discussed in module of label-free detection techniques.
Since the introduction of the BIAcorer SPR instrument the SPR spectroscopy has been
widely used to characterize biological surfaces and monitor biomolecular-binding
events. The BIAcore technology will be discussed with research product expert of GE
The SPR biosensors have played an important role in research into biomolecules and
their interactions and now they are increasingly being used for detection and
identification of chemical and biological substances.
Performing good SPR experiment and accurate interpretation of binding reactions from
biosensors are always very challenging. Performing good SPR experiments, data
collection and processing can eliminate artifacts and provide good quality data.
The success of SPR experiments depends on the kinetic measurement in real time,
monitoring adsorption of unlabeled analyte molecules to the surface and, ability to
monitor weakly bound interactions due to high surface sensitivity. Detailed guidelines for
the SPR data analysis has been provided by the researchers and it will be discussed in
this module.
These techniques holds great promise to become a technically robust and user-friendly
platform for clinical and diagnostic studies.
Unraveling structural and functional details of proteins at the proteome scale is very
daunting task. However, Proteomics has come to mean virtually everything in protein
research and it has quickly evolved to become an integral aspect of human biology and
Today I gave you an overview of modules and lectures, which will be discussed in this
course. It was not possible to discuss all the modules and all the lectures but during the
subsequent lectures I will take you to a journey of protein and proteomics research by
providing basic concepts and details of proteomic techniques. I hope it will enthuse you
to learn about proteomic techniques and proteomic concepts.