(Green Marketing) S Sayeeda Jabeen & Dr.M.Kavitha 2020
(Green Marketing) S Sayeeda Jabeen & Dr.M.Kavitha 2020
(Green Marketing) S Sayeeda Jabeen & Dr.M.Kavitha 2020
S Sayeeda Jabeen
Research Scholar
Department of Commerce
Pallaavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,India
PG Professor & Research Supervisor
Department of Commerce
Pallaavaram, Chennai,Tamil Nadu,India
ABSTRACT : This study aims to find the strategies of Green marketing and its influence on
customer loyalty. The researcher used anova table and frequency an alysis to find the result.
It shows the findings that there is a positive association between green marketing strategies
and customer loyalty. Customers are admired green marketing strategies and they are very
loyal to the concern product.
Key words: Green marketing, customer loyalty, green products, green place, green promotion
processes such as product adjustment, handling the production system as well as handling the
packaging process and also modification in advertisement department. Furthermore, from the
customer’s prospective, their expectation from thecompany is to reduce the production of
toxins during the production, ability to reprocess the products and also provide safe water.
Chen (2010) defines greenloyalty as "the level of repurchase intentions prompted by a strong
environmental attitude and sustainable commitment towards an object, such as a product, a
service, a company, a brand, a group, or so on. Customer loyalty referred to the behavior of
customers to maintain a relation with aninstitute through purchase of its products and services
(Behara et al., 2002; Singh and Sirdeshmukh, 2000).Consumers are loyal when they
willingness to repurchase (Chang and Fong, 2010; Chen, 2010), willingness to maintain a
relationship with a firm (Chang and Fong, 2010) and customer's environmentally sustainable
attitude and commitment towards a product brand and company, high switching barriers and
lack of real alternatives (Chen, 2010).In this study the researcher finds the effect of green
marketing strategies on customer loyalty.
Sadia Cheema et al(2015) Influence of Green Marketing Mix and Customer Fulfillment: An
Empirical Study.International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)
ISSN 2307-4531.The aim of this research is to explore the influence of green marketing mix
on customer satisfaction. The findings indicted the green marketing mix and its dimensions
are significantly and positively correlated to customer satisfaction. It also indicated that green
marketing mix is very strong predictor of customer satisfaction. Green environment is the
need of today’s era so the research highlights that the customer satisfaction can be achieved
using green marketing mix.
Patricia Martinez garcia de leniz (2015) Customer loyalty: Exploring its antecedents from a
green marketing perspective.International Journal of contemporary hospitaity
management27(5).This study aims to propose a hierarchy of effects model to study three
antecedents of greenloyalty: green trust, green satisfaction and green overall image, and to
examine the relationships betweenthese variables. because of the environmental degradation
that thisindustry can cause with unmanaged growth and development. For this reason, several
authors haveproposed incorporAt present, environmental issues attract the attention of
academics and professionals aroundthe world. In the hospitality industry, this interest is even
greater because of the considerable quantities ofwater and energy consumed by hotel
companies and ating the green loyalty construct as a key variable in tourism theory and
practice.The findings show that green overall image has positive direct effects on green trust,
green satisfaction and green loyalty. At the same time, they reveal that both green trust and
green satisfaction havepositive effects on green loyalty. In addition, green trust has a positive
infuence on green satisfaction.
influence to Purchase Decision. In addition, the Purchase Decision has direct influence to
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction has a direct influence to customer loyalty.
Green Product and Green Advertising have indirect influence to Customer Loyalty through
Purchase Decision and Customer Satisfaction.
Table – 1 Gender
The above table shows that there are 67.6% of female customers followed by 32.4% of Male
customers are reperesented in this analysis. The sampling dominated by female customers.
It was presented in the above table regarding monthly income of customers there are 46.6%
of above Rs.50,000 income group, 32.6% of Rs.30,000 – 50,000 income group, 11.8% of
above Rs.20,000 – 30,000 income group and 9% of below Rs.20,000 income group.
It was given in the above table 18.8% of customers purchasing weekly once, 15.2% of
customers purchasing weekly twice, 37.2% of customers purchasing monthly twice and
28.8% of customers purchasing monthly once.
Table – 4 ANOVA
It was observed in the above table Green Promotion (F=758.504, P=.000) Green People
(F=992.993 P=.000), Green Product (F=1175.975, P=.000), Green Place (F=938.465,
P=.000), Green Package (F=992.979, P=.000) of the green marketing strategies and this will
leads to influence on customer loyalty among the customers while purchasing green products.
1. It was observed in this analysis customers are high income group mostly prefer green
2. Customers are purchasing green products because of the strategies followed by the
3. The strategies are green products, green place, green promotion, green people and
green package.
4. Customers are attracted the green product strategies than other strategies.
5. Finally it concludes that once the customers are purchased they are very loyal to the
products and they will be a long lasting customer to the concern products.