ES Handbook 2023-2024
ES Handbook 2023-2024
ES Handbook 2023-2024
Parent/Student Handbook
Elementary School Department
Welcome 4
Mission Statement 4
Philosophy 4
Internationalism 5
Aims for all students and staff 5
Non – Discrimination Statement 6
Living Values Education and Assemblies 6
Lifelong – Learning 6
Child Protection 7
Health, Hygiene and safety 8
Bring your own device policy 9
Student responsibility 9
Digital citizenship honor code 10
Student Admissions 11
Non-Payment of Fees 11
School Timing / Attendance 12
Attendance Procedure 12
Attendance Policy 12
Excused Absence 13
Unexcused Absence 14
Early Dismissal for a Doctor’s Appointment, etc. 14
Early Dismissal Due to Illness 14
Traveling Students 15
Prior Arrangements Early Withdrawal 15
Tardy Policy 16
Tardy Code of Conduct 16
Discipline Policy 17
Rights of Students 17
Responsibilities of Students 17
Rights of Parents/Guardians 17
Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians 18
Rights of Staff Members 18
Responsibilities of Staff Members 18
Disciplinary Consequences 19
Damage of School Property 21
Damage to and loss of books 21
I-pad 21
Care of Property 21
Uniform 22
Dress Up/No Uniform Days 23
Dress/Grooming Code 24
The Curriculum 24
Online coursework in Elementary 25
Grading and Reporting Policies/Procedures 25
Grade promotion Policy 26
Elementary Report Card Criteria 27
School-Wide Achievement Tests 27
After school Intervention 27
After School Extra-Curricular Activities 27
Bus Transportation Policy 28
Transportation Safety Rules and Regulations 28
Emergency Procedures 29
School Clinic 29
Student Support Services - Counseling Services 30
Parent Communication 30
Jupiter SIS 31
Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences 31
Parent/Guardian-Coordinator Conferences 31
Parent/Guardian-Principal Conferences 31
Contacting Administration and Teachers 32
Library 32
Visitors 32
Field trips 34
Lost and found 35
To Change Address / Email Address / Telephone
Teacher Appreciation 35
Student Valuable Items 35
Mobile Phones and other electronic devices 35
Telephone Calls 36
Withdrawal 36
Traffic Safety 36
Snacks/Drinks 36
What to do if………………….. 37
Please ensure your Parent Student Handbook Google
Form sent separately is signed by September 17th which
states the following:
I, _____________________________ Parent/Guardian
in Grade _______, for 2023-2024 school year, sign and
acknowledge the receipt of the Student/Parent Handbook
and agree that my son/daughter will abide by all school
policies, rules and regulations contained therein.
Student's Signature:___________________________
Parent's Signature:____________________________
September ه أ ل رس ا ذج وإ د ھاا !" # ء ا%& ا
_________________________________:( ) "! ا
● We believe all children are gifted. Our foundation for all learning
is LVRUS – Love, Valuing each person, Respect, Understanding and
Non – Discrimination
Lifelong – Learning
Child Protection Policy
Activating Child Protection means being alert to any concerns that are
drawn to our attention and require investigation.
These concerns can be purely school related and concerns that may
come home or out of school issues.
Health, Hygiene and Safety
The school nurse will maintain regular duties including health and
wellness checks and records, parent contacts, first aid, prevention
awareness education, maintaining, and supervising student
prescriptions brought to school by parents and guardians.
Personal Protection
Hygiene Procedures:
● Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
● Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are
not available.
● Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
● Cover mouth and nose with a tissue during a cough or sneeze or use
the inside of the elbow.
While we still may have different levels of fears and concerns revolving
around Covid-19, it is important to be considerate of others and how
they feel.
Blended Learning
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy establishes the Kuwait
American School guidelines for students’ use of personally owned
electronic devices for education-related purposes only.
Student Responsibilities:
School Digital Citizenship Honor Code
I am open to hearing and respectfully
recognizing multiple viewpoints, and I
engage with others online with respect
and empathy.
I evaluate with understanding the
accuracy, perspective, and validity of
digital media and social posts.
I use technology and digital channels
for civic engagement, to solve problems
and be a force for good in both physical
and virtual communities.
I make informed decisions
about how to prioritize my time and
activities online and off.
I am aware of my positive values
based online actions and the actions of others,
and know how to be wise and create safe spaces for
others online.
Student Admission
● Make an appointment with the Admission’s Officer for an
entrance exam and interview.
● Each student takes the scheduled examination after payment of
15 KD. (Non-refundable).
● The results of the examination are reviewed by the Principal and
the Director. Parents/Guardians are then notified of the decision
regarding admission/non-admission.
● Parents/Guardians receive Health documents, which must be
completed and submitted to the Nurse prior to the student’s first day
of school.
All fees are due at or before the beginning of each term as per
calendar schedule. The administration will make a maximum effort to
collect overdue bills so as to maintain a mutual relationship.
● Parents who fail to pay fees within 2 weeks after the start of the
term will receive reminders.
● If fees are not paid, students will be barred from sitting exams.
● Transcripts and school reports will not be released until the full
payment of fees is received.
● Students will not be admitted to the new term unless all
outstanding fees have been settled.
School Timing
School hours start at 7:30 A.M. and end at 2:15 P.M. for Elementary
students. Students are expected to arrive at school before classes
begin. Students are expected to be in their seats in class with their
books and materials on their desks ready for the lesson. Students are
considered tardy to school if they arrive after 7:45A.M. They should
take a tardy pass from the front office to be given to their teacher.
Parents/Guardians are asked to not drop their student off before 7:00
A.M. in the morning and to pick up their students punctually at the
end of the school day; there is no adult supervision before 7:00 A.M.
or after 2:45P.M. These current drop off and pick up times are subject
to change and parents/guardians will be informed of any time
changes. The school is not responsible for students remaining after
2:45 P.M. unless they are in a school sponsored event.
A student’s parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that
their children arrive to school on time.
It is essential that all students arrive on time and leave at the correct
time. Attendance at school is critical to the academic achievement of
any student. Either coming late to class or being absent disrupts the
academic progress of not just the individual student but that of the
entire class.
Attendance Procedure
Attendance Policy
- KAS policy prohibits students from leaving the campus during
the school day (including during lunch break). Once a student arrives
on campus for the school day, he/she will not be permitted to leave
the campus without administrative approval. Students leaving the
school for any reason (doctor's appointment, orthodontia, illness, etc.)
other than a school-sponsored activity without checking out through
the front office will be subject to disciplinary action. The check-out
procedure must be followed only if parents /guardians are aware their
student is leaving school.
Excused Absence
document, subpoena, etc, which indicates that a student should
The administration may review reasons other than those above and
determine that they, also, may be excused.
Unexcused Absence
Traveling Students
Prior Arrangements Early Withdrawal
▪ Students will be referred to theCoordinator.
▪ Parents will be contacted.
3. Reaching 10 tardies
4. Continued tardiness
Rights of Students
Students have the right to be treated fairly in all school matters.
Responsibilities of Students
Students are to know and obey all school rules, to comply with all
staff directives, to cooperate with all members of the school
community, and to respect other people and their property.
Rights of Parents/Guardians
Parents/guardians have the right to be informed of their student’s
academic, social, and physical progress and of their student’s
disciplinary infractions.
Responsibilities of Parents/Guardians
Parents/Guardians are responsible for sending their student to school
on time each day, and for ensuring their student is prepared to learn.
Parents/Guardians are responsible to inform the school incase of any
medical conditions or reasons that might influence a student’s
academic progress.
Staff members have the right to teach and work in a safe, orderly, and
respectful environment.
Staff members have the right to be treated with respect and dignity by
all members of the school community.
Staff members have the right to make informed and fair judgments
about students, their educational needs, their academic performance,
and their behavior in school.
Staff members have the responsibility to help all students master the
school curriculum in all content and subject matter areas.
KAS will provide consequences for students who choose to engage in
inappropriate behavior/conduct or otherwise disrupt the teaching
and learning environment while within the jurisdiction of the school.
The school retains jurisdiction of students while on school premises,
while engaged in school-sponsored activities, and during other school
designated times and or other school related locations.
In-or out-of-school suspension will result in unexcused absences
being recorded. During the period of suspension, students will be
provided with work to do to maintain the skill level.
A discussion of possible consequences for future inappropriate and
disruptive behavior/conduct will also be addressed with a possible
Behavior/Conduct Agreement being considered for implementation.
Monitoring tools, such as a printed shared responsibility (i.e.,
student, teacher, parent, etc.) sheet should be developed and
accepted be all participants.
In cases when a student loses or damages a book, the case will be
referred to the school admin.
Administration will estimate cost of book and determine whether the
student needs to pay for full cost of the book or partial cost.
Examples of Cases Where Students Need to Pay Full Cost:
● Lost Book
● Big Tears
● Major Food/Drink Stains
● Writing in Pen all over the book
Examples of Cases Where Students Need to Pay Part of the Cost:
● Small Tears
● Excessive Bends and Folds
● Some Writing in Pen
Care of Property
• It is recommended that students clearly mark their personal
belongings with their name or other identifying mark so there cannot
be any dispute of property ownership.
Students must wear the Kuwait American School uniform at all times.
During the summer the students must wear the summer uniform.
During the winter the students must wear the winter uniform. The
student must wear the P.E. uniform including white socks and
sneakers only for P.E. class.
2nd The student’s parents will be called and
asked to bring a uniform to the school or
the school will provide it with a fee.
3rd KAS administrators will provide the
uniform with a fee. One detention will be
assigned as a consequence.
Dress/Grooming Code
Holistic Curriculum Framework for Elementary
• Language and Math standards are aligned to Common Core expectations with some KAS adjustments.
• Science and Social Studies themes are designed in-house to create thematic units that help deepen
understanding of topics with attention to important skills to be mastered and skills necessary for transitioning Middle
Online Coursework in Elementary
Also, all students in Grades 1-3 will be responsible for their online
leveled reading program- Reading A-Z, referred to as RAZ. Students
will be assigned a reading level by the teacher and are requested to
read a minimum of two books every week and answer related
questions online. Teachers will log in to review students’ progress and
move up their levels as per their progress. Usernames and passwords
will be provided at the beginning of the school year. RAZ will also be
reflected in the students’ report cards under Language Arts.
All students in Grades 4 and 5 will be using EXACT PATH program
which is linked to their level through map assessment.
Class Dojo: May be used for parent and teacher communication, acts
Grading and Reporting Policies/Procedures
The following are the ten critical standards considered for Grades 1-2.
Students are promoted to the next grade level if the average is higher
than 2.0.
The following are the ten critical standards considered for Grades 3-5.
Students are promoted to the next grade level if the average is higher
than 2.5.
Demonstrates vocabulary development
Writing Expresses ideas in writing
Effective and logical organization of text
Applies grammar and conventions
Math Calculates math mentally
Computational skills
Applies concepts and skills
Grading Keys
RUBRIC 1 2 3 4 * N/A
Independent Below Beginner Developing Proficient Above Not
Work Grade Grade assessed
Level Level
Guided Work Works Makes Meets grade Consistently Consistently Not
below some level meets grade exceeds assessed
grade errors expectations level grade level
level even with with expectations expectations
additional additional
support support
Needs Improvement Satisfactory Excellent
Doesn’t do it enough Usually does this Always does this
The program will occur within the KAS school instructional facilities
(this does not include teacher residences) and it will be conducted
2:45 pm.
Extra-Curricular Activities
● A bus driver will not wait more than 3 minutes at the approved
pick-up location after the pick-up time has been established. If a
student is late this will cause the driver to be late for the next student
thus delaying the bus’s arrival to school. Please make sure your
student(s) are punctual to avoid any inconvenience.
● Students not seated on their assigned bus at the scheduled
dismissal time will need to secure another way home on that day.
Under no circumstances will buses be held beyond the scheduled
dismissal time nor will they return to the school for students who
miss their bus.
● Grades 1 to 12 students board their buses each day at 2:15 pm.
It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to be home to receive their
child after school.
● All students are to remain seated at all times when the bus is in
motion. No student is allowed to sit in the front seat beside the driver
due to additional safety precautions.
● The student is not allowed to stop the bus at any time after the
departure of the bus from home or the school.
● The student is required to ride on their assigned bus. If a
student will not be riding on their assigned bus on a particular day,
they must bring a signed letter from their parent/guardian addressed
to the Administration requesting the change.
● Any inappropriate behavior while on a bus will not be tolerated.
Students choosing to engage in any inappropriate and disruptive
behavior/conduct while on a bus will receive one (1) warning. If the
inappropriate and disruptive behavior/conduct persists, the bus
driver will notify the Administration who will intervene.
● Students may not eat or drink on the bus. Water is allowed.
● All students riding school buses are subject to the school
discipline code and related disciplinary consequences which may lead
into removing the student from the bus permanently with no fees
Students requiring immediate medical attention should report to the
school clinic. The nurse will immediately notify parents/guardians
when a student needs special attention. Frequent trips by individual
students will be monitored and parents/guardians will be notified if
there appears to be unnecessary visits to the clinic. If dismissal from
school is necessary, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian and
the coordinator.
Health Services
The following completed health documents are required for admission
into KAS:
1. School Health Record (doctor card)
2. Pink BCG Card
3. Current vaccination records
4. KAS student medical file.
Health services at KAS are provided at selected times by a full-time
professional registered nurse who is available throughout the year.
Parents/guardians will receive health documents, which must be
completed and submitted to the nurse prior to the student’s first day
of class. Students will not be permitted to attend class without all
health documents having been turned in to the school nurse.
Students who are ill must not leave the building without authorization
from coordinator.
Under no circumstances should any medication whatsoever be taken
outside the health room or without the nurse’s direct supervision.
Parents/guardians should not send students to school who are ill (i.e.,
elevated temperatures, etc.).
All parents/guardians must submit an emergency form for each
student. This is also a requirement for admission.
All students are required by law to have certain vaccinations in order
to attend school. Failure to have them completed may mean exclusion
from school until they are completed.
Any students with contagious illnesses must stay home and may only
return to school with a doctor’s note showing the illness is gone and
may not affect other students’ health.
Counseling Services
The prime focus of the counselor is to support student's social,
emotional and academic development. Counseling services work in
partnership with students, teachers, administration, and parents to
help your child to have a successful and positive school experience.
Some of the duties of the counselor are to:
- Counsel students individually maintaining appropriate
- Consult with parents on issues related to their child's learning
and development
- Refer students to and work closely with external experts in
supporting students
Jupiter SIS
process that this simple procedure be followed to maintain and
nurture a positive and supportive family-school partnership. Please
consult the School Calendar to identify formal Parent-Teacher
Conference dates.
We also believe that every adult must feel safe and secure with a
positive sense of well-being at our school. The school is proud of its
welcoming atmosphere through gentle enquiry and positive
discussions. Whilst welcoming parents and their enquiries at any time
during the school day, parents who disrespect the calmness will be
asked to make an appointment at a later time.
Our school library has so many wonderful books and resources to
offer which makes responsible book care an important part of our
program. Our school is working hard to provide students with
classroom library that is full of interesting materials with different
genres that are age appropriate, approved and amended by the
Ministry of Education. Each class has a timetabled slot during the
week allowing our children the opportunity to learn library skills such
how to access/use information sources be it print or digital resources,
appreciate literature and more. Our students also enjoys checking out
books for home use. It is an integral part of our curriculum to
encourage our students and staff as well, to read and make use of the
library resources responsibly. However, please be guided, by our
Library Policy on Borrowing and Returning Our Library
2. Library Books. Must be returned after 1 week and can be
renewed for another week if a book has a duplicate copy. No other
books may be checked out if your child has any late books.
Students are instructed to examine the newly checked out books for
damage (torn, markings, liquid damage, etc.) before leaving the
library. This is done in order for a student who currently checked out
the book will protected from accountabilities.
Overdue Fines. Overdue fines are charged for any book that is not
returned on the given due date. We will begin assessing your fine after
the due date of an item.
All visitors are expected to abide by the school’s rules and regulations.
Guests will not be permitted during the school day. Only those visiting
the campus for official school business will be allowed on campus.
process and procedures for visitors to the school and they must be
followed to ensure the maintenance of a safe and orderly teaching and
learning school environment.
Field Trips
From time to time a teacher may plan a field trip of an educational
nature. All parents/guardians are requested to complete the General
Field Trip Permission Form, which grants permission for a student to
participate in any field trip officially approved by the school. Field trip
notification will be sent home to all parents /guardians at least one (1)
week prior to the planned field trip. A field trip is defined as an
educational activity that:
1. Has an identified educational purpose/objective.
2. Includes pre-trip student preparation and follow-up evaluation
3. Involves a specific class or classes.
4. Is intended for all of the students in the class
5. Takes the class off the school grounds.
While on the field trip, students are representing the Kuwait American
School and must adhere to the positive behavior policy.
Teacher Appreciation
Our staff are heartened by your kindness and positive comments. May
the school, however, draw your attention to the policy regarding the
giving of gifts. We do appreciate small symbolic gifts from time to time
from the student where the value is less than 10KD. We are unable to
accept gifts above this monetary value. Thank you.
Students are not advised to bring money (other than lunch money) or
other valuable items to school. The school will not be responsible for
any loss of money or valuable items. Electronic games of any kind
are not allowed in school. Any such games will be confiscated and
returned at the end of the school year.
Mobile phones are strictly not allowed during school hours. Any
member of staff has the authority to confiscate a student’s mobile
phone if it is seen- used or not used.
Telephone Calls
Students may use the school phone only with permission from
administration and only for necessary reasons.
Traffic Safety
All students and staff members will obey the following traffic safety
❖ All parents/guardians and their drivers shall drop their children
off at the rear Gate 4 in the morning and will pick them up from the
same gate after the school day has ended in the afternoon.
❖ Parents/Guardians are required to pick up their children
maximum by 2:20 pm each day.
• Chips and crisps (all kinds)
• Chocolate cereal
• Cakes
• Cookies
• Marshmallows
• Donuts
• Cupcakes