For each question, decide which is the best answer choice, and darken the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.
1. A corn farmer wants to study the effect of using ground to only about -10 ° C. What is a good
too much pesticide on the fertility of soil. Which result of balanced greenhouse effect?
of the following experimental set-ups would be A. severe drought
best to use to arrive at a valid conclusion? B. Earth remains warm enough for life to exist
A. Corn plants are planted in two types of soil C. changing of seasons
using two containers, where both containers D. significant decrease in rainfall
have the normal amount of pesticide.
B. A rice plant and a corn plant are planted in 4. A cloud is a visible mass of liquiddroplets or
the same type of soil using two containers, frozen crystals, depending on its altitude, made
where one container has more pesticidethan of water or various chemicals suspended in the
the other. atmosphere above the surface of a planetary
C. Corn plants are planted in the same type of body. What kind of cloud has the highest
soil using three containers with different probability of precipitation?
types of pesticides. A. Cirrus
D. Corn plants are planted in the same type of B. Cumulus
soil using three containers, where the first C. Cumulonimbus
container has no pesticide, the second has D. Cirro-cumulus
the normal amount of pesticide, and the
third has pesticide more than the normal. 5. Weathering is the process that changes solid rock
into sediments. With weathering, rock is
2. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo caused widespread
disintegrated. It breaks into pieces. However,
destruction and loss of human life. Gases and
rocks on the moon are not being weathered.
solids injected into the stratosphere circled the
Which of the following is the reason for this?
globe for three weeks. Volcanic eruptions of this
A. There is no atmosphere on the moon.
magnitude can impact global climate, reducing
B. There is no water on the moon.
the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's
C. There is no volcano on the moon.
surface, lowering temperatures in the
D. The gravity on the moon is very small.
troposphere, and changing atmospheric
6. The solidification of molten rock from inside or
circulation patterns. Which of the following was
outside the earth causes the formation of
an effect of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption?
igneous rocks. These rocks are characterized by
A. an increase of the Earth’s temperature by 2˚C
the presence of large or small crystals,
B. massive global warming
depending on the rate of cooling of the rocks.
C. El niño phenomenon
Granite is an intrusive igneous rock that cooled
D. lowered global temperature by 0.5˚
beneath the earth’s crust, and has large crystals.
3. The trapping of heat by carbon dioxide and water
What is the most probable reason for this?
vapor in the atmosphere is called greenhouse
A. Extreme pressures at the bottom create
effect. Clouds increase the greenhouse effect by
larger crystals.
absorbing some of the infrared radiation that
B. Gravity causes the heavier crystals to collect
would normally be lost into space. Without
at the bottom of intrusive igneous rocks.
greenhouse effect, sunlight would warm the
when an eclipse is observed from Earth. Positions B. Rocks on Earth are much older than those on
A and B are locations on Earth’s surface. the moon.
C. Rocks on Earth are about the same age as
rocks on the moon.
D. Moon rocks do not have age.
Why does blood passes through the lungs before 25. Flowers are the reproductive organs of
it is distributed to the other parts of the body? angiosperms. These organs have various parts
A. To release the carbon dioxide by exhaling that fall under three groups: (1) male parts, (2)
B. To absorb the nutrients inside the lungs female parts and (3) accessory parts. Depending
C. To get oxygen for distribution to other parts on the present structures, a flower may be
of the body categorized as complete, incomplete, perfect or
D. To bring nutrients from the heart into the imperfect. Which of the following lists of parts
lungs describes a perfect flower but not a complete
22. Which event in meiosis is responsible for genetic flower?
diversity by allowing genes from parent to A. Pistil, stamen and accessory parts
rearrange? B. Pistil and accessory parts only
A. Condensation of chromatin to chromosome C. Stamen and accessory parts only
B. Crossing over of chromatids D. Pistil and stamen only
C. Lining up of chromosomes on the equatorial
plate 26. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE
D. Moving of chromosomes to the opposite regarding the properties of nucleic acids?
poles of cell A. All nucleic acids are double stranded.
B. All nucleic acids have Adenine, Guanine,
23. A woman is a carrier of a sex-linked trait marries Cytosine and Thymine.
a normal man. What is the probability that their C. All nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides.
first-born son would have the disease? D. All nucleic acids have a deoxyribose residue.
A. 100%
B. 50%
43. Suppose a cold steel bar (at 10°C) and a hot iron
block (at 70°C) are placed inside the same room
at the same time. With time, the steel bar and the
iron block are brought to thermal equilibrium
with the room. The final temperature of the room
is 25°C. What are the final temperature of the
Which statement can be inferred to ketchup C?
steel bar and the iron block?
A. Ketchup C is illegal.
A. Steel bar (at 40°C), iron block (at 25°C)
B. Ketchup C contains E125.
B. Steel bar (at 25°C), iron block (at 40°C)
C. Ketchup C contains E125 and E123.
C. Steel bar (at 40°C), iron block (at 40°C)
D. Ketchup C contains all dyes found in Ketchup
D. Steel bar (at 25°C), iron block (at 25°C)