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English 6 DLL Quarter 1 Week 5

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary School Grade Level VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Colleen S. Villanueva Subject: English

Date Sept. 18-22,2023 Quarter 1 – WEEK 4


The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding
various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to various linguistics nodes to of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts. comprehend various texts.

Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding to Demonstrates understanding
A. Content Standards text types to listen for different text types to listen for different text types to listen for different text types to listen for different to text types to listen for
purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. purposes from a variety of texts. different purposes from a
variety of texts.
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of
text types in order to construct text types in order to construct text types in order to construct text types in order to construct Demonstrates understanding
feedback. feedback. feedback. feedback. of text types in order to
construct feedback.

The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner... The learner...

Analyzes text types to Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to effectively Analyzes text types to
effectively understand understand understand information/message understand information/message effectively understand
information/message (s) information/message (s) (s) (s) information/message (s)

Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to effectively Uses linguistic cues to
B. Performance Standards construct meaning from a construct meaning from a construct meaning from a variety construct meaning from a variety effectively construct meaning
variety of text for a variety of variety of text for a variety of of text for a variety of purposes. of text for a variety of purposes. from a variety of text for a
purposes. purposes. variety of purposes.
Uses literal information from text Uses literal information from text
Uses literal information from Uses literal information from heard to construct an appropriate heard to construct an appropriate Uses literal information from
text heard to construct an text heard to construct an feedback. feedback. text heard to construct an
appropriate feedback. appropriate feedback. appropriate feedback.

C. Learning Competencies/ Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, for example, line, symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social distance.
Objectives Write the LC code for EN5VC-IIIf-3.8
Finding Meaning in Finding Meaning in Finding Meaning in Finding Meaning in Finding Meaning in
Visual Media Visual Media Visual Media Visual Media Visual Media
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages English 6, Module 2,

2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
pocket chart, activity cards, CD, chart, activity sheets, poem passage (tarpapel), paragraph activity cards, pocket chart tarpapel, activity sheets
B. Other Learning Resources
CD Player
What’s In What is It What I Have Learned Assessment Weekly Test
Examine the picture and answer Visual Media
the questions that follow. It is what human eye can see. It Let’s Remember This
plays a big role in advertising, V___________ M __________ is
art, communication, education, very important because you can
business, and engineering. convey your message in an
Visual media is often used as a engaging way. It allows you to see
learning aid. and hear the information, making
Media can be used in almost any it easier to retain.
discipline to enhance learning, What are the three types of visual
both in class, and also for out- media?
of-class assignments. Short film 1. I __ __ G __ S
1. What is the caption of the
and television clips, written ➢ It is the most common type of
articles, and blog postings can visual media being used by online
2. What is the first thing that
be viewed to reinforce concepts marketers today.
captures your interest?
and spark discussion. 2. __ I __ __ O __
3. What is the gender of the
Types of Visual Media ➢ These are very engaging
person in the picture?
4. What do you think is the work
3. I N __ __ G __ A __ __ I C __
of the person?
➢ Visually attractive and present
5. What message does the
researched facts in ways that are
picture want to convey?
very simple to understand.

Purpose of Visual Media

People use visual aids to express
their opinions and desires.
Human beings have the natural
tendency to pay attention to
visuals like graphics and
illustration. However, it was not
until the last few decades that
the technological revolution
reshaped the visual media
Visual media helps students
retain concepts and ideas. They
make concepts more accessible
to a person than text media and
help with later recall. Pupils can
experience worlds beyond their
own, especially if the media are
sharply different from their local
Online Sources
An online source is material you
find online. It can be an online
newspaper, magazine, or
television website, such as NBC
or CNN. Peer-reviewed journals,
webpages, forums, and blogs
are also online sources. Some
other names for online sources
are electronic sources, web
sources, and Internet sources.

What’s New What’s More What I Can Do Additional Activities

You know how to read a book. Awareness Check A Picture is Worth a Thousand Let’s Be Artistic!
But do you know how to “read” Directions: Study the image Words Say something about this
an image or picture? Say below on COVID-19 update in Identify the type of visual media “Spoliarium” painting by looking
something about the picture. Do the Philippines. Interpret the used in the following descriptions. at the text only. Write a four-
you understand its meaning? data and answer the questions Write I for images, V for videos paragraph composition by
carefully. Write your answer on and IN for Infographics. Write the describing the painting and be
a separate sheet of paper. answers on a separate sheet of guided with the following
paper. questions:
What have you noticed in the
What are the positions of
characters in the picture?
What feelings or emotions does
the picture convey?
Directions: Answer the
How do different positions of
questions based on your own characters affect the mood in the
interpretation. Write your picture?
answers on a separate sheet of What mood does the painting
paper. depict?
1. Who are the subjects of the
2. Where do you think is the
3. Where does each person
4. What captures your attention
5. What is the central message
of the image?
1. What gender has the most
❖ What is visual?
number of deaths?
It is something you look at, such
2. What age range has the
as a picture, chart, or piece of
highest death rate?
film that is used to illustrate
3. What age range has the least
something more appealing or
death rate?
easier to understand.
4. What is the source of this
❖ What is visual media?
Visual media are sources of
5. What is the source of the
information in the form of visual
basic data update?
representations. These can be
abstractions, analogues, rough
illustrations or digital
reproductions of the objects.
There should be an
interpretation of data, and
sources may be hosted on the
internet, printed in publications,
displayed through broadcast
media, or otherwise

A. No. of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who have
caught up with the lessons
D, No. of Learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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