Feminist Theology Class Note
Feminist Theology Class Note
Feminist Theology Class Note
March journal ubs – 2020
Viju Wilson –
Women are excluded from the decision making at the home, church, employment.
Women have no control over their body. The men decides for women body. Eg conceive, work –
non work
Women economic
Kamala Bhasin says, Gender refers to the socio-culture of man and woman. The way the society
distinguish the men and women and assign them social reality
Rober Stoller says, the proper term for sex are male and female, gender are masculine and
feminine. An amount of feminity and masculinity is found in every person.
c) Difference Relevance
Family role of tradition mother and role of traditional father
d) Cultural Space
Men are cultural protector
e) Social Space
Marriage and functions and ceremonies by men
f) Religious Space
Role of religions are divided by Men and women
Terms Defined
English Term for Sex and Gender
South Asian language has one word for sex and gender. That is ‘linga’ rerfers both.
But, now in Indian context we have two words 1) Praakritik linga for gender (biological sex) 2)
Samajik Linga (social gender)
Origins of Patriarchy
Patter and Arche are the two Greek word roots which means rule of the father or patriarch. It also
refers to a social system where father reign and controls the household, clan, property and makes
all decision, etc.,
Rosemary Reuther says, Patriarchy is the nerve system of racism, ageism, classism and
colonialism and clericalism and sexism. Sexism means the ideology of the male supremacy and
male superiority.
Maria Mies says, Patriachy denotes historical and social dimension of women’s exploitation and
Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologies (EATWOT) Patriarchy gives more value to
men than the women
Origins of Patriarchy
According to Sylvia Walby, Patriarchy is a system of social structure and practices in which men
dominates, oppress and exploits the women.
In patriarchal system men control the production (economy), reproduction and sexuality.
Patriarchy appears in different forms and context as religious, caste, class and culture in different
people groups which differs each other.
Theories of Patriarchy
Religious Theory -
According to this theory the patriarchy is the natural ordained emerges from divinely ordained
According to Herbert Spencer social Darwin theorism the gender division of labour is the result
of evolution. Every assigned job is gradually involved . Sex role is the role of the natural law of
the social evolution.
Each sex has different social functions. Therefore sex roles are biologically prescribed. There is
no equality of sex but complementarily
Man is hunter and women is gatherer. Women are not equally involved in hunting. Even if
women involved in hunting by gathering the animals and birds (the dead one) the women will do
the inferior job. As hunting animals they don’t have capacity. In this context the men became
Gerda Lerner (Creation of Patriarchy- book) says, biological differences for the basic divisions
are the gender division of labour. Men began to control the women in agricultural – settled
societies. The women were the agriculture job doers. Though women invented but men started to
control settings. Surplus production out of agricultural activities and militarization (fight against
different people groups)) made the men to fight in the front and claim the superiority.
Matriarhcal Period
Sociologist J J Bachofen, human society without any regulations of behavior. It was a free
society. Gradually women invented the agriculture and began to rule the household. During the
absence of men the women need to manage and rule the house and they need to take care their
home. However, the rule of women was overthrown by the men who rebelled against the rule of
women. The emphasis was from the divine aspect as the God was attributed as Father. Hence
the man was considered as Father.
The proof for the matriarchy is from the worship of mother goddess aspect.
Maria Mies said, Patriachy was emerged through robbery, warfare and conquest.
How it is?
In the hunting society used to raid people (community) who substisance (food) produces and
kidnapped female and cattle members under slavery. Fro this every community females
depended upon the male. The males resisted on behalf of females and because of that men took
Fredrick Engles, how is companion of Karl Marxs, patriarchy was developed in class society. He
understands the origin of patriarchy was through the control of family or private property.
Patriarchy has emerged out of private property.
Patriachy is also Bourgeois, the women is the mere instrument of production. Man became the
owner of the property. Family and state are controlled by the male.
Jean Jacques Rousseau –in the settled life two sexes began to adopt different ways. The women
became sedentary and adjusted themselves to stay at home and look after the children. The men
went out for subsistence. That was the original and beginning of the patriarchy.
Uma Chakkarvarti says, the domination of women began in Rig Vedic society. Dasis (slave
Rig veda enabled the Aryans to subjugate the women of native place (Dravidians)
While the indigenous women were exploited to work in the agriculture work
But the Aryans women were restricted within the house to work as household work
It is legalized by the Dharma Sastras. Indian patriarchy has religious and caste rules for the
women. It was strengthened by the pictorial morality and missionaries
introduced a new word for patriarchy – Kyriarchy which comes from the Greek work for Lord,
Kurios rule of the Lord or male. The rule of the Lord can be seen in Church, institution, mission,
society elsewhere. But this Lord is in Forienza term men. There is a complexity of oppression.
In conclusion
a) Patriarchy is a system
b) Patriarchy perpetuate a system which is hierarchical in nature where man is the top of the
c) Patriarchy is a perspective - it advocates an outlook which is shaped by the assumption
that women is weaken than men.
Man is the centre of the law and morality
d) Patriarchy is also an ideology - it promotes the idea that man has inherently superior to
women. Man had inherently superior nature in terms of physical strength, moral
discernment and decision making
e) Patriarchy is power relationship – Power equation
Theories of Gender
1) Humanistic Feminism –they will say that human is primary category and gender is
secondary category
Simone de Beauvior she said, the gender references are past one pre-historic division of
Humanistic feminism will say that women are burdened with child bearing, nursing and
gradually gender developed that means it developed within the household.
A woman is not how she was born but what was born became or what she became? A
woman is not at birth, but became as woman. Basically born as a humanbeing.
2) Gynocentric feminism – a girl is taught to be a person similar to her mother and she is the
care taker of the infant in a particular form.
Nancy Chodorow says, what happens in the life of girl is reproduction of mothering. A
woman becomes woman not become of by birth but by her work or based on the work
organized in the home or society or family?
Judith Butler says, Doing Gender comes from being Gender.
Doing gender, means gender is stylizhed repetition of action. The effort of gender is reduced to
the stylization of the body (action). Therefore is gender is per formative.
Margaret Mead says, gender roles and caste are not homogenous in reality. Gender is a variable
creation of culture. What one culture defines as masculine may another culture considers as
feminine viz viza.
Social learning theories will say that differences in gender learning theories will learn through
the mixture of rewards and punishments. ( it is matter of the behavorial of boy and girl)
Cognitive Theories – Gender differences emerged through categorization process in which boys
and girls plays themselves in masculine or feminine category. Example boy means need to have
short hair and girl should have a long fair.
Psycho Dynamix Theory - Differences in gender emerged out of emotional struggle between
infants and care takers (fathers and mothers)
Talcott Parson, gender differences helped to integrate the society smoothly going. Because all
functions cannot be run by particular genders. Gender roles are complementary attitude. So,
different gender roles are needed.
Conflict Theory
The gender differences is all about disparity in power. The struggle for power creation is
common in different human communities. Male control is the result of such conflict.
Fredrich Engles says, the technology advancement helped men to control the society.
Feminism Theory
There are different feminist analysis.
1) Feminist analysis say that the family that maintains the male domination. It starts from
our home and to the society and then nation.
2) Always man is valued
a) Liberal Feminism-Bothe men and women are equally capable. Gender barriers should be
destroyed in order for the empowerment.
b) Social Feminism – The end of the domestic slavery. Both men and women share the work
c) Radical Feminism – Patriarchy rest on the subordination of women through sexuality and
reproduction. We should over throw the male sexuality which means male understanding.
Symbolic meanings are socially constructed. In relation to gender this symbolic meaning will say
that we behave according to the meaning assigned to the symbol.
In other word, we behave (treat)according to the socially constructed meaning because every
gender is according to the social and cultural meaning.
Kochurani Abraham says, the myth of the ideal women is the platform for the exploitation and
abuse of women in the sacred space of the family Church and the society.
The woman is expected to be pativrata (pati – wife; vrat - vow or oath)
Religious and Social Rules for both male and female are separate
History of Feminist Movements in India and World and Waves and Feminism
Feminist movement existed many centuries before.
Plato argued for political and sexual equality of women. When we come to 16 th and 17th century
there were feminist scholars. There were seeds of feminist thinking during those centuries.
Jeremy Bentham, supports the rights of the women. There were queens in 18 th centuries.
Example Queen in England.
In the background, the strict separation of men and women was developed in the modern period
during the Victorian period during the Queen Victoria in England.
Queen Victoria privately a written letter, mad wicked folly of women’s rights. She was not
favorable with the feminist movement. Here women are also enemy for themselves for the
patriarchy mentality.
In the academic thinking level the positive of feminist thinking came in the middle of the 17 th
century. It started by the feminist criticism of Bible and Christian theology. This was initiated by
Quakers (are the one of the protestant Christian sect emerged from America their focus was on
personal evangelism. Now these Quakers very less in numbers). This is also called Quakerism.
One of the Quaker name is Margaret Fell. She wrote a paphmplet named Women’s Speaking
Justified Approved and Allowed by the Scripture in 1667. This is the first protestant literature
against the patriarchy.
Many Quakers were actively participated in the anti-slavery movement. This helped for global
development of feminists.
In 1837 Sarah Grimke who was another Quaker who argued for theological and biblical basis
contributed for feminist movement based on Gen 1:27.
Antoinette Brown, she was the one of the first women studied theology on Pauline letters with
feminist perspectives.
When the women were not allowed to participate in anti-slavery movement women began to
conduct anti-slavery conventions. This made way for feminist movements.
The first anti-slavery convention was conducted at London 1840. This was organized by the
Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Another convention was organized in 1850 in New York.
In a newer convention they declared the declaration of the rights of women . 1853 Antoinette
Brown was the women was ordained in the church. They have taken the support from the Bible.
Cady. Published the women’s Bible from the women context from the Bible.
Before the 2nd world war the men were involved in the industrial works. During the 2nd world war
the men were asked to leave the job and participate in the war. Those jobs were taken care by the
women. This gave them confidence about their life, potential and skills. It is known as the
replacement attitude. Once, the men was back from the war to take care the jobs the women had
to leave the job. This gap also provoked the women.
The publication of the “second sex’ probably around 1949 by Simone De Beauvoir developed a
feminist movement in the world. One is not born but rather becomes a women.
In 1970 August 20, thousands of women marched in procession in the 5 th avenue in New York
city and the other city. This may be the first event where 1000 women came for their rights.
Enlightenment Period
It gave impectus (advocated) individual rights rather than community rights.
The individualistic rights oriented feminism is the product of individual rights. It is the
development of feminist movement globally.
French Revolution
The slogan of the frnench revolution also brought feminist movement. The slogan is liberty,
fraternity and equality. The French revolution resulted into the declaration of rights of the human
beings brought it.
But Mary Wollstonecraft produced a pahmplet the vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792
which brought ground for the feminist movement
James Staurt Mill, published a book called subjection of women in 1869 also contribute to the
emergence of global feminist movement.
WCC 1946
This council brought lot of developments on women Movement. WCC also declared 1988 - 1998
– Ecumenical decade for women under the title – “Solidarity with Women”
Evangelical Movements
Women who participated in the evangelical movements on 18 th century are for the transformation
of the society . They also started the reform movements, anti slavery and abortion movements,
etc., Particularly the moral re-form society has been brought forth.
It gave ideological foundation for feminist movement. Socialism helped the women to analyze
the societal structure and role of women, employment of women, wages of women. When they
look all those aspect the women came to an understanding the social structures are not in equal
and the man who defines and controls the society.
Today we have political Women movements initiated by Women. We have social movements of
Metoo – movement
Church movements
Waves of Movements
19the century s strong for feminist movements
First Wave
19th and Early 20th century. Middle of the century is the wave for property rights and educational
opportunities. This wave is also for amendment of US constitution which granted for the white to
be given for black women for the right to vote. The participation of women in the anti-slavery
movement. This also witnessed for the strong political organization.
Second Wave
1960’s – 1980s - Most of the Feminist movement stood against any kind of discriminations.
Many women liberation movements were emerged during the second wave. The second wave
resulted in the increased environment. This wave also witnessed the women studies department
in different universities and female enrollment in education arena.
Third Wave
1990 – 2000s Financial, social and cultural inequalities that women faced globally. They
questioned about those restrictions. These global movements campaigned for greater influence in
politics and media.
Fourth Wave
2008 Most of the feminist global movements emphasized on the inequality on gender. Especially
street harassment, work place and sexual and media discriminations and Online misogyny
At the same time the legal enactments happened all over the world. The Nirbhaya Act in 2013
and POSH act emerged because of the women movements in India.
They stood for the equal religious space of both men and women
They supported the rights of the women and to enhance the status of women.
Muslim Movement
Civil-Disobedience Movement
These participations enabled the women to form their own movement against their inequality and
First Wave
Prayag Mahila Samiti in 1909
The commonalities of these organization were focused on political and social equality of
These organizations were women oppressions. They raised voice against women opporession.
They were known as voices.
Second Wave
The emergence of the grass root movement witnessed the grass root level feminist movements.
They focused on economic and social rights. Because during second wave already some
empowerment was happened in political area.
The Hindu marriage Act of 1955. The women can select their partner. Women also given
importance in the marriage.
The Hindu succession Acct – Earlier Hindu women could not inherit their ancestors property.
The Hindu Adoption Act – Wife / women could not adopt a child without the permission of the
husband, but now both can adopt a child.
Hindu Guardianship Act – Earlier the women cannot be a guardian for the minor children.
Through this act women were also privileged to be a guardian for the children.
Vimochana in Bangalore
Third Wave
They attempted to link the women issues with the environmental problems.
Chipko Movement
Almost all political parties started women wing of their terms. Mahila wing started by the
congress. Mahila Morcha in India
Fourth Wave
It is connected with global now.
Nirbhaya Act – it has strengthened the anti sexual harassment act – being vocal
Feminism, Feminist, Womanism and Feminist Theology
Feminism Definition
It means an awareness of women oppression and exploitation in place of work, family and
conscious action to change the situation.
Feminism is an ideology and a belief system. Feminism advocates the social and political rights
of women
Feminism is a body of knowledge and thought. This is created to challenge the patriarchal
knowledge and ideology.
Scholar Saskia Wiering says fem inism is a discursive process, a process of producing
knowledge or subverting (redefine) representation of gender and creating new representation of
womanhood, identity and collective self.
Feminist Definition
Anyone who recognizes the existence of sexism (discrimination of gender) male domination,
patriarchy and who takes action against is a feminist. Feminist can be male and female.
Feminism is a personal and inner struggle and public manifestation. We are looking at the world
through the eyes of women. It is thinking at the realities.
Feminism stand against the bondage and any kind of hierarchy and inequality.
It is the feminist movement of black women. These are the women in the third world countries.
Womanism emerged out of the consciousness that feminist movements in the earlier days did not
attend the plight of black.
Womanism will say that feminism has failed to address that black woman of America and not it
became the movement of third world.
Womanist will say that instead of focusing on social change and activism womanish focused on
the celebration of womanhood and strength of black strength and the experience of black
Feminist Theology
1) Natalie K Watson, Feminist theology is critical, contextual, constructive and creative
reading, re-reading and re-writing of Christian Theology.
2) Feminist theology considers women their bodies perspectives, experiences, agenda of
3) Feminist theology advocates women as subject as theological discourses.
4) Feminist theology transfoemation of theology concepts, methods, language and imagery
and more hoilistic theology
5) Feminist theology unearths the factors that contribute to the negation of women’s
6) Feminist theology in line with feminism looking at and interpreting our faith to the eyes
of women.
Feminist Epistemology
Epistemology is how do you know what do you know?
Empiricism will say that every knowledge can be achieved by sense persecution
Nancy Hartsock- three volumes – Reference section book
Nancy developed Standpoint theory – the position of women and their standpoint theory is
different from men. Because, knowledge is subjective and the origin of subjective is which I
generate and develop. It is bound in who knows, and how they know?
H B Kuhn, a theory of interpretation which explain the given situation or domain in terms of two
opposing factors or principles. For example, is one reality is considered as dominative and the
other reality in same situation if considered as subordinate and passive. One identity is male and
female dualism.
Rose Mary Radford Ruether, dualistic way of understanding the reality is the model of
For her it is not the Christian thinking but it is developed under Gnostic View. Hence on Gnostic
view Christian thinkers split the reality in two
Sexism of Christian is the result of dualistic thinking. Man used sexual dualism to justify the
oppression of women. Man used sexual dualism.
In Christian thought God is identified as positive roles of dualism. World is identified with
the negative idea of dualism. Example, in traditional understanding matter is evil.
Man is strong, women is weak, man is rational and women is emotional which contributed
for the inferior status of women in the society.
Dualistic identity creates discrimination, racial tension, class conflicts, caste distinction.
Dualistic thinking brings discrimination. Example white and blacks, upper class and lower
class, high caste and lower caste.
Feminist theologians considers as women experience as epistemology. For them their way of
knowledge is based on the experience.
Further, for women their emotions are also sources of knowledge. Example – cry, voice,
screaming of women
Aruna Gnadason, the daily experiences of the pain, celebrations, the stories of joy, sorrows and
defeats are the sources of feminist epistemology.
1) Feminist Critique
a) Feminist scholars and theologians or traditional historiography is male oriented. It was
particularly about Kings, emperors and achievements about the rulers. It was based on
male content, writings.
b) Traditional historiography excluded women. They are left out of traditional history. It is
history if history of men.
c) Arparna Basu sad, women are unnoticed in history. Even in church history women are
unnoticed as like secular.
Recovery Method
It is called recovery method by Feminist. It is to attempt the recover the unacknowledged stories
of women. They say that women contribution was will fully covered by the males and now they
are uncovering the history. Success stories, pains, experiences, victories of women will involve.
Ruth A Tucker said, Daughters of the Church – book – She says that the history was covered by
the Fathers. But she says, women historical will attempt to disclose
Feminist Theologian Elizabeth Fiorenza says, in her book (in memory of her) “ attempts to
recover the history of biblical women.
She attempted to role of women in the history of Christianity. The role of women is not much
highlighted in the historical places and the books.
According to Gabriele Dietrich said, women history are in early church as been submerged or
lost. Reconstruction of women history should be past of feminist theologizing.
According to Kwock Puilan, what is the benefit of remembering the past from the feminist
perspective. For her, remembering the past each women will give fresh insight in the power of
history. Only through the feminist reading subordination and marginalization of women
historical writings can be removed.
According to Musimbi Kanyoro, feminist theology should search for usable past at the source of
feminist theologizing.
Early Christians male and female understood as egalitarian discipleship ( Gal 3: 27- 28).
Feminist Methodology
Feminist theology and perspective and praxis – book – prasanna kumari
Wande Deifelt, feminist methodology has two main task. Feminist way of doing critique is it will
criticize and deconstruct the male culture paradigm.
Feminist methodology is also to attempt to find new ways of women thoughts and acts. Same
way men and women are product of knowledge not only men but they understood men are
producers but women are receivers.
Seven Critics
1) Dominant theologies are man centered theology. (Traditional and classical theologies are
predominant by men but male categories are used to explain the faith. It was also out of
the experiences of men).
2) The classical theologies are primarily to the response to the philosophical questions of
that time. Example – writings of divine, nature,etc.,
- ‘Man of reason’ is the critic by the feminist
Issues of Women
Classical Theology: Classical theologies do not address the issues of women
Norm of the society: Man has become a norm for the society
Creation Order – it is taken as for the base for the exclusion of women
Content of Theology: It is in masculine categories are taken into consideration – Indian Christian
theology - Hindu gods as male portrayals. The sakthi for women power interpretation is in
masculine content.
Masculine Categories: Feminist theologians will ask question about universalistic masculine
Letty M Russel
Letty M Russel, Romans 8: 22 – 23 argues that God of feminist theology is freedom. Both men
and female need freedom. Men needed freedom from their patriarchal mind set, oppressive
mindset. Our theology should be reconstructed based on the feminist freedom frame.
Pentecostal and the poor – book - If sin has affected every aspect of man’s…
Russel says, freedom should take to the new responsibility. The responsibility is serving others.
Feminist theology should try to achieve the new humanity that is for both male and female. This
achievement is the vision.
Prasanna Kumari
Prasanna Kumari, Indian pioneer theology – The task of feminist theology is a convincing
demonstration of the andocentric and misogynist bias of theology and tradition.
She also said, as a part of reconstruction is to aim to establish alternative norms and sources of
Elizabeth Fiorenza
She will say that feminist theology of re-construction will aim for cultural and religious critique
and construction of women’s history.
In the reconstruction – affirming women self is the primary focus and task of feminist
reconstruction. In that women have to reclaim her real humanity.
Prasannakumari says, in feminist reconstruction the stories of women their struggle, aspirations
become the centre of theology. For the classical theology reflects the stories of men.
Aruna Gnanadason says, in feminist reconstruction process will bring the world of women in
dialogue with the world of biblical world.
The stories of women in the Bible will be interpreted with the life of the Indian women.
Example, the story of Hagar should be interpreted in the story of Dalit woman.
Gabriel Dietrich says, the reconstruction of women also should be pick up the reconstruction of
the women’s history.
Kwok Puilan says, during feminist reconstruction process feminist theologian should use the
popular religion tradition and folk literature. In Zamanism religion there are egalitarian
perspectives which can be used to correct our theology. She also says there are some myths in
other cultures in oral tradition which should be used for the feminist re-construction theology.
She also said use the usable past for feminist reconstruction.
Re-imagination of sources
When we think about the sources of theology there are traditional sources of theology:
a) Some feminist will say that the Bible should not be the primary source of theology. They
consider Bible as an obstacle. It provides divine provision (authority) of men over
b) Bible is written by men and legitimized patriarchal power.
c) Bible is interconnected between andocentric language and the power of men.
Scholars like Mary Dally, Daphne Hampson says Bible is the sexist book (gender oriented) and
therefore all traditions that support the victimizing of women should be removed.
Phyllis Trible says, Bible contains text of terror and not authoritative source.
Elizabeth Fiorenza will say, we should reclaim the Bible. Because God does not speak against
his own creation. God is not negative on women.
Classical theology depends on traditions of men and what have been transacted from men.
Feminist theology will say that on whose tradition theology has come. Why women are excluded
in the classical theology.
Hence women will focus on the tradition of women, the tradition of women in the church,
women missionaries in India and globe and tradition of women in the globe, and women diaries
and stories for their source.
The most of the Indian church founders are men. Feminist will ask question about the women
One is Jesus’ movement is both the movement of men and women. From Jesus’ movement we
can learn about women contribution and the importance.
Second one is, House churches is done by the women. Hence, church tradition should be taken as
the source of women theology.
Same way women contribution also to be considered for their source of theology. Because
women names are omitted in the church history, church milestones in terms of women
articulation of faith and their stand of faith has been omitted.
Feminist argue that classical theology does not consider the women experiences in the classical
Women experiences of God and faith was not considered for developing classical theology
Women experience also considers the bodily experience as feelings and emotions
Women experiences also valid and have spiritual and theological value.
Pope is also the authority of the Church. Pope cannot make any mistake. Whatever Pope says,
decides, writes and do is right and no error.
Example Mariya Arul Raja said he belong to a Jesuit order and from Dalit community written a
commentary which became contradictory for Church theology.
Feminist will raise question on what authority feminist history was avoided in the church
Scholars like Sallie Mcfaque, P. Triible says that Christianity is capable to reform the
authority. Either the understanding of the authority should be renewed or changed.
Mary Dally will say, Christianity is irredeemably sexist. For her the solution is to abandon all
traditions that place women inferior.
For Feminist theology Bible is not the only authority teaching but the faith experiences of
women should be considered as authority.
For Feminist, the Christian tradition or Biblical texts questions the full humanity of women.
Feminist theologizing should not focus on gender alone but the caste and class systems.
Indian feminist theology should be informed by the experiences of Dalit and tribal women.
Ruth Manorama says, Dalit women are thrice alienated (Caste, Class and Gender). They are
among the Dalits. They are victims of the interplay of intersections of Class, gender and class.
Since Dalit women constitute half of the Indian church the theology has not addressed the
women issue.
Theology is benefited for the Christianity then only the other faiths. Indian feminist theology is
not complete theology.
Bama will say that the issues of these women should function as the sources of Feminist
T Vanlaltlani and Eyingbeni Humtsoe, the women in North Eastern region are victims of the
dominant theology as men are dominant against the women.
Indian feminist theology should address the issue of the deprivation of inheritance right of
women in the North East.
The tribal customary law always keep men as the social hierarchy.
They argue that the Dalit women issues, stories and dreams to be addressed by Indian Feminist
Feminist Hermeneutics
It encounters the traditional understanding of hermenuitcs
Feminist Critique
Feminist theologians argues that the reader is no longer the gender neutral/universal person
(example – Martin Luther, John Calvn, Augustine). Therefore nobody can read from the
objective point of view.
They also ctitique the text. They will ask why this text added ehre, whose teaching is here, he
chose the text, who selected the text. What criteria the text has been selected. Who decided the
The content of the text. What is text talking. They will question the author of the text
Consciousentization – Through - body men – try to interpret both men and women equally
in the reading of the text.
Nancy Ann Tolbert says, Men are not the custom of the scripture (not only for men) Bible
can be interpreted for women. It should be interpreted for men and women.
According to Rose Mary is
Loyalist Approach
Mary Evans and Katherine Clark, we need to go back to the Biblical spirit of mutual respect.
Bible encourages the value of mutual respect. We need to exegesis the egalitarian values can be
Sublimationalist Approach
Rosemary Rathod, Kyung Chung Kyung said, our biblical studies scholars should search for
extra biblical narratives. Feminist symbols should be brought out. Extra biblical books means
non-canonical books. Feminine is eternal one. You cannot think about divine without feminine
symbols. We should go beyond canon.
Revisionist Approach
Phyllis Tribel and Elizabeth Fiorenza says, this approach to attempt to liberate the content of the
patriarchal element. Whatever is patriarchal is rejected.
Liberationist Approach
Letty M Russel proposes, liberationist approach. The central message of Bible is liberation.
Therefore Bible should be reinterpreted from the liberation perspective.
1) Hermeneutics of Suspicion - It demands women to ask question whether the text is used
to oppress or the text is to liberate the women. Read the text with the doubt. Is there any
hidden agenda in the text to promote the inferior category of women. Biblical text should
not take in facial value. The patriarchal interest of the author should be analyzed and a
critical response should be developed. 1 Cor 7; Creation narrative
2) Hermeneutics of Remembrance – We remember the role of women in the early church.
The biblical women in the positive way. We will ask lot of disturbance questions which
will leads to the contribution of the women. It is to bring the silent history of women.
Women are also equally capable to take the responsibility in the society. We are making
the Biblical women alive. We are motivating the women venture.
Hermeneutics of Proclamation
All scriptural text should be evaluated within the framework of liberation and proclamation. Gal
3: 28 and Gen 1: 27 -28. Those text which are egalitarian and equality should be proclaimed. It is
not only interpreting the text but need to proclaim. Hermeneutics of creative imagination. We
need to read the stories of women for praxis. We need to interpret the stories of actualization.
Hermeneutics of Retrieval
Kwock Puilan says we need to recover the lost space / negates space of biblical women in
history. The silenced women will begin to speak to the contemporary women. It can be restoring
the non canonical and canonical women from the history.
The story of Zelophehad’s demand – Num 27:1-8. It is similar to adivasi and tribal people in
India / North East India.
The stories of Shiprah and Puahl Exodus 1:15f – brave women – courageous women in the light
of brave women
Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar – Re-reading with new eyes with gender sensitive lens. It will
helps to bring out the silence voices of women. This speaks as a subjects not as objects
Chung Hyun Kyung, for women Biblical text is meaningful when it touches our hearts of the
women which are wounded. Then re-reading make the text meaning.
When we talk about the patriarchal – African women were not only oppressed by men but also
by the white women. That means the women who oppress also considered as patriarchy. The
story of hagar is frighten the women.
Judges 19:1-30 – the story of unnamed concubine – she had cut into pieces - this will not
motivate the women.
Inclusive Language
Language means a system that enables the people to explain it meaning and translates the
concern belief and perceptions.
Hunter P. Mabry, the words are seldom neutral. Every words have power. The words that we
use shape our attitudes and the words can influence the actions. The words can change and
reinforce other influences.
Language is powerful because it is bound up with power. Language is the means to assert power.
Language is about special about God’s power relationship. Example God will curse you, in the
name of God. When I assert to use the God’s power and the god is male then it is
discriminating the women. This powerful God is male and powerful.
Feminist Theologians it seeks to recover the feminine image of God. Exod 19:4. God is
portrayed as Mother Eagle. Isaiah 42:14 – God is portrayed as woman in labour. Matthew 23:37
– god is portrayed as mother hen. John 4:21 – God is neither male or female.
Anne Mc Crew Bennet, she talks about the “Elohim” in creation story basically includes both
male and female aspects of God. Elohim is plural and it is used for both male and females. Gen
1: 27 – Elohim said – let us create humankind in our image…and Elohim created persons male
and female in Elohist image. Interpreting Elohim as male is distrods the original nature of God
and humankind. Our original nature is image of God.
Letty M. Russel, the plural Elohim reflects a notion of God as combining male and female in the
canonical tradition. Yahweh transcends yets includes both male and female.
When we use inclusive language so that there will not be any domination or discriminations.
Arthur Vogel said, that human presence is located in body. Human body is experienced in and
through body.
Francis Gonsalves – Body is the fundamental site where suffering and happiness are
Chris Shilling says, it is our bodies that allows to act to intervene to alter the flow daily life.
Shalini Mulackal says, human identity, personality and weakness is expressed through the body.
Body mediated experiences of epistemology theology.
Christian E. Gudorf, the experience of the body both positive and negative influence our thinking
and self identity.
Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar says, the body of woman not only the site of oppression,
exploitation and violence but also the sight of agency and power.
Women bodies are the site of resistance too. (resisting the touch, verbal, gesture, unpleasant)
Women bodies are instrument of solidarity. (dalits / tribes come more in protest and celebrate the
Elizabeth Grosz, body becomes the text. Body is the system of signs.
Evangeline Anderson Rajkumar says, Women body is controlled by the patriarchy, casteism and
We need to reclaim the body from the control of these. Then women will come out from the
patriarchal notion of bodies.
Bodies of both men and women are equal. They want to argue for the equality of men and
Lisa Isherwood, there is a politics behind the control of the women body. The politics is to asset
the power of men.
Roman Catholic Church in some areas says – Women are not allowed for ordination and
Nature, Purpose and Celebration of Human Sexuality
Traditionally the purpose of human sexuality is procreation. It is a good gift from God not sin –
some says.
It is also for the existence of humanity. It is expressing love and building family.
Hinduism –
Sexual relationship must be between married couples. The purpose is for procreation and
Islam –
Human sexuality is the gift of Allah. Therefore it should be kept within the marital relationship.
Christianity –
It is Pro-creation . It is also a unity of the two persons. It is basically with man and woman.
Religious Striations
a) There are still religious and social restrictions on sex. It controls the function of human
b) Our Indian culture and constitution does not allow unnatural marriage
c) Human sexuality is also controlled by the legal system
d) Feminist - The sexuality of women is controlled more than men
e) Sexuality is to protect the virginity of the girl child. Example in those days encouraging
for child marriage by the Brahmins.
f) Women enjoyed less sexual freedom than men
g) The sexuality of the women is restricted to marital relations.
Stanley Grenz, between male and female sex is an isolated individual and enter into the
relationship with others.
Elizabeth Johnon says, sex is not deficeinnecy not weakness. But the difference is the beauty of
Genesis 1: 27 – God created both men and women in the image of God. That shows the
feminine aspect of God and understood in feminine category.
In Christian Tradition
1) Julian of Norwich – says God as Father and Mother
2) Anselem of Canterbury – Holy Spirit as Female
3) Thomas Aquinas – As long as the terms (words, imageries that used for God) are
consistent the over all scriptural picture of God and present faith experience, new
language fully appropriate.
He is justifying that God can be re-imagination of different perspective.
Theologians understanding
a) Some argues for replacing the masculine God’s name into feminine name.
b) We should use metaphors that take beyond human concept of sex or gender
c) God should be interpreted in the light of human embodiment and sexuality.
d) Cater Heyward says, we should interpret God in erotic and particular = ties which means
fluidity or gender to God.
According to Mary Dally, what is the consequence of describing God as Father. That is if God is
male then male is God. Same way the notion of divine of fatherhood evokes male domination.
Carol P Christ says, the strength and power of women cannot be affirmed as God as only Father.
This is devalidating the power of women. The masculization of Trinity also removed God from
the life of women. The male language strengthens the domination of man and prevents the
liberation of women.
Dorothy Soll says, the Father language of God leads women out of liberation.
The main intention of Dorothty Soll is identifying God apart from maleness or non patriarchal
Sallie Mcfaque, God as mother does not mean that God is the mother or father rather we imagine
God in a language who is near to us and familiar to us.
Philippians scholar says, father in heaven Lord’s prayer is a horrible experience of his father. She
is comfortable to be called as mother.
Image of God
Radical Re-imagination of God
Elizabeth Dominaguex, to be in the image of God is being in the community. It is not simply
man / woman who can reflect God but it is the community in relationship. We need both identity
male and female.
Letty M Russel, image of God is the combination of male and female. Human both male and
female reflects the image of God.
Elizabeth Johnson, the concept of Trinity is to bring out of the gender concept. Trinity is not
hierarchal but mutuality in relation and equality and community in unity in diversity. Feminist
reading informs the Trinitarian symbol which intimate a community of equals. In that
community there is no dominance but companionship. She also says, Trinity shows the equal
role of male and female in the understanding of God. There is no superior and inferior.
She also says the reality of God goes beyond our imagination.
Chung Hyun Kyung, for her God is both mother and women because of Compassionate nature of
Sallie Mcfaque, God should be interpreted as mother, lover, friend as well as Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. This interpretation on divine as a whole. Simply calling God as a mother or Father
is partial understanding of God but Sallie Mcfaque divine is seen as a whole.
Aruna Gnanadason, interprets God and Shakti from the Hindu understanding. One among them
Iis God is Power. In Biblical understanding Shakti is feminine creative understanding principle.
For them Shakthi principle is everthing is in and through and out by Sakthi in Hinduism but in
Bible everything is in and through and out by logos.
Padma Gallup, God as both male and female based on Hindu understanding of arthanareswara
(Shiva is powerless without Parvathi) Half male and female. Based on the Gallup says God is
both male and female. It is a positive model for the image of God for Asian women.
Mizo – traditional understanding of Mizo God is Pathian – Pa – Father – Thian – Holy – this is
understanding in male.
Another Mizo God name is Khuanu – mother of the universe in feminine name.
Chakkesang – tribal – God called as Ukumunupu as female sense which means she who gives
birth as universal mother.
Angami – tribal in Nagaland– Kepenuopfu which means who gives birth as universal mother in
Mao tribal in Nagaland– Amono Pfupei – Supreme being is addressed Amono Pfupei - meaning
as our mother and caring mother
Tikhir tribal in Nagaland – Traditional name for God is Tinpaitinpuh – Tin – Creator – Pai –
feminine Suffix – Puh male suffix – which means creator Mother and Father
Travancore - Queen’s land but did not have the privilege of liberating the upper cloth women
Meghalaya – being matriarchy the land inheritance power is only in paper but not in power same
time there is no woman chief minister as well as sufficient participation from the women in
Catholic Theology
Feminsit theologians reject the mariologies study intended by the patriarchal system testifies
subordiantion. Marologies were developed to justify why the women is keeping quiet.
Chung Hyun Kyung, the protestant group succeeded in oppressed women in eliminating from
their theology.
Catholic church exercise control over women by domesticating Mary. Domesticating means
making virgin mary as Virgin Mother. That means other women cannot claim Mary with other
women. This is kind of domesticating. No women can identify with Mary.
Mary projected as passive, obedient, humble maid. The domestication of Mary is very much
evident in ritualistic adoration of Mary
When Catholics adore Mary, they say, “the daughter of Father, the mother of Jesus and spouse of
Holy Spirit”.
Mary was valued only when attached with Male. Mary is valued only with the men.
Marianne Katappo, she is a liberated human. …as a daughter wife mother of men.
Park Soon Kyung, Mary’s virgin is human male is excluded. This is the end of the patriarchal
order of birth. Virgin birth also shows the salvation is sufficient without men. Without the help
of man the salvation can come.
Virgin birth is the active symbol of resistance against patriarchy. As a virgin Mary is a complete
human being.
Chung will say, May decided have a child out of wed-lock. She facilitated God to be born
through her body. Mary knew the social consequences and possibility of being stoned to death.
Inspite of all consequences she gave birth to Messiah. She exercised pregnancy and even
experienced son’s death.
Mary as Sister
Chung, Mary is a sister in solidarity with other women and oppressed. Example – mary visited to
Elizabeth – solidarity with other woman
Chung said, Scandalous pregnancy – Elizabeth pregnant was after her biological cycle was over.
Mary accepted the call of God by her courage and determination and the sprit of Lord. Mary as a
servant hood to God not for the patriarchal position or society
Mary is the co-redeemer for salvation. It is for the process of salvation. Mary became our
prototype and model so we are saved. She is moral for redemption
Loretto Eugenia Mapa says, Jesus cannot save the world alone without Mary because Jesus
needs his mother. Hence Jessu and Mary worked fort the salvation. Hence mary is co-redeemer.
Feminist Christology
Evelyn Monterio says, jesus adopted more human and liberal attitude.
Luke 7:36f, jesus discouraged the social discrimination on gender. Social discrimination is a
Meti Amirtham says, Jesus provided opportunity for women to expand their social and mental
Francis Gonsalves said, Jesus gave importance to women and Jesus challenged usual Jewish
Jesus is also concerned about the compassion on the widow in Luke 7:11 – 17.
Jesus allowed the impure women to touch him which is impossible in Jewish tradition – Mat
9:20 – 22. Jesus crossed the boundaries of the particular woman.
Jesus also accepted the hospitality of both Mary and Martha and their invitation was accepted by
Jesus. (Luke 10: 13 – 18) – Gonsalves says, Jesus challenged the Jewish value and valued the
women especially the poor woman widow.
Jesus used the life experiences of women to explain the Kingdom of God (mat 13:33). It is to
explain the mystery of Kingdom of God.
a) Women mixing the yeast with the flour (Mat 13:33)
b) Women at birth pangs (John 16:21)
c) Women searching a lost coin (Luke 15:8-10
Jesus as Lord
It has dominant notion. But Jesus is not here to control but liberates notion.
Jesus as Shaman
Shaman means priest of man. Jesus as identified as Priest of Han. In the Shamananism, Han
means negative energy in the universe to oppress people. Jesus as Shaman undo the Spirit and
rescue the people from the power of Han.
Jesus as Embodiment
Stella Baltazar – Jesus Christ as an embodiment of Shakti (power)
Jesus as Movement:
Elizabeth Fiorenza – In meaning of her
Elizabeth Fiorenza challenges Jesus as movement as a movement of both men and women.
Women actively participated in the Jesus’ movement. This participation contribution is not
acknowledged. It is the women who stood with Jesus end of the earthly ministry. It is the woman
who first announced the good news of Jesus. Women didn’t run away from the arrest of Jesus
Christ. Martha Mary, Samartian Woman part of Jesus ministry. She calls them name by name.
They are named people.
Early Church met in her home. Women who facilitated the small gathering of Jesus. Most of the
churches are contributed by the women contribution.
Jesus movement was a discipleship of Equals both men and women were equal in Jesus’
Rose Marry Radford Ruether asked, Can a Male Saviour Save Women?
In background Augustine told about maleness of Christ, womenness of Christ and Priesthood of
Augustine argument that in Femaleness, women cannot represent Christ because Christ is male.
For Augustine women are defective males who are born of defective male. Only male can
represent Christ therefore male priesthood can be allowed. In this background Rose Mary
Radford Ruether asked question – Can a male savior save women?
Elizabeth Johnson identifies three areas where maleness of Jesus is abused. 1) The traditional
theologies considers Christ is the revelation of God. His maleness is understood as an essential
characteristics of God’s revelation. 2) Only male can receive the revelation of God.
3) The understanding of revelation brings the male sex closer to the divine than female sex.
Men argues that they resemble Christ, both men and Christ equally share the male essence.
The traditional Christology according to Elizabeth Johnson argues that the divine assumed the
male flesh and also argued that only what has been assumed can be redeemed.
Ruether says, the message of Jesus but not the gender of Jesus defines the salvation of humanity.
It is the message of Jesus that formed the community. (Example – Repent, the Kingdom of God
is near) Because of faith in Jesus the new community has emerged.
As a redemptive community it is not the gender of Jesus but it is the liberative praxis of Jesus is
the matter.
Lisha Isherwood, The Fillipino women does not see any problem in maleness of Jesus. For them,
though Jesus was born in male because Jesus is in the best place to challenge the male
explanation of humanity. How Jesus challenged the patriarchy of the society. That means we are
not concerned about the maleness of Jesus.
Virginia Fabella says, Jesus’ works and words true humanity and true divinity manifested in him.
Therefore not maleness but the humanness and divinity manifested in Jesus Christ / salvation is
Monica Melancton, the problem of maleness and male identification is for historical Jesus, but it
is not an essential ingredients of the risen Christ. In this worldly order the resurrected Jesus
Christ dwells in the redeemed order. Risen Christ transcendents beyond all particularities. Jesus
acted against the male culture.
Mary Daly, I am looking forward for the second coming of Jesus which will not be return of
Christ rather the emergence of the female presence. This female presence will liberate the
memory of Jesus.
Mary Grey, maleness of Jesus is not the major stumbling block, because he has no ontological
significance. Jesus being is divine being. Jesus today strive for right relationship between male
and female in their bodies. Salvation depends on the process not the biology.
Elizabeth John says, “Jesus (His) maleness is constituted in of this personal identification. His
sex intrinsic his historical person as are his class, ethnic heritage, culture, Jewish heritage .. the
difficulty arises consciously or unconsciously his maleness is lifted up and made essential his
Christic function.
Re-imagining Tradition
Tradition place an important role in community formation. Every community is a process of
Traditions contains our faith and experience and our ancestors faith and experience.
According to Gabriele Diterich, there is a subversive power in the remembered past of women.
But Patriarchal system does not want to remember the past.
Feminist Pneumatology
The feminist theologians understand Holy Spirit in feminine characteristics. They tried to
understand iin usage of feminine words or images in the Bible.
The Hebrew word ruah is used for spirit / wind and it is feminine.
Gen 1:1-2; 2: 7; 3: 5 – 7 – Holy Spirit must be in feminine category based on these verses
Holy Spirit is the Comforter from Bible – Paracelete in Greek is used as comforter in English
and it is feminine word
In the OT feminine word are used to portray the presence of God. Shekinah is presence of God
in Hebrew
Jurgan Moltman says, Spirit is the mother of God’s children because they are born again from
the Holy Spirit.
Mercy Rani says, in her book “Assailants of the Spirit and the upholders of Shakti”
Sophia is alos understood as Holy Spirit based on John 16:13. Holy Spirit leads into all wisdom
According to Theramma Prayikalam says, every dehumanized active of tradition is against the
innovative work of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is dehumanizing and devalaidatio of women. Holy
Spirit stands for the innovation.Holy Spirit is the Spirit of womanish. According to her HS
cannot bear where the women are discriminated and Holy Spirt wil resist.
According to Shalini Mulackal, the power of HS enabes women to transcends their self pity and
their solidarity with.
Aruna Gnanadason says, it is Holy Spirit that empowers Ziphra and Pua to protect and take care
Moses to defy the royal order. It is Holy Spirit that empowered these women not to disobey God.
It is Holy Spirt made these women to save the Moses.
Reclaiming Women’s Spirituality
It will counter the old notions of spirituality. Traditional spirituality is individualistic. For
tradition is spirituality is individualistic and removed from the world. It is also consider of inner
life of perfection. It is ones personal life of prayer and asceticsm.
3) Propehtic in nature
It seeks justice and peace. Spirituality is also means seeking peace and justice then we are
prophetic and we are seeking peace and justice.
4) Community Oriented
It is not individualistic. It is towards community oriented life. Our spirituality should be
5) Pro Life
Feminist spirituality is one that affirm life in its fullness. Women affirmed all the life of women,
men and nature.
Though they are rejected and exclusion they continue to stay within the Church with the
existence of the administrative system
There are attempt to transform the church from women. They criticize the church but they will
try to bring change.
Rose Mary Rathod Reuther, there are three areas are women are marginalized in the church
Round Table Ecclesiology of Letty M Russell
For Russell, Church must be a community justice. Justice means power in realtion that means
right relationship in sharing the power between male and female. This relationship lead to
Women in the patriarchy church cannot be the part of decision making body but the ekklesia
of women is only viable alternative.
Since women in the patriarchy church does not have space in the ekklesia the only option is
the ekklesia of women to start church for women exclusively. It is only the future hope for
Ekklesia of women give space for women to come as a free member and participate.
Ekklesia of women replaces the other images of the church. The other biblical images do not
give them space and other images space women in inferior space.
As long as women are e excluded from the ministry of the world and breaking of the bread.
The church does not exist as discipleship of equal.
Clergy in plural monopolizes the sacramental power in the church. The clergy is allowed to serve
the sacraments. With the power they used to show their power. Without sacrament the meeting
of come together is vain.
Clergy also monopolizes the authority to preach, to teach and administer the power in the church.
Women are passive recipients of clerical sacral power. The clerical definition of ministry must
be replaced by the gospel concept God of ministry. The clerical definition means it refers to the
ministry can be done by men alone. But the gospel concept of ministry is diakonia – service.
The diakonic ministry is kenotic which is self emptying. It is self emptying power as domination.
Even we get power we should not use that power to dominate others.
Ministry is empowerment of others. The call to ministry is not to call to become the passive
supporters of the order in the church.
Ministry means exercising power as means of liberation of one another. Based on Jesus’ teaching
using the power is not negative but it is positive.
The ministry should generate the relations if mutual empowerment. Ministry should not be one
of competition or one up and one down.
Different Gifts are given to empower the whole community. Each point must be cross fertilize
with other. The benefit of cross fertilization is the gift that create the community that reflect the
gospel of liberation.
We need liberation from the clericalism (The control of power over the church – should be
liberated). Women should be part of his sacramental power.
We need new understanding of ministry that is different from traditional way of ministry.
Letty M Russell, a sending God is a menting God and welcoming God. This God invites
everyone to be part of the work of restoring the entire creation. This God makes everything new.
Isa 43:18 – 21; Rev 21:5. God makes everything new. The beginning of mission is not sending
out the believing messengers / missionaries but the receiving of liberating message.
Russell said Mary was the first missionary based on Luke 1:38 where see received the message
of liberation and tried to practice that.
Rose Mery Rathod , mission is bringing liberating change in the church and society.
Kochu Rani Abraham, mission means listening to the silence the cries of the margins.
Manu Smriti
Manu smriti Ch – 5: 147 – 168 – general picture of treatment of women
- Husband should be worshipped as God. A faithful and loyal woman should worship husband as
God. The scriptural sanctions the women as secondary class.
In Childhood a female must be subjected to the father. Father should be considered as the Lord.
In her youth she must be subjected to the Father. When her husband dies she must be subjected
to her sons. Throughout of her life she must be completely under the protection of male in the
Women must not be independent but be dependent which continually inbuilt in the Indian mind.
No sacrifice must be performed apart from her husband. No oath, no ritual apart from her
If a wife obeys her husband you will have a exalted position in heaven.
Wendy Dognier - Pdf book – The Hindus Alternative History
Buddhism basically offered security and status in Buddhist society. Women are respected and
not considered inferior. Women in Buddhist societies experiences liberation from physical and
spiritual bondage. Physical bondage is refer to women are not oppressed like Hindu society.
G S Ghuniya says, in Buddhist, Buddha says, if we admit women like monks / nun that will
downfall of the order in India. This shows the bias idea of religion. Though Buddhism is
egalitarian but they are not willing to give space for women equally
Botth Adam and Eve are equally responsible that is seen in Quran chapter 7:19 -23.
Both male and female are placed equally before Allah. Quran 33:15, 71, 175; 40:40
Though Quran does not prevent the entry of women in Mosque. Many places women are not
allowed to entry in the mosque. At the same time the Mullas’ Madrasa teachers are not women
and all those teachers are male. Women face lot of dress restrictions in terms of interpersonal
Mensturation, child birth, burden of pregnancy, bringing the child, rule of husband, aging
quickly, termination of child birth, stay at home, head covering, etc., are the result of divine
curse from Adam and Eve.
Husband will bury a wife is she is upright. Women is not considered as witness in the religious
court according to the scriptural understanding.
The orthodox jewish men will pray like this: “Blessed be God King of the universe that you have
not made me women.”
Tertullian, “women you are the devils gate way”. His argument is by Eve’s victim by Satan
Women are the first forsaker of the divine law. It is referring to Eve.
Women are the one who persuaded the satan who was not brave enough to approach man. That
means men was brave enough.
Augustine said, Women are created to be men’s helpers. Your traditional job is to help men. Gen
2: 18. The main task of women is pro-creation of children.
Thomas Aquinas said, told the view of Aristotle – women are misbegotten male. Women were
suppose to be male but by the birth defective conception became female.
In sexual relationship is husband role is considered as more noble activity. Wife’s role is one of
passive receptivity.
Martin Luther, Women should remain at home. Still still, keep house and bear and bring up
Karl Barth, will say that a women belongs to man and a role of women is the man’s helpmate.
The supremacy of man is not a question of value or as question of dignity or honored but it is a
question or order in creation narrative. Man is not taken out of woman, woman is taken out of
Humanization talks within men then the commandment of the neighbor love – female
Human we have the freedom to address God with out name with descency but not disturbing the
Feminist theology places the human understanding about divine revelation / inspiration. They
don’t value the divine revelation that God is male.
Feminist theologians experience as the norm of divine knowledge over the divine revelation.
By arguing for equal rights women challenge the revealed structure of the church
Feminist theology are built on the errors of foundationalism and representaionalism and
individualism. They depended on wrong foundations. Not the Word of God but to their
experience and knowledge.
Susanne Heine, the feminist theologians are negative prejudices and experiences. Many feminist
theologians does not give much importance for academic rigor.
Feminist seek justification from the past of their present ideas. This practice is known as
methodicide. (you are killing the methodology. But Heine idea is rather than the past experience
the present experience should make new ideas .
Elina Vuoka, Feminist theologies keep more importance to primacy of praxis (more importance
on ethics nor the spiritual) Rather it involves other world dimension.
They give importance more to primacy of praxis without evaluating / knowing the actual
situation in which women live.
Mary McClintock Fulkerson, the existing feminist scholarship is not accessible to the wide
variety of women in all over the world. It is only accessible to the urban and educated people but
not accessible to the rural and uneducated women.
Book image of God