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Alcpt Form 100

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Defense Language Institute

English Language Center

Lackland Air Force Base, Texas


FORM: 100

1. a) Sliver Club members can board before c) We will try another plan before
everyone else. approaching from the south.
b) Silver Club members must let others
board first. 10. a) They made separate statements.
c) Silver Club members board at the same b) They made a statement together.
time as everyone else. c) They made two statements.

2. a) It was fair, but not strict. 11. a) Mexico’s weather is exactly the same as
b) It was strict, but not fair. Spain’s weather.
c) It was both fair and strict. b) Mexico’s weather is very different from
Spain’s weather.
3. a) I appreciate your support. c) Mexico’s weather is mostly similar to
b) I deserve your support. Spain’s weather.
c) I refuse your support.
12. a) Return it if you are completely satisfied.
4. a) It needs to decrease its production. b) Keep it if you are mostly satisfied.
b) It needs to increase its production. c) Keep it if you are completely satisfied.
c) It needs to fire some workers.
13. a) It will make it easier for you to move.
5. a) I hope you’ll feel better. b) It will make it easier for you to sleep.
b) I hope you’ll run in the next race. c) It will make it easier for you to study.
c) I hope you’ll stand here and wait.
14. a) The engine was not working properly.
6. a) He wants to see small objects. b) The exterior was not shiny.
b) He wants people to hear his voice. c) The car needed more gas.
c) He wants to call the commander.
15. a) He exercises with the senator.
7. a) Yes, it will die down. b) He supports the senator.
b) Yes, it will blow stronger. c) He wants to become the senator.
c) Yes, it will start blowing.
16. a) The legislature postponed it.
8. a) The team is warning young children. b) The legislature approved it.
b) The team is protecting weak children. c) The legislature rejected it.
c) The team is looking for lost children.
17. a) the male ruler
9. a) Approaching from the south is our b) the female ruler
original plan. c) the mother of the ruler
b) We will approach from the south before
we try another plan. 18. a) They are involved in a fight over who
owns the island.
b) They are holding training exercises 30. a) I hurt my ankle, so I went to the club.
together on the island. b) I hurt my ankle after I went to the club.
c) They are supporting a new government c) I hurt my ankle and stayed home.
for the island.
31. a) drinking coffee
19. a) He abolished them. b) sweating after exercise
b) He reinforced them. c) producing emissions
c) He investigated them.
32. a) Earl ate both.
20. a) I will buy you some jewelry. b) Earl ate only corn.
b) I will call you later. c) Earl ate only bread.
c) I will go to your house.

21. a) all of them 33. a) brooms and mops

b) some of them b) artwork and photographs
c) none of them c) paint and wax

22. a) He received a promotion. 34. a) “My salad was not fresh.”

b) His brother died of an illness. b) “I was sorry to hear about your illness.”
c) His sister will move to New York. c) “You provided good service.”

23. a) It left a large deposit of oil. 35. a) sideways

b) It left a thin coating of oil. b) upside down
c) It left several layers of oil. c) diagonally

24. a) …your son recovered from his illness. 36. a) after I listen to the foreign language
b) …you have so much leisure time. b) before I listen to the foreign language
c) …your dog ran away from home. c) while I listen to the foreign language

25. a) when a friend’s family member dies 37. a) old cloths

b) when there is a birthday celebration b) thick paper towels
c) when a coworker gets a promotion c) soft sponges

26. a) my political allies 38. a) There are 100 Soldiers for each
b) my political enemies commissioned officer.
c) my political supporters b) There is a total of 1500 Soldiers and
27. a) …the house will not have any water. c) There are 4 battalions and 15
b) …the house will not stay warm. companies.
c) …the house will not stay cool.
39. a) The chemicals penetrated the soil.
28. a) The disease is studied in Country X. b) The chemicals absorbed the soil.
b) The disease started in Country X. c) The chemicals distorted the soil.
c) The disease killed people in Country X.
40. a) Lights came on.
29. a) She let him play outside. b) Water flowed out.
b) She bought him a gift. c) Electricity was cut off.
c) She took away his television.

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