250 Notes
250 Notes
250 Notes
J. Wainwright 1
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
March 9, 2010
2 Dimensional Analysis 33
2.1 Writing physical relations in dimensionless form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.1 Characteristic scales and dimensionless variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.1.2 The mixing tank DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.1.3 The sky-diver DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 Deducing physical relations using dimensional
analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.1 A motivating example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2.2 Complete sets of dimensionless variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.2.3 The Buckingham Pi Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.2 The world’s simplest second order DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.1.3 Types of Second Order DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.1.4 The Initial Value Problem for Second Order DEs . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2 Solving Second Order Linear DEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.2.1 A fundamental property of homogeneous second order linear DEs . . 53
3.2.2 General form of the solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2.3 General Solution of the Homogeneous DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.2.4 The method of undetermined coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.3 Analysis of the oscillator DE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.1 Introductory remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3.2 Zero driving force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3.3 Non-zero driving force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.5.2 The method of variation of parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.5.3 An example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Epilogue 129
References 131
I would like to thank Professor Bev Marshman for a critical reading of the manuscript and
Professors Frank Goodman and Pino Tenti for helpful discussions concerning the physical
interpretation of differential equations, and for allowing me to use their notes concerning di-
mensional analysis. Thanks are also due to Ann Puncher for her excellent work in typesetting
the notes.
your knowledge of Calculusneeds refreshing. There are five problem sets,one for each
chapter in the notes, from which assignedquestions will be selected. The answers for some
ofthe routine problems are given.
Chapter 1
Newton’s Second Law states that the rate of change of momentum mv(t) equals the total
force, i.e.
[mv(t)] = F. (1.1)
If the mass is constant this equation can be written
m = F, (1.2)
i.e. mass times acceleration equals force acting. Before (1.1) or (1.2) can be used to describe
the motion of a particle, the force F has to be specified. In the example to follow, F depends
on t through the velocity v, i.e. F = F (v), in which case (1.2) assumes the form
m = F (v),
which is a first order differential equation (DE) for the unknown function v(t).
Comment: Newton’s second law has been tested in countless experiments, and accurately
predicts the motion of particles, subject to one limitation, namely that the velocity of the
particle is small compared to the velocity of light i.e.
≪ 1.
The velocity of light is c ≈ 3 × 108 m/s ≈ 109 km/hr. For sufficiently high velocities, as occur
for example in high energy particle accelerators, Newton’s second law has to be replaced by
its relativistic counterpart, which is part of Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Comment: Strictly speaking, the acceleration due to gravity is not constant, and depends
on the distance from the centre of the earth. Since the height h above the earth’s surface is
small compared to the earth’s radius R, i.e.
≪ 1,
it is a reasonable approximation to treat g as a constant.
m = mg − αv, (1.4)
a first order DE for v(t). This DE can be solved by separation of variables (see Section
1.2.2), but for now we draw a conclusion directly from the DE. As stated earlier we expect
the sky-diver to eventually reach a constant terminal velocity. Since a constant velocity gives
= 0, equation (1.4) implies that
vterminal = . (1.5)
Note that the terminal velocity depends on the three physical parameters m, g and α, being
inversely proportional to the drag coefficient α (opening a parachute will increase α, thereby
reducing vterminal ). There is one other parameter associated with the physical system, namely
the sky-diver’s initial velocity v(0), i.e. the vertical velocity when leaving the plane at time
t = 0. It is of interest that vterminal does not depend on v(0), although we expect that v(t),
the velocity at time t, will depend on v(0). The relation between v(t) and v(0) will become
clear when you solve the DE (1.4) [see Problem Set 1].
1.1.2 Dimensions of physical quantities
In analyzing any physical system it is essential to keep track of the physical dimensions of
the various variables and parameters. In mechanics, the primary physical variables are taken
to be
mass M, length L, time T.
All physical quantities have dimensions of the form
M m Lℓ T t ,
where the exponents m, ℓ and t are integers. For example, velocity v has dimensions LT −1
(i.e. m s−1 , km hr −1 , depending on the units). We indicate the dimensions by writing
[velocity] = LT −1 .
Since acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time, we have
[acceleration] = LT −2 .
D1: One can only add, subtract or equate physical quantities that have the same dimension.
D2: Quantities having different dimensions can only be combined by multiplication and
division, and the dimensions of a product or quotient are given by
A [A]
[AB] = [A][B], = ,
B [B]
where the right sides are simplified using the usual laws of exponents.
Of course if (1.8) holds this does not imply that (1.7) is correct: the point is that if
(1.8) does not hold then (1.7) is incorrect.
2) D1 and D2 enable us to calculate the dimension of a physical quantity.
As an illustration, we calculate the dimensions of the drag coefficient α in (1.3). The
drag force fd is given by fd = −αv. Hence by D1,
[αv] = [force],
and by D2,
[α][v] = [force].
Using (1.6) and the laws of exponents,
[force] MLT −2
[α] = = = MT −1 .
[v] LT −1
3) D2 enables us to form dimensionless quantities, which are essential for writing physical
relations in their simplest forms.
To indicate that a quantity A is dimensionless, we write
[A] = 1.
For example, any number is dimensionless, e.g. [π] = 1. In discussing the validity of
Newton’s second law we imposed the restriction vc ≪ 1, which involves the dimension-
less quantity vc :
h v i [v] LT −1
= = = 1.
c [c] LT −1
Comment: If t is time, i.e. [t] = T , then the expression sin(πt) does not make sense, since
the argument of sin( ) must be dimensionless. However, if ν is a frequency i.e. [ν] = T −1 ,
then 2πνt is dimensionless, and it makes sense to write sin(2πνt). Likewise, the arguments
of all other elementary functions must be dimensionless, apart from the power function
f ( ) = ( )n , n an integer (see D2).
s = v0 t + 12 gt2 + s0 .
Exercise 2: The kinetic energy of a particle of mass m moving with constant velocity v
in a straight line is given by
E = 12 mv 2 .
Calculate the dimensions of energy.
1.1.3 Newton’s Law of Gravitation
Will a projectile fired vertically upwards on the earth’s surface (or on the surface of the moon)
eventually fall back to earth, or will it continue travelling away indefinitely? The answer
is that it depends on the velocity with which the projectile is fired. If this initial velocity
exceeds a certain threshold called the escape velocity, then the projectile will travel away
indefinitely and “escape” from the earth’s gravitational field. As with the sky-diver, this
problem is governed by Newton’s Second Law, and also involves gravity. The key difference
is the distance scale. In the present case the distance from the earth’s surface will not be
small compared to the earth’s radius, and so it is unreasonable to treat the acceleration due
to gravity as a constant. We thus need to use Newton’s Law of Gravitation. On the other
hand, in giving a simple analysis, it is reasonable to neglect air-resistance, since the thickness
of the earth’s atmosphere is small compared to the earth’s radius (of course air resistance is
totally absent on the moon).
Newton’s Law of Gravity states that the force of attraction between two point particles
of mass m1 and m2 is proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance r between them. For motion in one dimension the force is given by
Gm1 m2
F = , (1.9)
where G is a constant of proportionality called the gravitational constant.
Answer: [G] = M −1 L3 T −2 .
Comment: We can idealize the projectile as a point particle, but not the earth. However,
it can be shown that the gravitational force exerted by a finite homogeneous sphere on a
particle is the same as if all the mass of the sphere was concentrated at the centre of the
sphere. Thus, as regards Newton’s Law of gravitation, the earth can be idealized as a point
Comment: The acceleration g due to gravity near the earth’s surface can be related to the
gravitational constant G. Set r = R, the earth’s radius, in (1.10) to obtain
F =− = −mg,
g= . (1.11)
The equation of motion for the projectile is now obtained by substituting (1.10) in Newton’s
Second Law (1.2), giving
dv GmM
m =− ,
dt r2
where v is the velocity of the projectile. We simplify this equation by cancelling m, and
using (1.11) to express G in terms of g, giving
0 v
r 0
O 0
Figure 1.1:
dv gR2
=− 2 . (1.12)
dt r
mI = mG ,
Equation (1.12) contains two unknown functions v(t) and r(t). We can write it as a DE
in one unknown in two ways.
First, since v = dr
, we can write
d2 r gR2
= − ,
dt2 r2
which is a second order DE for r(t). The initial conditions at the launch at time t = 0 are
r(0) = R, (0) = vinit ,
where vinit is the initial velocity.
Second, if we consider velocity v as a function of distance r, we can write (1.12) as a first
order DE, which is more convenient for determining the escape velocity. By the Chain Rule
dv dv dr dv
= = v,
dt dr dt dr
The problem now is: for which values of vinit will the velocity v(r) satisfy v(r) > 0 for all
r ≥ R. The escape velocity is the smallest value of vinit with this property. In order to solve
this problem we need to solve the DE (1.13) [see Problem Set 1].
= f (x, y), (1.15)
where f is a function of two variables.1 The variable y represents the unknown function,
y = y(x), and x is the independent variable. A solution of the DE (1.15) is a differentiable
function φ such that y = φ(x) satisfies (1.15) for all x in some interval.
= −2xy + 2x3 .
In general, it is not possible to actually find solutions of the DE (1.15), even though we
know they exist. Fortunately, the first order DEs that arise in many applications are of two
special types that can be solved, namely separable and linear.
It is usually assumed that f has continuous partial derivatives (i.e. is of class C 1 ); technical details such
as these are not important in AM250.
Separable first order DEs
The general form of a first order separable DE is
= A(x)B(y), (1.16)
where A(x) and B(y) are arbitrary functions.
Example: The DE
= xy − e−x
is linear, but the DE
= xy 2
is non-linear. Note that the sky-diver DE (1.17) is linear, but the escape-velocity DE (1.18)
is non-linear.
• homogeneous,
= k(x)y (1.20)
This DE is also separable.
• constant coefficient,
= ky + f (x), k = constant. (1.21)
= ky, k = constant. (1.22)
This is the world’s simplest and most important first order DE. It is so simple that it can
be solved by inspection: the derivative of the unknown function y is k times y, and the only
functions with this property are
d −kx
e y = 0.
e−kx y = C,
giving (1.23).
Answer: = k(x)(ay + b), where a and b are constants.
1.2.2 Solving separable DEs
A separable DE
= A(x)B(y) (1.24)
can be solved by separation of variables, as follows. Divide (1.24) by B(y) and take the
antiderivative with respect to x:
1 dy
dx = A(x)dx.
B(y) dx
dy = A(x)dx.
Provided that both antiderivatives can be evaluated in terms of elementary functions, one
obtains a one-parameter family of solutions i.e. depending on one constant of integration.
Equilibrium solutions:
A separable DE may have certain exceptional solutions that can be found by inspection. If
the function B(y) in (1.24) is zero at y = b, i.e.
B(b) = 0,
then the constant function y = b is a solution of the DE (1.24). Because the unknown
function is a constant function, this solution is called an equilibrium solution – one thinks of
the physical system as being in a state of equilibrium. For example the separable DE
= y(1 − y)
has equilibrium solutions y = 0 and y = 1. When solving a separable DE, always begin by
finding the equilibrium solutions (if any), because they are excluded by the general procedure
since one divides by B(y).
1 + y 2 dy
= x.
y dx
This leads to Z
+ y dy = xdx,
ln | y | + 21 y 2 = 12 x2 + C.
Comment: When solving a separable DE it may not be possible to isolate y in the general
solution, as happens in the above example.
Solution: Transfer the y-term to the left side and multiply throughout by a function I(x),
I + y(−I) = −Ie−x . (1.26)
Choose I to satisfy
= −I. (1.27)
The reason for doing this is that (1.26) becomes
dy dI
I +y = −Ie−x ,
dx dx
which, using the Product Rule for derivatives, can be written
(Iy) = −Ie−x . (1.28)
The DE (1.27) for I (the “world’s simplest”) can be solved by inspection:
I = Ce−x .
Since we only want a particular solution, we choose I = e−x (i.e. C = 1) for simplicity. The
DE (1.28) assumes the form
d −x
e y = −e−2x . (1.29)
Take the antiderivative of both sides with respect to x:
d −x
e y dx = −e−2x dx,
e−x y = 21 e−2x + C.
Solving for y:
y = 12 e−x + Cex , (1.30)
where C is an arbitrary constant. Equation (1.30) gives the family of all solutions of the DE
Comment: The function I(x) in the previous solution is called an integrating factor for the
DE. It is always determined by solving a separable DE, which in the above example could
be solved by inspection (see equation (1.27)). The purpose of finding the integrating factor
is to write the given DE in the form (1.28), since in this form it can be solved directly by
taking the antiderivative of both sides. Note that any DE of the form
= g(x)
can be solved for y directly, by taking the antiderivative of both sides with respect to x.
Answer: The integrating factor is I(x) = x1 , and the general solution is y = 12 x3 + Cx.
slope is
−2y1 < 0
y = y1
y=0 x
y = y2
slope is
−2y2 > 0
Here is an example where the pattern of the solution curves is more complicated, and
where we make use of the DE itself.
y = 21 e−x + Cex .
Solution: The DE implies that the slope is zero at all points of the curve
y = e−x
(drawn as the dashed curve). The solution with C = 0 plays a special role (draw it in
colour). As x → −∞, y ≈ 21 e−x , i.e. all solutions approach the C = 0 solution. As
x → +∞, y ≈ Cex , and so the shape of the solution curve depends on whether C > 0 or
C < 0.
y = 12 e−x y
C >0
y = e−x
Figure 1.3:
Exceptional solutions:
The key to sketching the family of solution curves is to identify any exceptional solutions. In
example 1, y = 0 is an exceptional solution, and in example 2, y = 12 e−x is exceptional. In
each case the exceptional solution divides the whole family of solutions into two subclasses
such that the members of a subclass have the same qualitative properties (i.e. the same
overall shape). Another feature of exceptional solutions is that they often “attract” other
solution curves, either as x → +∞ or as x → −∞.
Note that for a separable DE dx = A(x)B(y), any equilibrium solution, i.e. y(x) = b,
with B(b) = 0, is an exceptional solution (as in example 1).
This fact is very helpful when sketching families of solution curves.
Here are two examples where f is not of class C 1 and intersections do occur.
x = 0 is
Figure 1.4:
y = 0.
∂f 2
= 1/3 .
∂y y
C >0 C<0
Figure 1.5:
+ ky = f (x), (1.32)
where k is a constant. The general solution of such a DE can be found by obtaining an
integrating factor as in Section 1.2.3. For certain functions f (x) that arise commonly in
applications, however, there is a quicker method for finding a particular solution (i.e. a
single solution) of the DE (1.32), called the method of undetermined coefficients.2 We first
illustrate this method, and then show how to use it to find the general solution of (1.32)
+ 2y = x. (1.33)
y = Ax + B, (1.34)
where A and B are constants (the “undetermined coefficients”). Substitute (1.34) in (1.33):
A + 2(Ax + B) = x.
This method can also be applied to second order linear DEs with constant coefficients. See Section 3.2.4.
Equate coefficients of x1 and x0 = 1, giving
2A = 1
A + 2B = 0.
yp = 21 x − 14 .
1) The trial function contains a number of constants, and the DE leads to a system of
linear algebraic equations to be solved for these constants.
2) Choosing a trial function requires some experience. If one doesn’t include enough terms
and constants, the system of linear equations will be incompatible, and one has to try
again. The method can only be applied if f (x) is composed of powers of x, sin ωx,
cos ωx and erx . The table below shows some simple cases for the DE (1.32).
Suppose we have found a particular solution yp of the DE (1.30). We can then find the
general solution of this DE without any extra work. The following Proposition shows how.
The proposition is more general than we need, since it does not depend on the coefficient k
in the DE being constant.
It follows from (1.35) that the general solution y is the sum of two terms, y = yp + yh .
This is the key result, which we now write out in full.
Comment: The proposition depends in an essential way on the fact that the DE is linear.
In the constant coefficient case, the homogeneous DE (1.38) is
+ ky = 0,
(the “world’s simplest”) whose general solution we know to be
y = Ce−kx .
Thus, once we have obtained a particular solution yp (x) of (1.32) using the method of
undetermined coefficients, we can immediately write down the general solution using (1.37).
Return to example 1:
Find the general solution of
+ 2y = x. (1.39)
yp (x) = 21 x − 14 .
+ 2y = 0
yh (x) = Ce−2x .
Thus by (1.37), the general solution of the DE (1.39) is
y(x) = 12 x − 41 + Ce−2x .
2) Solve as a separable DE.
This attempt to solve (1.45) fails in general because the antiderivative on the right hand side
contains y, which depends on x and hence cannot be treated as a constant (y is of course the
unknown function which we are trying to find).
We note that this simple-minded approach only works in the very speical case where the
DE (1.45) has the form
= f (x), (1.46)
i.e. the right hand side is independent of y. We shall say that the DE (1.46) is directly
solvable, because it can be solved simply by taking the antiderivative.
Its worth noting that in solving a linear DE by finding an integrating factor, one trans-
forms the DE into a directly solvable form (see the Comment after equation (1.30)). In
particular, in the example in Section 1.2.3, we converted the DE
= y − e−x
into the directly solvable form
d −x
(e y) = −e−2x
[see equations (1.25) and (1.29)].
Substituting x = 0 and y = 3 gives
3 = Ce0 ,
i.e. C = 3. Thus the unique solution is
y = 3e−2x .
Answer: y= .
x2 +2
Exercise: Find the unique solution of the initial value problem
x2 = −2xy + 1, y(1) = 0.
1 1
Answer: y= x
− x2
Figure 1.6:
A tank contains m0 kg of salt dissolved in 100 litres of water. A salt solution containing
kg per litre is added at 3 litre/min., and the well-stirred mixture leaves the tank at the
same rate. Find the amount of salt in the tank at time t.
Solution: From the given data, the rate at which salt is added to the tank is
Let m(t) denote the amount of salt in the tank at time t. Then the concentration at time t
Thus, the rate at which salt leaves the tank is
rout = (3) kg min.−1 .
dm 3 3 3
= 4
− 100
m = − 100 (m − 25). (1.50)
The initial condition is
m(0) = m0 . (1.51)
The DE (1.50) can be written
d 3
(m − 25) = − 100 (m − 25),
and hence can be solved by inspection:
m − 25 = Ce− 100 t .
On setting t = 0, the initial condition (1.51) gives C = m0 − 25, leading to the solution
m(t) = 25 + (m0 − 25)e− 100 t . (1.52)
Interpretation: Based on the physical set-up, one expects that as time passes the con-
centration of the solution in the tank will approach the concentration of the inflow i.e. 41
kg/litre. Thus the amount of salt in the tank will approach 41 (100) = 25 kg as t → ∞, in
Comment: One can imagine problems such as the above arising in different contexts, e.g.
(1) nutrients flowing into and out of a cell (which plays the role of the tank),
(2) carbon-monoxide seeping into a room and then being dispersed.
In a mixing tank problem, the unknown function is the mass of chemical in the tank at time
t, denoted by m(t), with dimensions
[m(t)] = M.
There are two flow rates, the inflow rate fin and the outflow rate fout , with dimensions
[fin ] = [fout ] = L3 T −1 .
The flow rates fin and fout are given, and in general could be functions of time t, but in
simple problems they will be constants, and may even be equal. If they are equal, then the
volume V of solution in the tank will be constant in time.
There are two concentrations, the concentration of the inflow cin and the concentration
of the outflow cout , with
[cin ] = [cout ] = ML−3 .
The inflow concentration is given, and will be constant in the simplest situation. The outflow
concentration is the concentration of the solution in the tank at time t, and is hence given
by the key relation
cout = ,
V (t)
where V (t) is the volume at time t. Finally, the rates of mass inflow rin and mass outflow
rout that appear in the mass balance equation (1.49) are given by
rin = cin fin , rout = cout fout .
Verify that these equations are dimensionally consistent.
References: Boyce & Diprima, pg. 51, #18-22.
Braun, pg. 56, #6-11.
1.3.2 Population growth
Let x(t) be the population of some species (e.g. fish, bacteria, etc.) at time t. The simplest
hypothesis is the Malthusian Law i.e. that the rate of change of x at time t is proportional
to the population at time t:
= rx, (1.53)
where r is a constant with [r] = T −1 , called the rate of growth (rate of decline, if r < 0). By
inspection the general solution of the DE (1.53) is
x(t) = Cert ,
and the initial condition x(0) = x0 leads to
x(t) = x0 ert ,
describing exponential growth (r > 0) or decay (r < 0).
It is clear that exponential growth can only continue for a restricted time due to resource
limitations. A more realistic model takes into account that a given environment can support
at most a finite number of a particular species, denoted by K, and called the carrying
capacity. A realistic model thus requires that the rate of change dxdt
approach zero as x gets
close to K. A simple way to accomplish this is to assume that the rate of growth is not
simply a constant r as in (1.53), but depends on x according to
r 1− ,
where K is the constant carrying capacity. The DE governing the population x(t) then
assumes the form
dx x
=r 1− x, (1.54)
dt K
called the logistic equation, a separable, non-linear DE.
Comment: The variable x is dimensionless, [x] = 1, since it represents a number. There is,
however, a choice of scale associated with x, since one can measure x in thousands (say) or
millions (if the population is very large). The DEs (1.53) and (1.54) are in fact independent
of the choice of scale, since if x (and K) are multiplied by the same constant factor, the DEs
are unchanged.
Exercise: Solve the DE (1.54) using two different methods:
(i) by separation of variables (you will find that letting u = K
, a simple rescaling of x,
simplifies the algebra);
(ii) by making the change of variable y = Kx . This has the effect of changing (1.54) into
the simple form dtd (y − 1) = −r(y − 1), which can be solved by inspection.
1.3.3 Epidemics
Consider a population of N individuals containing a number of individuals having an in-
fectious disease. The goal is to determine how rapidly the disease will spread if no control
measures are taken.
Let x(t) denote the number of infectious individuals at time t, and let N − x(t) denote
the number of susceptible individuals. Assume that the rate of spread of the disease, dx dt
is proportional to the number of contacts between infectious and susceptible individuals.
Assume that both groups mingle freely so that the number of contacts is proportional to
x(N − x). Then x(t) satisfies
dx α
= x(N − x), (1.55)
dt N
where α is a constant with [α] = T −1 . We have written the constant of proportion as Nα , in
order that the DE remain unchanged if x and N are rescaled (see the comment in Section
1.3.2). Equation (1.55) is a first order DE for x(t), with initial condition x(0) = x0 , which
can be solved by separation of variables.
T (t) − TA = Ce−kt ,
Example: A dog swims across a river towards his master on the far bank, but is carried
downstream by the current. The dog always paddles towards his master. What path will
the dog follow? Assume that the speed of the river is w and of the dog in still water is u,
with w < u.
Solution: Since the dog always swims towards its master, its velocity is
path of
dog vriver
(x(t), y(t))
0 θ
1 0
1 000
1 000
master dog’s
Figure 1.7:
= vdog + vriver .
In components,
dx dy
= −u cos θ, = −u sin θ + w. (1.57)
dt dt
x y
cos θ = p , sin θ = p . (1.58)
x2 + y2 x2 + y2
We can write the dog’s path in the form y = y(x). Then
dy dt
= dx
dx dt
a first order DE for the path y = y(x) of the dog. The initial condition is y(b) = 0, where b
is the width of the river.
Exercise: The form of the DE (1.59) suggests that we introduce a new dependent variable
z defined by
z= .
The DE (1.59) assumes the form
dz 1 + z2
= −k ,
dx x
√ x −k
z+ 1 + z2 = ,
V = RI V = L dI
Q = VC
V = RI V = L dI
Q = VC (1.60)
Here I denotes the electric current through an element, V is the electrical potential
difference across the element, and Q is the electric charge on the plate of the conductor onto
which the current I is assumed to flow; I is therefore related to Q by
I= . (1.61)
The three formulas in the figure may be regarded as defining R, L and C.
The current I in the electrical circuit varies with time t, and in simple cases is governed
by a DE. The form of the DE is determined by one of Kirchoff ’s Laws, which states that the
potential difference across the terminals (i.e. the voltage source) must equal the sum of the
potential differences across the various elements:
Vterminals = Velements . (1.62)
V (t)
Figure 1.9:
dI 1 1 dV
+ I= . (1.64)
dt RC R dt
Equation (1.64) is a first order linear DE for I(t), the source voltage V (t) being regarded as
V (t)
Figure 1.10:
I(t) C
V (t)
Figure 1.11:
dI Q
V (t) = VR + VL + VC = RI + L + .
dt C
Differentiate with respect to t and use (1.61), as in passing from (1.63) to (1.64). We obtain
d2 I R dI 1 1 dV
+ + I = , (1.66)
dt2 L dt LC L dt
a second order linear DE (to be studied later in the course).
Chapter 2
Dimensional Analysis
It follows that
m(tc ) = m0 e−ktc = m0 e−1 ,
by (2.2). Thus, tc is the length of time during which the mass decreases by a factor of 1e .
Having defined a characteristic time, one can use it to write the DE (2.1) in a simpler
form. The idea is to define a dimensionless time variable τ by
τ= , (2.4)
[t] T
(τ is dimensionless, since [τ ] = [tc ]
= T
= 1). Then, regarding m as a function of τ ,
Comment: There is no unique way of defining a characteristic time. For example, for a
radioactive substance one can define the half-life t1/2 , which is the time taken for half the
substance to decay, i.e.
m(t1/2 ) = 21 m0 .
By (2.3), 21 m0 = m0 e−kt1/2 , giving ekt1/2 = 2, and hence
t1/2 = ln 2.
This time could equally well be used as the characteristic time, and it is of the same order
of magnitude as tc , since by (2.2),
t1/2 = tc ln 2.
In the next example, we write a given physical relation in dimensionless form, by defining
a characteristic time and characteristic length.
Example 2: Consider the motion of a baseball thrown vertically up with initial velocity
v0 , ignoring air resistance. The height of the ball at time t is given by
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, assumed constant. [This equation can be derived
by integrating ddt2h = −g twice, assuming that dh
(0) = v0 , h(0) = 0.] In this situation there
are two physical parameters v0 and g, with
[v0 ] = LT −1 , [g] = LT −2 .
h i
It follows that g
= T , and so it is reasonable to define a characteristic time by
tc = . (2.6)
h 2i
Further, g
= L, and so we define a characteristic length:
ℓc = .
t h
τ= , H= .
tc ℓc
v0 tc τ − 21 gt2c τ 2 ,
H = τ − 21 τ 2 . (2.8)
This is the dimensionless form of the physical relation (2.5), and captures its essential content
in the simplest possible form.
These two examples illustrate the approach used to define a characteristic time/length/mass:
1) List the physical parameters in the DE or physical relation and give their dimensions.
2) By inspection find a combination using products and quotients that has the dimensions
of time/length/mass, to play the role of characteristic quantity.
3) Deduce the physical interpretation of the characteristic quantity as a check that your
definition is appropriate.
f , cin V , m(t)
f , cout = V
Figure 2.1:
dm f
= − m(t) + f cin . (2.9)
dt V
Here m(t) denotes the mass of chemical in the tank at time t, f denotes the constant flow
rate and V the constant volume. The inflow concentration cin may depend on time t.
The two physical constants are f and V , with dimensions
[f ] = L3 T −1 , [V ] = L3 . (2.10)
It follows that
V [V ]
= = 3 −1 = T.
f [f ] LT
So it is reasonable to define a characteristic time by
tc = . (2.11)
Since V = f tc , the interpretation is that tc is the time taken for an inflow at a given rate f
to fill a tank of volume V .
Introducing a dimensionless time τ by
as before, the DE (2.9) assumes the simpler form
+ m = V cin , (2.12)
(verify the details; the calculation is similar to example 1 in Section 2.1.1).
In the special case when cin is a constant we can simplify the DE (2.12) further by
introducing a characteristic mass, as follows.
[cin ] = ML−3 ,
it follows from (2.10) that
[V cin ] = [V ][cin ] = M.
It is thus reasonable to define a characteristic mass by
mc = V cin .
The interpretation is that mc is the mass of chemical in a tank of volume V if the concen-
tration of the chemical is cin .
We now define a dimensionless mass variable M by
M(t) = . (2.13)
On dividing (2.12) by mc = V cin and using (2.13), the DE assumes the simplest possible
+ M = 1. (2.14)
The height fallen at time t, h(t), is related to v(t) in the usual way,
v(t) = . (2.25)
One can now define a dimensionless height fallen H by
H= . (2.26)
It follows that (2.25) assumes the form
dH(τ )
V (τ ) =
in terms of the dimensionless variables (2.20), (2.22) and (2.26) (Exercise).
Typical values:
tc ≈ 0.5s, ℓc ≈ 2.5m with a parachute.
A typical training jump begins at 1200m above ground level. After a free fall of approxi-
mately 10s, the chute is opened at approximately 760m above ground. The rest of the jump
takes approximately 3 minutes, with a landing velocity of 5m/sec.
Meade, D.B. 1998, DE models for the parachute problem, SIAM Review 40, 327-32.
Consistency check:
In setting up the DE (2.15), we made two simplifying assumptions (see Section 1.1.1):
(i) distances are small compared to the radius R of the earth, so that g can be regarded
as constant,
(ii) velocities are small compared to the velocity of light c, so that Newton’s Second Law
can be used.
We can use the above characteristic values to give a consistency check i.e.
ℓc vterm
≪ 1, ≪ 1.
R c
2.2.1 A motivating example
Consider the problem of determining a formula for the terminal velocity of a sky-diver. This
formula is by now quite familiar (see equation (2.18)), and, as we have seen, can be derived
using the sky-diver DE. However, the problem is an excellent one for illustrating the method
of dimensional analysis,1 which is based on the Buckingham Pi Theorem.
By thinking about the physical system, we convince ourselves that the terminal velocity
vterm should depend only on the mass m of the sky-diver, the gravitational acceleration g,
and the drag coefficient α (we assume the force due to airdrag is of the form αv, where v is
the velocity):
vterm = F (m, g, α), (2.27)
where F is an unknown function of 3 variables.
In order to apply the Buckingham Pi Theorem, we have to construct all possible inde-
pendent dimensionless quantities from the physical variables
and so we begin by discussing this procedure. The most general dimensionless quantity will
be a product of integer powers of these variables:2
(see requirement D2 in Section 1.1.2.) The dimensions of the physical variables are
Pm +Pα = 0
Pv +Pg =0 (2.31)
−Pv −2Pg −Pα = 0
In matrix form
0 1 0 1 Pm
1 0 1 0
Pg = 0. (2.32)
−1 0 −2 −1
In practice one would do the dimensional analysis before setting up the DE.
For brevity, we write v in place of vterm .
Since (2.31) is a linear system of 3 equations in 4 unknowns, the solution is not unique. In
fact, one obtains
Pv = Pα , Pm = −Pα , Pg = −Pα , (2.33)
i.e. one can choose Pα arbitrarily and then Pv , Pm and Pg are determined. The dimensionless
quantity (2.29) assumes the form
Pα −Pα −Pα Pα vα
Π=v m g α = .
The matrix is
v m g α
M 0 1 0 1
L1 0 1 0
T −1 0 −2 −1
where D is the dimensional matrix, and
P = (Pv , Pm , Pg , Pα )T .
We have seen that this equation has only one independent solution
The key point is that the form of the dimensional matrix D enables one to predict how
many independent dimensionless quantities there will be. In the previous example, the matrix
D has rank 3 (since there are 3 linearly independent columns, as one can see by inspection)
and hence the linear system
DP = 0
has 4 − 3 = 1 independent solution, leading to 1 dimensionless scalar.
if there are N physical variables and the dimensional matrix D has rank r, then
the equation DP = 0 will have N − r linearly independent solutions, which will
lead to N − r independent dimensionless scalars.
Figure 2.2:
Find the dimensional matrix and construct a complete set of independent dimensionless
h t v0 g m
M 0 0 0 0 1
L 1 0 1 1 0
T 0 1 −1 −2 0
By inspection there are 3 linearly independent columns, and hence the rank of D is 3. Thus
the linear system
DP = 0 , (2.39)
P = (Ph , Pt , Pv , Pg , Pm ),
will have 5 − 3 = 2 linearly independent solutions, implying that we can construct 2 inde-
pendent dimensionless quantities of the form:
from the physical variables (2.38). The linear system (2.39) reads
Pm = 0
Ph +Pv +Pg =0 . (2.41)
Pt −Pv −2Pg =0
Pv = −Ph − Pg , Pt = −Ph + Pg , Pm = 0.
Π1 = h1 t−1 v0−1 g 0 m0 =
v0 t
as one dimensionless quantity. A second linearly independent solution of (2.41) is obtained
by choosing Pg = 1, Ph = 0. Substituting in (2.40) gives
Π2 = h0 t1 v0−1 g 1 m0 = .
Thus, a complete set of independent dimensionless variables is
h gt
Π1 = , Π2 = . (2.42)
v0 t v0
Comment: The above set of dimensionless variables is not the only possible choice. If we
regard Ph and Pt as arbitrary when solving (2.41) we get
Pg = Ph + Pt , Pv = −2Ph − Pt , Pm = 0.
Choosing Ph = 1, Pt = 0 and then Ph = 0, Pt = 1, and using (2.40) gives the two dimen-
sionless variables:
gh gt
Π̂1 = 2 , Π̂2 = , (2.43)
v0 v0
which also form a complete independent set.
Case 1: N = 4, r = 3
Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 ,
and we know that one of them, say Q1 , depends on the others. We write
Q1 = F (Q2 , Q3 , Q4 ), (2.44)
which represents the physical relation we wish to investigate.
If the rank of the dimensional matrix D is r = 3, then one can form only N −r = 4−3 = 1
dimensionless quantity from the Q’s, which we denote by Π. The Buckingham Pi Theorem
then implies that the physical relation (2.44) must have the simple form
Π = C, (2.45)
Q1 = vterm , Q2 = m, Q3 = g, Q4 = α. (2.46)
As shown in Section 2.2.1 we can form only one dimensionless quantity from the physical
variables (2.46), namely
vterm α
Π= . (2.48)
The Buckingham Pi Theorem asserts that (2.47) can be written in the form (2.45) i.e.
vterm α
= C.
Rearranging gives
vterm = C . (2.49)
What has been gained? Well, the theorem has determined the function F (m, g, α) in (2.47)
almost completely, i.e. up to the unknown numerical constant C. This represents a remark-
able simplification and provides considerable information. For example, we can conclude
that if m and g remain fixed, the terminal velocity varies inversely as the drag coefficient α.
Case 2: N = 5, r = 3
Q1 = F (Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Q5 ). (2.50)
Π1 , Π2 .
The Buckingham Pi Theorem asserts that (2.50) can be written in the form
Π1 = f (Π2 ), (2.51)
where f is an unknown function of one variable.
We wish to obtain information about the period P of a simple pendulum, ignoring all
frictional effects.
The relevant physical variables and their dimensions are
the period P , [P ] = T
the mass m, [m] = M
the length ℓ, [ℓ] = L
the acceleration due to gravity g, [g] = LT −2
the amplitude of swing θ [θ] = 1.
Figure 2.3:
We assume that
P = F (m, ℓ, g, θ). (2.52)
The dimensional matrix is
P m ℓ g θ
M 0 1 0 0 0
L 0 0 1 1 0 .
T 1 0 0 −2 0
By inspection, the rank is 3 (the matrix has 3 linearly independent columns). We can thus
form precisely two independent dimensionless quantities from the physical variables. By
inspection of the list of dimensions, we see that P ℓ g and θ are dimensionless, and so we write
P 2g
Π1 = , Π2 = θ. (2.53)
The Buckingham Pi Theorem asserts that the physical relation (2.52) can be written in the
form (2.51), i.e.
P 2g
= f (θ),
where f (θ) is an unknown function of one variable. Rearranging gives
P 2 = f (θ). (2.54)
What has been gained? Well, we know precisely how the period P depends on ℓ and g,
and that it does not depend on m. What is not determined is the dependence on θ, which
is governed by the unknown function f . A detailed analysis of the pendulum is needed in
order to determine f (θ).
Case 3: N = 6, r = 3
2) We also gave a different set of dimensionless quantities for this problem (see equation
gh gt
Π̂1 = 2 , Π̂2 = . (2.60)
v0 v0
Observe that
Π̂1 = Π1 Π2 , Π̂2 = Π2 .
The theorem asserts that (2.57) can be written
gh gt
= fˆ , (2.61)
v0 v0
where the function fˆ is not specified. Comparison of (2.61) and (2.59) shows that
ˆ = z − 1 z2.
f(z) (2.62)
This example shows that when there is more than one dimensionless variable, the
information obtained from the Buckingham Pi Theorem can be written in more than
one way, e.g. (2.58) and (2.61).
3) The dimensionless variables Π̂1 , Π̂2 in equation (2.62) in fact arose in the discussion of
the baseball problem in Section 2.1.1 (see equations (2.6)-(2.8)). There we defined a
dimensionless time τ and height H by
t h
τ= , H= ,
tc ℓc
v0 v02
tc = , ℓc = .
g g
It follows from equation (2.60) that
Π̂1 = H, Π̂2 = τ,
H = τ − 12 τ 2
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Oscillations and Second Order DEs
Oscillations are the single most important physical phenomenon described by second order
DEs. As motivation, we consider a simple mechanical system consisting of a spring to which
is attached a trolley that can run smoothly on a straight track.
0 y(t)
If the trolley is displaced from it equilibrium position y = 0 and released, the spring will
cause it to run to and fro on the track. It is this motion that we wish to describe.
Let y(t) be the displacement of the trolley from its equilibrium position at time t = 0.
When a spring is stretched or compressed it exerts a restoring force which, for small displace-
ments can be assumed to be proportional to the displacement (Hooke’s Law). The constant
of proportionality is called the stiffness constant, and is denoted by k. The force exerted by
the spring on the trolley is thus
Fspring = −ky. (3.1)
We also assume a damping force (due to frictional effects, air resistance) that is proportional
to the velocity, and acts so as to slow the motion:
Fdamp = −c , (3.2)
where c > 0 is the damping constant.
Comment: If dydt
> 0, the trolley is moving to the right and the force acts to the left, while if
< 0 the trolley is moving to the left and the force acts to the right, in both cases opposing
the motion, as required.
The motion of the trolley is governed by Newton’s Second Law. Since its mass m is
constant, we have
d2 y
m 2 = Fspring + Fdamp .
On account of (3.1) and (3.2) this equation gives
d2 y dy
m 2
+ c + ky = 0. (3.3)
dt dt
We shall show how to solve this DE (see Section 3.2.3) and shall find that if the damping
constant c is non-zero, the solutions show two types of behaviour as t → ∞:
We shall also consider the situation in which an external force F (t) acts on the trolley,
in which case (3.3) is replaced by
d2 y dy
m 2
+ c + ky = F (t). (3.4)
dt dt
Of particular interest is the case in which F (t) is periodic, which can lead to a variety of
interesting behaviour (see Section 3.3).
Comment: The DEs (3.3) and (3.4) describes many different physical systems e.g. a pen-
dulum with small amplitude, a buoy bobbing up and down in the ocean, electrical circuits,
two connected mixing tanks, etc.
d2 y
m + ky = 0.
On defining ω 2 = k/m, this becomes
d2 y
+ ω 2y = 0. (3.5)
By dimensional homogeneity, the dimension of ω is (time)−1 , i.e. [ω] = T −1 , and so we can
define a dimensionless time τ by
τ = ωt. (3.6)
It follows from (3.6) and the Chain Rule that
dy dy d2 y 2
2d y
=ω , = ω .
dt dτ dt2 dτ 2
The DE (3.5) thus becomes
d2 y
+ y = 0, (3.7)
dτ 2
which is indubitably the world’s simplest and most important second order DE.
The solutions of this DE can be found by inspection, by recalling the differentiation
property of sin and cos:
d2 d2
(sin τ ) = − sin τ, (cos τ ) = − cos τ.
dτ 2 dτ 2
Thus y1 = cos τ and y2 = sin τ are solutions of (3.7). It is easy to verify that
for any constants c1 and c2 , is also a solution of (3.7). We shall see later (Section 3.2.1) that
(3.8) is in fact the general solution of the DE (3.7). By (3.6) it follows that
y = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt)
d2 y
+ ω2y = 0
y = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt),
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.
Comment: Since this solution is periodic of period 2π ω
, the solution describes the trolley
moving to and fro with constant period. This type of motion is referred to as simple harmonic
A linear DE is usually written with the y and dx terms on the left side. Replacing B(x) by
−P (x) and A(x) by −Q(x), the DE (3.9) becomes
d2 y dy
+ P (x) + Q(x)y = F (x),
dx dx
or more concisely,
y ′′ + P (x)y ′ + Q(x)y = F (x). (3.10)
This is the general form of a non-homogeneous linear second order DE.
If F (x) = 0, the DE is said to be homogeneous:
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = F (x), (3.12)
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = 0. (3.13)
This is the general form of a second order linear DE with constant coefficients, (3.12) being
non-homogeneous and (3.13) being homogeneous. In this course we shall be concerned almost
exclusively with this type of second order DE.
Note that the DE (3.4), namely
d2 y dy
m + c + ky = F (t),
dt2 dt
is of the form (3.12) – just divide by m to put this DE in standard form. Finally the world’s
simplest second order DE, namely
d2 y
+ ω 2y = 0,
is of the form (3.13) with p = 0 and q = ω 2.
my ′′ + cy ′ + ky = 0, (3.14)
where y(t) is the displacement of the trolley at time t, from the equilibrium position and ′
denotes dtd .
What are the different ways of setting the trolley in motion? The simplest way is to pull
the trolley from its equilibrium position, hold it at rest, and then release it at time t = 0.
This procedure corresponds to the initial conditions
i.e. the initial velocity is zero. Another possibility is to give the trolley a tap with a hammer
while it is at rest in its equilibrium position. The impact will set the trolley in motion, and
the initial condition will be
y(0) = 0, y ′(0) = v0 , (3.16)
i.e. the initial velocity is non-zero. The most general possibility is to pull the trolley from
equilibrium and give it a little jerk as you release it, thereby imparting an initial displacement
and initial velocity to it. The initial conditions will be
With initial conditions such as (3.15)-(3.17) we certainly expect the physical system to move
in a uniquely determined way, and hence we expect the DE (3.14) to have a unique solution.
This simple example illustrates what holds in general for a linear second order DE:
and that these initial conditions determine a unique solution of the DE (3.18) (subject to
appropriate restrictions on P, Q and F ). This existence-uniqueness result will be discussed
in AM351.
The fact that this DE is linear AND homogeneous has an immediate and important conse-
Proposition: If y1 (x) and y2 (x) are solutions of the homogeneous linear DE (3.20), then
c1 y1 (x) + c2 y2 (x)
Multiply (3.21) by c1 and (3.22) by c2 and add, to get
as required.
where y1 (x) and y2 (x) are linearly independent1 solutions of (3.20), and
c1 , c2 are constants.
y ′′ + ω 2 y = 0. (3.24)
and these are linearly independent, since cos( ) is not a multiple of sin( ). The general
solution of (3.24) is thus
y = c1 sin ωt + c2 cos ωt, (3.25)
y(x0) = y0 , y ′ (x0 ) = v0 .
When one solves an initial value problem, c1 and c2 are determined in terms of y0 and v0 .
Exercise: Show that the unique solution of the initial value problem
y ′′ + ω 2y = 0; y(0) = y0 , y ′ (0) = v0
y= sin ωt + y0 cos ωt.
y1 (x) and y2 (x) are linearly independent means that no linear combination of y1 (x) and y2 (x) equals
zero, for all x.
3.2.2 General form of the solution
Consider a non-homogeneous second order linear DE
y ′′ + P (x)y ′ + Q(x)y = F (x). (3.26)
The linearity of this DE has an important consequence.
Suppose yp (x) is a particular solution of (3.26) and y(x) is any solution of (3.26), i.e. it
represents the general solution. Then by the Proposition,
yh (x) = y(x) − yp (x)
is a solution of the homogeneous DE (3.27). We can rewrite this equation as
y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x),
giving the general solution.
(2) An algorithm to find a particular solution of a non-homogeneous linear DE
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = f (x).
Here we simply extend the method of undetermined coefficients that we used in the
first order case (see Section 1.2.5). This extension is discussed in Section 3.2.4.
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = 0, (3.28)
where p and q are constants. Our goal is to find the general solution of any such DE.
We begin by considering a trial function of the form
y = emx , (3.29)
(m2 + pm + q)emx = 0.
Since emx > 0 for all x, (3.29) is a solution of (3.28) if and only if m is a solution of
m2 + pm + q = 0. (3.30)
This quadratic equation is called the characteristic equation of the DE (3.28). Its roots are
h p i
m1,2 = 21 −p ± p2 − 4q . (3.31)
There are three distinct cases, each of which has to be treated separately:
In this case, substituting the two roots (3.31) into (3.29), we get two solutions
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants and m1 , m2 are the real roots of the characteristic
equation (3.30).
y ′′ + 5y ′ + 6y = 0. (3.33)
Solution: Substituting the trial function y = emx in (3.33) gives the characteristic equation
m2 + 5m + 6 = 0,
which factors as
(m + 2)(m + 3) = 0.
There two distinct real roots m = −2 and m = −3, give two independent solutions
The roots m1 and m2 , as given by (3.31), are distinct and complex if and only if
p2 − 4q < 0.
m1 = a + ib, m2 = a − ib,
where a and b are real. We substitute m1 and m2 into (3.29) to obtain two complex solutions
which we can decompose into real and imaginary parts using Euler’s formula
em2 x = e(a−ib)x = eax e−ibx = eax (cos bx − i sin bx). (3.35)
Since we want real solutions we consider the linear combinations
1 m1 x
(e + em2 x ) = eax cos bx
(em1 x − em2 x ) = eax sin bx,
as follows from (3.34) and (3.35). These solutions are linearly independent. Thus, the general
solution of the DE (3.28) is
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants, and
a ± ib
y ′′ + 2y ′ + 5y = 0. (3.37)
m2 + 2m + 5 = 0.
(by Euler’s formula), from which one can read off the two independent real solutions
The roots m1 and m2 ,as given by (3.31), are real and equal if and only if
p2 − 4q = 0.
In this case, we obtain only one solution from (3.29) and (3.31), namely
y1 = emx ,
where m = − 21 p.
To find a second linearly independent solution we consider a trial function of the form
y = v(x)emx . (3.38)
after collecting terms and cancelling a factor of emx (fill in the details). Now a miracle
happens . . . since m = − 12 p and m is a solution of the characteristic equation m2 +pm+q = 0,
equation (3.39) reduces to
v ′′ = 0.
Choose v(x) = x as a particular solution, and then (3.38) gives
y2 = xemx (3.40)
as a second linearly independent solution. Thus, the general solution of the DE (3.28) is
y = (c1 + c2 x)emx ,
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants, and m is the single solution of the characteristic
y ′′ + 6y ′ + 9y = 0. (3.41)
m2 + 6m + 9 = 0,
y = (c1 + c2 x)e−3x .
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = f (x),
• an exponential ebx
• a sine or cosine
• a polynomial
• sums of such functions.
y ′′ + 5y ′ + 6y = e2x . (3.42)
y = Ae2x , (3.43)
where A is a constant. Since y ′ = 2Ae2x and y ′′ = 4Ae2x , substituting (3.43) in (3.42) yields
y = c1 e−2x + c2 e−3x + 1 2x
e .
y = Aeax . (3.48)
giving a particular solution (3.48). However, it is clear that A is undefined for certain values
of the constant a, namely, those values which satisfy
a2 + pa + q = 0. (3.49)
This is precisely the characteristic equation of the homogeneous DE associated with (3.47).
Thus, the trial function (3.48) does not give a solution if a is a root of the characteristic
How do we find a particular solution in this special case? Based on our experience in
case C in the previous section when we had to multiply by x to find a second solution, we
consider the trial function
y = Axeax . (3.50)
The first term in brackets is zero, because we are assuming that a satisfies (3.49). Thus
A= .
2a + p
a = − 21 p. (3.51)
What is the significance of this condition? Well, if the characteristic equation (3.49) has a
double real root, i.e. if p2 = 4q, then (3.49) becomes
a + 21 p = 0.
Thus, (3.51) states that a is a double root of the characteristic equation. In this case we
generalize (3.50) and use
y = Ax2 eax (3.52)
Since we are assuming a is a double root of the characteristic equation, equations (3.49) and
(3.51) hold, and hence the terms in brackets are zero, leaving
A = 21 .
Thus, in this case equation (3.52) gives a particular solution of the DE (3.47).
Consider the DE
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = eax , (3.53)
with characteristic equation
a2 + pa + q = 0. (3.54)
• If a is not a root of (3.54), (3.53) has a particular solution of the form y = Aeax .
• If a is a single root of (3.54), (3.53) has a particular solution of the form y = Axeax .
• If a is a double root of (3.54), (3.53) has a particular solution of the form y = Ax2 eax .
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn . (3.55)
Since the derivative of a polynomial is a polynomial, we consider a trial function of the form
yp = A0 + A1 x + · · · + An xn , (3.56)
y ′′ + 5y ′ + 6y = 6x.
Answer: yp = − 65 + x
y ′′ + y ′ = 2x.
Answer: yp = −2x + x2 .
Since the derivatives of sin ωx are multiples of sin ωx and cos ωx, we take a trial function of
the form
yp = A sin ωx + B cos ωx. (3.58)
This choice works unless p = 0 and ω 2 = q. This special case is
To get a suitable trial function we multiply (3.58) by x:
y ′′ − 3y ′ − 4y = 2 sin x.
5 3
Answer: yp = − 17 sin x + 17
cos x.
y ′′ + 4y = sin 2x.
If the driving term is a sum one can use the following proposition to find a particular
If y1 is a solution of y ′′ + py ′ + qy = f1 (x),
and y2 is a solution of y ′′ + py ′ + qy = f2 (x),
then y = y1 + y2 is a solution of
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = f1 (x) + f2 (x).
c k F0
λ= , ω02 = , f0 = . (3.62)
2m m m
Since the DE (3.61) describes a variety of oscillating systems, both mechanical and electrical,
we shall refer to it as the oscillator DE.
The parameter λ and ω0 characterize the system itself (while f0 and ω characterize the
driving force), and are thus called the system parameters. λ is called the damping parameter
and ω0 is called the natural frequency (the latter name will be justified in Section 3.3.2).
Both system parameters have dimensions T −1 , as follows from (3.61) and can thus be used
to define two characteristic times ω10 and λ1 . We shall see that the ratio ωλ0 of these two
parameters, which is dimensionless, plays an important role in determining the behaviour of
the solutions of the DE.
The DE (3.61) also describes the current in an RLC electrical circuit. In Section 1.3.6
we saw that the current in such a circuit satisfies the DE
LI ′′ + RI ′ + I = V ′ (t),
where V (t) is the applied voltage. With
V (t) = V0 sin(ωt)
this DE becomes
LI ′′ + RI ′ + I = V0 ω cos ωt. (3.63)
Dividing by L gives
R ′ 1 V0 ω
I ′′ + I + I= cos ωt,
which is of the form (3.61) with
R 1 V0 ω
λ= , ω02 = , f0 = . (3.64)
There are four qualitatively different cases, depending on the dimensionless ratio
ζ= .
(c1 , c2 )
These cases correspond to the different possibilities for the roots of the characteristic equation
of the DE (3.65).
Thus, the system (e.g. the trolley attached to the spring) oscillates with period
P =
(recall that cos t is periodic of period 2π and hence cos(ω0 t − φ) is periodic of period ω2π0 ).
We say that the system undergoes simple harmonic motion (SHM). The constant R in the
solution (3.69), which represents the maximum displacement of the system, is called the
amplitude of the SHM. The frequency of the SHM is
1 ω0
ν= = ,
P 2π
and the constant ω0 is called the circular frequency. The dimensionless constant φ is called
the phase.
It should be kept in mind that the frequency ω0 , which is one of the system parameters,
is an intrinsic property of the system. Since the initial conditions
enter into the solution (3.69) through the constants c1 and c2 , the frequency ω0 is independent
of the initial conditions.
On the other hand, the amplitude R and phase φ do depend on the initial conditions. It
follows from equations (3.69) and (3.70) that
R = y02 + 02 , (3.71)
m2 + 2λm + ω02 = 0.
using ζ = ω0
. The general solution of the DE is thus
h p p i
y = e−ζω0 t c1 cos 1 − ζ 2 ω0 t + c2 sin 1 − ζ 2 ω0 t ,
(as in Section 3.2.3). As in Case A, we can write the expression in square brackets as a single
cosine, giving hp i
y = Re−ζω0 t cos 1 − ζ 2 ω0 t − φ . (3.73)
The constants R and φ are related to c1 and c2 by equation (3.68) and are thus determined
by the initial conditions via equations analogous to, but more complicated than, equations
(3.71) and (3.72). We do not need the specific form of these equations.
Equation (3.73) gives the general solution of the oscillator DE (3.65) in the underdamped
case. The function y(t) satisfies
−Re−ζω0 t ≤ y ≤ Re−ζω0 t .
The graph of y(t) thus oscillates between these two exponential curves. The zeros are equally
spaced, with the spacing determined by the period of the cosine function i.e. the spacing is
p .
ω0 1 − ζ 2
Of course y(t) itself is not periodic. We say that y(t) describes a system that is performing
damped oscillations. The graph of y(t) is shown below.
y = Re−ζω0 t
∆t = √π
ω0 1−ζ 2
−ζω0 t
y = −Re
hp i
−ζω0 t 2
Figure 3.3: Graph of y = Re cos 1 − ζ ω0 t − φ .
Comment: Damped oscillations can approximate SHM under the following conditions. If
the dimensionless constant
is very small, the system will perform a significant number of oscillations before the damp-
ing has had sufficient time to decrease the amplitude of the oscillations appreciably. This
behaviour can be explained heuristically in terms of the characteristic times associated with
the damping and with the oscillations, namely
1 1
tdamp = , tosc = . (3.74)
λ ω0
The restriction ζ ≪ 1 is equivalent to
tosc ≪ tdamp .
For example, let ∆t1% be the time for the amplitude factor e−λt to decay by 1%. Show that
if ζ = 10−5 , there will be approximately 160 oscillations during this time interval.
m2 + 2ω0 m + ω02 = 0,
with a single repeated root m = −ω0 . As in Section 3.2.3, the general solution is
y = (c1 + c2 t)e−ω0 t .
It follows (Exercise) that the unique solution which satisfies the initial conditions y(0) = y0
and y ′(0) = v0 , is
y = [y0 + (v0 + ω0 y0 )t] e−ω0 t . (3.75)
For all initial conditions, lim y = 0, i.e. the system returns to a state of equilibrium. The
shape of the graph of y(t) (i.e. the qualitative behaviour) depends on y0 and v0 . Figure 3.4
shows the different possibilities for y0 > 0.
The characteristic equation for the DE (3.65) is
m2 + 2λm + ω02 = 0,
The constants c1 and c2 are determined by the initial conditions. The expressions are a bit
complicated, and are not important. The essential point is that for all initial conditions, i.e.
for all c1 and c2 ,
lim y = 0,
We have analyzed the solutions of the DE
which governs the displacement of a mechanical oscillator and also the current in an electrical
circuit. The first essential result is a consequence of the form of the general solutions (3.73),
(3.75) and (3.77).
y ′′ + 2λy ′ + ω02y = 0
lim y(t) = 0.
The interpretation is as follows. The DE (3.78) admits the equilibrium solution y(t) = 0
for all t, corresponding to the physical system being in a state of equilibrium. The proposition
implies that if the system starts at time t = 0 with the initial conditions y(0) = y0 and
y ′(0) = v0 , then it will eventually return arbitrarily closely to the equilibrium state y = 0, no
matter what the initial conditions are. The physical cause of this behaviour is the damping,
either the mechanical damping or the electrical damping (the resistor R in the electrical
The second essential result is this: the system undergoes (damped) oscillations while
returning to equilibrium if an only if the dimensionless system parameter ζ = ωλ0 satisfies
0 < ζ < 1.
A final question of practical concern arises from the Proposition, namely, how rapidly
does the system approach equilibrium, i.e. how rapidly does y tend to zero? The decay rate
of y is governed by the exponential term in equations (3.73), (3.75) and (3.77):
−ζω0 t
, if 0 < ζ < 1
−ω0 t
y(t) ∼ e , if ζ = 1 (3.79)
−(ζ−√ζ 2 −1)ω0 t
e , if ζ > 1
Since ζ > 1 implies ζ − ζ 2 − 1 < 1, it follows that the displacement y decays most rapidly
for ζ = 1, i.e. in the critically damped case. Thus, if one wishes to design a mechanical
or electrical system that will return rapidly to a state of equilibrium after being disturbed,
he/she should arrange that the damping is close to critical i.e. ζ = ωλ0 ≈ 1.
[see equation (3.61) in Section 3.3.1]. We know from Section 3.2.2 that the general solution
of this DE is of the form
y(t) = yh (t; c1 , c2 ) + yp (t), (3.81)
where yh is the general solution of the homogeneous DE
y ′′ + 2λy + ω02 y = 0,
(and hence depends on two arbitrary constants c1 and c2 ), and yp is a particular solution of
(3.80). We also know from Section 3.2.4 that yp (t) is of the form
(use the method of undetermined coefficients). This solution can also be written in the form
where the constants a1 and a2 have been replaced by the amplitude A and phase δ (see
equations (3.66) and (3.69) in Section 3.3.2).
One of the main results from Section 3.3.2 is that
lim yh (t; c1 , c2 ) = 0.
i.e. for sufficiently large t the response y(t) of the system is periodic, having the same period
as the driving force. Heuristically, one can say that the driving force “overcomes” the effects
of the system parameters, namely the natural frequency ω0 and the damping constant λ,
and compels the system to oscillate at the driving force’s frequency, namely ω.
Referring to equation (3.81), the term yh , which dies away, is called the transient part
of the solution, while the term yp , which is periodic and hence persists indefinitely, is called
the steady state part of the solution. In many applications, the transient part will die out
rapidly (depending on ζ = λ/ω0 and ω0 ; see equation (3.79) in Section 3.3.2), in which case
the behaviour of the physical system is essentially described by the steady state part, which
we refer to as the response of the system to the driving (i.e. external) force.
The essential question then is: what is the amplitude A of the steady state term (3.82)?
Or more precisely, how does the amplitude A depend on the system parameters λ and ω0 ,
and on the driving force parameters, namely the frequency ω and the amplitude f0 ?
We shall show, by deriving the particular solution yp , that A depends in a critical way
on the dimensionless ratio ωω0 and on the dimensionless damping parameter ζ = ωλ0 . This
dependence has important implications for the design of many physical systems.
1 d2 y
λ 1 dy f0 ω
+2 + y = 2 cos (ω0 t) .
ω02 dt2 ω0 ω0 dt ω0 ω0
In the usual way the chain rule and equation (3.83) lead to
d2 y dy f0
+ 2ζ + y = 2 cos(Ωτ ) (3.84)
dτ dτ ω0
where we have introduced the dimensionless parameters
λ ω
ζ= , Ω= . (3.85)
ω0 ω0
We note for future reference that
Ωτ = ωt, (3.86)
as follows from (3.83) and (3.85).
The next step is to note that the requirement of dimensional homogeneity applied to
equation (3.84) implies
= [y].
We do not specify the dimensions of y, since it could represent a displacement, an electric
current, charge, etc. It now follows that the new variable Y defined by
y ω02
Y = = y (3.87)
f0 f0
is a dimensionless variable. Thus, on dividing equation (3.84) by ωf02 this equation assumes
the simpler form
d2 Y dY
+ 2ζ + Y = cos(Ωτ ),
dτ dτ
involving only two dimensionless parameters ζ and Ω. Finally, we write dτd as ′ to obtain:
where A and δ are the undetermined coefficients (they are assumed to be real). When (3.90)
is substituted in (3.89) one finds after a non-trivial calculation that
− 1
A = (1 − Ω2 )2 + 4ζ 2Ω2 2 ,
cos δ = A(1 − Ω2 ), sin δ = 2AζΩ.
[The details are an exercise on Problem Set 3.]
Taking the real part of (3.90) gives the particular solution of (3.88)
where A and δ are given by equations (3.91). We can use (3.86) and (3.87) to transform the
particular solution (3.92) to a particular solution of the DE (3.80) in terms of the physical
variables y and t, obtaining
y(t) = A 2 cos(ωt − δ). (3.93)
In summary, the steady state solution of the oscillator DE
y ′′ + λy ′ + ω02 y = f0 cos(ωt),
is given by (3.93), with
− 1
A = (1 − Ω2 )2 + 4ζ 2 Ω2 2 ,
cos δ = A(1 − Ω2 ), sin δ = 2AζΩ.
Thus the steady state response is simple harmonic motion with amplitude
A= A, (3.95)
angular frequency ω (the same as the driving force), and phase δ.
(v) If 0 < 2ζ 2 < 1 the maximum value of A is
A= p , (3.99)
2ζ 1 − ζ 2
A(Ω, ζ) A(Ω, ζ)
1 1
1 Ωres 1
2ζ 2 ≥ 1 0 < 2ζ 2 < 1
Figure 3.5: Typical frequency response curves in the cases 2ζ 2 ≥ 1 and 0 < 2ζ 2 < 1.
When A attains a maximum greater than 1, one says the the system undergoes resonance.
We thus label the values of A and Ω with a subscript “res”, i.e. we write (3.99) and (3.100)
1 p
Ares = p , Ωres = 1 − 2ζ 2 . (3.101)
2ζ 1 − ζ 2
By (3.95) and (3.85), the physical amplitude and frequency at resonance are
f0 p
Ares = p , ωres = ω0 1 − 2ζ 2 , (3.102)
2ω02 ζ 1 − ζ 2
i.e. the resonant frequency is less than the natural frequency. The second result is that Ares
can be arbitrarily large if the dimensionless damping parameter ζ is sufficiently close to 0.
Indeed, if 0 < ζ ≪ 1, equation (3.102) gives the approximations
Ares ≈ , ωres ≈ ω0 . (3.103)
It is instructive to draw the family of frequency response curves for different values of ζ,
in the ΩA-plane. For this purpose it is useful to note that
Ares = p , (3.104)
1 − Ω4res
A A= √ 1
ζ= 2
ζ= √1
ζ≫1 2
Figure 3.6: The frequency response diagram. Note that the maxima lie on the curve (3.104).
Comment: If 0 < ζ ≪ 1, the frequency response curve has a steep and narrow peak, with
Ares ≈ , ωres ≈ ω0
showing how resonance provides amplification. Engineers refer to the quantity
as the Q-factor of the system (Q for Quality). In some situations, a high Q-factor is needed,
as in a radio tuning circuit (an RLC circuit, see Section 3.3.1). In this situation, the driving
frequency ω would be the frequency of the station you wish to receive, and you would “tune
in” the station by varying ω0 = √LC to obtain resonance i.e. the circuit selectively amplifies
the signal of the station. In other situations, it is desirable to have a flat frequency response
curve. The value ζ = √12 , i.e. A = √12 , which is the value of ζ which just avoids resonance,
gives the flattest response curve, i.e. very flat for 0 < Ω < 1 (0 < ω < ω0 ). Such a system
would act as a filter, excluding frequencies with ω ≫ ω0 .
∂δ ∂δ
(iii) (0, ζ) = 2ζ and (1, ζ) = 1ζ ,
∂Ω ∂Ω
obtained by differentiating tan δ = with respect to Ω.
1 − Ω2
δ(Ω, ζ)
ζ= √1
Ω= ω0
0 1
5. The case of zero damping
We finally consider the idealized case of zero damping (λ = 0), so that the oscillator DE
(3.80) reduces to
y ′′ + ω02 y = f0 cos(ωt). (3.106)
If ω 6= ω0 , the general solution is
y = c1 cos(ω0 t) + c2 sin(ω0 t) + cos(ωt), (3.107)
ω02 − ω2
and if ω = ω0 , the general solution is
y = c1 cos(ω0 t) + c2 sin(ω0 t) + t sin(ω0 t). (3.108)
(exercise using undetermined coefficients, preferably in complex form for efficiency).
The first significant difference from the damped case is that when ω = ω0 , i.e. the driving
frequency equals the natural frequency, the response y grows without bound as t → +∞,
due to the t cos(ω0 t) term in (3.108). This is an extreme but idealized form of resonance.
The second significant difference is that the general solution does not separate into a
transient term and a steady state term, since there are no (decaying) exponential terms
in the general solution. This implies that the long term behaviour depends on the initial
We consider in detail the case where the system starts in equilibrium, i.e. the initial
conditions are
y(0) = 0, y ′ (0) = 0.
It follows from equations (3.107) and (3.108) that the unique solutions are
y= (cos ωt − cos ω0 t), ω 6= ω0 , (3.109)
ω02 − ω 2
y= t sin(ω0 t), ω = ω0 . (3.110)
In the second case, the response is a linearly growing oscillation, as shown in Figure 3.8.
In the first case, we can use the trig identity
cos A − cos B = −2 sin sin ,
2 2
to write the solution (3.109) in the form
y= 1
sin 2 (ω0 − ω)t sin 21 (ω0 + ω)t. (3.111)
ω02 − ω 2
If | ω0 − ω |≪ 1 and ω0 + ω ≫| ω0 − ω |, then sin 21 (ω0 + ω)t is a rapidly oscillating function
compared to sin 12 (ω0 − ω)t. Thus, the solution (3.111) represents a rapid oscillation with
frequency 21 (ω0 + ω), but with a slowly varying sinusoidal amplitude with frequency 21 (ω0 − ω)
[see Figure 3.9]. This type of response, with a periodic variation of amplitude, exhibits what
are called beats. This phenomenon can be heard when two tuning forks of nearly equal
frequency are sounded simultaneously. In electronics, the periodic variation of amplitude
with time is called amplitude modulation.
y= 2ω0 t
Figure 3.8: Undamped response when the driving frequency equals the natural frequency.
Figure 3.9: Graph of y = sin 12 (ω0 − ω)t sin 21 (ω0 + ω)t, showing the phenomenon of beats.
Chapter 4
transform a linear differential equation for y(t) into a linear algebraic equation
for Y (s), thereby making it easier to solve.
standard solve
methods easily
The function Y (s) is called the Laplace transform of the function y(t).
Comment: In its simplest form, the method is restricted to linear differential equations
with constant coefficients. It provides an alternative to the standard methods that we have
developed so far. We’ll mention its advantages as we proceed.
Definition: Given a real-valued (or complex valued) function y(t) the Laplace transform
of y is defined to be Z ∞
Y (s) = e−st y(t)dt, (4.1)
for all values of s for which the improper integral converges.
Before discussing the significance of this definition we work out the simplest and most
important example.
lim e−st eαt dt = (exists).
r→∞ 0 s−α
We think of equation (4.1) as defining an operator L which acts on a function y(t) to give
a new function Y (s). We write
L[y] = Y,
or, if we wish to indicate the arguments,
L[y(t)] = Y (s),
where Y (s) is given by (4.1). We shall refer to L as the Laplace transform operator.
Referring to the Example, we can use the operator notation to write
L[eαt ] = , s > α. (4.3)
This equation is read as “the Laplace transform of eαt is s−α ”.
The idea of an “operator” which acts on functions is not unfamiliar. One can think of
the process of differentiation as defining an operator D that acts on functions, i.e. D acts
on a differentiable function f to give its derivative:
D[f ] = f ′ .
The operator D and L have one important property in common. The operator D satisfies
D[f1 + f2 ] = Df + D[f2 ],
D[cf ] = cD[f ],
where c is a constant. These equations are simply the sum property and “multiplication by
a constant” property of derivatives. These equations mean that D is a linear operator.1
L[cy] = cL[y],
where c is a constant.
and Z b Z b
cy(t)dt = c y(t)dt,
a a
This proposition is used extensively when working with the Laplace transform.
First, to describe the growth condition it is convenient to use the big-O notation. Recall
the definition:
f (t) = O(g(t)) as t → ∞,
means that there exist constants B and b such that
for some constant a. Intuitively (4.4) means that f (t) does not grow more rapidly than eat
as t → ∞.
Second, f has a jump discontinuity at c means that the 1-sided limits
exist and are unequal. The value of f at c is unimportant. The statement “f is piecewise
continuous on a finite interval I” means that f is continuous on I except for a finite number
of jump discontinuities.
f (t)
0 t1 t2 b
A function such as this (a pulse function) could act as the driving force of an oscillator.
f (t) = O(eat ) as t → ∞,
Proof: Outline.
Z r
By H1 , f (t)dt exists (just divide the interval into subintervals on which f is continu-
By H2 , | f (t) |≤ Beat for t ≥ b. Hence
(i) f (t) = (1 + t)t does not satisfy the growth condition H2 , and L[f ] does not exist.
(ii) f (t) = t
is not piecewise continuous on any interval [0, r], and L[f ] does not exist.
lim = 0 for s > 0,
b→∞ esb
i.e. an exponential dominates a power as b → ∞.
The direct evaluation of Laplace transforms using the definition can be time-consuming,
and so one seeks short cuts, for example
(ii) by developing theorems to give new Laplace transforms from old, without extra calcu-
We first illustrate (i). The derivation leading to (4.5) is valid if α is complex, provided
that we make one small change:
where Re(α) is the real part of α. We can now use Euler’s formula
and the linearity of L to calculate L[cos bt] and L[sin bt] directly from (4.5).
s b
L[cos bt] = , L[sin bt] = . (4.9)
s2 + b2 s2 + b2
1 s + ib s + ib
= = 2 . (4.11)
s − ib (s − ib)(s + ib) s + b2
s b
L[cos bt + i sin bt] = + i .
s2 + b2 s2 + b2
We now give a theorem which provides a quick way of calculating L[ect f (t)] if L[f (t)] is
First Shift Theorem:
If L[f (t)] = F (s) exists for s > a ≥ 0, then
where c is a constant.
Proof: Consider Z r Z r
−st ct
e e f (t)dt = e−(s−c)t f (t)dt. (4.13)
0 0
Z r
By the hypothesis, lim e−(s−c)t f (t)dt exists for s − c > a, and equals F (s − c). The result
r→∞ 0
follows by letting r → ∞ in (4.13).
y ′ + ky = f (t),
By linearity of L, we obtain
L[y ′] + kL[y] = L[f ].
To proceed further we need to relate L[y ′ ] to L[y]. The next proposition does just that.
Proposition 1:
Proof: For simplicity, we assume that f ′ is continuous.
Using integration by parts:
Z r Z r
−st ′
(−s)e−st f (t)dt.
e f (t)dt = e f (r) − f (0) − (4.15)
0 0
Proposition 2:
Proof: The proof is beyond the scope of this course. See for example, Brauer & Nohel,
page 391-2.
This proposition states that the Laplace transform operator L is a one-to-one operator,
and hence has an inverse operator L−1 which maps a Laplace transform Y (s) onto the original
function y(t):
L−1 [F (s)] = f (t) means that L[f (t)] = F (s).
Equivalently we can write
We shall call L−1 the inverse Laplace transform operator, and shall call f (t) = L−1 [F (s)]
the inverse Laplace transform of F (s). Note that L−1 is also linear.
sin bt
s + b2
tn n+1
ect f (t) F (s − c)
Using the Table and linearity of L−1 :
−1 s −1 3 −1 2
L =L −L
s2 + 5s + 6 s+3 s+2
−3t −2t
= 3e − 2e .
−1 s
Example: Find L .
s2 + 4s + 5
Solution: Since the denominator does not factor, we complete the square:
s s (s + 2) 2
= = − .
s2 + 4s + 5 2
(s + 2) + 1 (s + 2) + 1 (s + 2)2 + 1
In view of this example it is convenient to restate the First Shift Theorem in terms of
the inverse Laplace transform operator L−1 .
−1 s−3 −1 s+4
Exercise: Find (i) L (ii) L
s2 − 2s + 5 s2 + 2s
When working with the Laplace transform of functions such as these it is convenient to
introduce the Heaviside or unit step function H(t), defined by
0, if t < 0
H(t) = (4.17)
1, if t ≥ 0.
y y
y = f1 (t) y = f2 (t)
1 1
t t
a a
Solution: We have
f2 (t) = a1 t, H(t − a) = 0 for 0 ≤ t < a,
f2 (t) = 1, H(t − a) = 1, for t ≥ a.
1 1
f2 (t) = t + − t + 1 H(t − a), for t ≥ 0.
a a
Thus the ramp function f2 (t) can be written
exists and equals 1s e−sa . The result follows by definition of the Laplace transform.
We now give a theorem which provides a quick way of calculating L[H(t − c)f (t − c)] if
L[f (t)] is known.
Proof: Consider
Z r Z r
e H(t − c)f (t − c)dt = e−st f (t − c)dt, by definition of H,
Zc r−c
= e−s(u+c) f (u)du, by making a change of variable u = t − c,
Z r−c
=e e−su f (u)du.
Z r−c
Since L[f (t)] exists, lim e−su f (u)du exists and equals F (s) (note that r − c → ∞,
r→∞ 0
and the integration variable u can be relabelled t). The result follows by letting r → ∞ in
Example: Calculate the Laplace transform of the ramp function (see Figure 4.2)
Solution: By linearity of L,
L[f2 (t)] = a
{L[t] − L[(t − a)H(t − a)]} .
Since L[t] = s2
(see the Table in Section 4.1.4), the Second Shift Theorem gives
1 1 1
L[f2 (t)] = 2
− 2 = 2 (1 − e−as ).
a s s as
y = f3 (t)
a 2a
The Second Shift Theorem can be restated in terms of the inverse operator L−1 , thereby
providing a useful tool for calculating inverse Laplace transforms.
If L−1 [F (s)] = f (t), then L−1 [e−cs F (s)] = H(t − c)f (t − c).
h −2s i
Example: Find L−1 es+3 .
We know L−1 = e−3t , from the Table. Thus, by the Second Shift Theorem,
Solution: s+3
e 0, 0≤t<2
L−1 = H(t − 2)e−3(t−2) = −3(t−2)
s+3 e , t ≥ 2.
Solution: Apply the Laplace transform operator L to the DE and use linearity to obtain
y ′ − y = 2et , y(0) = y0 .
y ′ + ky = kA cos(ωt); y(0) = y0 .
kA −kt
+ y0 e−kt .
y(t) = 2 2
k(cos ωt − e ) + ω sin ωt
k +ω
s 1 k ks
= 2 − + + .
(s + k)(s2 + ω 2) k + ω2 s + k s2 + ω 2 s2 + ω 2
Technical comment:
In applying L to the DE we used Proposition 1 in Section 4.1.3. You may ask: are the
hypotheses of the Proposition satisfied in this application? We can be sure that H2 is satis-
fied, since the solution of any constant coefficient linear DE with continuous input function
is continuous and hence has a continuous derivative (y ′ = −ky + f (t), both continuous).
What about H1 : y(t) = O(eat ) as t → ∞ for some a? We have no way of verifying this in
advance, since y(t) is the unknown function. So we proceed “on faith”, and having found
the solution, verify after the fact that the hypothesis is satisfied.
L[e−t ] = , s > −1.
Thus (4.28) becomes
s2 Y − sy0 + 2[sY − y0 ] + 2Y = ,
which is a linear algebraic equation for the unknown Y (s). Collecting like terms gives
(s2 + 2s + 2)Y (s) = (s + 2)y0 + .
Solving for Y (s) gives
s+2 3
Y (s) = y 0 + . (4.29)
s2 + 2s + 2 (s + 1)(s2 + 2s + 2)
s+2 s+1 1
= + . (4.30)
s2 + 2s + 2 (s + 1) + 1 (s + 1)2 + 1
3 3 3(s + 1)
= − . (4.31)
(s + 1)(s2+ 2s + 2) s + 1 (s + 1)2 + 1
1 1 u
= − 2 ,
u(u2 + 1) u u +1
We now apply the operator L−1 to (4.29) and use (4.32) to obtain
Exercise: Solve
y ′′ + 2y ′ + y = t; y ′ (0) = 1, y(0) = 0.
Comment: The examples in this Section illustrate one advantage of the Laplace transform
method, namely that the initial conditions are automatically incorporated.
Figure 4.4: A step function and a saw-tooth function.
y(t) = y(0)e−t ,
showing that the system decays exponentially to its natural equilibrium state y(t) = 0. If
the input function is a constant, say f (t) = 1, the solution is
i.e. the system exponentially approaches a new equilibrium state y(t) = 1. The question we
now ask is: what is the response y(t) of the system if the input function is a step function:
1, 0 ≤ t < b
f (t) = (4.33)
0, t ≥ b,
Solution: We begin by writing the input function in terms of the Heaviside step function
Apply the operator L to the DE (4.34) with (4.35), using linearity to obtain
L[H(t − b)] = , s>0
and from Section 4.1.3 that
L[y ′ ] = sL[y] − y(0).
Also, by equation (4.6)
L[1] = .
Thus, writing L[y] = Y (s) as usual, equation (4.36) becomes
1 e−bs
sY − y0 + Y = − .
s s
Solving for Y (s) leads to
y0 1 − e−bs
Y (s) = + . (4.37)
s + 1 s(s + 1)
In order to find the inverse transform, we first use the partial fraction expansion
1 1 1
= −
s(s + 1) s s+1
We now use the Second Shift Theorem (Section 4.1.5). We know that
−1 1 1
L − = 1 − e−t ,
s s+1
The derivative is (
−(y0 − 1)e−t , 0≤t<b
y ′ (t) = b −t
−(y0 − 1 + e )e , t ≥ b.
Note that y ′(b) does not exist, but that y(t) is continuous at t = b.
It follows from (4.40) that
i.e. the system approaches its natural equilibrium state y(t) = 0 once the input is switched
off at t = b. Equation (4.41) shows that the intermediate behaviour depends on y0 , and that
there are two special values of y0 , namely
y0 = 1 and y0 = −eb + 1.
at t = b.
y0 > 1
for t ≥ 0
y0 = 1
0 < y0 < 1
y0 = 0 t
y0 = −eb + 1
for t ≥ 0 t=b
y0 < −eb + 1
Figure 4.5: The family of solutions (4.40) with initial state y0 as parameter. The exceptional
solutions given by y0 = 1 and y0 = −eb + 1 are shown in bold.
+1 y = f (t)
b 2b
Figure 4.6:
Chapter 5
In this Chapter we generalize the concept of differential equations to the case where the
unknown is a vector function in R2 . We begin by discussing two familiar physical systems
from a different point of view, in order to motivate the idea.
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Coupled Mixing Tanks
Consider a system of two coupled mixing tanks each of volume V , with flow rates as shown,
and constant inflow concentration c. Let m1 (t) and m2 (t) denote the mass of chemical
in the two tanks at time t, respectively. Introduce a characteristic time tc = V /f and a
dimensionless time τ = t/tc (see equation (2.11)). Then the mass balance equation (1.48)
applied to each tank separately leads to the two DEs
f, c f
2f f
m1 (t), V m2 (t), V
m′1 = −2m1 + m2 + cV
m′2 = 2m1 − 2m2 ,
where ′ denotes differentiation with respect to τ . Fill in the details as an exercise, referring
to Sections 1.3.1 and 2.1.3, if necessary. We describe the state of this system at time τ by
the vector
m1 (τ )
x(τ ) = ∈ R2 .
m2 (τ )
using the 2 × 2 coefficient matrix. Using the state vector x we write (5.1) in vector notation
x′ = Ax + f, (5.2)
−2 1 cV
A= , and f = .
2 −2 0
We refer to (5.2) as a first order vector DE in R2 .
Comment: The notation used in equation (5.2) makes sense in Rn . For example, one can
imagine a system of 3 coupled mixing tanks leading to a vector DE in R3 .
k m
F (t)
0 y
damping constant c
y ′′ + 2ζy ′ + y = f (τ ), (5.3)
where ζ is the dimensionless damping constant (see equation (3.88) in Section 3.3.3).
To describe the state of the system at an instant of time it is not enough to give the
dy dy
displacement y: one has also to give the velocity , or , in terms of the dimensionless
dt dτ
time τ .
So we introduce the state vector
x= ∈ R2 ,
with components
x1 = y and x2 = y ′, (5.4)
where ′ denotes differentiation with respect to τ .
But what vector DE does the state vector satisfy? Well, from (5.4),
x′1 = y ′ = x2 ,
and from (5.3) and (5.4)
x′2 = y ′′ = −2ζy ′ − y + f (τ )
= −2ζx2 − x1 + f (τ ),
Collecting the results, we have
x′1 = x2
x′2 = −x1 − 2ζx2 + f (τ ).
In vector form this reads
x′ = Ax + f, (5.5)
0 1 0
A= , f= .
−1 −2ζ f
Comment: One can obtain vector DEs in higher dimensions in this context. The system
shown will have a state vector
y2 4
y1′ ∈ R .
Exercise: The procedure leading from the second order linear DE (5.3) to the linear
vector DE (5.5) can be used to write any second order linear DE as a vector DE. Show that
y ′′ + py ′ + qy = 0 (5.6)
is equivalent to
′ y 0 1
x = Ax, with x = , and A = . (5.7)
y′ −q −p
k1 m k2 m k1
y1 y2
5.1.3 Overview
From a mathematical point of view the object of study in this chapter is a linear vector DE
of the form
= Ax + f(t),
or more concisely,
x′ = Ax + f(t). (5.8)
x1 (t)
x= ∈ R2 (5.9)
x2 (t)
is the unknown vector-valued function,
a11 a12
A= (5.10)
a21 a22
x(0) = a, (5.12)
where a = is a given vector.
The DE (5.8) should be thought of as describing the evolution in time of a physical system
(e.g. coupled mixing tanks or mechanical oscillator). The unknown vector-valued function
x is the state vector of the system. The constant coefficient matrix A describes the internal
characteristics of the system (e.g. flow rate, damping), and the vector-valued function f(t)
describes the external input to the system.
The system can be represented symbolically in a so-called
The goal is to determine the state x(t) of the system at time t (the “output”), given the
input f(t) and initial state x(0) = a. In this Chapter we shall develop algorithms to solve
this problem.
x(0) = a
Figure 5.4: Block diagram for the physical system described by the linear vector DE x′ =
Ax + f(t).
which is referred to as a system of linear DEs. Indeed the terms “linear vector DE” and
“system of linear DEs” have the same meaning. We prefer the former, because it emphasizes
the fact that the unknown is a vector-valued function.
to get
(c1 x(1) + c2 x(2) )′ = A(c1 x(1) + c2 x(2) ),
as required.
For a linear vector DE (5.14) in R2 , the general solution must contain two arbitrary
constants because the initial condition (5.12) contains two arbitrary constants, i.e. the
components of the vector a. We can thus state:
x′ = Ax,
is of the form
x = c1 x(1) (t) + c2 x(2) (t), (5.15)
where x(1) and x(2) are two linearly independent solutions of the DE, and c1 , c2
are arbitrary constants.
x′ = Ax. (5.16)
x = eλt v, (5.17)
Av = λv. (5.18)
This equation states that the scalar λ in the trial function (5.17) is an eigenvalue of the
coefficient matrix A, and v is an associated eigenvector.
The eigenvalues can be found by rewriting (5.18) in the form
(A − λI)v = 0,
1 0
0 1
is the 2 × 2 identity matrix. This equation will have a non-zero solution for v iff the matrix
A − λI is non-invertible i.e., the inverse matrix (A − λI)−1 does not exist. This is the case
iff the determinant of A − λI is zero. We let
h(λ) = 0, (5.20)
which is called the characteristic equation of A. The function h(λ) defined by (5.19) is in
fact a polynomial of degree two:
a11 − λ a12
h(λ) = det = (a11 − λ)(a22 − λ) − a12 a21 .
a21 a22 − λ
Here we used the usual formula for the determinant of a 2 × 2 matrix. The function h(λ) is
called the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A.
If λ is an eigenvalue of A (i.e. a solution of (5.20)) then (5.18) will have a non-zero
solution for v, and (5.17) will be a solution of the DE (5.16). There are three cases:
B) Complex eigenvalues
which we illustrate with examples in the rest of this Section. In case A) we immediately
get two linearly independent solutions of the DE (5.16) (since eigenvectors associated with
distinct eigenvalues are linearly independent). In case B) we have to take real and imaginary
parts of the solutions, while case C) requires special treatment.
x = eλt v. (5.22)
(A − λI)v = 0. (5.23)
where the characteristic polynomial is
−4 − λ 1
h(λ) = det(A − λI) = det
−2 −1 − λ
= (−4 − λ)(−1 − λ) − (−2)(1)
= λ2 + 5λ + 6
= (λ + 2)(λ + 3).
Thus the eigenvalues of A are
λ = −2 and − 3.
First, considering λ = −2, equation (5.23) becomes
−2 1 v1 0
= ,
−2 1 v2 0
leading to
−2v1 + v2 = 0
−2v1 + v2 = 0,
which requires that v2 = 2v1 (the two equations are identical). In other words, any vector
with v1 6= 0, is an eigenvector of A associated with the eigenvalue λ = −2. Choosing v1 = 1,
it follows from (5.22) that
−2t 1
x=e (5.24)
is a solution of the DE (5.21).
Second, considering λ = −3, equation (5.23) becomes
−1 1 v1 0
= ,
−2 2 v2 0
which implies v1 = v2 . In other words, any vector
v= 1 ,
with v1 6= 0, is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ = −3. Choosing v1 = 1 it follows from
(5.22) that
−3t 1
x=e (5.25)
is a solution of the DE (5.21).
1 1
Finally, since the vectors and are linearly independent, the solutions (5.24)
2 1
and (5.25) are linearly independent. Thus by Section 5.1.4 (see equation (5.15)) the general
solution of the DE (5.21) is
−2t 1 −3t 1
x = c1 e + c2 e , (5.26)
2 1
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.
Initial conditions:
The constants c1 and c2 are determined by the initial condition
x(0) = a = .
e−2t − e−3t
x= , with x(0) = . (5.29)
2e−2t − e−3t 1
x = eλt v. (5.31)
(A − λI)v = 0 . (5.32)
The characteristic equation is
1−λ 5
h(λ) = det = (λ + 1)2 + 1,
−1 −3 − λ
after simplifying and completing the square. Setting h(λ) = 0, we obtain the eigenvalues
λ = −1 + i, −1 − i.
(2 − i)v1 + 5v2 = 0,
−v1 − (2 + i)v2 = 0.
These two equations are essentially the same, since multiplying the second by −(2 − i) yields
the first. Thus
v2 = − 51 (2 − i)v1 ,
and choosing v1 = 5 gives
−2 + i
as a solution of equation (5.32) in the case λ = −1 + i.
Then, using (5.31), we obtain
(−1+i)t 5
x=e (5.33)
−2 + i
as a complex solution of the DE (5.30). The real and imaginary parts of this solution are
themselves solutions of (5.30). Using Euler’s formula we decompose (5.33) into its real and
imaginary parts:
−t 5 0
x = e (cos t + i sin t) +i
−2 1
−t 5 0 5 0
=e cos t − sin t + i sin t + cos t
−2 1 −2 1
5 cos t 5 sin t
= e−t + ie−t .
−2 cos t − sin t cos t − 2 sin t
These two solutions are linearly independent since one is not a multiple of the other. Thus,
by equation (5.15), the general solution of the DE (5.30) is
−t 5 cos t 5 sin t
x=e c1 + c2 , (5.34)
−2 cos t − sin t cos t − 2 sin t
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants.
5.2.4 Equal real eigenvalues
Example 3: Find the general solution of the vector DE
′ −3 4
x = Ax, A = . (5.35)
−1 1
x = eλt v. (5.36)
(A − λI)v = 0 . (5.37)
λ1 = λ2 = −1.
and so by (5.36),
−t 2
x=e (5.39)
is a solution of the DE (5.35).
We are now faced with the problem of finding a second linearly independent solution. In
the past we have found that in such situations “multiplying by t” was a good thing to do.
So we consider
x = te−t v
as a new trial function (“plan A”). When substituted in the DE (5.35), this choice leads to a
contradiction. We presumably need “more constants” in the trial function. So we try “plan
B”, a trial function of the form
x = te−t v + e−t w. (5.40)
Differentiating and simplifying gives
Av = −v and Aw = v − w,
(A + I)v = 0 and (A + I)w = v.
We can use (5.38) as a solution of the first equation, i.e. v = . Then the second equation
−2 4 w1 2
= .
−1 2 w2 1
Solving this linear system gives w1 = −1, w2 = 0. Thus, the trial function (5.40) gives the
−t −1 2
x=e +t . (5.41)
0 1
of the DE (5.35).
The solutions (5.39) and (5.41) are linearly independent by inspection. Thus by equation
(5.15) the general solution of the DE (5.35) is
−t 2 −t −1 2
x = c1 e + c2 e +t ,
1 0 1
′ 3 −2
1) Solve x = x.
2 −2
1 −t 2t 2
Answer: x = c1 e + c2 e .
2 1
′ −1 −4
2) Solve x = x.
1 −1
−t −2 sin 2t 2 cos 2t
Answer: x=e c1 + c2
cos 2t sin 2t
′ 2 1
3) Solve x = x.
−1 4
3t 1 0
Answer: x=e (c1 + tc2 ) + c2 .
1 1
We now need to relate L[x′ ] and L[Ax] to L[x]. These matters are taken care of in the
following propositions.
′ x1 (t)
Proposition 1: Given a vector-valued function with derivative x (t) = . If
x′2 (t)
L[x′1 (t)] and L[x′2 (t)] exist, then
L[x′ (t)] = sL[x(t)] − x(0).
again using the definition.
L[Ax(t)] = AL[x(t)].
Proof: Consider
a11 a12 x1 (t)
L[Ax(t)] = L ,
a21 a22 x2 (t)
a11 x1 + a12 x2
=L , (a matrix acting on a vector)
a21 x1 + a22 x2
L[a11 x1 + a12 x2 ]
= , (by the definition)
L[a21 x1 + a22 x2 ]
a11 L[x1 ] + a12 L[x2 ]
= , (since L is a linear operator)
a21 L[x1 ] + a22 L[x2 ]
a11 a12 L[x1 ]
= (a matrix acting on a vector)
a21 a22 L[x2 ]
L[x′ ] = L[Ax].
sX(s) − a = AX(s),
i.e. apply L−1 to the components of X(s).
Comment: Finding the inverse of a 2 × 2 matrix to obtain the solution (5.45) is easy:
a b −1 1 d −b
if B = , then B = , (5.46)
c d det(B) −c a
5.3.2 An example
Example: Solve the vector DE
′ −4 1
x = Ax, A= , (5.47)
−2 −1
where we have written L[x(t)] = X(s), as usual. Rearrange and use the initial condition to
(sI − A)X(s) = a,
s + 4 −1
X(s) = a. (5.48)
2 s+1
To find the inverse matrix we note
s + 4 −1
det = (s + 2)(s + 3),
2 s+1
for s 6= −2, −3. In component form
s+1 1
X1 (s) = a1 + a2 ,
(s + 2)(s + 3) (s + 2)(s + 3)
−2 s+4
X2 (s) = a1 + a2 .
(s + 2)(s + 3) (s + 2)(s + 3)
Performing the partial fraction expansions yields
2 1 1 1
X1 (s) = − a1 + − a2 ,
s+3 s+2 s+2 s+3
1 1 2 1
X2 (s) = 2 − a1 + − a2 .
s+3 s+2 s+2 s+3
We can calculate the inverse Laplace transforms using L−1 s−α = eαt . This gives
x1 (t) = L−1 [X1 (s)] = (2e−3t − e−2t )a1 + (e−2t − e−3t )a2 ,
x2 (t) = L−1 [X2 (s)] = 2(e−3t − e−2t )a1 + (2e−2t − e−3t )a2 .
giving the solution of the vector DE (5.47) which satisfies the initial condition x(0) = a.
s+3 (s + 1) + 2
Hint: = .
s2 + 2s + 2 (s + 1)2 + 1
where Φ(t) is the 2 × 2 matrix in (5.51). This form of the solution shows directly how the
state x(t) at time t depends on the initial state x(0) = a. The matrix Φ(t) is called the
fundamental matrix of the DE (5.47).
A different form of the solution was obtained using the eigenvalue method for the same
example (see Example 1 in Section 5.2.2). The solution was obtained in the form (see
equation (5.26))
−2t 1 −3t 1
x = c1 e + c2 e . (5.53)
2 1
This form of the solution is simpler algebraically and shows clearly that there are two distinct
rates of decay i.e. e−2t and e−3t .
How are the two forms of the solution related? By equation (5.51) the columns of the
fundamental matrix are
2e − e−2t
e − e−3t
1 2
Φ (t) = , Φ (t) = . (5.54)
2(e−3t − e−2t ) 2e−2t − e−3t
Each column vector is a solution
of the DE. The column Φ (t) is the solution corresponding
to the initial condition a = , and the column Φ2 (t) is the solution corresponding to
the initial condition a = . [Choose a1 = 1, a2 = 0 and a1 = 0, a2 = 1 in (5.50) to
get these solutions.] If we have the solution in eigenvector form (5.53), we can construct
the fundamental matrix
Φ(t) by finding
the two special solutions (5.54): impose the initial
1 0
conditions x(0) = and x(0) = successively and determine the constants c1 and c2
0 1
in (5.53) (this was done in equations (5.28) and (5.29) in Section 5.2.2).
In the Laplace transform method, the Laplace transform of the solution x(t), denoted
X(s), is given by
X(s) = (sI − A)−1 a (5.55)
The solution x(t) = L−1 [X(s)] is obtained by applying L−1 to (5.55). In the example in this
section we wrote (5.55) in component form and applied L−1 to each component. One can
apply L−1 directly to (5.55) obtaining
where the Laplace transform of the matrix is obtained by applying L−1 to each entry. In the
2 1 1 1 !
− s+2 s+2
− s+3
X(s) = a.
2 2 2 1
− s+2 s+2
− s+3
L−1 [ ] L−1 [ ]
x(t) = L X(s) = a
L−1 [ ] L−1 [ ]
We now summarize the Laplace transform method schematically, writing L[x(t)] = X(s),
as usual.
x′ = Ax apply L apply L−1
−−−−−−−−−−→ X(s) = (sI − A)−1 a −−−−−−−−−→ x(t) = Φ(t)a
x(0) = a and rearrange
or equivalently
L−1 [(sI − A)−1 ] = Φ(t).
x′ = Ax
as a family of curves in the state space R2 . These curves are called the orbits of the DE.
The goal is to use this picture of the solutions (sometimes called the “phase portrait”) to
understand the behaviour of the underlying physical system (e.g. oscillator or coupled mixing
a = x(0)
initial state
x(t1 )
x(t2 ) state at time t1
state at time t2
e.g. are the individual components x1 and x2 increasing or decreasing, do they attain a
maximum or minimum etc.?
We have seen that the second order oscillator DE with zero driving force, i.e.
y ′′ + 2ζy ′ + y = 0
Solution: It is best to use the form of the solution obtained using the eigenvector method.
One obtains (exercise):
− 21 t 2 −2t 1
x = c1 e + c2 e , (5.59)
−1 −2
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. This equation determines a solution for any initial
state x(0) = a, and thus determines an orbit through each point of R2 . To sketch the orbits
we rely on three properties of the family of solutions.
1) Exceptional solutions:
There are three exceptional solutions in the family (5.59). First, the equilibrium solution
x = 0,
c2 = 0, c1 < 0
c2 = 0, c1 > 0
The solutions (5.60) and (5.61) are represented by straight lines in the state space: elimi-
nating t gives x2 = − 12 x1 for (5.60) and x2 = −2x1 for (5.61).
lim x(t) = 0 ,
for all values of the constants c1 and c2 . This result means that every orbit approaches the
equilibrium orbit x = 0 as t → +∞. Moreover, since e−2t is small compared to e− 2 t as
t → +∞, we can write
− 21 t 2
x ≈ c1 e as t → +∞,
i.e. any solution with c1 6= 0 is approximated by the exceptional solution (5.60) as t → ∞.
This result means that all orbits with c1 6= 0 approach the origin along the line x2 = − 21 x1
i.e. this line “attracts” other orbits as they approach the origin. This property of the orbits
is shown in Figure 5.8.
x′1 = x2
x′2 = −x1 − 52 x2 .
′ x1
Keeping in mind that the vector x = is tangent to the orbit x = x(t), and that their
x ′
slope is dx 1
= x′2 , we conclude that
(i) the tangent line to an orbit is vertical whenever an orbit crosses the line x2 = 0 (i.e.
x′1 = 0), called the vertical isocline,
(ii) the tangent line to an orbit is horizontal whenever an orbit crosses the line x2 = − 52 x1
(i.e. x′2 = 0), called the horizontal isocline, and
(iii) the slope of an orbit is positive when it lies in the region defined by
− 25 x1 < x2 < 0,
0 < x2 < − 25 x1 ,
i.e. the shaded region in Figure 5.7.
x2 = − 52 x1
x2 = 0
Comment: The phase portrait for any DE x′ = Ax with unequal negative real eigenvalues
will have the general form shown in Figure 5.8. The specific shape will depend on the
location of the attracting orbit and of the horizontal and vertical isoclines. If the matrix A is
diagonal, the horizontal and vertical isoclines coincide with the exceptional solutions giving
the simpl picture shown in Figure 5.9.
x2 = − 25 x1
x2 = − 21 x1
Figure 5.8: Orbits of the oscillator DE (5.58): the overdamped case ζ = 4
>1 .
−1 0
Figure 5.9: Orbits of the DE x = x.
0 −2
In this case, the only exceptional solution is the equilibrium solution x = 0 (i.e. b = 0),
and all other solutions are asymptotic to it as t → +∞:
lim x(t) = 0 .
Comment: The phase portrait for any DE x′ = Ax having complex eigenvalues with
negative real parts, is qualitatively the same as Figure 5.10 – a family of spirals focusing on
the origin. The specific shape will depend on the horizontal and vertical isoclines, which in
general will not be orthogonal, unlike the above special case.
We now consider the example that is a special case of the oscillator DE (5.56)-(5.57).
x2 vertical isocline
x2 = x1
horizontal isocline
x2 = −x1
Figure 5.10: Orbits of a first order linear vector DE with complex eigenvalues: the horizontal
and vertical isoclines are orthogonal.
Since the real part of the eigenvalues is negative Re(λ) = − 35 , the solution contains
a decaying exponential, and so the orbits spiral into the origin. The shape of the spiral is
determined by the isoclines. In component form the DE is
x′1 = x2
x′2 = −x1 − 56 x2 .
Thus the horizontal isocline (x′2 = 0) is x2 = − 56 x1 , and the vertical isocline (x′1 = 0) is
x2 = 0. The orbits are shown in Figure 5.11.
vertical isocline
x2 = 0
horizontal isocline
x2 = − 65 x1
Figure 5.11: Orbits of a first order linear vector DE with complex eigenvalues: the horizontal
and vertical isoclines are not orthogonal.
then every solution (5.65) will contain a decaying exponential and hence all solutions will
satisfy (5.64). We summarize this result in the following Proposition.
Re(λ) < 0,
lim x(t) = 0 ,
x′ = Ax + f(t). (5.66)
This DE should be thought of as describing the state x(t) of a linear physical system, with
input function f(t) (see Section 5.1.3).
As with any linear DE, the general solution will be of the form
where xh (t) is the general solution of the homogeneous DE x′ = Ax, and xp (t) is a particular
solution of the inhomogeneous DE (5.66)
(i) the method of undetermined coefficients (a generalization of the method used for second
order scalar DEs),
(ii) the Laplace transform method (an extension of the method used in Section 5.3), and
(iii) the method of “variation of parameters”, which makes use of the fundamental matrix
Methods (i) and (ii) are limited as regards the possible forms of the input function f(t),
and also entail extensive algebraic manipulation.
Method (iii) is generally applicable, and has a very simple formulation in terms of the
fundamental matrix Φ(t) (although the algebra can be tedious in some examples). Because
of these advantages it is the method we use.
Before we can develop the method we need to discuss some properties of Φ(t).
where Φ(t) is a 2 × 2 time-dependent matrix called the fundamental matrix of the DE. It
follows by setting t = 0 in (5.67) that Φ(0)a = a. Since a is arbitrary, this equation implies
Φ(0) = I, (5.68)
where I is the 2 × 2 identity matrix.
We need two additional properties of Φ(t), the first of which follows directly from the
fact that (5.67) is a solution of the homogeneous DE
x′ = Ax. (5.69)
[Φ(t)a]′ = A[Φ(t)a],
which yields
[Φ′ (t) − AΦ(t)]a = 0 ,
after rearranging. Since this holds for all a ∈ R2 , it follows that
Φ′ (t) − AΦ(t) = 0,
where “0” denotes the zero matrix, which gives the required result.
We shall refer to (5.70) as the derivative property of Φ(t).
The second property of Φ(t) follows from the geometric interpretation of equation (5.67).
One can think of Φ(t) as an operator that transforms an initial state x(0) = a into the state
x(t) = Φ(t)a at time t.
Consider the situation shown in Figure 5.12. At time t = 0 the system is in state a, and
after a time t1 it evolves into state b, given by
x2 x2
c = Φ(t2 )b
b = Φ(t1 )a
a a
x1 x1
thinking of b as the initial state. On the other hand, in a time t2 + t1 the system will evolve
from a to c so that
c = Φ(t2 + t1 )a. (5.73)
Substituting (5.71) in (5.72) and comparing with (5.73) gives
a matrix equation.
We summarize this result and the result (5.68) in the following Proposition.
Φ(0) = I,
Φ(t2 + t1 ) = Φ(t2 )Φ(t1 ), (5.74)
for all t1 , t2 ∈ R.
Φ(−t)Φ(t) = I.
We shall refer to (5.75) as the inverse property of the fundamental matrix. This result is
quite remarkable. It states that to find the inverse matrix of a fundamental matrix Φ(t), one
simply replaces t by −t.
where v(t) is an arbitrary vector-valued function. In other words, we replace the constant
vector a (whose components are two arbitrary parameters) by a time-dependent vector v(t)
(whose components are two arbitrary scalar functions), i.e. we “vary the parameters”. This
choice of trial function is thus called the method of variation of parameters.
Differentiate (5.77) with respect to t using the Product Rule and the derivative property
(5.70) of Φ(t) to obtain
We now multiply by the matrix Φ(−t) and use the inverse property (5.75) to get
Equations (5.77) and (5.78) constitute the method of variation of parameters. Given f(t),
and having calculated Φ(t), one obtains v(t) by taking the antiderivative of (5.78). Then
(5.77) gives a particular solution of the DE (5.76).
v(0) = 0 .
as required.
5.5.3 An example
Example: Solve the DE
x′ = Ax + f(t), x(0) = a, (5.81)
1 1 cos t
A= , f(t) = .
−1 1 − sin t
The fundamental matrix of x′ = Ax is
t cos t sin t
Φ(t) = e . (5.82)
− sin t cos t
in the DE leads to (as in Section 5.5.2)
v′ (t) = Φ(−t)f(t)
−t cos t − sin t cos t
sin t cos t − sin t
= e−t
1 −t −3t 1
Answer: x(t) = Φ(t)a + 2
(e −e ) .
Differential equations is a large subject, and in AMath250 we have essentially examined the
“tip of a large iceberg”.
The subject of DEs splits into two branches:
I: Linear DEs
II: Non-linear DEs
“Solving a DE” means one of three things:
ii) finding an approximate numerical solution of the DE using a computer, e.g. MATLAB,
iii) finding an approximate analytic solution, e.g. an expansion in terms of a small param-
eter, referred to as perturbation methods.
In AMath250, we have almost exclusively worked with linear DEs, in particular linear
DEs with constant coefficients, and have shown how to solve them explicitly. For other DEs,
there are no general solution algorithms, but one can find solutions in special cases by making
use of
As regards the other methods, numerical solutions are considered in AMath342 and
perturbation methods are introduced in AMath351.
A completely different approach, which complements solving a DE, is to study the prop-
erties of general classes of solutions, e.g. their long term behaviour. This approach, which
dates back to Henri Poincaré at the turn of the 20th century, is called the qualitative analysis
of DEs. We had a glimpse of this topic when we sketched orbits in state space in Chapter
5. To progress further one needs to study various theoretical issues, which begins in AM-
ath351. The emphasis in qualitative analysis is on non-linear DEs, and this subject is the
main topic in AMath451.
Borelli, R.L. and Coleman, C.S., 1987, Differential Equations: A Modeling Approach, Prentice-
Goldberg, J. and Potter, M.C., 1998, Differential Equations: A Systems Approach, Prentice-
Simmons, G.F., 1972, Differential Equations – with applications and historical notes, McGraw-
Reiss, E.L., Callegari, A.J., Ahluwalia, D.S., 1976, Ordinary differential equations with ap-
plications, Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Brauer, F. and Nohel, J.A., 1967, Ordinary Differential Equations, W.A. Benjamin.
Boyce, W.E. and diPrima, R.C., 1997, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary
Value Problems, 6th edition, J. Wiley & Sons.
Problem Sets
134 Review Problem Set
−t −t2
(i) te dt (ii) te dt (iii) dt
t 1−t 1
(iv) dt (v) dt (vi) dt
1−t t t(1 − t)
1 1
(vii) dt (viii) dt (ix) t sin(t2 ) dt
4 + t2 4 − t2
2 2
(x) sin t dt (xi) t sin t dt (xii) t3 et dt
2. Give a qualitative sketch of the graphs of the following functions. The goal is to give
a sketch of the graph, not drawn accurately to scale, but which shows the essential
properties of the function. Think about symmetry, asymptotes and the behaviour as
x → ±∞, where appropriate.
1 1 1
(i) f (x) = (ii) f (x) = (iii) f (x) = x +
1 + x2 1 − x2 x
1 2
(iv) f (x) = x − (v) f (x) = e−x (vi) f (x) = e−|x|
5. What does the graphZ πof f (x) = sin x look like for large n? Make a conjecture
about the value of sin2n x dx for large n.
f ′′ + 2kf ′ + (ω 2 + k 2 )f = 0 .
7. Exponential growth of a population i.e. N̂(t) = N0 ert , r > 0, can only occur if
the resources are essentially unlimited. If there are limited resources one encounters
functions such as
N0 ert
N(t) = ,
1 − NM0 + NM0 ert
where r, N0 , and M are positive constants.
(ii) Sketch the graph of N(t) for N0 = 21 M, r = 1. How does the shape of the graph
change as r increases?
(iii) You will notice that N(t) in (ii) is close to N̂ (t) = N0 et over a subinterval of
the t-axis. Find the restriction on t that will ensure that
N̂ (t) − N(t) 1
< .
N̂(t) 100
N̂ (t)−N (t)
(iv) In the general case show that if 0 < t < 1r ln ǫM
+ 1 , then 0 < N̂ (t)
Note: In the section of the course dealing with Laplace transforms we shall work with
improper integrals. We shall use the following results.
1 −st n n
n −st
t e dt = − e t + tn−1 e−st dt , for s > 0 .
s s
Show that
In (s) = In−1 (s) , n = 1, 2, · · ·
Hence show that
In (s) = .
Problem Set 1 137
Problem Set 1
First Order Differential Equations
1. Each equation below defines a one-parameter family of curves. The parameter k as-
sumes all real values.
a) Derive the DE that is satisfied by the family of curves. State whether the DE is
separable, linear or neither.
b) Use information deduced from the DE and from the given equation to give a
qualitative sketch of each family.
dy dy dy
(i) dx
= −2y + e−x (ii) dx
= y sin x (iii) dx
= x(1 − y)
dy dy y dy
(iv) dx
= y(1 − y) (v) dx
= 1+x2
(vi) x2 dx + 3xy = 1
dy dy dy
(vii) dx
= −y − x (viii) dx
= −2xy + 2x3 ix) dx
= 1 − y2
4. Solve each initial value problem. Specify the interval in which your solution is valid.
Sketch your solution.
dy 1 dy
(i) dx
= y 2 cos x, y(0) = 2
(ii) dx
= y 2 cos x, y(0) = 2
dy 2y dy
(iii) dx
= x
+ x, y(1) = e (iv) dx
= ey−x , y(0) = ln 2
138 Problem Set 1
dy 2
5. Suppose that y = y(x) is a solution of the DE dx
+ 2xy = 2e−x .
If y(0) = 2, find y(1). Evaluate lim y(x), if the limit exists. Does y(x) attain a
maximum value for x ≥ 0? Sketch the graph of y(x).
6. Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the general solution for each DE
where applicable. Give the reason if not applicable, but do not solve.
dy dy
(i) + 2y = 3 − 2x (ii) − 2y = 2 + e−x
dx dx
dy dy
(iii) + y = sin 2x (iv) + 2xy = x2
dx dx
dy dy
(v) + y = e−x (vi) + 3y = y 2
dx dx
dy dy
(vii) + 2y = xex (viii) + y = tan x
dx dx
7. Solve the DE
+ ky = A sin ωt,
with initial condition y(0) = y0 , where k, A and ω are positive constants, with [ω] = T −1
[k] = T −1 , [A] = [y]T −1 .
c) Write the solution y(t) as the sum of a transient term and a steady state term.
8. a) When a coil of steel is removed from an annealing furnace its temperature is 684◦
C. Four minutes later its temperature is 246◦ C. How long will it take to reach
100◦ C? Assume that Newton’s law of cooling holds, which states that the time
rate of change of temperature of a cooling body is proportional to the difference
between the temperature of the body and the temperature of the surrounding
medium. Assume that room temperature is 27◦ .
b) You will find it quite tedious to solve part a) because of all the numbers. The
problem can be solved efficiently by formulating it more generally, as follows.
Let TA be the temperature of the surrounding medium (called the ambient tem-
perature). Let T0 be the temperature of the coil when it is removed from the
furnace at time t = 0. The temperature is measured to be T1 at time t1 . The
problem is to find the time t2 at which the temperature is T2 . So the given quan-
tities are TA , T0 , T1 , T2 and t1 and the unknown is t2 . The idea is to solve the DE
for the temperature function T (t) and show that
T2 −TA
ln T0 −TA
t2 = t1 .
T1 −TA
ln T0 −TA
Problem Set 1 139
9. The velocity v(t) of a sky-diver falling towards the earth’s surface satisfies the DE
m = mg − αv,
where m is the mass, g the acceleration due to gravity (assumed constant), and α is
the drag coefficient (see the notes).
a) Find v(t) assuming an initial velocity v(0) = v0 > 0.
b) Show that as time passes, v(t) approaches the terminal velocity vterm = mg/α.
Does v(t) ever equal vterm ?
c) Find the distance y fallen as a function of time t and verify that your formula is
dimensionally consistent.
(d) Find the distance y fallen as a function of velocity v, and verify that your formula
is dimensionally consistent.
10. The velocity v of a projectile fired vertically up from the surface of a planet and
travelling only under the influence of gravity, satisfies the DE.
dv gR2
v =− 2 ,
dr r
where r is the distance of the projectile from the centre of the planet, R is the radius
of the planet and g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet (see
the notes).
11. A student carrying a flu virus returns to an isolated college campus of 1,000 students.
The rate at which the virus spreads is proportional to the product of the number
of infected students and the number not infected. Predict the number of infected
students after 7 days, if it is found that after 3 days 40 students are infected. When is
the infection spreading most rapidly? Illustrate your solution by graphing the number
of infected students as a function of time t.
Suggestion: Formulate and solve this problem more generally, as in #8b).
12. Suppose that a corpse with temperature 27◦ C is discovered at midnight, and that the
ambient temperature is a constant 17◦ C. The body is moved quickly to a morgue where
the ambient temperature is 7◦ . After one hour the body temperature is 20◦ C. Estimate
the time of death.
Suggestion: Formulate and solve this problem more generally, as in #8b).
13. A tank is used in certain hydrodynamic experiments. After one experiment, the tank
contains 200 litres of a dye solution with a concentration of 1 g/litre. To prepare for
the next experiment, the tank is to be rinsed with clear water flowing in at a rate of 2
litres/min, the well-stirred mixture flowing out at the same rate. How long will it take
to reduce the concentration of dye to 1% of its original value?
140 Problem Set 1
14. The DE
dN N
=r 1− N − h,
dt K
where r, K and h are positive constants, describes a population of fish with natural
growth rate coefficient r, carrying capacity K and a constant harvest rate h.
a) Show that if h < 41 rK there are two equilibrium solutions N(t) = N1 and N(t) =
N2 where N1 and N2 are constants with 0 < N1 < N2 . Find N1 and N2 .
b) Give a qualitative sketch of the solution curves in the case h < 14 rK. Discuss the
longterm behaviour of N(t) in the two cases (i) N(0) > N1 and (ii) N(0) < N1 .
15. A projectile of mass m is fired straight up from the earth’s surface with initial velocity
v0 . If v0 is small compared to the escape velocity it is reasonable to assume that the
acceleration due to gravity g is constant throughout the motion. After rising to a
certain height, the projectile will return to the earth’s surface. The return time tr is
the total time spent in flight. Calculate tr in two cases:
16. An object of mass m is released from rest at a height of h metres above the earth’s
surface, and strikes the ground after falling for th seconds. Assume that the force
due to air drag is proportional to the velocity. It is possible to determine the drag
coefficient and knowing m, h and th ?
17. Experiments show that the rate of decrease of atmospheric pressure p with height h is
proportional to the product of the acceleration due to gravity (assumed constant) and
the pressure.
a) Express the above result as a differential equation for the unknown function p(h).
b) Let p0 denote the pressure at sea-level, p1 denote the pressure at a reference
altitude of h1 . Show that the dependence of height h on pressure p can be written
in the form
ln[p/p0 ]
h = h1 .
ln[p1 /p0 ]
c) Suppose that the pressure at sea level is 104 kPa and at an altitude of 3000 m is
70 kPa. Most people will lose consciousness if the pressure falls below 50 kPa. At
what altitude does this occur? (kPa means kilopascals, and 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 ).
18. Consider a population of size N(t) which grows exponentially at a rate r ([r] = T −1 ),
but is harvested at a constant rate H per day. Then N(t) satisfies the DE
= rN − H.
Problem Set 1 141
a) Suppose that r = 0.01 days−1 and N(0) = 4000. Show that if H > 40 per
day, then the population becomes extinct in a finite time, but if H < 40, the
population will increase without bound.
b) Referring to a), if H > 40 per day, find the time of extinction.
c) In a), H = 40 represents the critical harvest rate. Find the critical harvest rate
for arbitrary r > 0 and arbitrary N(0).
19. A mixing tank of capacity Vmax litres initially contains V0 litres of pure water. A salt
solution of constant concentration cin gm/litres flows in at a rate 2f litres/min and the
contents of the tank flow out at f litres/min. For this physical situation it is reasonable
to define a characteristic time by tc = Vf0 (the time to drain the initial volume, with
zero inflow) and a characteristic mass by mc = Vmax cin (the mass of salt in the tank
if it were completely filled by the inflow). Then one can define a dimensionless time τ
and dimensionless mass M by
t m
τ= , M= ,
tc mc
where m is the mass of salt in the tank at time t.
dM M
=− + 2b,
dτ 1+τ
where b = Vmax
b) Show that when the tank is filled it contains (1 − b2 )Vmax cin grams of salt.
(i) y = e−x + Ce−2x (ii) y = Ce− cos x
1 2 1
(iii) y = 1 − Ce− 2 x (iv) y= and y = 0
1 + Ce−x
1 C
(v) y = Cearctan x (vi) y= + 3
2x x
(vii) y = −x + 1 + Ce−x (viii) y = x2 − 1 + Ce−x
1 − Ce−2x
(ix) y= and y = −1.
1 + Ce−2x
142 Problem Set 2
Problem Set 2
Dimensional Analysis
1. Calculate the dimensions of
(i) pressure gradient (iv) velocity gradient
(ii) density gradient (v) shear stress
(iii) surface tension (vi) viscosity
Note: “Surface tension” is the work done in creating unit area of a fluid surface. A
velocity gradient in a fluid (called the ‘shear rate” by engineers) has associated with
it a shear stress (a force per unit area). The shear stress is proportional to the shear
rate, and the constant of proportionality is called the “viscosity” of the fluid.
d2 x
+ αx + βx3 = F0 sin ωt.
where [x] = L and [t] = T . Calculate the dimensions of α, β, F0 and ω.
3. The diffusion of heat in a slab of material is governed by the partial differential equation
(the heat equation)
∂T ∂2T
=κ 2,
∂t ∂x
where the temperature T varies only in the x-direction. The constant κ is called the
thermal diffusivity, and depends on the nature of the material. Find the dimensions of
4. Consider a sky-diver who falls from rest under the influence of gravity, with air-drag
proportional to velocity.
a) Introduce a characteristic time tc and length ℓc , and use them to define dimen-
sionless variables.
b) Write the DE for the velocity as a function of time, using dimensionless variables,
and solve to find the velocity as a function of time. Then find distance as a
function of time, also using dimensionless variables.
c) Derive a DE for the velocity regarded as a function of distance fallen, using
dimensionless variables. Solve to obtain distance fallen as a function of velocity.
d) Determine how far the sky-diver has fallen and for how long, at the instant when
his velocity is 10 of the terminal velocity. Give your answer in two forms,
(i) in terms of dimensionless distance and time, and
(ii) in terms of actual distance and time, assuming the skydiver has a mass of 80
kg and a drag coefficient α = 10 kg s−1 .
Problem Set 2 143
e) Use b) to write asymptotic forms for the physical velocity and distance fallen in
the limiting cases (i) 0 < t ≪ tc and (ii) t ≫ tc .
∗5. a) Repeat #4 (all parts), assuming that air-drag is proportional to the square of the
velocity. Let β denote the new-air drag coefficient.
b) Does an object with air-drag of the form βv 2 approach terminal velocity more
rapidly than an object with air-drag of the form αv?
6. The goal is to obtain information about the period of a satellite in a circular orbit
around a planet. The relevant physical quantities are the period P , the planetary
mass M, the satellite mass m, the radius of the orbit r, and, since the process is
governed by gravity, by the gravitational constant G.
7. a) List the three physical variables involved in the escape velocity problem. Set up
the dimensional matrix to show that there is only one dimensionless variable.
Hence write down an expression for vesc .
b) Suppose that planet X has radius 6 times that of earth and that the acceleration
due to gravity on the surface is twice that on earth. How does the escape velocity
for planet X compare to that for the earth?
9. Consider a star as being a fluid sphere held together by its own gravity. A star may
undergo vibrations, the most important being those in which all particles of the star
execute simple harmonic motions which are in phase with each other, with frequency
ν. Assume that ν could depend on only the mass density ρ of the star, its radius
r and the gravitational constant G (the viscosity of the star is not important here).
Investigate ν as a function of ρ, r and G.
10. A little cooking problem ... how does the cooking time of a roast depend on the size
of the roast?
The physical quantities are the cooking time ∆t, the volume of the roast V , the thermal
diffusivity κ of the roast (see #3), the initial temperature difference ∆Ti = Ti − T0 and
the final temperature difference ∆Tf = Tf − T0 . Here T0 is the oven temperature, and
Ti , Tf denote the initial and final temperature of the centre of the roast, respectively.
Show that ∆t is proportional to V 2/3 .
144 Problem Set 2
11. Consider the motion of gravity waves in deep water (the “ocean swell”). The physical
parameters are the speed of the wave v, the wavelength of the wave λ, the density
√ of
water ρ and the acceleration g due to gravity. Show that v is proportional to λg.
12 Referring to #11, if the water is shallow, we must add the depth h to the list of essential
parameters. Show that in this case
v = f λh λg,
∗13. Suppose we are interested in the power P necessary to keep a ship of length L moving
at constant velocity U. Energy must be supplied to replace energy wasted in making
waves, and which is lost because of water viscosity (friction), and a worker in the field
may be led to assume that
P = P (L, U, g, ρ, η) , (1)
where g is the acceleration of gravity, ρ is the mass density of water, and η is its
viscosity. Assuming that (1) is correct, prove that
P = ρ L2 U 3 f (F r, Re),
F r ≡ U 2 /(Lg) , Re ≡ U L ρ/η .
∗14. Consider steady nonturbulent incompressible flow of a fluid, of mass density ρ and
viscosity η, in a cylindrical pipe, of length L and radius R. The pressure difference
∆P between the ends should depend on only L, R, ρ, η, and the maximum speed U of
the flow. If this is so, show that
where f is an unknown function of two variables, and the two Reynolds numbers are
defined by
ReL ≡ U L ρ/η , ReR ≡ U R ρ/η .
Suggest a possible great simplification of the result (2) if L/R is sufficiently large.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to F.O. Goodman & G. Tenti for many of these problems.
Problem Set 3 145
Problem Set 3
Second Order Linear Differential Equations
1. Find the general solution of each homogeneous linear DE:
(i) y ′′ + y ′ − 2y = 0 (ii) y ′′ + 4y ′ + 4y = 0
(iii) y ′′ + 2y ′ + 5y = 0 (iv) y ′′ − 6y ′ + 10y = 0 .
2. Find the general solution of the following inhomogeneous linear DEs.
(i) y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 6t
(ii) y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 5 cos t
(iii) y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = 5e4t
3. a) Find the unique solution of the initial value problems
y ′′ + ω 2 y = b,
y ′′ + ω 2 y = 0,
with initial conditions y(0) = y0 , y ′ (0) = v0 . Show that the amplitude of the SHM is
ymax = y02 + ω02 .
y ′′ + y ′ − 6y = αert ,
where r and α are constants. Which values of r have to be treated as special cases?
146 Problem Set 3
y ′′ + 2y ′ + 2y = α cos ωt
2α 1
A(t) = ω02 −ω 2
sin (ω0 − ω)t .
Give a qualitative sketch of the graph of y(t) in the case where ω0 − ω is small
compared to ω0 . If you want to use specific values, use ω0 = 11, ω = 9, but don’t
try to sketch the curve exactly.
d) Show that the unique solution of the DE in a) with ω 2 = ω02 , subject to the initial
condition y(0) = 0, y ′(0) = 0 is
y= t sin ω0 t.
Give a qualitative sketch of the graph.
11. a) An object of mass 2 kg extends a spring 0.1 m from its equilibrium position.
Calculate the spring constant k in Newtons per metre. Assuming that the mass
moves with no damping and no driving force, calculate the period of the resulting
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).
b) A resistive medium exerts a damping force of 200 Newtons when acting on the
above object moving with a velocity of 10 metres per second. Calculate the
damping constant in kilograms per second.
Problem Set 3 147
y ′′ + 2λy ′ + w02 y = 0.
Suppose that ζ = wλ0 = 10−5. How many oscillations will take place in the time interval
during which the amplitude decays by 1%? In this situation the motion of the system
approximates SHM over a restricted time interval.
13. Consider the dimensionless DE
Y ′′ + 2ζY ′ + Y = 0,
with initial conditions Y (0) = 1, Y ′ (0) = −V0 , where ′ is differentiation with respect
to a dimensionless time variable τ , Y is a dimensionless displacement, and ζ is a
dimensionless constant satisfying ζ ≥ 1, so that oscillations do not occur.
(i) One expects that if V0 is sufficiently large, then the mass will pass through the
equilibrium position before coming to rest. Find the restriction on V0 that will
ensure that this happens, in the case of critical damping ζ = 1. Also find the
time τzero at which Y is zero.
(ii) Find the time τcrit at which Y attains its minimum value Ymin. Show that τcrit
τcrit = τzero + 1,
and that
Ymin = −(V0 − 1)e−τcrit .
(iii) Sketch the graphs of the displacement Y (τ ) and the velocity Y ′ (τ ), and label τzero ,
τcrit , V0 and Ymin.
14. Referring to #13(i) show that in the case ζ > 1, the restriction on V0 is
V0 > ζ + ζ 2 − 1
cos φ = R(1 − Ω2 ), sin φ = 2RζΩ (6)
(ii) Hence conclude that
Y = R cos(Ωτ − φ),
where R and φ are given by (5) and (6), is a particular solution of (2).
16. The charge Q(t) on the capacitor in the electrical circuit shown satisfies
d2 Q dQ 1
L 2
+R + Q = V (t),
dt dt C
V (t) L
17. Two mixing tanks of volume V are coupled together with flow rates as shown. Let
m1 (t) and m2 (t) denote the mass of chemical in each tank at time t.
(i) Write down the first order differential equations satisfied by m1 and m2 . Use a di-
mensionless time variable τ defined in the usual way in terms of the characteristic
1 V
tc = p .
k(1 + k) f
Problem Set 3 149
f kf
(k + 1)f f
m1 (t) m2 (t)
where r
q= ,
cin is the inflow concentration, and ′ denotes differentiation with respect to τ .
(iii) Assume that both tanks are initially filled with pure water. Show that
a) Show, using Newton’s Second Law, that a suitable differential equation for de-
scribing the motion of the mass m is
body of car
c (damper)
19. An electric charge q of mass m moves with velocity v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) in a region of space
where there is a magnetic field B = (0, 0, B) of constant strength. According to the
laws of physics, the motion of the charge is given by the following equations:
dv1 qB dv2 qB dv3
m = v2 , m = − v1 , m = 0.
dt c dt c dt
where c is the velocity of light in a vacuum. Assume an initial condition of the form
v(0) = (u1 , u2 , u3 ).
a) Eliminate v2 from the first two equations and get a single second order DE for v1 .
b) Show that the quantity ωc = mc has the dimensions of a frequency, thus justifying
its name, which is the “cyclotron frequency” (or “gyrofrequency”).
c) Solve the resulting DE for v1 , and then find v2 .
d) Identify the curve representing the path of the particle.
Problem Set 3 151
1. (i) y = c1 ex + c2 e−2x (ii) y = (c1 + c2 x)e−2x
(iii) y = (c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x)e−x (iv) y = (c1 cos x + c2 sin x)e3x .
Problem Set 4
Laplace Transforms and Differential Equations
1. Calculate the Laplace transform Y = L(y) of each function y, using the definition.
Give the domain of validity. Use complex variables for the trig. functions.
(i) y(t) = t2 (ii) y(t) = te−2t (iii) y(t) = t cos πt (iv) y(t) = t sin πt
2. Use the fact that the Laplace transform operator L is linear, and the results from #1
to write down the Laplace transform of y(t) = t(2t + 3e−2t + π sin πt).
3. Knowing L(eαt ) = s−α
for s > Re(α), find the Laplace transforms of
4. Show that L[tn ] = , for s > 0, where n is a non-negative integer.
Hint: See #9 on the Review Problem Set.
1 1 1
(i) Y (s) = (ii) Y (s) = 2 , (iii) Y (s) = ,
(s + a)(s + b) (s + a2 )(s2 + b2 ) (s + a)(s2 + b2 )
where a and b are real constants with a 6= b.
6. Find each inverse Laplace transform using the first shift theorem:
t t t
0 a b 0 b 2b 0 b 2b
8. Find the inverse Laplace transform using the second shift theorem, and sketch the
graph of the resulting function:
If L−1 [F (s)] = f (t), then L−1 [e−cs F (s)] = H(t − c)f (t − c).
−3s −πs −πs
−1 e −1 e −1 e
(i) L (ii) L 2
(iii) L .
s+2 s +1 s2 − 1
10. Solve the following initial value problems using the Formula Sheet
11. A mixing tank with constant volume V0 and flow rate k is initially filled with pure
water. If the inflow concentration is a constant cin for 0 ≤ t < T , and is then zero
afterwards, calculate the mass of chemical in the tank at time 2T .
12. Consider a population y(t) which undergoes exponential growth with growth factor k.
Starting at time t = 0, the population is harvested at a constant rate h (number per
unit time), for a period of time T .
z ′ − z = −1 + H(τ − b),
(iii) Sketch the family of dimensionless solutions with z0 as parameter. What happens
if z0 < 1 − e−b ? What is the physical interpretation?
(iv) For what values of y0 does the population y fall below y0 during the interval
0 < t < T ? In this case, at what time does y recover to its initial value?
y ′ + y = g(t),
where the input function g(t) is the saw-tooth function in #7(iii), and the initial
condition is y(0) = 0.
(i) Based on the graph of the input function, make an educated guess as to the graph
of the response y(t).
(ii) Show that the response at time t is
14. Consider the undamped oscillator DE with a driving force that is a rectangular pulse
of duration b:
y ′′ + y = 1 − H(τ − b),
where H is the Heaviside step function.
(i) Use the Laplace transform to show that the unique solution satisfying the initial
conditions y(0) = 0 = y ′ (0) is
(ii) Show that for τ > b, the response y(τ ) can be expressed as
i.e. simple harmonic motion. Express the amplitude A and phase δ in terms of
the pulse duration b.
(iii) Sketch the full response for b = 2π, 3π and 2π + ǫ, where 0 < ǫ ≪ 1.
(iv) For what values(s) of b is the amplitude of the long-term response a maximum?
Problem Set 4 155
2 1
i) L[t2 ] = s3
, s>0 ii) L[te−2t ] = (s+2)2
, s > −2
2 2
iii) L[t cos πt] = (ss2 +π
2 )2 iv) L[t sin πt] = 2πs
(s2 +π 2 )2
h i
1 1
5. i) L (s+a)(s+b) = a−b (e−bt − e−at )
= e−2t − 12 e− 2 t
6. ii) L−1 2s2 +5s+2
i if t < 3
8. i) L−1 s+2
= H(t − 3)e−2(t−3) = .
e−2(t−3) , if t ≥ 3
10. i) y(t) = 6e−2t − e−3t iv) y(t) = 6 cos t + 3 sin t − sin 2t.
156 Problem Set 5
Problem Set 5
Linear Vector DEs
1. In each case verify that the given vector-valued function satisfies the vector DE x′ =
2 6 −t −2
i) A = ; x(t) = e
−2 −5 1
1 5 −t 5 cos t
ii) A = ; x(t) = e
−1 −3 −2 cos t − sin t
3 −4 t 1 2
iii) A = ; x(t) = e +t .
1 −1 0 1
3. a) Give a description of the Laplace transform method for finding the fundamental
matrix of a linear vector DE.
b) Find the fundamental matrix for each DE in #2, referring to your description in
#3 a).
c) Verify that Φ(t) has the properties
Find the unique solution for each DE in #2 that satisfies each given initial con-
ditions (i.e. for each DE, two initial conditions are given):
1 1 1 π
i) x(0) = ; x(ln 2) = ii) x(0) = ; x 4
1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1
iii) x(0) = ; x(1) = iv) x(0) = ; x(ln 2) =
1 0 1 0
4. Give a qualitative sketch of the orbits for each DE in #2.
b) Find a particular solution of the DE (*) for the 2 × 2 matrices given in #2, and
the input functions given below:
1 2 cos 2t
(i) f(t) = e−3t (ii) f(t) =
1 sin 2t
−t 0 1
(iii) f(t) = e (iv) f(t) = cos t .
1 −1
6. Consider the coupled constant volume mixing tank system as shown with inflow con-
centration cin (t), with state vector
x= ,
where m1 and m2 denote the mass of chemical in tanks 1 and 2 respectively. Let V be
the volume of each tank.
f 3
Tank 1 Tank 2
f f
−t 1 −5t 1
2. b) i) x(t) = c1 e + c2 e .
1 −1
−t cos 2t −2 sin 2t
ii) x(t) = e c1 1 + c2 .
sin 2t cos 2t
−t 1 0
iii) x(t) = e (c1 + 2c2 t) + c2 .
0 1
1 −2t 1
iv) x(t) = c1 + c2 e .
−1 1
3. b)
e−t + e−5t e−t − e−5t
1 cos 2t −2 sin 2t
i) Φ(t) = ii) Φ(t) = e−t 1
2e−t − e−5t e−t + e−5t 2
sin 2t cos 2t
e + 1 e−2t − 1
−t 1 2t 1
iii) Φ(t) = e iv) Φ(t) = 2 −2t .
0 1 e − 1 e−2t + 1