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485 JJ
Last Date : 05.02.2020
Applications are invited Online only from qualified candidates for appointment in the
undermentioned post in Kerala Government Service. Before applying for the post the
candidates should register as per the One Time Registration through the official website
of Kerala Public Service Commission.
1. Department : Kerala Higher Secondary Education
Explanation : Higher Secondary School Teacher means Full Time Post of Higher
Secondary School Teacher
For other conditions regarding the age relaxation please see Part-II, Para 2 of the
General Conditions.
Note : 3% vacancies are reserved for eligible differently abled candidates with
Blindness/Low Vision, Hearing Impairment, Locomotor Disability/Cerebral palsy as per
G.O.(P) No.05/2019/SJD dated 07.05.2019.
7. Qualifications
1. Master's Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks from any
of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in
the respective subject by a University in Kerala.
2. i) B.Ed Degree in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study
from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent
thereto by a University in Kerala.
ii) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject, B.Ed De-
gree acquired in the concerned faculty as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any
of the Universities in Kerala.
iii) In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in item (i) and (ii)
above, persons with B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of
study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognized as
equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
3. Must have passed the State Eligibility Test for the post of Higher Secondary
School Teachers conducted by Government of Kerala or by the agency authorized
by the State Government.
Note I :
1 Persons who have acquired M.Ed. in the subject concerned subject recognised by
. any University in Kerala are exempted from B.Ed qualification.
1) Those persons who have passed the State Level Eligibility Test for
the post of College Lecturers conducted by Govt. of Kerala are ex-
empted from the State Eligibility Test for Higher Secondary School
2) Those persons who have passed National Eligibility Test/Junior Re-
search Fellowship shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibili-
ty Test.
3) Persons with Ph.D/M.Phil/M.Ed. Degree shall be exempted from
passing the State Eligibility Test provided the M.Phil in the con-
cerned subject be one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or
recognized as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
4) The teachers who have completed 10(ten) years of approved teaching
service at the High School level in the General Education Subordi-
nate Service shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test
for Higher Secondary School Teacher.
5) Relaxation of 5% marks in Post Graduation will be given to SC/ ST
and Differently Abled Candidates as per G.O(Ms)No.288/15/Gl.Edn.
Dated 13.11.2015.
Note II :
1. Rule 10(a)(ii) of Part II of KS&SSR is applicable.
2. Candidates who claim equivalent qualification instead of qualification mentioned in the
notification shall produce the relevant Government order to prove the equivalency at the
time of verification, then only such qualification shall be treated as equivalent to the
prescribed qualification concerned.
3. In the case of difference in original caste/ community claimed in the application and
that entered in SSLC book, the candidate shall produce a Gazette notification in this re-
gard, along with Non Creamy Layer Certificate/ Community Certificate at the time of
certificate verification.