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Zhang & Su 2023

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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 03 January 2023

DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.977996

Corporate social responsibility,

OPEN ACCESS internal control, and firm
financial performance
Kittisak Jermsittiparsert,
University of City Island, Cyprus

Chanin Yoopetch, Li Zhang 1,2 and Wunhong Su 3*
Mahidol University,
Thailand School of Accounting, Guangzhou Huashang College, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China,

Surang Hensawang,
International college, Krirk University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3 School of Accounting, Hangzhou Dianzi
Kasetsart University, University, Hangzhou, China
Thanaporn Sriyakul,
Mahanakorn University of Technology, As the global challenges facing sustainability issues continue to expand, the
Thailand issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical governance have
*CORRESPONDENCE become the focus of continued academic attention. CSR is important for firms
Wunhong Su
to enhance their reputation and promote sustainable development. Using
A-share listed firms from 2012 to 2019, this study empirically investigates the
This article was submitted to effect of CSR fulfillment on internal control and firm financial performance
Performance Science, by constructing a regression model. The results show that there is a positive
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
relationship between CSR and firm financial performance. Therefore, CSR
fulfillment effectively improves the firm financial performance. Furthermore,
RECEIVED 25June 2022
ACCEPTED 29 August 2022 this study finds that there is a partial mediating effect of internal control
PUBLISHED 03 January 2023 between CSR fulfillment and firm financial performance. Therefore, good
CITATION internal control leads the firm to implement CSR, strengthen management,
Zhang L and Su W (2023) Corporate social and improve financial performance. Further results show that the nature of
responsibility, internal control, and firm
financial performance. ownership plays a moderating role in the mediating effect of internal control.
Front. Psychol. 13:977996. This study enriches the mechanism of CSR on firm financial performance.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.977996
Furthermore, it provides a theoretical basis for Chinese listed firms to fulfill
CSR, improve ownership, and strengthen internal control.
© 2023 Zhang and Su. This is an open-
access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution KEYWORDS
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or
reproduction in other forums is permitted, corporate social responsibility, internal control, firm financial performance, nature
provided the original author(s) and the of ownership, China
copyright owner(s) are credited and that
the original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not
comply with these terms.
Research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been conducted for decades. CSR
fulfillment not only increases management disclosure and firm reputation, makes firm
information more transparent (e.g., Cui et al., 2016), and maintains customer relationships
and brand image (e.g., Teng and Wu, 2018), but also reduces information asymmetry,
management’s self-serving behavior, communication and agency costs, financing costs and
firm operation risks (e.g., Tencati et al., 2004). CSR emphasizes firm sustainability (e.g.,
Dkhili and Dhiab, 2019). CSR remains an issue worth discussing with the global emphasis
on sustainable development.
Numerous studies (e.g., Hasan et al., 2018) find a relationship between CSR and firm
financial performance. However, the conclusions are controversial (e.g., Windsor, 2006). For
example, some studies (e.g., Wang and Qian, 2011) show firm engagement in philanthropy

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gains consumer recognition and promotes growth in financial other words, firms that do not disclose CSR information are
performance. Likewise, engaging in CSR reaps financial benefits vulnerable to negative social evaluation. As a result, more listed
and promotes firms (e.g., Teng and Wu, 2018). However, the firms voluntarily disclose CSR information.
literature (e.g., Rim and Kim, 2016) demonstrates that CSR does Since 2014, there has been an exponential increase in firms
not affect firm performance or CSR has a negative effect when voluntarily disclosing CSR information. Therefore, in addition
managers focus on short-term profit, even when CSR reports to ethical constraints, CSR fulfillment positively affects firm
become a medium to cover up violations. performance (e.g., Yang and Yang, 2016; Li et al., 2020; Liu,
Furthermore, studies investigate the association between CSR 2020). However, according to the CSR Blue Book (2020), about
and performance from different research perspectives, such as 40% of firms are still “bystanders” in fulfilling their
firm risk management (e.g., Naseem et al., 2019), information CSR. Accordingly, this study utilizes A-share listed firms from
asymmetry (e.g., Rehman et al., 2022), government intervention 2012 to 2019, based on CSR scores from Hexun.com, internal
(e.g., Wen and Fang, 2008), firm value (e.g., Chen and Lee, 2017), control index, and relevant financial index from the DIB
also for different country studies such Spain (e.g., Martínez- database, to investigate the relationship between CSR, internal
Campillo et al., 2012), Saudi Arabia (Dkhili and Dhiab, 2019), control, and firm financial performance and to explore it in
Bangladesh (e.g., Dhar et al., 2022). These different research depth by introducing ownership nature variable. The purpose
perspectives, research subjects, and differences in research means of this study is to investigate (1) the relationship between CSR
and variables definition above lead to inconsistent findings in and internal control, (2) the relationship between CSR and
existing studies, making it necessary to investigate the relationship financial performance, and (3) the role played by internal
between CSR and firm financial performance (e.g., Huang control in CSR affecting financial performance.
et al., 2020). The possible theoretical and practical contributions of this
CSR emerges in the West in the 1980s. Differences in cultural study are as follows. Theoretical contributions include three
backgrounds and economic systems lead to a lower willingness aspects. First, this study takes developing countries as the main
to fulfill CSR in developing countries than in developed subject of study and finds the transmission path of CSR
countries. Developing countries are mostly economically implementation in emerging economy countries, which
oriented and profit-driven (Scherer and Palazzo, 2011), with low provides evidence support to examine the issue of CSR in
firm values and cost pressures (Bolívar et al., 2015). The first CSR developing countries. Second, existing studies mainly focus on
disclosure in China began in 2009. CSR effectiveness in China the relationship between the two. This study links internal
largely depends on the government’s attitude towards social control, CSR, and financial performance to reveal the
responsibility (Li et al., 2017). The Chinese government has relationship between the three, providing a new research
introduced many legal policies and systems in the past decade to perspective and enriching the relevant literature. Third, this
improve CSR. For example, enhancing social awareness of study introduces internal control as a mediating variable to
environmental protection, emphasizing synergistic development verify its mediating effect between CSR and financial
of environmental protection and economy, and maintaining performance, which enriches CSR theory research.
fairness, social, and equality. This makes CSR fulfillment in Practical contributions include two aspects. First, the
China more politically legitimate relative to other developing findings help to open the “black box” of the influence
countries (e.g., Xu et al., 2015). mechanism of CSR on financial performance, expand the study
In recent years, China’s securities regulators have issued a of socio-economic consequences, and have important practical
series of CSR disclosure policies to improve the transparency of significance for firms to strengthen internal control
accounting information. In 2007, SASAC required firms to take construction, improve financial performance, build internal
the initiative to fulfill their CSR and put forward a series of policies control system of CSR, and improve the level of CSR
on fulfilling their CSR. In 2008, the SEC recommended that listed commitment. Second, this study taps into the implementation
firms take the initiative to disclose CSR and related information. path of CSR role internal control. Firms should use internal
At the same time, the SSE has made it mandatory for three control as a boundary role condition for financial performance
categories of firms with significant influence in the share market improvement, which helps managers, strengthen the quality of
to disclose CSR reports. In addition, in 2016, the government internal control, improve financial performance and achieve
explicitly included the development of ecological civilization as high quality and sustainable development of firms.
one of the important strategies in China. In Shi and Lee (2020), The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is the
the SEC explicitly required listed firms to increase environmental literature review. Section 3 reports theoretical analysis and
and CSR disclosures in their financial reports. develops research hypotheses. Section 4 describes the data and
Although China’s securities regulators do not compulsorily research design. Section 5 presents the empirical results,
require listed firms to disclose CSR information, firms that fulfill providing the results of benchmark regressions, ownership
their CSR generally take the initiative to disclose relevant heterogeneity analysis, mediating effects analysis, and
information to gain investors’ trust. Moreover, as more and more robustness tests. Finally, section 6 concludes and summarizes
firms voluntarily disclose CSR, a “theater effect” is created. In further research perspectives.

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Literature review control, in turn, has implications for firm risk management, audit
quality, financial reporting quality, financial innovation, and
Sheldon (1924) introduced the concept of CSR. Early social financial performance (Otley and Soin, 2014).
responsibility was considered an obligation and responsibility in Financial performance is a firm’s contribution to operating
addition to shareholder returns (Bowen, 1953) and moral good that performance and reflects the firm’s effectiveness in cost control,
managers contributed to society (Davis, 1960). By the 1970s, with asset management, and capital deployment (Chen et al., 2016).
the growing awareness of environmental protection, environmental The measurement of financial performance includes accounting
protection became an important part of CSR (Dunlap and Mertig, financial performance indicators (e.g., ROA, ROE) and market
2014), with a particular focus on the compliance of environmental value-based financial performance indicators (e.g., share returns,
and social responsibility for polluting firms as a signal of book value ratios). In addition, innovation (Halme and Korpela,
environmental performance (Clarkson et al., 2008). In the 20th 2014), human resource management (O’Donohue and Torugsa,
century, CSR was viewed as a strategic symbol of moral identity 2016), supply chain management (Epoh and Mafini, 2018), CSR
(Roberts, 2003). More and more countries and firms paid attention strategy (Li et al., 2016), corporate environment (Bartolacci et al.,
to CSR issues, and social responsibility issues continue to 2018), positively affect financial performance, while intangible
be globalized (Charoenkitthanalap, 2018; Zhang and Li, 2021). assets (Amadieu and Viviani, 2010) negatively affect
Many studies have been conducted in the social responsibility financial performance.
literature on research subjects, methods, and influencing factors. There is relatively little literature on the variables of social
The main research focuses more on social responsibility issues in responsibility, internal control, and financial performance put
developed countries (Fifka, 2013). Research in developing together to discuss. This study then from 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 to
countries is concentrated in a small group of emerging economies, discuss the relationship between them, respectively.
such as China, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Africa (Belal and
Momin, 2009). CSR is a dynamic concept of social construction
(Muthuri and Gilbert, 2011), different ownership structures, Association between CSR and firm
governance systems, values (Heggen, 2019), national culture, legal financial performance
context (McPhail and Adams, 2016), disclosure of social
responsibility in developing countries is more likely to A review of the relevant literature reveals some controversy
be influenced by stakeholders (Belal and Owen, 2007), ownership regarding the relationship between CSR and firm financial
structure (Khan et al., 2013). Research methods, including performance, including positive, negative, and other correlations.
qualitative (Parker, 2014) and quantitative research (Brooks and For larger firms with sufficient funds, there is usually a greater
Oikonomou, 2018), reveal that factors affecting CSR disclosure are emphasis on maintaining stakeholder relationships and a tendency
firm characteristics (Chiu and Wang, 2014), firm size (Reverte, to pay more attention to environmental issues (e.g., Waddock and
2009), industry (Hou and Reber, 2011), financial performance Graves, 1997). The timely disclosure of CSR information and the
(Tagesson et al., 2009), and media coverage (Roberts, 2003). promotion in an easy-to-understand manner can make investors
The concept of “internal accounting controls” was introduced trust the firm. As a result, firms improve their reputation (e.g., Liu,
and used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to 2020) while increasing share price (e.g., Liu et al., 2013) and firm
the definition of COSO, 2013, internal control ensures the financial performance (e.g., Eberle et al., 2013). However, some
efficiency of firm operations, the legitimacy of operations, and the studies also suggest that CSR’s impact on a firm’s financial
reliability of financial reporting. The concept of internal control performance has lagged. For example, fulfilling CSR reduces short-
has a broad understanding at the level of firm strategy in addition term performance but positively affects long-term performance
to a narrow understanding of internal control over financial (e.g., Wen and Fang, 2008; Dou, 2015). Other studies argue that CSR
reporting (Power, 2007). Internal control is a control tool and risk fulfillment does not significantly correlate with firm financial
management that plays a role in corporate governance and risk performance without sustainable growth (e.g., Gao, 2016). For high-
management (Otley and Soin, 2014). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act in growth firms, the opportunity cost of charitable donations is higher
the US and the Turnbull Report and COSO framework in the UK and can reduce firm performance and shareholder wealth (e.g.,
have greatly advanced internal control development. Research on Zheng and Xu, 2011).
internal control has focused on the influencing factors and
consequences. Examples are the internal audit department (Oussii
and Taktak, 2018), audit committee (Lisic et al., 2016), the top Association between CSR fulfillment and
management team (Roberts and Candreva, 2006), board diversity internal control
(Monem, 2011), CFO career diversity (Campbell, 2007), ERP
system effectiveness (Pernsteiner et al., 2018), internal audit Previous studies suggest that there is a relationship between
function (Woods, 2009), and external competitiveness internal control and CSR (e.g., Wang and Shen, 2012). A sound
(Rothenberg, 2009), can indirectly or directly affect the system for fulfilling CSR helps monitor the behavior of managers
effectiveness of internal control. The effectiveness of internal and improve the sense of CSR. Firms regulated under the

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Sarbanes-Oxley Act negatively correlate CSR and internal control that compared to non-SOEs, SOEs find it difficult to eliminate
deficiencies. Conversely, firms with good CSR fulfillment have internal control deficiencies through institutional shareholding.
higher quality internal controls in implementation (e.g., Kim et al., The second view is that the lower the proportion of state ownership,
2017). Firms with relatively poor CSR fulfillment and CSR the better the internal control. However, there is a negative
information disclosure tend to have more deficiencies in their relationship between the proportion of state ownership and the
internal controls. Under the “corporate citizen” theory, the target effectiveness of internal control. The higher the proportion of state
of internal control and strategy is related to the firm’s “personality“. ownership, the easier it is for the supervision rights of small and
Therefore, CSR influences the design and implementation of medium shareholders to be “hollowed out,” which leads to the
internal control (e.g., Schwartz and Carroll, 2004). more serious problem of “owner absence” in SOEs (Wang, 2014).
Mixed reform of SOEs helps improve internal controls’ quality by
leveraging external monitoring pressure and enhancing internal
Association between internal controls executive performance incentives. Thus, the higher the
and firm performance shareholding of SOEs, the more difficult it is to achieve external
supervision (Cao et al., 2020). The third view is that the relationship
Prior studies focus on the association between internal control between the nature of the ownership and the quality of internal
and firm financial performance or capital market effectiveness. control is not significant. Lei (2010) finds that SOEs’ shareholding
For example, the cost of equity rises when information about ratio is insignificantly related to internal control information
internal control deficiencies is disclosed. However, when the disclosure. In recent years, researchers (e.g., Dey and Sircar, 2012)
deficiency is improved, the cost of equity decreases to a lower have gradually agreed that the nature of ownership affects internal
level, indicating that the soundness of internal control helps control. While internal control deficiencies are more easily
improve a firm financial performance (e.g., Shi, 2012). The reason eliminated, the quality of internal control is higher, and the impact
is mainly that firms with lower internal control deficiencies have on performance is more significant in non-SOEs than SOEs.
higher profitability quality capacity (Dey and Sircar, 2012) and The impact of CSR on performance can be divided into
higher firm value-added capacity (Lin et al., 2007), which can instrumental and political effects (Wen et al., 2019). SOEs have the
promote the effectiveness of capital markets (Su, 2020). Liang and important resources of the state and fulfill CSR as a political task,
Shi (2010) conclude that firms with well-designed internal and their goals are more likely to be aligned with the goal of
controls have better firm financial performance. sustainable development. On the other hand, non-SOEs, facing
Based on stakeholder theory, CSR is a safeguard mechanism competitive pressures, consider profit-making purposes first and
where management makes decisions considering stakeholder fulfill CSR more out of economic effects (Scherer and
groups such as investors, employees, customers, suppliers, and Palazzo, 2011).
government (e.g., Cui et al., 2016), forming a sustainable
development concept, enhancing investor confidence, improving
employee motivation and customer satisfaction, maintaining Theoretical analysis and
suppliers’ willingness to cooperate, and obtaining government development of hypothesis
support and subsidies, and enhance firm competitiveness (e.g.,
Dong et al., 2018). However, firm agency problems have a long Stakeholder theory suggests that highly responsible firms
history. For example, management is prone to speculative behavior make decisions by prioritizing whether the decision harms
when their interests are not aligned with the firm’s, especially when stakeholders. The main stakeholders of the firm include customers,
executive compensation is tied to short-term performance (e.g., employees, and government. Highly responsible firms establish
Preston and O’Bannon, 1997). In addition, weak internal controls reasonable employee incentive policies and create a good working
in firms are prone to agency problems and lead to information environment (Guo et al., 2021). Signaling theory suggests that
asymmetry. Therefore, as an external monitoring governance CSR fulfillment helps communicate the firm has altruistic
mechanism, CSR can perform internal governance functions tendencies to the outside. Firms with a high level of CSR are more
through the disciplined improvement of internal controls (Wang, concerned with consumer needs. When consumers choose goods,
2012), enhance information transparency, eliminate insider they also pay attention to the reputation and image of the firm.
trading, and reduce management self-interest (Maffett, 2012). CSR fulfillment helps improve the firm image and, thus, the
customer’s favorability towards the brand (e.g., Zhang and Li,
2021). Firms that fulfill their CSR well are more careful in their
Association between the nature of the management’s decision-making process to achieve higher levels of
ownership and internal control profitability. Regarding dividend distribution, firms with high CSR
are more likely to pay higher cash dividends, thus obtaining
Prior studies put forward three views. The first view is that the investors’ trust and further increasing their firm value and
quality of internal control is higher in private firms than in state- fundraising capacity (Shi and Lee, 2020). Based on the above
owned enterprises (SOEs; Zhang, 2015a). Li and Yan (2017) find discussion, this study proposes hypothesis 1.

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H1: The fulfillment of CSR is positively related to firm legitimate firm operations. According to hypothesis 2, increasing
financial performance. CSR can implement the belief of fulfilling CSR and form a firm
culture that focuses on CSR. In addition, employees are more
CSR mainly includes legal responsibility and ethical inclined to develop high-quality internal controls when
responsibility. However, they are not yet clearly delineated (Jin, influenced by a culture of CSR. According to hypothesis 3a, high-
2021). On top of complying with laws and regulations and quality internal control helps discipline management’s behavior
business contracts, the public pays more attention to CSR and improve firm financial performance by ensuring that it
fulfillment at the ethical level. Factors including managers’ adheres to the correct strategic direction and improves capital
characteristics such as education (Guo et al., 2021) and gender (Lv efficiency through internal and external monitoring. Therefore,
et al., 2021) can affect the fulfillment of CSR in firm ethics. In this study proposes hypothesis 3b.
addition, a firm culture that values ethical fulfillment contributes
to CSR (Qi et al., 2020). According to the organizational behavior H3a: Internal control mediates the association between
theory, employees mostly play the role of “economic man” in the fulfilling CSR and improving firm financial performance.
firm. Therefore, their pursuit of personal interests precedes their
moral pursuits in their work. To better investigate the association between CSR and firm
Furthermore, as a group organization, firms are prone to group financial performance, this study introduces the nature of
unconsciousness. Employees mainly consider their job duties and ownership as a moderating variable to analyze the impact of
orders from the leadership in their work and thus tend to ignore internal control on the relationship between the fulfillment of CSR
ethical issues, resulting in group behavior deviating from fulfilling and firm financial performance. Non-SOEs face more competitive
CSR. Thus, the ethical pursuits of leaders influence firm culture, and market pressure than SOEs and tend to be more “strategic” in their
the firm culture that places a premium on CSR helps increase CSR. On the contrary, SOEs perform their CSR more out of
employees’ attention to CSR at work. Based on legal and compliant “compliance” (Tu and Zheng, 2018). Therefore, compared to SOEs,
operations, a higher sense of CSR facilitates developing and non-SOEs are more conducive to restraining executive power and
implementing increased internal controls. In addition, the higher the improving performance through internal control (Zhou et al.,
perception of internal audit as a key factor influencing the quality of 2014). In addition, the phenomenon of “owner absence” in SOEs
internal control implementation, the more internal auditors perceive tends to cause internal control to be formal, making it difficult to
the organizational integrity environment, the better it is for achieve substantive supervision (Zhang, 2015b), while improved
strengthening their identification with the organization, thus internal control in non-SOEs is more conducive to reducing
improving the quality of internal audit and internal control (Lin and agency costs (Li et al., 2019).
Liao, 2021). Hypothesis 2 is proposed based on the above analysis. Furthermore, SOEs can effectively improve the effectiveness
of their internal controls by reducing their affiliation with other
H2: The fulfillment of CSR is positively related to internal shareholders through the diversity of their shareholdings (Cao
control quality. et al., 2020). Finally, the impact of internal controls on disclosure
is higher in non-SOEs (Li et al., 2017). Therefore, this study
According to the COSO framework, firm performance reflects proposes hypothesis 4.
the effectiveness of firm operations. Good internal controls can
ensure that operational efficiency and effectiveness are achieved. H4: The nature of ownership moderates the mediating effect
Except for the supervisory element, all the other four elements of of internal control between CSR fulfillment and firm
the COSO framework significantly affect firm performance (Sun financial performance.
et al., 2016). The quality of internal control and the quality of
internal control disclosure contribute to the efficiency of the Figure 1 shows the path of this study’s mediating and
internal market, contributing to firm performance (Su, 2020). moderating effects. Internal control plays a partial mediating
Under the ownership concentration perspective, Huang and Zhang effect in the role of CSR affecting financial performance. In
(2017)empirically find that the quality of internal control disclosure contrast, the nature of ownership moderates this effect, i.e., the
is a mediating variable for management to influence firm financial model has a mediating effect with moderating variables.
performance. Therefore, internal controls affect a firm financial
performance in multiple ways. This study proposes hypothesis 3a.
Research design
H3a: Internal control is positively related to firm
financial performance. Variable definition

According to Hypothesis 1, fulfilling CSR is conducive to Based on previous studies (e.g., Holme and Watts, 1999;
maintaining stakeholders’ interests and thus can improve firm Callahan and Soileau, 2017; Hofman et al., 2017), there are many
performance by enhancing firm reputation and ensuring measures of firm value, such as ROA, ROE, Tobin’s Q, and

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Pathway of mediation and moderating effects.

EPS. Since indicators such as Tobin’s Q and EPS measure firm Established internal control measurements are mainly goal-
financial performance from the capital market perspective, this oriented and process-oriented (Zhang and Li, 2021). Goal-
study utilizes ROA as the dependent variable for measuring firm oriented data can be obtained through professional databases,
financial performance. At the same time, ROE is employed as an while process-oriented data mainly comes from firm annual
alternative measure of firm financial performance in the reports disclosure, which lacks scientific rigor. Based on existing
robustness test. studies (e.g., Kim et al., 2017; Li and Yan, 2017), this study uses
International CSR evaluation criteria usually include the goal-oriented measurement and selects the DIB Internal
CEP reputation index method (Khan et al., 2016), KLD index Control Index as an internal control measurement indicator.
method (Tunpornchai and Hensawang, 2018), social return on Based on the perspective of five elements of firm internal
investment (SROI; Alikaj et al., 2017), TRI method (Wang and control, namely internal environment, risk assessment, control
Qian, 2011) and Corporate Philanthropy Act, and through activities, information and communication, and internal
evaluation databases such as Thomson Reuters ASSET4 oversight, the DIB Internal Control Index is designed and
database. On the other hand, CSR in China is usually obtained constructed with nine sub-databases: internal control evaluation
using alternative indicator methods, content analysis, information database, internal control audit information
questionnaires, specialized research databases, and the database, internal control evaluation deficiency database,
Hutchison Responsibility Ratings and the Rankins CSR internal control audit deficiency database, internal control
Ratings, RKS (Qi et al., 2020). Compared with RKS, the deficiency identification criteria database, internal control
Hutchinson Responsibility Rating is more suitable for information disclosure index database, internal control index
measuring CSR performance (Ma et al., 2019) and is a widely database, internal control deficiency quantity database, and
accepted evaluation method for CSR in China. This study listed firms included in the scope of mandatory implementation,
selects the comprehensive social responsibility score of which objectively and truly reflect the level of internal control
Chinese listed firms released by Hexun.com as the CSR of listed firms in China. The Internal Control Index measures
performance metric. The higher the score, the better the CSR the efficiency and effectiveness of implementing firm internal
fulfillment. Based on the social responsibility reports and control practices.
financial reports of listed firms in China, the score establishes Therefore, a larger internal index indicates a higher level of
13 secondary indicators and 37 tertiary indicators in five internal control and better risk management.
areas: shareholder responsibility, employee responsibility, Following Cegarra-Navarro et al. (2015), Ye et al. (2016),
supplier, customer and consumer responsibility, environmental and Li et al. (2020), the control variables include corporate
responsibility, and public responsibility, respectively, to governance and management levels. The control variable of
systematically evaluate the CSR commitment of firms, which corporate governance includes the proportion of independent
can reflect the CSR performance of firms more directors (INDEPEND), ownership concentration (OC), dual
comprehensively and objectively. employment (DULITY), and executive shareholding (MO). In
Also, in the robustness test, the CSR fulfillment is assigned a addition, control variables of management level include asset
rank according to the score following Guo et al., (2021). Specific size (SIZE), the gearing ratio (LEVEL), and the growth rate of
standards are as follows: score 100–80, assigned 5 points; score operating income (GROWTH) while controlling for year and
80–60, assigned 4 points; score 60–40, assigned 3 points; score industry factors. The specific definitions of variables are shown
40–20, assigned 2 points; score 20 or less, assigned 1 point. in Table 1.

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TABLE 1 Variable definitions.

Type Name Symbols Definition

Dependent variables Return on assets ROA Net profit/ Average balance of total assets *100%
Return on equity ROE Net profit/ Average balance of net assets *100%
Independent variables CSR CSR Hexun CSR Disclosure Score
CSR CSR-D Divided into 5 intervals according to the value, assigned 5 to 1
Internal control ICI The DIB Internal Control Index takes the natural logarithm
Nature of ownership STATE SOEs take 1, otherwise 0
Control variables Audit opinion type TYPE The unqualified opinion takes 1. Otherwise, take 0
The proportion of independent director INDEPEND Number of independent directors/number of directors
Ownership Concentration OC Sum of squares for the top five shareholders’ shareholdings
Duality DULITY The chairman and general manager being the same people take
1. Otherwise, take 0
The proportion of executive MO Total number of shares held by directors, supervisors, and
shareholding executives in aggregate as a percentage of the share capital at
the end of the year
Asset size SIZE Natural logarithm of the total assets of the firm at the end of
the year
Gearing ratio LEVEL The ratio of total liabilities at the end of the period to total
assets at the end of the period
The growth rate of operating income GROWTH (Increase in operating income for the year/total operating
income at the end of the previous year)*100%
Year-fixed effect YEAR A year dummy variable (Data for years 2012–2019)
Industry-fixed effect INDUSTRY An industry dummy variable (According to the industry
classification guidelines of the China Securities Regulatory
Commission, 18 industries (excluding finance and insurance)
are involved, and 17 dummy variables are set)

Model setting ROAt = m0 + m1ICI t + m2CSRt + m3Controlt + q (3)

To test hypothesis 1, model (1) is established. The significant

and positive coefficient of α1 indicates that CSR fulfillment is To verify that the nature of ownership moderates the
positively related to firm performance. mediating role of internal control, this study follows Wen et al.
(2006) and establishes models (4) to (7) to test hypothesis 4.
ROAt = a 0 + a1CSRt + a 3 å Controlt + e (1)
ROAt = a 0 + a1CSRt + a 2 STATE + a 3 å Controlt + e (4)
To test hypothesis 2, model (2) is established. The significantly
positive coefficient of β1 indicates that fulfilling CSR can improve ICI t = b 0 + b1CSRt + b 2 STATEt + å b3Controlt + d (5)
internal control and enhance the effectiveness of internal control.
ROAt = m0 + m1ICI t + m2CSRt
ICI t = b 0 + b1CSRt + å b 2Controlt + d + m3STATE + m4Controlt + q

ROAt = g 0 + g 1ICI t + g 2CSRt + g 3STATE

To verify the relationship between internal control and (7)
+ g 4 ICI t *STATE+g 5Controlt + z
firm financial performance and the mediating effect of
internal control and verify whether hypotheses 3a and 3b are
verified, this study establishes model (3) following Wen and The moderating variable STATE is introduced in models (4)
Ye (2014). Internal control partially mediates when both to (6). The significant coefficients of α1, β1, and μ1 indicate that the
coefficients of μ1 and μ2 are significant. On the other hand, if mediating effect of internal control on the fulfillment of CSR
μ1 is insignificant but μ2 is significant, internal control has a remains. The significantly negative coefficient of the interaction
mediation effect. term γ4 between internal control and the nature of ownership in

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the model (7) indicates that the nature of ownership moderates was processed by EXCEL2010, and the empirical analysis and
the mediating role of internal control, and hypothesis 4 is testing part was done using Stata15.1.
confirmed. The nature of ownership plays a moderating mediating
effect, and the mediating effect of internal control varies by the
nature of ownership. The mediating effect of internal control is Results of the empirical study
more significant in non-SOEs.
Descriptive analysis

Sample selection and data sources Table 2 shows descriptive statistics of the main variables. The
maximum value of ROA for firm financial performance is 0.23,
This study selects A-share listed firms from 2012 to 2019, and and the minimum value is −0.29, indicating that there are large
the financial data are obtained from the CSMAR database, and differences in firm financial performance as far as listed firms in
the relevant financial data of listed firms are obtained through the China are concerned. But the median and mean of ROA are not
firm series database. CSR data is obtained from the Hexun.com very different, indicating that the sample conforms to the
database. Firm internal control data comes from the DIB internal characteristics of normal distribution. Furthermore, after taking
control database and is matched by firm code and financial data. the natural logarithm of the internal control, the maximum
The internal control database created by the independent research sample value is 2.923, which corresponds to 837.74 of the DIB
of DIB Big Data Research Center is the first professional and internal control index. The minimum value is 2.495, which
authoritative internal control information database in China. The corresponds to 312.41 of the DIB internal control index, indicating
following processing was done on the sample data to obtain stable that the overall internal control of listed firms in China is good.
and reliable high-quality sample data and ensure the validity of Still, the variability between different firms is large. In addition,
the econometric analysis. First, the sample of financial firms was the maximum value of CSR is 75.02, and the minimum value is
excluded considering the financial industry’s specificity and the −4.23. The large standard deviation of the variables indicates that
differences in accounting treatment. Second, due to the difference different sample firms attach different degrees of importance to
in the limit of up and down, this study excludes the sample of CSR, and the variability between samples is large.
firms with special treatment such as ST (special treatment) and
delisting during the sample period. Third, the missing value of
the data was firstly processed by manual information Correlation analysis
supplemental collection. Third, the data that could be obtained
was complimented, and finally, the data could not be obtained. The correlation results for the main variables are shown in
The tuple deletion was performed to ensure the integrity of the Table 3. The correlation analysis reveals that the dependent
data. Fourth, to prevent outliers and abnormal extreme values variable (CSR) is significantly and positively correlated with the
from causing the regression curve to shift the true trend and independent variable (ROA), indicating that CSR fulfillment
affecting the sample results, the Winsor command in Stata was enhances firm financial performance. In addition, internal control
adopted to shrink the continuous variable samples in the significantly improves firm financial performance. Internal control
regression model at the 1 and 99% quartiles so that 9,953 valid is significantly and positively related to CSR. The hypothesis is
sample data were obtained. The data filtering and organizing part initially tested. Thus, there is a correlation between internal

TABLE 2 Descriptive statistics of the main variables.

Variable N Mean Sd min Median max

ROA 9,953 0.041 0.051 −0.290 0.036 0.228
ICI 9,953 2.817 0.048 2.495 2.826 2.923
CSR 9,953 24.345 14.849 −4.230 22.060 75.020
Level 9,953 0.430 0.205 0.051 0.421 0.964
Size 9,953 22.240 1.356 19.447 22.043 27.077
Growth 9,953 0.144 0.295 −0.625 0.105 1.935
State 9,953 0.366 0.482 0 0 1
Type 9,953 0.985 0.123 0 1 1
Independ 9,953 0.414 0.043 0.350 0.430 0.570
OC 9,953 0.311 0.161 0.037 0.294 0.828
MO 9,953 0.138 0.203 0 0 0.690
Dulity 9,953 0.298 0.458 0 0 1

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control, CSR, and financial performance. Finally, the correlation

coefficients among all variables are small, excluding serious


multiple co-linearity problems, thus providing a robust basis for

the results.


Regression analysis

This study uses regression model (1) to examine the

association between CSR fulfillment and firm financial


1.000 performance. The results are shown in column (1) in Table 4.

CSR fulfillment is significantly correlated at the 1% level,
indicating there is a positive relationship between CSR
fulfillment and firm financial performance, and hypothesis 1 is

confirmed. This is consistent with Eberle et al. (2013). At



present, listed firms in China focus more on fulfilling “strategic”

CSR, that is, the fulfillment of CSR as a strategic investment of
firms and pursuing long-term improvement of firm financial

performance. In addition, firm size is significantly and positively



correlated with CSR at the 1% level, and the larger the size, the
more social responsibility it undertakes. The larger the firm, the
greater the supervision from media attention, and the greater

the pressure of public opinion, prompting it to fulfill its social




responsibility actively.
Ownership concentration and CSR are significantly and
significantly positively correlated at the 1% level, and the higher

the ownership concentration, the more active firms fulfill their



CSR. The higher the ownership concentration, the more the

interests of major shareholders and the firm tend to be aligned.
The more the major shareholders tend to fulfill their CSR to

achieve firm value for long-term benefits (Hillman and




*, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

Keim, 2001).
Capital structure (gearing) is significantly and negatively
correlated with the fulfillment of CSR at the 1% level. The higher
the gearing ratio, the greater the financial pressure on the firm,


which affects the motivation of the firm to fulfill its

social responsibility.
To prevent the problem of severe multiple co-linearity in this
regression model, this study makes a judgment by the ratio of the
0.075 ***


variance of the estimated regression coefficients compared to the




variance when no linear correlation between the independent

TABLE 3 Correlation results of the main variables.

variables is assumed, which is the calculation of the variance

inflation factor (VIF). The value of VIF is generally greater than 1.



The closer the value of VIF is to 1, the lighter the multicollinearity





is, and vice versa, the heavier the multicollinearity is. Usually, 10
is used as the judgment boundary. When VIF < 10, there is
no multicollinearity.


The values of VIF were found to be less than 3 (see Table 4),


indicating that the model avoids the problem of multiple

co-linearities, proving that the model is robust and feasible.
The regression model tests the association between CSR

fulfillment and internal control (2). The results are shown in



column (2) in Table 4. The CSR coefficient is 0.012, i.e.,





significantly positive at the 1% level, indicating that CSR

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TABLE 4 Regression results of direct and mediated effects.

(1) (2) (3)


CSR 0.013*** 0.012*** 0.002***
(37.97) (17.46) (34.55)
ICI 0.204***
Type 0.019*** 0.077*** 0.004
(5.68) (21.68) (1.11)
Independ −0.024** 0.011 −0.026***
(−2.34) (1.06) (−2.62)
OC 0.035*** 0.018*** 0.031***
(12.35) (6.12) (11.29)
Dulity 0.002** −0.001 0.002**
(2.26) (−0.72) (2.47)
MO 0.012*** 0.005* 0.011***
(4.85) (1.81) (4.58)
Size 0.003*** 0.005*** 0.002***(4.80)
(7.11) (11.29)
Level −0.088*** −0.018*** −0.085***
(−31.88) (−6.19) (−31.22)
Growth 0.036*** 0.027*** 0.03***
(24.21) (17.99) (20.55)
Constant −0.065*** 2.605*** −0.596***
(−5.82) (225.84) (−22.08)
Year Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes
F-value 144.86*** 63.377*** 160.234***
Adj-R2 33.8 18.3 36.8
N 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

fulfillment disciplines managers and improves firm internal role of internal control, suggesting that internal control plays a
control, and hypothesis 2 is confirmed. This is in line with the partial mediating effect, and hypothesis 3b is confirmed. This is
findings of Kim et al. (2017). Wang and Shen (2012) confirm that consistent with the findings of Zhang and Li (2021).
social responsibility and internal control influence and promote CSR fulfillment enhances management’s sense of mission,
each other. Therefore, fulfilling CSR by firms will also improve the prompting them to actively improve the internal control systems
internal control environment and enhance the efficiency of firm and restrain irregularities in the firm to improve financial
management and operation. performance. As a result, firms can strengthen the fulfillment of
Regression model (3) tests whether internal control affects social responsibility, enhance the internal control environment,
firm financial performance and whether internal control has a strengthen the effectiveness of internal control, and thus improve
mediating effect. The results are shown in column (3) in Table 4. firm financial performance. This illustrates how social
Internal control is significantly and positively correlated at the 1% responsibility and internal control are common drivers of role
level, and hypothesis 3a is verified. The results suggest that good financial performance.
internal control reduces “adverse selection “, stabilizes firm To further verify whether firms with different natures of
operation, and creates financial performance for the firm by ownership lead to variability in the results, an interaction term
improving the rules and regulations. between the nature of the ownership and internal control is
Column (3), with the inclusion of mediating variables, the included to test the moderating effect of ownership nature on
CSR regression coefficient decreases from 0.013 to 0.002, which is internal control as a mediating variable in affecting firm
significantly correlated at the 1% level, indicating that the effect of performance. The results are shown in columns (1), (2), and (3)
CSR on financial performance can be partially explained by the in Table 5. The coefficients of α1, β1, and μ1 in the model are all

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TABLE 5 Regression results of the moderating effect of the nature of ownership.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


CSR 0.014*** (38.05) 0.01*** (17.41) 0.002*** (34.63) 0.001*** (34.76)
ICI 0.205*** (21.61) 0.262*** (21.78)
State −0.004*** (−3.33) 0.003** (2.39) −0.004*** (−3.93) 0.376***(7.59)
ICI_State −0.135***(−7.68)
Type 0.020*** (5.84) 0.076*** (21.54) 0.004 (1.28) 0.002(0.55)
Independ −0.025** (−2.47) 0.012 (1.15) −0.027***(−2.77) −0.027*** (−2.70)
OC 0.035*** (12.56) 0.017*** (5.93) 0.032*** (11.55) 0.031*** (11.42)
Dulity 0.002* (1.73) 0.0001 (−0.34) 0.002* (1.84) 0.002* (1.77)
MO 0.010*** (3.74) 0.006** (2.40) 0.008*** (3.31) 0.008*** (3.08)
Size 0.003*** (7.53) 0.005*** (10.81) 0.002***(5.33) 0.003***(5.72)
Level −0.088*** (−31.64) −0.018*** (−6.32) −0.084*** (−30.94) −0.085*** (−31.21)
Growth 0.035*** (23.89) 0.028*** (18.12) 0.030*** (20.18) 0.029***(20.02)
Constant −0.068*** (−6.08) 2.607*** (225.34) −0.601*** (−22.28) −0.763***(−22.32)
Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-value 141.288*** 61.805*** 156.547*** 154.869***
Adj-R2 33.9 18.3 36.9 37.2
N 9,953 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

significant, indicating that the mediating effect of internal control

on the fulfillment of CSR remains. Column (4) in Table 5 shows Robustness tests
that the regression coefficient of the interaction term between the
nature of the ownership and internal control is significantly To further test the robustness of the empirical results, this
negative at the 1% level, indicating that the nature of ownership study first replaces the dependent variables, regresses the models,
plays a moderating role in the mediating effect of internal control and finds that the direct, mediating, and moderating effects show
between CSR fulfillment and firm financial performance. significant robustness. The robustness tests are shown in Tables 6,
Other ownership nature moderates the mediating role of 7, which show that CSR fulfillment is still significantly and
internal control between CSR fulfillment and firm financial positively related to firm financial performance, indicating that
performance, and internal control exerts a greater mediating effect firms that pay attention to CSR fulfillment and increase CSR
in non-SOES than SOEs. The findings provide empirical evidence investment improve firm financial performance. In addition,
for hypothesis 4. Hypothesis 4 is supported. SOEs are subject to internal controls play a mediating role in the association between
national institutional constraints compared to non-SOEs, and the CSR fulfillment and firm financial performance. The nature of
conditions of internal control are better than those of non-SOEs, ownership plays a moderating role in the mediating effect of
resulting in an improvement of internal control in non-SOEs than in internal control on the relationship between CSR fulfillment and
SOEs. The results of this study confirm the variability of social firm financial performance. The results are consistent with
responsibility-internal control-financial performance across the Table 5.
nature of ownership. Second, the CSR is divided into 5 levels according to the score
SOEs are subject to national institutional constraints compared and assigned a score of 5 to 1. The original data is replaced and
to non-SOEs. However, the internal control of SOEs is better than analyzed again. The specific standards are as follows. A score of
that of non-SOEs, resulting in more improvement of internal 100–80 is assigned 5 points. A score of 80–60 is assigned 4 points.
control in non-SOEs than in SOEs. Therefore, the fulfillment of A score of 60–40 is assigned 3 points. A score of 40–20 is assigned
CSR can be more effective in non-SOEs than in SOEs. 2 points. A score of 20 points or less is assigned 1 point. The results
Ownership concentration, operating income growth rate, and shown in Tables 8, 9 support this study’s findings. The study also
audit opinion type are significantly positive among the control reduces the sample size by 20% for regression analysis and finds
variables. In addition, gearing is significantly and negatively that the regression results remain robust. Overall, the results of
correlated with a financial performance at the 1% level, indicating this study do not change by replacing the dependent and
that the firm financial performance improvement obtained from independent variables and reducing the sample size, indicating
fulfilling CSR is more pronounced in firms with low gearing levels. that the findings are robust.

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TABLE 6 Robustness tests of the main regression and mediating effects.

(1) (2) (3)


CSR 0.013*** (37.89) 0.009*** (17.46) 0.002*** (34.29)
ICI 0.428*** (23.49)
Type 0.056*** (8.45) 0.077*** (21.68) 0.023*** (3.49)
Independ −0.025 (−1.30) 0.011 (1.06) −0.030 (−1.58)
OC 0.049*** (8.98) 0.018*** (6.12) 0.041*** (7.77)
Dulity 0.005*** (2.80) −0.001 (−0.72) 0.006*** (3.04)
MO 0.022*** (4.75) 0.005* (1.81) 0.020*** (4.45)
Size 0.007*** (8.35) 0.005*** (11.29) 0.005*** (5.88)
Level −0.066*** (−2.26) −0.018*** (−6.19) −0.058*** (−11.12)
Growth 0.068*** (24.01) 0.027*** (17.99) 0.057*** (20.10)
Constant −0.223*** (−10.38) 2.605*** (225.84) −1.339*** (−25.80)
Year Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes
F-value 101.60*** 63.377*** 119.598***
Adj-R2 26.4 18.3 30.3
N 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

TABLE 7 Robustness tests for moderating mediated effects.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


CSR 0.013*** (38.05) 0.011*** (17.41) 0.003*** (34.45) 0.002***(34.47)
ICI 0.431*** (23.68) 0.478***(20.67)
State −0.011*** (−5.38) 0.003** (2.39) −0.012*** (−6.10) 0.304***(3.19)
ICI*State −0.112*** (−3.32)
Type 0.058*** (8.72) 0.076*** (21.54) 0.025*** (3.76) 0.023***(3.43)
Independ −0.029 (−1.50) 0.012 (1.15) −0.034* (−1.82) −0.034* (−1.78)
OC 0.051*** (9.37) 0.017*** (5.93) 0.043*** (8.20) 0.043***(8.13)
Dulity 0.004* (1.94) 0.0001 (−0.34) 0.004** (2.08) 0.004** (2.05)
MO 0.015*** (3.08) 0.006** (2.40) −0.012*** (2.59) 0.012** (2.49)
Size 0.008*** (9.07) 0.005*** (10.81) 0.006*** (6.71) 0.006***(6.88)
Level −0.064*** (−1.93) −0.018*** (−6.32) −0.056*** (−10.74) −0.056*** (−10.82)
Growth 0.067*** (23.56) 0.028*** (18.12) 0.055*** (19.58) 0.055*** (19.49)
Constant −0.233*** (−10.80) 2.607*** (225.34) −1.356*** (−26.14) −1.491*** (−22.64)
Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-value 99.862*** 61.805*** 117.797*** 115.102***
Adj-R2 26.6 18.3 30.5 30.6
N 9,953 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

The moderating effect of firm value Conversely, firms with high firm value, where the public expects
more than just profits, are more willing to engage in CSR activities
When the firm’s value is low, the first concern is survival and (Sial et al., 2018). The firm value is important in whether a firm
resistance to additional cost increases (Chen and Lee, 2017). voluntarily fulfills its CSR. Following Chen and Lee (2017), this

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TABLE 8 Robustness tests of the main regression and mediating effects.

(1) (2) (3)


CSR-d 0.019*** (30.81) 0.017*** (14.22) 0.009*** (28.04)
ICI 0.222*** (23.13)
Type 0.022*** (6.27) 0.078*** (21.92) 0.005 (1.32)
Independ −0.022** (−2.11) 0.012 (1.14) −0.024** (−2.43)
OC 0.036*** (12.68) 0.019*** (6.38) 0.032*** (11.51)
Dulity 0.002** (2.29) −0.001 (−0.68) 0.002** (2.50)
MO 0.011*** (4.58) 0.004* (1.72) 0.010*** (4.30)
Size 0.004*** (9.54) 0.006*** (12.55) 0.003*** (6.82)
Level −0.092*** (−32.64) −0.020*** (−6.87) −0.088*** (−31.84)
Growth 0.037*** (24.85) 0.028*** (18.47) 0.031*** (20.87)
Constant −0.093*** (−8.25) 2.591*** (225.08) −0.669*** (−24.58)
Year Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes
F-value 126.273*** 59.897*** 144.246***
Adj-R2 30.8 17.5 34.4
N 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

TABLE 9 Robustness tests for moderating mediated effects.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


CSR-d 0.019*** (30.83) 0.009*** (14.21) 0.017*** (28.06) 0.016***(28.13)
ICI 0.223*** (23.23) 0.279***(22.87)
State −0.003*** (−2.70) 0.003*** (2.64) −0.004*** (−3.39) 0.370***(7.34)
ICI*State −0.133*** (−7.42)
Type 0.022*** (6.40) 0.078*** (21.77) 0.005 (1.46) 0.003 (0.76)
Independ −0.023** (−2.21) 0.013 (1.23) −0.026** (−2.56) −0.025** (−2.49)
OC 0.037*** (12.84) 0.018*** (6.17) 0.033*** (11.73) 0.032***(11.60)
Dulity 0.002* (1.85) 0.0001 (−0.27) 0.002* (1.96) 0.002* (1.89)
MO 0.009*** (3.65) 0.006** (2.39) 0.008*** (3.19) 0.007*** (2.97)
Size 0.005*** (9.84) 0.006*** (11.99) 0.003*** (7.26) 0.003***(7.65)
Level −0.092*** (−32.44) −0.020*** (−7.01) −0.087*** (−31.60) −0.088*** (−31.86)
Growth 0.037*** (24.58) 0.029*** (18.62) 0.031*** (20.54) 0.030*** (20.39)
Constant −0.096*** (−-8.45) 2.593*** (224.56) −0.674*** (−24.75) −0.834*** (−24.06)
Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Industry Yes Yes Yes Yes
F-value 123.046*** 58.462*** 140.805*** 139.293***
Adj-R2 30.9 17.5 34.4 34.8
N 9,953 9,953 9,953 9,953
VIF <3 <3 <3 <3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

study utilizes Tobin’s Q value to represent firm value and takes the 7,308 observations. The empirical results in Table 10 show that
median value of Tobin’s Q. Greater than the median value is the there are differences in the mediating effects of internal control on
larger group of firm value, and obtain 2,645 observations, and less CSR, with the high firm value group having significant mediating
than the mean value is the smaller group of firm value, and obtain effects and the low firm value group failing the test. This suggests

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TABLE 10 Mediating effects of grouping regressions on firm value.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Tobin’s Q is higher than the Tobin’s Q is lower than the Tobin’s Q is higher than the Tobin’s Q is lower than the mean
mean group mean group mean group group
CSR 0.001*** (9.52) 0.004*** (14.07)
CSR-D 0.010*** (8.26) 0.018*** (11.15)
State 0.001 (0.44) 0.003** (2,56) 0.002 (0.73) 0.004*** (2.72)
Type 0.061*** (10.10) 0.082*** (18.94) 0.061*** (10.15) 0.083*** (19.15)
Independ 0.009 (0.44) 0.012 (0.96) 0.012 (0.56) 0.012 (1.01)
OC 0.023*** (4.31) 0.013*** (3.80) 0.024*** (4.44) 0.014*** (3.98)
Dulity −0.002 (−0.14) 0.001 (0.32) −0.002 (−0.25) 0.001 (0.34)
MO 0.006 (1.49) 0.008** (2.19) 0.006 (1.52) 0.008** (2.16)
Size 0.007*** (7.16) 0.006*** (9.99) 0.008*** (7.94) 0.006*** (10.87)
Level −0.002 (−0.41) −0.021*** (−6.03) −0.004 (−0.69) −0.023*** (−6.65)
Growth 0.024*** (9.73) 0.028*** (14.50) 0.024*** (9.88) 0.029*** (14.95)
Constant 2.587*** (111.46) 2.586*** (181.57) 2.570*** (111.53) 2.574*** (180.76)
Year Control Control Control Control
Industry Control Control Control Control
F-value 20.45*** 45.94*** 19.67*** 43.43***
Adj-R2 22 18.1 21.4 17.3
N 2,645 7,308 2,645 7,308
VIF less than 3 less than 3 less than 3 less than 3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

TABLE 11 Basis regression and mediation effect tests for ROA lagged by one period.

(1) (2) (3)

Roa ICI Roa

CSR 0.011*** (24.5) 0.021*** (27.44) 0.031*** (33.29)
ICI 0.077*** (7.61)
Type 0.011*** (3.17) 0.081*** (22.16) 0.005 (1.39)
Independ −0.034*** (−3.14) 0.009 (0.80) −0.035*** (−3.21)
OC 0.039*** (13.24) 0.019*** (6.06) 0.038*** (12.78)
Dulity 0.004*** (3.62) −0.001 (−0.89) 0.004*** (3.70)
MO 0.034*** (13.13) 0.004* (1.67) 0.033*** (13.04)
Size 0.004*** (9.09) 0.005*** (10.38) 0.004*** (8.25)
Level −0.087*** (−29.7) −0.018*** (−5.90) −0.086*** (−29.27)
Growth 0.008*** (5.20) 0.028*** (17.79) 0.006*** (3.74)
Constant −0.062*** (−5.31) 2.605*** (214.81) −0.262*** (−9.12)
Year Control Control Control
Industry Control Control Control
F-value 101.98*** 61.28*** 101.34***
Adj-R2 27.3 18.4 27.8
N 9,249 9,249 9,249
VIF less than 3 less than 3 less than 3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

that the lower value group of firms has a greater incentive to Endogeneity test
perform the role of internal control to improve financial
performance through CSR fulfillment. Considering the This study lags ROA and ROE by one period to avoid
endogeneity issue, CSR is replaced with CSR-D to re-run the endogeneity problems, and the independent and control
empirical test, and the results do not differ, indicating robust results. variables are from the previous period. The results in Tables 11,

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TABLE 12 Mediating effects test for one-period lagged regulation of ROA.

(4) (5) (6) (7)

Roa ICI Roa Roa

CSR 0.009*** (24.71) 0.014*** (17.39) 0.013*** (22.99) 0.022***(35.77)
ICI 0.079*** (23.68) 0.113***(8.91)
State −0.008*** (−7.20) 0.003*** (2.78) −0.008*** (−7.45) 0224***(4.25)
ICI*State −0.083***(−4.41)
Type 0.013*** (3.58) 0.08*** (21.98) 0.006* (1.75) 0.004***(1.21)
Independ −0.037*** (−3.43) 0.010 (0.91) −0.038*** (−3.51) −0.037*(−3.47)
OC 0.041*** (13.79) 0.018*** (5.83) 0.040*** (13.34) 0.039***(13.25)
Dulity 0.003** (2.46) 0.0001 (−0.45) 0.003** (2.50) 0.003** (2.46)
MO 0.028*** (10.63) 0.007** (2.38) 0.028*** (10.47) 0.027** (10.34)
Size 0.005*** (10.08) 0.005*** (9.86) 0.004*** (9.26) 0.005***(9.50)
Level −0.086*** (−29.33) −0.018*** (−6.05) −0.085*** (−28.88) −0.085*** (−29.02)
Growth 0.007*** (4.63) 0.029*** (17.96) 0.005*** (3.12) 0.005*** (3.00)
Constant −0.069*** (−5.89) 2.608*** (214.41) −0.274*** (−9.58) −0.372***(−10.29)
Year Control Control Control Control
Industry Control Control Control Control
F-value 101.10*** 59.80*** 100.65*** 98.65***
Adj-R2 27.7 18.5 28.2 28.4
N 9,249 9,249 9,249 9,249
VIF less than 3 less than 3 less than 3 less than 3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

TABLE 13 Basis regression and mediation effect tests for ROE lagged by one period.

(1) (2) (3)

Roe ICI Roe

CSR 0.031*** (25.14) 0.009*** (14.05) 0.029*** (23.77)
ICI 0.157*** (8.28)
Type 0.029*** (4.32) 0.083*** (22.52) 0.016** (2.33)
Independ −0.028 (−1.63) 0.009 (0.84) −0.03 (−1.44)
OC 0.06*** (10.59) 0.02*** (6.41) 0.057*** (10.05)
Dulity 0.007*** (3.69) −0.001 (−0.82) 0.007*** (3.77)
MO 0.055*** (11.35) 0.004 (1.58) 0.055*** (11.25)
Size 0.01*** (11.05) 0.006*** (11.72) 0.009*** (10.01)
Level −0.059*** (−10.50) −0.021*** (−6.77) −0.055*** (−9.93)
Growth 0.01*** (3.36) 0.03*** (18.40) 0.05* (1.75)
Constant −0.237*** (−10.72) 2.59*** (213.95) −0.644*** (−11.96)
Year Control Control Control
Industry Control Control Control
F-value 53.68*** 57.56*** 54.49***
Adj-R2 16.5 17.5 17.1
N 9,249 9,249 9,249
VIF less than 3 less than 3 less than 3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

12 hold regardless of the underlying regression or the mediating Accordingly, CSR not only has an impact on current financial
and moderating effects. Tables 13, 14 show that CSR significantly performance but also has a continuous impact on
impacts financial performance during the lag period. financial performance.

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TABLE 14 Mediation effect test for one-period lagged regulation of ROE.

(4) (5) (6) (7)

Roe ICI Roe Roe

CSR 0.031*** (25.25) 0.009*** (14.04) 0.029*** (23.84) 0.029***(23.84)
ICI 0.162*** (8.54) 0.208***(8.66)
State −0.016*** (−7.31) 0.004*** (3.03) −0.016*** (−7.60) 0.297***(2.96)
ICI*State −0.111***(−3.12)
Type 0.032*** (4.74) 0.082*** (22.32) 0.018*** (2.70) 0.016**(2.30)
Independ −0.034* (−1.66) 0.011 (0.96) −0.036* (−1.75) −0.035*(−1.72)
OC 0.063*** (11.16) 0.019*** (6.16) 0.06*** (10.63) 0.06***(10.57)
Dulity 0.005*** (2.51) 0.0001 (−0.34) 0.005** (2.55) 0.005** (2.52)
MO 0.045*** (8.89) 0.007** (2.36) 0.044*** (8.72) 0.043*** (8.62)
Size 0.011*** (12.07) 0.006*** (11.12) 0.01*** (11.06) 0.01***(11.22)
Level −0.056*** (−10.12) −0.021*** (−6.92) −0.053*** (−9.52) −0.053*** (−9.61)
Growth 0.008*** (2.79) 0.03*** (18.59) 0.003 (1.13) 0.003 (1.04)
Constant −0.251*** (−11.33) 2.539*** (213.53) −0.67*** (−26.14) −0.802***(−11.75)
Year Control Control Control Control
Industry Control Control Control Control
F-value 53.97*** 56.22*** 54.91*** 53.74***
Adj-R2 17 17.6 17.7 17.8
N 9,249 9,249 9,249 9,249
VIF less than 3 less than 3 less than 3 less than 3

t-statistics in parentheses; *, **, *** indicate significant at 10, 5, and 1% statistical levels, respectively. All variables as previously defined.

Research conclusions and assume CSR, and avoid short-sightedness in business

implications management. CSR can protect consumer rights and interests,
motivate employees to devote themselves to their work, obtain
CSR is an issue that is always worth discussing because it government support, tax breaks, and other preferential
involves the balanced and sustainable development of the whole opportunities, maintain good relationships with suppliers and
society. It is not a problem of a particular country but a common customers, increase opportunities for cooperation, and have a
global concern with an increasing number of firms in China, significant impact on firm financial performance.
making social responsibility a strategic goal and vision. Based on Second, while actively fulfilling their CSR, firms should not
A-share listed firms from 2012 to 2019, this study investigates the forget to play the role of internal control and actively improve
relationship between the fulfillment of CSR and firm performance their internal control system. In particular, non-SOEs can
while further analyzing the mechanism of CSR on firm financial incorporate CSR into internal control management and combine
performance under internal control used as a mediating variable CSR practices with internal control management to improve
and the nature of ownership used as a moderating variable. The financial performance and contribute to sustainable development.
results show that CSR fulfillment positively affects firm financial Third, firms should maintain a good capital structure, increase
performance, and the higher the awareness of CSR, the better the ownership concentration, appropriately expand the firm’s size, and
firm financial performance. Internal control is mediating in maintain good income growth to create CSR conditions and
fulfilling CSR and improving a firm financial performance. CSR improve financial performance.
fulfillment enhances and improves internal control, effectively The limitations of this study are that the data used in the
promoting CSR fulfillment’s positive effect on a firm’s financial study are all listed firms. Therefore, the relationship between
performance. Non-SOEs are more significant than SOEs in internal control, CSR fulfillment, and firm financial
fulfilling CSR and improving firm financial performance. The performance of non-listed firms need further study.
nature of ownership has a moderating effect on the mediating role Furthermore, the evaluation data on CSR fulfillment mainly
of internal control. This study plays a facilitating role in improving comes from the results of institutional evaluation without being
internal control by exploring the conditions under which internal confirmed. With public demands for CSR fulfillment and the
control affects firm financial performance. diversification of CSR evaluation dimensions by research
There are three implications in this study. First, firms should institutions, the future relationship between the three needs
pay attention to the role of CSR on financial performance, actively further study.

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Data availability statement Huashang College Top Provincial Major in Auditing

The original contributions presented in the study are included
in the article/supplementary material; further inquiries can
be directed to the corresponding author. Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted
Author contributions in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships
that could be construed as a potential conflict of
LZ: data collection and analysis. WS: writing. All authors
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
This work was supported by the 2018 tutor system of authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
Guangzhou Huashang College (2018hsds03), 2018 young organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
innovative talents project “Research on the relevance of the value reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
of corporate social responsibility information disclosure” in claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
Guangdong Universities (2018WQNCX308), and Guangzhou endorsed by the publisher.

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