Class 10 TH English Project
Class 10 TH English Project
Class 10 TH English Project
I would like to express my gratitude to respected
teacher Mrs.SHEBA as well as our respected
principal DR.LYDIA GEORGE who gave us the
golden oppurtunity to do this wonderful project .Their
wonderful guidance and motivation helped me to
understand th intricate issues involved in making this
project and its effective presentation .
The way a crow Shook
down on me The dust of
snow From a hemlock
The poem has two stanzas of four lines each. The lines are short.
In fact there is only one sentence which is split into eight lines of
the poem.
The poem teaches us a lesson that every small act in life can
illuminate our soul and motivate us to do better.
Question and answer
Question 1.
What made the poet change his mood?
A crow on the hemlock tree shook down the dust of snow on the
poet. The falling dust of snow on the poet has changed his mood .
Question 2.
Why does the poet feel that he has saved some part of the day?
Crow shook down the dust of snow on the poet. Both crow and
hemlock tree are considered inauspicious. The falling of dust of
snow from hemlock tree is bad omen. But the poet took it in a
positive way. He found himself relieved from sorrow after this
incident. Now he could use his entire day in a fruitful way.
Question 3.
What was the reaction of the poet when the dust of snow fell on
Normally, people thought both crow and hemlock tree are
auspicious. But when the dust of snow from hemlock tree fell on
poet, he took it in other way. He was depressed and sorrowful
but the moment the crow shook the hemlock tree and dust of
snow fell on him, he felt unburdened and relieved.
Question 4.
How does the poet react to crow and hemlock tree? Answer:
Crow and hemlock tree are considered inauspicious in the west.
They are generally taken /is bad omen. But the poet did not take
them in negative way. They saved his day. His negative outlook
changed to the positive one.
Question 5
.The poet was sad and depressed. But one comical incident lifts
his spirits. He is full of joy and happiness again. Based on your
reading of the poem, write a paragraph on the topic – Happiness
is relative.
No one is always happy. It is just a passing phase of one’s life. It
varies from time to time and place to place. It depends on certain
people who you are close to. There are times when we are
extremely happy or sorrowful. In most circumstances, our
happiness is decided l>y certain moments in our life. Some light
moments can really enliven our mood. The actions of our friends
can make us happy or sometimes sorrowful. We must also realize
that on every cloud there is a silver lining. This means that every
sorrowful moment is followed by a period of joy and happiness.