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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

for Grade 8 Students

by Princess Angelika O. Pisla

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Explain the concept of Biodiversity
 Identify the three levels of Biodiversity
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Biodiversity and its three levels
b. References:
 Reece, Jane B, and Neil A. Campbell. Campbell Biology. Boston:
Benjamin Cummings / Pearson, 2011.
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide
 http://sciencing.com/types-environmental-ecosystems-8640.html
c. Materials:
 Pictures, Powerpoint Presentation (ICT), Cartolina, Markers

d. Science Concepts
 Biodiversity – “variety of life”
 Species Diversity – different species on earth
 Genetic Diversity – difference of genetic information among species
 Ecosystem Diversity – different ecosystems by which the species live

e. Science Process
 Identifying, Analyzing, Visualizing, Conceptualizing

f. Values Integration
 Students will appreciate the importance of Biodiversity.

III. Learning Strategy


A. Preparatory Activities

A1. Prayer
Before we start our lesson for today,
let us first have a prayer. Mary, please
lead the Christian prayer and Norolain,
please lead the Muslim prayer.
(Christian and Muslim Prayer)
A2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am.
Please pick up the pieces of paper on
the floor and arrange your chairs before
you take your seats.
How are you today? (class) We are fine, mam.
That’s great.
A3. Checking of Attendance
Zandra, please check the attendance
of your classmates for today. Give me
the list of those who are absent later.

A4.Collecting and Checking of

Yesterday, I have given you an
assignment. Your assignment was about
ecosystems and its different types. (Nicolas) Ecosystem is a community of
Nicolas, what is an ecosystem? living and nonliving things that work

Correct! Thank you. Who can list the (Ivy) Pond Ecosystem, Rainforest
different types of ecosystem? Ivy? Ecosystem, Desert Ecosystem, Marine
Ecosystem and Grassland Ecosystem.

Very good. Please pass your

assignments forward.
A5. Review of the past lesson
Let us have some review. What was Our lesson last meeting was about the
our topic last meeting class? Dihybrid Cross, mam.

Very good! Again, what is a Dihybrid Dihybrid Cross is a type of cross

Cross? between two individuals involving two

Correct! Are there any questions (class) No, mam.

regarding our past topic?

B. Motivation
Now, we will have an activity. This
activity requires three groups. Here are
the directions. (The teacher will show
the directions) Genes, please read the (Genes) Each group will be assigned an
directions. ecosystem. The group members’ task is
to draw everything that they know about
that ecosystem. You will be only given
ten (10) minutes to draw.

Since your assignment is about the

ecosystems, I think you already have an (class) Yes, mam.
idea about it. Are the instructions clear?
(1, 2, 3…)
Let’s start counting from 1 to 3.

Group 1 will be here, Group 2 is

assigned here and Group 3 will be over
there. You may now go to your assigned (The students will go to their respective
places and form a circle. groups.)

(The teacher will give the materials.) (Students do the activity)

Time starts now!

(After 10 minutes)
Time’s up! Put your outputs in front.

C. Lesson Proper
Let’s take a look at your outputs. What (Stephanie) Mam, I can see different
can you observe? Stephanie! ecosystems.

Correct. What about other ideas? Yes,

(Kim) I can observe that there are
different animals, plants, and insects like
frogs, birds, dragonfly, monkeys, trees,

Thank you. As you can see in each

different ecosystem, you can see
different organisms like plants, animals (class) Yes, mam!
and insects. Are they alive?

Correct! In your own idea, what do you (class) Living things, mam.
call these plants, animals and insects
that are alive or have life?
(class) Biology.
Very good! What do you call the “study
of life”?

That’s correct. It’s root word is BIO

which means “Life”. Going back to your
outputs, we can observe different kinds
or varieties of life. We can see different (class) Yes, mam.
living things like animals, insects,
plants, right?

The word “varieties” or “different (class) Diversity, mam.

kinds” has a synonym. Who has an idea
what it is?

Correct! In other words, there is what

we call Diversity. Diversity is
synonymous to “varieties” or different
kinds. In your outputs, we can witness
diversity of living things and that is what
we call BIODIVERSITY and this is
our lesson for today. (The teacher will
present the word Biodiversity on the
board and paste the objectives.) (Dianne) At the end of the lesson, the
students should be able to:
Our objectives for today are this. •Explain the concept of Biodiversity
Dianne, please read the objectives. •Identify the three levels of
Okay. Today, our goal is for you to (class) Yes, mam.
explain what Biodiversity is. Also,
Biodiversity has three levels and you
have to determine what those levels are.
Do you understand?

Biodiversity is short for “Biological
Diversity” and usually, scientists would
classify it into three levels. We will (Raquelyn) Trees
identify each one. (Irish) Camel
(Faye) Snake
Going back to your outputs, we can see (Nesel) Tiger
observe different living things. Who can
name one?

Thank you for your answers. Now, one

of you mentioned about a tiger. I have
here a picture of a tiger named Barbie.
Barbie has a tiger boyfriend named
Alex. Since they are both tigers, they (class) They can make another tiger.
look similar. They love each other very
much. Going back to our previous topic,
what would happen if Alexander’s
sperm cell and Barbie’s egg cell unite or (class) Yes, mam.

Correct! If their child grows up, can it

also find a boyfriend/girlfriend and
make another tiger?

Yes. This means that Barbie and Alex’s

offspring is fertile. Fertile means that
they could produce an offspring.

After 1 year, Alex and Barbie broke up. (class) No, mam.
Barbie moved on and found another
boyfriend. But this time, it is a lion
named Harry. Now, what would happen
if Alexander’s sperm cell and Barbie’s
egg cell unite? Will they form a healthy
and fertile offspring?

That’s right. Their offspring is called a

hybrid called liger and this animal is not

There are living organisms that look

similar to each other and can produce a
fertile offspring. We classify them as
“species”. Species is the singular and (Gohocson) Humans
plural term. I want to emphasize here (Eljoy) Cats
that is no “specie”. Besides Alexander (Mary) Dogs
and Barbie the tigers, can someone give (Norolain) Cows
me living things that look similar to
each other and can produce a fertile
offspring? You may refer to your

(class) No, mam.

Very good! Earth is full of many

species. There are about 1.8 millions of
species in the whole world! If I tell all
of you to write a list of species that you (Kathleen) I think it is Species Diversity.
know, can you possibly fit that inside a
¼ sheet of paper?

No, that would be an enormous list!

This variety or different kinds of species
is the first level of Biodiversity. Who
has an idea what it is called? Kathleen!

Very Good! The FIRST LEVEL of

Biodiversity is Species Diversity. This
level means diversity of species or in
other words, it refers to different types (Erika) Mam, we crossed Pea Plants.
of species. So, we have humans, cats,
dogs, and from your outputs, we have
tigers, frogs, and many more.

Going back to our previous lesson, we

have discussed about the Dihybrid
Cross. As a recap, what living things did
we cross? Erika?

That’s correct! We crossed the Pea

plants or Pisum sativum. When we (Zandra) No, some pea plants have seeds
crossed them, we have observed that that are round others are wrinkled. Also,
their offspring or the F1 Generation are they may differ in other characteristics
fertile because they were able to like plant height, some may be tall and
produce the F2 Generation. This means some may be short.
that those Pea plants or Pisum sativum
belong to the same species. They may
have similar characteristics but do all of
them look exactly the same? Why or
why not?
(class) No, mam.

(class) Yes, mam.

Correct! Although they belong to the
same species, they still also have
differences in particular characteristics. (class) No, mam.
Let’s go back to Alex and Barbie. Does
Alex look exactly the same to Barbie?

No, as you can see, they have different

stripe patterns in their body. But they
belong to the same species, right?
What about us humans? Do we all look
exactly alike?

Correct! We have some similarities but (class) Genotype, mam.

we don’t look exactly the same. We,
Filipinos, don’t look like Americans
which are mostly Caucasians.

So, even though organisms belonging to

the same species have similar
characteristics, they are not exactly
alike. Going back to our previous topic,
what controls the expression of physical
characteristics or phenotype?

Correct! Remember that genotypes are (Christine) Mam, I think it is Genetic

sets of genes that control our phenotype. Diversity.
Different genes produce different
characteristics. That means that
organisms belonging to the same species
are not exactly alike because they have
different genes.

This difference of genes or genetic

make-up between species is the
SECOND LEVEL of Biodiversity.
Who has an idea what it is? Christine? (Honey Joy) There is a pond ecosystem,
desert ecosystem and a rainforest
Very good! Genetic Diversity is the
second level of Biodiversity. Species
Diversity is the diversity of species
while Genetic Diversity is the diversity
among species. (Jesse) I think it is Ecosystem Diversity.

Let’s go back to your outputs. Besides

from the different species, one of you
mentioned earlier that there are different
ecosystems. Who can name them?
(Angeline) Ecosystem is a community of
living things and non-living things that
Very good! These different ecosystems works together.
Biodiversity. Who has an idea what it
is? Yes, Jesse.

That’s correct. Ecosystem Diversity is

the third level of Biodiversity. Again, (Michaela) Rocks
we have mentioned earlier in your (Geremaya) Soil
assignment what is an ecosystem. (Mitzie) Sun
Angeline, please read the definition of (Lynne) Water
an ecosystem.

Thank you. We’ve already talked about

living things which refers to things that
have life. So, non-living things refers to
those things that are not alive. Who can
give me an example of a non-living (class) Species Diversity, Genetic
thing based from your output? Diversity and Ecosystem Diversity.

(class) No, mam.

Very good! Living things and Non-

living things work together in an
ecosystem because some may be
sources of food and some may be their
(class) Yes, mam.
sources of habitat or place to live in.

Now, we have discussed the three levels (John Albert) Each group will be given a
of Biodiversity. Again, what are those? picture. The problem is that the picture
has missing pieces. The task is to
Correct. Are there any questions? complete the picture by assembling the
missing pieces provided. Once the
Let’s have an activity. picture is complete, identify what level
Activity of biodiversity is portrayed in the
This activity requires three groups. Your picture. Each group shall only have five
previous group from earlier will be your minutes to answer. When the time is up,
same group for this activity. Do you all outputs shall be put in front. The
understand? group must choose a representative to
report their outputs for 3 minutes.
Our activity is entitled Complete Me.
John Albert, please read the directions.

Content -10
Presentation – 10
Collaboration -5
For this activity, this is your criteria.
Roiland, please read.

The content is 10 points if you answered

correctly and your explanation is right.
Presentation is 10 points if the
representative presented it well and
confidently. Collaboration is 5 points if (class) No, mam.
everybody in the group participated.
This activity has overall points of 25. If
you lack in some of the criteria, your
(The students will go to their respective
points will be deducted. Are there any
Just like earlier, Group 1 will be here, (The students do the activity)
Group 2 will be here and Group 3 will
be over there.
(Group 1 will present their output)
(Group 2 will present their output)
(The teacher will provide the materials (Group 3 will present their output)
to each group.) Time starts now!
(After 5 minutes)
Let’s start the presentation for Group 1.


(class) Yes, mam.

In this picture, we can see different

breeds of dogs. Is Group 1 correct?

Dogs belong to the same species. They GROUP 2

are all under Canis lupus familiaris.
From the smallest Chihuahua to the
biggest German Shepherd, they still
belong to the same species but they have
different characteristics. Therefore it is
Genetic Diversity.


(class) Yes, mam

In this picture, we can see different GROUP 3

species of animals. Is Group 2 correct?

Bears, Elephants, Tigers belong to

different species. Therefore, it is Species

(class) Yes, mam.

(Nelsa) The first picture shows a

In this picture, we can see different grassland ecosystem and the second is a
ecosystems. Is Group 3 correct? marine ecosystem.

Who can identify these ecosystems?

Yes, Nelsa?

(class) Yes, mam.

Very good!
I think all of you can already identify
the different levels of Biodiversity,
right? (Shahany) Mam, I have learned about
Biodiversity which means the variety of
D. Generalization life or the different kinds of living things
Before we have our quiz, let us first on earth.
have a brief recap of our lesson. In your
own words, what is Biodiversity? Biodiversity has three levels – Species
Diversity referring to the different
species, Genetic Diversity referring to
the different genes among species and
Ecosystem Diversity referring to the
What are the three levels of different ecosystems.

Very good! Today, we have discussed

the concept of Biodiversity. Also, we
identified the three levels which are (Harrison) Biodiversity provides us
Species Diversity, Genetic Diversity and oxygen, food and medicine.
Ecosystem Diversity.

E. Application
For you, why is biodiversity important?

Very good! Biodiversity is the basis of

human existence or our life support
system. Plants, animals, insects, etc.
provide materials for human use.
Biodiversity is the reason why we have
food, medicine, clothes, agriculture, (class) No, mam.
industry, and many more. Biodiversity
is important and we need to conserve it.
Simple acts like throwing garbage
properly and planting trees is already a
big help.
Are there any questions regarding our

Let’s have a quiz.

IV. Evaluation
Part 1. Identification (1 point each) : Look at the pictures, carefully. Identify which level in
Biodiversity is shown in each picture. Write your answer in the space provided.


___________________________ ______________________________



Part II. Read each sentence carefully. Identify the following statement and write your answer in
the space provided.
_____________________4. It refers to the variety or different kinds of living things on earth.
_____________________5. Organisms that look similar to each other and can produce a fertile

V. Assignment
In a ¼ sheet of paper, list the hierarchical taxonomic system of classification.

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