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Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d.

The following dialog is for question 1 and d. April 27th

Text for number 5-7
Teacher : Attention, please. Now let’s To : Bima
try to speak English in the English Class. YOU ARE INVITED
Please come to my graduation party which
Student : Yes, Sir. We will use English
will be held on: Saturday, November 12th,
in the English class.
2014. At 3 to 5 pm. Mentari Residence.
Teacher : Santi, do you hear me? Look Jalan Ahmad Muchtar No 67.
at the front please. RSVP. Please contact (021) 2200102.
Santi : I’m so sorry, Sir. Candra
5. What is the text about?
1. The teacher says,”Santi, do you hear
a. The time of house warming party.
me? look at the front, please”. What
b. The address of Mentari Residence.
does he express?
c. The invitation of graduation party.
a. He asks Santi to pay attention.
d. The invitation card for Bima.
b. c. He compliments Santi.
6. When will the party be held?
c. He checks Santi’s understanding.
a. In the morning
d. d. He asks for Santi’s opinion.
b. In the evening
2. What should the students do?
c. In the afternoon
a. They use English in the Biology class.
d. At night
7. What should the invitees do before
b. They use English in class every day.
coming to the party?
a. They should write invitation card.
c. They stop doing activities during the
b. They must phone Bima and friends.
English class.
c. They should confirm to contact
d. They use English in the English class.
person (RSVP).
The text for question number 3 and 4. d. They need to discuss the time.

To celebrate the Indonesian Independence The text for questions number 8 and 9.
Day, all students are invited to join a Dear Randy,
writing competition. Express your love to When your name is called as the best
our country through writing. Contact each student please step forward-for high five!
class captain for further information. OSIS You are the best. Congratulations!
Uncle Harris
3. The event was made by ….
8. From the text we know that Randy …
a. The government
a. Gets a medal for the best student
b. c. The school
b. Graduates from high school
c. Personal
c. Is the best student at school
d. d. The student organization
d. Got five for his test
4. Independence Day of Indonesia is
9. “… when your name is called as the
celebrated on …
best …”. The word “your” refers to …
a. August 7th
a. Uncle Randy
b. August 27th
b. Student
c. August 17th
c. Uncle Harris
d. Randy
13. a. tame
The following dialogue is for questions b. beautiful
number 10 and 11 c. dangerous
d. funny
Vera : where will you go during the
holiday, Sin? 14. You should listen to more English
Songs. You should sing more English
Sinta : I will go to my grandmother’s
songs. More importantly, you should
house in Surakarta.
understand the lyrics. You should read
Vera : that’s interesting! more stories from around Indonesia
and the world in English. I’m sure you
Sinta : Would you like to go with me and can if you try harder.
my family? You have a relative there, don’t
you? Based on the text above, we can
conclude that ….
Vera : Thank you, but I will accompany
my mother to go to my uncle’s house. May a. English is very important.
be next time. b. Read English every time.
c. Listen more English song to
Sinta : it’s OK. improve English.
d. Learn structure to boost your
10. What does Sinta do in the dialogue?
a. She invites Vera to go to her
grandmother’s house in Surakarta. 15. “Our classroom is dirty and messy.”
b. She invites Vera to go her house in What should you do?
c. She tells vera about her holiday in a. We should clean our classroom
the grandmother’s house. b. We should not clean our classroom
d. She asks Vera about her plan. c. We should not neat our classroom
11. Vera says,”Thank you, but I will d. We should take the things
accompany my mother to go to my everywhere
uncle’s house”. It means that Vera …
16. “we have 2 test tomorrow, English and
a. Accepts the invitation
Math.” Which one is the true
b. Asks for opinion
statement based on the situations?
c. Shows her disagreement
d. Declines the invitation a. You should go to the game. You
should not study for the test.
For questions 12 and 13, complete the
b. You should not prepare the test.
dialogue below.
You should play football with your
Zookeeper : excuse me, young girl.
Visitor : yes, Sir. What’s the matter?
c. You should play with your friends.
Zookeeper : what are you doing?
You should not study for the test.
Visitor : I’m feeding the lions.
d. You should not go to the game. You
Zookeeper : (12) …..
should study for the test.
Visitor : why?
17. Situation : I have headache. What
Zookeeper : the lions are wild animals.
should I do?
They can be (13)…. Besides, the food can
Here are the suggestion, except …
harm the animals.
a. You should go to a doctor.
12. a. You must not feed the lions.
b. I would suggest to take a medicine.
b. You are feeding the lions.
c. Why don’t you go to the hospital?
c. You should feed the lions.
d. I’m sorry I never had headache
d. You must feed the lions.
hand in a notice from our parents to
the principle.
18. Nani : mom, can I eat the cake?
Mrs. Sindy : sure, but first you have to The text is talking about ….
wash your hands.
a. The rule that must not be obeyed
Nani : I did.
at school.
Mrs.Sindy : Really? Did you use the
b. The rule that must obeyed at
Nani : With or without soap is still
c. The students must come late to
the same. My hands are clean anyway.
Mrs. Sindy : no. just because your
d. The students must not be on time.
hands seem clean doesn’t
22. the antonym of obey is …
mean they are germ free.
a. disobey
You still should wash them
b. polite
with the soap before eating.
c. respect
Nani : all right. I’m washing them
d. unsrespect
with soap, then
Where does the dialogue take place?
The dialogue for number 23-25
a. In a bedroom Dedy : hi Candra. How are you
b. in a dining room today?
c. In a restaurant Chandra : hello friend, I’m ok
d. in a bathroom Dedy : how about your new
Chandra : there are some prohibition
in my new school.
Dedy : tell me more about it. Give
What does it mean?
me the example.
a. The dustbin in the place where
Chandra : there are some prohibition
students can throw the rubbish.
like “cell phone is
b. The rubbish in the dustbin must be
prohibited”. It means that
throw be thrown away everyday.
the students are not
c. Students should throw the rubbish
permitted to bring cell
into the dustbin.
d. Students may not have rubbish in
Dedy :what else?
the school.
Chandra : don’t throw the rubbish
20. THIS PLACE OF READING KEEP YOUR here, don’t make noise in the
VOICE LOW library, don’t pick the flowers
The caution above means … in school garden, etc.
a. We must keep the place silent. Dedy : I see
b. We must keep the place clean. Chandra : all student must obey the
c. We enter the place. rules.
d. We may read aloud. 23. What are they talking about …
a. Cell phone is prohibited
21. We must not be late to school. We b. The rubbish every where
must come on time to class. and to flag c. The prohibition of new school
ceremony. If we are late we must wait d. All students should come earlier
outside the gate. We must not come in
until the security guard gives us 24. what is the relationship between the
permission. We must sign a paper speaker …
a. parents
before we come to class. if we can not
b. daughter
come on time for any reason we must c. son
d. friendship

25. “tell me more about it. Give me the

example”. What does the word “me”
***good luck***
refer to ….
a. dedy
b. teacher
c. Chandra
d. Student

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