AgendaForChange GlobalStrategy Final-EnG
AgendaForChange GlobalStrategy Final-EnG
AgendaForChange GlobalStrategy Final-EnG
Agenda for Change members from
Africa and Asia gathered for a
Regional Learning Event in June
2022 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Our priorities for the next four years provide us with an exciting and timely
opportunity to embed the transition to being a fully country-led collective while
also enabling us to capitalise on the skills, capacities, and knowledge of all our
members at all levels. Through the generation of robust evidence and practical
guidance on which practices work to deliver nationally led water, sanitation,
and hygiene (WASH) system strengthening, we will proactively demonstrate
and communicate the unique contribution that collaborative action can make in
delivering achievements towards SDG 6.
Although global access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services
has increased globally in recent years, progress has been uneven within
and across countries and at a slower rate than required to meet the targets
of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), which demands universal and
sustainable water and sanitation for all by 2030. According to the WHO and
UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), achieving universal coverage
by 2030 will require a quadrupling of current rates of progress in safely
managed drinking water services, safely managed sanitation services, and
basic hygiene services. People with the lowest levels of access and services
live in low-income countries, with the poorest, hardest to reach populations
at risk of being left behind (ibid.).
Over the coming years, expected changes to the climate and water resource
needs will continue to impact on the resilience of existing WASH services
as well as complicate the extension and financing of new facilities. In
many countries, the impacts of climate change are already being acutely
felt, with events such as severe droughts and floods already compromising
the functionality of WASH facilities1. Water shortages and demand for 1
WaterAid Study Report: climate change, water security
supplies coupled with poor environmental assessment practices and a lack and WASH in Cambodia, 2021
of appropriate regulations and management further weaken the likelihood
of achieving SDG 6.
Given the complexities that the WASH sector is facing, systemic and sustained
change can only happen when people and organisations work together
through collective action. In turn, bringing about impact to enhance WASH
systems strengthening can act as a driver for change in related sectors
and contributes to the achievement of other SDGs. Catalysing a ripple
effect across different sectors also enables the WASH sector to harness
opportunities, such as climate finance, and to foster further partnerships
for wider impact.
The WASH sector has long faced challenges in terms of the sustainability of
investments and services, and SDG 6 requires WASH service improvements
to be happening at scale. In response, many organisations have adapted their
approaches to focus explicitly on building and strengthening systems rather
than direct service provision and infrastructure development. Agenda for
Change is a collaboration of such organisations that are also focused on the
importance of collaboration and collective action for systems strengthening.
System strengthening involves taking actions and supporting interventions
that are considered likely to strengthen one or more elements of a whole
Learning & Arrangements
Adaptation & Coordination system. This includes strengthening both the factors (technology, financing,
regulation, coordination, service delivery, etc.), as well as the capacity of
actors and their inter-relationships, to improve the quality and sustainability
of WASH services and ensure that all populations are served.
We want to see strong water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) systems in
place everywhere so that everyone has access to WASH services forever.
Agenda for Change members take collective action to make nationally led
WASH system strengthening the principal approach to achieve Sustainable
Development Goal 6.
Established in May 2015, Agenda for Change is a collaboration of like-minded
organizations (referred to as members2) that have adopted a set of common
principles (see Annex 1). Our members commit to collectively advocate for,
and support governments and other key WASH actors in, strengthening the
WASH systems required to deliver universal, sustained access as outlined under
SDG 6. Members contribute to WASH systems strengthening in more than 40+
Since its inception, Agenda for Change has evolved through stages of
establishment, repositioning, and a re-visioning process which resulted in a
reorganisation of the collective centred on enhancing country collaboration.
We are a voluntary and unique collaboration with diverse members that have
come together based on a collective recognition and mind-set that systems
approaches are the best way to reach SDG 6.
Current members include: Aguaconsult, CARE, Center
Agenda for Change is not a registered or independent entity. We do not aspire for Water Security and Cooperation, Concern Worldwide,
CRS, Helvetas, IRC, Osprey Foundation, Splash, WaterAid,
to have Agenda for Change-branded efforts in every country. Rather, we Water for Good, Water For People, and Welthungerhilfe.
see the collaboration and its members as catalysts of collaborative system
change and supporters of existing local and global networks, platforms,
and priorities.
*A collaboration is two or more members working on WASH systems strengthening; number will be dynamic. Coordination/
**Tasks teams are ad hoc and temporary. Number and composition will be dynamic. Support
We take collective action, a process that brings actors together to agree on a
common goal and approach, to develop shared metrics for measuring progress,
and to plan joint activities which reinforce progress towards that goal.3 Members
remain fully independent but collaborate actively due to their appreciation of
SYSTEMS collective action and their desire to continue learning from one another.
Our members are systems practitioners and advocates of systems thinking with
operational presence at the global, national, and district level. Members have a
unique potential to act as change agents, because rather than wielding power
FOR STRONGER SYSTEMS or authority, they can add value by supporting leading actors or governments,
by demonstrating localised system improvements, or stimulating change at
scale through advocacy, learning, and communication.
Lockwood 2019, Reflections on the ‘Beyond Collaboration:
NGOs can have a key role in encouraging collaboration and building partnerships
Learning from the National and District-Level. Collective that will facilitate more effective and coordinated performance of the system
Action Efforts in WASH’ session held during the IRC All
Systems Go Symposium. and can have a role in helping others to see the entire system.
Country collaborations are at the centre of everything we do. This demonstrates our commitment to
local leadership and being led by national priorities as well as embodying an anti-discrimination and
inclusive agenda.
Over the next four years, we will embed and operationalise the transition to
being a country-driven global collective, whereby country collaborations
inform and lead our priorities, thinking, and governance. As we embark on
this strategic shift, we will also strengthen ways to capitalise and build on the
contributions of members that do not have country level operations to enhance
our knowledge, reach, and influence.
From 2023-2026, Agenda for Change will focus on three complementary and
synergistic priorities.
We will:
horizon, with specific milestones, also allows us the opportunity to make any Annex 3 of this document.
course corrections in 2026/2027 as well as the agility and dynamism to remain
relevant in a global and national context that is ever-changing.
The priorities have been agreed at the collective level through an iterative
consultation process with all Agenda for Change constituencies. They are based
on priorities identified by country collaboration leads and other members and
remain flexible enough to be conceptualised as each county context requires.
In addition, each country collaboration develops their own annual specific
priorities and targets that contribute to these collective strategic priorities.
Collectively, the results5 measured for each priority area will help us
demonstrate how collective action for WASH systems strengthening is an
effective approach to deliver achievements towards SDG 6.
A revised results framework and monitoring, evaluation
and learning strategy accompanies this global strategy.
To foster strong country collaborations, we will continue to catalyse durable
collaboration and learning on WASH systems strengthening at the national
level. We aim to support each country collaboration on their individual
journeys towards more effective collective action and will track their journey
along the collaboration continuum to understand and measure progress (see
Annex 2).
Country collaborations are made up of two or more members and other local
stakeholders practically and proactively working together to be agents of
change in driving systems strengthening. Where national WASH platforms
or networks already exist, Agenda for Change seeks to collaborate with them
and support further collective action on systems strengthening activities.
Although there are currently nine country collaborations, we expect the
number will vary over time.
At the heart of Agenda for Change is the need for the country collaborations
of members and others to drive a common agenda of support for national
systems strengthening. Country collaborations have evolved in different
countries in different ways, and engagement has not been restricted to
members. Country collaborations have evolved where there has been
greater enthusiasm and funding specifically for collaboration, from groups
of organisations and individuals responsible for managing those country
Providing technical assistance and peer support, through
our wider membership. The Secretariat will also play a
matchmaking role for technical and financial resources.
Clarifying the role of national, collective leadership and hub
functions as well as the ability to mobilise joint resources.
Seed funding to further catalyse national collaboration.
Reviewing and potentially growing country collaboration
membership to align the composition with the priorities of
the national context and members’ willingness to proactively
Building or strengthening strategic relationships with key
local, national, and regional (i.e., cross-country) organisations
and other multi-stakeholder platforms to leverage voice and
influence, e.g., national representatives of Sanitation and Water
for All and the Global Water Partnership, existing national civil
society platforms such as UWASNET Uganda, WESNET Malawi,
FEDWASUN Nepal, RASGUA, PTPS Honduras, national/regional
bodies, etc.
Identifying key learning and knowledge development needs of
national collaborators, supporting assessment and monitoring
of the systems building block framework, and promoting cross-
country sharing and evidence exchanges. Multi-portfolio NGOs
can be valuable allies to leverage learning on aspects such
as water resource management, gender equality and social
inclusion, climate resilience, food security, etc.
We will continue to encourage, challenge, and support WASH systems
strengthening practices, policies, and funding for members, funders, and
other sector stakeholders. We will do this through our learning and sharing
agenda, generating, and communicating evidence, and specific influencing
activities at different levels (both externally and internally).
At the global level, members will continue to use the evidence generated at
the country level to share lessons learned and experiences on what works to
promote WASH systems strengthening. The overarching approach will be to
strengthen our learning and documentation in the immediate term for current
country collaborations and plan to broaden our influence/engagement in later
years of the strategy.
Engagement in Agenda for Change supports members to adopt
systems strengthening approaches at an organisational level.
Learning exchanges with peers enable frank and practical discussion
on ways to contextualise and internalise such approaches.
During the next strategic period, we will develop simple ways for members to
measure their internal changes towards institutionalising systems strengthening
approaches. For example, by capturing information on how they have attracted
financing for systems strengthening programs, on any internal mechanisms they
may have put in place to measure their progress (such as program support or
systems strengthening units), and on the types of partnerships they develop for
systems approaches.
We will also use communications and outreach metrics to gauge our external
influence, for example through dissemination tracking, network analysis,
documenting the types and interest levels of stakeholders that are interested in
becoming members or partners, and that attend our events.
We will continue to make the case that collective action for WASH systems
strengthening enables and catalyses achievements towards SDG 6. Evidence
generation at the national level on successful collective action approaches
helps ground and inform our learning, sharing, and influencing on WASH
systems strengthening at all levels.
By facilitating this collaborative approach to evidence
generation, we can collectively address the roadblocks to system
strengthening. Learning priorities are initially identified by
country collaborations – on both collaborative action processes
and WASH systems strengthening implementation practices.
Global members amplify the learning and evidence for internal
and external influencing as well as enhancing our visibility and
reach. We will measure our progress on this strategic priority by
using existing outreach and communications trackers as well as
through new outreach metrics for members.
Requires existing
Country commitment to
collaborations collaborative action.
Review composition recommend members Existing members Foster relationships
to ensure it is for global level jointly identify and collaborate with
APPROACH/ aligned with specific engagement (when potential new countries other influential
CRITERIA goals, needs and present in two or (1-2 per region). Not actors in the sector,
criteria. Review list more countries). rapid growth – but such as Sanitation
of potential new General Assembly based on our capacity and Water for All.
members. plays decision- to support, member
making role. willingness,
readiness, etc.
Agenda for Change is developing and rolling out a renewed membership structure
with further details on categories of members, their respective membership
benefits, and their expected roles and responsibilities as a key part of the collective.
The agreement of a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of universal access to water,
sanitation, and hygiene by 2030 requires a fundamental change in the way we in the sector
Recognizing that we will achieve more by working together, we have agreed that the principles
below will guide our approach to ensure permanent water and sanitation services for all.
We, as sector stakeholders, are committed to achieving the goal of universal access to
WASH by 2030. Our mission is driven by evidence of the fundamental role of WASH in
all development outcomes and in the broader poverty-eradication agenda. This target
date is non-negotiable if we are to deliver on the internationally agreed SDGs.
We are convinced the sector can achieve lasting universal access by 2030 but understand
that this will require new partnerships, better use of existing finances coupled with
new funding sources, and a serious commitment to monitoring for improvement.
We know that governments must lead efforts and that external agencies must work
in a way that supports and builds government capacity to lead and to succeed. We
commit to work collectively and adhere to key behaviors that strengthen countries’
capabilities to deliver permanent and accountable access to WASH services.
We know that work needs to be financed more creatively and effectively and must
address all stages of the service delivery cycle. We know that financing must come from
individuals, communities, and district and national governments, and be combined
with and supported by traditional aid and/or philanthropy and crucial funding vehicles
like loans, social impact investments, and bonds. No robust country plan aiming to
achieve universal access by 2030 should fail because of a lack of finance.
Success at district and city levels will require new alliances and working relationships
between local government, local communities, and the local private sector, with
governments taking the lead. External agencies should work with all these players to
ensure success—and we commit to doing this in our work.
We are not ideological about who provides WASH services. The outcome we seek is
simply that water flows and sanitation and hygiene services are guaranteed for all,
permanently. Different management arrangements can be constructed to achieve this
result: public, private, community or combined.
The monitoring systems used by all WASH agencies should aim to strengthen local
and national monitoring systems, and, where these systems are available and
sufficiently robust, to use them for their own monitoring. We commit to jointly
ensuring community empowerment and engagement is recognized as a fundamental
part of ensuring the rights of all to WASH services are realized and ensuring that
governments and service providers are held to account.
Loose affiliation of Organizations are aligned Organizations are aligned Organizations are aligned Organizations are aligned
organizations aligned with with the principles of with the principles of with the principles of with the principles of
the principles of Agenda Agenda for Change but Agenda for Change, agree Agenda for Change; Agenda for Change; have
for Change that continue continue to work at district to work at a country level have a mechanism in a mechanism in place to
to do their individual level individually. They with mutually reinforcing place to coordinate coordinate communication,
work. All organizations participate in global and activities; use a collective communication, technical technical support,
are aiming to achieve and national level advocacy, voice and common support, advocacy, and advocacy, and learning; do
contribute to SDG6 but and knowledge sharing messaging at all levels; learning; do collective collective advocacy at all
remain relatively siloed in and learning. and share knowledge advocacy at all levels; levels; agree to work at a
approach. and learning across and share knowledge and country level with mutually
cities, districts, countries, learning at all levels. reinforcing activities;
organizations and sectors. share common progress
measures and data to
demonstrate progress;
and share knowledge and
learning at all levels.