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Mechanical Object Reference

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Mechanical Object Reference

ANSYS, Inc. Release 2023 R1

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Table of Contents
About This Reference .................................................................................................................................. 1
1. What's Included in each Object Reference? .......................................................................................... 1
Object Groupings ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1. General Objects ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Geometry Objects ............................................................................................................................... 3
3. Coordinate System .............................................................................................................................. 4
4. Connections Objects ........................................................................................................................... 5
5. Material Objects .................................................................................................................................. 5
6. Mesh Objects ...................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Symmetry Objects ............................................................................................................................... 6
8. Fracture Analysis Objects ..................................................................................................................... 6
9. External Model Objects ....................................................................................................................... 7
10. Imported Model Objects .................................................................................................................... 8
11. Result Objects ................................................................................................................................... 9
12. Solution Objects .............................................................................................................................. 10
13. Analysis Specific Objects .................................................................................................................. 10
14. Virtual Features Objects ................................................................................................................... 11
Alert .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
AM Bond ................................................................................................................................................... 15
AM Process ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Analysis Ply ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Analysis Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Angular Velocity ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Arbitrary Crack ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Beam ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Beam Tool (Group) .................................................................................................................................... 41
Bearing ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Body .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Body Interactions ..................................................................................................................................... 59
Body Interaction ....................................................................................................................................... 61
Bolt Tool (Group) ....................................................................................................................................... 63
Build Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 67
Chart ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Commands (APDL) .................................................................................................................................... 81
Comment .................................................................................................................................................. 87
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions ..................................................................................................... 89
Composite Failure Tool (Group) ................................................................................................................ 91
Composite Sampling Point Tool (Group) .................................................................................................. 97
Composite Sampling Point ....................................................................................................................... 99
Condensed Geometry ............................................................................................................................. 101
Condensed Part ...................................................................................................................................... 105
Connections ............................................................................................................................................ 113
Connection Group .................................................................................................................................. 117
Construction Geometry .......................................................................................................................... 123
Construction Line ................................................................................................................................... 125
Contact Debonding ................................................................................................................................ 129
Contact Region ....................................................................................................................................... 131
1. Contact Region - Most Structural Analyses ....................................................................................... 135
2. Contact Region - Explicit Dynamics Analyses .................................................................................... 137

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii
Object Reference

3. Contact Region - Thermal and Electromagnetic Analyses .................................................................. 138

4. Contact Region - Rigid Body Dynamics Analyses ............................................................................... 139
Contact Tool (Group) ............................................................................................................................... 141
Convergence ........................................................................................................................................... 145
Coordinate System .................................................................................................................................. 147
Coordinate Systems (Group) ................................................................................................................... 153
Cross Sections ......................................................................................................................................... 155
Cross Section Objects ............................................................................................................................. 157
Design Constraint ................................................................................................................................... 163
Distributed Mass ..................................................................................................................................... 165
Drop Height ............................................................................................................................................ 169
Element Orientation ............................................................................................................................... 173
End Release ............................................................................................................................................. 177
Environment (Group) .............................................................................................................................. 181
Elliptical Crack ........................................................................................................................................ 185
Expansion Settings ................................................................................................................................. 191
Fatigue Combination .............................................................................................................................. 195
Fatigue Tool (Group) ............................................................................................................................... 199
Figure ...................................................................................................................................................... 209
Fracture ................................................................................................................................................... 211
Fracture Tool (Group) .............................................................................................................................. 215
Fracture Probes ....................................................................................................................................... 217
Gasket Mesh Control ............................................................................................................................... 221
Gasket ..................................................................................................................................................... 223
General Axisymmetric ............................................................................................................................ 225
Generated Support ................................................................................................................................. 229
Geometry ................................................................................................................................................ 233
Geometry Imports .................................................................................................................................. 241
Global Coordinate System ...................................................................................................................... 247
Image ...................................................................................................................................................... 249
Import Summary .................................................................................................................................... 253
Imported: Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt Pretensions ............................................................... 255
Imported: Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................................. 257
Imported: Composite Plies ..................................................................................................................... 263
Imported: Constraint Equations or Coupling ......................................................................................... 267
Imported: Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 271
Imported: Coordinate Systems ............................................................................................................... 275
Imported: Element Orientations (External Model) ................................................................................. 279
Imported: Flexible Remote Connectors .................................................................................................. 283
Imported: Nodal Orientations ................................................................................................................ 287
Imported: Point Masses .......................................................................................................................... 291
Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors ...................................................................................................... 295
Imported: Shell Thicknesses ................................................................................................................... 299
Imported: Spring Connectors ................................................................................................................. 303
Imported Condensed Part ...................................................................................................................... 309
Imported Element Orientation (Group) .................................................................................................. 313
Imported Element Orientation (External Data) ...................................................................................... 315
Imported Load (Group) ........................................................................................................................... 321
Imported Material Fields (Group) ........................................................................................................... 329
Imported Material Field .......................................................................................................................... 331
Imported Plies ........................................................................................................................................ 337

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iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Reference

Imported Remote Loads ......................................................................................................................... 341

Imported Thickness (Group) ................................................................................................................... 345
Imported Thickness ................................................................................................................................ 347
Imported Trace (Group) .......................................................................................................................... 351
Imported Trace ........................................................................................................................................ 353
Initial Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 359
Initial Physics Options ............................................................................................................................ 361
Initial Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 363
Interface Delamination ........................................................................................................................... 367
Interstage ................................................................................................................................................ 371
Joint ........................................................................................................................................................ 375
Layered Section ...................................................................................................................................... 379
Loads, Supports, and Conditions (Group) ............................................................................................... 383
Manufacturing Constraint ...................................................................................................................... 387
Material ................................................................................................................................................... 389
Material Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 393
Material Combination ............................................................................................................................. 399
Material Plot ........................................................................................................................................... 403
Materials (Group) .................................................................................................................................... 407
Mesh ........................................................................................................................................................ 411
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group ..................................................................................... 419
Mesh Connection/Contact Match ........................................................................................................... 425
Mesh Control Tools (Group) .................................................................................................................... 429
Mesh Edit ................................................................................................................................................ 433
Mesh Numbering .................................................................................................................................... 437
Modal ...................................................................................................................................................... 439
Model ...................................................................................................................................................... 443
Named Selections ................................................................................................................................... 447
Node Merge Group ................................................................................................................................. 453
Node Merge ............................................................................................................................................ 457
Node Move .............................................................................................................................................. 461
Numbering Control ................................................................................................................................. 463
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 465
Optimization Region .............................................................................................................................. 467
Part ......................................................................................................................................................... 471
Part Transform ........................................................................................................................................ 477
Path ......................................................................................................................................................... 481
Periodic/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region ................................................................................. 485
Physics Region ........................................................................................................................................ 491
Point Mass ............................................................................................................................................... 499
Predefined Support ................................................................................................................................ 503
Pre-Meshed Crack ................................................................................................................................... 507
Pre-Stress ................................................................................................................................................ 511
Probe ....................................................................................................................................................... 517
Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 521
Pull .......................................................................................................................................................... 525
Python Code ........................................................................................................................................... 527
Python Result .......................................................................................................................................... 529
Ring Crack ............................................................................................................................................... 531
Remote Point .......................................................................................................................................... 539
Remote Points ......................................................................................................................................... 543

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Object Reference

Response Constraint ............................................................................................................................... 545

Response PSD Tool (Group) .................................................................................................................... 549
Result Tracker ......................................................................................................................................... 553
Result Plot Trackers ................................................................................................................................. 557
Results and Result Tools (Group) ............................................................................................................ 565
Semi-Elliptical Crack ............................................................................................................................... 581
SMART Crack Growth .............................................................................................................................. 587
Smoothing .............................................................................................................................................. 591
Solid ........................................................................................................................................................ 595
Solution .................................................................................................................................................. 599
Solution Combination ............................................................................................................................ 605
Solution Information .............................................................................................................................. 607
Spot Weld ................................................................................................................................................ 611
Spring ..................................................................................................................................................... 615
STL .......................................................................................................................................................... 621
STL Support ............................................................................................................................................ 623
Stage ....................................................................................................................................................... 627
Stress Tool (Group) .................................................................................................................................. 631
Substructure Definition .......................................................................................................................... 635
Support Group ........................................................................................................................................ 639
Surface .................................................................................................................................................... 643
Surface Coating ...................................................................................................................................... 645
Symmetry ................................................................................................................................................ 649
Symmetry Region ................................................................................................................................... 651
Thermal Point Mass ................................................................................................................................ 655
Thickness ................................................................................................................................................ 659
Transforms .............................................................................................................................................. 663
Validation ............................................................................................................................................... 665
Velocity ................................................................................................................................................... 669
Virtual Cell .............................................................................................................................................. 673
Virtual Hard Vertex ................................................................................................................................. 675
Virtual Split Edge .................................................................................................................................... 677
Virtual Split Face ..................................................................................................................................... 679
Virtual Topology ..................................................................................................................................... 681

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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Tables
1. Geometry .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Condensed Geometry ............................................................................................................................... 4
3. Construction Geometry ............................................................................................................................. 4
4. Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 5
5. Mesh ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Mesh Edit .................................................................................................................................................. 6
7. Mesh Numbering ...................................................................................................................................... 6
8. Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 7
9. Boundary Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 8
10. Imported Plies ......................................................................................................................................... 8
11. Coordinate Systems ................................................................................................................................. 8
12. Geometry ................................................................................................................................................ 8
13. Imported Plies ......................................................................................................................................... 8
14. Geometry ................................................................................................................................................ 8
15. Condensed Geometry ............................................................................................................................. 9
16. Load and Boundary Conditions ................................................................................................................ 9
17. Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 9
18. Result Tools ............................................................................................................................................. 9
19. Solution Combination ............................................................................................................................ 10
20. Fatigue Combination ............................................................................................................................. 10
21. Chart ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
22. Additive Manufacturing ......................................................................................................................... 10
23. Composite Prep/Post ............................................................................................................................. 11
24. Explicit Dynamics .................................................................................................................................. 11
25. Virtual Features ..................................................................................................................................... 11

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. vii
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viii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
About This Reference
Welcome to the Mechanical Objects Reference. This reference provides a specification for every Mech-
anical object in the tree. Each object is represented in either its own reference page, or is combined
with similar objects and represented on one group reference page. For example, the Joint object is
represented on its own Joint object reference page (p. 375), whereas the Acceleration object is repres-
ented on the Loads and Supports (Group) object reference page (p. 383). All pages representing groups
of objects include "(Group)" as part of the page's title.

The objects reference is not intended to be your primary source of procedural information for performing
simulations -- see the Steps for Using the Application section for introductory and procedural guidelines
concerning when and where to use Mechanical objects.


Certain types of virtual objects do not appear in the Outline but are still included in this
reference. These include Virtual Cell (p. 673), Virtual Hard Vertex (p. 675), Virtual Split
Edge (p. 677), and Virtual Split Face (p. 679). When the application creates these objects,
they are saved in the database and have editable properties similar to other objects. For
more information, refer to their individual reference pages.

1. What's Included in each Object Reference?

The following is a description of each component of a Mechanical object reference page:

• Title: For individual object reference pages, the title is the default name of the object as it appears
in the tree. For group reference pages, the title is a name given to the collection of objects represented.

• Object definition: A brief description of the individual object or group of objects.

• Applies to the following objects: Appears only on group reference pages and includes the default
name of all objects represented on the group reference page.

• Tree dependencies: The valid location of the object or group of objects in the tree (Valid Parent
Tree Object), as well as other possible objects that you can insert beneath the object or group of
objects (Valid Child Tree Objects).

• Insertion options: Procedure for inserting the object (individual or one in the group) in the tree.
Typically this procedure includes inserting the object from a Context Tabs option or through a context
menu option when you right-click the mouse on the object.

• Additional related information: A listing of topics related to the object or object group that are in
the help. Included are links to those topics.

• Tree location graphic: An indication of where the object or group of objects appears in the tree.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1
About This Reference

• Object Properties: A listing of every setting or indication available in the Details (located directly
beneath the object tree) for the object. Included are links to more detailed information on an item
within the help.

• Relevant right-click context menu options: A listing of options directly relevant to the objects that
are available in the context menu by right-clicking the object. Included are links to more detailed
information on an item within the help. The options listed are specifically relevant to their particular
object. A list of options that are standard to most of the objects (such as Solve, Copy, Cut, Duplicate,
and Delete) is shown below.

Object's Common Right-click Options

Common right-click options for most of the objects include:

• Insert: The Insert menu is specific to the object. You use the insert menu to add contacts, loads,
results, etc.

• Duplicate: Duplicate the selected object, including scoping and Details definition.

• Copy/Cut: Copy or Cut the selected object.

• Paste: Paste supported objects (that you copied) within the active Mechanical session.

• Copy To Clipboard/Paste From Clipboard: Any object that supports Copy/Cut also supports copying
and pasting to and from the clipboard. These options enable you to paste objects copied to the
clipboard from one Mechanical session to another. These clipboard actions can only be performed
once. The clipboard is cleared once pasted.

• Delete: Delete the selected object.

• Rename: Rename the selected object.

• Group/Ungroup: Group objects in the Outline as desired.

• Rename Based on Definition: The application automatically renames the object based on its type and

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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Groupings
The following object groupings are available:
1. General Objects
2. Geometry Objects
3. Coordinate System
4. Connections Objects
5. Material Objects
6. Mesh Objects
7. Symmetry Objects
8. Fracture Analysis Objects
9. External Model Objects
10. Imported Model Objects
11. Result Objects
12. Solution Objects
13. Analysis Specific Objects
14. Virtual Features Objects

1. General Objects
These objects can be inserted under a variety of different objects.

Object Description
Commands (p. 81) This object enables you to enter and execute Mechanical APDL commands.
Comment (p. 87) Inserts a comment for a Mechanical parent object.
Figure (p. 209) Captures any graphic displayed for a particular object in the Geometry window.
Image (p. 249) Inserts a screen shot of your model and places it underneath the currently selected

2. Geometry Objects
These objects enable you to specify certain geometry options. The objects are grouped by functionality.

Table 1: Geometry
These objects define and set up Geometry properties.
Body (p. 51) Defines a component of the attached geometry included under the Geo
Distributed Mass (p. 165) Distributes additional mass across faces or edges on your model. It can b

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3
Object Groupings

These objects define and set up Geometry properties.

Element Orientation (p. 173) Modifies the coordinate system of individual solid and shell elements.
Gasket Mesh Control (p. 221) Applies a sweep mesh in a chosen direction and drops midside nodes on
Geometry (p. 233) Contains the imported geometry in the form of an assembly or multibod
Geometry Imports (p. 241) Import geometries into Mechanical.
Layered Section (p. 379) Creates layers (one or more) on a surface body to create a composite.
Part (p. 471) Defines a component of the attached geometry included under a Geom
Point Mass (p. 499) Represents the inertial effects from a body.
Thermal Point Mass (p. 655) Represents the heat from surrounding objects.
Thickness (p. 659) Defines variable Thickness properties on selected faces or surface bodie

Table 2: Condensed Geometry

These objects are used to define superelements in your analysis.
Condensed Geometry (p. 101) Contains all of the Condensed Part and Imported Condensed Part ob
Condensed Part (p. 105) This object defines a set of bodies as a single superelement with the ov
of freedom.
Imported Condensed Part (p. 309) This object defines a single imported superelement with the overall ine

Table 3: Construction Geometry

These objects create construction geometry objects.
Construction Geometry (p. 123) Contains one or more Path (p. 481), Surface (p. 643), Solid (p. 595), Construc
Construction Line (p. 125) Sketches and generates Line Bodies on the model you have imported into
Path (p. 481) Represents a spatial curve to which you can scope results.
Solid (p. 595) Creates and adds a solid part to the model you have imported into Mecha
STL (p. 621) Enables you to import and view an STL (Stereolithography) file.
Surface (p. 643) Represents a section plane to which you can scope results.
Surface Coating (p. 645) Applies a surface coating (shell layer) of a specified material and thickness

3. Coordinate System
These objects are related to the coordinate systems of an analysis.

These objects create and contain a model's coordinate system(s).

Coordinate Represents a local coordinate system.
System (p. 147)
Coordinate Houses any new coordinate systems that can include a Global Coordinate Sys-
Systems (p. 153) tem (p. 247) object and local Coordinate System (p. 147) objects.
Global Represents the default coordinate system, wherein the origin is defined as 0,0,0 for
Coordinate the model.
System (p. 247)

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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Objects

4. Connections Objects
These objects define connections between parts or bodies. The objects are grouped by functionality.

Table 4: Connections
These objects define and manage connection bodies for an analysis.
Beam (p. 35) A structural element that carries a load primarily in bending.
Bearing (p. 45) A two-dimensional elastic element used to confine relative motion and
Body Interactions (p. 59) Sets global options for all Body Interaction (p. 61) objects in an Explicit
Body Interaction (p. 61) Creates contact between bodies in an Explicit Dynamics Analysis.
Connections (p. 113) Defines connections between two or more parts or bodies.
Connection Group (p. 117) Defines connections among selected bodies.
Contact Region (p. 131) Defines conditions for individual contact and target pairs.
End Release (p. 177) Allows specified degrees of freedom to be released on a vertex betwee
Interstage (p. 371) Connects the faces of the cyclically symmetric bodies specified by two d
Joint (p. 375) Defines conditions for reference and mobile pairs that make up a joint.
Spot Weld (p. 611) Defines conditions for individual contact and target pairs for a spot wel
model assembly.
Spring (p. 615) An elastic element that regains its undeformed shape after a compressi

5. Material Objects
These objects assign and control the material options. The objects are grouped by functionality.

These objects assign and control the material options.

Material (p. 389) Represents a material which is contained in your Project.
Material Assignment (p. 393) Assigns a material to multiple bodies and control its behavior, like nonlinear
effects, thermal strain calculation, reference temperature, etc.
Material Assigns a combination of different materials, specifically their material
Combination (p. 399) properties, to a body or part.
Materials (p. 407) Holds all material related objects for a given Model object.

6. Mesh Objects
These objects provide control to the mesh objects. The objects are grouped by functionality.

Table 5: Mesh
These objects define and manage mesh properties.
Gasket (p. 223) Defines the gasket mesh control beneath the Mesh object when the Bod
Mesh (p. 411) Manages all meshing functions and tools for a model; includes global co

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5
Object Groupings

These objects define and manage mesh properties.

Mesh Control Tools (p. 429) Objects available for fine tuning the mesh.

Table 6: Mesh Edit

These objects define and manage mesh connections/contact matches and nodes.
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Defines mesh connections/contact matches between selected topo
Group (p. 419)
Mesh Connection/Contact Match (p. 425) Defines mesh connection/contact match conditions for individual
Mesh Edit (p. 433) Creates Mesh Connections and Contact Matches as well as merges
Node Merge Group (p. 453) Defines nodes that have been merged on a generated mesh.
Node Merge (p. 457) Merges pairs of nodes on the mesh.
Node Move (p. 461) Selects and moves individual nodes on the mesh.

Table 7: Mesh Numbering

These objects control the renumbering of nodes and elements.
Mesh Numbering (p. 437) Includes any quantity of Numbering Control (p. 463) objects, which renum
of flexible parts.
Numbering Control (p. 463) Represents a part, vertex, or Remote Point whose nodes/elements can be

7. Symmetry Objects
Symmetry-based objects enable you to analyze a portion of a symmetric model in order to save time
and resources.

Object Description
General Create a three-dimensional mesh, in the circumferential direction, on a surface body
Axisymmetric (p. 225)model that is based on specified nodal planes and an axis.
Periodic/Cyclic Define individual planes for periodic conditions, anti-periodic conditions, cyclic
Region/Pre-Meshed conditions, or pre-meshed cyclic conditions.
Region (p. 485)
Symmetry (p. 649) Houses all definitions of symmetry or periodic/cyclic planes within a model.
Symmetry Defines individual planes for symmetry or anti-symmetry conditions (including linear
Region (p. 651) periodic symmetry).

8. Fracture Analysis Objects

These fracture-based objects enable you to create cracks in and on your model to compute fracture

Object Description
Arbitrary Define a crack to analyze planar or non-planar cracks of any arbitrary shape, which
Crack (p. 29) already exist on the geometry model.

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
External Model Objects

Object Description
Contact Define contact regions along a contact interface that will separate.
Debonding (p. 129)
Elliptical Insert embedded void cracks into a solid body.
Crack (p. 185)
Fracture (p. 211) Contains all crack definitions.
Interface Simulates the separation of two materials across an interface.
Delamination (p. 367)
Pre-Meshed Define a crack that is based on a previously generated mesh and used to analyze
Crack (p. 507) crack fronts based on a Named Selection.
Ring Crack (p. 531) Insert embedded void cracks of a hallow disc shape into a solid body.
Semi-Elliptical You use this object to define a semi-elliptical crack based on an internally generated
Crack (p. 581) mesh to analyze crack fronts by use of geometric parameters.
SMART Crack Simulate fatigue and static crack propagation in a structure.
Growth (p. 587)

9. External Model Objects

These objects provide access to an external system for your analysis. The objects are grouped by func-

Table 8: Connections
These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt Provides access to an external system’s pretension data.
Pretensions (p. 255)
Imported: Constraint Equations or Coupling (p. 267) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes cons
Imported: Contacts (p. 271) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes cont
Imported: Flexible Remote Connectors (p. 283) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes flexib
Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors (p. 295) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes rigid

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7
Object Groupings

These objects provide access to an external system's data.

Imported: Spring Connectors (p. 303) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes sprin

Table 9: Boundary Conditions

These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Boundary Conditions (p. 257) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes constraint an

Table 10: Imported Plies

These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Composite Plies (p. 263) Provides ply/layer data from an upstream External Model system.

Table 11: Coordinate Systems

These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported: Coordinate Systems (p. 275) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes coordin

Table 12: Geometry

These objects provide access to an external system or previous analysis' data.
Imported: Element Orientations (External Provides access to an external system’s data that includes element
Model) (p. 279)
Imported: Nodal Orientations (p. 287) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes nodal or
Imported: Point Masses (p. 291) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes point m

10. Imported Model Objects

These objects upstream data by linking Ansys Workbench systems with Mechanical analysis systems,
you can import results from one analysis and apply them in downstream (target) systems.

Table 13: Imported Plies

These objects provide access to an external system's data.
Imported Plies (p. 337) Provides ply/layer data that has been made available from an external up

Table 14: Geometry

These objects provide access to an external system or previous analysis' data.
Imported Element Orientation (External Maps coordinate system data points from an External Data system ont
Data) (p. 315) of selected elements.
Imported Thickness (Group) (p. 345) Includes shell thicknesses that you have imported from an earlier anal
Imported Thickness (p. 347) Imports shell thickness data generated in a previous analysis for applic

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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Result Objects

These objects provide access to an external system or previous analysis' data.

Imported: Shell Thicknesses (p. 299) Provides access to an external system’s data that includes shell thickne

Table 15: Condensed Geometry

These objects define imported superelements.
Imported Condensed Part (p. 309) Defines a single imported superelement with the overall inertial and

Table 16: Load and Boundary Conditions

These objects contain loads and conditions to use for an analysis.
Imported Load (Group) (p. 321) Contains loads that you want to apply in the current analysis.
Imported Remote Loads (p. 341) Includes the Force and Moment boundary conditions provided by a M

Table 17: Materials

These objects import material data and model printed circuit boards.
Imported Material Fields (Group) (p. 329) Contains all of the Imported Material Field objects used to impor
map to the mesh.
Imported Material Field (p. 331) Imports the initial user-defined field variable values from External D
Imported Trace (Group) (p. 351) Includes the metal traces that you have imported from a Printed Ci
traces in PCBs.
Imported Trace (p. 353) Models Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in a fast and efficient manner
the geometry and mesh, due to the complexities in such models.

11. Result Objects

These objects define result types and the formats for viewing them. The objects are grouped by func-

Table 18: Result Tools

These objects provide various result types and formats.
Alert (p. 13) Sets pass or fail thresholds for individual results.
Bolt Tool (p. 63) Provides bolt-specific results for loads that are defined using t
Convergence (p. 145) Controls the relative accuracy of a solution by refining solutio
Expansion Settings (p. 191) Displays and edits the Expansion Settings Worksheet once y
Fatigue Tool (p. 199) Determines life, damage, and factor of safety information usin
Figure (p. 209) Captures any graphic displayed for a particular object in the G
Fracture Tool (p. 215) Examines fracture results in Mechanical.
Fracture Probes (p. 217) Views the time history of a fracture parameter (that is, SIFS, Cr
Probe (p. 517) Determines results at a point on a model or finds minimum o
Python Code (p. 527) Executes Python code in response to events occurring in Mec
Python Result (p. 529) Evaluates output quantities by executing an Iron-python scrip
Response PSD Tool (p. 549) Controls the sampling points of Response PSD probes for Ran

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9
Object Groupings

These objects provide various result types and formats.

Result Tracker (p. 553) Provides results graphs of various quantities (for example, defo
Result Plot Trackers (p. 557) Shows the progression of specific results during the solution
Results and Result Tools (p. 565) Defines the engineering output for displaying and analyzing t
Solution (p. 599) Defines result types and formats for viewing a solution.
Solution Information (p. 607) Tracks and monitors your nonlinear solution, potentially diagn
of the model.
Stress Tool (p. 631) Provides stress safety tools for analyzing simulation results.

Table 19: Solution Combination

These objects manage solutions from one or more beam bodies or environments.
Beam Tool (p. 41) Examines linearized stresses on beam (line) bodies.
Solution Combination (p. 605) Manages solutions that are derived from the results of one o

Table 20: Fatigue Combination

This object sums the Damage results of multiple systems.
Fatigue Combination (p. 195) Generates a sum total of the Damage results of multiple sys

Table 21: Chart

This object plots load and result data.
Chart (p. 77) Charts results against time or result quantities against a load

12. Solution Objects

You use these objects to add results as well as monitor and view post processing options.

Object Description
Solution (p. 599) Select this object to specify results in your analysis.
Solution Manage solutions from multiple environments.
Combination (p. 605)
Solution Track and monitor your nonlinear solution as well as potentially diagnose problems
Information (p. 607) that may arise during the solution process. It also enables you to view certain finite
element graphical aspects of the model, such as finite element connections.

13. Analysis Specific Objects

These objects are used for certain analysis configurations only.

Table 22: Additive Manufacturing

These objects set up and define options for an AM process simulation.
AM Bond (p. 15) Establishes a connection between a meshed part and a me
AM Process (p. 17) Identifies geometries and sets global options for all AM-rela

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10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Features Objects

These objects set up and define options for an AM process simulation.

Build Settings (p. 67) Defines the strain assumptions, process parameters, and bu
Generated Support (p. 229) Creates a support structure consisting of finite elements.
Predefined Support (p. 503) Identifies a support structure that was imported with CAD
STL Support (p. 623) Allows you to import and mesh a support structure that is
Support Group (p. 639) Used to group Predefined Support objects and Generated S

Table 23: Composite Prep/Post

These objects provide and plot composite result data for Composite PrepPost.
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions (p. 89) A model-level object that is inserted into the tree when you
Composite Failure Tool (p. 91) Provides result data that corresponds to that of the failure d
Composite Sampling Point Tool (p. 97) Provides ply-wise results that were modeled using ACP.
Composite Sampling Point (p. 99) Plots the composite part result data.

Table 24: Explicit Dynamics

These objects apply a specific velocity as an initial condition for Explicit Dynamics.
Angular Velocity (p. 25) Applies angular velocity as an initial condition for use in an
Drop Height (p. 169) Applies a velocity as an initial condition by calculating the v
specified height.

14. Virtual Features Objects

These objects define virtual properties and do not appear in the tree. The objects are grouped by

Table 25: Virtual Features

These objects define virtual properties.
Virtual Cell (p. 673) Defines an individual face or edge group, defined manually or automatic
Virtual Hard Vertex (p. 675) Defines a virtual hard vertex, which allows you to define a hard point ac
hard point in a split face operation.
Virtual Split Edge (p. 677) Defines a virtual split edge.
Virtual Split Face (p. 679) Defines a virtual split face.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11
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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sets pass or fail thresholds for individual results. When a threshold is exceeded, the status symbol
changes in front of the associated result object (p. 565). The status is also displayed in the Details pane
of the Alert object. Alerts facilitate the presentation of comparisons in automatic reports.

Properties (p. 13)

Dependencies (p. 14)

Methods (p. 14)

Right-click (p. 14)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Fails If: Set failure threshold as Minimum Below Value or Maximum Above Value,
where you set the value in the next field.

Value: Threshold value in the units of the associated result.

Results Status: Read-only indication of the pass/fail status; also includes criterion (for
example, "Passed: Minimum Above Value").

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 13

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: All result objects (p. 565) (independent or included in result tools), except
for Damage Matrix, Fatigue Sensitivity, Hysteresis, Phase Response, Probe, Rainflow Matrix, Reactions,
Status, Vector Principal Elastic Strain, and Vector Principal Stress.

• Valid Child Tree Object: Comment (p. 87).

Insertion Methods
Insert the Alert object by right-clicking on a result object, or in the Geometry window when a result
is selected, and selecting Insert > Alert.

Right-click Options
Relevant right-click options for this object are in the common right-click options (p. 2) list.

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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
AM Bond
Connects a meshed part to a meshed support when the mesh is non-contiguous between them in an
AM Process Simulation. The internal means of connection is through constraint equations that connect
the support nodes to the part elements.

Object Properties (p. 15)

Tree Dependencies (p. 16)

Insertion Methods (p. 16)

Right-click Options (p. 16)

Additional Related
Information (p. 16)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection and Named Selection

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 15
AM Bond

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Contact: In most cases, choose the part as the contact.[a] When the Scoping
Method is set to Named Selection, select a desired Named Selection from the
drop-down menu. When the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection, use
selection filters to pick the part geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click

Target: In most cases, choose the support as the target.[a] When the Scoping
Method is set to Named Selection, select a desired Named Selection from the
drop-down menu.

Contact Bodies: Read-only indication of scoped geometry or Named Selection.

Target Bodies: Read-only indication of scoped geometry or Named Selection.

[a] Reversing the entities identified as contact and target will not only produce a warning
message, but will typically produce unexpected and unrealistic deformation. However, if
the support mesh is much coarser than the part mesh, say greater than 2:1 proportions,
reverse the selection and make the support the contact and the part the target.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Select AM Bond on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > AM

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Suppress

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Contact/Target

Additional Related Information

See Define Connections in the LPBF Simulation Guide section for more information.

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16 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
AM Process
Identifies geometries and sets global options for all AM-related objects in an AM Process Simulation.

Object Properties (p. 17)

Tree Dependencies (p. 18)

Insertion Methods (p. 18)

Right-click Options (p. 18)

Additional Related
Information (p. 19)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Build Geometry The part to be printed.

Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default) and

Named Selection.

Geometry: Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry

field, then click Apply.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 17
AM Process

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Named Selection: Select a desired Named Selection from the drop-down
Base Geometry The base plate upon which the part rests.

Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default) and

Named Selection.

Geometry: Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry

field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Select a desired Named Selection from the drop-down


Z Location at the Top of Base: Read-only indication of the Z location

at the top of the base plate. Usually this should be 0.

Layer Height: Read-only indication of the layer height used in the mesh.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Build Settings (p. 67) and Support Group (p. 639).

Insertion Methods
The AM Process object is inserted under the Model object in the project tree by default when using
either of these two custom systems for additive manufacturing: AM LPBF Inherent Strain or AM LPBF
Thermal-Structural. When not inserted automatically by a custom system, use any of the following
methods after highlighting Model object:

• Select the AM Process option on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click the Model object or in the geometry window and select Insert > AM Process.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Support Group (p. 639)

– Predefined Support (p. 503)

– Generated Support (p. 229)

– STL Support (p. 623)

– Cartesian Mesh

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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Create Build To Base Contact: This option creates a Contact Region between the Build Geo-
metry and the Base Plate Geometry. The Contact Side is defined as the element faces of the
bottom of the Build or Support. The Target Side is defined as the element faces of the top of
the Base Plate Geometry. Both contact and target scopes are defined by Named Selection. This
option is visible once you have generated a mesh.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• LPBF Simulation Guide

• Identify Geometries (AM Process Object)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 19
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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Analysis Ply
Provides ply/layer data that has been made available from an external upstream system, such as Ansys
Composite PrepPost.

Object Properties (p. 21)

Tree Dependencies (p. 22)

Insertion Methods (p. 22)

Right-click Options (p. 22)

Additional Related
Information (p. 22)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Name in Source: The name of the ply as defined in the upstream ACP analysis.

Thickness: The thickness of the selected ply.

Angle: The design angle between the reference direction and the ply fiber direction.

Material: The specified material of the fabric.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21
Analysis Ply

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Number of Elements: The number of elements contained within the ply.
Transfer Source: The source ACP system.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Imported Plies.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Image (p. 249), and Figure (p. 209).

Insertion Methods
Automatically inserted when importing ply data from an external system.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert for Evironment

• Create Ply Named Selection: Creates a Worksheet-based Named Selection for the selected ply

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Specifying Surface Body Layered Sections

• Composite Analysis

• Composite Analysis

• Composite Failure Tool

• Imported Plies (p. 337)

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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Analysis Settings
Specifies various solution settings that are customized to specific analysis types.

Properties (p. 23)

Dependencies (p. 24)

Methods (p. 24)

Information (p. 24)

Object Properties
For more information on this object's properties, see the Analysis Settings for Most Analysis Types section.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 23
Analysis Settings

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Any Environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Appears automatically when you create an analysis system.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections fore more information:

• Establish Analysis Settings

• Configuring Analysis Settings

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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Angular Velocity
Applies angular velocity as an initial condition for use in an explicit dynamics analysis.


• For explicit dynamics analyses, the center of rotation for an angular velocity is defined by
the origin of the coordinate system associated with the angular velocity.

• Angular Velocity initial conditions are not supported for 2D axisymmetric Explicit Dynamics

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 25
Angular Velocity

Properties (p. 26)

Dependencies (p. 27)

Methods (p. 27)

Information (p. 27)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry Se-
lection. In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry
field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Named
Definition Input Type: Specify as Angular Velocity, Drop Height, or Velocity.

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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Define By: Specify as Vector (default) or Components.

Total: Magnitude; appears if the Define By property is set to Vector.

Direction: Appears if Define By is set to Vector.

Coordinate System: Available list; appears if Define By is set to Components.

X, Y, Z Component: Values; appears if Define By is set to Components.


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Initial Conditions (p. 359).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Initial Conditions object:

• Click Angular Velocity option on the Initial Conditions Context tab.

• Right-click the Initial Conditions object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Angular

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Define Initial Conditions

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 27
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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Arbitrary Crack
Defines a crack to analyze planar or non-planar cracks of any arbitrary shape, which already exist on
the geometry model.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 29
Arbitrary Crack

Properties (p. 30)

Dependencies (p. 32)

Methods (p. 32)

Options (p. 33)

Information (p. 33)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: Read-only property set to Arbitrary Crack

Scoping Method: Read-only property set to Geometry Selection.

Geometry: Use the Body selection filter to pick a solid body, click
in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Definition Crack ID: A read-only property that displays a unique system
generated identification number ID for the crack object. The
application uses this identifier when creating solution identifiers for
fracture parameters.

Coordinate System: Specifies the user-defined coordinate system

that defines the orientation of the crack. For this user-defined
coordinate system, the Y axis must be directed towards the normal
of the crack's top face and the X axis helps to determine the crack
extension direction.

Crack Shape: Read-only property set to Arbitrary.

Crack Surface: Scopes the surface body to be used as the crack

surface. It can be scoped to a single surface body only.


The surface body specified as the Crack Surface is

treated as a Construction Body (see the Treatment
property description in the Body (p. 51) object
reference section).

Mesh Method: Read-only property set to Tetrahedrons.

Largest Contour Radius: Specifies the largest contour radius for the
crack shape. Enter a value greater than 0.

Growth Rate: Specifies the factor with which the mesh layers will
grow along the radius of the crack. Specify a value greater than 1.
The default value is 1.2. The recommended value is equal to or
greater than 1.1.

Front Element Size: Specifies the element size for the crack front.
The default value is computed from Largest Contour Radius
property and the Growth Rate property. A value of 0 specifies the
default. You can specify an entry greater than 0.

Mesh Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for the

crack shape. The value must be equal to or greater than 1. The
default value is 6. The Geometry window can display only a
maximum of 100 mesh contours, but you can specify a higher value
and fracture meshing will respect it.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 31
Arbitrary Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Solution Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for which
you want to compute the fracture result parameters. The value must
be less than or equal to the value of the Mesh Contours property
and cannot exceed 99. By default, the value equals the Match Mesh
Contours property. This indicates the number of Solution Contours
is equal to the number of Mesh Contours. Entering 0 resets the
value to equal the Match Mesh Contours value.

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the Arbitrary Crack object.

The default is No. The Arbitrary Crack object is suppressed
automatically if both the scoped body and scoped crack surface are
Buffer Zone Scale The Buffer Zone Scale Factors category controls the size of the
Factors buffer zone in the X, Y, and Z directions, relative to the crack surface
geometry dimensions. For each scaling parameter, use the slider to
set a value from 2 to 50. The default value is 2. The maximum
dimension among the three dimensions of the crack surface
geometry is multiplied by the corresponding scale factors to create
a buffer zone:

• X Scale Factor

• Y Scale Factor

• Z Scale Factor

Named Selections Named Selections are created automatically when the fracture mesh
Creation is generated. These Named Selections are a special type of Named
Selection. For details, refer to the Fracture Analysis and the Special
Handling of Named Selections for Crack Objects sections for more
information. For information about Named Selections in general,
refer to Named Selections in the Mechanical Object Reference (p. 447).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the Arbitrary Crack option from the Crack group on
the Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click (context) menus for the Arbitrary Crack, Semi-Elliptical Crack and Pre-Meshed
Crack (p. 507) objects include an Insert menu option for Arbitrary Crack.

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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack

– Semi-Elliptical Crack

– Pre-Meshed Crack

• Generate All Crack Meshes

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Defining an Arbitrary Crack

• Fracture Analysis

• Fracture Meshing

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 33
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34 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A structural element that carries a load primarily in bending.

Properties (p. 36)

Dependencies (p. 38)

Methods (p. 39)

Options (p. 39)

Information (p. 39)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 35

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Graphics Properties Visible: Toggle the visibility of the beam on and off.
Definition Material: Material property defined in the Engineering Data Workspace.

Cross Section: Read-only indication.



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36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Beam Length: Read-only property that displays the actual length of the
beam that is calculated using the end points from the scoping of the
Reference and Mobile categories.

Element APDL Name: Optional property to manually define an APDL

parameter (in the input file) and assign its value to the element of the
Beam. This facilitates easy programmatic identification of the Beam's
element for later use/reference in a Commands object.
Scope - Information Scope: Options include Body-Body or Body-Ground.
on springs also
applies to beams.
Reference - The following properties are available when the Scope property is set
Information on to Body-Body:
springs also applies
to beams. Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection, Named Selection,
or Remote Point.
Applied By: Specify as Remote Attachment (default) or Direct
Attachment. The default for this property can differ if you first select
geometry or a mesh node.
Scope: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Geo-
metry Selection. Once a geometry is selected, click in the Scope
field and then click Apply.
Reference Component: Displays when the Scoping Method
property is set to Named Selection. This property provides a
drop-down list of available user–defined Named Selections.
Remote Points: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set
to Remote Point. This property provides a drop-down list of
available user–defined Remote Points.
Body: A read-only indication of scoped geometry. Displays
for Body-Body scoping.

The following properties display for either Body-Body or Body-Ground

scoping when the Applied By property is set to Remote Attachment.

Coordinate System
Reference X Coordinate
Reference Y Coordinate
Reference Z Coordinate
Reference Location
Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Select a material to define material properties for the beams used
in the connection. Density is excluded from the material definition.
Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Specify a radius to define the cross section dimension of the circular
beam used for the connection.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 37

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Mobile - Information The following properties are available when the Scope property is set
on springs also to Body-Body:
applies to beams.
Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection, Named Selection,
or Remote Point.
Applied By: Specify as Remote Attachment (default) or Direct
Attachment. The default for this property can differ if you first select
geometry or a mesh node.
Scope: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Geo-
metry Selection. Once a geometry is selected, click in the Scope
field and then click Apply.
Reference Component: Displays when the Scoping Method
property is set to Named Selection. This property provides a
drop-down list of available user–defined Named Selections.
Remote Points: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set
to Remote Point. This property provides a drop-down list of
available user–defined Remote Points.
Body: A read-only indication of scoped geometry. Displays for
Body-Body scoping.
Behavior: Specify the scoped geometry as either Rigid, Deformable,
or Beam.
Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Select a material to define material properties for the beams used
in the connection. Density is excluded from the material definition.
Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Specify a radius to define the cross section dimension of the circular
beam used for the connection.
Pinball Region

The following properties display for either Body-Body or Body-Ground

scoping when the Applied By property is set to Remote Attachment.

Coordinate System
Mobile X Coordinate
Mobile Y Coordinate
Mobile Z Coordinate
Mobile Location

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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38 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections object:

• Select Beam > Body-Ground or Beam > Body-Body, as applicable on Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections object or in the Geometry window Insert > Beam.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Enable/Disable Transparency: Similar behavior to feature in Contact Region.

• Promote Remote Point (when the Applied By property is set to Remote Attachment).

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Connections Context

• Beam Connections

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 39
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40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Beam Tool (Group)
Examines linearized stresses on beam (line) bodies.

Applies to the following objects: Direct Stress, Minimum Bending Stress, Maximum Bending Stress,
Minimum Combined Stress, Maximum Combined Stress as well as Total Deformation and Directional

Properties (p. 41)

Dependencies (p. 42)

Methods (p. 42)

Options (p. 42)

Information (p. 42)

Object Properties
For more information on this object's properties, see the Beam Tool section.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 41
Beam Tool (Group)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object:

The Solution (p. 599) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– Direct Stress

– Minimum Bending Stress

– Maximum Bending Stress

– Minimum Combined Stress

– Maximum Combined Stress

– Total Deformation

– Directional Deformation

– User Defined Results


For all of the above objects, except User Defined Results, the Alert (p. 13) object is the
only valid child object.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Solution object and either:

– Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Beam Tool.

– Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Beam Tool > Beam

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Beam Tool and all child objects when the Beam Tool is inserted
under a Solution (p. 599) object.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Beam Tool

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42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Line Bodies

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 43
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44 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A two-dimensional elastic element used to confine relative motion and rotation of a rotating part.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 45

Properties (p. 46)

Dependencies (p. 48)

Methods (p. 48)

Options (p. 48)

Information (p. 48)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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46 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Property/Options/Descriptions
Definition Connection Type: Read-only field that describes the bearing - Body-Ground

Stiffness K11, K22, K12, K21: Entry fields.

Damping C11, C22, C12, C21: Entry fields.

Reference Rotation Plane: Specify the desired plane of rotation. Options include:

• None (Default)

• X-Y Plane

• Y-Z Plane

• X-Z Plane

Mobile Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection, Named Selection, or Remote


Based on the selection made for the Scoping Method property of this category,
the next property is:

• Scope: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection. Select a

geometry entity and then click Apply.

• Mobile Component: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named Selection.

This property provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named

• Remote Points: Appears if the Scoping Method is set to Remote Point. This
property provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Remote Points.

Body: Read-only indication of scoped geometry.

Coordinate System: Drop-down list of available coordinate systems. Global Co-

ordinate System is the default.

The following read-only properties display the coordinates of the centroid location
for the scoped geometric entities from the origin of the coordinate system selected
in the Coordinate System property.

• Mobile X Coordinate

• Mobile Y Coordinate

• Mobile Z Coordinate

Behavior: Rigid (default), Deformable, or Beam. If the Scope Method property is

set to Remote Point, the Bearing will then assume the Behavior defined in the
referenced Remote Point as well as other related properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 47

Category Property/Options/Descriptions
Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam. Select a material
to define material properties for the beams used in the connection. Density is
excluded from the material definition.

Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam. Specify a radius to
define the cross section dimension of the circular beam used for the connection.

Pinball Region: The Pinball Region is a radius value (length unit) that defines a
region for selecting elements to be used by the solver for the Bearing's Mobile


The Pinball Region and Behavior settings are:

• Applicable to underlying bodies that are flexible.

• Not applicable to a bearing scoped to the vertex of line


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Select Bearing > Body-Ground or Body-Body on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert >

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Promote to Remote Point (Remote Attachment Only)

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Bearings

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48 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Connections Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 49
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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a component of the attached geometry included under the Geometry (p. 233) object, or under
a Part object if considered a multibody part (shown in the figure below).

Properties (p. 51)

Dependencies (p. 56)

Methods (p. 57)

Options (p. 57)

Information (p. 58)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 51

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Graphics Properties The following properties change the graphical display of a body.

Visible: Toggles the display of the part on (Yes) or off (No) in the
Geometry window.
Transparency: Varies the body between being completely
transparent (0) to completely opaque (1).
Color: Set the color of the body.
Definition Suppressed

Dimension (Surface Bodies Only): Specify the selected surface body as

either three-dimensional or two-dimensional. Options include 3D
(default) and 2D. For multi-body parts, you can specify each body
independently as either 3D or 2D. When you set this property to 2D,
the application automatically displays the 2D Behavior property.
Supported settings for the 2D Behavior property include Axisymmetric,
Plane Stress, Plane Strain, and General Axisymmetric.


The application automatically clears and regenerates the

mesh when you change the setting of this property. This
default behavior can be turned off using the Options
dialog. Set the Clear Mesh on Dimension Change
property, under the Geometry category, to No.

Stiffness Behavior

Stiffness Option (Surface Bodies Only): Specifies the element stiffness

for 3D flexible shell bodies. It is only applicable to analysis types where
the Physics Type property of the environment object is set to
Structural. In addition, for the property to be visible, the Stiffness Be-
havior property must be set to Flexible, and the Dimension property
must be set to 3D. Property options include Membrane and Bending
(default), Membrane Only, and Stress Evaluation Only.


See the Help sections for the elements SHELL181 and

SHELL281 (for KEYOPT(1)) in the Element Reference for
additional information.

Note the following additional requirements:

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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions

• For the Stress Evaluation Only setting, the

application ignores the values of the Thickness
and Offset Type properties.

• For the Membrane Only setting, the application

ignores the value of the Offset Type property.

Brick Integration Scheme: Appears only if Element Control is set to

Manual in the Details pane of the Geometry (p. 233) object; not
available if Stiffness Behavior is set to Rigid.

Coordinate System: Assign a local coordinate system to specify the

alignment of the elements of the body if previously defined using one
or more Coordinate System (p. 147) objects; not available if Stiffness
Behavior is set to Rigid.

Reference Temperature

Reference Temperature Value: Available only when you select By Body

as the Reference Temperature.

Reference Frame: Only appears when an Explicit Dynamics system is

part of the solution.

Thickness: Appears only for a Surface Body.

Thickness Mode: Appears only for a Surface Body and is a read-only


Cross Section: Appears for line bodies only. Provides a drop-down menu
of selectable cross section options/objects (p. 157).

Offset Mode: Appears only for a Line Body.

Offset Type: Appears for Line Bodies and for Surface Bodies when 1)
the Dimension property is set to 3D and 2) the Model Type property
is set to Shell.

Model Type: Displays for line bodies and surface bodies when the Di-
mension property is set to 3D.

• Line Body options include Beam, Thermal Fluid, Pipe,

Link/Truss, Cable, and Reinforcement.

• Surface Body options include Shell and Reinforcement.

See the Reinforcement Specification Using Mesh-Independent Method

section for information about using the For Reinforcement setting.

2D Behavior: Available when:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 53

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• The 2D Behavior property of the Geometry object is set to By
Body. For this Geometry object setting, you first must specify
your analysis as two-dimensional on the Workbench project page
(Analysis Type property for the Geometry cell set to 2D.


• The Dimension property is set to 2D (during three-dimensional


Treatment: Generally used to scope a surface body to an Arbitrary

Crack (p. 29) (via the Crack Surface property) or a line body to a Spot
Weld (p. 611), this property includes the options None (default) and
Construction Body. When you set the Treatment property to
Construction Body, the associated Body is not recognized during the
mesh or solution process.


• When you scope a surface body to define the Crack

Surface property of an Arbitrary Crack object, this
property is automatically set to Construction Body.
Only surface bodies are supported for Arbitrary Crack

• When you specify a Body as a Construction Body, it

is excluded from the All Bodies scoping for results.
In addition, you cannot scope the Body to certain
other features, such as loads and results.

• You can use a Body defined as a Construction Body

to specify:

– The nodes, elements, or element faces on other

bodies that are located within the boundary
of the Construction Body as a Named Selection
using Worksheet Criteria. For this Named
Selection, the Criterion column must be set to
Within Body.

– A Coordinate System

Material Assignment: Specify a desired material for the body. This property can
be designated as a parameter.

Nonlinear Effects: Not available if Stiffness Behavior is set to Rigid.

Thermal Strain Effects

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54 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Gasket Initial Gap: Only displays when a valid Gasket Material is
assigned and enables you to specify an initial gap for a gasket. The
default value is 0. Valid entries must be greater than or equal to 0.

Fluid/Solid: Available only in the Meshing application (that is, not

available if you are using the meshing capabilities from within the
Mechanical application). Allows you to control the physics that occur
on a model. Valid options are Fluid, Solid, and Defined By Geometry.
When set to Defined By Geometry, the value is based on the Fluid/Sol-
id material property that was assigned to the body in the DesignModeler
Bounding Box Length X

Length Y

Length Z
Properties: Volume
Indications of the
properties originally Mass
assigned to the body.
Length: Appears only for line bodies.


• If the material density is temperature dependent, the

Mass will be computed at the body temperature, or
at 22°C (default temperature for an environment).

• For a Surface Body, the Volume, Mass, and Moment

of Inertia information for the Body selection are based
on the Thickness value specified above. This does
not account for any Thickness (p. 659) object
specifications. Thickness object specifications
overwrite the body thickness values when the
application calculates thickness for any faces and/or
surface bodies. Refer to the PRECISE MASS SUMMARY
section from the Solution Information (p. 607)
worksheet for solver calculated Mass values.

The following appear for all bodies except line bodies:

Centroid X
Centroid Y
Centroid Z
Moment of Inertia Ip1
Moment of Inertia Ip2
Moment of Inertia Ip3

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 55

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Surface Area (approx.) - Appears only for a surface body


Surface bodies are dependent upon the 2D Behavior setting

of the Geometry object. Any setting other than the Plane
Stress setting causes the above properties, except Surface
Area, to display with the content "N/A" (Not Applicable) in
their field. However, when the 2D Behavior property is set
to By Body, you can change the setting of the 2D Behavior
property for each surface body individually. These individual
settings affect what is displayed by a property’s field.

Based on the setting of the Model Type property, the following may
appear for line bodies:

Cross Section Area

Cross Section IYY
Cross Section IZZ
Pipe Internal Diameter
Pipe External Diameter
Pipe Thickness

The following appear for surface bodies only:

Offset Type
Membrane Offset: Appears for surface bodies when Offset Type
= User Defined
Statistics The properties of this category provide a read-only indication of the
entities that comprise the body.



Mesh Metric

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233) or Part (p. 471) (if under a multibody part).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Gasket Mesh Con-
trol (p. 221), and Image (p. 249).

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56 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
Appears by default when a geometry is attached.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass

– Commands

• Update

• Generate Mesh

• Preview >

– Surface Mesh

– Inflation

• Export > Geometry

• Show/Hide Body

• Show/Hide All Other Bodies

• Hide or Show > Solid Bodies/Surface Bodies/Line Bodies (option availability based on body

• Suppress Body

• Suppress All Other Bodies

• Unsuppress All Bodies

• Invert Suppressed Body Set

• Search Faces with Multiple Thicknesses

• Update Selected Parts > Update: Use Geometry Parameter Values

• Create Material Assignment

• Create Material Plot (p. 403)

• Transform Part

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 57

• Delete Part(s)

• Create Named Selection

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the Attach Geometry/Mesh section for the methods to open a geometry in Mechanical.


When a Surface Body is meshed with the SHELL181 element, KEYOPT(3) = 2 (full-integration
scheme) is written to the input file. This differs from the usual default setting for SHELL181,
KEYOPT(3) = 0 (reduced integration). Note that this element is a lower order element and is
only used when the Mesh (p. 411) object property Element Order is specified as Linear,
either by you as the user or by the application. See the Mechanical APDL Element Reference
for SHELL181 for more information.

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58 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Body Interactions
Sets global options for all Body Interaction (p. 61) objects in an Explicit Dynamics Analysis.

Properties (p. 59)

Dependencies (p. 60)

Methods (p. 60)

Information (p. 60)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Advanced Contact Detection
Formulation: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to Trajectory.
Shell Thickness Factor: Appears if the geometry includes one or more surface bodies
and if the Contact Detection property is set to Trajectory.
Pinball Factor: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to Proximity Based.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 59
Body Interactions

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Timestep Safety Factor: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to Proximity
Limiting Timestep Velocity: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to
Proximity Based.
Edge on Edge Contact: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to Proximity
Manual Contact Treatment
Body Self Contact
Element Self Contact
Tolerance: Appears if the Contact Detection property is set to Trajectory and the
Element Self Contact is set to Yes.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Body Interaction (p. 61), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Automatically inserted in the tree if contact is detected when model is attached. Also, use any of the
following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Click Body Interaction option on Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object or in the Geometry window > Insert > Body Interac-

Additional Related Information

• Body Interaction (p. 61)

• Body Interactions in Explicit Dynamics Analyses

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide

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60 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Body Interaction
Creates contact between bodies in an Explicit Dynamics Analysis.

Properties (p. 61)

Dependencies (p. 62)

Methods (p. 62)

Information (p. 62)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry and Named Selection.
Geometry: Appears when the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry
Selection. In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geo-
metry field, then click Apply.
Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Named
Selection. This property provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 61
Body Interaction

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type
Maximum Offset: Displays when the Type property is set to Bonded.
Breakable: Displays if the Type property is set to Bonded.
Normal Stress Limit: Displays if the Type property is set to Bonded and the
Breakable property is set to Stress Criteria.
Normal Stress Exponent: Displays if the Type property is set to Bonded and the
Breakable property is set to Stress Criteria.
Shear Stress Limit: Displays if the Type property is set to Bonded and the Breakable
property is set to Stress Criteria.
Shear Stress Exponent: Displays if the Type property is set to Bonded and the
Breakable property is set to Stress Criteria.
Friction Coefficient: Displays if the Type property is set to Frictional.
Dynamic Coefficient: Displays if the Type property is set to Frictional.
Decay Constant: Displays if the Type property is set to Frictional.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Body Interactions (p. 59).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Automatically inserted in the tree if model includes a Body Interactions object.

• For manual insertion, use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object.

– Choose Body Interaction on Connections Context.

– Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object, or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Body

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Body Interactions (object reference) (p. 59)

• Body Interactions

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis

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62 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Bolt Tool (Group)
Provides bolt-specific results for loads that are defined using the Bolt Pretension boundary condition.
The Bolt Tool includes the following child result objects:

• Adjustment

• Working Load

Object Properties (p. 63)

Tree Dependencies (p. 64)

Insertion Methods (p. 64)

Right-click Options (p. 64)

Additional Related
Information (p. 65)

Object Properties
The Details pane for this object's child objects, Adjustment and Working Load, are shown below. For
more information on this object's properties, see the Bolt Tool section.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only display of the bolt tool object name - Adjustment or
Working Load.

By: The options are listed below.

• Time

• Result Set

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 63
Bolt Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Maximum Over Time

• Time of Maximum

Display Time: Visible when the By property is set to Time.

Set Number: Visible when the By property is set to Result Set.

Calculate Time History: Options include Yes or No.


Results: Read-only Minimum
Information: Time
Read-only properties.
Load Step


Iteration Number

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The Solution (p. 599) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– The Adjustment or Working Load objects are the only valid child objects.

– For the Adjustment or Working Load objects, the Alert (p. 13) object is the only valid child object.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Solution object and then select the Bolt Tool option from the Toolbox drop-down menu
on the Solution Context Tab.


• Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Bolt Tool > Bolt

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Bolt Tool and all child objects when the Bolt Tool is inserted
under a Solution (p. 599) object.

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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
See the following sections for more information:

• Bolt Tool

• Bolt Pretension

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 65
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66 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Build Settings
Defines simulation and strain assumptions, process parameters, and build conditions related to an ad-
ditive manufacturing material, machine, and process.

Build Settings for an AM LPBF Inherent Strain system Object Properties (p. 70)
showing Details for the four strain definitions (Isotropic,
Anisotropic, Scan Pattern, and Thermal Strain): Tree Dependencies (p. 76)

Insertion Methods (p. 76)

Right-click Options (p. 76)

Additional Related
Information (p. 76)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 67
Build Settings

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68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Build Settings for an AM LPBF Thermal-Structural system:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 69
Build Settings

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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70 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Simulation Set- Additive Process: The Additive Process Type - Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
tings The LPBF process uses thermal energy from a laser or electron beam to
selectively fuse powder in a powder bed.

Inherent Strain: Yes or No. If Yes, the AM simulation uses a static

structural system and the loading strains are calculated based on an
experimentally calibrated Strain Scaling Factor. If No, the AM simulation
uses a linked thermal-structural system in which strains are calculated
from temperature-dependent material properties and loads. The
remaining options under Machine Settings differ depending on whether
Inherent Strain = Yes or No.

If Inherent Strain = Yes:

• Inherent Strain Definition: Isotropic, Anisotropic, Scan Pattern,

or Thermal Strain.

– Isotropic assumes that a constant, uniform strain occurs

at every location within a part as it is being built.

– Anisotropic uses the same average strain magnitude as

isotropic strain, but it subdivides that strain into
anisotropic components in the X, Y, and Z directions based
on the Global coordinate system.

– Scan Pattern uses the same average strain magnitude as

isotropic strain, but it subdivides that strain into
anisotropic components based on the local orientation of
scan vectors within the part. Scan vectors may be
generated internally via a slicing function assuming a
rotating stripe scan pattern or input via a build file.

– Thermal Strain is a method that provides the highest

level of fidelity and takes thermal cycling into account at
each location within the part.

• Thermal Strain Method: At this release, only the Machine

Learning Prediction method is available.

– Machine Learning Prediction uses a machine learning

model prediction of the anisotropic Thermal Strain
simulation result from the Ansys Additive
application.—Thermal Strain simulations provide the
highest level of fidelity by predicting how thermal cycling
affects strain accumulation at each location within a part.
The simulation follows the full laser path on every layer,
and is based on the machine process parameters (power,
scan speed, beam diameter, etc.)—The machine learning
model has been trained to predict the Thermal Strain result
much faster than simulation. It can be one to three orders
of magnitude faster than Thermal Strain simulation in

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 71
Build Settings

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Additive Print in calculating the strain that is passed to
the structural solver. Speedup increases with part size,
scan area, and melt pool size. See Thermal Strain -
Anisotropic in the Additive Print and Science User's Guide
and Understanding Machine Learning Thermal Strain.

• Machine Learning Model: A list of materials that were used to

train the ML prediction. Choose the material that most closely
matches your material assignment in Engineering Data. ML models
may be based on different material properties than those in
Engineering Data. The ML models are used to generate loading
strains. Materials in Engineering Data are used for the structural

• Layer Height: Sets the element layer height for the mesh, which
must conform to uniform layer sizes in the global Z direction.
Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual. For
Program Controlled, the application finds the first layered
tetrahedrons mesh method that is scoped to the AM build body
and sets the Layer Height to the value specified in the Details
pane of the layered tetrahedrons mesh method. If there are no
layered tetrahedrons meshes present/scoped to the build, then
no Layer Height value is used. When set to Manual, the user
specified Layer Height is used, regardless of whether a layered
tetrahedrons mesh is present.

Calibration Set- Strain Scaling Factor(s): A calibration factor, or factors, used to account
tings for differences in additive machines and materials that you may use to
improve the accuracy of your simulations. The SSF scales the inherent
strains in the analysis by the given value.

• If Inherent Strain = Yes:

– If Inherent Strain Definition = Isotropic, a constant Strain

Scaling Factor may be entered to scale strain everywhere

– If Inherent Strain Definition = Anisotropic, individual

Strain Scaling Factors may be entered for X, Y, and Z
directions based on the Global coordinate system.

– If Inherent Strain Definition = Scan Pattern or Thermal

Strain, individual Strain Scaling Factors, called anisotropic
scaling factors (ASC), may be entered based on the local
orientation of scan vectors within the part, that is, parallel
and perpendicular to scanning direction and in the build

• If Inherent Strain = No:

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72 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
– Thermal Strain Scaling Factor: An optional input that
scales the thermal strains in the structural portion of AM
simulations by a given value.

Machine Set- Properties in this category are illustrated in the following figure:

If Inherent Strain = Yes:

• Scan Pattern Definition (visible if Inherent Strain Definition =

Scan Pattern or Thermal Strain): How the scan pattern is defined,
either generated using a rotating stripe pattern (default) or input
via a build file.

– Generated: Start Layer Angle and Layer Rotation Angle as

defined below. Scan Stripe Width is also visible if Inherent
Strain Definition = Thermal Strain. These inputs define an
internally generated scan pattern.

– Build File: Machine Type and Build File Path inputs become
available with this option. These inputs specify an external
build file to be used.

→ Machine Type: Specifies the machine or OEM

associated with the build file specified. Options are
Additive Industries, EOS, HB3D, Renishaw, Sisma,
SLM, and Trumpf.

→ Build File Path: Location of a .zip file containing the

scan pattern file(s), and an stl of the part geometry.

Build files for simulations that use the Machine

Learning Prediction Thermal Strain Method only
support stripe scan patterns. See Build File

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 73
Build Settings

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Requirements in the LPBF Simulation Guide for
additional requirements.

• Start Layer Angle: The orientation of fill rasters on the first layer
of the part. It is measured from the X axis, such that 0 degrees
results in scan lines parallel to the X axis. The starting layer angle
is commonly set to 57 degrees. Must be between 0 and 180°.

• Layer Rotation Angle: The angle at which the major scan vector
orientation changes from layer to layer. It is commonly 67 degrees.
Must be between 0 and 180°.

• Scan Stripe Width: When using the stripe pattern for scan
strategy, the geometry can be broken up into sections, called
stripes. The stripes are scanned sequentially to break up what
would otherwise be very long continuous scan vectors. Slicing
Stripe Width is commonly set to 10 mm wide. Must be between
1 and 100 mm.

• Hatch Spacing: The average distance between adjacent scan

vectors when rastering back and forth with the laser. Hatch
spacing should allow for a slight overlap of scan vector tracks
such that some of the material re-melts to ensure full coverage
of solid material. For Machine Learning strain definition, must be
between 60 and 1000 microns.

• Deposition Thickness: The thickness of added powder material

in every pass of the recoater blade. Specifically, use the amount
the base plate drops between layers. For Thermal Strain strain
definition, must be between 10 and 100 microns.

• Scan Speed: The average speed at which the laser spot moves
across the powder bed along a scan vector to melt material,
excluding jump speeds and ramp up and down speeds. For
Thermal Strain strain definition, must be between 350 and 2500
mm/sec and the recommended range is between 500 and 2500

• Beam Power: The power setting for the laser in the machine.
Must be between 50 and 700 Watts. The recommended range is
between 50 and 500 Watts.

• Beam Diameter: The width of the laser on the powder or

substrate surface defined using the D4σ beam diameter definition.
Usually this value is provided by the machine manufacturer.
Sometimes called laser spot diameter. Must be between 20 and
140 µm. The recommended range is between 80 and 120 µm.

If Inherent Strain = No:

• Hatch Spacing: See above.

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74 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Deposition Thickness: See above.

• Scan Speed: See above.

• Dwell Time: The span of time from the end of the deposition of
a layer to the start of the deposition of the next layer. It includes
the time required for recoater-blade repositioning and
powder-layer spreading.

• Dwell Time Multiple: The dwell-time multiplier accounts for

more than one part in the build. If they are the same part
arranged in the same orientation on the build plate, the multiplier
is the number of parts.

• Number of Heat Sources: For multiple-beam printers, specifies

the number of beams. This divides the amount of time it takes
to scan a layer by the number of heat sources specified.

Build Condi- Preheat Temperature: The starting temperature of the build plate. Used
tions when Inherent Strain = Yes and Inherent Strain Definition = Thermal
Strain, and when Inherent Strain = No. For Thermal Strain strain
definition, must be between 20 and 500 °C and the recommended range
is between 20 and 200 °C.

If Inherent Strain = No:

• Gas/Powder Temperature: Options include Use Preheat

Temperature (default) and Specified.

• Gas Convection Coefficient: Convection coefficient from the

part to the enclosure gas. The convection is applied only to the
top of a newly laid layer.

• Gas Temperature: Temperature of the gas in the build enclosure.

• Powder Convection Coefficient: Effective convection coefficient

from the sides of the part to the powder bed. To estimate, divide
the conduction property of the powder by a characteristic
conduction length into the powder (for example, a quarter of the
distance from the part boundary to the build-chamber wall).

• Powder Temperature: Temperature of the newly added powder.

• Powder Property Factor: The application uses this factor to

estimate the powder properties. The application applies the factor
to the solid material properties to estimate the properties of the
material in its powder state. The powder-state properties are used
during the heating of the new layer (before its subsequent
solidification and cooldown) prior to the next layer being applied.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 75
Build Settings

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Cooldown Con- Room Temperature
Gas/Powder Temperature: Options include Use Room Temperature
(Inherent (default) and Specified.
Strain = No
option only) Gas Convection Coefficient: Convection coefficient from the part to
the enclosure gas. The convection is applied only to the top of a newly
laid layer.

Gas Temperature: Temperature of the gas in the build enclosure.

Powder Convection Coefficient: Effective convection coefficient from

the part to the powder bed. To estimate, divide the conduction property
of the powder by a characteristic conduction length into the powder
(for example, a quarter of the distance from the part boundary to the
build-chamber wall).

Powder Temperature: Temperature of the newly added powder.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: AM Process (p. 17).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Inserted automatically by the AM Process object.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Save Build Settings: Saves your build settings as an XML file. The property values are always
saved in Consistent MKS Unit System.

• Load Build Settings: Imports a build setting XML file. Once loaded, the settings properly populate
the properties of the Details pane. View and use example XML files at: [Ansys Installation Direct-

• Reset to Default: Resets build settings to default values.

Additional Related Information

LPBF Simulation Guide

Define Build Settings

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76 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Charts loads and/or results against time, or result quantities against a load or another result quantity.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 77

Properties (p. 79)

Dependencies (p. 79)

Methods (p. 79)

Information (p. 79)

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78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
For more information on this object's properties, see the Chart and Table section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Select the Chart option from the Insert group on the Home tab.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Chart and Table

• Home Tab

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 79
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80 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Commands (APDL)
Enters and executes Mechanical APDL application commands or Mechanical APDL programming.


Python is used for Transient Structural (Rigid Dynamics) systems.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81
Commands (APDL)

Object Properties (p. 82)

Tree Dependencies (p. 83)

Insertion Methods (p. 83)

Object Dependencies for the Transient

Structural (Rigid Dynamics) System (p. 84)

Right-click Options (p. 84)

Additional Information (p. 84)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
File File Name: Read-only indication of imported text file name (including
path) if used.

File Status: Read-only indication of the status of an imported text file

if used.

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82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed

Crack Front Selection: This property is only available for a Commands

(APDL) object inserted under a crack object. Options include All
(default), First, Last, and By Number. When you select the By Number
property, an additional property displays: Crack Front Number. The
default value for this property is All. You specify a desired value using
the entry tool that displays when you select the field.

Target: Displays a list of solvers.

Issue Solve Command: Only available for a Commands (APDL) object

inserted under the Environment (p. 181) object for analyses that include
load steps (Static or Transient). It instructs the application to issue the
SOLVE command for a load step (or steps). Property options include
Yes (default) and No.

Invalidate Solution: Applicable for the Solution (p. 599) object only.

Output Search Prefix: Applicable for the Solution (p. 599) object only.

Step Selection Mode: Applicable only when inserting a Commands

object under an environment object for stepped analyses or MSUP
Harmonic Response analyses (standalone or linked).

Step Number: Displays when you select the By Number option for the
Step Selection Mode property.
Input Arguments Entry fields for ARG1 through ARG9.
Results Applicable only when inserting under a Solution (p. 599) object.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Beam (p. 35), Bearing (p. 45), Body (p. 51), Condensed Part (p. 105),
Contact Region (p. 131), Distributed Mass (p. 165), Environment objects (p. 181), Joint (p. 375), Point
Mass (p. 499), Pre-Stress (p. 511), Remote Point (p. 539), Solution (p. 599), Spring (p. 615), and Thermal
Point Mass (p. 655).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Right-click a desired parent object (see above) or in the Geometry window and then select Insert >

• Highlight the desired parent object (see above) and select Commands from the Home tab.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83
Commands (APDL)

Object Dependencies for the Transient Structural (Rigid Dynamics) System

Valid Parent Objects include the Connections folder, Joint, Spring, Environment, and Joint Condition

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:
(The file modification options are also present on the Commands tab.)

• Insert > Commands

• Solve

• Execute Post Commands: Only available when a commands object is (1) contained under the
Solution (p. 599) object and (2) when the analysis has been at least partially solved. Note that
this option is also available when you select multiple command objects.

• Export: Exports the text contained in the Worksheet to an ASCII text file.


You must right-mouse click the selected object in the tree to use the Export option.
On Windows platforms, if you have the Microsoft Office 2002 (or later) installed,
you may see an Export to Excel option if you right-mouse click in the Worksheet.
This is not the Mechanical application Export feature but rather an option gen-
erated by Microsoft components.

• Import: Imports an ASCII text file into the Worksheet.

• Refresh: Synchronize the text in the Worksheet to that of the currently used ASCII text file.
Refresh can be used to discard changes made to commands text and revert to a previously
imported or exported version.

• Suppress: Suppressed commands will not propagate to the Mechanical APDL application input

• Search Parameters: Appears only if the Commands (APDL) object is under a Solution (p. 599)
object. This option scans the text output and updates the list of detected parameters. Matched
the Mechanical APDL application parameters can be parameterized just as other values in
Workbench can be parameterized. Refer to the next section for details.

• Rename Based on Definition: You can rename the Commands (APDL) object to the name of
an imported or exported file by choosing Rename Based on Definition. The Commands (APDL)
object is renamed to the name appearing in the File Name property under the Details pane.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Commands Objects

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84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Specifying Options dialog > Commands

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85
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86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Inserts a comment for a Mechanical parent object. The comment editor creates a fragment of HTML,
and the object itself consists of that HTML fragment, a string denoting the author's name, and a color.
Report adds the resulting HTML fragment directly in line, in the specified color and notes the author.
The Comment window provides a number of formatting features, such as inserting an image or applying
various text formats.

Object Properties (p. 87)

Tree Dependencies (p. 87)

Insertion Methods (p. 88)

Additional Related
Information (p. 88)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for the Comment object contains only one category (Author) and one text entry field

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: All objects.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 87

Insertion Methods
Select the Comment option from the Insert group on the Home tab. The Insert group is available from
a number of Context tabs.

Additional Related Information

• Figures

• Reporting


When inserting images into a Comment, use the Insert Image option provided on the
Comment's format toolbar. If you attempt to paste an Image (p. 249) into a Comment, the
application will display an error message that may require you to close and reopen the
Mechanical application.

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88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions
A model-level object that is inserted into the tree when you promote a Composite Failure Tool (p. 91)
object. A child object is automatically created and is a copy of the promoted Composite Failure Tool
that you can then modify using the Worksheet. In addition, when promoted, the Defined By property
of the Composite Failure Tool's Reference category automatically changes to the setting Composite
Failure Criteria Definitions. These actions also cause the application to display the Composite Failure
Criteria property in the Composite Failure Tool Reference category. The Composite Failure Criteria
property provides a drop-down list of available child objects of the Composite Failure Criteria Defin-
itions object, if available.

Additional child objects can be added for additional Composite Failure Tool objects. The original Com-
posite Failure Tool objects become read-only but may be changed by changing the Defined By property
to Direct Input. The goal of this feature is to enable you to configure your own combinations of failure

Object Properties (p. 89)

Tree Dependencies (p. 90)

Insertion Methods (p. 90)

Right-click Options (p. 90)

Additional Related
Information (p. 90)

Object Properties
The Details pane properties for the Composite Failure Criteria Definitions object as well as its child
objects are described below.

Composite Failure Criteria Definitions Object

Type is the only Details pane property for this object.

Composite Failure Tool Criteria Objects

The Details pane properties for the failure criteria objects include the same properties as the
Composite Failure Tool (p. 91) as used to create the object except for the Define By property.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 89
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Composite Failure Criteria objects.

Insertion Methods
• Right-click the Composite Failure Tool object and select Promote to Composite Failure Criteria.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Composite Failure Criteria

Relevant right-click options for the criteria child objects include:

• Insert > Composite Failure Criteria

• Export Text File: Export result data to a text file.

Additional Related Information

• Composite Failure Tool

• Composite Failure Tool (Group) (p. 91)

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90 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Composite Failure Tool (Group)
A post-processing tool for composite parts modeled with Ansys Composite PrepPost (ACP). Refer to the
Ansys Composite PrepPost User's Guide for the complete workflow associated with composite analyses
as well as the Composite Failure Tool section of the Ansys Mechanical Help for a description of the use
of this tool.


• Currently, this feature is not supported on the Linux platform.

• For a Static Structural system linked to a ACP-Pre system, created prior to 2023 R1, Mech-
anical does not support the Composite Failure Tool. You can resolve this issue by cleaning
and updating the ACP-Pre system and then refreshing the inputs of the Static Structural

Object Properties (p. 91)

Composite Failure Tool Result

Objects (p. 92)

Tree Dependencies (p. 93)

Insertion Methods (p. 94)

Right-click Options (p. 94)

Additional Related Information (p. 94)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only field that displays the tool type - Composite
Failure Tool.
Reference Defined By, options include:

• Direct Input: Define ply criteria properties.

• Composite Failure Criteria Definitions: Available as a

function of a Composite Failure Tool being promoted.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 91
Composite Failure Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Composite Failure Criteria: Displays when you select Composite
Failure Criteria Definitions for the Defined By property. This
property provides a drop-down list of available Composite Failure
Tools that have been promoted.
Reinforced Ply Criteria Maximum Strain

Maximum Stress







Sandwich Criteria Face Sheet Wrinkling

Core Failure

Shear Crimping
Isotropic Material Criteria Von Mises

Composite Failure Tool Result Objects

The result objects Inverse Reserve Factor, Safety Factor, and Safety Margin are only used with the
Composite Failure Tool. The Details pane properties for these objects include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Geometry Selection and Named Selection.

Geometry: Appears if Scoping Method = Geometry. Use

selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field,
then click Apply.

Named Selection: Appears if Scoping Method = Named Selec-

tion. Specify named selection.

Sub Scope By: Options include:

• Entire Section (default)

• Ply: If selected, a Ply property also displays that requires

you to select a target ply from the Modeling Ply object

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92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
in the tree. The result calculation uses the intersection of
the specified Ply and the Geometry property scoping.

Definition Type: Result type indication, can be changed within the same
result category. Options include:

• Inverse Reserve Factor

• Safety Margin

• Safety Factor

Show Critical Failure Mode

Show Critical Layer

Threshold for Text Visualization: Value property.

By: Options include Time and Result Set. They visualize the
intermediate results by a time value or a result set.

Display Time: Appears if By is set to Time.

Set Number: Appears if By is set to Result Set.

Calculate Time History: Currently, time history is not supported.

Suppressed: Suppresses the object if set to Yes.

Integration Point Results Display Option: Read-only indication of either Ply Maximum or
Elemental Maximum.
Results - Read-only status Minimum
indication of result object.

Minimum Occurs On

Maximum Occurs On
Information - Read-only Time
status of available results.
Load Step


Iteration Number

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 93
Composite Failure Tool (Group)

– Inverse Reserve Factor

– Safety Margin

– Safety Factor

– User Defined Results

See the Composite Failure Tool Result Objects (p. 92) topic below for additional information.

Insertion Methods
• Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Composite Failure

• Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window, and then select Insert > Composites >
Composite Failure Tool.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Composite Failure Tool

– Inverse Reserve Factor

– Safety Margin

– Safety Factor

– User Defined Results

– Commands (p. 81)

• Solve

• Promote to Composite Failure Criteria

• Export Text File: Export result data to a text file.

• Clear Generated Data


You can use promoted composite failure criteria over several load cases to ensure that your
failure analysis for composites is based on the same definition.

Additional Related Information

• Composite Failure Tool

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94 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Composite Failure Criteria Definitions (p. 89)

• Composite Analysis

• Composite Analysis

• Analysis Ply (p. 21)

• Imported Plies (p. 337)

• Specifying Surface Body Layered Sections

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Composite Sampling Point Tool (Group)
A post-processing tool for composite parts modeled with Ansys Composite PrepPost (ACP).

Refer to the Ansys Composite PrepPost User's Guide for the complete workflow associated with com-
posite analyses as well as the Composite Failure Tool section of the Ansys Mechanical Help for a descrip-
tion of the use of this tool.

Object Properties (p. 97)

Tree Dependencies (p. 97)

Insertion Methods (p. 98)

Right-click Options (p. 98)

Additional Related
Information (p. 98)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only field that displays the tool type - Composite Sampling Point
Reference Defined By: Read-only field that displays the how the object is defined - using
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions. This option is available as a function of
a Composite Failure Tool being promoted.

Composite Failure Criteria: Provides a drop-down list of available Composite

Failure Criteria that have been promoted.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Composite Sampling Point (p. 99).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97
Composite Sampling Point Tool (Group)

Insertion Methods
• Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Composite Sampling
Point Tool.

• Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window, select Insert > Composites, and then
select Composite Sampling Point Tool.

• Right-click the Insert > Composites options when either the Composite Failure Tool, Composite
Sampling Point Tool, or Composite Sampling Point objects are selected.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Composites > Composite Sampling Point Tool

– Composites > Composite Failure Tool

– Composite Sampling Point

– User Defined Results

– Commands (p. 81)

• Evaluate All Results

• Export Text File: Export result data to a text file.

• Clearing Result Data

Additional Related Information

• Composite Sampling Point Tool

• Composite Failure Tool

• Composite Failure Criteria Definitions (p. 89)

• Imported Plies (p. 337)

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Composite Sampling Point
Plots the composite part result data. The composite parts are modeled with Ansys Composite PrepPost
(ACP). The result data for this object is obtained from the results of a promoted Composite Failure
Tool (p. 97). When you promote a Composite Failure Tool, the application automatically place a
Composite Failure Criteria Definitions (p. 89) object in the tree that you then use to specify your
desired result criteria.

Object Properties (p. 99)

Tree Dependencies (p. 100)

Insertion Methods (p. 100)

Right-click Options (p. 100)

Additional Related
Information (p. 100)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Result type indication, can be changed within the same result
category. Options include:

By: Options include Time and Result Set. They visualize the intermediate
results by a time value or a result set.

Display Time: Appears if By is set to Time.

Set Number: Appears if By is set to Result Set.

Suppressed: Suppresses the object if set to Yes.

Scope Geometry

X/Y/Z Coordinate

X/Y/Z Direction

Invert Direction

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99
Composite Sampling Point

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Information - Time
Read-only status of
available results. Load Step


Iteration Number

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Composite Sampling Point Tool (p. 97).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Composite Sampling Point Results option on the Composite Sampling Point Context

• Right-click the Composite Sampling Point Tool object and select Insert > Composite Sampling

• Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Composite Sampling Point.

• Right-click an existing Composite Sampling Point object and select Insert > Composite Sampling

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Composite Sampling Point

• Evaluate All Results

• Suppress

• Clearing Result Data

Additional Related Information

• Composite Sampling Point Tool

• Composite Failure Tool

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100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Condensed Geometry
Contains all of the Condensed Part and Imported Condensed Part objects that you create.

Properties (p. 101)

Dependencies (p. 101)

Methods (p. 102)

Options (p. 102)

Information (p. 102)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for the Condensed Geometry object contains only one category Transparency and
one property, Enabled. The default setting for the Enabled property is Yes. As desired you can changes
the setting to No. This property displays the interior of the parts of your model.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Condensed Part (p. 105), Imported Condensed Part (p. 309), and Solution
Information (p. 607).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 101
Condensed Geometry

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Model object:

• Select the Condensed Geometry option on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Condensed Geometry.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and then select Insert > Condensed Geometry.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Condensed Part: Insert a new Condensed Part object.

– Imported Condensed Part: Insert a new Imported Condensed Part (p. 309) object.

– Solution Information: Insert a Solution Information object.

• Generate Condensed Parts: Automatically generate the interfaces for a Condensed Part object.


– When you generate condensed parts, the application uses the settings of the Dis-
tribute Solution and the Max number of utilized cores options defined in the
Advanced Settings of the Solve Process Settings dialog. You should use the same
setting for the number of cores for the generation process for all condensed parts
as well as your solution.

– The generation process for condensed parts does not currently support the use of
the Remote Solve Manager (RSM).

• Create Automatic Condensed Parts: Automatically generate a Condensed Part object as well
as the interfaces of the parts.

• Clear Generated Data

• Delete Children

• Open Solver Files Directory

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Working with Substructures

• Condensed Part

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102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Expansion Tool

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 103
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104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Condensed Part
Defines a set of bodies as a single superelement with the overall inertial and flexibility behavior sum-
marized on a reduced set of degrees of freedom. This allows flexible bodies to participate in Rigid Dy-
namics solver, by exposing only the master nodes necessary to define applicable joints, springs and
other connections in the model. It also enables the synthesis of vibration behavior of more complex
structures by assembling Condensed Parts with other parts in Modal, Rigid Dynamics, and Harmonic
Response (MSUP), Random Vibration, and Response Spectrum analyses.


Once you have scoped and generated Condensed Parts, any mesh modifications made to
the parts (p. 471) of the model that do not belong to the generated Condensed Parts, do not
require you to regenerate the Condensed Parts. That is, Condensed Parts maintain an up-to-
date status following mesh changes to other model parts. However, there are mesh update
exceptions. If you subsequently apply one or more of the features listed below, your Con-
densed Parts become obsolete and need to be regenerated.

• Mesh Edit

• Element Orientation

• Mesh Numbering

And, Condensed Parts require regeneration if you make any geometry modifications in the
CAD application. This applies even if you have the Smart CAD Update option (SpaceClaim
only) of the Advanced Geometry Options in Geometry cell properties of the Project
Schematic. See the Geometry Preferences section in the CAD Integration documentation for
more information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 105
Condensed Part

Properties (p. 107)

Dependencies (p. 109)

Methods (p. 109)

Options (p. 109)

Information (p. 110)

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106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Geometry (default) or Named Selection.

Geometry: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry.

Displays the type of geometry (Body only) and the number of geometric
entities (for example: 1 Body) for your selections.

Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Named

Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of available user-defined
Named Selections.
Definition Scope Mode: Read-only property indicating the scoping mode (Manual).

Suppressed: Yes or No.

Environment Temperature: The default setting is 22°C. Used for the

evaluation of temperature-dependent material properties. In addition,
this value is used as the material reference temperature for the
condensed part bodies.

Physics Type: Read-only property indicating the physics type


Matrix Reduction Method: Read-only property indicating the

Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) method.

Interface Method: Options include Fixed (default) or Free.

Number of Modes to Use: Displays the number of modes to be used

for the generation pass solve.

Limit Search to Range: Options include Yes or No (default). If set to

Yes, the Range Minimum, and Range Maximum properties display.

Range Minimum: Defines the minimum frequency for the specified

CMS modes.

Range Maximum: Defines the maximum frequency for the specified

CMS modes.

Solver Type

Lumped Mass Formulation: Options include Program Controlled

(default) or Off, and On.

Added Mass Treatment: Specifies how the added masses (from Point
Mass and Distributed Mass) are treated by the Condensed Part. Options
include Internal and On Interface (default).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 107
Condensed Part

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Generate Damping Matrix: Options include Program Controlled
(default), Yes, and No. Selecting Program Controlled or Yes generates
stiffness, mass, and damping matrices. When you select No, the
application generates only stiffness and mass matrices and does not
generate damping matrices. Refer to the SEOPT command in the
Mechanical APDL Command Reference for more details.

Keep Files For: Specifies which files the application generates during
the solution. Options include:

• Use Pass Only: Using this option, the application generates

solution files required to perform a Use Pass analysis. No
Expansion Pass can be performed when this option is selected.

• On Demand Expansion: Using this option, the application

generates solution files required to perform a Use Pass analysis
as well as On Demand Expansion.


You must set the On Demand Expansion

property to Yes in the Options for Analyses
category of the Analysis Settings.

• MAPDL Expansion (default): Using this option, the application

generates solution files required to perform a Use Pass analysis
and expand the results on the condensed parts using both
MAPDL Expansion and/or On Demand Expansion.


To include expanded results, you must also set

the On Demand Expansion property to Yes in
the Options for Analyses category of the Analysis
Settings. The default setting for this property is
No. You can change this default setting using
the On Demand Expansion preference contained
in the Options (Modal, Harmonic and Transient
Mode Superposition) category of the Analysis
Settings and Solution preferences. When you set
the default to Yes, the Keep Files For property
is also set to On Demand Expansion as the

Interfaces Number of Interfaces: Read-only display of the number of interface

entries detected by the application.

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108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Number of Master Nodes: Read-only display of the number of
superelement master nodes resulting from interfaces.
Analysis Data Man- These properties mimic Analysis Settings for Most Analysis Types for
agement Analysis Data Management. See the Analysis Data Management section
of the Help for additional information.

Solver Files Directory: Read-only property indicating the location of

the solution files for this analysis.

Future Analysis: Options include Ansys Rigid Dynamics or None


Solver Units: Options include Active System (default) or Manual.

Solver Unit System: Based on the setting of the Solver Units property.
It is read-only if Active System is selected, otherwise you can select the
system when the property is set to Manual.
Statistics Number of Master Nodes: Read-only property available (only) when
you generate (generation pass) the Condensed Part object. It displays
the number of master nodes generated for the part. The value of this
property gets updated only when you execute the Generate Condensed
Part operation again.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Condensed Geometry (p. 101).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Condensed Geometry object:

• Select the Condensed Part option from the Condensed Geometry Context tab.

• Select Create Automatic Condensed Parts via the Condensed Geometry object.

• Right-click the Condensed Geometry object and select Insert > Condensed Part.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and then select Insert > Condensed Part.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Condensed Part: Insert a new Condensed Part object.

– Solution Information: Insert a new Specifying Solution Information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 109
Condensed Part

– Commands: Insert a new Using the Command Object.

• Generate Condensed Parts: Perform a generation pass on the selected Condensed Part object(s).


– Once you have scoped and generated Condensed Parts, any mesh modifications
made to the parts (p. 471) of the model that do not belong to the generated Con-
densed Parts, do not require you to regenerate the Condensed Parts. That is, Con-
densed Parts maintain an up-to-date status following mesh changes to other
model parts. However, there are a few exceptions. If you have imported your
model using external systems, External Model and/or Mechanical Model systems,
any geometry modifications to geometries not specified as a Condensed Part, do
cause the Condensed Parts to become obsolete and require regeneration. In addition,
the use of features such as Mesh Edit, Element Orientation, or Mesh Numbering
objects cause up-to-date Condensed Parts to become obsolete and require regen-

– The generation of Condensed Parts is performed using the Distribute Solution

and the Max number of utilized cores options defined in the Advanced Settings
of the Solve Process Settings dialog. It is recommended that you use the same
number of cores for generating all condensed parts and solving the analysis.

– Solution processing using the Remote Solve Manager (RSM) is currently not sup-

• Detect Condensed Part Interface: Automatically generate the interfaces for a Condensed Part


– Imported loads and connections are not automatically detected as inter-

faces. You need to add the corresponding master nodes via a Named Se-
lection on the Condensed Part Worksheet.

– Loads that can be scoped to bodies, such as Acceleration, are not detected
automatically as interfaces if the loads are scoped to condensed part(s).

• Suppress

• Clear Generated Data

• Open Solver Files Directory

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Working with Substructures

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110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Expansion Tool

• Expansion Settings on the Worksheet: See the Expansion section.

• Substructure Generation Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 111
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112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines connections between two or more parts or bodies. Includes global settings in Details pane that
apply to all Contact Region (p. 131), Spot Weld (p. 611), Body Interaction (p. 61) (for explicit dynamics
analyses), Joint (p. 375), Spring (p. 615), and Beam (p. 35) child objects.

Properties (p. 114)

Dependencies (p. 114)

Methods (p. 114)

Options (p. 115)

Information (p. 115)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 113

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Auto Generate Automatic Connection on Refresh
Transparency Enabled
Stat- This category contains read-only properties that display the number of contact
istics conditions and connection types (defined and active) present in project, including:

• Contacts

• Active Contacts

• Joints

• Active Joints

• Beams

• Active Beams

• Bearings

• Active Bearings

• Springs

• Active Springs

• Body Interactions

• Active Body Interactions

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Beam (p. 35), Body Interactions (p. 59), Comment (p. 87), Connection
Group (p. 117) (including those named Contacts, and Joints), Contact Tool, Figure (p. 209), Im-
age (p. 249), Joint (p. 375), Solution Information (p. 607), Spot Weld (p. 611), and Spring (p. 615).

Insertion Methods
• Automatically inserted in the tree if connection is detected when model is attached.

• For setting connections manually, use any of the following methods after highlighting Model (p. 443)

– Select the Connections option on Model Context Tab.

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114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Right-click the Model (p. 443) object or in the Geometry window Insert > Connections.


These options are not available if a Connections object already exists in the tree.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Create Automatic Connections: Available only if at least one Connection Group folder is present.

• Check Overlapping Contact Regions

• Redundancy Analysis: Available if at least one Joint object is present.

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Beams • Contact Ease of Use

• Body Interactions
• Contact Tool and
• Connections Overview Results

• Automatically Generated • Contact Options

Connections Preferences

• Contact Region Settings • Joints

• Resolving Overlapping Contact • Spot Welds
• Springs

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115
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116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Connection Group
Defines connections among selected bodies. Includes global settings in Details pane that apply to all
Contact Region or Joint (p. 375) child objects.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 117
Connection Group

Properties (p. 118)

Dependencies (p. 120)

Methods (p. 120)

Options (p. 120)

Information (p. 121)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Connection Type
Scope Scoping Method

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118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry
Selection. In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click
in the Geometry field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to

Named Selection.

Source Assembly: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to

Source Assembly (Only applicable for Assembled External and
Mechanical Models).
Auto Detection Tolerance Type

Tolerance Slider

Tolerance Value

Use Range

Min Distance Percentage

Min Distance Value


Face/Face Angle Tolerance: Visible when the Face/Face property

is set to Yes. When working with Face/Face automatic contact
detection, this property enables you to define the minimum angle
between two face normals. This minimum angle is the threshold
below which the application will ignore the faces from proximity
detection. The default value is 75°, the minimum value is 0°, and the
maximum value is 90°

Face Overlap Tolerance: Appears only for contact groups when

Face/Face is set to Yes.

Cylindrical Faces (3D Only): Only visible when the Connection Type
property is set to Contact and the Face/Face property is set to Yes.
Options include:

• Include (default): Includes contacts that involve cylindrical

faces in the detection.

• Exclude: Excludes contacts that involve cylindrical faces from

the detection.

• Only: Detects only contacts that involve cylindrical faces.

Face/Edge: Only displays for contact groups.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 119
Connection Group

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Edge Overlap Tolerance: Only displays for contact groups when
Face/Edge is set to Yes, Only Solid Body Edges, or Only Surface
Body Edges.

Edge/Edge: Only displays for contact groups.

Priority: Only displays for contact groups.

Group By

Search Across

Revolute Joints: Only displays for joint groups.

Fixed Joints: Only displays for joint groups.

Statistics Connections: Displays the number of connections associated with
this parent object.

Active Connections: Displays the number of connections that are

currently active for this parent object (that is, not Suppressed).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Contact Region (p. 131), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249),
and Joint (p. 375).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Click Connection Group on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object (or on another Connection Group object), or in the
Geometry window; then Insert > Connection Group.

• Insert a Contact Region (p. 131) or Joint (p. 375) object. A separate parent Connection Group
object is created automatically for each of these two types of objects, and is renamed Contacts
or Joints accordingly.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Check Overlapping Contact Regions

• Create Automatic Connections

• Enable/Disable Transparency

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120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Delete Children

Additional Related Information

• Automatically Generated Connections

• Resolving Overlapping Contact Regions

• Contact Settings

• Joints

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121
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122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Construction Geometry
Contains one or more Path (p. 481), Surface (p. 643), Solid (p. 595), Construction Line, and/or STL (p. 621)

You can scope results to Path and Surface construction geometries.

Dependencies (p. 123)

Methods (p. 123)

Information (p. 124)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), Path (p. 481), Surface (p. 643),
Solid (p. 595), Construction Line, and STL (p. 621).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model (p. 443) object:

• Open the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context Tab and select Path,
Surface, Solid, Line, or STL.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 123
Construction Geometry

• Right-click the Model (p. 443) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Construction
Geometry > Path, Surface, Solid, Line, or STL.


The Model folder can contain only one Construction Geometry object.

Additional Related Information

• Specifying Construction Geometry

• Path Object Reference (p. 481)

• Surface Object Reference (p. 643)

• Solid Object Reference (p. 595)

• Construction Line Object Reference (p. 125)

• STL Object Reference (p. 621)

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124 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Construction Line
Sketches and generates Line Bodies on the model you have imported into Mechanical. You can create
multiple Construction Line objects.

For the newly created line body or bodies, you need to specify a Cross Section (p. 157) and assign a
material. Review the Body (p. 51) object reference section for descriptions of all of the associated geo-
metry properties.

Also see the Specifying Construction Geometry section.

Properties (p. 126)

Dependencies (p. 127)

Methods (p. 127)

Options (p. 127)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 125
Construction Line

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Sketch Selection Method: Options for this property include:

• Interactive (default): Sketch line segments either on a

specified plane or free hand using the Planar or Freeform

• Coordinate System: Sketch line segments onto a specified

plane (Coordinate System) or free hand using the Planar
or Freeform options.

Active Sketch Details Sketch ID: Read-only property that shows an application defined
ID of the active sketch. You can use this ID for Construction Line

Association Type: Read-only property that shows the entity type

for the active sketch. Options include Geometric and Coordinate

Association ID: Read-only property that shows the ID of the

sketch’s object based on the setting of the Association Type
property, either Geometric or Coordinate System. If set to
Geometric, the ID is a geometric entity ID (See “GeoEntityById”
in the ACT API Reference Guide). If set to Coordinate System,
the ID is an object ID (the Coordinate System’s object in the


These ID values are compatible with the Mechanical


Image Plane Properties The properties of this category enable you to import and overlay
an image on your model to accurately sketch line bodies on or
around your model.

Image File: Import an image that you will overlay on your model
and use to accurately sketch one or more line segments.

Coordinate System: Specify where to place your image based

on a Coordinate System.

Show Coordinate System: Show the selected Coordinate System

triad on the model. Options include Yes or No (default).

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126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Width: Specify the physical width of your image. For the best
results, it is recommended that the ratio of physical width to
physical height matches the aspect ratio of your image.

Height: Specify the physical height of your image. For the best
results, it is recommended that the ratio of physical width to
physical height matches the aspect ratio of your image.

Translucency: Increasing the value makes your image more and

more transparent which may help you sketch a more accurate

Horizontal Flip: Reverse your image horizontally.

Vertical Flip: Reverse your image vertically.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Construction Geometry.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and/or Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model (p. 443) object:

• Open the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context tab and select Line.

• Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Line.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Line.

• Update Geometry

• Remove Geometry

• Go To > Corresponding Bodies in Tree

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 127
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128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Debonding
Defines contact regions along a contact interface that will separate.

Object Properties (p. 129)

Tree Dependencies (p. 130)

Insertion Methods (p. 130)

Right-click Options (p. 130)

Additional Related
Information (p. 130)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type - Read-only field that describes the object - Contact Debonding.
Method - Read-only field that describes the formulation used to
introduce the fracture mechanism - Cohesive Zone Material (CZM)
Material - Fly-out menu for Material selection or specification. Materials
are specified in Engineering Data.
Suppressed - Includes or excludes the object in the analysis.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 129
Contact Debonding

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Contact Region - Specify the Contact Region of the contact interface
that is associated with the Contact Debonding object. The properties
for the contact elements require that the contact Type be Bonded or
No Separation contact and that the Formulation is specified as the
Augmented Lagrange method or the Pure Penalty method.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81)

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Fracture object:

• Click the Contact Debonding option on the Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click the Fracture (p. 211) object, Interface Delamination (p. 367) object, or Contact De-
bonding object and select Insert > Contact Debonding.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Interface Delamination

– Contact Debonding

– SMART Crack Growth

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Interface Delamination and Contact Debonding

• Fracture Analysis

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130 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Region
Defines conditions for individual contact and target pairs. Several Contact Regions can appear as child
objects under a Connection Group (p. 117) object. The Connection Group object name automatically
changes to Contacts.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 131
Contact Region

Properties (p. 132)

Dependencies (p. 133)

Methods (p. 133)

Options (p. 133)

Information (p. 134)

Object Properties
Choose the object properties below that apply to your analysis type.
1. Contact Region - Most Structural Analyses
2. Contact Region - Explicit Dynamics Analyses
3. Contact Region - Thermal and Electromagnetic Analyses
4. Contact Region - Rigid Body Dynamics Analyses

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132 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connection Group (p. 117).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) or Connection Group (p. 117)

• Inserted automatically if you choose Create Automatic Connections through a right mouse
click Connections (or Contacts) object.

• Click Contact on Connections Context Tab and choose a contact type.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) folder (or Connection Group (p. 117)) object or in the Geo-
metry window, and select Insert > Manual Contact Region.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Create: When you select a Contact Region object (or multiple Contact Region objects), the
Create context menu option provides the following additional options:

Contact Sizing

Creates a Contact Sizing control under the Mesh folder.

Contact Tool

Creates a Contact Tool under the Connections folder. The application automatically
scopes the tool to the selected Contact Region(s) only.

Mesh Contact(s) or Connection(s)

Creates Mesh Connection and Contact Match objects from Contact Regions. The ap-
plication scopes the new Mesh Connection or Contact Match objects to the geometries
of the Contact Region(s) and sets the tolerance to be equal to the trim tolerance of the
contact region. The Mesh Connections and Contact Matches are added into new Mesh
Connection Group and Contact Match Group folders.

Environment Submenu

The Create option provides a submenu of options to create specific result objects for
environments that include the options shown below. The application inserts the corres-
ponding object under the Solution folder for the selected environment and automatically
scopes the object to the Contact Region (or Contact Regions).

– Force Reaction

– Moment Reaction

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 133
Contact Region

– Contact Tracker

– Contact Tool

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Contact/Target

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Go to Connections for Duplicate Pairs: Available if connection object shares the same geometries
with other connection objects.

• Save Contact Region Settings

• Load Contact Region Settings

• Reset to Default

• Promote to Named Selection

•Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

– Contact Region Settings

– Automatically Generated Connections

– Global Connection Settings - See the Connections Folder and Connection Group Folder

– Connections Context

– Setting Contact Conditions Manually

– Contact Ease of Use Features

– Contact Tool and Results

– Contact Options Preferences

– Interface Delamination using Ansys Composite PrepPost (ACP)

– Mesh Connections

– Contact Matches

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134 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Region - Most Structural Analyses

1. Contact Region - Most Structural Analyses

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Interface: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Pre-Gener-

ated Interface.



Shared Contact Body or Shared Target Body

Contact Bodies

Target Bodies

Beam-Beam Detection

Beam-Beam Model


Contact Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Target Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Definition Type

Friction Coefficient: Displays if Type = Frictional

Scope Mode


Trim Contact

Trim Tolerance: Displays if Trim Contact is set to On.

Advanced Formulation

Detection Method

Penetration Tolerance

Elastic Slip Tolerance

Normal Stiffness

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 135
Contact Region

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Normal Stiffness Factor: Displays if Normal Stiffness = Manual

Constraint Type: Displays if Formulation = MPC and scoping of

Contact Bodies or Target Bodies is to a surface body.

Update Stiffness: Displays if Formulation = Augmented Lagrange

or Pure Penalty

Stabilization Damping Factor: Helps reduce the risk of rigid body

motion. Available for Frictionless, Rough, and Frictional contact

Thermal Conductance

Pinball Region

Pinball Radius: Displays Pinball Region = Radius.

Electric Conductance

Electric Conductance Value: If Electric Conductance = Manual

Time Step Controls: Displays if Type = Frictionless, Rough, or Fric-


Restitution Factor: Rigid Body Dynamics Solver Only

Material: Displays if Formulation = Beam.

Radius: Displays if Formulation = Beam.

Geometric Interface Treatment
Offset: Displays if Interface Treatment = Add Offset

Contact Geometry Correction: Supporting properties include:

• Orientation

• Mean Pitch Diameter

• Pitch Distance

• Thread Angle

• Thread Type

• Handedness

Basics of Contact Region object (p. 131)

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136 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Region - Explicit Dynamics Analyses

2. Contact Region - Explicit Dynamics Analyses

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method



Contact Bodies

Target Bodies
Definition Type

Friction Coefficient: Displays if Type = Frictional

Dynamic Coefficient: Displays if Type = Frictional

Decay Constant: Displays if Type = Frictional

Scope Mode


Maximum Offset: Displays if Type = Bonded

Breakable: Displays if Type = Bonded

Normal Stress Limit: Displays if Type = Bonded and Breakable =

Stress Criteria

Normal Stress Exponent: Displays if Type = Bonded and Breakable

= Stress Criteria

Shear Stress Limit: Displays if Type = Bonded and Breakable =

Stress Criteria

Shear Stress Exponent: Displays if Type = Bonded and Breakable

= Stress Criteria


Basics of Contact Region object (p. 131)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 137
Contact Region

3. Contact Region - Thermal and Electromagnetic Analyses

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method



Contact Bodies

Target Bodies

Contact Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Target Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Definition Type

Friction Coefficient: If Type = Frictional

Scope Mode


Advanced Formulation

Constraint Type: Displays if Formulation = MPC and scoping of

Contact Bodies or Target Bodies is to a surface body.

Interface Treatment

Offset: Displays if Interface Treatment = Add Offset.

Normal Stiffness (Magnetostatic analyses and all thermal analyses):

Displays if Formulation = Augmented Lagrange, Pure Penalty, or

Normal Stiffness Factor (Magnetostatic analyses and all thermal

analyses): Displays if Normal Stiffness = Manual.

Update Stiffness (Magnetostatic analyses and all thermal analyses):

Displays if Formulation = Augmented Lagrange, Pure Penalty, or

Thermal Conductance (Magnetostatic analyses and all thermal


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138 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Region - Rigid Body Dynamics Analyses

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Thermal Conductance Value (Magnetostatic analyses and all thermal
analyses): Displays if Thermal Conductance = Manual.

Electrical Conductance (Electric and Magnetostatic analyses)

Electrical Conductance Value (Electric and Magnetostatic analyses):

If Electric Conductance = Manual.

Pinball Region

Pinball Radius: Displays if Pinball Region = Radius.

Time Step Controls: Displays if Type = Frictionless, Rough, or Fric-


Basics of Contact Region object (p. 131)

4. Contact Region - Rigid Body Dynamics Analyses

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method



Contact Bodies

Target Bodies

Contact Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Target Shell Face: Displays for surface bodies.

Definition Type
Advanced Restitution Factor
Statistics Connections: Displays the number of connections associated with
this parent object.

Active Connections: Displays the number of connections that are

currently active for this parent object (that is, not Suppressed).

Basics of Contact Region object (p. 131)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 139
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140 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact Tool (Group)
Determines contact conditions on an assembly both before loading and as part of the final solution.

Applies to the following objects: Contact Tool, Frictional Stress, Gap, Initial Information, Penetration,
Pressure, Sliding Distance, and Status.

Object Properties (p. 141)

Tree Dependencies (p. 141)

Insertion Methods (p. 142)

Right-click Options (p. 142)

Additional Related
Information (p. 142)

Object Properties
For more information on this object's properties, see the Contact Tool section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects:

– For Contact Tool: Connections (p. 113) and Solution (p. 599).

– For Frictional Stress, Pressure, Sliding Distance, and Fluid Pressure: Contact Tool under Solu-
tion (p. 599) object.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 141
Contact Tool (Group)

– For Gap, Penetration, and Status: Contact Tool under Connections (p. 113) object or Solu-
tion (p. 599) object.

– For Initial Information: Contact Tool under Connections (p. 113) object only.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– For Contact Tool under Connections (p. 113) object: Comment (p. 87), Gap, Image (p. 249), Initial
Information, Penetration, and Status.

– For Contact Tool under Solution (p. 599) object: Comment (p. 87), Gap, Frictional Stress, Im-
age (p. 249), Penetration, Pressure, Sliding Distance, Fluid Pressure, and Status.

– For Frictional Stress, Gap, Penetration, Pressure, Sliding Distance, and Fluid Pressure:
Alert (p. 13), Comment (p. 87), Convergence (p. 145), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

– For Initial Information: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

– For Status: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• To insert a Contact Tool under Connections (p. 113) object, use any of the following once you have
selected the Connections object:

– Select the Contact Tool option from the Contact group of the Connections Context Tab.

– Right-click and select Insert > Contact Tool.

– Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Contact Tool.

• To insert a Contact Tool under Solution (p. 599) object, use any of the following methods once you
have selected the Solution object:

– Select the Contact Tool option from the Toolbox drop-down menu of the Solution Context Tab.

– Right-click and select Insert > Contact Tool > Contact Tool.

– Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Contact Tool > Contact Tool.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Generate Initial Condition Results: Available for Contact Tool and all child objects when the
Contact Tool is inserted under a Connections (p. 113) object.

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Contact Tool and all child objects when the Contact Tool is
inserted under a Solution (p. 599) object.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

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142 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Contact Tool

• Setting Connections

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 143
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144 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Controls the relative accuracy of a solution by refining solution results on a particular area of a model.
The Convergence object is applicable to Static Structural, Modal, Eigenvalue Buckling, Steady-State
Thermal, and Magnetostatic analyses.


Convergence is not supported if your analysis includes an active Contact Step Control.

The Convergence object has a number of requirements associated with it's use. See the Adaptive
Convergence section for a listing of all usage requirements.

Properties (p. 145)

Dependencies (p. 146)

Methods (p. 146)

Information (p. 146)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 145

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

Allowable Change
Results Last Change: Read-only indication of the most recent change in

Converged: Read-only indication of the convergence state (Yes or No).

Tree Dependencies
Valid Parent Tree Objects: Several result objects (p. 565).

Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Right-click a result object (p. 565) and select Insert > Convergence. When a result object is active, you
can also right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Convergence.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Adaptive Convergence

• Error (Structural)

• Error (Thermal)

• Mechanical Options - Convergence

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146 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Coordinate System
Represents a local coordinate system that you can add under a Coordinate Systems (p. 153) object.

Properties (p. 148)

Dependencies (p. 151)

Methods (p. 151)

Options (p. 151)

Information (p. 151)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 147
Coordinate System

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

Options include Cartesian and Cylindrical.

Coordinate System

Options include Program Controlled and Manual.

They assign the coordinate system reference number

automatically or manually. If you specify Manual, the Coordin-
ate System ID property displays. Enter a value greater than
or equal to 12. Coordinate systems must have a unique ID.


When using the Mechanical APDL solver, this text-based field

enables you to create an APDL parameter (in the input file)
and assign its value to the reference number of the
coordinate system. This facilitates easy programmatic
identification of the coordinate system for later use/reference
in a Command object.


Options include Yes and No (default). Suppressing a

coordinate system removes the object from further treatment,
and writes no data to the input deck, and causes any objects
scoped to the coordinate system to become underdefined
(therefore invalidating solutions).

Origin Define By

Options include Geometry Selection (default), Named

Selection, and Global Coordinates.


When the Define By is set to Geometry Selection, this

property displays. You use this property to select geometry
or mesh entities that define the origin of the Coordinate

Named Selection

When the Define By is set to Named Selection, this property

displays. Select a user-defined Named Selection.

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148 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Origin X

Enter an X location on the coordinate axis from the (0, 0, 0)


Origin Y

Enter a Y location on the coordinate axis from the (0, 0, 0)


Origin Z

Enter a Z location on the coordinate axis from the (0, 0, 0)



Visible when the Define By property is set to Global

Coordinates. You can specify the property by:

• Selecting geometric entities (vertex, edge, or face).

• Selecting mesh entities (Node, Element Face, or


• Using the Hit Point Coordinate option on the

Graphics Toolbar.

Principal Axis Axis

Options include: X, Y, and Z. This property defines the

Principal Axis vector with respect to one of these planes.

Define By

Property options include:

Geometry Selection
Fixed Vector
Global X Axis
Global Y Axis
Global Z Axis
Hit Point Normal

Orientation About Principal Axis

Based on the Principal Axis settings above, define the
Orientation About Principal Axis vector with respect to the
X, Y, or Z plane.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 149
Coordinate System

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Define By

Property options include:

Geometry Selection
Global X
Global Y
Global Z
Fixed Vector

Directional Vectors X Axis Data

A read-only mathematical representation, in matrix form,

showing of the X vector orientation in space.

Y Axis Data

A read-only mathematical representation, in matrix form,

showing of the Y vector orientation in space.

Z Axis Data

A read-only mathematical representation, in matrix form,

showing of the Z vector orientation in space.

Transformations Base Configuration

Read-only property - Absolute.

Transformation Features

The following properties can be added to the active

coordinate system object from the Coordinate System
Context. They change the location and rotation of the original
definition of the coordinate system. These properties are
order-dependent and that order may be modified using the
Move Up and Move Down features of the Coordinate System

Offset X
Offset Y
Offset Z
Rotate X
Rotate Y
Rotate Z
Flip X

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150 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Flip Y
Flip Z

Transformation Configuration

Read-only property that displays the transformed coordinate

point locations from the origin.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Coordinate Systems (Group) (p. 153).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after you select either the Coordinate Systems folder object, the
Global Coordinate System (p. 247) object, or any another child Coordinate System object:

• Select the Coordinate System option from the Insert group of the Coordinate System tab.

• Select the Coordinate System option from the Insert group of the Home tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Coordinate System.

• Right-click within the Geometry window and select Insert > Coordinate System.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Coordinate System

• Create Section Plane

• Create Construction Surface

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Setting Up Coordinate Systems

• Creating Coordinate Systems

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 151
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152 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Coordinate Systems (Group)
Houses any new coordinate systems that can include a Global Coordinate System (p. 247) object and
local Coordinate System (p. 147) objects.

Tree Dependencies (p. 153)

Insertion Methods (p. 153)

Right-click Options (p. 153)

Additional Related
Information (p. 154)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Coordinate System (p. 147), Figure (p. 209), Global
Coordinate System (p. 247), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
The Coordinate Systems object is automatically inserted into the tree.


Only one Coordinate Systems (Parent) object is valid per Model (p. 443).

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 153
Coordinate Systems (Group)

• Insert > Coordinate System

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Setting Up Coordinate Systems

• Creating Coordinate Systems

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154 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Cross Sections
The Cross Sections folder contains all Cross Section Objects (p. 157). Typically, when you import line
bodies, Mechanical reads whether each body has an associated cross section. Cross section data is
presented as a Cross Section object following import. Imported line bodies can include data for multiple
cross sections. In addition, you can use the options of the Cross Section Context Tab to manually define
cross sections. or modify the values of your imported cross section(s).


The application cannot complete the solution process if one or more cross sections share
the same name and will display an Error message when duplicate names are encountered.
You can manually change the names (in your CAD application or in Mechanical) or use the
context (right-click) menu option Rename Cross Sections with Same Name to have the
application change the duplicate names. Also note that, if you are using Model-to-Model
linking, Ansys recommends that you set the Workbench Project page Object Renaming
property accordingly.

Object Properties (p. 156)

Tree Dependencies (p. 156)

Insertion Methods (p. 156)

Right-click Options (p. 156)

Additional Related
Information (p. 156)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 155
Cross Sections

Object Properties
This object's Details includes only the Statistics category with the property Cross Sections that displays
the number of objects contained in the folder.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: The Cross Sections object automatically includes one or more child objects
(Cross Section Objects (p. 157)) that include the associated cross section data defined in the upstream

Insertion Methods
The application automatically inserts this object as well as its associated child objects.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [available types of cross sections]

• Import/Update from Geometry Source

• Rename Cross Sections with Same Name

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Line Bodies

• Cross Section Objects (p. 157)

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156 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Cross Section Objects
The application automatically generates cross section objects when you import a line body that includes
cross sectional data. For each imported cross section, there is an associated cross section object that
displays the cross section type specified in a CAD application as well as via External Model. These objects
are contained in the Cross Sections folder (p. 155) and provide data for the associated CAD cross section
specifications of your imported line body. You can modify cross section Dimension values in the Details
of the object(s).


The application cannot complete the solution process if one or more cross sections share
the same name and will display an Error message when duplicate names are encountered.
You can manually change the names (in your CAD application or in Mechanical) or use the
context (right-click) menu option Rename Cross Sections with Same Name to have the
application change the duplicate names. Also note that, if you are using Model-to-Model
linking, Ansys recommends that you set the Workbench Project page Object Renaming
property accordingly.

And as illustrated below, you can use the options of the Cross Section Context menu to manually define
cross sections. Included with the context tab options is a Profile option. This option displays a window
that enables you to view the cross section dimensions as you make entries and upon completion.

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Cross Section Objects


You may wish to review the SECTYPE and SECDATA commands. These commands send
cross section data to the MAPDL solver.

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158 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Properties (p. 159)

Dependencies (p. 160)

Methods (p. 161)

Options (p. 161)

Information (p. 161)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Defini- Type: Displays the Element type used by the cross section.
Import Type: Displays whether the cross section was imported or defined manually.
Dimen- The various Dimensions properties (R, B, H, etc.) are based on your selected cross
sions section type. See the Cross Section Types section as well as the individual cross
section type sections of the Ansys DesignModeler User's Guide for more information
about dimensions. Also refer to the SpaceClaim Direct Modeler documentation for
additional cross section information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 159
Cross Section Objects

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Rectangular I Hat
Section Section
Z Rectangular
Circular Section Tube
L User
Channel Section Integrated
T User
Section Defined

Physical The Physical Properties category provides the following read-only properties that
Proper- display the associated cross section information provided by the upstream system
ties (that is, CAD application/External Model system):

• A: Displays the Area of the cross section.

• Iyy: Displays moment of inertia about the Y axis.

• Izz: Displays moment of inertia about the Z axis.


DesignModeler uses a different cross section coordinate system than

Mechanical (MAPDL solver). Mechanical displays Izz whereas
DesignModeler displays Ixx. In DesignModeler, the cross section lies
in the XYPlane and the Z direction corresponds to the edge tangent.
In the Mechanical environment, the cross section lies in the YZ plane
and uses the X direction as the edge tangent. This difference in
orientation has no bearing on the analysis.

External Model Line Body

For line body meshes imported through External Model, the following additional
properties display if included in the source file:

• Transverse Shear Stiffness XY

• Transverse Shear Stiffness XZ

See the Cross Section Types section of the Ansys DesignModeler User's Guide for
additional information about these properties. You can also refer to the SpaceClaim
Direct Modeler documentation for additional cross section information.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Cross Sections. (p. 155)

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Not applicable.

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160 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
The application automatically inserts available imported cross sections. You can also manually insert
and define cross section objects.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [available types of cross sections]

• Import/Update from Geometry Source

• Rename Cross Sections with Same Name

Additional Related Information

• Line Bodies

• Cross Section (Ansys DesignModeler User's Guide)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 161
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162 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Design Constraint
The Design Constraint capability helps to alleviate design problems by enabling you to specify certain
manufacturing-based limitations.

Properties (p. 164)

Dependencies (p. 164)

Methods (p. 164)

Options (p. 164)

Information (p. 164)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 163
Design Constraint

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Design Constraint section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Structural Optimization Environment (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
To add a Design Constraint object, highlight the Structural Optimization environment and either:

• Select Design Constraint > [desired Design Constraint] from the Environment Context Tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > [desired Design Constraint].

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [Various Structural Optimization options]

• Commands

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Design Constraint

• Structural Optimization Analysis

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164 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Distributed Mass
3D analyses only. Distributes additional mass across faces or edges on your model. It can be scoped to
flexible parts only (Stiffness Behavior = Flexible).

It is supported for the following Mechanical systems: Eigenvalue Buckling, Modal (including pre-stress
effects), Harmonic Response (Full, linked MSUP, pre-stressed, and standalone), Random Vibration, Response
Spectrum, Static Structural, and Transient Structural (standalone and linked MSUP).

Object Properties (p. 165)

Tree Dependencies (p. 166)

Insertion Methods (p. 166)

Right-click Options (p. 166)

Additional Related
Information (p. 167)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named Selection.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 165
Distributed Mass

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry: Displayed when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection
(default). Displays the type of geometry (Face or Edge only) and the number of
faces to which the Distributed Mass has been applied using the selection tools.
Use the Face or Edge selection filter to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field,
then click Apply.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection.
This field provides a drop-down list of available face- or edge-based user-defined
Named Selections.
Definition Mass Type: Options include Total Mass and Mass per Unit Area. Once selected
additional entry properties are required, including:

• Total Mass (default): Specify the total mass applied to the scoped geometric
entities. This property can be designated as a parameter.

• Mass per Unit Area: Specify the mass per unit area. This property can be
designated as a parameter.


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Geometry (p. 233) object or Part (p. 471) object:

• Select Distributed Mass option from the Mass group on the Geometry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Geometry (p. 233) object, Part object, Body object, or in the Geometry window
> Insert > Distributed Mass.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass

– Surface Coating

– Commands (APDL)

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166 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
Distributed Mass application.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 167
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168 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Drop Height
Available for use in Explicit Dynamics analyses only, this object applies a velocity as an initial condition
by calculating the velocity at which an object would be traveling if dropped from rest from a specified

Properties (p. 170)

Dependencies (p. 170)

Methods (p. 170)

Information (p. 171)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 169
Drop Height

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method, options include:

• Geometry Selection: Default setting, indicating that you apply

the feature to one or more bodies, which are chosen using
graphical selection tools.

– Geometry: Visible when the Scoping property is set to

Geometry Selection. In this case, use selection filters to pick
geometry, click the Geometry field, then click Apply.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is defined

by a Named Selection.

– Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping property is set

to Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of the
available Named Selections.

Definition Input Type: Options include Angular Velocity, Drop Height, or Velocity.

Define By: Defines how the drop height is specified. Options include:

• Drop Height:

– Drop Height: Visible when the Define by property is set to

Drop Height. Height from which object will be dropped from
rest prior to start of the analysis.

• Impact Velocity:

– Impact Velocity: Visible when the Define by property is set

to Impact Velocity. Magnitude of initial velocity.

Coordinate System: Use this property to specify the desired coordinate


Direction: Direction in which initial velocity is applied.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Initial Conditions (p. 359).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image. (p. 249)

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Initial Conditions (p. 233) object:

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170 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Click Drop Height on the Initial Conditions Context tab.

• Right-click the Initial Conditions (p. 359) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert
> Drop Height.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Define Initial Conditions

• Using the Drop Test Wizard

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide Overview

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 171
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172 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element Orientation
Modifies the coordinate system of individual solid and shell elements.

Properties (p. 173)

Dependencies (p. 174)

Methods (p. 175)

Options (p. 175)

Information (p. 175)

Object Properties
The Details properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 173
Element Orientation

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping, options include:

• Geometry Selection: Default setting, indicating that you apply

the feature to one or more bodies, which are chosen using
graphical selection tools.

– Geometry: Visible when the Scoping property is set to Geo-

metry Selection. Geometry scoping supports Body selection
and direct element selection (mesh required). Displays the
type of geometry (Body or Element) and the number of
geometric entities (for example: 1 Body, 2 Elements) to which
you have scoped the geometry.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is

defined by a Named Selection.

– Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping property is set

to Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of
the available geometry-based or element-based Named

Definition Defined By: Defines how the orientation is specified. Options include
Surface and Edge Guide (default) and Coordinate System.


Coordinate System: Becomes available when you set the Defined By

property to Coordinate System. Use this property to specify the desired
coordinate system.
Surface Guide Scoping – Geometry Selection or Named Selection.

(Surface and Edge Geometry: Face selection, either geometry or named selection.
Guide option only)
Axis: Specify the axis (+/- X, +/- Y, or +/- Z) that aligns with the Surface
Guide normal.
Edge Guide Scoping – Geometry Selection or Named Selection.

(Surface and Edge Geometry: Edge selection, either geometry or named selection.
Guide option only)
Axis: Specify the axis (+/- X, +/- Y, or +/- Z) that aligns tangentially with
the Edge Guide.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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174 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Geometry object:

• Click Element Orientation option on the Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click the Geometry object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Element Ori-

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Element Orientation

• Generate Orientations

• Suppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Element Orientation

• Setting Up Coordinate Systems

• Geometry Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 175
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176 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
End Release
Allows specified degrees of freedom to be released on a vertex between line bodies or a node between
beam (line body) elements.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 177
End Release

Properties (p. 178)

Dependencies (p. 179)

Methods (p. 180)

Options (p. 180)

Information (p. 180)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named

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178 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Vertex Geometry: Specifies the vertex or node for the end release. Only
the Vertex and Node selection options are supported for specifying this
property, either through direct selection or using a Named Selection.

For Geometry Selection scoping, pick your geometry or mesh,

click in the Geometry field, After you’ve selected, the property
displays the geometric/mesh entities (1 Vertex, 1 Node).
For Named Selection scoping, select a user–defined vertex- or
node-based Named Selection from the drop-down list.

Edge Geometry: Specifies the edge or line body element for the end
release. Only the Edge and Element selection options are supported for
specifying this property, either through direct selection or using a Named

For Geometry Selection scoping, pick your geometry or mesh,

click in the Geometry field, After you’ve selected, the property
displays the geometric/mesh entities (2 Edges, 2 Elements, etc.).
For Named Selection scoping, select a user–defined edge- or
element-based Named Selection from the drop-down list.

Independent Edges: Specifies whether the edges or elements selected

above are independent of one another or fixed together. Options include
Yes (default) and No.
Definition Coordinate System

Translation X

Translation Y

Translation Z

Rotation X

Rotation Y

Rotation Z



Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 179
End Release

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Click End Release on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections object or in the Geometry window and then select Insert > End

Right-click Options
Relevant right-click options for this object are in the common right-click options (p. 2) list.


The description for Contact Region object also applies to the Mesh Connection object.

Additional Related Information

See the End Releases section, under Connections, for more information.

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180 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Environment (Group)
An environment object holds all analysis related objects in a given Model (p. 443) object. The default
name of the environment object is the same as the name of the analysis type. All result objects of an
analysis are grouped under the Solution (p. 599) object.


The application creates reference files that contain analysis information that is read back into
the application during solution processing. Certain textual characters can create issues during
this reading process. Avoid the use of the following characters when renaming your environ-

• Quote character (“)

• Ampersand (&)

• Apostrophe (‘)

• Greater than and less than characters (< >)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 181
Environment (Group)

Object Properties (p. 182)

Tree Dependencies (p. 183)

Insertion Methods (p. 183)

Right-click Options (p. 183)

Additional Related
Information (p. 184)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Physics Definition Structural: Read-only property with the setting Yes.

Acoustics: Read-only property with the setting Yes.

Definition (read-only Physics Type
Analysis Type

Solver Target
Options Environment Temperature: The temperature of the body unless
this temperature is specified by a particular load such as a thermal
condition or an imported temperature. This will also be the
material reference temperature unless overridden by the Body
(see Reference Temperature under Define Part Behavior for more
information). Environment Temperature is not valid for any
type of thermal analysis.

Generate Input Only: Read-only property that identifies if a

system is only capable of generating an input file. The options
include Yes or No based on the status of the system. This

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182 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
property is typically set to No. However, if you delete the Solu-
tion cell from your Mechanical system on the Workbench Project
Schematic (RBM Solution > Delete), the Mechanical Outline
tree for the system will not contain a Solution object and the
application automatically sets this property to Yes. In this
scenario, if you update the project, the system does not solve,
but it does generate an input file.
Additive Manufacturing AM Process Simulation: Displays when you insert an AM Process
object (p. 17). This property controls whether this analysis
simulates an additive manufacturing process. Options include
Program Controlled (default), No, and Yes. See the LPBF
Simulation Guide for more information.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Analysis Settings (p. 23), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249),
Initial Condition (for some analysis types), all load and support objects (p. 383), and Solution (p. 599).

Insertion Methods
Appears by default based on the analysis type chosen in the Project Schematic.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Import Load > [this menu lists available analyses]

• Transfer Data From/Unlink Data From: These options are available for Topology Optimization
environments only and enable you to link to or unlink from supported upstream analysis systems.
Multiple system can be selected. You can check the Environment Selection List property of the
Solution object (p. 599) to see the upstream analysis systems being used for the solution in your
Structural Optimization analysis.

• Insert > [options for this menu item vary based on the analysis type]

• Solve

• Create Automatic >

– FSI (Acoustics analyses only)

– Far-field Radiation Surface (Acoustics analyses only)

– FSI and Far-field Radiation Surface (Acoustics analyses only)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 183
Environment (Group)

• Duplicate


When duplicating an analysis within Mechanical that includes loads with the Base
Excitation property set to Yes (Acceleration and/or Displacement), these loads will
lose their scoping during the duplication process.

• Clear Generated Data

• Export NASTRAN File (Static Structural or Modal environments only)

• Write System Coupling Files: Available when your analysis includes one or more Fluid Solid
Interface or System Coupling Region boundary conditions. For supported analysis types, this
option creates an input (.dat) file as well as a System Coupling (.scp) file that is needed to
run a System Coupling analysis that was created in one of System Coupling's interfaces.

• Group Children by Physics: Available during Acoustics analyses.

• Group All Similar Children

• Open Solver Files Directory

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Analysis Types

• Environment Context Tab

• Types of Loads

• Types of Supports

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184 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Elliptical Crack
You use the Elliptical Crack object to insert embedded void cracks into a solid body.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 185
Elliptical Crack

Object Properties (p. 186)

Tree Dependencies (p. 190)

Insertion Methods (p. 190)

Right-click Options (p. 190)

Additional Related Information (p. 190)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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186 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: Read-only property set to Analytical Crack

Scoping Method: Read-only property set to Geometry Selection.

Geometry: Use the Body selection filter to pick a solid body, click
in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Definition Crack ID: A read-only property that displays a unique system
generated identification value. The application uses this identifier
when creating solution identifiers for fracture parameters.

Coordinate System: Specifies the user-defined coordinate system

that defines the orientation of the crack. The Y axis of the specified
coordinate system must be directed towards the normal of the crack
plane and the crack plane always lies in the X-Z plane of the specified
coordinate system.

Crack Shape: Read-only property set to Elliptical.

Major Radius: Specifies the major radius, which defines the size of
the crack shape along the Z axis (that is, the width of the crack).
Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this property.

Minor Radius: Specifies the minor radius, which defines the size of
the crack shape along the X axis (that is, the depth of the crack).
Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this property.

Mesh Method: This property enables you to select the mesh method
to be used to mesh the crack. Options include Hex Dominant
(default) and Tetrahedrons.

Largest Contour Radius: Specifies the largest contour radius for the
crack shape. Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

Growth Rate: This property is only visible when the Mesh Method
property is set to Tetrahedrons. It specifies the factor with which
the mesh layers will grow along the radius of the crack. Specify a
value greater than 1. The default value is 1.2. The recommended
value is equal to or greater than 1.1.

Front Element Size: This property is only visible when the Mesh
Method property is set to Tetrahedrons. It specifies the element
size for the crack front. The default value is computed using crack
length. Specify a value greater than 0.

Crack Front Divisions: This property is only visible when the Mesh
Method property is set to Hex Dominant. It specifies the number

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Elliptical Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
of divisions for the crack front. Your entry must be equal to or greater
than 3. The default value is 30.


The maximum number of crack front divisions the

Geometry window can display is 999. However, you
can specify a higher value and the application will
process it accordingly.

Fracture Affected Zone: This property is only visible when the Mesh
Method property is set to Hex Dominant. This is the region that
contains a crack. This property defines the height of the fracture
affected zone. Property options include:

• Program Controlled (default): The application calculates the

height. When selected, the Fracture Affected Zone Height
property is read-only.

• Manual: You manually specify the height in the Fracture Affected

Zone Height property when using this option.

Fracture Affected Zone Height: This property is only visible when

the Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. This value
specifies two things: 1) the height of the Fracture Affected Zone,
which is in the Y direction of the crack coordinate system; and 2)
the distance in totality by which the Fracture Affected Zone is
extended in the positive and negative Z direction of the crack
coordinate system from the crack front extremities.

The shape of a Fracture Affected Zone is rectangular, regardless of

the shape of the crack. Although buffer zones may overlap, you
should use care when defining multiple cracks so that the zones do
not overlap.


The crack generation process will fail if buffer zones


Circumferential Divisions: This property is only visible when the

Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. It specifies the
number of circumferential divisions for the crack shape. The value

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188 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
you enter must be a multiple of 8, and must be 8 or greater. The
default is 8.


The maximum number of circumferential divisions

the Geometry window can display is 360. However,
you can specify a higher value and the application
will process it accordingly.

Mesh Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for the

crack shape. The value you enter must be equal to or greater than
1. The default setting is 6.


The maximum number of mesh contours the Geo-

metry window can display is 100. However, you can
specify a higher value and the application will
process it accordingly.

Solution Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for which

you want to compute the fracture result parameters. The value you
enter must be less than or equal to the value of Mesh Contours,
and cannot be greater than 99. By default, the value is Match Mesh
Contours, indicating the number of Solution Contours is equal to
the number of Mesh Contours. Entering 0 resets the value to Match
Mesh Contours.

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the Elliptical Crack object. The

default is No. The application automatically suppresses the crack
object if the scoped body becomes suppressed.
Buffer Zone Scale This category includes the following properties:
• X Scale Factor

• Y Scale Factor

• Z Scale Factor

These properties control the size of the buffer zone in the X, Y, and
Z directions, relative to the dimensions of the crack. For each scaling
parameter, use the slider to set a value from 2 to 50. The default is
4. The maximum dimension among the three directions of the crack
is multiplied by the corresponding scale factors to create a buffer
zone. When the Mesh Method property is set to Hex-Dominant,
the crack dimensions also include fracture-affected zones.
Named Selections Named Selections are created automatically when the fracture mesh
Creation is generated. These Named Selections are a special type of Named

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Elliptical Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Selection. For more information about this category and its
properties, see the Defining an Elliptical Crack section as well as the
Special Handling of Named Selections for Crack Objects section. For
information about Named Selections in general, refer to Named
Selections in the Mechanical Object Reference (p. 447).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the Elliptical Crack option from the Crack group on the
Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click (context) menus for the Arbitrary Crack, Semi-Elliptical Crack, Ring Crack, and Pre-
Meshed Crack (p. 507) objects include an Insert menu option for Elliptical Crack.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack

– Semi-Elliptical Crack

– Elliptical Crack

– Ring Crack

– Pre-Meshed Crack

– Commands

• Generate All Crack Meshes

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Defining an Elliptical Crack

• Fracture Analysis

• Fracture Meshing

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190 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Expansion Settings
Automatically inserted beneath the Solution object when a Condensed Geometry object is created.

Once you have solved your analysis, selecting this object displays the Expansion Settings Worksheet,
as illustrated below. You can make changes to the worksheet and then select the right-click option.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 191
Expansion Settings

Properties (p. 192)

Dependencies (p. 193)

Methods (p. 193)

Options (p. 193)

Information (p. 193)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Analysis Data Delete Unneeded Files: Yes (default) or No.
Condensed Part Expansion: Program Controlled (default), On Demand,
Mechanical APDL.
Output Controls Stress: Yes (default) or No.

Strain: Yes (default) or No.

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192 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Nodal Forces: Yes or No (default).

General Miscellaneous: Yes or No (default).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Automatic upon insertion of a Condensed Geometry object. However, in the event you delete an ex-
isting Expansion Settings object, you can reinsert the object from the Solution object context (right-
click) menu (Insert > Expansion Settings) or from the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution
Context Tab.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Solve

• Run Expansions Only

• Evaluate All Results

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following section for more information:

• Working with Substructures

• Condensed Geometry (p. 101)

• Condensed Part

• Expansion Settings

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194 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fatigue Combination
Sums (that is, generates a sum total of ) the Damage results of multiple systems that each include a
Fatigue Tool (p. 199) object. This option only supports analyses that support the use of the Fatigue
Tool and Damage results.


If you have imported a legacy database (.wbpj or .wbpz), you must first clear the data of any
existing Fatigue Tools, and re-evaluate the results, in order to then use the Fatigue Com-
bination feature.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 195
Fatigue Combination

Properties (p. 196)

Dependencies (p. 197)

Methods (p. 197)

Information (p. 197)

Object Properties
As illustrated below, when you select the Fatigue Combination object, the Worksheet displays. The
Worksheet enables you to specify the Environment and Fatigue Tool of the Damage results that you
wish to sum. No Details view categories or properties exist for this object. See the Fatigue Tool object
reference (p. 199) page for the Details associated with Damage results.

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196 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Damage result.

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model (p. 443) object:

• Choose Fatigue Combination on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click the Model (p. 443) object or in the Geometry window Insert > Fatigue Combination.

Additional Related Information

• Fatigue Combination application

• Fatigue Tool object (p. 199)

• Fatigue Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 197
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198 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fatigue Tool (Group)
Folder object that determines life, damage, and factor of safety information using a stress-life or strain-
life approach. The Fatigue Tool folder is available for Static Structural, Transient Structural, Harmonic
Response, and Random Vibration (spectral fatigue) analyses only.

Applies to the following objects:

• Biaxiality Indication • Fatigue Tool

• Damage • Hysteresis

• Damage Matrix • Life

• Equivalent Alternating Stress • Rainflow Matrix

• Fatigue Sensitivity • Safety Factor

Fatigue Tool for a Structural analysis: Object

Properties (p. 202)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 199
Fatigue Tool (Group)

Tool (p. 202)

Properties for
the Contour
Results Menu
Options (p. 204)

Properties for
the Graph
Results Menu
Options (p. 205)

Dependencies (p. 206)

Methods (p. 206)

Options (p. 207)

Information (p. 207)

Fatigue Tool for a Harmonic Response analysis:

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200 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fatigue Tool for a Random Vibration analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 201
Fatigue Tool (Group)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Fatigue Tool
The Details view categories and properties differ based on the analysis type. For Static Structural,
Transient Structural, and Harmonic Response analyses, the Details of the Fatigue Tool include:

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202 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Domain Domain Type: Read-only property that displays the following content
based on the analysis type:

• Time: Static or Transient Structural

• Time - Harmonic: Harmonic Response

• Frequency: Random Vibration

Materials Fatigue Strength Factor (Kf )

Loading Type

Loading Ratio: Only appears if the Type property is set to Ratio.

History Data Location: Only appears if the Type property is set to History

Scale Factor
Definition Display Time: Enter a time value (within the analysis time limit) to
display results at that moment of the analysis.
Options Analysis Type

Mean Stress Theory

Stress Component

Bin Size: Only appears if the Type property is set to History Data.

Use Quick Rainflow Counting: Only appears if the Type property is set
to History Data.

Infinite Life: Only appears if the Analysis Type property is set to Strain
Life; or if the Analysis Type property is set to Stress Life and the Type
property is set to History Data.

Maximum Data Points to Plot: Only appears if the Type property is set
to History Data.
Life Units Units Name

1 cycle is equal to

For a Random Vibration analysis, the Details of the Fatigue Tool include:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Domain Domain Type: Read-only property that displays the following content
based on the analysis type.

• Time: Static or Transient Structural

• Time - Harmonic: Harmonic Response

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Fatigue Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Frequency: Random Vibration

Options Method Selection: Specifies the method to calculate the Probability

Density Function (PDF) from the available PSD stress response.

Stress Component

Exposure Duration: Specifies the time duration for which the loading
is applied. The resulting damage is for this entire duration. By default,
this is set to 1 second This means that the calculated damage is damage
per second.

Properties for the Contour Results Menu Options

The properties for the Contour Results menu options (Life, Damage, Safety Factor, Biaxiality Indica-
tion, and Equivalent Alternating Stress) include:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection (default), Named
Selection, Path, or Surface. Based on your selection, related properties

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to

Geometry Selection (default). Shows the type of geometry
and the number of bodies to which the object has been applied
using the selection tools. Use selection filters to pick geometry,
click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set
to Named Selection. Select a user-defined Named Selection
from the drop-down list.
Path: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Path. Select
a defined path from the drop-down list.
Surface: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Surface.
Select a defined surface from the drop-down list.

Geometry: When you specify Path or Surface as the Scoping Method,

this additional property displays in the Scope category. Use selection
filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Definition Design Life: Only available for the Damage and Safety Factor objects.

Type: Read-only indication of the fatigue object name.


Suppressed: Suppress the object as desired.

Integration Point Average Across Bodies: Averages results across separate bodies. The
Results default setting is No.

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204 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Results (read-only Minimum: Available for Life, Safety Factor, Biaxiality Indication,
indications of Equivalent Alternating Stress.
Minimum Occurs On: Available for Life, Safety Factor, Biaxiality Indic-
ation, Equivalent Alternating Stress.

Maximum: Available for Damage, Biaxiality Indication, Equivalent

Alternating Stress.

Maximum Occurs On: Available for Damage, Biaxiality Indication,

Equivalent Alternating Stress.
Information - only Reported Frequency
available for
Harmonic Response

Properties for the Graph Results Menu Options

The properties for the Graph Results menu options (Rainflow Matrix, Damage Matrix, Fatigue
Sensitivity, and Hysteresis) include:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Geometry: Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry
field, then click Apply.
Definition Sensitivity For: Only available for the Fatigue Sensitivity object.

Design Life: Only available for the Damage Matrix object and the Fa-
tigue Sensitivity object if the Sensitivity For property is set to Damage
or Safety Factor.

General Stress Strain Type: If set to Shear Stress, the General, Options, and
Results categories are replaced by a Definition category that includes
a Type setting.
Options Lower Variation: Available only for Fatigue Sensitivity.

Upper Variation: Available only for Fatigue Sensitivity.

Number of Fill Points: Available only for Fatigue Sensitivity.

Chart Viewing Style: Available only for Damage Matrix, Fatigue

Sensitivity, and Rainflow Matrix.

Points per Segment: Available only for Hysteresis.

Results - available The following are only available for Damage Matrix and Rainflow
only for Damage Matrix options:
Matrix, Hysteresis,
and Rainflow Matrix. • Minimum Range
Read-only indication

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 205
Fatigue Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
of the following • Maximum Range
• Minimum Mean

• Maximum Mean

The following are only available for the Hysteresis option:

• Minimum Strain

• Maximum Strain

• Minimum Stress

• Maximum Stress

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object:

– For Fatigue Tool: Solution (p. 599).

– For Biaxiality Indication, Damage, Damage Matrix, Equivalent Alternating Stress, Fatigue
Sensitivity, Hysteresis, Life, Rainflow Matrix, and Safety Factor: Fatigue Tool.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– For Fatigue Tool: Biaxiality Indication, Comment (p. 87), Damage, Damage Matrix, Equivalent
Alternating Stress, Fatigue Sensitivity, Hysteresis, Image (p. 249), Life, Rainflow Matrix, and
Safety Factor.

– For Biaxiality Indication, Damage, Equivalent Alternating Stress, Life, Safety Factor:
Alert (p. 13), Comment (p. 87), Convergence (p. 145), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

– For Damage Matrix, Fatigue Sensitivity, Hysteresis, and Rainflow Matrix: Comment (p. 87), and
Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• For Fatigue Tool, use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution (p. 599) object:

– Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Fatigue Tool.

– Click-right on the Solution (p. 599) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Fatigue
> Fatigue Tool.

• For all results of the Fatigue Tool, use any of the following methods after highlighting Fatigue Tool

– Choose Contour Results or Graph Results drop-down menu and the [specific fatigue result] on
Fatigue Tool Context tab.

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206 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Click-right on the Fatigue Tool object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > [specific
fatigue result].

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Solve

• Evaluate All Results: Available for the Fatigue Tool and all tool child objects.

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Fatigue Overview

• Fatigue Material Properties

• Fatigue Stress Life versus Strain Life

• Fatigue Analysis Application

• Fatigue Results

• Fatigue Combination (p. 195)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 207
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208 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Captures any graphic displayed for a particular object in the Geometry window. A Figure object can
be further manipulated (rotated for example), unlike an Image (p. 249) object, which is a static screen
shot of the current model view or an imported static figure. Popular uses of a Figure object are for
presenting specific views and settings for later inclusion in a report.


The Figure feature supports the Use Geometry Setting option only for the Display Style
property when capturing figures on the Mesh (p. 411) object.

Object Properties (p. 209)

Tree Dependencies (p. 210)

Insertion Methods (p. 210)

Additional Related
Information (p. 210)

Object Properties
Caption is the only property available for the Figure object. It provides an editable text field.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 209

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: All objects except Alert (p. 13), Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87),
Convergence (p. 145), Image (p. 249), Project (p. 521), Result Tracker (p. 553), Solution Combina-
tion (p. 605), and Solution Information (p. 607).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Open the Images drop-down menu from the Insert group on the Home tab and select Figure. Note
that the Insert group is available from a number of Context tabs.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Inserting Comments, Images, and Figures

• Viewports

• Reports

• Home Tab

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210 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This object represents all crack definitions within a model. Supported crack types include:

• Arbitrary Crack (p. 29)

• Semi-Elliptical Crack (p. 581)

• Elliptical Crack (p. 185)

• Ring Crack (p. 531)

• Pre-Meshed Crack (p. 507)

The application generates all crack types internally, except for a Pre-Meshed Crack which comes from
an external source. This object can contain any number of supported crack objects.

Object Properties (p. 211)

Tree Dependencies (p. 212)

Insertion Methods (p. 212)

Right-click Options (p. 212)

Additional Related
Information (p. 213)

Object Properties
The Fracture object has only one category, Definition, and property, Re-mesh Hex-dominant to Tet-
rahedral. Options include On and Off (default). This property works in combination with the context
(right-click) menu option Generate All Crack Meshes. When you turn this property On and then select
Generate All Crack Meshes, the application automatically remeshes the body/bodies scoped to any

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 211

existing Arbitrary Crack, Semi-Elliptical Crack, Elliptical Crack or Ring Crack object(s) from a hex-
dominant base mesh to a tetrahedral mesh. In addition, for these objects, it will generate the initial
crack mesh based on the scoping of the crack surface. In addition, for arbitrary crack objects, it will
generate the initial crack mesh based on the scoping of the crack surface.

Also note the following:

• Because all cracks, except a Pre-Meshed Crack, only support a tetrahedral base mesh, you must
execute this operation, Re-mesh Hex-dominant to Tetrahedral = On and select the context
(right-click) menu option Generate All Crack Meshes), when your fracture analysis includes an
crack scoped to bodies having hex-dominant based mesh.

• For a Multibody Assembly geometry, only crack-scoped bodies get remeshed, but for a Multibody
Part geometry, all shared bodies get remeshed.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Arbitrary Crack (p. 29), Semi-Elliptical Crack (p. 581), Elliptical Crack (p. 185),
Ring Crack (p. 531), Pre-Meshed Crack (p. 507), Interface Delamination (p. 367), Contact Debonding (p. 129),
and SMART Crack Growth.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Model object and select Fracture from the Define group on the Model Context tab.

• Right-click the Model object and select Insert > Fracture.


• The Model object supports one Fracture object only.

• You need to regenerate the base mesh for all bodies if you delete a Fracture object
that includes cracks (Semi-Elliptical Crack or an Arbitrary Crack) for which the ap-
plication internally generates crack meshes.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack (p. 29)

– Semi-Elliptical Crack (p. 581)

– Elliptical Crack (p. 185)

– Ring Crack (p. 531)

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212 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Pre-Meshed Crack (p. 507)

– Interface Delamination (p. 367)

– Contact Debonding (p. 129)

– SMART Crack Growth

• Generate All Crack Meshes

Additional Related Information

• Fracture Analysis

• Interface Delamination and Contact Debonding

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 213
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214 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fracture Tool (Group)
Use the Fracture Tool (p. 215) object to insert and then define fracture results for the crack types specified
in your analysis. All fracture results are child objects of the Fracture Tool. Use its properties to select
the crack for which you want to generate results and to specify desired crack fronts to evaluate result

Properties (p. 215)

Dependencies (p. 216)

Methods (p. 216)

Options (p. 216)

Information (p. 216)

Object Properties
For information specific to this object's properties, see the Fracture Results section of the Help.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 215
Fracture Tool (Group)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object:

– The Solution (p. 599) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– There are a number of fracture-specific result objects associated with this tool. See the Define
Fracture Results section of the Help for information about these result objects.

– Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Solution object and either:

– Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Fracture Tool.

– Right-click the Solution object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Fracture Tool.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Fracture Results

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Fracture Tool and all child objects when the tool is inserted
under a Solution (p. 599) object.

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

• Fracture Results

• Adding a Fracture Tool

• Define Fracture Results

• Fracture Probes (p. 217)

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216 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fracture Probes
Views the time history of a fracture parameter (that is, SIFS, Crack Extension, etc.) for a specific crack
front node along the crack front (tip) only.


When you specify the Fracture Tool, if you set the Crack Selection Mode property to the
All Cracks option, the use of Fracture Probes is not supported.

Object Properties (p. 217)

Tree Dependencies (p. 218)

Insertion Methods (p. 218)

Right-click Options (p. 219)

Additional Related
Information (p. 219)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only property set to fracture probe result type.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 217
Fracture Probes

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Subtype: SIFS probes only. Specify SIFS subtype, K1, K2, or K3.

Active Contour: Appears for SIFS and J-Integral (JINT) probes only.
Specify the contour for which you want to extract the time history. The
default is the maximum solution contour of the crack.

Location Method: Read-only property set to Crack Length Percentage.

Crack Length Percentage: The default value is 0. Use this percentage

entry to select a node along the crack front tip you wish to examine.
By changing the Crack Length Percentage, you should receive time
history plot of the crack front node located along the crack front.

Suppressed: Suppress or unsuppress the object. The default is No.

Options Display Time: The default setting is End Time. Specify a time at which
you want to extract the results.
Results Provides read-only extracted values of the probe you select:

Result (Display Name depends on probe type)

Minimum Value Over Time

Maximum Value Over Time

Information Based on the selections made above, the following read-only result-based
properties are shown when probe is extracted:


Load Step


Iteration Number

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The Fracture Tool (p. 215) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No child objects are supported for Fracture Probes.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture Tool object and either:

– Select a desired probe from the Probes group on the Fracture Tool Context tab.

– Right-click the Fracture Tool object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Probe > [select
desired probe].

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218 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Fracture Results

– Probes

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Fracture Tool and all child objects when the tool is inserted
under a Solution (p. 599) object.

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Duplicate Without Results

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• Fracture Probes (Fracture Tool)

• Fracture Results

• Adding a Fracture Tool

• Define Fracture Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 219
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220 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Gasket Mesh Control
Available when Body (p. 51) object's Stiffness Behavior is set to Gasket. The control applies a sweep
mesh in a chosen direction and drops midside nodes on gasket elements that are parallel to the sweep

Properties (p. 221)

Dependencies (p. 222)

Methods (p. 222)

Information (p. 222)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Free Face Mesh Type

Mesh Method

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 221
Gasket Mesh Control

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Element Order
Scope Src/Trg Selection



Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Body. (p. 51)

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Appears automatically when a Body (p. 51) object's Stiffness Behavior is set to Gasket.

Additional Related Information

• Gasket Bodies

• Gasket Meshing

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222 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the gasket mesh control beneath the Mesh object when the Body (p. 51) object's Stiffness
Behavior is set to Flexible. This can be applied to multiple bodies, so it may be a more convenient
approach to setting up the gaskets if there are many gasket bodies. The MultiZone mesh method is
used for this approach.

Object Properties (p. 223)

Tree Dependencies (p. 224)

Insertion Methods (p. 224)

Additional Related
Information (p. 224)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default) and Named

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

Using the Body selection filter on the graphics toolbar, select the desired gasket
bodies. Click the Apply button to specify the scoping.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selec-
tion. It provides a drop-down menu of Named Selections.
Definition Element Order: Options include Use Global Setting (default), Linear, and

Source Scoping Method: The options are Geometry Selection (default) and
Named Selections.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 223

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
Using the Face selection filter on the graphics toolbar, select the source faces.
Click the Apply button to specify the scoping.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selec-
tion. It provides a drop-down menu of Named Selections.

Free Face Mesh Type: Options include Quad/Tri (default), All Quad, and All

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Mesh (p. 411).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
Use after highlighting the Mesh object. Can be set when a Body (p. 51) object's Stiffness Behavior is
set to Flexible.

Additional Related Information

• Gasket Bodies

• Gasket Meshing

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224 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
General Axisymmetric
For three-dimensional (3D) Static Structural analysis only, the General Axisymmetric feature creates a
three-dimensional mesh, in the circumferential direction, on a surface body model that is based on
specified nodal planes and an axis. This feature supports edge and vertex scoping only. From these
surface model edges and vertices, you can generate three-dimensional node-based Named Selections
that you can then use as scoping items for other simulation options such as loading conditions and/or

This feature uses the Mechanical APDL elements SOLID272 and SOLID273. See the General Axisymmetric
Elements section in the Mechanical APDL Element Reference or review the pertinent sections of the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for additional information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 225
General Axisymmetric

Properties (p. 226)

Dependencies (p. 227)

Methods (p. 227)

Options (p. 227)

Information (p. 228)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Read-only field. Geometry Selection is the only
supported option.

Geometry: Specify the geometry using geometry selections. You can

specify any planar surface body. Only Body scoping is supported.
Definition Nodal Planes: Specify the desired number of nodal planes. Your entry
defines the number of planes around the axis and on which nodes

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226 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
should be generated. The entry for this property can be either 1 or 3
through 12. A Nodal Planes entry of 2 is not supported.

Coordinate System: As needed, specify a coordinate system. The default

setting is the Global Coordinate System.

Axis: Specify the axis about which the axisymmetric mesh is generated.
Options include X Axis, Y Axis, and Z Axis. This setting must lie along
the body, it cannot intersect the body, and it must be specified on the
same plane as the selected surface body.

Graphics Nodal Planes Visible: Select the range of planes for which the mesh
or results can be displayed. The maximum number of planes that can
be displayed is defined by the Nodal Planes property. Options include
All (default) and Range. Changing the setting to Range specifies a
desired range, such as 1-6 or 6-12, of the number of planes that you
want to display for the mesh and results objects.

When you select Range, the following properties display:

• Start Plane: Specify the plane number for where you want the
display to start. The default value is 1.

• End Plane: Specify the plane number where the display ends.
The default setting is Last. Entering a value of zero is the same
as specifying Last.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Symmetry (p. 649).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Symmetry object and select the General Axisymmetric option on the Symmetry Context

• Right-click the Symmetry object and select Insert > General Axisymmetric.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > General Axisymmetric

• Suppress

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 227
General Axisymmetric

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• General Axisymmetric Workflow in Mechanical

• General Axisymmetric Overview (Review Limitations)

• Defining Symmetry

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228 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generated Support
Used during Additive Manufacturing simulations to create an internal Finite Element body. Supports
are modelled as elements between the Build Geometry and the Base Plate Geometry. You use it to
define these elements between the element faces you select using this object and the base pate of
your simulation. When scoping this object, you can only select element faces. The gap between your
selected element faces and your base plate fills with elements.

Properties (p. 230)

Dependencies (p. 231)

Methods (p. 231)

Options (p. 232)

Information (p. 232)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 229
Generated Support

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default)
and Named Selections.

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry

Selection. Using the Element Face selection filter on the graphics
toolbar, select the desired element faces. Click the Apply button to
specify the scoping.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to

Named Selection. It provides a drop-down menu. Only element
face-based Named Selections are displayed in the drop-down menu.
Definition Nonlinear Material Effects: Options include Yes (default) and No. This
property applies nonlinear material effects to the finite element body.

Mode: Indicates whether you manually specified the Geometry Se-

lection or whether it was detected using the options of the Support
Group object.


Only automatically generated supports are affected

by the Generate on Remesh property of the Support
Group object

Visible: Show or hide the generated finite element body wherever

the mesh is displayed (using the Show Mesh option or when the
mesh object is selected).
Support Material Support Type: Options include User Defined (default) and Block.
Settings When you select the Block option, the following properties become
the only visible properties.

• Wall Thickness: Enter a thickness value (illustrated by T length


• Wall Spacing: Enter a spacing value (illustrated by L length


Multiplier Entry: Options include All (default) and Manual.

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230 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Material Multiplier

All Setting

When the Multiplier Entry property is set to All, the Mater-

ial Multiplier property displays. The Material Multiplier
property applies the same value to all of the material
multipliers listed below. The multiplication factors are
homogenization factors and, in each direction, reflect the
ratio of the support area projected onto the area of a fully
solid support.

Manual Setting

When the Multiplier Entry property is set to Manual, the

following multiplier properties display:

• Elastic Modulus Multiple in X/Y/Z

• Shear Modulus Multiple in XY/YZ/XZ

• Density Multiple

• Thermal Conductivity Multiple in X/Y/Z

Statistics Nodes: Read-only property that displays the nodes of the added
finite-element body.

Elements: Read-only property that displays the elements of the

added finite-element body.

Volume: Read-only property that displays the volume of the added

finite-element body.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Support Group (p. 639).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
• Select the AM Process object and then select the Generated Support option from the AM Process
Context Tab.

• Right-click the AM Process object and then select the Insert > Generated Support.

• Select the Support Group object and then select the Generated Support option from the AM Process
Context Tab.

• Right-click the Support Group object and then select the Insert > Generated Support.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 231
Generated Support

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert

– Predefined Support (p. 503)

– Generated Support (p. 229)

– STL Support (p. 623)

– Commands (p. 81)

• Create Named Selection of Generated Elements

• Hide Support

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Generate Support Bodies

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• LPBF Simulation Guide

• Identify and/or Generate Supports

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232 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contains the imported geometry in the form of an assembly or multibody part (objects) from a CAD
system or from SpaceClaim/DesignModeler. Assembly parameters, if available, are viewable under the
Geometry object. When you select a child object of the Geometry folder, the part (multi-body or oth-
erwise) or body highlights in a unique color. You can change the default color setting using the
Graphics preference Geometry Highlight Color in the Options dialog.

The Geometry Context Tab provides the options Attach Geometry and Replace Geometry. The Attach
Geometry option is available when you open an analysis system without a geometry. Once you import
a geometry into the application, the option is replaced with Replace Geometry. These selections provide
a drop-down menu with the options From File and Recent Geometry (available when once you have
used the option) to select the newly desired geometry.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 233

Properties (p. 234)

Dependencies (p. 238)

Methods (p. 238)

Options (p. 239)

Information (p. 239)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Source: Read-only indication of the path and file name associated
with the geometry.

Type: Read-only indication of how the original geometry was created

(CAD product name or DesignModeler).

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234 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Length Unit: Displays the length unit assigned to the geometry. For
most imported geometries, the field is read-only because the unit
is defined by the CAD system during import. An exception includes
ACIS geometries when length units are not specified. For ACIS
geometries without specified length units, the application sets the
length unit to the display units and enables you to change the units
from the given drop-down menu.

Element Control: Allows manual control of the underlying

Mechanical APDL element options (KEYOPTS) for individual Part or
Body objects beneath the Geometry object. To manually set
Mechanical APDL element options, set Element Control to Manual,
then select the Part or Body object. Any element options that are
available for you to manually set appear in the Details view of the
Part or Body object. For example, the Brick Integration Scheme
setting for a Part or Body object becomes available only when Ele-
ment Control is set to Manual. When Element Control is set to
Program Controlled, all element options are automatically controlled
and no settings are displayed. The Mechanical APDL application
equivalent to this setting is the inclusion of the ETCON,SET command
in the input file, which automatically resets options for
current-technology elements to optimal settings. Refer to the Element
Reference for more information about Mechanical APDL elements
and element options.

Display Style: The default is Body Color which assigns unique colors
to individual bodies in a part. Other choices include Body Type,
Part Color, Assembly Color (Model assembly only), Shell Thickness
(surface bodies only), Material, Nonlinear Material Effects, Stiffness
Behavior, and By Cross Section (line bodies only).

2D Behavior: Appears only for a designated 2D simulation.

Bounding Box Length X

Length Y

Length Z
Properties Volume: Read-only property.

Mass: Read-only property. Appears only in the Mechanical



• The Volume and Mass properties display with

"N/A" (Not Applicable) in their field when thickness
objects (Thickness, Face Thickness, Layered
Thickness, Imported Layered Thickness) are
present. In addition, if displayed as NA and the

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 235

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions

properties are parameterized, the parameter value

is set to zero. This includes parameter values
defined in Workbench.

• 2D surface bodies are dependent upon the 2D

Behavior setting of the Geometry object. Any
setting other than the Plane Stress setting causes
the above properties to display with the content
"N/A" in their field. However, when the 2D Beha-
vior property is set to By Body, you can change
the setting of the Behavior property for each
surface body object individually. These individual
settings affect what is displayed in the fields of
the Volume and Mass properties.

• If the material density is temperature dependent,

the Mass will be computed at the body
temperature, or at 22° C (default temperature for
an environment).

• Any suppressed Part or Body objects are not

included in the Volume and Mass property values
that are displayed.

• Bodies created using the Construction Body

(Body (p. 51) > Treatment), Body of Influence
(Mesh > Type), and Pull extrusion features, do not
contribute to mass or volume values.

Surface Area (approx.): Read-only property. Displays the

approximate surface area of the geometry. This value changes when
parts or bodies are suppressed.

Scale Factor Value: The value applied to imported geometry for

the purpose of modifying the size of the model. The scale factor
value of newly imported geometry is 1.0. You can modify this value.
Values changes are expected to be preserved on updated models.
Due to tolerances, models that are scaled (especially larger)
sometimes have problems meshing. The scale factor limit is from
1e-3 to 1e3. Factors entered beyond that range are ignored.


• Beam sections and shell thicknesses are not

affected by the Scale Factor Value.

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236 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions

• Geometry scale factors should not be applied after

virtual cells have been added to the model. Doing
so may result in mesh failure.

2D Tolerance: For surface bodies (only), this property validates that

the geometry is two-dimensional (2D) by checking the value of the
Length Z property, using CAD units, in the Bounding Box category
(shown above). The default value is 1.e-005. If the application detects
a value greater than the Length Z, the Dimension property becomes
Statistics: Read-only Bodies
indication of the
entities that Active Bodies
comprise the
geometry. Active Nodes
Bodies are those
that are
unsuppressed Mesh Metric
compared to the
total number of
Update Options Assign Default Material: Controls the preference for default material
assignment when geometry is updated in Mechanical. When you
first import your geometry into Mechanical, any bodies that do not
have a material assigned to it are assigned the application's default
material. If you subsequently update your geometry from the source
application, and this property is set to No (default), Mechanical does
not assign the default material to new bodies. If the geometry update
includes a new body without an assigned material, the body becomes
underdefined and requires you to specify a material.

Property options include No (default) and Yes. Setting this property

to Yes instructs the application to always assign a default material
upon update. You can change the default setting of the property
by changing the setting of the Assign Default Material to New
Bodies Based on Update option of the Geometry category of the
Options preference.
Basic Geometry Solid Bodies
Surface Bodies

Line Bodies


Parameter Key


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Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Named Selections

Material Properties
Advanced Geo- Use Associativity
metry Options
Coordinate Systems

Reader Mode Saves Updated File

Use Instances

Smart CAD Update

Compare Parts on Update

Attach File Via Temp File

Temporary Directory

Analysis Type

Mixed Import Resolution

Decompose Disjoint Geometry

Enclosure and Symmetry Processing

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

Comment (p. 87) Layered Sec-

tion (p. 379)
Mass (p. 165) Part (p. 471)

Element Point
Orientation (p. 173) Mass (p. 499)

Figure (p. 209) Surface Coating

Image (p. 249) Thickness (p. 659)

Insertion Methods
Displays automatically when you open a geometry in Mechanical.

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238 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass

– Surface Coating

– Thickness (p. 659) (Surface Body only)

– Layered Section (p. 379) (Surface Body only)

• Restore Assembly Grouping: Restores the hierarchy structure imported from a CAD file when
you change the grouping of the imported structure.

• Search Faces with Multiple Thicknesses

• Export - options include:

– Geometry: Exports the CAD geometry to a binary Part Manager Database (.pmdb) file.
You may your entire geometry, individual parts, and/or multiple parts. This option does
not support export at the body level of the geometry - only the part that includes the
body. This export option facilitates future geometry import into SpaceClaim, DesignModel-
er, as well as re-importing the file back into Mechanical.

– Ansys Viewer File (AVZ): Export result data as a Ansys Viewer File (.avz).

– STL File: Exports object information in Standard Tessellation Language (STL) file format
(ASCII only). This option is only available when the Export Format property of the Export
preferences is set to ASCII.

• Hide or Show > Solid Bodies/Surface Bodies/Line Bodies (option availability based on body

• Update Geometry from Source

• Reset Body Colors

• Show Missing Tessellations

• Freeze Mesh on All Parts

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Specifying Geometry

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 239

• Attach Geometry

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240 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometry Imports
The Geometry Imports folder and its child, Geometry Import objects, are described in this section.
You use the Geometry Import objects to import geometries into Mechanical. Imported geometries are
referred to as "primary" and "secondary." The main distinction is that the Primary Source corresponds
to the project’s Geometry cell in Workbench. Secondary Sources enable the importing of additional
geometries purely within Mechanical.

If Mechanical is opened without a model specified, you can use this feature to import a Primary Source
geometry. This is shown in the example as the first child object Geometry Import (A3), where “(A3)”
refers to the corresponding Geometry cell in Workbench. The Primary Source is a default object and
always included.

As desired, you can incorporate additional "secondary" geometries into your analysis using the import
options of this feature. Using these features, you can simply exchange parts in an assembly during an

The Geometry Imports Context tab provides options import, update, and add geometries to your simu-

Geometry Imports folder: Object

Properties (p. 243)

Dependencies (p. 245)

Methods (p. 245)

Limitations (p. 245)

Options (p. 245)

Information (p. 246)

The child object, Geometry Import:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 241
Geometry Imports

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242 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for the objects of this feature are described below.

Geometry Imports Folder

The Geometry Imports folder has no Details pane properties.

Geometry Import (A3) and Secondary Geometry Import Objects

The Geometry Import (A3) object and secondary Geometry Import objects have the following
Details pane properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Source: Read-only indication of the path and file name associated
with the geometry.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 243
Geometry Imports

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Type: Read-only indication of how the original geometry was created
(CAD product name or DesignModeler).
Geometry Import - Solid Bodies
Surface Bodies

Line Bodies

Parameters (Primary Source Only)

Parameter Key (Primary Source Only)


Attribute Key

Named Selections

Named Selection Key

Material Properties
Geometry Import - Use Associativity
Coordinate Systems

Coordinate System Key

Work Points

Reader Mode Saves Updated File

Use Instances

Smart CAD Update (Primary Source Only)

Compare Parts on Update (Primary Source Only)

Compare Parts Tolerance (Primary Source Only)

Analysis Type

Mixed Import Resolution

Import Facet Quality

Clean Bodies on Import

Stitch Surfaces on Import

Stitch Tolerance

Decompose Disjoint Geometry

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244 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
All of the objects display automatically, either when the application is opened, or in the case of a sec-
ondary geometry, when it is imported.

Note the following limitations for the use of this object:

• Parameters are not supported for secondary imports.

• If you have an analysis that includes model assembly, be sure to perform this operation before
importing any secondary geometries. Existing secondary geometries are lost during the model
assembly process.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

Geometry Imports

• Add Geometry Import >

– [list of recent models]: Select a recent model to import.

– From File: Open a file selection dialog to select a geometry file for import.

Geometry Import (A3)

• Reload: Update the current geometry from the source.

• Replace with >

– [list of recent models]: Reload/replace the associated parts/bodies from the selected
recent geometry file.

– From File: Select this option to open a file selection dialog box. Reload/replace the
associated parts/bodies with the selected geometry file.

• Rename (F2): Note that the primary source object will always have the Workbench cell ID
(for example, "A3") appended to the name. You cannot remove this value.

• Go To > Corresponding Bodies in Tree

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Geometry Imports

Geometry Import (Secondary)

• Reload: Reload using the current source and preferences.

• Reload From >

– [list of recent models]: Reload/replace the associated parts/bodies from the selected
recent geometry file. Provides the capability to change the import preferences.

– From File: Select this option to open a file selection dialog box. Reload/replace the
associated parts/bodies with the selected geometry file. Provides the capability to
change the import preferences.

• Go To > Corresponding Bodies in Tree

Additional Related Information

See the Attach Geometry section for more information about the steps to import geometries.

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246 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Global Coordinate System
Represents the default coordinate system. The origin is defined as 0,0,0 in the model coordinate system.
This location serves as the reference location for any local Coordinate System (p. 147) objects inserted
under the Global Coordinate System object.

Object Properties (p. 247)

Tree Dependencies (p. 248)

Insertion Methods (p. 248)

Right-click Options (p. 248)

Additional Related
Information (p. 248)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

The following are all read-only status indications of the global coordinate system:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type
Mechanical APDL System Number - assigns the coordinate system
reference number (the first argument of the Mechanical APDL LOCAL

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 247
Global Coordinate System

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Origin Origin X
Origin Y
Origin Z
Directional X Axis Data
Y Axis Data
Z Axis Data

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Coordinate Systems (p. 153).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Automatically inserted in the tree.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Create Section Plane

• Create Construction Surface

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Coordinate Systems

• Creating Coordinate Systems

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248 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Image option is contained in the Images drop-down menu of the Insert group on the Home tab.
This option inserts a screen shot of your model, as shown in the Geometry window, and places it under-
neath the currently selected object.

The Images drop-down menu also contains the following image insertion options:

• Image from File: Import an existing image and place it under the currently selected object. This
option supports multiple file formats.png (default), .jpg, etc.

• Image Plane from File: Import an image and place it on or around your model based on the
XY-plane of the selected coordinate system. The image object for this option is always placed
as a child object of the Model object.

The option is used primarily with the Construction Line feature to overlay and accurately sketch
line segments. However, it has many applications. For example, you can place logos on your
model, specify a background, set up physical rulers to help measure deformations, incorporate
image planes into custom ACT extensions, etc.

See below for a description of the properties associated with the Image object created using
this option.

See the Insert group topic on the Home tab section for description of the remaining options.

Inserted images also appear in Reports. The Image object is a static picture of the current model view.
It differs from the Figure (p. 209) object in that it cannot be manipulated (rotated for example).


Duplicating an image in the tree will result in both the original object and the copied object
using the same image file on disk. Altering or deleting either the original or the copied object
will result in modification and/or deletion of the image file on disk. Both items in the tree
will be affected by the change to one of the objects.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 249

Object Properties (p. 250)

Tree Dependencies (p. 251)

Insertion Methods (p. 251)

Right-click Options (p. 251)

Additional Related
Information (p. 251)

Object Properties
Objects created using the Image and Image from File options do not include details properties. For
the Image Plane from File option, the Details pane properties are listed below.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Image Plane Proper- Image File: References the file path of the imported image. Once the
ties image is read-in, the file does not need to remain in the same location
on disk since its data will be embedded in the project upon saving.

Image Pixel Width: Read-only field of the image's width dimension.

Image Pixel Height: Read-only field of the image's height dimension.

Coordinate System: Specify where to place your image based on a

Coordinate System.

Show Coordinate System: Show the selected Coordinate System triad

on the model. Options include Yes or No (default).

Width: Specify the physical width of your image. For the best results,
it is recommended that the ratio of physical width to physical height
matches the aspect ratio of your image.

Height: Specify the physical height of your image. For the best results,
it is recommended that the ratio of physical width to physical height
matches the aspect ratio of your image.

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250 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Translucency: Increasing the value makes your image more and more
transparent which may help you sketch a more accurate line.

Horizontal Flip: Reverse your image horizontally.

Vertical Flip: Reverse your image vertically.

Show Always: Options include Yes (default) and No. For the Yes setting,
the plane image displays regardless of which object you have selected.
When set to No, the plane image is only displayed when you select the

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects:

– For importing images: All objects.

– For importing Plane images: Model.

– For static image captures: Same parent tree objects as for Figure (p. 209).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Comment (p. 87).

Insertion Methods
Open the Images drop-down menu from the Insert group on the Home tab and select Image.

To import an image, select either Image from File or Image Plane from File and then select your desired
image file.


The Insert group is available from a number of Context tabs.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Refresh Image from File: Only available for Image Plane from File option.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Inserting Comments, Images, and Figures

• Reporting

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 251
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252 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Import Summary
As illustrated below, the Import Summary object displays a listing of upstream source file data in the
Worksheet. This data is summarized in tabular form. It provides four specific tables:

• TABLE 1: Displays the quantities for each imported entity. This includes all upstream data, not
only the data from the External Model system. You can scroll through this table if your model
contains a large number of bodies.

• TABLE 2: Displays the number of nodes and elements associated with each body. It also displays
the geometry type. This includes all upstream data, not only the data from the External Model
system. Based on the number of data items imported, this table presents data items in a format
that includes navigational options. When the external file includes over 50 data items, only the
first 50 are displayed. Use the display and navigational options to present the data items as de-

• TABLE 3: Displays the commands that the application processed, including how many times the
command was processed.

• TABLE 4: Displays the commands that were not processed, including how many times the
command was not processed.

This object has no associated Details view properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 253
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254 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt
For a source file that includes bolt pretension loads, the Bolt Pretensions object provides access to an
external system’s pretension data. The import process places this object under an Imported folder be-
neath the Connections parent folder.

Properties (p. 255)

Properties (p. 255)

Dependencies (p. 256)

Methods (p. 256)

Options (p. 256)

Information (p. 256)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the imported source data listed below.

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Imported: Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt Pretensions

Property Description
ID Displays the identifier associated with the bolt pretension load in
the source input file.
Pretension Node ID The Node Identifier (ID) value is read-in from the source file. This
node location is displayed using the red arrows in the Geometry
window. The red arrows also indicate the directions for how the
application applies the bolt pretension load on the node. You can
modify the Node ID name in order to more easily perform
post-processing tasks as well as accessing the pretension node using
the Node ID name in a Commands object. Also see the Reference
Node Naming topic for additional node naming information.
Scoping The Scoping column displays the associated Named Selection for
the scoped element faces (for Bolt Pretensions) or scoped node pairs
(for Premeshed Bolt Pretensions) that are read-in from the source

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Bolt Pretensions and Premeshed Bolt Pretensions

• External Model

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256 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Boundary Conditions
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes constraint and loading conditions. The import
process places this object under the Model parent folder. This import option only supports importing
node-based Displacements and Forces from the source file. Once you have imported these supported
typed into Mechanical, additional options for imported Constraints include rotational displacement,
Temperature, and Voltage. For imported Loads additional options include node-based Moments, Heat
Flow, Current, and gravity (Acceleration). Examples are illustrated below as ribbon options.

Constraints Example Object

Properties (p. 258)

Properties (p. 260)

Dependencies (p. 260)

Methods (p. 260)

Options (p. 260)

Context Tab
Options (p. 261)

Load Step
Support (p. 262)

Information (p. 262)
Nodal Loads Example

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 257
Imported: Boundary Conditions

Surface Loads Example

Object Properties
The Boundary Conditions object does not have any associated Details view properties. The Details
view properties for the Constraints, Nodal Loads, and Surface Loads objects are identical and include
the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).

Applied By: Defines how node-based loads and constraints are applied.
Options include:

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258 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Program Co trolled (default): Based on the node count, the
application applies boundary conditions directly to the nodes
unless the number of nodes is greater than 500, then a
component is created for application.

• Direct: The application applies boundary conditions directly to

the nodes.

• Components: The application creates a nodal component to

apply the boundary conditions.

Convection Proper- Applied By: Defines how a convection load is applied. Options include:
• Direct (default): The application applies the convection load
directly onto the elements of the faces or edges of the scoped

• Surface Effect: The application applies the convection load onto

surface effect elements that overlay the elements of the scoped


If the Surface Load object contains any other loads, in

addition to convection loads, the application uses the
Surface Effect option regardless of the property’s setting
– any other setting is ignored.

Convection Matrix: Specifies the convection matrix using one of the

following options:

• Program Controlled: The application determines whether to

use a diagonal or consistent film coefficient matrix.

• Consistent (default): Consistent film coefficient matrix.


This option is suggested for high order tetrahedron

elements (SOLID291).

• Diagonal: Diagonal film coefficient matrix.

Graphics Properties Each Constraint, Nodal Load, and Surface Load object (Force,
Displacement, Pressure, etc. ) has a row that enables you to modify the
color of the graphical representation of the condition in the Geometry

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 259
Imported: Boundary Conditions

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and
From All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).
[a] This category only displays when a convection load is contained in the External Model file.

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data. As needed, review the
common interface options available using the right-click context menu for individual rows and/or when
you select multiple Worksheet rows.

Property Description
ID Displays the load/constraint identifier from the source (like SID field
from Nastran). For sources which do not provide identifiers, it is just
the index of load in the worksheet.
Scope Displays either the Named Selection associated with the nodes for
the imported displacement or a label of the node set and the count
of the nodes included in the node set.
All Other Columns All of the other Worksheet columns display load/constraint
(Displacement component values from the imported file as well as any values that
X/Y/Z, Rotation you define.
X/Y/Z, Pressure,

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Constraints, Nodal Loads, and Surface Loads.

Insertion Methods
The Boundary Conditions object is automatically generated via External Model.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Promote > Scope

• Edit Items > [Varies Based on Load Type]

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

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260 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress

Context Tab Options

The Context tab options listed below display when you select the Constraints, Nodal Loads, or the
Surface Loads objects. These Context tabs enable you to insert (or delete) additional DOFs to the ex-
isting Constraints/Nodal Loads/Surface Loads. Once added, the DOFs show up in the worksheet, where
you can then specify desired values.

The Context tab enables you to turn the display of any of the inserted options, Displacement, Rotation,
etc., on or off. In addition, the Context tab for Nodal Loads and Surface Load provides two options that
change the display of vectors from a Proportional display to a Uniform display.

Constraints Context Options

Nodal Loads Context Options

Surface Loads Context Options

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 261
Imported: Boundary Conditions

Load Step Support

The imported Constraint/Nodal Load/Surface Load/Acceleration objects support step dependent
loading. Selecting a row in the worksheet activates the Tabular Data window that displays the con-
straint/load values for each step present in the analysis. You can edit the data in tabular view to apply
values varying across steps. In addition, user has the ability to activate/deactivate the constraint/load
components for each step through the context (right-click) menu on the Tabular Data window. See
the Activation/Deactivation of Loads topic for additional information.


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Imported Boundary Conditions

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• External Model

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262 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Composite Plies
Provides ply/layer data from an upstream External Model system. This object is similar to the Imported
Plies (p. 337) object of the same name created when you import ply/layer data from an upstream system
other than External Model, except that for this object, the Plies data is presented using the Worksheet
and the Tabular Data pane, as illustrated below.

Imported Plies Object Example Imported Plies

Properties (p. 264)

Plies Object
Properties (p. 264)

Dependencies (p. 265)

Methods (p. 265)

Options (p. 265)

Information (p. 265)

Plies Object Example

Tabular Data Example

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 263
Imported: Composite Plies

Imported Plies Object Properties

The Details view properties for the Imported Plies object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only property with the field content "Imported Plies".

Suppressed: Select Yes to suppress this object.


The Suppression option is only available when the external

system shares the model with the downstream analysis

Material Nonlinear Effects: Select Yes to include the nonlinear effects from the
material properties. The reference temperature specified for the body
on which a ply is defined is used as the reference temperature for the

Thermal Strain Effects: Select Yes to send the coefficient of thermal

expansion to the solver.


These fields are not supported for an Explicit Dynamics


Plies Object Properties


The Details properties for the Plies child object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default),
and From All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.

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264 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Read Only: Options include Yes (default) and No.


When you select the Plies object, the Worksheet displays and includes the following properties.

Property Description
ID Read-only display of the ID for the ply that is contained in the source file.
Scoping Read-only display of the number of elements contained in the ply.
Layers Read-only property that displays the number of layers/items that are
included in Tabular Data.
Offset Type Read-only display of the Offset Type of the ply included in the source
Offset Read-only value of the Offset of the ply included in the source file.

Tabular Data

When you select a Worksheet row, the Tabular Data window displays and includes the following

Property Description
Layer Read-only display of the layer number.
Thickness Read-only display of the thickness of the ply.
Material This is the material assigned to the ply. You can change ply materials.
Theta Read-only display of the ply fiber angle.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The Imported Plies folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Object: Plies object.

Insertion Methods
This object, and its child object, are inserted upon import from External Model.

Right-click Options
Relevant right-click options for this object are in the common right-click options (p. 2) list.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Composite Plies

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 265
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266 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Constraint Equations or Coupling
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes constraint equations and couplings. The import
process places this object under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

Imported Constraint Equations Object Object

Properties (p. 268)

Properties (p. 268)

Dependencies (p. 269)

Methods (p. 269)

Options (p. 269)

Information (p. 269)

Imported Constraint Equation Data

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 267
Imported: Constraint Equations or Coupling

Imported Coupling Data

Object Properties
The Details pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Constraint Equation/Coupling Equation: Enables you to pick the
graphics display color of the associated data.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default),
and From All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

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268 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
Type Displays the data is for a constraint equation (CE) or coupling (CP).
ID Displays the element ID contained in the source input file.
Equation Displays the associated constraint equation.
Coupling DOF Displays the coupled degrees of freedom.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Edit Items > Coupling DOF

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Constraint Equations or Coupling

• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 269
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
270 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Contacts
For a source file that includes surface to surface contact, from either solid or shell bodies, the Contacts
object provides access to an external system’s data that includes contacts. The import process places
this object under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

Imported Conatcts object: Object Properties (p. 272)

Worksheet Properties (p. 272)

Tree Dependencies (p. 273)

Insertion Methods (p. 273)

Right-click Options (p. 274)

Additional Related Information (p. 274)

External system's contact data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 271
Imported: Contacts

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the imported source data listed below.


The Worksheet view for the Imported Contacts only provides the basic options for controlling
contact behavior, and all the advanced options are treated as Program Controlled. For ad-
vanced control on Imported Contacts, use the Promote feature to create native Contact Region
objects (p. 131) in the tree Outline and then edit the appropriate fields as desired.


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Property Description
ID Displays the element ID contained in the source input file.
Source Displays the element set associated with the contact side of the pair.
Target Displays the element set associated with the target side of the pair.
Type Displays the contact Type specified in the source file. You can change
the Type setting using the drop-down menu.
Friction Coefficient Displays the Friction Coefficient imported from the source file for
frictional contact applications. You can edit this field. It is displayed only
for frictional contact applications. It is applicable only for frictional
contact applications. If multiple load steps are included in the source
file, only the Friction Coefficient from the first load step is imported.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
272 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
Behavior Displays the Behavior of the contact pair specified in the source file.
You can change the Behavior setting using the drop-down menu.
Formulation Displays the Formulation specified in the source file. You can change
the Formulation setting using the drop-down menu.
Thermal Conduct- Applies to thermal analyses or a structural analysis linked to a thermal
ance analysis. You can edit this field and enter a positive (only) Thermal
Conductance value. The Units for this value are based on the types of
contact involved. For 3D element faces, the units are HEAT/(TIME *
Normal Stiffness Drop-down menu that displays the normal stiffness type. Options include
Program Controlled (default), Factor, and Absolute Value. Refer to
the Normal Stiffness description in the Contact section for additional
Normal Stiffness Displays the Normal Stiffness Value. The setting is applicable when the
Value Normal Stiffness property is set to either Factor or Absolute Value.
You can edit the value. There is no unit of measure for this value when
Factor is specified. The unit of measure for this value, when the Normal
Stiffness property is set to Absolute Value, is specific weight (Force
per volume, F/L3) for a traction based model and stiffness (F/L) for or a
force based model. Refer to the Normal Stiffness description in the
Contact section for additional information.
Interface Treatment Defines how the contact pair is treated. It is not valid when the Type is set
to Bonded or No Separation. Mechanical Interface Treatment properties
are supported, as well as the following ABAQUS keywords:

• *CONTACT INTERFACE: Offset Only, Ramped Effects.

• *CONTACT INTERFACE, SHRINK: Add Offset, Ramped Effect.

• *CLEARANCE: Offset Only, No Ramping.

Offset The setting is applicable to the Interface Treatment setting. It is not valid
when the Type is set to Bonded or No Separation or if the Interface
Treatment property is set to Adjust to Touch.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 273
Imported: Contacts

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Edit Items >

– Type > [Type Options]

– Behavior > [Behavior Options]

– Formulation > [Formulation Options]

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Contacts

• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
274 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Coordinate Systems
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes coordinate systems. The import process places
this object under an Imported folder beneath the Connections (p. 113) parent folder.

Imported Coordinate Systems object: Object Properties (p. 276)

Worksheet Properties (p. 276)

Tree Dependencies (p. 276)

Insertion Methods (p. 277)

Right-click Options (p. 277)

Additional Related Information (p. 277)

External system's coordinate system data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 275
Imported: Coordinate Systems

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
ID Displays the element ID contained in the source input file.
Type Displays the type of coordinate system (Cartesian or Cylindrical).
Origin Displays the Location.
X Axis Data Displays the position of the X coordinate.
Y Axis Data Displays the position of the Y coordinate.
Z Axis Data Displays the position of the Z coordinate.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
276 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Promote > Coordinate System

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Coordinate Systems

• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 277
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
278 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Element Orientations (External Model)
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes element orientations. The import process
places this object under an Imported folder beneath the Geometry parent folder.

Imported Element Orientations object: Object Properties (p. 280)

Worksheet Properties (p. 280)

Tree Dependencies (p. 280)

Insertion Methods (p. 281)

Right-click Options (p. 281)

Additional Related Information (p. 281)

External system's element orientations data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 279
Imported: Element Orientations (External Model)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
ID Displays the element ID contained in the source input file.
Element Set Displays the number of elements within the set.
Coordinate System Displays the coordinate system of the element.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
280 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Hide > Solid Bodies/Surface Bodies/Line Bodies

• Promote >

– Element Orientation

– Coordinate System

– Named Selection

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Element Orientations

• External Model

• Element Orientations

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 281
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
282 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Flexible Remote Connectors
Based on the stiffness of the external data provided, the Flexible Remote Connectors object provides
access to an external system’s data that includes flexible remote connections. The import process places
these objects under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

Imported Flexible Remote Connectors object: Object Properties (p. 284)

Worksheet Properties (p. 284)

Tree Dependencies (p. 285)

Insertion Methods (p. 285)

Right-click Options (p. 285)

Tabular Data (p. 286)

Additional Related Information (p. 286)

External system's flexible remote connectors data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 283
Imported: Flexible Remote Connectors

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Color: Enables you to pick a graphics display color.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
Type Indicates the type of connection from the imported file. For CDB
files, the column displays Remote Point. For ABAQUS files, the column
displays Distributed Coupling. For NASTRAN files, the column
displays RBE3.
ID Displays the element Identifier from the source file.
Reference Node ID This value is the ID of the node that is attached to the participating
nodes. You can edit this property to assign a custom name to the
Reference Node ID. The corresponding node is identified by the
specified name in the solver file and can be accessed using command
snippets. See the Reference Node Naming topic for additional
DOFs Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) for the connectors.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
284 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
Participating A listing of the number of nodes (or Node ID for a single node) that
Nodes are connected to the Reference Node through force-distributed
Weight Participat- Determines the type of weight participation. It provides a drop-down
ing Factor list of options, however, based on the data contained in the source
file, the application makes a default selection. Options include:

• Uniform

• User Defined

• Program Controlled

The nodes can have Uniform participation or user-defined weights

or Linear participation (in case of Distributed Coupling). For
example, Uniform weight participation indicates that the force is
distributed uniformly on to the participating nodes.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Promote > Remote Point

• Edit Items >

– Reference Node ID

– DOFs

– Weight Participating Factor > Program Controlled/Uniform

• Export Text File

• Suppress

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 285
Imported: Flexible Remote Connectors

Tabular Data
When you select a connection (row) in the Worksheet that contains dependent nodal DOFs, the Tabular
Data window displays and includes the degree of freedom for each participating node.


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Flexible Remote Connections

• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
286 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Nodal Orientations
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes nodal orientations. The import process places
this object under an Imported folder beneath the Geometry parent folder.

Imported Nodal Orientations object: Object Properties (p. 288)

Worksheet Properties (p. 288)

Tree Dependencies (p. 288)

Insertion Methods (p. 288)

Right-click Options (p. 289)

Additional Related Information (p. 289)

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 287
Imported: Nodal Orientations

External system's nodal orientations data:

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows:Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
ID Displays the node ID contained in the source input file.
Location Indicates the X, Y, Z coordinates of the source node relative to the
Global Coordinate system.
Orientation Indicates the Euler angles of the source node relative to the Global
Coordinate system.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
288 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Nodal Orientations

• External Model

• Specifying Named Selections in the Mechanical Application

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 289
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
290 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Point Masses
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes point masses. The import process places this
object under an Imported folder beneath the Geometry parent folder.

Imported Point Masses object: Object Properties (p. 292)

Worksheet Properties (p. 292)

Tree Dependencies (p. 293)

Insertion Methods (p. 293)

Right-click Options (p. 293)

Additional Related Information (p. 293)

External system's point masses data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 291
Imported: Point Masses


If your imported Point Mass is connected to a body through an imported connection, such
as a Remote Connection, Constraint Equation, or Spring, Mechanical does not include the
imported Point Mass in any Rotational Velocity or Rotational Acceleration scoping.

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Color: Enables you to pick a graphics display color.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
ID Displays the command identifier from the source input file.
Reference Node ID Displays the node ID contained in the Nastran or Abaqus source file.
The corresponding node is identified by the specified name in the
solver file and can be accessed using command snippets. See the
Reference Node Naming topic for additional information.
Location Displays the location of the point mass.
Mass Total mass of the point mass.
Mass Moment of Displays the mass moment of inertia in the X/Y/Z direction measure
Inertia X/Y/Z with respect to the nodal coordinate system.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
292 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
Mass Moment of Displays the mass moment of inertia with respect to the XY plane
Inertia XY in the nodal coordinate system.
Mass Moment of Displays the mass moment of inertia with respect to the XZ plane
Inertia XZ in the nodal coordinate system.
Mass Moment of Displays the mass moment of inertia with respect to the YZ plane
Inertia YZ in the nodal coordinate system.
Offset X/Y/Z The distance between the nodal location and the center of mass in
the X/Y/Z direction. Any non-zero value is invalid. You can change
the value in this field.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Edit Items > [Base on Worksheet Content]

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Point Mass

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 293
Imported: Point Masses

• External Model

• Point Mass

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
294 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors
Based on the stiffness of the external data provided, the Rigid Remote Connectors object provides
access to an external system’s data that includes rigid remote connections. The import process places
these objects under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

Imported Rigid Remote Connectors Object Properties (p. 296)

Worksheet Properties (p. 296)

Tree Dependencies (p. 297)

Insertion Methods (p. 297)

Right-click Options (p. 297)

Additional Related Information (p. 297)

External system's rigid remote connectors data:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 295
Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Color: Enables you to pick a graphics display color.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
Type Indicates the type of connection from the imported file. For CDB
files, the column displays Remote Point. For ABAQUS files, the column
displays Kinematic Coupling. For NASTRAN files, the column displays
ID Displays element identifier from the source file for NASTRAN or
ABAQUS. For CDB, it is the real constant ID.
Reference Node ID This value is the ID of the node that is attached to the participating
nodes. You can edit this property to assign a custom name to the
Reference Node Id. The corresponding node is identified by the
specified name in the solver file and can be accessed using command

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
296 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
snippets. See the Assigning Custom Names to Reference Nodes and
Accessing them in Solver File topic for additional information.
DOFs Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) for the connectors.
Participating A listing of the number of nodes (or Node ID for a single node) that
Nodes are constrained to the Reference node for translation and rotation.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Promote > Remote Point

• Edit Items >

– Reference Node ID

– DOFs

• Filter Worksheet Based on State >

– Underdefined

– Suppressed

• Export Text File

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Rigid Remote Connections

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 297
Imported: Rigid Remote Connectors

• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
298 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Shell Thicknesses
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes shell thicknesses. The import process places
this object under an Imported folder beneath the Geometry parent folder.

Imported Shell Thicknesses Object Properties (p. 299)

Worksheet Properties (p. 300)

Tree Dependencies (p. 300)

Insertion Methods (p. 300)

Right-click Options (p. 300)

Additional Related
Information (p. 300)

External system's shell thicknesses data:

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 299
Imported: Shell Thicknesses

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
ID Displays the element Identifier from the source input file.
Element Set The number of elements within the set.
Sheet Thickness The thickness of the sheet specified in the source file.
Offset Type Drop-down menu of offset options, including Top, Bottom, Middle,
and User Defined.
Sheet Offset You use this property when the Offset Type property is set to User

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Hide > Solid Bodies/Surface Bodies/Line Bodies

• Edit Items >

– Sheet Thickness

– Offset Type > Top/Middle/Bottom/user Defined

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Shell Thicknesses

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
300 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• External Model

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 301
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
302 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported: Spring Connectors
Provides access to an external system’s data that includes springs or bushings. The import process
places this object under an Imported folder beneath the Connections parent folder.

Spring Example Object

Properties (p. 306)

Properties (p. 306)

Dependencies (p. 307)

Options (p. 307)

Information (p. 308)

The Spring Connectors object provides access to an external system’s data that includes springs or
bushings. The import process places this object under an Imported folder beneath the Connections
parent folder.

Spring Example Object Properties (p. 306)

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 303
Imported: Spring Connectors

Worksheet Properties (p. 306)

Tree Dependencies (p. 307)

Right-click Options (p. 307)

Additional Related Information (p. 308)

Spring Data Example

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
304 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Bushing Example

Bushing Data Example

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 305
Imported: Spring Connectors

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Suppressed: Yes or No (default).
Graphics Properties Color: Enables you to pick graphics display color of grounded as well as
non-grounded springs.
Show Rows: Options include None, From Current Page (default), and From
All Pages.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only display of the name of the source system file.
Read Only: Yes or No (default).

Worksheet Properties
The columns of the Worksheet display the following imported source data:

Property Description
Type Indicates the type of connection from the imported source file.
Options include:

• Single dof: This option indicates that the spring is being

applied in the local nodal coordinate system in a single degree
of Freedom (DOF) direction (ux or uy or uz or rotx or roty or

• Multi dof: This option indicates that the spring is being

applied in more than one DOF.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
306 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Property Description
ID Displays the node Identifier from the source input file.
Nodes Indicates the nodes included with the spring. The nodes are
contained in braces ("{}") and the element ID associated with the
displayed nodes precedes the braces. For example, as shown in the
image above, "nodes23{2, 104}" indicates element ID 23 includes
nodes 2 and 104. You can double-click this field and edit the
application assigned name.
Grounded Node If a field of this column indicates None, then the participating nodes
are constrained. If a field displays one of the node IDs, then that
node ID is constrained in all DOFs. This column provides a drop-down
list with the option None as well as a listing of the node IDs.
Stiffness Displays the stiffness constants in all DOFs or one DOF depending
on the Type of spring connector.
Damping Displays the structural damping coefficient applied in all DOFs or
one DOF depending on the Type of spring connector.
Coordinate System Displays the coordinate system of the elements. The Coordinate
System can be specified as a node or a vector.
Location Displays the location of the spring damper element and is displayed
based on either relative position or the coordinates with respect to
the local/global coordinate system.
Location Coordin- Displays the coordinate system for the coordinates of the spring
ate System damper location.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The generic Imported folder is automatically generated during the import

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
This is an automatically generated object of the External Model feature.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Edit Items >

– Node

– Ground Node

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 307
Imported: Spring Connectors

• Suppress


Review the User Interface Options topic in the Importing Mesh-Based Databases section
for all of the actions you can take when working with Worksheet data.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Importing Mesh-Based Databases

• Imported Springs (p. 303)

• External Model

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308 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Condensed Part
Defines a single imported superelement with the overall inertial and flexibility behavior summarized
on a reduced set of degrees of freedom. The object also enables the synthesis of vibration behavior of
more complex structures by assembling the geometry of the Imported Condensed Parts object with
other parts during Harmonic Response (MSUP only), Modal, Random Vibration, and Response Spectrum

Object Properties (p. 309)

Tree Dependencies (p. 310)

Insertion Methods (p. 310)

Right-click Options (p. 310)

Additional Related
Information (p. 311)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Geometry: Read-only property that displays the number of nodes
Definition Suppressed

Import File Format: Displays the supported file types: Exported

Condensed Part (.cpa), Generation Pass Output (.sub), and Super
Element Matrix (.dmig).

Condensed Part File: Opens a dialog to define the path to the import

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 309
Imported Condensed Part

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Locating System: Specify the desired Coordinate System to orientate
the imported superelement.

Node Offset: Has a default setting of Program Controlled that equates

to the value zero. Using this setting the application automatically offsets
the node number based on the Mesh. Any value that is greater than
zero offsets the Node Ids by that value.

Actual Node Offset: Read-only property that displays the node offset
value used by the solver.

Import Status: Read-only property showing the status of import

workflow process.
Analysis Data Man- Solver Files Directory: Read-only property indicating the location of
agement the solution files for this analysis.

Solver Unit System: Read-only property showing the unit system of

the imported superelement.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Condensed Geometry (p. 101).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Condensed Geometry object:

• Select the Imported Condensed Part option from the Condensed Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click the Condensed Geometry object and select Insert > Imported Condensed Part.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and then select Insert > Imported Condensed Part.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Imported Condensed Part: Insert a new Imported Condensed Part object.

• Import Condensed Part: Perform the import process on the selected Imported Condensed
Part object(s).

• Suppress

• Clear Generated Data

• Open Solver Files Directory

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310 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
See the following sections for more information:

• Substructure Analysis

• Condensed Geometry (p. 101)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 311
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312 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Element Orientation (Group)
Houses element orientation data (in the form of Imported Element Orientation (p. 315) objects) imported
from External Data. It is a folder object. The child objects of this folder enable you to map coordinate
system data points onto the elements of your model in order to specify the coordinate systems of se-
lected elements.

Properties (p. 313)

Dependencies (p. 314)

Methods (p. 314)

Options (p. 314)

Information (p. 314)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for the Imported Element Orientation object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 313
Imported Element Orientation (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

A read-only description of the object type: Imported Data.

Interpolation Type

A read-only description of the Interpolation Type: External File.


Include or exclude the object in your analysis (Yes or No).


Read-only display of the External Data source system.

Data Managerment Delete Mapped Data Files: Deletes the files generated by the
application during the mapping process. Options include Yes and No.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Element Orientation, Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249)

Insertion Methods
This object appears automatically when your upstream External Data system contains the appropriate

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert>Element Orientation

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• External Data

• Imported Element Orientation (p. 315) data object

• Element Orientation

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314 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Element Orientation (External Data)
You use this object to map coordinate system data points from an External Data system onto the elements
of your model in order to specify the coordinate systems of selected elements.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 315
Imported Element Orientation (External Data)

Properties (p. 316)

Dependencies (p. 319)

Methods (p. 319)

Options (p. 319)

Information (p. 319)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include but are not limited to the properties listed below.
Review Appendix B. Data Transfer Mesh Mapping for additional information about the mapping-based
categories and settings for the object.

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316 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named Selection.


Displayed when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry

Selection (default). Displays the type of geometry and the
number of geometric entities to which the object has been
applied using the selection tools. Use the selection filter to pick
geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.

Named Selection

Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection.

This field provides a drop-down list of available user-defined
Named Selections.

Definition Type

A read-only property that describes the object: Element Orientation.


Suppress the object as desired.

Coordinate System

Provides a drop-down menu that includes the imported Source

Coordinate System, the Global Coordinate System, and any
user-defined Coordinate Systems.

Settings Mapping Control

Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual.


A read-only property that describes the setting: Profile



Select the type of weighting to be performed. This option can

be changed only if the Mapping Control property is set to
Manual. The default read-only setting is Triangulation.

When the Mapping Control property is set to Program

Controlled, this property becomes active and has the default
setting is Direct Assignment.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 317
Imported Element Orientation (External Data)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Transfer Type

When the Mapping Control property is set to Program

Controlled, this read-only property displays with the setting

Rigid Transformation Mesh Alignment

Provides a drop-down menu that includes the options Use

Origin and Euler Angles and Use Coordinate Systems.

Origin XYZ and Theta XY/YZ/ZX

Display when the Mesh Alignment property is set to Use Origin

and Euler Angles. You use these properties to change the
source point coordinate locations.

Source/Target Coordinate System

Display when the Mesh Alignment is set to Use Coordinate


Graphics Controls Display Source Points

Toggle display of source point data. Options include Off

(default) and On.

Display Source Point Ids

Toggle display of source point data identifiers. Options include

Off (default) and On.

Display Interior Source Point

Toggle display of internal source point data. Options include

Off (default) and On.

Named Selection The following properties enable you to create Named Selections for
Creation Mapped, Unmapped, and Outside elements identified during the
mapping process.

Unmapped Elements

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On option

displays the Name property. Rename the default as desired.

Mapped Elements

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On option

displays the Name property. Rename the default as desired.

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318 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Imported Element Orientation (p. 313) group.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Element Orientation, Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249)

Insertion Methods
This object appears automatically when your upstream External Data system contains the appropriate

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Validation (p. 665)

• Export > Text File

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• External Data

• Imported Element Orientation (p. 313) group object

• Element Orientation

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 319
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320 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Load (Group)
The Imported Load folder object contains loads that you want to apply in the current analysis. You
can import these loads from either an:

• Upstream analysis system. The object is labeled Imported Loads (A6), where "A6" is an example
upstream system identifier. The application automatically creates the Imported Loads object.

• Mechanical Result File. The object is labeled Imported Loads (Result File). For these object, you
specify a file path to an existing result file (file.rst or file.rth).

In addition, the object provides context (right-click) menu options to add valid loads to the folder. The
content of this section pertains to the Imported Load folder object as well as the imported/inserted
load child objects.

Import Load Object Import Load

File) Object
Properties (p. 322)

Imported Load
Child Object
Properties (p. 323)

Dependencies (p. 326)

Methods (p. 326)

Options (p. 326)

Information (p. 327)

Child Load Object

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 321
Imported Load (Group)

Import Load (Upstream System/Result File) Object Properties

The Details view properties for the Imported Load folder object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only indication.

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322 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Interpolation Type: Typically a read-only indicator of the application
specified option for the property. Depending upon the analysis
configuration and mapping, this property may provide selectable options.

Suppressed: Options include Yes and No (default).

Source: Displays the name of the Source system.

The following properties are available when you import load data from
a Mechanical result file.

Source Dimension: Options include 2D (default for 2D analysis)

and 3D (default for 3D analysis).
Result File: Use the field's option to open a dialog and browse
to and select your file.
Result File Timestamp: Timestamp of when the result file was
Result File Unit System: If the result file has a unit system, this
property is read-only and displays the given unit system. If the
result file does not have a unit system, this property enables
you to specify a desired result file unit system.
Data Management Delete Mapped Data Files: Deletes the files generated by the
application during the mapping process. The default setting is Yes
except for Imported Thicknesses. For Imported Thickness
(Group) (p. 345) objects, you can set this option to No if you do not plan
to run an Explicit Dynamics analysis.


This property does not display for Explicit Dynamics

analyses because the files generated during the mapping
process are required for the solution process.

Additive Manufactur- Transfer Temperatures During Solve: Display when you insert an AM
ing Process object. The property controls the transfer of temperatures from
the Transient Thermal analysis during the solution process. Options
include Yes (default) and No. See the LPBF Simulation Guide for more

Transfer Step: The step in the AM process during which the transfer
of temperatures will occur. Options include Build Step (default) and
Heat Treatment Step.

Imported Load Child Object Properties

The Details properties listed below are a comprehensive look at the child objects for the Imported
Load folder. Based on the type of load you have imported, and the system from which it is imported,
the display of the properties can vary.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 323
Imported Load (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named Selection.

Supported scoping options vary per load type.


Displayed when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection

(default). Displays the type of geometry or mesh entity and the
number of entities to which the object has been applied using the
selection tools. Use the selection filters to pick geometry or mesh,
select the Geometry field, and then click Apply.

Named Selection

Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection.

This field provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named

Definition Type

A read-only property that describes the object: [Imported Load Type].

Apply To

Displays for certain loads imported from External Data. It enables

you to specify whether to apply the load to the centroid of an
Elements (default) or to the Corner Nodes of each element.

Apply As

If you are importing a Temperature (Imported Temperature) load

or a Thermal Condition (Imported Body Temperature) from an
External Data system for a Coupled Field Transient, Steady-State
Thermal, Transient Thermal, and Thermal-Electric analysis, this
property becomes available. Using this property, you can apply the
load as either a Boundary Condition (default) or an Initial
Condition. The Initial Condition option applies the load from the
External Data system as an initial condition on the scoped geometry
or mesh.

Loaded Area

Becomes available when you import Pressure loads from an External

Data system. Options include Deformed and Initial (default). The
Initial option treats the scoped surface area as a constant
throughout the analysis. Using the Deformed option, the application
incorporates the change in the surface area as a result of deformation
throughout the analysis. The selection for this property can be of
significance during large deflection problems.

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324 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Tabular Loading

Options include Program Controlled (default), Ramped, Stepped,

and Off.

Apply To Initial Mesh

Available for Imported Displacement, Imported Body Temperature,

and Imported Pressure loads when a Nonlinear Adaptive Region is
present. Options include Yes (default) and No. Using the Yes option
applies the loading and constraint directly on the initial mesh for
each load step for nonlinear adaptivity. Using the No option applies
the loading on the current mesh. For more information, see the
Initial-Mesh Loading and Constraint section in the Nonlinear
Adaptivity Analysis Guide of the Mechanical APDL documentation.


Include or exclude the object in your analysis (Yes or No).


Read-only property that displays the linked upstream system.

Source File

Options in Worksheet (default), All, and Range.

Overrides Constraints

Options include No (default) and Yes.

Source Bodies

Options include All (default), Manual, and Named Selection

(Imported Velocity only).

• When you set the property to Manual, the property Material IDs
also displays. You may specify one or more source bodies using
their Material ID value.

• When you set the property to Named Selection, the Source

Component property also displays. This property provides a
drop-down menu that enables you to select a Named Selection
defined in the upstream system.

Submodeling Type

Read-only indicating 3D to 3D or 2D to 3D.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 325
Imported Load (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Transfer Key

See the Submodeling section of the Special Analysis documentation,

based on how you have your systems linked.

Source Time

See the Imported Boundary Conditions section of the Mechanical

User's Guide.

For properties associated with data transfer, such as Mapping Controls, Rigid Transformation properties,
Graphics and Legend Controls and Named Selection Creation, see the Data Transfer Mesh Mapping
for details about the associated properties.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Image (p. 249), and valid load type objects.

Insertion Methods
• If you are importing load data from an upstream system, the application automatically places the
object beneath the analysis Environment object.

• If you wish to import load data from a result file, you insert the object using the:

– Imported Load (Result File) option on the Environment Context tab, or the...

– Context (right-click) menu option available from the Environment object or from within the
Geometry window.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [Imported Load Type based on analysis]

• Import Load

• Refresh Imported Load (Imported Load object only)

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

• Group Similar Objects

Child load objects include the above options as well as the option Export > Export Text File.

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326 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
See the Imported Boundary Conditions section for more information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 327
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328 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Material Fields (Group)
The Imported Material Fields group folder contains all of the Imported Material Field objects used
to import the initial user-defined field variable values from External Data and map to the mesh. These
user-defined Field Variable, are created in the Engineering Data workspace.

Properties (p. 329)

Dependencies (p. 330)

Methods (p. 330)

Options (p. 330)

Informations (p. 330)

Object Properties
The Details pane properties for the Imported Material Fields object folder include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 329
Imported Material Fields (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

A read-only description of the object type: Imported Data.

Interpolation Type

A read-only description of the Interpolation Type property.


Include or exclude the object in your analysis (Yes or No).


Read-only display of the External Data source system.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials (p. 407) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), and Imported Material
Field (p. 331) objects.

Insertion Methods
This object appears automatically when you have a properly specified Material Field Data in an External
Data system linked to the Mechanical Model cell on the Workbench Project Schematic.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Material Field

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Importing Material Fields Application

• Imported Material Field (p. 331)

• External Data

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330 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Material Field
Imports the initial user-defined field variable values from External Data and map to the mesh. These
user-defined Field Variable, are created in the Engineering Data workspace.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 331
Imported Material Field

Properties (p. 333)

Dependencies (p. 335)

Methods (p. 335)

Options (p. 336)

Information (p. 336)

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332 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include, but are not limited to, the properties listed below.
See Appendix B. Data Transfer Mesh Mapping for additional information about other categories and
settings for the Imported Material Field object.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named Selection.


Displayed when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection

(default). Displays the type of geometry and the number of geometric
entities to which the object has been applied using the selection tools.
Use the selection filter to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then
click Apply.

Named Selection

Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection. This field
provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named Selections.

Definition Type

A read-only property that describes the object: Imported Material Field.

Apply To

Options include Elements (default) and Corner Nodes. This property specifies
whether the external values are mapped to all the nodes of the elements of
the mesh or to the corner nodes only.


Suppress the object as desired.

Graphics Display Material Field

When you have more than one material field variable specified in the
worksheet, this option enables you to select the variable you wish to

Display Source Points

Toggle display of source point data. Options include Off (default) and On.

Display Source Point Ids

Toggle display of source point data identifiers. Options include Off (default)
and On.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 333
Imported Material Field

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Display Interior Source Point

Toggle display of internal source point data. Options include Off (default)
and On.

Settings Mapping Control

Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual.


A read-only property that describes the setting: Profile Preserving.


Select the type of weighting to be performed. This option can be changed

only if the Mapping Control property is set to Manual. The default setting
is Triangulation.

Transfer Type

A read-only property that describes the setting: Volumetric.

Rigid Mesh Alignment

Provides a drop-down menu that includes the options Use Origin and
Euler Angles and Use Coordinate Systems.

Origin XYZ and Theta XY/YZ/ZX

These properties display when the Mesh Alignment property is set to

Use Origin and Euler Angles. You use these properties to change the
source point coordinate locations.

Source/Target Coordinate System

These properties display when the Mesh Alignment is set to Use

Coordinate System.

Legend Legend Range

Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual.


Displays when the Legend Range property is set to Manual. The default
setting is Program Controlled. Select the field to make a manual entry.


Displays when the Legend Range property is set to Manual. The default
setting is Program Controlled. Select the field to make a manual entry.

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334 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Minimum Source

A read-only property that describes the setting: Program Controlled.

Maximum Source

A read-only property that describes the setting: Program Controlled.

Named The following properties enable you to create Named Selections for Mapped,
Selection Unmapped, and Outside elements identified during the mapping process.
Unmapped Nodes

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On option displays
the Name property. Rename the default as desired.

Mapped Nodes

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On option displays
the Name property. Rename the default as desired.

Outside Nodes

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On option displays
the Name property. Rename the default as desired.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Imported Material Fields group.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249) objects.

Insertion Methods
This object appears automatically as a child object of the Imported Material Field (p. 331) group when
you have a properly specified Material Field Data in an External Data system linked to the Mechanical
Model cell on the Workbench Project page.

To add additional Imported Material Field objects after highlighting the Imported Material Fields
group object:

• Select the Imported Material Field option on the Imported Material Fields Context tab.

• Right-click theImported Material Fields folder and then select Insert > Material Field.

• Select the Imported Material Fields folder and then in the Geometry window, select geometry,
then right-click and select Insert > Material Field.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 335
Imported Material Field

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Export > Export Text File

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Importing Material Fields

• Imported Material Fields Group (p. 329) object

• External Data

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336 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Plies
Provides ply/layer data that has been made available from an external upstream system, such as Ansys
Composite PrepPost.

Properties (p. 337)

Dependencies (p. 338)

Methods (p. 338)

Options (p. 338)

Information (p. 339)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Appears as Imported Plies and is a read-only field.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 337
Imported Plies

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Suppressed: Select Yes to suppress this object.


The Suppression option is only available when the external system

shares the model with the downstream analysis system.

Material Nonlinear Effects: Select Yes to include the nonlinear effects from the material
properties. The reference temperature specified for the body on which a ply is
defined is used as the reference temperature for the plies.

Thermal Strain Effects: Select Yes to send the coefficient of thermal expansion to
the solver.


These fields are not supported for an Explicit Dynamics analysis.

Graphic Layer to Display: Provides a slider that enables you to select the Layer of the
Proper- model you wish to display in the Geometry window. The default is setting is All
ties Layers (numerical value = 0). The layer number will correspond to the layer number
used by the Mechanical APDL solver, which may not match the layer number of
the system providing the layered data.


This property is only available when the external system shares the
model with the downstream analysis system.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Automatically inserted when importing ply/layer data from an external system.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for child objects of an
Imported Plies object include:

• Insert for Environment

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338 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Reset to ACP Ply Grouping: Restore the original ply structure provided by ACP.

• Create Ply Named Selection: This option creates Worksheet-based Named Selections for all of
the child objects of the ply group.

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Specifying Surface Body Layered Sections

• Composite Analysis

• Composite Analysis

• Composite Failure Tool

• Analysis Ply (p. 21)

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340 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Remote Loads
Includes the Force and Moment boundary conditions provided by a Maxwell analysis. These loading
conditions are used during a Harmonic Response analyses only. The Environment tab for Harmonic
Response analyses contains an option to insert this object and then specify an external Maxwell file.

Properties (p. 342)

Dependencies (p. 343)

Methods (p. 343)

Options (p. 343)

Information (p. 343)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 341
Imported Remote Loads

Object Properties
The Details view properties for the Imported Remote Loads object folder include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include:

• Geometry Selection (default): Indicates that the boundary condition

is applied to a geometry or geometries that are chosen using graphical
selection tools.

Geometry: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Se-

lection. Displays the type of geometry (Body, Face, etc.) and the number
of geometric entities (for example: 1 Body, 2 Edges) to which the
boundary has been applied using the selection tools.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is defined by

a Named Selection.

Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Named

Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of available user-defined
Named Selections.

Definition Transfer File: Only available when you manually select the Imported
Remote Loads option from the Environment tab. You use this property
to import Remote Force and Remote Moment boundary conditions an
external Maxwell file. Select the property's field to display an import dialog.

Solution: Provides a drop-down list of the available solutions that were

generated in the upstream application. When multiple solutions are
available, your selection defines which solution data is applied to the
imported load.

Remote Points: Using this property, you select whether or not to display
Remote Points as objects in the Outline pane. Options include Internal
(default) and Globally Available. The Globally Available setting makes
the Remote Points available in the Outline.

On Data Refresh: Available only when the Remote Points property is set
to Globally Available. Its options include:

• Reuse Remote Points: This is the default setting. This option reuses
the previously added remote points and only updates the scoping
and location, if necessary.

• Regenerate Remote Points: Deletes the remote points that were

created during the previous import and adds new remote points
when the data is imported.

Number Of Frequencies to Consider: With this property, you can specify

the number of Maxwell frequencies to use in the analysis. The application

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342 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
automatically includes the first frequency, by default, and up to the value
you specify.

Import Status: Read-only property that displays the status of the import.
Status conditions include the following:

• Data Unavailable: No data is available to perform the import.

• Obsolete: The data is available to be imported, but no data has

been imported or the data is obsolete and should be re-imported.

• Update: All data has been imported.

• Import Failed: An error occurred during the import process and

no data was imported

Suppressed: The default value is No.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Environment (Group) (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: The automatically generated groups of remote forces and moments.

Insertion Methods
• This object displays by default when you link an upstream Maxwell system to a Harmonic Response
analysis in the Workbench Project Schematic.


• Right-click the environment object and select Insert > Imported Remote Loads.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Imported Remote Loads

• Generate Remote Loads

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Go to Objects in Worksheet

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Importing Data into Harmonic Response Analyses

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 343
Imported Remote Loads

• Electromagnetics (EM) - Mechanical Data Transfer

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344 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Thickness (Group)
The Imported Thickness folder includes shell thicknesses that you have imported from an earlier ana-
lysis and want to apply in the present analysis. You can add valid thicknesses under the Geometry >
Imported Thickness object folder by right-clicking the Imported Thickness or the Thickness objects.

For a 3D analysis, imported data is specified as a shell thickness but for a 2D analysis, it is defined as a
plane element thickness. Plane element thicknesses are calculated as an average value from nodal
thickness values and it is input as a real constant for the element.

Object Properties (p. 345)

Tree Dependencies (p. 346)

Insertion Methods (p. 346)

Right-click Options (p. 346)

Additional Related
Information (p. 346)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for the Imported Thickness folder include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

A read-only description with the content "Imported Data."

Interpolation Type

A read-only description of the Interpolation Type property.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 345
Imported Thickness (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions

Controls whether the Imported Thickness characteristics are

considered in the solving of the simulation.

Data Management Delete Mapped Data Files: Deletes the files generated by the
application during the mapping process. Options include Yes and No

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Image (p. 249), and Imported Thickness objects.

Insertion Methods
• Appears by default when a Mechanical Model cell is connected to an External Data system.

• Create a link to an upstream Polyflow system.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Thickness

• Import Thickness

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• External Data Import

• Polyflow to Mechanical Data Transfer

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346 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Thickness
Imports shell thickness data generated in a previous analysis for application in a current analysis. Impor-
ted Thickness objects are created in Mechanical by linking an External Data system to an analysis’
Model cell in the Project Schematic and then right-clicking Setup > Transfer Data To New and selecting
an analysis type for the External Data system in the Project Schematic. You can also right-click the
Model cell of your project on the Project Schematic and select Transfer Data From New > External

Solver Notes:

• For the Mechanical APDL solver, thickness on 3D shells is represented at the nodal level via the
SECFUNCTION command. For 2D plane stress, thicknesses are calculated as an average value
from the element's nodal thickness values and it is input as a real constant for the element.

• For the Explicit Dynamics solver the element's nodal thicknesses are converted to an average
element thickness.

• For the LS-DYNA solver, thicknesses are applied to the nodes. This is also true for 2D analyses.

Applies to: Imported Thickness object folder and all thickness child objects under the folder.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 347
Imported Thickness

Properties (p. 349)

Dependencies (p. 349)

Methods (p. 349)

Options (p. 350)

Information (p. 350)

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348 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The common Details properties are listed below. Additional properties may be included. See the Ap-
pendix B. Data Transfer Mesh Mapping section for additional information about other categories, such
as Settings, Graphics Controls, etc.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection or Named

Geometry: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geo-
metry field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named

Selection. Specify a desired Named Selection from the drop-down
Definition Type: Read-only field that describes the object - Imported Thickness.

Suppressed: Select Yes to suppress Imported Thickness.

External Data Identifier: Choose the appropriate data identifier which

represents the thickness data from the file.

Scale: The amount by which the imported thickness values are scaled
before being used for display or solution.

Offset: An offset that is added to the imported thickness values

before being used for display or solution.

Shell Offset: Enter an offset value as desired.

Advanced Unmapped Data Value: You can specify a thickness value for the
unmapped target nodes using the Unmapped Data Value property.
By default, a zero thickness value is assigned to the unmapped nodes.
For the Ansys solver, the thickness value at each node must be
greater than zero. See External Data Import in the Mechanical User's
Guide for details.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Imported Thickness group.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Appears by default for specific analyses with data transfer.

• Right-click the Imported Thickness (p. 345) group object and select Insert > Thickness.

• Select the Thickness option on the Geometry Context tab.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 349
Imported Thickness

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Search Faces with Multiple Thicknesses

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• External Data Import

• Specifying Surface Body Thickness

• Variable Data

• Polyflow to Mechanical Data Transfer

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350 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Trace (Group)
Includes the metal traces that you have imported from a Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 3D Layout design,
using the External Data system, to model the effects of metal traces in PCBs. You can add additional
valid traces to this folder.

Properties (p. 351)

Dependencies (p. 352)

Methods (p. 352)

Options (p. 352)

Information (p. 352)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for the Imported Trace group object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 351
Imported Trace (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type

A read-only property that describes the object - Imported Data.

Interpolation Type

A read-only description of the Interpolation Type property.


Suppress the object as desired.


The source system.

Delete Mapped Data Options include Yes and No (default).


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Imported Trace, Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), and
Imported Trace objects.

Insertion Methods
Appears by default when you import Trace Mapping through an External Data system.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Trace

• Import Trace

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Clear Generated Data

• Group Similar Objects

Additional Related Information

See the External Data Import section for more information.

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352 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imported Trace
Models Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in a fast and efficient manner which would otherwise require an
inordinate amount of time to process the geometry and mesh, due to the complexities in such models.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 353
Imported Trace

Properties (p. 355)

Dependencies (p. 358)

Methods (p. 358)

Options (p. 358)

Information (p. 358)

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354 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details pane for the Imported Trace object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named



Displayed when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry

Selection (default). Displays the type of geometry and
the number of bodies to which the object has been
applied using the selection tools. Use the selection filter
to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click

Named Selection

Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named

Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of
available user-defined Named Selections.

Definition Type

A read-only property that describes the object - Imported



Suppress the object as desired.

External Data Identifier

Provides a drop-down list of available ECAD files from the

list of files specified in the External Data system.

Shell Offset (Shells Only)

Set the desired shell offset.

Rigid Transformation Mesh Alignment

Provides a drop-down menu that includes the options

Use Origin and Euler Angles and Use Coordinate

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Imported Trace

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Origin XYZ and Theta XY/YZ/ZX

Display when the Mesh Alignment property is set to

Use Origin and Euler Angles. You use these properties
to change the source point coordinate locations.

Source/Target Coordinate System

Display when the Mesh Alignment is set to Use

Coordinate System.

Graphics Controls Component

Options include Average (default), X Component, Z

Component, and Z Component.

Display Source Points

Toggle display of source point data. Options include Off

(default) and On.

Settings Mapping Control

Options include Program Controlled (default) and

Manual. See the Data Transfer Mesh Mapping section
for additional information.


A read-only property that describes the setting - Profile



A read-only property that describes the setting - Shape



Options include Nondirectional (default) and

Directional. The Nondirectional option calculates
effective conductivity by averaging the trace data in
each element. Using the Directional option, the
application calculates the effective orthotropic
conductivity for each element using the position and
values of the trace data within each element.

Transfer Type

A read-only property that describes the setting -


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356 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Legend Controls Legend Range

Options include Program Controlled (default) and



Displays when the Legend Range property is set to

Manual. The default setting is Program Controlled.
Select the field to make a manual entry.


Displays when the Legend Range property is set to

Manual. The default setting is Program Controlled.
Select the field to make a manual entry.

Named Selection Creation The following properties enable you to create Named Selections
for Mapped, Unmapped, and Outside elements identified during
the mapping process.

Unmapped Elements

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On

option displays the Name property. Rename the default
as desired.

Mapped Elements

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On

option displays the Name property. Rename the default
as desired.

Outside Elements

Options include Off (default) and On. Selecting the On

option displays the Name property. Rename the default
as desired.

Material Modeling

Options include Average (default) and Black/White.

Black/White material modeling assigns the Trace
material to elements with Average Metal Fraction > 0.5
and Dielectric Material to elements with Average Metal
Fraction <= 0.5, whereas the Average option calculates
material properties as a function of Metal Fraction. See
the Trace Analysis section for additional details.

Discretization Use these properties to you specify the grid density count to
create the trace metal distribution of the board. The grid density

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Imported Trace

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
count is 200 x 200 by default. Depending on the trace resolution
and the computational costs desired, you can change the values
for the rows and columns to receive optimum results.

• X-Discretization

• Y-Discretization

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Imported Trace folder object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249) objects.

Insertion Methods
• Appears by default when a Mechanical Model cell is connected to an External Data system.

• Right-click the Imported Trace group object and select Insert > Trace.

• Select the Imported Trace option on the Geometry Context tab.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Validation

• Export > Export Text File

• Suppress

• Create Material Plot (p. 403)

• Clear Generated Data

• Group Similar Objects

Additional Related Information

See the following sections fro more information:

• ECAD Analysis using Trace Mapping

• Imported Trace Folder (p. 351)

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358 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Initial Conditions
Houses initial condition objects for use in a Transient Structural Analysis (Velocity (p. 669) only) or an
Explicit Dynamics analysis (Velocity (p. 669) and Angular Velocity and Drop Height (p. 169)) (p. 25).

Initial Conditions object for an Explicit Dynamics analysis: Tree

Dependencies (p. 360)

Methods (p. 360)

Information (p. 360)

Initial Conditions object for a Transient analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 359
Initial Conditions

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Transient Structural [for Velocity only], or Explicit Dynamics environ-
ment (p. 181) object [for either Velocity or Angular Velocity].

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Angular Velocity (p. 25) (Explicit Dynamics object only), Comment (p. 87),
Drop Height (p. 169) (Explicit Dynamics object only), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), Pre-Stress (p. 511)
(Explicit Dynamics object only), and Velocity (p. 669).

Insertion Methods
Appears by default for a Transient Structural analysis or an explicit dynamics analysis.

Additional Related Information

• Define Initial Conditions

• Transient Structural Analysis

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide

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360 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Initial Physics Options
You use the Initial Physics Options object to specify the initial temperature and reference temperature
of the parts/bodies specified as either Thermal or Structural (using the Physics Region object (p. 491))
during a Coupled Field Static or Coupled Field Transient analysis. For the thermal field, you specify an
Initial Temperature as either Uniform or Non-Uniform (Transient only and currently a beta option). For
the structural field, you specify a Reference Temperature.

Object Properties (p. 361)

Tree Dependencies (p. 362)

Insertion Methods (p. 362)

Right-click Options (p. 362)

Additional Related
Information (p. 362)

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following:

Category Properties/Options/Description
Thermal Settings Initial Temperature: For a Coupled Field Static analysis, this is a
read-only property set to Uniform Temperature. For a Coupled Field
Transient analysis, you can specify this property as either a Uniform
Temperature or a Non-Uniform Temperature (beta).

Initial Temperature Value: This is the Uniform Temperature value.

The default value is 22° C (or 71.6° F).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 361
Initial Physics Options

Category Properties/Options/Description
Structural Settings Reference Temperature: Specifies the Reference Temperature of the
Static Structural portion of the analysis. The default value is 22° C (or
71.6° F).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Coupled Field Static and Coupled Field Transient.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: This object does not support any child objects.

Insertion Methods
Appears by default for Coupled Field Static and Coupled Field Transient analyses.

Right-click Options
Relevant right-click options for this object are in the common right-click options (p. 2) list.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Coupled Field Static

• Coupled Field Transient

• Coupled Field Analysis Types

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362 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Initial Temperature
Defines an initial temperature or an initial temperature distribution for use in a Steady-State Thermal
or Transient Thermal analysis.

Initial Temperature object for a Steady-State Thermal analysis: Object

Properties (p. 364)

Dependencies (p. 364)

Methods (p. 365)

Options (p. 365)

Information (p. 365)

Initial Temperature object for a Transient Thermal analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 363
Initial Temperature

Object Properties
The Details pane for this for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Initial Temperature: For a Steady-State Thermal analysis, this property is read-only
and is set to Uniform Temperature. For a Transient Thermal analysis, the options
include Uniform Temperature (default) or Non-Uniform Temperature.

Initial Temperature Value: Displays when you set the Initial Temperature property
to Uniform Temperature. The default value is 22° C (or 71.6° F).

Initial Temperature Environment: You use this property to specify the upstream
thermal analysis you wish to link to current analysis. The application uses the
temperature result from the selected thermal analysis in current analysis as the
initial temperature.

Time: Displays when you set the Initial Temperature property to Non-Uniform
Temperature. Enter the time from the selected thermal analysis that you want to
use as the starting point to begin your current thermal analysis. The default value
is End Time.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Steady-State Thermal or Transient Thermal analysis environment (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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364 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
Appears by default for a steady-state thermal analysis or a transient thermal analysis.

Right-click Options
Relevant right-click options for this object are in the common right-click options (p. 2) list.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Define Initial Conditions

• Steady-State Thermal Analysis

• Transient Thermal Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 365
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366 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Interface Delamination
Simulates the separation of two materials across an interface.

Properties (p. 367)

Dependencies (p. 369)

Methods (p. 369)

Options (p. 370)

Information (p. 370)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 367
Interface Delamination

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only field that describes the object - Interface

Method: Specifies the formulation used to introduce the fracture

mechanism, either Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT - default)
or Cohesive Zone Material (CZM).

Failure Criteria Option: Options include:

• Energy-Release rate: Displays when VCCT is the specified

as Method. It requires you to specify a Critical Rate value.
This value determines the energy release rate in one direction.

• Material Data Table: Displays when VCCT is the specified

as Method. This property defines the energy release rate in
all three fracture modes. It provides a fly-out menu for Mater-
ial selection or specification. Material definitions are created
in Engineering Data.

Material: Displays when CZM is the specified as Method. It provides

a fly-out menu for Material selection or specification. Material
definitions are created in Engineering Data.

Suppressed: Excludes the object in the analysis.

Scope Initial Crack: Displays when VCCT is specified as Method. Select a
user-defined Pre-Meshed Crack (p. 507).

Generation Method: Specify as either Matched Meshing or Node

Matching. If interface layers imported from Ansys Composite
PrepPost (ACP) application are available, a third option, Pre-Gener-
ated Interface is also available. This property is automatically set to
Pre-Generated Interface for Interface Delamination objects
automatically generated during the import process for the interface

Scoping Method: Displayed when Node Matching is specified as

the Generation Method. Options include Geometry Selection
(default) and Named Selection. Specifies that the Source and Target
properties are defined using the graphical selection tools or that the
geometry is defined by from a drop-down list of available
user–defined Named Selections. This option assumes that the existing
mesh is already matched.

Source: Displayed when Node Matching is specified as the Gener-

ation Method. Specify the face on the model that will be the source.

Target: Displayed when Node Matching is specified as the Genera-

tion Method. Specify the face on the model that will be the target.

Match Control: Displayed when Matched Meshing is specified as

the Generation Method. The Match Control property references a

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368 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
pre-defined Mesh Match Control. The pre-defined Match Control
requires two independent parts that have the same (brick)
element/node pattern.

Interface (ACP Only): Only available when you create your composite
geometry in the ACP application. Select the appropriate Interface
Layer from the provided drop-down menu.
Step Controls for Displays when VCCT is specified as Method. It provides the following
Crack Growth properties. If Auto Time Stepping is set to Manual the time step
properties can be modified, otherwise they are read-only.

Auto Time Stepping: Options include Program Controlled (default)

or Manual.

Initial Time Step: Initial time step when crack growth initiates.

Minimum Time Step: Minimum time step for subsequent crack


Maximum Time Step: Maximum time step for subsequent crack

Node Matching Displays when Node Matching is specified as Generation Method.
Tolerance It provides the following properties.

Tolerance Type: Options include Program Controlled (default) or


Distance Tolerance: Can be modified when the Tolerance Type is

set to Manual, otherwise it is read-only - that is, the value is defined
by the application. Node matching requires that each node has a
corresponding mate (Source and Target). This tolerance value defines
the search radius for determining the matching between Source and
Target nodes.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Fracture object:

• Click the Interface Delamination option on the Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click the Fracture (p. 211) object, Interface Delamination object, or Contact Debond-
ing (p. 129) object and select Insert > Interface Delamination.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 369
Interface Delamination

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Interface Delamination

– Contact Debonding

– SMART Crack Growth

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Interface Delamination and Contact Debonding

• Fracture Analysis

• Crack

• Pre-Meshed Crack

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370 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
During a Multiple Cyclic Symmetry simulation, you use the Interstage object to connect the faces of
the cyclically symmetric bodies specified by two different Stage (p. 627) objects. For a detailed discussion
and underlying theory, see Multistage Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

Properties (p. 371)

Dependencies (p. 372)

Methods (p. 372)

Options (p. 372)

Information (p. 373)

Object Properties
The Details pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 371

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Select how you want to scope the connection, using either a
Geometry Selection (default) or a Named Selection.

Source (Face selection only): Select the face or faces of the bodies included in the
Stage you wish to define as the Source side of the connection.

Target (Face selection only): Select the face or faces of the bodies included in the
Stage you wish to define as the Target side of the connection.

Contact Bodies: Read-only property that displays the name (from Geometry object)
of the part included in the Source side of the connection. If more than one part
or body is selected, the field displays the value Multiple.

Target Bodies: Read-only property that displays the name (from Geometry object)
of the part included in the Target side of the connection. If more than one part
or body is selected, the field displays the value Multiple.
Definition Suppressed: Options include Yes or No (default). It removes (and re-includes) the
object from analysis processes.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Object: Connection Group (p. 117).

• Valid Child Objects: Figure (p. 209) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Select the Connections folder or any child object of the folder and:

• Select the Interstage option from the Connect group of the Connections Context tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Interstage.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Interstage.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Connection Group (p. 117)

Manual Contact Region (p. 131)

– Spot Welds

– Interstage

– Joint

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372 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Spring

– Bearing (p. 45)

– Beam

– AM Bond (p. 15)

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Contact/Target

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Multistage Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

• Stage (p. 627)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 373
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374 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines conditions for reference and mobile pairs that make up a joint. Several Joint objects can appear
as child objects under a Connection Group (p. 117) object. The Connection Group object name auto-
matically changes to Joints.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 375

Properties (p. 376)

Dependencies (p. 376)

Methods (p. 377)

Options (p. 377)

Information (p. 377)

Object Properties
For more information on this object's properties, see the Joint Properties section for specific details.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connection Group (p. 117).

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376 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Coordinate System (p. 147), Figure (p. 209), and Im-
age (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Inserted automatically if joints are defined in the CAD model and you choose Create Automatic
Connections through a right-click click the Connections (or Joints) object.

• Click Body-Ground > {type of joint} or Body-Body > {type of joint} on Connections Context

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) (or Joints) object or in the Geometry window and select
Insert > Joint.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Disable/Enable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Reference/Mobile

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Go to Connections for Duplicate Pairs - available if connection object shares the same geometries
with other connection objects.

• Promote to Remote Point (Remote Attachment Only)

• Promote to Named Selection

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Joints

• Joint Load

• Connections Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 377
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378 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Layered Section
Creates layers (one or more) on a surface body to create a composite. And, for a surface body that in-
cludes multiple faces, you can create layers on each/any face.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 379
Layered Section

Properties (p. 380)

Dependencies (p. 381)

Methods (p. 382)

Options (p. 382)

Information (p. 382)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

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380 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geo-
metry field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named

Definition Coordinate System

Offset Type (this field is not supported for an Explicit Dynamics


Membrane Offset: Displays when you set the Offset Type property
to User Defined. Enter an offset value.

Layers: Worksheet is the default and selectable option for this

property that opens the Worksheet for data entry.

Material Nonlinear Effects: Select yes to include the nonlinear effects from
the material properties. The reference temperature specified for the
body on which a layered section is defined is used as the reference
temperature for the layers.

Thermal Strain Effects: Select yes to send the coefficient of thermal

expansion to the solver.


These fields are not supported for an Explicit Dynamics


Graphic Properties Layer to Display: Provides a slider that enables you to select the
Layer of the model you wish to display in the Geometry window.
The default is setting is All Layers (numerical value = 0).
Properties Total Thickness: Read-only property that displays a total of the
Thickness values defined in the Worksheet.

Total Mass: Read-only property of the calculated total mass of all

of the layers in the Layered Section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 381
Layered Section

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Geometry (p. 233) object:

• Select the Layered Section option on Geometry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Geometry (p. 233) object and select Insert > Layered Section.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Search Faces with Multiple Thicknesses

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Specifying Surface Body Layered Sections

• Geometry Context Tab

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
382 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Loads, Supports, and Conditions (Group)
Defines the individual loads, supports, and conditions used as boundary conditions in the environment
for a model.

Applies to the following objects: Absorption Element, Absorption Surface, Acceleration, Bearing Load,
Bolt Pretension, Compression Only Support, Conductor, Constraint Equation, Contact Step Control,
Convection, Coupling, Current, Cylindrical Support, Detonation Point, Diffuse Sound Field, Displacement,
Elastic Support, Far-Field Radiation Surface, Nodal Displacement, Nodal Rotation, Free Surface, Fixed
Rotation, Fixed Support, Fluid Solid Interface, Force, Frictionless Support, Generalized Plane Strain, Heat
Flow, Heat Flux, Hydrostatic Pressure, Impedance Boundary (Explicit Dynamics), Impendance Boundary
(Acoustic), Impedance Sheet, Imported CFD Pressure, Incident Wave Source, Internal Heat Generation,
Mass Flow Rate, Joint Load, Limit Boundary, Line Pressure, Low Reduced Frequency Model, Magnetic
Flux Parallel, Mass Source, Moment, Nodal Orientation, Nodal Force, Nodal Pressure, Geometry Based
Adaptivity, Nonlinear Adaptive Region, Element Birth and Death, Perfectly Insulated, Pipe Idealization,
Pipe Pressure, Pipe Temperature, Plastic Heating, Port, Pressure, Pressure (Acoustic), Port In Duct, PSD
Base Excitation, Radiation, Radiation Boundary, Remote Displacement, Remote Force, Rigid Wall, Rotating
Force, Rotational Acceleration, Rotational Velocity, RS Base Excitation, Simply Supported, Standard Earth
Gravity, Static Pressure, Surface Velocity, Symmetry Plane, System Coupling Region, Temperature
(Acoustic), Temperature, Thermal Condition, Thermo-Viscous BLI Boundary, Transfer Admittance Matrix,
Velocity, Viscoelastic Heating, and Voltage.

Support object for a Static Structural analysis: Object

Properties (p. 385)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 383
Loads, Supports, and Conditions (Group)

Dependencies (p. 385)

Methods (p. 386)

Options (p. 386)

Information (p. 386)

Load object for a Static Structural analysis:

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384 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
See the Applying Boundary Conditions section for more information about Loads, Supports, and Condi-

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object:

– For Magnetostatic Analysis only: Source Conductor when specifying a Current or Voltage.

– For all other objects: An analysis environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– For Magnetostatic Analysis Source Conductor: Comment (p. 87), Current, Figure (p. 209), Im-
age (p. 249), and Voltage (Solid Source Conductor only).

– For all other objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image. (p. 249)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 385
Loads, Supports, and Conditions (Group)

Insertion Methods
• For Current or Voltage, scope to a body, then use any of the following methods:

– Select Conductor or Current on the Environment Context Tab, then select Current or Voltage.

– Right-click the Magnetostatic object, or in the Geometry window Inser t> Conductor then Insert
> Current or Voltage.

• For all other objects, use any of the following methods after highlighting Environment (p. 181) object:

– Choose Inertial, or Load, or Supports, or Conditions > {load, support, or condition name} on
Environment Context Tab.

– Right-click the Environment (p. 181) object, any load, support, or condition object, or in the Geo-
metry window Insert > {load, support, or condition name}.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [various boundary condition options]

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Promote to Named Selection: Available for most boundary condition objects. It enables you to
create a Named Selection based on the scoping of the load. It also automatically changes the
Scoping Method of the load to Named Selection and automatically specifies the newly created
Named Selection in the scoping.

• Promote to Coordinate System: Available for Bolt Pretension loads scoped to one or more
Edges, Faces, or Element Faces that have the accompanying Coordinate System Behavior
property set to Program Controlled. The Program Controlled option enables the application
to calculate and define the internal coordinate system for this feature.

When you promote a Coordinate System, the application automatically 1) adds a new Coordinate
System object the to Coordinate Systems folder, 2) sets the Coordinate System Behavior
property to Manual, and 3) specifies the newly promoted Coordinate System to the scoping.

• Show All Bodies

• Invert Visibility

• Group Similar Objects

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Apply Loads and Supports

• Types of Boundary Conditions

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386 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Manufacturing Constraint
The Manufacturing Constraint object is an optional object for a Structural Optimization analysis. The
analysis supports only one Manufacturing Constraint object in the tree. See the Manufacturing Con-
straint section for additional information.

Properties (p. 388)

Dependencies (p. 388)

Methods (p. 388)

Options (p. 388)

Information (p. 388)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 387
Manufacturing Constraint

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Manufacturing Constraint section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Structural Optimization Environment (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
To add a Manufacturing Constraint object, highlight the Structural Optimization environment and

• Select Manufacturing Constraint > [desired Manufacturing Constraint] from the Environment
Context Tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > [desired Manufacturing Constraint].

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [Various Structural Optimization options]

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Manufacturing Constraint

• Structural Optimization

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388 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The material object represents a material which is contained in your Project. Individual materials (for
example, Structural Steel) are contained in the Materials folder object. The Materials folder object
holds all of the materials that you have added to the Engineering Data workspace or your CAD applic-
ation, for your analysis. When you select a material, the Engineering Data Material Window displays.
This window enables you to import materials, view material data properties, and/or open the Engineering
Data workspace to make changes to material properties and data. Refer to that help section for more

Properties (p. 390)

Dependencies (p. 390)

Methods (p. 390)

Options (p. 390)

Information (p. 390)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 389

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are read-only and display statistical-based information about
the object's contents. The properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Common Material Provides a list of common material property values, such as Density
Properties and Young's Modulus. If a material property is based on tabular
data, it is indicated by the value “table” with a parenthetical of the
associated field variable. For example, a temperature dependent
Thermal Conductivity value could have a value of “table(T) = 148.62
W/m · °C.” Field variable nomenclature is described in the supported
properties section. The displayed value is computed using the default
value at each of the material field variable. Also note that table data
can include multiple variables (for example, T,C,U).

In addition, the following properties are included in this category:

Nonlinear Behavior: Read-only property that displays the value

True or False based upon whether the material has nonlinear
material models.
Full Details: Opens the Engineering Data Workspace so that you
can view all of the data for the material.
Statistics Assigned Bodies: Displays the number of bodies to which the
selected material is assigned.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials (p. 407).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Material objects do not have any associated child objects.

Insertion Methods
A material is automatically inserted or removed, if present or not in the Engineering Data workspace,
when you refresh of the Model is made.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Create Material Assignment

• Create Material Combination

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

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390 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Materials Group (p. 407)

• Material Assignment

• Engineering Data Workspace

• CAD Materials

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 391
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392 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Material Assignment
The Material Assignment object provides a convenient way to assign a material to multiple bodies
and control its behavior, like nonlinear effects, thermal strain calculation, reference temperature, etc. It
also allows for a convenient way for users to edit material properties through a Commands (p. 81) object.


• If you scope a Material Assignment object to elements, the application does not validate
that the assigned material includes all required material properties to assure a successful

• Material Assignment element scoping does not support rigid bodies (Stiffness Behavior
set to Rigid).

• The Material Assignment feature is not supported by LS-DYNA.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 393
Material Assignment

Properties (p. 394)

Dependencies (p. 396)

Methods (p. 396)

Options (p. 396)

Information (p. 396)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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394 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping, options include:

• Geometry Selection: Default setting, indicating that you apply

the feature to one or more bodies, which are chosen using
graphical selection tools.

– Geometry: Visible when the Scoping property is set to Geo-

metry Selection. Geometry scoping supports Body and
Element selections only. Displays the type of geometry/mesh
and the number of geometric/mesh entities (for example: 3
Bodies, 14 Elements) to which you have scoped the geometry.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is

defined by a Named Selection.

– Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping property is set

to Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of
the available body- or element-based Named Selections.

Definition Material Name: You use the fly-out menu of this property to specify
your desired material. This property can be designated as a parameter.
Structural Steel is the application's default material. The availability
and definition of the materials displayed in the menu is based on the
materials that you have included in the analysis using the Engineering
Data workspace or a CAD application. The menu includes the options
New Material and Import. Both of these options open the Engineering
Data workspace and enable you to create, edit, or import materials.

Nonlinear Effects: Options include Yes (default) and No. This property
instructs the application to include the nonlinear effects from the
material properties.

Thermal Strain Effects: Options include Yes (default) and No. This
property instructs the application to send the coefficient of thermal
expansion to the solver.

Reference Temperature: The reference temperature specified for the

body is used as the reference temperature.

Field Coordinate System: When the selected material includes one or

more properties that includes one or more of the coordinate field
variables (Coordinate X, Coordinate Y, or Coordinate Z) the selection
indicates the origin for the material field. The default (Default
Coordinate System) makes use of a body's Coordinate System. Options
include Default Coordinate System (default), Global Coordinate
System, and if available, user-defined coordinate systems.

Common Material Provides a list of common material property values, such as Density
Properties and Young's Modulus. If a material property is based on tabular data,
it is indicated by the value “table” with a parenthetical of the associated

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 395
Material Assignment

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
field variable. For example, a temperature dependent Thermal
Conductivity value could have a value of “table(T) = 148.62 W/m · °C.”
Field variable nomenclature is described in the supported properties
section. The displayed value is computed using the default value at
each of the material field variable. Also note that table data can include
multiple variables (for example, T,C,U).

In addition, the following properties are included in this category:

Nonlinear Behavior: Read-only property that displays the value

True or False based upon whether the material has nonlinear
material models.
Full Details: Opens the Engineering Data Workspace so that you
can view all of the data for the material.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials (p. 407).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Materials (p. 407) object and either the bodies in the Outline or the graphics window,
right-click and select Create Material Assignment.

• Select the Materials (p. 407) object and then select the Material Assignment option on Material
Context tab.

• Right-click the Materials (p. 407) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Material

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Material Assignment

– Commands

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Specifying Materials

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396 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Setting Up Coordinate Systems

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 397
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398 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Material Combination
Using the materials available in the Engineering Data workspace, the Material Combination object
assigns a combination of different materials, specifically their material properties, to a body or part.

Properties (p. 400)

Dependencies (p. 400)

Methods (p. 400)

Options (p. 400)

Information (p. 401)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 399
Material Combination

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Materials Add Material: You use the flyout menu of this property to display the
Engineering Data Materials pane and select materials for combination.
Common Material Provides a list of common material property values, such as Density
Properties and Young's Modulus. If a material property is based on tabular data,
it is indicated by the value “table” with a parenthetical of the associated
field variable. For example, a temperature dependent Thermal
Conductivity value could have a value of “table(T) = 148.62 W/m · °C.”
Field variable nomenclature is described in the Supported Properties
section. The displayed value is computed using the default value at
each of the material field variable. Also note that table data can include
multiple variables (for example, T,C,U).

In addition, the following properties are included in this category:

Nonlinear Behavior: Read-only property that displays the value

True or False based upon whether the material has nonlinear
material models.
Full Details: Opens the Engineering Data Workspace so that you
can view all of the data for the material.
Statistics Assigned Bodies: Displays the number of bodies to which the selected
material combination is assigned.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials (p. 407).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Right-click the Materials object and select Insert > Material Combination.

• Select the Materials object and then select the Material Combination option on Materials Context

• Select multiple materials from the group folder and then either right-click and select Create Material
Combination or select the Material Combination option on Materials Context tab.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Create Material Assignment

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400 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Create Material Combination

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Material Combination Application

• Engineering Data Materials pane

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 401
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402 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Material Plot
Plots a material's property values on your model as contours. You scope the object using geometry
selections or by specifying Named Selections. Once your Material Plot object is defined and generated,
the Geometry window displays the contours associated with the material properties on the specified

Properties (p. 403)

Dependencies (p. 404)

Methods (p. 404)

Options (p. 405)

Information (p. 405)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 403
Material Plot

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping, options include:

• Geometry Selection: Default setting, indicating that you apply the

feature to one or more geometric entities that you select using
graphical selection tools.

– Geometry: Visible when the Scoping property is set to Geo-

metry Selection. Geometry scoping supports Body, Face, Edge,
and Element selection. Displays the type of geometry (Body, etc.)
and the number of geometric entities (for example: 1 Body, 2
Bodies) to which you have scoped the geometry.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is defined

by a Named Selection.

– Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping property is set to

Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of the
available geometry-based Named Selections. Named selections
must be defined by supported scoping: Body, Face, Edge, and

Definition Material Property: Displays a list of supported material properties based

on the materials of your model.

Material Property Component: The options listed for this property include
dependent variables associated with the selected material property.
Examples include Bulk Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, Shear Modulus, and
Young's Modulus.


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Materials (p. 407).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Materials object:

• Click Material Plot option on the Materials Context tab.

• Right-click the Materials object and select Insert > Material Plot.

• In the Geometry window, select geometry, and then right-click and select Insert > Material

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404 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Generate Material Plot

• Suppress

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• Material Plot Application

• Materials Context tab

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 405
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406 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Materials (Group)
The Materials folder object holds all material related objects for a given Model object. By default, when
you select this object, the Engineering Data: Material View pane displays (not supported on Linux). From
here, you can search for and add materials to your analysis, making them available for assignment.

Selecting a material in the pane displays the data sheet for the material.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 407
Materials (Group)

Object Properties (p. 408)

Tree Dependencies (p. 409)

Insertion Methods (p. 409)

Materials Folder Display (p. 409)

Right-click Options (p. 409)

Additional Related
Information (p. 410)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object, as listed below, are read-only and display statistical-based
information about the object's contents.

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408 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Stat- Materials: Displays the number of material objects contained in the folder.
ics Material Assignment: Displays the number of Material Assignment objects contained
in the folder.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Material (p. 389), Imported Material Fields, Material Assignment, Material
Plot, and Imported Trace (Group) (p. 351).

Insertion Methods
The Materials folder is automatically inserted.

Materials Folder Display

When you have the Materials folder selected, you can display the geometry by selecting the Geometry
tab at the bottom of the window, as illustrated below. From this view, parts with different material as-
signments display with a unique color.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Material Assignment

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 409
Materials (Group)

– Material Plot

– Material Combination

• Group All Similar Children

• Refresh Materials

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Imported Material Fields

• Material Assignment

• Material Plot

• Material Combination

• Engineering Data Workspace

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410 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Manages all meshing functions and tools for a model; includes global controls that govern the entire

Object Properties (p. 411)

Tree Dependencies (p. 416)

Insertion Methods (p. 416)

Right-click Options (p. 416)

Additional Related
Information (p. 418)

Object Properties
The Details properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 411

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Display Display Style: Enables you to change the display of the mesh in the
graphical display window based on different criteria. The Display
Style options include the following:

• Use Geometry Setting (default): The display of the mesh in

the Geometry window is based on the setting of the Display
Style property of the Geometry object (p. 233).

• Mesh Metric information, which includes:

Shell Thickness (visible for surface/shell bodies only)

Element Quality
Aspect Ratio, based on either Triangle elements or
Quadrilateral elements
Jacobian Ratio (MAPDL, Corner Nodes, or Gauss Points)
Warping Factor
Parallel Deviation
Maximum Corner Angle
Orthogonal Quality
Characteristic Length (Autodyn)
Minimum Tri Angle
Maximum Tri Angle
Minimum Quad Angle
Maximum Quad Angle
Warping Angle
Tet Collapse
Aspect Ratio (Explicit)
Minimum Element Edge Length
Maximum Element Edge Length
Characteristic Length (LS-DYNA)

• Knockdown Factors: Visible only when your analysis includes

an STL Support (p. 623) object and only once the STL Support
object’s mesh has been generated. The option enables you
to view the STL Support's elements with color-coded
knockdown factors while you have the Mesh object selected.


The use of Display Style to color mesh according to

quality and the use of Mesh Metrics to view quality
statistics are mutually exclusive. For example, when you

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412 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions

are viewing Mesh Metrics, you cannot also view the mesh
quality by color.

Defaults Physics Preference

Solver Preference (appears if Physics Preference is CFD)

Export Format (appears if Physics Preference is CFD and Solver

Preference is Fluent)

Export Preview Surface Mesh (appears if Physics Preference is

CFD, Solver Preference is Fluent, and Export Format is Standard)

Export Unit (appears if Physics Preference is CFD and Solver

Preference is Polyflow)


Solver Preference also appears in the Mechanical

application if the Physics Preference is Mechanical in a
Transient Structural or Rigid Dynamics system during
the initial geometry attach. See Solver Preference for
more information.

Element Order

Element Size
Sizing Use Adaptive Sizing


Initial Size Seed


Span Angle Center

Capture Curvature

Capture Proximity

Curvature Min Size

Curvature Normal Angle

Proximity Gap Factor

Proximity Size Function Sources

Proximity Min Size

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 413

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Use Uniform Size Function for Sheets

Growth Rate

Max Size

Enable Washers

Mesh Defeaturing

Defeature Size

Bounding Box Diagonal

Average Surface Area

Minimum Edge Length

Quality Check Mesh Quality

Error Limits

Target Element Quality

Target Skewness

Target Jacobian Ratio (Corner Nodes)

Target Characteristic Length (LS-DYNA)

Target Aspect Ratio (Explicit)


Mesh Metric
Inflation Use Automatic Inflation

Inflation Option

Transition Ratio

Maximum Layers

Growth Rate

Number of Layers

Maximum Thickness

First Layer Height

First Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio (Base/Height)

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414 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Inflation Algorithm

View Advanced Options

Collision Avoidance

Fix First Layer

Maximum Height over Base

Gap Factor

Growth Rate Type

Maximum Angle

Fillet Ratio

Use Post Smoothing

Smoothing Iterations
Batch Connections Mesh Based Connection

Mesh Type

Triangle Reduction
Advanced Number of CPUs for Parallel Part Meshing

Straight Sided Element: Appears if the model includes an enclosure

from DesignModeler.

Rigid Body Behavior

Triangle Surface Mesher

Topology Checking

Use Sheet Thickness for Pinch

Pinch Tolerance

Generate Pinch on Refresh

Sheet Loop Removal

Loop Removal Tolerance

Statistics Nodes: Read-only indication.

Elements: Read-only indication.

Show Detailed Statistics: Read-only indication.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 415

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Model Assembly The Model Assembly category and Read Only property display
when you have assembled files from upstream sources (Mechanical
Model, analysis systems, etc.). Options include Yes (default) and No.
See the Mesh Modification section for more information.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: All mesh control tool objects (p. 429), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and
Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Appears by default when geometry is attached.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Method

– Sizing

– Contact Sizing

– Refinement

– Face Meshing

– Mesh Copy

– Match Control

– Pinch

– Inflation

– Weld

– Feature Suppress

– Repair Topology

– Connect

– Washer

– Deviation

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
416 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Gasket (p. 223)

– Mesh Connection Group (p. 419)

– Manual Mesh Connection (p. 425)

– Contact Match Group (p. 419)

– Contact Match (p. 425)

– Node Merge Group (p. 453)

– Node Merge (p. 457)

– Node Move (p. 461)

– Pull

• Update

• Generate Mesh

• Preview >

– Surface Mesh

– Inflation

– Weld Geometry

– Weld Mesh

• Show >

– Removable Loops

– Sweepable Bodies

– Mappable Faces

– Suppressible Features

– Geometry in Overlapping Named Selections

– Program Controlled Inflation Surfaces

• Create Pinch Controls

• Export >

– STL File (Binary is the default format setting).

– Ansys Viewer File (AVZ): export mesh data as a Ansys Viewer File (.avz)

• Clear Generated Data

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 417

• Start Recording

Additional Related Information

• Meshing Capabilities in Workbench

• Mesh Context

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418 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group
Defines mesh connections/contact matches between selected topologies. Includes global settings in
Details that apply to all Mesh Connection or Contact Match child objects.


See the object reference pages for Mesh Edit (p. 433) and Node Merge Group (p. 453) for
information about other objects related to Mesh Connections, Contact Matches, and Mesh

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 419
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group

Properties (p. 420)

Dependencies (p. 422)

Methods (p. 422)

Options (p. 423)

Information (p. 423)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Geometry Selection (default) or Named Selection.

Geometry: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry


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420 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to
Named Selection.
Auto Detection Tolerance Type: Options include Slider, Value, and Use Sheet
Thickness. Bodies in an assembly that were created in a CAD system
may not have been placed precisely, resulting in small overlaps or
gaps along the connections between bodies. You can account for
any imprecision by specifying detection tolerance. This tolerance
can be specified by a value when this property is set to Slider or
Value, or sheet thickness of surface bodies when the type is set to
Use Sheet Thickness.

Tolerance Slider: Appears when the Tolerance Type property is

set to Slider. To tighten the mesh connection or contact match
detection, move the slider bar closer to +100 and to loosen the
detection, move the slider bar closer to -100. A tighter tolerance
means that the bodies have to be within a smaller region (of either
gap or overlap) to be considered; a looser tolerance will have the
opposite effect. Be aware that as you adjust the tolerance, the
number of mesh connection pairs or contact matches could increase
or decrease.

Tolerance Value: Appears when the Tolerance Type is set to Slider

or Value. It is a read-only property if the Tolerance Type is set to
Slider and displays the tolerance value based on the slider setting.
When the Tolerance Type is set to Value, you can enter an exact
distance for the detection tolerance.

Thickness Scale Factor: Displays when the Tolerance Type property

is set to Use Sheet Thickness. The default value is 1. For Edge/Edge
pairing (see below), the largest thickness among the surface bodies
involved is used; however, if the pairing is Face/Edge, the thickness
of the surface body with the face geometry is used.

Use Range: Appears if the Tolerance Type property is set to Slider

or Value. Options include Yes and No (default). If set to Yes, mesh
connection detection searches within a range from Tolerance Value
to Min Distance Value inclusive and the following additional
properties display:

• Min Distance Percent: Appears if Use Range is set to Yes.

This is the percentage of the Tolerance Value to determine
the Min Distance Value. The default is 10 percent. You can
move the slider to adjust the percentage between 0 and 100.

• Min Distance Value: Appears if Use Range is set to Yes. This

is a read-only field that displays the value derived from: Min
Distance Value = Min Distance Percentage * Tolerance

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 421
Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Group By: For mesh connections, options include None and Faces
(default). For contact matches, options include None, Bodies
(default), Parts, and Faces. This property allows you to group the
automatically generated mesh connection or contact match objects.
For example, setting Group By to Faces for a mesh connection
group means that mesh connection faces and edges that lie on the
same parts will be included into a single mesh connection object.

Search Across: Enables automatic detection through the following


• Bodies (default): Between bodies.

• Parts: Between bodies of different parts, that is, not between

bodies within the same multibody part.

• Anywhere: Detects any mesh connections/contact matches

regardless of where the geometry lies, including different
parts. However, if a mesh connection is within the same body,
this option finds only Face/Face mesh connections, even if
the Face/Edge setting is turned On.

Face Angle Tolerance: For faces that will be excluded from the
proximity detection pair, this property defines the minimum angle
between the primary face and secondary edge entity above which
the two face pairs will be ignored from proximity detection. The
default value is 70°.

Edge Overlap Tolerance: This tolerance value is the minimum

percentage that an edge may overlap the face and is included as a
valid proximity detection pair. The default value is 25%.
Statistics Connections: Displays the number of connections associated with
this parent object.

Active Connections: Displays the number of connections that are

currently active for this parent object (that is, not Suppressed).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Mesh Edit (p. 433).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Mesh Connection or Contact Match, Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209),
and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Mesh Edit object or another Mesh Connection
Group or Contact Match Group object:

• Click Mesh Connection Group or Contact Match Group on the Model Context Tab.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
422 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Right-click Mesh Edit object or on another Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group
object or in the Geometry window; then Insert Mesh Connection Group or Insert Contact
Match Group.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Mesh Connection Group (p. 419)

– Manual Mesh Connection (p. 425)

– Contact Match Group (p. 419)

– Contact Match (p. 425)

• Detect Connections

• Generate

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Create Named Selection

• Delete Children

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Editing

• Mesh Connection

• Contact Match

• Mesh Edit (p. 433)

• Mesh Connection/Contact Match object (p. 425)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 423
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424 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Connection/Contact Match
Defines mesh connection/contact match conditions for individual topology pairs. Multiple Mesh Con-
nection or Contact Match objects can appear as child objects under a Mesh Connection Group or
Contact Match Group object.


See the object reference pages for Mesh Edit (p. 433) and Node Merge Group (p. 453) for
information about other objects related to Mesh Connections, Contact Matches, and Mesh

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 425
Mesh Connection/Contact Match

Properties (p. 426)

Dependencies (p. 427)

Methods (p. 427)

Options (p. 427)

Information (p. 428)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Geometry Selection or Named Selection.
Primary Geometry
Secondary Geometry
Primary Bodies: Read-only indication.
Secondary Bodies: Read-only indication.

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426 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Scope Mode: Read-only indication of Manual or Automatic.
Tolerance Type
Tolerance Slider: Appears if Tolerance Type = Tolerance Slider.
Tolerance Value: Appears if Tolerance Type = Tolerance Slider (read-only)
or Tolerance Value.
Thickness Scale Factor: Appears if Tolerance Type = Use Sheet Thickness.
Snap to Boundary (valid for mesh connections only)
Snap Type (valid for mesh connections only): Appears if Snap to Boundary
= Yes.
Snap Tolerance (valid for mesh connections only): Appears if Snap Type
= Manual Tolerance.
Master Element Size Factor (valid for mesh connections only): Appears if
Snap Type = Element Size Factor.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Mesh Connection Group (p. 419) (for mesh connections) or Contact Match
Group (p. 419) (for contact matches).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Mesh Edit (p. 433) object or a Mesh Connection
Group/Contact Match Group object:

• Assuming that you have accurately defined the required properties, Mesh Connection and
Contact Match objects can be inserted automatically if you select Detect Connections from
the right mouse click context menu via the Mesh Edit object or a Mesh Connection
Group/Contact Match Group object.

• Click Manual Mesh Connection or Contact Match on the Mesh Context tab.

• Right-click the Mesh Edit object or the Mesh Connection Group/Contact Match Group object
or in the Geometry window; then Insert > Manual Mesh Connection or Insert > Contact

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Generate: Update the mesh for the selected contact match or mesh connection

• Suppress/Unsuppress

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 427
Mesh Connection/Contact Match

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Primary/Secondary (valid for Edge-to-Edge Mesh Connection only)

• Merge Selected Mesh Connections

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Go to Connections for Duplicate Pairs: Available if connection object shares the same geometries
with other connection objects.

• Create Named Selection

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Mesh Connections

• Contact Matches

• Mesh Edit (p. 433)

• Mesh Connection Group (p. 419)

• Contact Match Group (p. 419)

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
428 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Control Tools (Group)
Objects available for fine tuning the mesh.

Applies to the following objects: Method, Sizing, Contact Sizing, Refinement, Face Meshing, Match
Control, Pinch, Inflation, Sharp Angle, and Gasket (p. 223).

Object Properties (p. 429)

Tree Dependencies (p. 430)

Insertion Methods (p. 430)

Right-click Options (p. 430)

Additional Related
Information (p. 431)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method - Specify either Geometry Selection or Named
Selection. Not applicable to Contact Sizing, Pinch, or Match

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 429
Mesh Control Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry - Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry
Selection. In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry,
click in the Geometry field, then click Apply. Not applicable to
Contact Sizing, Pinch, or Match Control.
Named Selection - Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named
Selection. Not applicable to Contact Sizing, Pinch, or Match
Contact Region - Applicable only to Contact Sizing.
Definition Suppressed


Additional Definition settings may be available,

depending on the specific mesh control tool.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Mesh.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Options
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Mesh object.

• Choose Mesh Control > {Mesh control tool name} on the Mesh Context Tab.

• Right-click the Mesh object, any mesh control tool object, or in the Geometry window> Insert
> {Mesh control tool name}.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:
Availability is dependent on the selected object.

• Inflate This Method - available only for Method control where Method is set to anything other
than Hex Dominant, MultiZone Quad/Tri, or Sweep (unless a source has been specified).

• Update

• Generate Mesh

• Preview >

– Surface Mesh

– Source and Target Mesh

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430 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Inflation

– Weld Geometry

– Weld Mesh

• Show >

– Sweepable Bodies

– Mappable Faces

– Removable Loops

– Suppressible Features

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Start Recording

Additional Related Information

• Meshing Capabilities in Workbench

• Mesh Context

• Convergence - applicable to Refinement

• Error (Structural) - applicable to Refinement

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 431
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
432 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Edit
The Mesh Edit feature allows you to create Mesh Connections and Contact Matches as well as merge
and/or move individual nodes on the mesh (once generated). Mesh Connections define conditions for
joining meshes of topologically disconnected surface bodies. This object includes global settings in
Details view that apply to all Mesh Connection Group, Contact Match Group, Node Merge group,
Mesh Connection, Contact Match, Node Merge, and Node Move child objects.

Object Properties (p. 433)

Tree Dependencies (p. 434)

Insertion Methods (p. 434)

Right-click Options (p. 434)

Additional Related
Information (p. 434)

Object Properties
The Details properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Auto Detection Generate Automatic Mesh Connections On Refresh: Yes or No.
Transparency Enabled: Yes or No.
Definition Associate To Pull Geometry: Options for this property include Yes and
No (default). This property enables you to automatically apply your
extrusion or revolution, created with the Pull feature, to a Named
Selections scoped to the Pull body.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 433
Mesh Edit

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Mesh Connection Group (p. 419), Contact Match Group (p. 419), Node
Merge Group (p. 453), Node Move (p. 461), Pull (p. 525), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Im-
age (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model object:

• Click the Mesh Edit option on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window; then select Insert > Mesh Edit.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Mesh Connection Group

– Manual Mesh Connection

– Contact Match Group

– Contact Match

– Node Merge Group

– Node Merge

– Node Move

– Pull

• Generate

• Clear Generated Data (This option is not available if the object has only Node Move objects as

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Create Named Selection for Shared Nodes

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Editing

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434 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Mesh Connections

• Mesh Connection Group (p. 419)

• Mesh Connection (p. 425)

• Contact Matches

• Contact Match Group (p. 419)

• Contact Match (p. 425)

• Node Move

• Node Merge Group

• Node Merge

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 435
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
436 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mesh Numbering
Folder object that includes any number of Numbering Control (p. 463) objects, used for mesh numbering,
which allows you to renumber the node and element numbers of a generated meshed model consisting
of flexible parts.

Object Properties (p. 437)

Tree Dependencies (p. 437)

Insertion Methods (p. 438)

Right-click Options (p. 438)

Additional Related
Information (p. 438)

Object Properties
The Details properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Specifying Mesh Node Offset
Element Offset
Compress Node Numbers

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 437
Mesh Numbering

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting Model object:

• Select the Mesh Numbering option on the Model Context tab.

• right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Mesh Numbering.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Numbering Control

• Renumber Mesh

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Numbering

• Model Context

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438 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the modal analysis whose mode shapes are to be used in a random vibration, response spectrum,
or harmonic (MSUP) linked analysis (not shown below).

Modal object for a Random Vibration analysis: Object

Properties (p. 440)

Dependencies (p. 440)

Methods (p. 440)

Information (p. 441)

Modal object for a Response Spectrum analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 439

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Modal Environment: Specify the Modal analysis you wish to link to
current analysis. The application uses the mode shapes from the selected
Modal analysis in current analysis.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Random Vibration, Response Spectrum, or Harmonic Response (linked)
environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Appears by default for a random vibration analysis, response spectrum analysis, or harmonic (MSUP)
linked analysis.

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440 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
• Random Vibration Analysis

• Response Spectrum Analysis

• Harmonic Response Analysis Using Linked Modal Analysis System

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 441
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
442 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the geometry for the particular branch of the tree. The sub-levels provide additional information
about the Model object, including loads, supports and results, but do not replace the geometry.
Graphic settings applied to the Model object apply to lower level objects in the tree. The Model object
groups geometry, material assignments, connections, and mesh settings. The Geometry (p. 233), Connec-
tions (p. 113), and Mesh (p. 411) objects are not created until geometry is successfully attached.

Object Properties (p. 443)

Tree Dependencies (p. 445)

Insertion Methods (p. 445)

Right-click Options (p. 445)

Additional Related
Information (p. 446)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object include the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Model Assembly Alignment
Lighting Ambient: Represents a non-spatial, omni-directional, and fixed-intensity
lighting that affects all objects in the scene equally. This factor varies
between 0 and 1.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 443

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Diffuse: Simulates the directional impact lighting has on the model.
The more a part of the model faces the light source, the brighter it
becomes. This factor varies between 0 and 1.

Specular: Dictates the bright spots of light that appear on shiny objects
when illuminated. This factor varies between 0 and 1.

Color: Specifies the color of the light projected onto the model. The
default lighting color is white.


If you change the setting of the Color property from

white, the display of load variation contours and result
contours will not correspond to the color contours of the
legend. You can make sure contours display properly,
when a color change is desired, using the Force White
Lighting for Results preference under the Graphics
category in the Options dialog.
The application saves Lighting property settings with
your analysis. Lighting changes propagate throughout
the features of the application and are used when you
export images.
You can change the default setting for all Lighting
properties under the Graphics preference of the Options

Advanced Window Title: Entry field that enables you to manually change what is
displayed in the title bar of the application. By default, the title bar
shows the:

• Cell letter designation (A, B, etc.) of the analysis system contained

on the Project Schematic in Workbench. This can include
multiple linked analyses.

Single System:

Multiple Systems:

• Analysis type for single systems (Static Structural, etc.).

• Name of the application, "Mechanical."

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
444 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• License currently in use contained in brackets ([Ansys Mechanical


You can turn off the display of the application name

and the license using the options of the Main Window
Title Theme preferences in the Options dialog under
UI Options.

Filter Control: Read-only property specified as Enabled.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Project (p. 521).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Chart (p. 77), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), Geo-
metry (p. 233), Materials, Cross Sections (p. 155), Construction Geometry, Virtual Topology (p. 681),
Symmetry (p. 649), Remote Point, Connections (p. 113), Fracture, Substructure Analysis, Mesh Edit (p. 433),
Mesh Numbering (p. 437), Solution Combination (p. 605), Fatigue Combination (p. 195), Named Selec-
tion (p. 447), AM Process (p. 17), and Part Transform.

Insertion Methods
This object is automatically included in all analyses.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Named Selection (p. 447)

– Part Transform

– Construction Geometry > [Construction Geometry Type]

– Cross Sections (p. 155) > [Cross Section Types (p. 157)]

– Virtual Topology (p. 681)

– Symmetry (p. 649)

– Remote Point

– Fracture

– Mesh Edit (p. 433)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 445

– Mesh Numbering (p. 437)

– AM Process (p. 17)

– Solution Combination (p. 605)

– Fatigue Combination (p. 195)

• Solve

• Show All Bodies

• Invert Visibility

• Clear Generated Data

• Refresh Materials

• Update Geometry from Source

• Disable Filter/Auto Filter

Additional Related Information

See the following section for more information:

• Model Context Tab

• Attaching Geometry

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446 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Named Selections
Both the Named Selections object (parent object) and the Named Selection object (user-defined child
objects) are described in this section. When you create a Named Selection for your model or if you have
imported one or more Named Selection objects, the application automatically creates the parent object,
Named Selections. Once created, it houses all imported and/or user-defined Named Selection objects.
See the Object Properties for the Named Selection Child Objects (p. 448) topic for descriptions of the
properties of your defined Named Selection objects.

Object Properties for the Named Selections

Parent (p. 448)

Object Properties for the Named Selection Child

Objects (p. 448)

Tree Dependencies (p. 450)

Insertion Methods (p. 450)

Right-click Options - Parent Object (p. 451)

Right-click Options - Child Object (p. 451)

Right-click Options for Multiple Child Objects

Selected (p. 452)

Additional Related Information (p. 452)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 447
Named Selections

As illustrated above, the icon used for a Named Selection corresponds to the geometry or mesh type
(Face, Element, etc.).

Object Properties for the Named Selections Parent

The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

The following applies only to the Named Selections object folder:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Display Show Annotation
Worksheet Based Generate on Refresh: Updates Named Selection criteria automatically
Named Selections following a geometry update.

Generate on Remesh: Updates the Node ids and locations based

on the new mesh.
Statistics Named Selections: Lists the number of Named Selection objects
contained in the folder.

Object Properties for the Named Selection Child Objects

The following properties are available when you select a Named Selection child object:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include:

• Geometry Selection

• Worksheet

Definition Send to Solver: Controls whether the named selection is passed to

the solver. Also see Passing Named Selections to the Solver in the
Meshing User's Guide.


The solvers supported by Mechanical are the only

solvers that recognize node- and element-based
Named Selections. Therefore, the Send to Solver
feature supports Mechanical solvers only for node-
and element-based Named Selections.

Protected: If your Named Selection includes geometry-contact, this

property specifies if the corresponding contact entities (faces, edges,
or vertices) are protected while meshing. Options include Program
Controlled (default), Yes, and No. Select Program Controlled to
protect the scoped object(s) when the named selection is used for
boundary conditions, symmetry, other types of loads for the solver,
as well as match controls and hard sizing controls for meshing. The

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448 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
objects will not receive any additional protection by the mesher if
the named selection is not used for one of these controls. Select Yes
to give higher priority to the geometry features the contact is scoped
to and ensure the boundaries are better captured in order to get a
better association between the geometry and mesh. Select No to
indicate that the topology does not need any additional protection.

Send As (Element Face-based Named Selections only): Options

include Nodes (default) and Mesh200. If your Named Selection is
scoped to element faces, the Mesh200 option converts the scoped
element faces to MESH200 elements and sends those elements as
components to the solver.

Visible: For a named selection that you have selected in the tree,
this property displays the geometry, elements, or nodes defining
the name selection in the Geometry window. The default setting is
Yes. Setting this property to No removes the associated geometry
from view in the Geometry window.

Program Controlled Inflation: The options are Include and Exclude

(default). This property enables you to specify the faces of your
Named Selection as inflation boundaries. This setting requires that
the Mesh object (p. 411) property, Use Automatic Inflation, is set
to Program Controlled. Also see the Program Controlled topic in
the Use Automatic Inflation section of the Meshing help.

Preserve During Solve: Displays only for Named Selections defined

using elements. Options include Yes and No (default). You use this
property in combination with the Nonlinear Adaptivity feature. The
Nonlinear Adaptive Region changes your mesh during the solution
to improve precision. Setting this property to Yes tells the application
to update the named selection region during remeshing so that you
can obtain certain results on it for the changed mesh.
Statistics Type: Read-only property whose options include Manual for Named
Selections created in the Mechanical or Imported for Named
Read-only status Selections imported from a CAD application.
Total Selection

Surface Area: Available for Face-based Named Selection only and

displays the surface area of the specified face(s).

Length: Available for Edge-based Named Selection only and displays

the length of the specified edge(s).


Used by Mesh Worksheet: Yes if named selection is being used by

the Mesh worksheet. Also see the description of the Mesh worksheet
in the Meshing help.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 449
Named Selections

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Tolerance Tolerance Type:

(Worksheet-based • Program Controlled: Assigns application default values.

Named Selections
only) • Manual: Makes Zero Tolerance, Relative Tolerance, and
Angular Tolerance properties available for input. Otherwise,
these properties are read-only.

Zero Tolerance: The default value is 1.e-008.

Relative Tolerance: Specified the multiplying factor applied to the

values in the entire Worksheet. The default value is 1.e-003.

Angular Tolerance: Determines when two axes (vectors) are the

same. For example, the normal direction of an element face and the
direction of the selected coordinate systems axes are equal if they
fall within the angular tolerance. The default value is 1°.
Transfer Properties Source: Read-only property that displays the source system for the
imported Named Selection.
(Displays for Named
Selections imported
through the
External Model
Component only)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443) (for Named Selections).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Individual Named Selection objects Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and
Image (p. 249).


Comment, Figure, and Image are also child objects of individual Named Selection objects.

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods:

• Click Named Selection option from the Insert group in the Home tab.

• Select geometric entities for grouping in the Geometry window, or select Body objects in the
Outline, then select the Named Selection option from the Insert group in the Home tab.

• Select geometric entities in the Geometry window or select Body objects in the Outline and
then right-click and select Create Named Selection.

• Import named selections from a CAD system or from DesignModeler.

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450 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Automatically inserted in the event of a mesher failure so that problem surface bodies can be

Right-click Options - Parent Object

In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for the Named Selections
parent object include:

• Insert > Named Selection

• Repair Overlapping Named Selections: Corrects overlap conditions in order to property export
Named Selections.

• Generate Named Selections: Updates all named selection child objects that were specified using
the Worksheet. It is a substitute for the Worksheet Generate option to ensure that all worksheet-
based named selection updates are captured.

• Import Selections from CDB File: Available from the Named Selections folder as well as the
Geometry window when the folder is selected, enables you to import element- and node-based
named selections from a Mechanical APDL common database (.cdb) file.

Upon import, the application automatically removes any spaces or special characters from the
file name and replaces them with an underscore.

• Export Selections to CDB File: Available from the Named Selections folder as well as the Geo-
metry window when the folder is selected, enables you to export all of the Named Selections in
the folder in.cdb file format. Note that the application ignores geometry-based Named Selections.

Right-click Options - Child Object

In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for the specified Named
Selections child objects include:

• Insert > Named Selection

• Select Items in Group

• Add to Current Selection

• Remove from Current Selection

• Create Nodal Named Selection

• Merge Selected Named Selections: Available when you select more than one Named Selections
in the tree. It creates a new Worksheet-based Named Selection for the selected Named Selections
objects. The Worksheet displays automatically below the Geometry window when you use this
option (as well as when you select the merge-based Named Selection during subsequent opera-

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 451
Named Selections

Right-click Options for Multiple Child Objects Selected

Whenever you select multiple named selection child objects, the following additional context menu
options become available:

• Suppress Bodies in Group

• Hide Face(s)

• Hide Bodies in Group

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Specifying Named Selections

• Named Selection group

• Repairing Geometry in Overlapping Named Selections

• Geometry Preferences

• Named Selection (DesignModeler Help)

• Enclosure (DesignModeler Help)

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452 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node Merge Group
Defines nodes that have been merged on a generated mesh. Multiple Node Merge Group options can
be added as child objects to a Mesh Edit object. Requires mesh generation.

Properties (p. 453)

Dependencies (p. 455)

Methods (p. 455)

Options (p. 455)

Information (p. 455)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object include the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 453
Node Merge Group

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Method: Automatic Node Merge or Manual Node Merge
Scope Scoping Method

Geometry: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry
field, then click Apply.

Named Selection: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named Selec-


Source Assembly: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Source As-

sembly (Only applicable for Assembled External and Mechanical Models).
Auto Detection Tolerance Type

Tolerance Slider

Tolerance Value

Use Range

Min Distance Percentage

Min Distance Value




Group By: None, Parts, Bodies, and Faces.

Search Across

Face Angle Tolerance: Available only when Face/Edge is set to Yes.

For faces that will be excluded from the proximity detection pair, this
property defines the minimum angle between the faces above which
the two face pairs will be ignored from proximity detection. The default
value is 70°.

Edge Overlap Tolerance: Available only when Face/Edge is set to Yes.

This tolerance value is the minimum percentage that an edge may
overlap the face and is included as a valid proximity detection pair. The
default value is 25%.

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the selected group. The default is

No. If set to Yes, the group will be suppressed.
Statistics Connections: Displays the number of connections associated with this
parent object.

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454 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Active Connections: Displays the number of connections that are
currently active for this parent object (that is, not Suppressed).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Mesh (p. 411) and Mesh Edit (p. 433).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Node Merge (p. 457), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Node Merge Group object.

• Click Node Merge Group or Node Merge on the Mesh EditContext tab.

• Right-click the Mesh Edit object and select Insert > Node Merge Group or Insert > Node

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Node Merge Group

– Node Merge

• Generate

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

• Delete Children

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Editing

• Mesh Edit Context

• Node Merge

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 455
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456 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node Merge
Merges pairs of nodes on the mesh. You can choose to merge nodes automatically or manually. This
feature requires mesh generation.

Object Properties (p. 457)

Tree Dependencies (p. 458)

Insertion Methods (p. 458)

Right-click Options (p. 458)

Additional Related
Information (p. 459)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method
Primary Geometry – Enabled if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Primary Geometry
field, then click Apply.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 457
Node Merge

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Secondary Geometry – Enabled if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selec-
tion. In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Secondary
Geometry field, then click Apply.
Primary Bodies – Enabled if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
Secondary Bodies – Enabled if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
Definition Scope Mode: Read-only indication of Manual or Automatic.
Tolerance Type
Tolerance Slider: Appears if Tolerance Type = Tolerance Slider.
Tolerance Value: Appears if Tolerance Type = Tolerance Slider (read-only)
or Tolerance Value.
Thickness Scale Factor: Appears if Tolerance Type = Use Sheet Thickness.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Mesh (p. 411) and Mesh Edit (p. 433).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods:

• Click Node Merge on Mesh Edit Context tab.

• Right-click the Mesh Edit object and select Insert > Node Merge.

• Right-click the Node Merge object and select Insert > Node Merge.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Node Merge

• Generate

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Primary/Secondary

• Search Connections for Duplicate Pairs

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458 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
• Mesh Editing

• Node Merge

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 459
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460 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node Move
Selects and moves individual nodes on the mesh. Requires mesh generation.

Object Properties (p. 461)

Tree Dependencies (p. 461)

Insertion Methods (p. 461)

Additional Related
Information (p. 462)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Number of Moves

Number of Nodes

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Mesh (p. 411) and Mesh Edit (p. 433).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Mesh Edit object:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 461
Node Move

• Click Node Move option on Mesh Edit Context Tab.

• Right-click the Mesh Edit object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Node Move.

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Editing

• Model Context

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462 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Numbering Control
Represents a part, vertex, or Remote Point whose nodes/elements can be renumbered. Any number of
these objects can exist within a Mesh Numbering (p. 437) folder.

Object Properties (p. 463)

Tree Dependencies (p. 464)

Insertion Methods (p. 464)

Right-click Options (p. 464)

Additional Related
Information (p. 464)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method - Specify either Geometry Selection or Remote

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 463
Numbering Control

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry - Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selec-
Remote Points - Appears if Scoping Method is set to Remote Point.
Definition Begin Node Number - Appears if Geometry is set to a part.
End Node Number - Appears if Geometry is set to a part.
Begin Element Number - Appears if Geometry is set to a part.
End Element Number - Appears if Geometry is set to a part.
Node Number - Appears if Geometry is set to a vertex or if Remote
Points is set to a specific Remote Point.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Mesh Numbering (p. 437).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting Mesh Numbering object:

• Click Numbering Control option on the Mesh Numbering Context tab.

• Right-click the Mesh Numbering object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Num-
bering Control.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Renumber Mesh

Additional Related Information

• Mesh Numbering

• Model Context

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464 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the structural optimization goal. A Structural Optimization Analysis analysis can have only one
Objective object in the tree. The application inserts this object automatically when you create a
Structural Optimization analysis. See the Objective section for additional information.

Properties (p. 465)

Dependencies (p. 465)

Methods (p. 466)

Options (p. 466)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Objective section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Structural Optimization Environment (p. 181).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 465

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
The application automatically inserts this object. To add additional Objective objects, highlight the
Structural Optimization environment and:

• Select Objective from the Environment Context.

• Right-click and select Insert > Objective.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [Various Structural Optimization options]

• Commands Objects

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466 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Optimization Region
Specifies the geometric entity on a model that will be optimized using a Structural Optimization analysis.
The application inserts this object automatically when you create a Structural Optimization analysis.
See the Optimization Region section for additional information.

Exclusion Region

The Exclusion Region object is an insertable child object of the Optimization Region object. The Ex-
clusion Region object enables you to specify additional geometric entities (body, face, edge, and ele-
ments) and/or geometry- or element-based Named Selections to the scoping of the Exclusion Region
of the Optimization Region object.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 467
Optimization Region

Properties (p. 468)

Dependencies (p. 468)

Methods (p. 469)

Options (p. 469)

Information (p. 470)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Optimization Region section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Structural Optimization Environment (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Exclusion Region.

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468 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
• Select the Optimization Region option from the Optimization group on the Environment Context

• Right-click the Structural Optimization object and select Insert > Optimization Region.

• Select either the Environment or the Optimization Region object, right-click in the Geometry window,
and select Insert > Optimization Region.

• Right-click an existing Optimization Region object and select Insert > Optimization Region.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Optimization Region

– Exclusion Region

– Objective (p. 465)

– Mass Constraint (p. 545)

– Volume Constraint (p. 545)

– Criterion Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Global von-Mises Stress Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Local von-Mises Stress Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Displacement Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Reaction Force Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Compliance Constraint (p. 545) (Static Structural Analysis)

– Moment of Inertia Constraint (p. 545)

– Center of Gravity Constraint (p. 545)

– Temperature Constraint (p. 545) (Steady-State Thermal Analysis)

– Natural Frequency Constraint (p. 545) (Modal Analysis)

– Member Size (p. 387)

– Pull out Direction (p. 387)

– Extrusion (p. 387)

– Cyclic (p. 387)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 469
Optimization Region

– Symmetry (p. 387)

– AM Overhang Constraint (p. 387)

– Commands Objects

• Group Similar Objects

Additional Related Information

See Structural Optimization.

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470 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a component of the attached geometry included under a Geometry (p. 233) object. The Part
object is assumed to be a multibody part with Body objects beneath it as depicted in the figure below.
The Part object label in your Project tree inherits the name from the CAD application you use to create
the part and may differ based on the CAD application. Refer to the Body (p. 51) objects reference page
if the Geometry object does not include a multibody part, but instead only includes individual bodies.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 471

Properties (p. 472)

Dependencies (p. 474)

Methods (p. 474)

Options (p. 474)

Information (p. 475)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Graphics Properties The following properties enable you to change the graphical
display of a part.

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472 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Visible: Toggles the display of the part On or Off in the
Geometry window.
Definition Suppressed
Assignment: Specify a desired material for the part. This
property can be designated as a parameter.
Brick Integration Scheme: Appears only if Element Control
is set to Manual in the Details view of the Geometry (p. 233)
Coordinate System (p. 147): Assign a local coordinate system
to specify the alignment of the elements of the part if
previously defined using one or more Coordinate
System (p. 147) objects; not available if Stiffness Behavior
is set to Rigid.
Bounding Box Length X
Length Y
Length Z
Properties - Read-only Volume
indication of the
properties originally Mass: Appears only in the Mechanical application.
assigned to the part.

• If the material density is temperature dependent,

the Mass is computed at the body temperature, or
at 22° C (default temperature for an environment).

Centroid X
Centroid Y
Centroid Z
Moment of Inertia Ip1
Moment of Inertia Ip2
Moment of Inertia Ip3
Surface Area (approx.): Appears only for a surface body.
Statistics - Read-only Nodes
indication of the entities
that comprise the part. Elements
Mesh Metric

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 473

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Body (p. 51), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Appears by default when geometry is attached that includes a multibody part.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Element Orientation

• Update

• Generate Mesh

• Preview >

– Surface Mesh

– Inflation

• Freeze Mesh

• Show/Hide Body

• Show/Hide All Other Bodies

• Hide or Show > Solid Bodies/Surface Bodies/Line Bodies (option availability based on body

• Suppress Body/Unsuppress Body

• Suppress All Other Bodies/Unsuppress All Bodies

• Invert Suppressed Body Set

• Create Named Selection

• Create Material Assignment

• Create Material Plot (p. 403)

• Transform Part

• Delete Part(s)

• Export > Geometry

• Update Selected Parts > Update: Use Geometry Parameter Values

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474 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

Attach Geometry/Mesh.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 475
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476 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part Transform
Changes the position and/or orientation of parts on your model.

Properties (p. 477)

Dependencies (p. 478)

Methods (p. 478)

Options (p. 479)

Information (p. 479)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Parts: Select the entry field of this property, select the desired part or
parts child objects from the Geometry object in the Outline, and then

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 477
Part Transform

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
select the Apply button that displays automatically. Once specified, this
field displays the number of part objects you have selected (for example,
1 Part, 2 Parts, etc.).
Definition Suppress: Include or exclude the selected geometry from the


The application automatically transforms all parts

whether suppressed or unsuppressed. This makes sure
that all transformations are available in case you
unsuppress the part at a later time.

Define By: Options include Rotation and Translation (default) and

Coordinate System.

Rotation and Translation

For the Rotation and Translation setting, the following properties

are available:

• Coordinate System

• Translate X/Translate Y/Translate Z

• Rotate X/Rotate Y/Rotate Z

Coordinate System

For the Coordinate System setting, the following properties are


• Coordinate System

• Target Coordinate System

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Transforms (p. 663).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Comment (p. 87).

Insertion Methods
• With either the Transforms or an existing Part Transform object selected, select Part Transform
option on Transforms Context.

• Right-click theTransforms object, on an existing Part Transform object, or in the Geometry window
and select Insert > Part Transform.

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478 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Select the parts/bodies you wish to transform from the Geometry object or on your model in the
Geometry window, right-click, and then select Transform Part.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Part Transform

• Show All Bodies

• Invert Visibility

• Transform

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

Specifying Part Transformations.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 479
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480 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Represents a spatial curve to which you can scope results. The results are evaluated at discrete points
along this curve.

Properties (p. 481)

Dependencies (p. 482)

Methods (p. 483)

Options (p. 483)

Information (p. 483)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 481

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Path Type: The display of the various other Details view properties
change based on the selection for this property. The options include:
Two Points (default), Edge, and X Axis Intersection.

Path Coordinate System

Number of Sampling Points

Start Coordinate System

Start X Coordinate

Start Y Coordinate

Start Z Coordinate

End Coordinate System

End X Coordinate

End Y Coordinate

End Z Coordinate

Scope (Path Type = Scoping Method. The options for this property include:
Edge Only)
• Geometry Selection (default): Indicates that design region is
applied to a geometry or geometries, which are chosen using a
graphical selection tools.

When you specify Geometry Selection for the Scoping Method,

the Geometry property also displays.

• Named Selection: Indicates that the geometry selection is

defined by a Named Selection.

When you specify Named Selection for the Scoping Method,

the Named Selection property also displays. This property
provides a drop-down list of available user-defined Named

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Construction Geometry (p. 123).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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482 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
• Select the Path option from the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context

• Select the Path option from the Create group on the Construction Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click the Construction Geometry object and select Insert > Path.

• Select the Construction Geometry object, right-click in the Geometry window, and select Insert >

• Right-click an existing Path object and select Insert > Path.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Snap to Mesh Nodes

• Flip Path Orientation

• Export

Additional Related Information

• Specifying a Path

• Specifying Construction Geometry

• Construction Geometry Object Reference (p. 123)

• Surface Object Reference (p. 643)

• Solid Object Reference (p. 595)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 483
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484 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Periodic/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region
The Periodic Region, Cyclic Region, and Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region objects define individual planes
for periodic conditions, anti-periodic conditions, cyclic conditions, or pre-meshed cyclic conditions. The
Periodic Region/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region objects are child objects of the Sym-
metry (p. 649) object.

Period Region object: Object

Properties (p. 487)

Dependencies (p. 488)

Methods (p. 488)

Options (p. 488)

Information (p. 489)

Cyclic Region object:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 485
Periodic/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region

Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region object:

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486 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Low Boundary: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry


High Boundary: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry


Low Selection: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 487
Periodic/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
High Selection: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named
Definition Scope Mode

Type: Not supported for Cyclic Region.

Number of Sectors (Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region only): The entry

range is any real number greater than 2.

Coordinate System


Boundary DOF Orientation (Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region only):

Options include Chosen by Solver (default) and Manual. The
Chosen by Solver option instructs the solver to automatically
assign nodal DOFs at the sector boundary and the Manual option
requires you to specify the orientations using Nodal Orientation.
See the direct FE example in the Pre-Meshed Cyclic Symmetry
section for a discussion on the solver's DOF requirements and
how to apply them in Mechanical APDL Solver with Nodal
Orientation objects.
Tolerance - Pre- Relative Distance Tolerance: The default setting is Program
Meshed Cyclic Region Controlled and this setting uses a value of -0.0001.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Symmetry (p. 649).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Symmetry (p. 649) object:

• Select Periodic Region/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region on Symmetry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Symmetry (p. 649) object or on an existing Periodic Region/Cyclic Region or
Symmetry Region object or in the Geometry window and then select Insert > Periodic Re-
gion/Cyclic Region/Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Symmetry Region

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488 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Linear Periodic

– Cyclic Region

• Flip High/Low

Additional Related Information

• Symmetry

• Symmetry Workflow in Mechanical

• Symmetry Context Tab

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 489
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490 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Physics Region
Defines a distinct location in your simulation domain for which you define the type of physics that will
be solved.

Acoustic Analyses
During an acoustic analysis, an Acoustics Region and/or a Structural Region object are automatically
included in the Outline. Both of these objects are Physics Region objects. You use them to specify the
geometry bodies that belong to the Structural or Acoustics physics type. All of the bodies must have
a physics type associated via Physics Region objects. For more information on acoustic domain definition
and FSI definition properties, refer to Elements for Acoustic Analysis section in the Mechanical APDL
Element Reference.

Coupled Field Analyses

During a Coupled Field analysis, a Physics Region object is automatically included in the Outline. You
use this object to specify the geometry bodies that belong to the Structural, Acoustics, Electric, Thermal
or some supported combination of these types. All of the bodies must have a physics type specified
by a Physics Region object.


The Show Coupled Physics Analysis setting, available in the Graphics category of the
preferences dialog, enables you to display the bodies and/or parts associated with each
properly defined Physics Region as a different color when the Environment (p. 181) object
is selected.

Acoustics and Structural Region objects for a Static Acoustics analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 491
Physics Region

Acoustic Analyses (p. 491)

Coupled Field
Analyses (p. 491)

Object Properties (p. 492)

Tree Dependencies (p. 496)

Insertion Methods (p. 496)

Right-click Options (p. 496)

Physics Region object for a Coupled Field Static analysis:

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping method: Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named

Geometry (Body selection only): Visible when the Scoping Method

property is set to Geometry Selection. You use this property to
specify the body or bodies belonging to structural or acoustic physics
(using the properties below). Use the Body selection filter to pick

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492 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
your geometry, click in the Geometry field, and then click the Apply
button that displays. After you select the geometry, this property
displays the geometric entities (1 Body, 3 Bodies, etc.).
Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method property is
set to Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of
available user–defined (and body-based) Named Selections.
Definition Structural: Specify the selected geometry or geometries as Structural.
The default setting depends upon the analysis type.

Acoustics: Specify the selected geometry or geometries (solid bodies

only) as Acoustic. The default setting depends upon the analysis type.

Thermal: Specify the selected geometry or geometries (solid bodies

only) as Thermal for a coupled field analysis. The default setting is Yes.

Electric: Options include No, Charge, and Conduction. Specify the

selected geometry or geometries as Electric. This property also specifies
the formulation type, whether it is a charge-based formulation or
current-based formulation. The default setting depends upon the analysis

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the object. The default setting is

Coupling Options Thermal Strain: This property is visible when the Thermal and Struc-
(Coupled Field tural properties above are set to Yes. You use this property to specify
Analyses Only) the coupling method for a structural-thermal physics problem. Options
include Program Controlled (default), Strong, and Weak. The setting
of the Program Controlled option varies based on the selected physics
as well as the selected solver.

• During a Structural Thermal Electric Conduction analysis, the

Program Controlled option uses the Strong setting. However,
if you select the Iterative solver, the application uses the Weak

• During a Structural Thermal analysis, the Program Controlled

option always uses the Strong setting.

Thermoelastic Damping: This property is visible for a Coupled Field

Transient analysis when the Thermal and Structural properties above
are set to Yes. Options include On and Off (default).

Piezoelectric: When the Structural property is set to Yes and the

Electric property is set to Charge, this read-only property indicates that
the selected region is a piezoelectric region. If the material assignment
of any body scoped to the Physics Region includes a piezoelectric
matrix, defined in the Engineering Data workspace, this property is
activated and automatically set to On. Otherwise, it is set to Off.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 493
Physics Region

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Electrostatic Force: For a Coupled Field Static analysis when the
Structural property is set to Yes and the Electric property is set to
Charge, this property indicates that the selected region includes
electrostatic structural coupling defined. It applies an electrostatic force
to the scoped bodies based on the following options:

• No (default): No electrostatic force is applied.

• Applied To All Nodes: Electrostatic Force is applied to each

element node.

• Applied To Air Structure Interface (Symmetric): Electrostatic

force is applied to the air-structure interface or to element nodes
that have constrained structural degrees of freedom. This option
produces a symmetric force coupling matrix by ignoring some
of the terms associated with the nodes of the interior air domain.
For this setting, Ansys recommends that you use a single layer
low-order (no mid-side nodes) mesh of elastic air elements.

• Applied To Air Structure Interface (Unsymmetric): Electrostatic

force is applied to the air-structure interface or to element nodes
that have constrained structural degrees of freedom. All terms
of the force coupling matrix are retained, which produces an
unsymmetric matrix. For this setting, Ansys recommends models
that include multiple layers of elastic air elements.


These options are also available for static coupling when

applied as an upstream system for a prestressed
Coupled Field Harmonic analysis.

Acoustic Domain Artificially Matched Layers: Options include Off (default), PML, and
Definition (Visible for Irregular PML. When you select PML or Irregular PML, a new PML
Acoustic Definition Options category displays in the details view that enable you to define
Only) the PML options, as described below.


For a Static Acoustics analysis, if you activate this

property, downstream Modal systems become invalid.

For additional information, see the Artificially Matched Layers section

in the Mechanical APDL Acoustic Analysis Guide.

Element Morphing: Enables you to specify that the mesh for the bodies
selected by the Acoustics Region can be updated, that is, morphed,
due to any deflection of the Structural Region. Options include
Program Controlled (default), Off, and On. The Yes setting specifies

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494 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
the mesh of the selected bodies is morphed and when Program
Controlled, the setting considers the following:

• If the Large Deflection property is set to Off, the KEYOPT for the
MORPH command is deactivated.

• If the Large Deflection property is set to On, the KEYOPT for the
MORPH command is activated for acoustic bodies connected to
structural bodies. This also requires that (1) the Artificially
Matched Layers property is not active, (2) the body is not
connected to absorbing elements or contact conditions.


Acoustic elements do not affect a Static Acoustics

analysis other than for a morphed mesh.

Piezoelectric Do- Perfectly Matched Layers: Options include Off (default) and PML. When
main Definition you select PML, and Options category displays in the Details that
(Visible for enables you to define the PML Options properties, as described below.
Coupling in Coupled
Field Harmonic
Structural Domain Perfectly Matched Layers: Options include Off (default) and PML. When
Definition (Visible you select PML, and Options category displays in the Details that
only when the enables you to define the PML Options properties, as described below.
Structural physics
property set to Yes in
Coupled Field
Harmonic analysis)
PML Options (Visible PML Element Coordinate System: The Global Coordinate System is
when Artificially the default setting.
Matched Layers or
Perfectly Matched PML Options: Options include 3D PML (default) and 1D PML.
Layers property is set
to PML) Reflection Coefficients: Options include Program Controlled (default)
and Manual. When this property is set to Manual, the following
additional properties display based upon the setting of the PML Options
property, either:

3D PML Setting 1D PML

--Value in -X -- Value
--Value in +X

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 495
Physics Region

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
-- Value in -Y
-- Value in +Y
-- Value in -Z
-- Value in +Z

Evanescent Wave Attenuation: Options include No (default) and Yes.

For additional information, see the Perfectly Matched Layers (PML)

section in the Mechanical APDL Acoustic Analysis Guide.
Irregular PML Reflection Coefficients
(Visible for Acoustic
analyses when Artifi- Evanescent Wave Attenuation: Options include No (default) and Yes.
cially Matched Lay-
ers property set to For additional information, see the Irregular Perfectly Matched Layers
Irregular PML) (IPML) section in the Mechanical APDL Acoustic Analysis Guide.
Advanced (Visible for Reference Pressure: Enter a Reference Pressure value. The default value
Acoustic Definition is 2e-5 Pa.
Reference Static Pressure: Enter a Reference Static Pressure value. The
default value is 101325 Pa.

Fluid Behavior: Specify the compressibility of the fluid. Available options

are Compressible (default) or Incompressible.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The Environment (p. 181) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No current child objects are supported for this object.

Insertion Methods
This object is automatically inserted into the Outline when you open the analysis type in Mechanical.
Additional objects can be inserted. Select the analysis's environment object, and:

• Right-mouse click and select Insert > Physics Region.


• Select the Physics Region option on the Evironment Context tab.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

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496 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Insert >

– Physics Region

– [Various loads and supports. See Load Type Boundary Conditions]

– Commands (p. 81)

• Suppress/Unsuppress


See the associated analysis type section for the supported loads for each analysis type.


For more detailed information about setting the Acoustic Domain Definition and Acoustic
FSI Definition, see the Elements for Acoustic Analysis section of the Mechanical APDL Element

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 497
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498 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Point Mass
Represents the inertial effects from a body.

Properties (p. 500)

Dependencies (p. 501)

Methods (p. 501)

Options (p. 501)

Information (p. 501)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 499
Point Mass

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping method: Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or
Named Selection or Remote Point (only available when a
user-defined Remote Point exists in the tree).
Geometry: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry
Selection. Displays the type of geometry (Body, Face, etc.) and
the number of geometric entities (for example: 1 Body, 2 Edges)
to which the boundary has been applied using the selection
tools. Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry
field, then click Apply. The Remote Attachment option is the
required Applied By property (see below) setting if the geometry
scoping is to a single face or multiple faces, a single edge or
multiple edges, or multiple vertices.
Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to
Named Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of available
user–defined Named Selections.
Remote Points: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Re-
mote Point. This field provides a drop-down list of available
user–defined Remote Point.
Applied By: Specify as Remote Attachment (default) or Direct
Coordinate System: Aligns the inertial axes of the Point Mass
with a local coordinate system. The local system must have been
previously defined by one or more Coordinate System objects.
For the Rigid Dynamics and Explicit Dynamics solvers, the Mass
Moment of Inertia axes also align to this coordinate system. For
the Mechanical APDL Solver, by default, the Mass Moment of
Inertia axes align to the Global Coordinate System.
X Coordinate: Define X coordinate location; can be designated
as a parameter.
Y Coordinate: Define Y coordinate location; can be designated
as a parameter.
Z Coordinate: Define Z coordinate location; can be designated
as a parameter.
Location: Change location of the load. Pick new location, click
in the Location field, then click Apply.
Definition Mass: Define mass; can be designated as a parameter.
Mass Moment of Inertia X: Available for 3D models only.
Mass Moment of Inertia Y: Available for 3D models only.
Mass Moment of Inertia Z: Available for 2D and 3D models.

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500 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Select a material to define material properties for the beams used
in the connection. Density is excluded from the material
Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.
Specify a radius to define the cross section dimension of the
circular beam used for the connection.
Pinball Region

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Geometry (p. 233) object or a Body object:

• Select the Point option from the Mass group on the Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Point Mass.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass

– Surface Coating

– Commands (APDL)

• Suppress

• Promote Remote Point (Remote Attachment Only)

Additional Related Information

• Point Mass application

• Coordinate Systems

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 501
Point Mass

• Geometry Context Tab

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502 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Predefined Support
Used during Additive Manufacturing simulations and enables you to specify a support structure that
you have created in a CAD application. Supports are modelled as elements between the Build Geometry
and the Base Plate Geometry.

Object Properties (p. 503)

Tree Dependencies (p. 505)

Insertion Methods (p. 505)

Right-click Options (p. 505)

Additional Related
Information (p. 505)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 503
Predefined Support

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default)
and Named Selections.

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry


Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to

Named Selection. Select a desired Named Selection from the
drop-down menu.
Support Material Support Type: Options include User Defined (default) and Block.
Settings When you select the Block option, the following properties become
the only visible properties.

• Wall Thickness: Enter a thickness value (illustrated by T length


• Wall Spacing: Enter a spacing value (illustrated by L length


Multiplier Entry: Options include All (default) and Manual.

Material Multiplier

All Setting

When the Multiplier Entry property is set to All, the Mater-

ial Multiplier property displays. The Material Multiplier
property applies the same value to all of the material
multipliers listed below. The multiplication factors are
homogenization factors and, in each direction, reflect the
ratio of the support area projected onto the area of a fully
solid support.

Manual Setting

When the Multiplier Entry property is set to Manual, the

following multiplier properties display:

• Elastic Modulus Multiple in X/Y/Z

• Shear Modulus Multiple in XY/YZ/XZ

• Density Multiple

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504 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Thermal Conductivity Multiple in X/Y/Z

Statistics Volume: Read-only property that displays the volume of the added
finite element body.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Support Group (p. 639).

• Valid Child Tree Object: This object does not support any child objects.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Support Group object and then select the Predefined option from the Supports group
of the AM Process Context Tab.

• Right-click the Support Group object and then select the Insert > Predefined Support.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert

– Predefined Support (p. 503)

– Generated Support (p. 229)

– STL Support (p. 623)

– Commands (p. 81)

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

• LPBF Simulation Guide

• Identify and/or Generate Supports

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 505
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506 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Pre-Meshed Crack
Defines a crack that is based on a previously generated mesh and used to analyze crack fronts based
on a Named Selection.

Properties (p. 507)

Dependencies (p. 509)

Methods (p. 509)

Options (p. 509)

Information (p. 509)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 507
Pre-Meshed Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: Read-only field indicating the type of crack definition.

Scoping Method: Read-only and always set to Named Selection

when defining pre-meshed cracks.

Crack Tip (Named Selection): Assign the scoping of the Pre-Meshed

Crack to a valid Named Selection. Click in the Named Selection field
and select a node-based named selection. This option is only
applicable to 2D analysis.

Crack Front (Named Selection): Assign the scoping of the Pre-Meshed

Crack to a valid Named Selection. Click in the Named Selection field
and select a named selection consisting of nodes. This option is only
applicable to 3D analysis.

Crack Faces Nodes: Turn this property On to specify the crack top
face and bottom face node-based Named Selections. The default
setting is Off. This option is only applicable to 3D analysis. When
set to On, the following additional properties display:

• Top Face Nodes: Specify the top face (nodes) of the crack
by selecting a valid node-based named selection from the
drop-down list.

• Bottom Face Nodes: Specify the bottom face (nodes) of the

crack by selecting a valid node-based named selection from
the drop-down list.

Definition Crack ID: A read-only property that displays a unique system

generated identification number ID for the crack object. The
application uses this identifier when creating solution identifiers for
fracture parameters.

Coordinate System: Specifies the coordinate system that defines

the position and orientation of the crack. The Y axis of the specified
coordinate system defines the crack surface normal. The origin of
the coordinate system represents the open side of the crack. You
can select the default coordinate system or a local coordinate system
that you have defined. The default is the Global Coordinate System.
The valid coordinate system must be of type Cartesian.

Solution Contours: Specifies the number of contours for which you

want to compute the fracture result parameters.

Symmetry: Specifies the crack symmetry about a line (in 2D analysis)

or about a plane (in 3D analysis). The default is No.

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the Pre-Meshed Crack object

on and off. The default is No. The Pre-Meshed Crack object is
suppressed automatically if the scoped named selection is

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508 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the Pre-Meshed Crack option from the Crack group
on the Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click (context) menus for the Arbitrary Crack (p. 29), Pre-Meshed Crack, and Semi-Elliptical
Crack (p. 581) objects include an Insert menu option for Pre-Meshed Crack.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack

– Semi-Elliptical Crack

– Pre-Meshed Crack

• Generate All Crack Meshes

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Defining a Pre-Meshed Crack

• Performing a Fracture Analysis

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510 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines an upstream structural analysis whose stress results are to be used in a Prestressed Coupled
Field Harmonic Analysis, Prestressed Coupled Field Modal Analysis, Harmonic Acoustics Analysis, Har-
monic Response Analysis, Modal Analysis, or Modal Acoustics Analysis, whose stress-stiffening effects
are to be used in a Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis, or whose stresses, strains, and/or displacements, or
velocities are to be used in an Explicit Dynamics Analysis.

Pre-Stress object for a Harmonic Response analysis: Object

Properties (p. 514)

Dependencies (p. 515)

Methods (p. 515)

Information (p. 516)

Pre-Stress object for a Modal analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 511

Pre-Stress object for an Eigenvalue Buckling analysis:

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
512 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Pre-Stress object for an Explicit Dynamics analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 513

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Pre-Stress Environment: Using this property, you specify the upstream structural
analysis you wish to link to the current analysis. The application uses the stress
results from the specified structural analysis in the current analysis.

Eigenvalue Buckling, Harmonic Response, Modal, or Substructure Generation

Environments Only:

Pre-Stress Define By: Specify this property as Program Controlled (default),

Load Step, or Time.
Pre-Stress Loadstep: Displays when Pre-Stress Define By is specified as
Load Step. Enter the load step of Static Structural analysis that you’ll use
as the starting point to begin your Harmonic Response, Modal, or
Eigenvalue Buckling analysis. The default value is Last.
Pre-Stress Time: Displays when Pre-Stress Define By is specified as Time.
Enter the time from the Static Structural analysis that you want to use as

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
514 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
the starting point to begin your Harmonic Response, Modal, or Eigenvalue
Buckling analysis. The default value is End Time.
Reported Loadstep: Read-only field.
Reported Substep: Read-only field.
Reported Time: Read-only field.
Contact Status: Options include Use True Status, Force Sticking, Force
Newton-Raphson Option: Read-only field for Pre-Stressed Modal Analyses.
Indicates whether the property was selected in the prestressed
environment. Options include Program Controlled, Full, Modified, and


For Substructure Generation analyses, the Load Control property

is available when the Beta Options feature is activated. This
property defines the LoadControl option of the PERTURB command.

Explicit Dynamics Environment Only:

Mode: Specify this property as Displacement or Material State.

Time Step Factor: Displays when Mode is specified as Displacement.
Pressure Initialization: Displays when Mode is specified as Material State.
Specify this property as From Deformed State (default) or From Stress
Time: The time at which results are extracted from the implicit analysis.

Tree Dependencies
The Pre-Stress object has the following Outline structure.

• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Coupled Field Harmonic, Coupled Field Modal, Harmonic
Acoustics, Harmonic Response, Modal, Modal Acoustics, Eigenvalue Buckling, Explicit Dy-
namics, or Substructure Generation environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
The object appears automatically for Coupled Field Harmonic, Coupled Field Modal, Harmonic Acoustics,
Modal Acoustics, Harmonic Response, Modal, Eigenvalue Buckling, Explicit Dynamics, and Substructure
Generation analyses.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 515

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Prestressed Coupled Field Harmonic • Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis Guide
• Prestressed Coupled Field Modal Analysis
• Substructure Generation Analysis
• Harmonic Response (Full) Analysis Using
Pre-Stressed Structural System • Define Initial Conditions

• Modal Analysis

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516 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Determines results at a point on a model or finds minimum or maximum results on a body, face, vertex,
or edge.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 517

Properties (p. 518)

Dependencies (p. 519)

Methods (p. 519)

Options (p. 519)

Information (p. 519)

Object Properties
See the Probe Details View section.

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518 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution (p. 599) object or an existing Probe

– Choose Probe > {specific probe} on the Solution Context Tab.

– Right-click the Solution (p. 599) object or in the Geometry window Insert > Probe > {specific

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Evaluate All Results

Additional Related Information

• Probes

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 519
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520 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Includes all objects in the Mechanical application and represents the highest level in the object tree.
Only one Project can exist per Mechanical session.


In the Outline, this object displays with an asterisk (*) until you save the database/project.

Properties (p. 522)

Dependencies (p. 522)

Methods (p. 522)

Options (p. 523)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 521

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Title Page: You can Author
enter the following
information that will Subject
appear on the title
page of the report. Prepared for
Information: The First Saved
application provides Last Saved
the following
information that will Product Version
appear on the title
page of the report.
Project data Man- Save Project Before Solution: Saves the entire project immediately
agement before solving (after any required meshing). If the project had never
been previously saved, you can now select a location to save a new

Save Project After Solution: Saves the project immediately after

solving but before postprocessing. If the project had never been
previously saved, nothing will be saved.


• The default values can be specified in Tools > Options

under the Miscellaneous section.

• The Save Options defaults are applicable only to new

projects. These settings will not be changed for existing

• These properties are not supported if you are using the

Workbench System Coupling component system in
combination with your Mechanical analysis.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: None. This object is the highest level in the tree.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Model (p. 443).

Insertion Methods
Automatically included in all Mechanical systems.

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522 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Solve

• Clear Generated Data

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 523
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524 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Extrudes and revolves element faces, geometric faces or scoped bodies (only shell body) from a surface
or solid mesh. Pull also enables you to create a surface coating on solid bodies, faces of 3D bodies,
element faces (requires mesh), and the edges of 2D axisymmetric surface bodies.


For the Extrude and Revolve options, you can automatically apply your extrusion or revolution
to Named Selections scoped to the Pull body using the Associate To Pull Geometry property
of the Mesh Edit object. See the Associating Named Selections To Pull Geometries section
for the steps to use this feature.

Object Properties (p. 525)

Tree Dependencies (p. 526)

Insertion Methods (p. 526)

Right-click Options (p. 526)

Additional Related
Information (p. 526)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Pull section of the Meshing User's Guide.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 525

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Mesh (p. 411) and Mesh Edit (p. 433).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after selecting the Mesh or Mesh Edit object:

• Click Pull option on Mesh Edit Context Tab.

• Right-click the Mesh or Mesh Edit object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Pull.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Generate

• Clear Generated Data

• Suppressed

• Disable Transparency

• Show All Bodies

• Invert Visibility

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Mesh Editing

• Model Context Tab

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526 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Python Code
Executes Python code in response to events occurring in Mechanical for a given workflow. When inserted,
an editor pane displays automatically and includes features such as auto-completion and syntax high-
lighting. The events related to Python code execution can be split into two main categories:

• During the solution process when the input file is created. Python Code objects can query in-
formation about the Mechanical data model (objects) and inject Mechanical APDL commands
into specific locations of the input file.

• Following certain processing events that take place before the solution process, such as mesh
generation, geometry changes/updates, etc.

Object Properties (p. 527)

Tree Dependencies (p. 528)

Insertion Methods (p. 528)

Right-click Options (p. 528)

Additional Related
Information (p. 528)

Object Properties
The Details pane includes the following properties for this object.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 527
Python Code

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Target Callback: Provides the following options.

• Get Post Commands

• After Solve

• After Post

• After Object Changed

• Initialize

Suppressed: Options include Yes and No (default). Suppressing an

object removes it from the analysis but maintains scoping and property

Connected: Read-only property. Values include True and False.

Advanced Script Execution Scope

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Objects: Model, Body, Contact Region, Environment, and Solution.

• Valid Child Objects: This feature does not support child objects.

Insertion Methods
Right-click the supported parent object and select Insert > Python Code.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Connect

• Reload Properties

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information: Using Python Code.

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
528 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Python Result
Evaluates output quantities by executing an Iron-python script based on the DPF (Data Processing
Framework) post-processing toolbox.

Object Properties (p. 529)

Tree Dependencies (p. 529)

Insertion Methods (p. 529)

Right-click Options (p. 530)

Additional Related
Information (p. 530)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties:

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
To add a Python Result object, highlight the Solution object and either:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 529
Python Result

• Select the Python Result option from the Solution Context Tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Python Result.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– [various result options]

– Command

• Connect

• Reload Properties

• Solve

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

See the following Python Result sections for more information about how to use this feature.

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530 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Ring Crack
You use this object to insert embedded void cracks of a hallow disc shape into a solid body.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 531
Ring Crack

Object Properties (p. 533)

Tree Dependencies (p. 536)

Insertion Methods (p. 536)

Right-click Options (p. 536)

Additional Related Information (p. 537)

Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
532 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: Read-only property set to Analytical Crack

Scoping Method: Read-only property set to Geometry Selection.

Geometry: Use the Body selection filter to pick a solid body, click
in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Definition Crack ID: A read-only property that displays a unique system
generated identification value. The application uses this identifier
when creating solution identifiers for fracture parameters.

Coordinate System: Specify the coordinate system that defines the

orientation of the crack. The Y axis of the specified coordinate system
must be directed towards the normal of the crack plane and the
crack plane always lies in the X-Z plane of the specified coordinate

Crack Shape: Read-only property set to Ring.

Outer Major Radius: Specifies the outer major radius, which defines
the size of the crack shape along the Z axis (that is, the width of the
crack). Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

Outer Minor Radius: Specifies the outer minor radius, which defines
the size of the crack shape along the X axis (that is, the depth of the
crack). Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

Inner Major Radius: Specifies the inner major radius, which defines
the size of the inner crack shape along the Z axis (that is, the width
of the crack). Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

Inner Minor Radius: Specifies the inner minor radius, which defines
the size of the inner crack shape along the X axis (that is, the depth
of the crack). Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

Mesh Method: This property enables you to select the mesh method
to be used to mesh the crack. Options include Hex Dominant
(default) and Tetrahedrons.

Largest Contour Radius: Specifies the largest contour radius for the
crack shape. Enter a value greater than 0. You can parameterize this

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 533
Ring Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Growth Rate: This property is only visible when the Mesh Method
property is set to Tetrahedrons. It specifies the factor with which
the mesh layers will grow along the radius of the crack. Specify a
value greater than 1. The default value is 1.2. The recommended
value is equal to or greater than 1.1.

Outer Crack Front Divisions: This property is only visible when the
Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. It specifies the
number of divisions for the outer crack front. Your entry must be
equal to or greater than 3. The default is 30. You can parameterize
this property.

Inner Crack Front Divisions: This property is only visible when the
Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. It specifies the
number of divisions for the inner crack front. Your entry must be
equal to or greater than 3. The default is 30.. You can parameterize
this property.

Outer Front Element Size: This property is only visible when the
Mesh Method property is set to Tetrahedrons. It specifies the
element size for the outer crack front. The default value is computed
using crack length. Specify a value greater than 0.

Inner Front Element Size: This property is only visible when the
Mesh Method property is set to Tetrahedrons. It specifies the
element size for the inner crack front. The default value is computed
using crack length. Specify a value greater than 0.

Fracture Affected Zone: This property is only visible when the Mesh
Method property is set to Hex Dominant. This is the region that
contains a crack. This property defines the height of the fracture
affected zone. Property options include:

• Program Controlled (default): The application calculates the

height. When selected, the Fracture Affected Zone Height
property is read-only.

• Manual: You manually specify the height in the Fracture Affected

Zone Height property when using this option.

Fracture Affected Zone Height: This property is only visible when

the Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. This value
specifies two things: 1) the height of the Fracture Affected Zone,
which is in the Y direction of the crack coordinate system; and 2)
the distance in totality by which the Fracture Affected Zone is
extended in the positive and negative Z direction of the crack
coordinate system from the crack front extremities.

The shape of a Fracture Affected Zone is rectangular, regardless

of the shape of the crack. Although buffer zones may overlap,

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534 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
you should use care when defining multiple cracks so that the
zones do not overlap.


The crack generation process will fail if buffer zones


Circumferential Divisions: This property is only visible when the

Mesh Method property is set to Hex Dominant. It specifies the
number of circumferential divisions for the crack shape. The value
you enter must be a multiple of 8, and must be equal to or greater
than 8. The default is 8.


The maximum number of circumferential divisions

the Geometry window can display is 360. However,
you can specify a higher value and the application
will process it accordingly.

Mesh Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for the

crack shape. The value must be equal to or greater than 1. The
default value is 6. The Geometry window can display only a
maximum of 100 mesh contours, but you can specify a higher value
and fracture meshing will respect it.

Solution Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for which

you want to compute the fracture result parameters. The value must
be less than or equal to the value of the Mesh Contours property
and cannot exceed 99. By default, the value equals the Match Mesh
Contours property. This indicates the number of Solution Contours
is equal to the number of Mesh Contours. Entering 0 resets the
value to equal the Match Mesh Contours value.

Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the Ring Crack object. The

default is No. The application automatically suppresses the crack
object if the scoped body becomes suppressed.
Buffer Zone Scale This category includes the following properties:
• X Scale Factor

• Y Scale Factor

• Z Scale Factor

These properties control the size of the buffer zone in the X, Y, and
Z directions, relative to the dimensions of the crack. For each scaling
parameter, use the slider to set a value from 2 to 50. The default is

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 535
Ring Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
4. The maximum dimension among the three directions of the crack
is multiplied by the corresponding scale factors to create a buffer
zone. When the Mesh Method property is set to Hex-Dominant,
the crack dimensions also include fracture-affected zones.
Named Selections Named Selections are created automatically when the fracture mesh
Creation is generated. These Named Selections are a special type of Named
Selection. For more information about this category and its
properties, see the Defining a Ring Crack section as well as the
Special Handling of Named Selections for Crack Objects section. For
information about Named Selections in general, refer to Named
Selections in the Mechanical Object Reference (p. 447).

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the Ring Crack option from the Crack group on the
Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click (context) menus for the Arbitrary Crack, Semi-Elliptical Crack, Elliptical Crack, and Pre-
Meshed Crack (p. 507) objects include an Insert menu option for Ring Crack.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack

– Semi-Elliptical Crack

– Elliptical Crack

– Ring Crack

– Pre-Meshed Crack

– Commands

• Generate All Crack Meshes

• Suppress

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536 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
• Defining a Ring Crack

• Fracture Analysis

• Fracture Meshing

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 537
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538 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Remote Point
You use this object as a Scoping Method for Remote Boundary Conditions.

Properties (p. 539)

Dependencies (p. 542)

Methods (p. 542)

Options (p. 542)

Information (p. 542)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 539
Remote Point

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default), Named Selection, Re-
mote Point, Remote Points and Nodes, or Free Standing. Free Standing Remote Points
can be used to model structures such as Tuned Mass Dampers by directly connecting
pieces of your model together.


When you specify Free Standing, the Geometry, Pinball Region, Behavior,
and DOF Selection properties do not appear in the Details view.

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry Selection.
Select your geometric entity or mesh entity and then click the Apply button. This option
supports face, edge, vertex, node, or element face selection.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Named Selection.
Choose a Named Selection from the drop-down menu. Named selections can be geometry-,
element face-, or node-based.

Outline Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Remote Point
or Remote Point and Nodes. This property is scoped to an existing Remote Point. Select
the entry field of this property, select the desired Remote Point objects from the Outline,
and then select the Apply button that displays automatically. Once specified, this field
displays the number of Remote Point objects you have selected (for example, 1 Object,
2 Objects, etc.).

Nodes: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to Remote Point and Nodes.
This option enables you to perform direct node scoping for the Remote Point in addition
to the scoping of one or more Remote Point objects. This property behaves similar to the
Geometry scoping method, enabling you to perform direct node-based scoping.

Coordinate System: The Coordinate System based on the original location of the remote
point. This property does not change if you modify the remote point’s position with the
Location property.


When you scope a Remote Point to a load or a result (Scoping Method

property is set to Remote Point), the direction used to calculate the load
or to evaluate the result is based on the Coordinate System property of
the Remote Point object. This also applies to when Remote Points like
this are used with a Commands (APDL) (p. 81) object.

X Coordinate: The distance from the coordinate system origin on the x axis.

Y Coordinate: The distance from the coordinate system origin on the y axis.

Z Coordinate: The distance from the coordinate system origin on the z axis.

Location: When selected, this property displays the remote point's location. The property
allows you to manually modify the remote point's original position. Changing the Location

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540 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
does not establish a new coordinate system (reflected by the above Coordinate System
property) and re-plots the x, y, and z coordinate locations.

For a Free Standing remote point, use this property to define the remote point's
position in space.


When you first scope a Remote Point and you do not also define the
Location property, the application sets the position of the remote point
to the centroid of the scoped geometry selection(s) or if scoped to multiple
Remote Points, the centroid of those Remote Points. Any subsequent
scoping changes will not change this position. You must update the
Remote Point's location as needed.

Defin- Suppressed
tion Behavior


Relaxation Method

Pinball Region

DOF Selection: Specify as Program Controlled (default) or Manual. Provides control of

which DOF's will activate for corresponding constraint equations. If the Manual setting is
selected, the following additional properties display.

• X Component

• Y Component

• Z Component

• Rotation X

• Rotation Y

• Rotation Z

Pilot Node APDL Name: Optional property that enables you to create a Mechanical APDL
parameter (in the input file) and assign its value to the pilot node number of the Remote
Point. This facilitates easy programmatic identification of the Remote Point’s pilot node
for later use/reference in a Command object.
Ad- Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam. Select a material to define
vanced material properties for the beams used in the connection. Density is excluded from the
material definition.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 541
Remote Point

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Be- Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam. Specify a radius to define
ha- the cross section dimension of the circular beam used for the connection.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Remote Points (p. 543).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), and Figure (p. 209).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model or Remote Points object:

• Choose the Remote Point option on the Model or Remote Points Context tabs.

• Right-click the Model object or the Remote Points object or in the Geometry window and select
Insert > Remote Point.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Promote to Named Selection

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Remote Point

• Remote Boundary Conditions

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542 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Remote Points
A folder object that contains all user-defined Remote Point (p. 539) objects.

Object Properties (p. 543)

Tree Dependencies (p. 543)

Insertion Methods (p. 543)

Additional Related
Information (p. 544)

Object Property
This object has no associated properties.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Remote Point (p. 539).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model object:

• Select Remote Point on the Model Context tab.

• Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Remote Point.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 543
Remote Points

Additional Related Information

• Remote Point Overview

• Remote Boundary Conditions

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544 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Response Constraint
A Response Constraint is defined as one of the following and availability may depend upon the upstream
analysis type:

• Mass Constraint (default)

• Volume Constraint

• Global Stress Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

• Natural Frequency Constraint (Modal Analysis)

• Local von-Mises Stress Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

• Displacement Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

• Reaction Force Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

• Compliance Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

• Center of Gravity Constraint

• Moment of Inertia Constraint

• Temperature Constraint (Steady-State Thermal Analysis)

• Criterion Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

This constraint is required for a Structural Optimization analysis. The application inserts this object
automatically when you create a Structural Optimization analysis. The default response constraint is
a Mass Constraint object.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 545
Response Constraint

Properties (p. 546)

Dependencies (p. 546)

Methods (p. 547)

Options (p. 547)

Information (p. 548)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object are examined in the Response Constraint section.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Structural Optimization Environment (p. 181).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

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546 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
The application automatically inserts this object as a Mass Constraint. To add additional constraint
objects, highlight the Structural Optimization environment and either:

• Select the desired constraint from the Response Constraint drop-down menu on the Environment

• Right-click the Environment object or within the Geometry window and select Insert > [desired

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Optimization Region

– Objective

– Mass Constraint

– Volume Constraint

– Natural Frequency Constraint (Modal Analysis)

– Global Stress Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

– Local von-Mises Stress Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

– Displacement Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

– Reaction Force Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

– Compliance Constraint (Static Structural Analysis)

– Center of Gravity Constraint

– Moment of Inertia Constraint

– Temperature Constraint (Steady-State Thermal Analysis)

– Criterion Constraint (Static Structural and Modal Analysis)

– Member Size (p. 387)

– Pull out Direction (p. 387)

– Extrusion (p. 387)

– Cyclic (p. 163)

– Symmetry (p. 163)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 547
Response Constraint

– Uniform (p. 163)

– Pattern Repetition (p. 163)

– AM Overhang Constraint (p. 387)

– Commands

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Response Constraint

• Structural Optimization

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548 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Response PSD Tool (Group)
Controls the sampling points of Response PSD probes for Random Vibration analyses.

Object Properties (p. 549)

Tree Dependencies (p. 550)

Insertion Methods (p. 550)

Right-click Options (p. 550)

Additional Related
Information (p. 550)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Options Include All Excitation Frequencies: Options include Yes (default) and No. Selecting
Yes includes all excitation frequencies in the sampling. The No option includes
minimum and maximum excitation frequencies in addition to the frequency
samplings for natural frequencies.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 549
Response PSD Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Include User Defined Frequencies: Options include Yes and No (default). Selecting
Yes enables you to manually enter frequencies in the Tabular Data table (User
Defined Frequency Steps).

Clustering Frequency Points: The default value is 20. This property defines the
number of frequencies generated for both sides of the natural frequencies for
response PSD result evaluations. If your response PSD curve contains a number of
spikes, you can add more frequency points to obtain a more accurate RMS result,
however; this increases evaluation time.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: The Solution (p. 599) object is the only valid parent object.

• Valid Child Tree Object: The Response PSD Probe is the only valid child object.

Insertion Methods
• Use any of the following methods after selecting the Solution (p. 599) object:

– Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select Response PSD Tool.

– Right-click the Solution (p. 599) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Response
PSD Tool > Response PSD Tool.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Response PSD

– User Defined Result

– Commands

• Evaluate All Results: Available for Response PSD Tool and all child objects when the Response
PSD Tool is inserted under a Solution (p. 599) object.

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Response PSD Tool

• Response PSD Probe

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550 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Random Vibration Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 551
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552 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Result Tracker
Provides results graphs of various quantities (for example, deformation, contact, temperature, kinetic
energy, stiffness energy) vs. time.

Object Properties (p. 553)

Tree Dependencies (p. 554)

Insertion Methods (p. 554)

Right-click Options (p. 555)

Additional Related
Information (p. 555)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.


Properties may differ for Result Trackers in Explicit Dynamics systems. See Result Trackers
for more information.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 553
Result Tracker

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Displays for a Temperature result tracker object.

Geometry: Displays for a Deformation result tracker object, or for a

Temperature object if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.
Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry field, then
click Apply.

Contact Region: Displays for a Contact result tracker object.

Enhanced Tracking: Displays for a Contact result tracker object.

Definition Type: Read-only indication of result tracker type for Deformation and
Temperature objects. For Contact object, specify contact output.

Orientation: Displays for a Deformation result tracker object.

Suppression: Prior to solving, you can include or exclude the result

from the analysis. The default is value is No.
Results Minimum: Read-only indication of the minimum value of the result
tracker type.

Maximum: Read-only indication of the maximum value of the result

tracker type.
Filter (Explicit Type
Dynamics only)
Cut Frequency: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Minimum filtered value: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Maximum filtered value: Displays if Type = Butterworth.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution Information (p. 607).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution Information object:

• Open the Results Trackers drop-down menu on the Solution Information Context tab and
select the desired tracker.


For a solution in a solved state, the application allows you to add and evaluate Contact
Results Trackers. For all other Result Tracker types, you must first clear the solution.

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554 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Right-click the Solution Information object or in the Geometry window and select Insert >
[Desired Result Tracker].

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [Available Result Trackers]

• Evaluate All Contact Trackers[a]: Evaluates all contact trackers (Only visible for Contact result
trackers with the Enhanced Tracking property set to Yes.)

• Evaluate Trackers[a]: Evaluates all trackers.

• Evaluate Contact Tracker[a]: Evaluates selected contact tracker (Only visible for Contact result
trackers with the Enhanced Tracking property set to Yes.)

• Evaluate Tracker[a]: Evaluates selected tracker.

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Export: Available after the solution is obtained. This option enables you to save a text file of
the result data. And, based on the setting of the Automatically Open Excel preference in
the Export category of the Options dialog, this option will also open an excel spreadsheet
that includes the result data.

[a] Requires you to Retrieve result data.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Result Tracker Types

• Solution Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 555
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556 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Result Plot Trackers
Available from the Solution Information object, the Result Plot Tracker feature enables you to view
the progression of specific results during the solution process.

As listed in the following table, this feature supports specific result types for Static Structural, Transient
Structural, Explicit Dynamics, LS-DYNA, Steady-State Thermal, and Transient Thermal, as well as Struc-
tural Optimization analyses.

Static Structural, Transient Steady-State/Transient Structural

Structural, Explicit Dynamics, and Thermal Optimization
Deformation Temperature Topology Density

Stress Topology Elemental

Strain (not supported for LS-DYNA)

Structural and Explicit Dynamics Analyses Object Structural,

Examples Explicit
Analysis, and
Properties (p. 559)

Properties (p. 560)

Dependencies (p. 562)

Methods (p. 562)

Manual and
LS-DYNA, and
Thermal Analyses Object Example
Only) (p. 562)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 557
Result Plot Trackers

Add Result
Plot Trackers
Solution (p. 563)

Options (p. 564)

Information (p. 564)

Structural Optimization Analyses Object Examples

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558 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Structural, Explicit Dynamics Analysis, and LS-DYNA Object Properties
The Details Pane includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Property options include Geometry Selection,
Named Selection, Path, and Surface.

The application displays one of the following associated properties

based on your Scoping Method selection:


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Geo-

metry. Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the
Geometry field, then click Apply.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 559
Result Plot Trackers

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Named Selection

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Named

Selection. Specify named selection.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Path.

Select a defined path from the drop-down list.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Sur-

face. Select a defined surface from the drop-down list.

Definition Type: Read-only indication of result plot tracker result type you have
selected (Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress, Equivalent Plastic Strain
(not available for LS-DYNA), Total Deformation, or Temperature).

Suppressed: Include (Yes) or exclude the (default, No) the result.

Results Minimum: Read-only indication of the minimum value for the plot

Maximum: Read-only indication of the maximum value for the plot


Average: Displays the arithmetic mean of the result plot value.

Minimum Occurs On: Displays the part name of the model on which
the minimum result plot occurs.

Maximum Occurs On: Displays the part name of the model on which
the maximum result plot occurs.
Information Time: Displays the time at which the result plot tracker obtained

Load Step: Displays the Load Step that the result plot tracker
obtained data.

Substep: Displays the Substep that the result plot tracker obtained

Iteration Number: Read-only field that displays the converged

iteration step number.

Structural Optimization Object Properties

The Details Pane includes the following properties.

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560 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method. The options for this property include:

• Optimization Region (default): Iindicates that the design

region is applied to the select Optimization Region. When
you specify Optimization Region for the Scoping Method,
the Optimization Region property displays and is
automatically populated.

• Geometry Selection: Indicates that the design region is

applied to a geometry or geometries, which are chosen using
the graphical selection tools. When you specify Geometry
Selection for the Scoping Method, the Geometry property

In this case, use selection filters on the Graphics Toolbar to

pick your geometric entities (body and element selection
only), and then click Apply. Once complete, the property
displays the type of geometry (Body, etc.) and the number
of selected geometric entities (for example: 1 Body).

• Named Selection: Indicates that the design region is applied

to a Named Selection. When you specify Named Selection
for the Scoping Method, the Named Selection property
displays. This property provides a drop-down list of available
user-defined Named Selections (only body-based and
element-based Named Selections are supported).

Definition Type: Read-only indication of result plot tracker result type.

Iteration: Indicates iteration number for the selected result.

Retained Threshold: Controlled by a slider option that represents

the range from minimum to maximum for the result. The default
value is 0.5. The supported range is 0.01 to 0.99 (greater than zero
and less than 1).

Once you evaluate results, you can use the slider to view the
optimized topology in the graphics view. When you release the
slider, press the Enter key to apply the entry. The application
computes and displays the values for the Original Volume, Final
Volume, Percent Volume of Original, Original Mass, Final Mass, and
Percent Mass of Original.

Suppressed: Include (Yes) or exclude the (default, No) the result.

Results Minimum: Read-only indication of the minimum value for the tracker.

Maximum: Read-only indication of the maximum value for the


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Result Plot Trackers

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Visibility Show Optimized Region. Used for graphical view changes only.
The options for this property include:

• All Regions: Displays all of the regions selected by the

Scoping Method. Three color bands are shown: Remove (Red),
Marginal (Yellow), and Keep (Gray). Remove indicates a
Retained Threshold value of 0 to 0.4, Marginal indicates a
value of 0.4 to 0.6, and Keep indicates a value greater than

• Retained Region (default): When Retained Region is selected,

then the Retained Threshold value is used from the details
view to show the region which needs to be kept.

• Removed Region: Displays what will be removed.

Information Iteration Number: Read-only field that displays the converged

iteration step number.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Solution Information (p. 607).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: This object currently does not support any child objects.

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution Information object:

• Open the Result Plot Tracker drop-down menu on the Solution Information Tab and select a
desired plot tracker.

• Right-click the Solution Information object or within the Geometry window, select Insert option
and then select a desired plot tracker.

Manual and Automatic Mode (Structural, Explicit Dynamics, LS-DYNA, and

Thermal Only)
When you insert a Result Plot Tracker, the right-click context menu options enable you to either (1)
acquire result data (Update Result) for the current time point or (2) set the tracker to update automat-
ically (Switch to Automatic Mode). These options are illustrated below. By default, when you insert a
tracker, the associated icon includes a pause button icon. When this icon is displayed, right-click the
object and select Update Result to retrieve current result data. Otherwise, select Switch to Automatic
Mode, in which case, the pause icon is replaced with a play icon and the tracker updates automatically.
Automatic updates display the current result based on the latest time available. You can see the time
the result data is captured in the legend of the result. This time corresponds to the solver when the
result data is captured.

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562 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
To obtain result data for a specific time point, enter a specific time in the Display Time property of the
Details pane and select Update Result.

The Geometry window displays the result contour updates, as well as deformations when applicable,
on your model as the solution progress. When using Automatic Mode, the display of results is refreshed
automatically based on the value specified in the Update Interval property of the Solution Information
object. The default setting for this property is 2.5 s.

For Structural Optimization analyses, the tracking is iteration-based during the solution process. By default,
the Topology Density Tracker object is inserted as a child object of the Solution Information object.
It displays node-based result data. In addition, you can choose to insert the Topology Elemental
Density Tracker object in order to display element-based result data.


• You cannot add a plot tracker to an analysis in the solved state. You must first clear the
solution to make the addition.

• Result Plot Trackers do not support the use of the Convergence (p. 145) feature.

Add Result Plot Trackers During Solution

At any point during the solution, you can use the Insert option of the right-click menu, from the
Solution Information object or an existing tracker object, to add additional result plot trackers.

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Result Plot Trackers

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > [options include Result Trackers and Result Plot Trackers]

• Get Results (available once solution is complete)

• Switch to Automatic Mode

• Update Result (requires you to Retrieve result data)

• Suppressed/Unsuppressed

• Interrupt Solution

• Stop Solution

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Performing Solution and Review Results (see Result Display Feature)

• Structural Optimization Analysis

• Topology Density

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564 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Results and Result Tools (Group)
Defines the engineering output for displaying and analyzing the results from a solution.

Applies to the following objects:

Category Object
Structural Bending Stress, Bolt Tool, Campbell Diagram, Directional Acceleration,
Damage Results, Directional Deformation, Directional Velocity, Elastic
Strain Intensity, Energy Dissipated Per Unit Volume, Equivalent Creep
Strain, Equivalent Plastic Strain, Equivalent Stress, Equivalent Total
Strain, Fiber Compressive Damage Variable, Fiber Compressive Failure
Criterion, Fiber Tensile Damage Variable, Fiber Tensile Failure Criterion,
Frequency Response, Linearized Stresses, Max Failure Criteria, Matrix
Compressive Damage Variable, Matrix Compressive Failure Criterion,
Matrix Tensile Damage Variable, Matrix Tensile Failure Criterion,
Maximum Principal Elastic Strain, Maximum Principal Stress, Maximum
Shear Eleastic Strain, Maximum Shear Stress, Membrane Stress, Middle
Principal Elastic Strain, Middle Principal stress, Minimum Principal Elastic
Strain, Minimum Principal Stress, Mullins Damage Variable, Muliins Max
Previous Strain Energy, Normal Elastic Strain, Normal Gasket Pressure,
Normal Gasket Total Closure, Normal Stress, Phase Response, Shear
Damage Variable, Shear Elastic Strain, Shear Gasket Pressure, Shear
Gasket Total Closure, Shear Stress, Strain Energy, Stress Intensity,
Structural Error, Thermal Strain, Total Acceleration, Total Deformation,
Total Velocity, Vector Principal Elastic Strain, and Vector Principal Stress.
Structural Beams Axial Force, Beam Tool, Bending Moment, Direct Stress, Maximum
Bending Stress, Maximum Combined Stress, Minimum Bending Stress,
Minimum Combined Stress, Shear Force, Shear-Moment Diagram, and
Torsional Moment.
Thermal Directional Heat Flux, Temperature, Thermal Error, Total Heat Flux, Fluid
Flow Rate, and Fluid Heat Conduction Rate.
Magnetostatic Current Density, Directional Field Intensity, Directional Flux Density,
Directional Force, Electric Potential, Flux Linkage, Inductance, Magnetic
Error, Total Field Intensity, Total Flux Density, and Total Force.
Electric Directional Current Density, Directional Electric Field Intensity, Electric
Voltage, Joule Heat, Total Current Density, and Total Electric Field
General Coordinate Systems Results (group), User Defined Result, User Defined
Criteria, and Volume.
Structural Topology Density and Topology Elemental Density.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 565
Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Object
Acoustics Acoustics Contour Results

Pressure, Total Velocity, Directional Velocity, Kinetic Energy,

Potential Energy, Sound Pressure, A-Weighted Sound Pressure
Level, Frequency Band SPL, and A-Weighted Frequency Band

Acoustics Far-field

Far-field SPL, Far-field A-Weighted SPL, Far-field Maximum

Pressure, Far-field Phase, Far-field Directivity, Far-field Maximum
Scattered Pressure, Far-field Target Strength, and Far-field Sound
Power Level.

Acoustic Frequency Response

Pressure, Total Velocity, Directional Velocity, Kinetic Energy,

Potential Energy, Sound Pressure Level, and A-Weighted Sound
Pressure Level.

Acoustic Power Loss Results

Transmission Loss, Return Loss, and Absorption Coefficient.

Acoustic Diffuse Sound Transmission Loss

Diffuse Sounds Transmission Loss

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566 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Properties (p. 567)

Categories (p. 577)

Dependencies (p. 579)

Methods (p. 579)

Options (p. 579)

Information (p. 580)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object may include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 567
Results and Result Tools (Group)

The following applies to many result objects whose direct parent object is Solution (p. 599). Many exceptions
are noted. For more complete information check individual descriptions for all results and result tools.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Property options include Geometry Selection, Named
Selection, Path, Surface, Result File Item, or Surface Coating.

The application displays one of the following associated properties

based on your Scoping Method selection:


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Geometry.

Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geometry
field, then click Apply.

Named Selection

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Named Se-

lection. Specify named selection.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Path. Select

a defined path from the drop-down list.


Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Surface.

Select a defined surface from the drop-down list.

Item Type

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Result File

Item. The options include:

• Material IDs

• Element Name IDs

• Element Type IDs

• Component Name

• Element IDs

• Node IDs
The values associated with the above options are generated
and displayed in the Worksheet. Refer to the Result File Item
section for additional information.

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568 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Solver Component IDs

Displays if the Item Type property is set to Materials

IDs, Element Name IDs, Element Type IDs, Element
IDs, or Node IDs.

The default value is All for the Materials IDs, Element

Name IDs, and Element Type IDs options.

For the Materials IDs and Element Type IDs options,

you can also enter a number or a number range (that
is, 1, 2, 3, or 2-5).

For Element Name IDs, you can also enter an element

name, such as BEAM188, or, you can enter a group
label, such as "Beam", to include all beam element

For the Element IDs and Node IDs options, you make
comma separated entries of individual elements or
nodes, or range entries by using a dash, and/or a
combination of the two.

See the Result File Item section of the Help for

additional information.

Global IDs

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Result File

Item. This property is used to scope results to bodies that have
the Model Type property set to Reinforcement. This property
is not applicable to bodies with any other Model Type setting.
The application assigns a global ID to each body contained
under the Geometry object, in the order that they are listed.
That is, the first body in the tree has a global ID of 1 and so on
in descending order for each object. As a result, you must
determine the global ID of your reinforcement bodies based
on their position in the tree. The default setting for the Global
IDs property is All. You can enter an individual ID, or a range
of IDs based on the number of reinforcement bodies. The
default setting for this property is All.

Component Name

Displays if the Item Type property is set to Component Name.

Specify a Component Name as listed in the Solver Component

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Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Names table of the Worksheet. See the Result File Item section
of the Help.


This is the only available option for an analysis

that includes a Condensed Part (p. 105).

Surface Coating

Displays if the Scoping Method property is set to Surface

Coating. This property provides a drop-down menu of available
surface coatings. The default setting for this property is All.

Sub Scope By: Options include:

• Layer: Specifies the layer to calculate Shell result values. If

selected, a Layer property also displays that requires you to
specify a Layer number.

• Ply: If selected, a Ply property also displays that requires you to

select a target ply from the Modeling Ply object in the tree. The
result calculation uses the intersection of the specified Ply and
the Geometry property scoping.

Position: Displays only for stress and strain results scoped to surface
bodies, to a layer (which may include a layer or ply of a solid body), or
a Line Coating created by the Pull (p. 525) feature. Options include:
Top/Bottom, Top, Middle, and Bottom.


Because Line Coatings use a shell element that display

as lines, the Top/Bottom option only displays Bottom
option results. The application generates a message
when this occurs.

Definition Type: Displays the type of result you have inserted into the tree, for
example, Total Deformation. This property often provides a drop-down
menu that enables you to change your selection within the same result
category. That is, you can change between any of the supported results
of the Stress result category. For some result types, this property is a
read-only indication of the given result.

Subtype: Only displays for the Fracture Results SIFS, VCCT, and Mater-
ial Force.

Response Type: Appears for Random Vibration and Response Spectrum

analyses only and is only available for User Defined results. Options

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570 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
include Displacement (default), Velocity, Acceleration, and Other

Input Port: Provides a drop-down menu of available ports.

Output Port: Only available for the Transmission Loss result. Select
the desired port from the drop-down menu of available ports.

Location Method: The Location Method property is available for the

Force Reaction option (which is the same as the Force Reaction probe)
of Frequency Response results. This property is used to specify the
method you want to extract use to frequency response results. Options
include Boundary Condition (default), Contact Region, Remote Points,
Spring, and Beam. Based upon your selection, one of the following
corresponding properties display.

Boundary Condition: Provides a drop-down list of available

boundary conditions that you use to scope the result to.
Contact Region: Provides a drop-down list of available contact
Remote Points: Provides a drop-down list of available remote
Spring: Provides a drop-down list of available body-ground
Beam: Provides a drop-down list of available body-ground

Extraction: Only displayed for a Frequency Response (Force Reaction)

result when the Location Method is set to Contact Region. Options
include: Contact (Underlying Element) and Target (Underlying

Orientation: Appears only for: Axial Force, Directional Deformation,

Directional Field Intensity, Direction Flux Density, Directional Force,
Directional Heat Flux, Normal Elastic Strain, Normal Stress, Shear Elastic
Strain, Shear Stress, Torsional Moment, Shell Membrane Stress, and Shell
Bending Stress.

For Frequency Response results, this property is used to specify

the Orientation in which results are to be extracted. Options
include X Axis (default), Y Axis, and Z Axis.

Expression: Displays for User Defined Result only.

Input Unit System: Displays for User Defined Result only.

Output Unit: Displays for User Defined Result only.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 571
Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Coordinate System: Displays for results that change with respect to a
coordinate system, such as Normal Stress. For these result types, you
accept the default setting, Global Coordinate System, or you can select
a local coordinate system that you have defined, or select Solution
Coordinate System. When the Sub Scope By property is set to Ply, this
property defaults to the Fiber Coordinate System option.


• The Fiber Coordinate System setting, when a result

is scoped to a ply, supports the Mechanical APDL
Solver only. In addition, this setting executes the same
coordinate system commands as the Solution
Coordinate System setting.

• If a result changes with respect to coordinate systems,

then Mechanical rotates this result in an identical
fashion to Mechanical APDL. For an explanation of
rotating results to a different coordinate system, see
the Additional POST1 Postprocessing section in the
Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide.

Sector Number: Available for an analysis that includes Non-Cyclic


By: Enables you to specify a value (time, frequency, maximum value)

for an independent variable for which you would like a contour result.
The options vary based on the type of analysis. See the Multiple Result
Sets section for more information.


This property is not available for the Far-field Sound

Power Level, Frequency Band SPL, and A-Weighted
Frequency Band SPL results.

Display Time: Appears if By is set to Time. (See Note below.)

Frequency: Appears if By is set to Frequency. (See Note below.)

Set Number: Appears if By is set to Result Set.

Separate Data by Entity: This property enables you to display individual

Minimum and Maximum values for each entity scoped to a result, such
as 2 bodies, 3 Faces, 5 elements, etc. The application then displays these
individual result values (only, no global values display) in the Tabular
Data window.

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572 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Zero Through-Thickness Bending Stress: Available for Linearized Stress
results for 3D analyses only. The options for this property include No
(default) and Yes. If you selecting the Yes for this property, the
application sets the following bending stress components to zero: SX,

Mode: Appears for Modal analyses.

Calculate Time History: Appears if By is set to Time or Result Set.

Identifier: Available for all result types. It enables you to specify a unique
name/symbol/character that you can then use in the Expression property
of a User Defined Result.

Sphere Radius: Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic

analyses, except for the Far-Field Sound Power Level result.

Reference RMS Sound Pressure: Appears for all Far-field Results in

Harmonic Acoustic analyses, except for the Far-Field Sound Power
Level result. The default value is 2e-5 Pa.

Reference Sound Power Level: Appears for Far-field Sound Power Level
result. Defaults to 1e-12 W.

Amplitude: Appears for contour results in a Harmonic Response Analysis

only. Options include Yes or No (default). When the Amplitude property
is set to Yes, the amplitude contour result is displayed with respect to
the Solution Coordinate System. This property is not supported for
Vector principal stress and strain results.

Sweeping Phase:

• For a Harmonic Response Analysis, this property appears only

for contour results when the Amplitude property is set to No
and the By property is set to Frequency, Set, Maximum Over
Frequency, or Frequency of Maximum.

• For Damped Modal analysis, this property always appears for

contour results and for probe results when the By property is
set to Mode, Maximum Over Modes, or Mode of Maximum.

Phase Increment: Appears if the By property is set to Maximum Over

Phase or Phase of Maximum. The entry can be between 1° and 10°.
The default value is 10°.

Scale Factor: Appears only for Random Vibration Analysis. Options

include 1 Sigma (default), 2 Sigma, 3 Sigma, and User Input.

Scale Factor Value: Appears when you set the Scale Factor property
to User Input. The default value is 1.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 573
Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Probability: Read-only property that appears only for Random Vibration
Analysis. Presents a probability value corresponding to each sigma value.

Contour Start: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Contour End: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Active Contour: Displays for Fracture Results only.

Suppressed: Suppresses the object if set to Yes.


If you specify a Display Time or Frequency value that

exceeds the final time or frequency in the result file, then
Mechanical will not allow the result to be evaluated.
If you specify a Display Time or Frequency value for
which no results are available, then Mechanical performs
a linear interpolation to calculate the results at that
specified time. The two times or frequencies in the result
file that are the closest to the specified time/frequency
are used in the interpolation. Note that the application
does not perform the interpolation for a display time
before the first result set.
No interpolation is performed for the Define a Fracture
Tool results. That is, for Fracture Results with a Display
Time between the two solution time points, only the
data set associated with the lower of the solution time
points is used.

Options The Options category is only present for the Acoustic Power Loss and
Frequency Response and Phase Response result types.

Frequency Response

For the Frequency Response result type the properties include the

• Frequency Range: Options include Use Parent (default) or

Specified. The Use Parent setting automatically sets the values
of the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Frequency
properties equal to the Range Minimum and Range Maximum
properties in the Options category of the Analysis Settings. The
Specified setting enables you to manually specify the Minimum
Frequency and the Maximum Frequency property values.

• Minimum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property

when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified,
otherwise, it is read-only.

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574 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Maximum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property
when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified,
otherwise, it is read-only.

• Display: Options include.

– Real

– Imaginary

– Real and Imaginary

– Amplitude

– Phase Angle

– Bode (default setting - plots both Amplitude and Phase


• Chart Viewing Style: Select from the following options to select

a scale to plot results.

– Linear: Plots the result values linearly.

– Log X: Plots the X-Axis logarithmically. If negative axis

values or a zero value exists, this option is not supported
and the graph plots linearly.

– Log Y (default when graph has Amplitude): Plots the Y-Axis

is plotted logarithmically. If negative axis values or a zero
value exists, this option is not supported and the graph
plots linearly.

– Log-Log: Plots the X-Axis and Y-Axis logarithmically. If

negative axis values or a zero value exists, this option is
not supported and the graph plots linearly.

Phase Response

For the Phase Response result type, the properties include the

• Frequency: Input frequency at which Phase Response is


• Duration: Phase period over which response is requested. The

default setting is 720°.

Acoustic Power Loss Results

For the Power Loss result types, the properties include the following:

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Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Frequency Range: Options include Use Parent (default) or
Specified. The Use Parent setting automatically sets the
values of the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Fre-
quency properties equal to the Range Minimum and Range
Maximum properties in the Options category of the Analysis
Settings. The Specified setting enables you to manually
specify the Minimum Frequency and the Maximum Fre-
quency property values.

• Minimum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property

when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified,
otherwise, it is read-only.

• Maximum Frequency: You can enter a value for this property

when the Frequency Range property is set to Specified,
otherwise, it is read-only.

Integration Point Display Option: Appears only for result items that can display
Results unaveraged contour results.

Average Across Bodies: When you select Averaged as the Display

Option, this property displays. Setting this property to Yes (the default
value is No) averages results across separate bodies.
Results: Read-only Minimum: Not available for Vector Principal Stress.
status indication of
result object. Maximum: Not available for Vector Principal Stress.

Average: Not available for Vector Principal Stress. This value is displayed
for all results when the Minimum and Maximum values are available,
otherwise, the Total result value is provided. This value is an arithmetic

Total: Displays the sum of the result. This result is only available for
results that have the unit type: Length, Area, Volume, Mass, Force,
Moment, Energy or Heat Rate This value is not available if the Average
(above) is reported. This Total value is an arithmetic sum.

Minimum Occurs On: Not available for Current Density, Electric Potential,
Strain Energy, and Vector Principal Stress.

Maximum Occurs On: Not available for Current Density, Electric

Potential, Strain Energy, and Vector Principal Stress.

The following read-only properties display for Frequency Response


• Maximum Amplitude: Reports maximum amplitude from all the

result sets.

• Frequency: Reports frequency at which maximum amplitude


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576 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Phase Angle: Reports phase angle at which maximum amplitude

• Real: Reports real value at which maximum amplitude occurs.

• Imaginary: Reports imaginary value at which maximum

amplitude occurs.

Maximum Value Provides read-only properties that display maximum values of the results
Over Time you select over time. These properties are only applicable for static,
transient, and explicit analyses.
Minimum Value Provides read-only properties that display minimum values of the results
Over Time you select over time. These properties are only applicable for static,
transient, and explicit analyses.
Tabular and Graph Crack Selection (Fracture Results Only): This property only displays
Display when the Crack Selection Mode property of the Fracture Tool object
is set to All Cracks.

Crack Front Number (Fracture Results Only): This property only displays
when the Crack Selection Mode property of the Fracture Tool is set to
All Cracks. It enables you to plot graph and tabular data for all crack
fronts or for a single specified crack front for the crack selected in the
above Crack Selection property. Options include All Crack Fronts
(default), which is equal to setting the property to zero (0) or you can
enter a specific Crack Front Number (contained in the Details of the
crack front named selection object) to evaluate results for that crack
front only.
Information: Time
Read-only status
indication of time Load Step

Iteration Number

Reported Frequency (Harmonic Response analysis only)

Acoustics Result Categories

The following Details view categories and properties apply to acoustics results only.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Phi Angle (from X- Start: Starting Angle Phi. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic
Axis to Y-Axis) Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

End: Ending Angle Phi. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic
Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to

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Results and Result Tools (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
No. of Divisions: Number of Divisions in Phi direction. Appears for all
Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound
Power Level. Defaults to 1.
Theta Angle (from Start: Starting Angle Theta. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic
Z-Axis to X-Axis) Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

End: Ending Angle Theta. Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic
Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound Power Level. Defaults to 0.0°.

No. of Divisions: Number of Divisions in Theta direction. Appears for

all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses except Far-Field Sound
Power Level. Defaults to 1.
Advanced Model Type: Appears for all Far-field Results in Harmonic Acoustic
analyses. Options include 3D (default), 2.5D Z-Direction Extrusion, and
2.5D Y-Axis Rotation Extrusion.

Model Thickness in Z-Direction: Appears when Model Type is set to

2.5D Z-Direction Extrusion for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0.

Y Axis Extrusion Angle: Appears when Model Type is set to 2.5D

Y-Axis Rotation Extrusion for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Spatial Radiation Angle: Appears for Far-field Directivity and Far-field

Sound Power results in Harmonic Acoustic analyses. Options include
Full (default) and Partial.

Starting Radiation Angle Phi: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle

is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Ending Radiation Angle Phi: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle

is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Starting Radiation Angle Theta: Appears when Spatial Radiation

Angle is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.

Ending Radiation Angle Theta: Appears when Spatial Radiation Angle

is set to Partial for a Far-field Result. Defaults to 0.0 degrees.
Visibility Controls Radial Axis Bounds: Appears for all Far-Field Results in Harmonic
Acoustic analyses except for the Far-Field Sound Power Level result.
Options include Program Controlled (default) and Manual. Using the
Manual option, you can set the radial bounds in the far-field chart to
desired minimum and maximum values using the properties listed below.

Minimum Value: Define minimum value for Radial Axis Bounds

property. The default value is 0.0.
Maximum Value: Define maximum value for Radial Axis Bounds
property. The default value is 0.0.

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578 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects:

– For Direct Stress, Maximum Bending Stress, Maximum Combined Stress, Minimum Bending Stress,
and Minimum Combined Stress: Beam Tool.

– For Directional Deformation and Total Deformation: Beam Tool and Solution (p. 599).

– For all other result objects: Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– For Beam Tool: Comment (p. 87), Direct Stress, Directional Deformation, Figure (p. 209), Im-
age (p. 249), Maximum Bending Stress , Maximum Combined Stress, Minimum Bending Stress,
Minimum Combined Stress, and Total Deformation.

– For all other objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).


Alert (p. 13) and Convergence (p. 145) may also apply.

Insertion Methods
• For results and result tools that are direct child objects of a Solution (p. 599) object, use any of the
following methods after highlighting the Solution object:

– Open one of the tab drop-down menus or result category on the Solution Context Tab.

– Right-click the Solution (p. 599) object or in the Geometry window, select Insert, and then select
desired result or result category.

• For results that are direct child objects of a specific result tool, use any of the following methods
after highlighting the specific result tool object:

– Choose result on the Context tab related to the result tool.

– Right-click a specific result tool object, select Insert, and then select the desired result or result
category from the menu.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Export >

– Export Text File: Export result data as a text file.

– STL File: Export result data in Standard Tessellation Language (STL) file format (Binary is
the default format setting).

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Results and Result Tools (Group)

– Ansys Viewer File (AVZ): Export result data as a Ansys Viewer File (.avz)

• Create Results At All Sets

• Evaluate All Results

• Convert To Path Result (for Results scoped to Edges Only)

• Promote to Named Selection

• Clear Result Data

• Group Similar Objects

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Using Results

• Solution Context Tab

• Surface Body Results

• Automatic Result Creation for All Results Sets

• Tabular Data: You can use the Tabular Data window to make display changes to your results
as well as to create new results.

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580 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Semi-Elliptical Crack
Defines a semi-elliptical crack based on an internally generated mesh to analyze crack fronts by use of
geometric parameters.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 581
Semi-Elliptical Crack

Properties (p. 583)

Dependencies (p. 585)

Methods (p. 585)

Options (p. 585)

Information (p. 585)

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582 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: Read-only and always set to Analytical Crack for
Semi-Elliptical Cracks.
Scoping Method: Read-only and always set to Geometry Selec-
tion when defining cracks.
Geometry: Use the Body selection filter to pick a solid body,
click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.
Definition Crack ID: A read-only property that displays a unique system
generated identification number ID for the crack object. The
application uses this identifier when creating solution identifiers
for fracture parameters.
Coordinate System: Specifies the user-defined coordinate system
that defines the position and orientation of the crack.
Align with Face Normal: Defines the Crack Coordinate System
orientation. Options include Yes (default) and No.
Project to Nearest Surface: Defines the Crack Coordinate System
origin. Options include Yes (default) and No.
Crack Shape: Read-only and always set to Semi-Elliptical.
Major Radius: Specifies the major radius, which defines the size
of the crack shape along the Z axis (that is, the width of the
crack). The specified value must be greater than 0.
Minor Radius: Specifies the minor radius, which defines the size
of the crack shape along the X axis (that is, the depth of the
crack). The specified value must be greater than 0.
Mesh Method: Selects the mesh method to be used to mesh
the semi-elliptical crack. Options include Hex Dominant (default)
and Tetrahedrons.
Largest Contour Radius: Specifies the largest contour radius
for the crack shape. Enter a value greater than 0.
Growth Rate (Mesh Method set to Tetrahedrons only): Specifies
the factor with which the mesh layers will grow along the radius
of the crack. Specify a value greater than 1. The default value is
1.2. The recommended value is equal to or greater than 1.1.
Crack Front Divisions (Mesh Method set to Hex Dominant
only): Specifies the number of divisions for the crack front. The
value must be equal to or greater than 3. The default is 15. The
Geometry window can display only a maximum of 999 crack
front divisions, but you can specify a higher value and fracture
meshing will respect it.
Front Element Size (Mesh Method set to Tetrahedrons only):
Specifies the element size for the crack front. Default value is

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Semi-Elliptical Crack

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
computed from crack's ellipse perimeter, which is crack ellipse
perimeter/100. Specify a value greater than 0.
Fracture Affected Zone(Mesh Method set to Hex Dominant
only): The fracture affected zone is the region that contains a
crack. The Fracture Affected Zone control determines how the
fracture affected zone height is defined. When set to Program
Controlled, the software calculates the height, and Fracture
Affected Zone Height is read-only. This is the default. When set
to Manual, you enter the height in the Fracture Affected Zone
Height field.
Fracture Affected Zone Height(Mesh Method set to Hex
Dominant only): This value specifies two things: 1) the height
of the Fracture Affected Zone, which is in the Y direction of
the crack coordinate system; and 2) the distance in totality by
which the Fracture Affected Zone is extended in the positive
and negative Z direction of the crack coordinate system from
the crack front extremities.
Circumferential Divisions (Mesh Method set to Hex Dominant
only): Specifies the number of circumferential divisions for the
crack shape. The default is 8. Your entry must be a multiple of
8 and it must be equal to or greater than 8. The Geometry
window can display only a maximum of 360 circumferential
divisions, but you can specify a higher value and fracture meshing
will respect it.
Mesh Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for the
crack shape. Your entry must be equal to or greater than 1. The
default is 6. The Geometry window can display only a maximum
of 100 mesh contours, but you can specify a higher value and
fracture meshing will respect it.
Solution Contours: Specifies the number of mesh contours for
which you want to compute the fracture result parameters. The
value must be less than or equal to the value of Mesh Contours,
and cannot be greater than 99. By default, the value is Match
Mesh Contours, indicating the number of Solution Contours
is equal to the number of Mesh Contours. Entering 0 resets the
value to Match Mesh Contours.
Suppressed: Toggles suppression of the Crack object. The default
is No. The Crack object is suppressed automatically if the scoped
body is suppressed.
Buffer Zone Scale Buffer Zone Scale Factors
It controls the size of the buffer zone in the X, Y, and Z directions,
relative to the dimensions of the crack. For each scaling parameter,
use the slider to set a value from 2 to 50. The default is 2. The
maximum dimension among the three directions of the crack is
multiplied by the corresponding scale factors to create a buffer zone.

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584 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
When the mesh method is Hex-Dominant, the crack dimensions
also includes fracture affected zone.

• X Scale Factor

• Y Scale Factor

• Z Scale Factor

Named Selections Named Selections are created automatically when the fracture mesh is
Creation generated. These Named Selections are a special type of Named Selection.
For details, refer to the Performing a Fracture Analysis and the Special
Handling of Named Selections for Crack Objects sections for more

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the Semi-Elliptical Crack option from the Crack group
on the Fracture Context Tab.

• Right-click (context) menus for the Arbitrary Crack (p. 29), Pre-Meshed Crack (p. 507), and Semi-
Elliptical Crack objects include an Insert menu option for Semi-Elliptical Crack.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Arbitrary Crack

– Semi-Elliptical Crack

– Pre-Meshed Crack

• Generate All Crack Meshes

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Defining a Semi-Elliptical Crack

• Fracture Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 585
Semi-Elliptical Crack

• Fracture Meshing

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586 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SMART Crack Growth
Simulates fatigue and static crack propagation in a structure.

Properties (p. 587)

Dependencies (p. 590)

Methods (p. 590)

Options (p. 590)

Information (p. 590)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 587
SMART Crack Growth

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Analysis: Read-only field that describes the object – Crack Growth.

Method: Read-only field that specifies the crack growth method –


Suppressed: Include or exclude the object.

Options for Crack Initial Crack: Provides a drop-down list. Select the desired crack you
Growth have created to simulate crack growth propagation. Supported crack
types include: Pre-Meshed Crack, Semi-Elliptical Crack, or Arbitrary

Crack Growth Option: Allows you to specify the crack growth option.
Options include Fatigue (default) and Static.

Crack Growth Option = Fatigue

When the Crack Growth Option property is set to Fatigue,

the read-only option Material Data Table populates the
Failure Criteria Option property.

In addition, the application displays the following associated


• Material: The application automatically selects the

default material of scoped Crack body. You can
change the material using the property's fly-out
menu. Any material that you select must include the
material property Paris’ Law.

• Crack Growth Law: Read-only property that displays

the given Crack Growth Law: Paris' Law.

• Crack Growth Methodology: Select your crack

growth methodology for crack growth propagation.
The options include: Life Cycle Prediction (default)
and Cycle By Cycle.

If you specify Cycle By Cycle, the property Incre-

mental Number of Cycles displays. It enables you
to specify the incremental number of cycles during
a substep. The default setting is 10.

• Min Increment of Crack Extension: Specifies the

minimum crack extension increment value. The
options include:

– Program Controlled: The application uses

the default minimum increment value.

– Manual: You specify the value. The default

value is 0.

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588 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• Max Increment of Crack Extension: Specifies the
maximum crack extension increment value. The
options include:

– Program Controlled: The application uses

the default maximum increment value.

– Manual: You specify the value. The default

value is 0.

• Stress Ratio: Specifies the stress ratio. The default

value is 0. The entry range is less than 1.

Crack Growth Option = Static

When the Crack Growth Option property is set to Static,

the following drop-down menu options are available. Each
option requires you to specify a value in the dependent
property Critical Rate. The unit system of the Critical Rate
property varies based on your selection. The property can
be parameterized.

• Stress Intensity Factor: The Critical Rate default

value is 0. .

• J-Integral: The Critical Rate default value is 0.

Failure Criteria Option: The options of this property are dependent

upon the selection made for the Crack Growth Option.

Stop At Max Crack Extension: Options include None (default) and

Specify. You use this property to specify the maximum distance for
crack propagation. When you set the property to Specify, an
associated --Stop Value field displays and requires you to enter a
maximum distance for the crack propagation. Once the maximum
crack extension limit is reached, the application stops the solution
process. In this instance, the solution is incomplete and the Solution
folder will not be in solved state because the solution is not complete
for all time points. If the maximum crack extension limit is not
reached during solution, then the solution process completes
Step Controls for Auto Time Stepping: Property options include Program Controlled
Crack Growth (Only (default) or Manual. Setting the property to Manual enables you to
available when the modify the following time step properties, otherwise they are
Crack Growth read-only.
property is set to
Static.) Initial Time Step: Defines the initial time step to initiate crack

Minimum Time Step: Minimum time step for subsequent crack


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SMART Crack Growth

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Maximum Time Step: Maximum time step for subsequent crack

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Fracture (p. 211).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Commands (p. 81).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Fracture (p. 211) object and select the SMART Crack Growth option on the Fracture Context

• Right-click the Fracture (p. 211) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > SMART Crack

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Interface Delamination

– Contact Debonding

– SMART Crack Growth

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Defining SMART Crack Growth

• Fracture Analysis

• Fracture Results (Fracture Tool)

• Fracture Probes (Fracture Tool)

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590 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Smoothing result object is available via the Topology Density result object. It creates a Stereolitho-
graphy (STL), Part Manager Database (.pmdb), or Mechanical APDL common database (.cdb) file from
the parent Topology Density result. Once inserted, you can create the Smoothed STL file of the optimized
topology that is extracted from the optimization run. This object includes a Move Limit property that
you can use to achieve your desired smoothing. No smoothing is performed if the Move Limit property
is set to zero (0).

The Smoothing feature uses an algorithm that is different than the one used by the parent Topology
Density result object to extract isosurfaces. Therefore, the results presented by the Smoothing object
may be slightly different than those of the parent result. This is especially noticeable for Retained
Threshold values (that approach 0 or 1) as well as thin Member Size values.

Multiple Smoothing objects can be added for each Topology Density result. In addition, you can use
the STL geometry file or the Part Manager Database (.pmdb) file for downstream validation systems.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 591

Properties (p. 592)

Dependencies (p. 593)

Methods (p. 593)

Options (p. 593)

Information (p. 593)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Move Limit: You use this property to specify how much each node is
allowed to move (in length units). The default value is 0. You can specify
any value greater than 0. As the value increases, the application further
smooths the design, but at the same time, it increases the difference

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592 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
between the optimal design. Therefore, you need to find a reasonable
compromise between smoothing and maintaining your optimal design.


To make sure that results remain realistic, this entry

cannot be greater than the size of an element (Element
Size property of the Mesh (p. 411) object). The smoothing
process stops as soon as one node meets the limit.

File Name: Displays the temporary folder location the application uses
to save the STL geometry file.
Display Color: Select a graphics display color.

Statistics (Triangles): Read-only property that displays the number of

triangles included in your STL geometry.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Topology Density object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No supported child objects.

Insertion Methods
With a Topology Density result object selected:

• Select the Smoothing option from the Results group of the Solution Context Tab.

• Right-click, and select Insert > Smoothing.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Smoothing

• Duplicate Without Results

• Evaluate

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Topology Density

• Structural Optimization Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 593
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594 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creates and adds a solid part to the model you have imported into Mechanical.

Object Properties (p. 595)

Tree Dependencies (p. 596)

Insertion Methods (p. 596)

Right-click Options (p. 596)

Additional Related
Information (p. 596)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Type: Read-only field that describes the object - Box.

Coordinate System: You use this property to change the coordinate system. The
default is Global Coordinate System.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 595

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
The following properties define the Solid object's dimensions. These properties
define a start and end point for each dimension of your three-dimensional solid


Part Name: Read-only field that displays the application assigned name. You can
change the Part Name property by changing the name of your Solid object and
updating the geometry. Changing the name in this way will also update the name
of the Solid object under the Geometry folder.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Construction Geometry (p. 123).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: No child objects are currently supported.

Insertion Methods
• Select the Solid option from the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context

• Right-click the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object and select Insert > Solid.

• Select the Solid option from the Create group on the Construction Geometry Context tab.

• Select the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object, right-click in the Geometry window, and select Insert
> Solid.

• Right-click an existing Solid object and select Insert > Solid.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Solid

• Add to Geometry: This options generates your new solid part.

• Update Geometry: You use this option to apply any changes that you have made to the solid

• Remove Geometry: This option removes the solid part from the Geometry folder.

Additional Related Information

• Specifying a Solid

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596 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Specifying Construction Geometry

• Path Object Reference (p. 481)

• Surface Object Reference (p. 643)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 597
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598 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines result types and formats for viewing a solution.

Object Properties (p. 599)

Tree Dependencies (p. 603)

Insertion Methods (p. 603)

Right-click Options (p. 603)

Additional Related
Information (p. 604)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Adaptive Mesh Max Refinement Loops
Refinement Depth

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 599

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Refinement Con- Element Selection
trols - appears only
for magnetostatic Energy Based: Displays if Element Selection is set to Manual.
analyses if a Conver-
gence object is Error Based: Displays if Element Selection is set to Manual.
inserted under a
Information Status

If your analysis system is using the Mechanical APDL Solver, the

following additional properties display:

MAPDL Elapsed Time: You can parameterize this property.

MAPDL Memory Used
MAPDL Result File Size
Cyclic Solution Dis- Number of Sectors: For an analysis that includes a Cyclic Region,
play this value indicates how many sectors should be processed, displayed
and animated. Results generate more quickly and consume less
memory and file storage when fewer sectors are requested. The
default setting is Program Controlled (0).

Starting at Section: For an analysis that includes a Cyclic Region,

selects the specific sectors to include within the expansion. For
example, if Number of Sectors property is set to 1, sectors 1 through
N are revealed one at a time. The default setting is Program
Controlled (0).
Post Processing Beam Section Results (Line Bodies Only): Options include Yes and
No (default). This property enables you to choose whether to display
beam results using expanded data when you specify your line body
model as a beam/pipe that includes cross sections (SECDATA). This
means that the application displays beam results with realistic
contours that can vary along all coordinates and display stress and
strain results as well as deformations, such as torsional rotation.
Displaying unexpanded results reduces the amount of storage
required for the result, however, the application displays the beam
contour results using constant radial values. As a result, the setting
of the property directly affects the results values displayed on your


• The application always uses expanded results when

displaying animations.

• Probe annotation labels always display expanded


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600 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Frequency Display (Modal Analyses Only): Displays when the Solver
Type property (Analysis Settings) is set to Full Damped. Options for
this property include Program Controlled (default) and All. Setting
the property to All enables the results evaluation to be carried out
on all the frequencies extracted from the modal solution (that may
or may not be conjugate pair). This process increases the number
of results sets and listings of the frequencies in the Tabular Data
window even if you request a lower number of modes. When set to
Program Controlled, the results evaluation treats complex
frequencies as complex conjugate pairs.


The Tabular Data window can display negative

frequencies when the solver reports nonconjugate
pairs of complex frequencies. Setting the Frequency
Display property to All displays all complex
frequencies. This enables you to specify results at
desired frequencies.

On Demand Stress/Strain: Supported for Static Structural analyses

only. The options include Yes and No (default). This property
generates element nodal stress, elastic strain, and thermal strain
results without writing the associated data to the result (.rst) file.
When you request results to be evaluated with this option, the
application calculates these result quantities using the displacements
available in the result file. This feature enables you to minimize the
size of the result file while also reviewing results. However, the
processing requirements are slowed.


Review the following recommendations for the use of the

On Demand Stress/Strain property:

• Set the Stress and Strain properties of the Output

Controls of the Analysis Settings object to No.

• If you apply Thermal Conditions in order to calculate

Thermal Strains, you should set the Nodal Forces
property (Output Controls > Analysis Settings)
property to Yes.

• If you have performed a solution with this property

set to No, you should clear any generated data prior
to changing the property to Yes in order to establish
clean data.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 601

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
• To display Structural Error results, set the General
Miscellaneous property (Analysis Settings > Output
Controls) to Yes.


Review the following limitations for the use of this feature:

• It cannot display Elemental Euler Angle results.

• Result evaluation slows considerably when you set

the Calculate Time History property to Yes for a
result in a multistep analysis.

• The application does not support Stress, Elastic

Strain, and Thermal Strain for tapered shell models.

• Stress and Strain results are not supported for line

bodies defined with pipe elements.

During a Structural Optimization Analysis, the application displays

the following additional properties in the Post Processing category:

Export Optimal Shape

You can further analyze your optimized model, through

continued simulation or by performing a design validation
by exporting your results and making them available to a
new downstream system.

The Export Optimal Shape property enables you to

automatically export your results in Standard Tessellation
Language (STL) and in Part Manager Database (PMDB) file
format, archive the files in zip file format, and then place
the zipped file in the Solver Files Directory. This option is
set to Only Geometry by default.

In order to make the optimized results available to a

downstream system, you need to create the new system on
the Workbench Project Schematic and link the Results cell
of your Structural Optimization analysis to the Geometry
cell of a new downstream system, either a Geometry
component system or the Geometry cell of another analysis
system. Refer to the Design Validation section for additional
details about this process.

Topology Result

When the Export Optimal Shape property is set to Only

Geometry, the Topology Result property also displays. The
No setting removes this property form the Details view. The
Topology Result property provides a drop-down of available

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602 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Topology Density results. For the Structural Optimization
Environment, the Topology Result property includes a
default selection.

Definition Environment Selection List: Read-only property that points to the

(Structural upstream analysis system (system cell ID) being used for the solution
Optimization only) in your Structural Optimization analysis. You may use the options
available in the property to select a different upstream system.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Any Environment (p. 181) object.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: All general Results and Result Tools (p. 565), Commands (p. 81), Com-
ment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), and Solution Information (p. 607).

Insertion Methods
This object displays by default for any analysis.


A Solution object cannot be deleted from the tree.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– [supported result types (p. 565)]

– Commands

– Python Code

• Solve

• Get Results: Available only for a completed solution on a remote machine.


For a solution completed using the Ansys Remote Solve Manager (RSM), ff you
have the RSM Output Files Download preference set to Show, the RSM File
Manager dialog displays, and enables you to select or clear the input/output
files you wish to download. See the Results category of the Options dialog to
change this preference. The default setting is to hide this dialog. The dialog dis-

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 603

plays with certain files selected by default. See the Understanding Solving section
for more information.

• Evaluate All Results

• Stop Solution: Available only for remote solutions.

• Interrupt Solution: Available only for remote solutions.

• Export Nastran File

• Clear Generated Data

• Group All Similar Children

• Open Solver Files Directory

• Worksheet: Result Summary: Available following the completion of the solution process. This
option displays the results content in a tabular format.

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Understanding Solving

• Solution Context Tab

• Adaptive Convergence

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604 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Solution Combination
Manages solutions that are derived from the results of one or more environments. See the Solution
Combinations section for additional information about the use of this feature.

Tree Dependencies (p. 605)

Insertion Methods (p. 605)

Right-click Options (p. 606)

Additional Related
Information (p. 606)

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: all stress and strain result objects, Directional Deformation, Total Deform-
ation, Beam (Static and Transient Structural only), Contact Tool (only for Frictional Stress, Penetration,
Pressure, and Sliding Distance), Fatigue Tool, Stress Tool (Static and Transient Structural only), Beam
Tool, Comment (p. 87), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Model (p. 443) object:

• Select the Solution Combination option on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click the Model (p. 443) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Solution

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 605
Solution Combination

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Solve

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• Solution Combinations

• Underdefined Solution Combinations (Troubleshooting)

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606 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Solution Information
Tracks and monitors your nonlinear solution as well as potentially diagnose problems that may arise.
It also enables you to view certain finite element graphical aspects of the model, such as finite element

Properties (p. 607)

Dependencies (p. 608)

Methods (p. 608)

Options (p. 608)

Information (p. 609)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 607
Solution Information

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Solution Solution Output: Not available when you insert a Solution Information object
Information under the Connections object. See the Solution Information section for a description
of all of the available options for this property.

Newton-Raphson Residuals: Applicable only to Structural environments.

Identify Element Violations: Applicable only to nonlinear Structural environments.

Update Interval: Appears for synchronous solutions only.

Display Points: Not applicable to Connections object.

Display Filter During Solve: Appears for Explicit Dynamics systems only.
FE Activate Visibility
Visibility Display

Draw Connections Attached To

Line Color

Color: Displays if the Line Color property is set to Manual.

Visible on Results

Line Thickness

Display Type

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Connections (p. 113) and Solution (p. 599).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Image (p. 249), Result Trackers (p. 553) (available only
when Solution (p. 599) is the parent), and Result Plot Trackers (p. 557).

Insertion Methods
• Automatically inserted under a Solution (p. 599) object of a new environment or of an environment
included in a database from a previous release.

• Right-click Connections (p. 113) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Solution In-

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Evaluate All Contact Trackers

• Interrupt Solution

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608 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Stop Solution

• Retrieve

• Get Results

Some options may only be available when you are performing a solution on a remote machine.

Additional Related Information

See the Solution Information Object section.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 609
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610 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Spot Weld
Defines conditions for individual contact and target pairs for a spot weld, which is used to connect in-
dividual surface body parts to form a surface body model assembly, just as a Contact Region (p. 131)
object is used to form a solid model assembly. Several Spot Weld objects can appear as child objects
under a Connection Group (p. 117) object. The Connection Group object name automatically changes
to Contacts.

Properties (p. 611)

Dependencies (p. 612)

Methods (p. 612)

Options (p. 612)

Information (p. 612)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 611
Spot Weld

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method
Contact Bodies
Target Bodies
Definition Scope Mode

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Inserted automatically if spot welds are defined in the CAD model and you choose Create
Automatic Connections by right-clicking the Connections (or Contacts) object.

• Click Spot Weld option on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) (or Connection Group) object or in the Geometry window
> Insert > Spot Weld.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Enable/Disable Transparency

• Hide All Other Bodies

• Flip Contact/Target

• Merge Selected Contact Regions - appears if contact regions share the same geometry type.

• Save Contact Region Settings

• Load Contact Region Settings

• Reset to Default

Additional Related Information

• Spot Welds

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612 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Connections Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 613
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614 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
An elastic element that regains its undeformed shape after a compression or extension load is removed.

Properties (p. 616)

Dependencies (p. 619)

Methods (p. 619)

Options (p. 619)

Information (p. 620)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 615

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Graphics Properties Visible
Definition Material: Selects a material to define a material-dependent damping
ratio. The material-dependent damping ratio is to be included in modal
damping calculations for use in MSUP analyses.

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616 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Type: Read-only field that describes the spring - Longitudinal

Spring Behavior: For Rigid Dynamics and Explicit Dynamics analyses,

the options include Both (default), Compression Only, and Tension
Only. For all other analysis types, Both is the only option and the field
is read-only.

Longitudinal Stiffness: Entry field.

Longitudinal Damping: Entry field.

Preload: Options include None (default), Load, and Free Length.


Spring Length: Read-only indication.

Element APDL Name: Optional property that enables you to manually

define an APDL parameter (in the input file) and assign its value to the
element of the Spring. This facilitates easy programmatic identification
of the Spring's element for later use/reference in a Commands object.
Scope Scope: Options include Body-Body or Body-Ground.
Reference Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection, Named Selection,
or Remote Point.

Applied By: Displays for Body-Body scoping. Specify as Remote Attach-

ment or Direct Attachment. The default for this property can differ if
you first select geometry or a mesh node.

Based on the selection made for the Scoping Method property of this
category, the next property is:

• Scope: Appears if Scope (under Scope group) is set to Body-

Body and Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection. Choose
geometry entity then click Apply.

• Reference Component: Appears if Scope (under Scope group)

is set to Body-Body and Scoping Method is set to Named Se-

• Remote Points: Appears if Scope (under Scope group) is set to

Body-Body and Scoping Method is set to Remote Point. This
property provides a drop-down list of available user-defined
Remote Points. This property is not available when the Applied
By property is specified as Direct Attachment.

Body: Appears if the Scope property (under Scope category) is set to

Body-Body. This property is a read-only indication of scoped geometry.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 617

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
The following options appear if Scope (under Scope group) is set to
Body-Ground or if Scope is set to Body-Body and Applied By is
specified as Remote Attachment.

• Coordinate System

• Reference X Coordinate

• Reference Y Coordinate

• Reference Z Coordinate

• Reference Location

• Behavior

• Material:Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.

Select a material to define material properties for the beams
used in the connection. Density is excluded from the material

• Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.

Specify a radius to define the cross section dimension of the
circular beam used for the connection.

• Pinball Region

Mobile Scoping Method: Specify as Geometry Selection, Named Selection,

or Remote Point.

Applied By: Specify as Remote Attachment or Direct Attachment.

The default for this property can differ if you first select geometry or a
mesh node.

Based on the selection made for the Scoping Method property of this
category, the next property is:

• Scope: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

Choose geometry entity then click Apply.

• Mobile Component: Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named


• Remote Points: Appears if the Scoping Method is set to Remote

Point. This property provides a drop-down list of available
user-defined Remote Points. This property is not available when the
Applied By property is specified as Direct Attachment.

Body: Read-only indication of scoped geometry.

The following options appear if Scope (under Scope group) is set to

Body-Ground and Applied By is specified as Remote Attachment or

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618 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
if Scope is set to Body-Body and Applied By is specified as Remote

• Coordinate System

• Mobile X Coordinate

• Mobile Y Coordinate

• Mobile Z Coordinate

• Mobile Location

• Behavior

• Material: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.

Select a material to define material properties for the beams
used in the connection. Density is excluded from the material

• Radius: Available when the Behavior property is set to Beam.

Specify a radius to define the cross section dimension of the
circular beam used for the connection.

• Pinball Region

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Connections (p. 113).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Connections (p. 113) object:

• Select Spring > Body-Ground or Body-Body, as applicable on the Connections Context Tab.

• Right-click the Connections (p. 113) object or in the Geometry window Insert > Spring.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Enable/Disable Transparency - similar behavior to feature in Contact Region.

• Promote to Remote Point (Remote Attachment Only)

• Promote to Named Selection

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 619

Additional Related Information

• Connections Context

• Springs

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620 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Inserted using the Construction Geometry feature and enables you to import and view an STL (Stere-
olithography) file.

Object Properties (p. 621)

Tree Dependencies (p. 622)

Insertion Methods (p. 622)

Right-click Options (p. 622)

Additional Related
Information (p. 622)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition File Name: Use this property to navigate to the appropriate folder and select your
STL geometry.

Length Units: Meters is the default setting. This property does not simply change
the unit, it rescales the STL geometry according to the new unit. Changing from
Meters to Centimeters resizes the model accordingly.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 621

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Suppressed: Suppress/Unsuppress the object.
Display Show Always: Options include No (default) and Yes. If you set this property to
Yes, the application displays the STL geometry in the Geometry window regardless
of what object is selected in the tree.

Color: Change/specify a color for your STL geometry.

Statistics (Triangles): Read-only property that displays the number of triangles

included in your STL geometry.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Construction Geometry (p. 123).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• Select the STL option from the Import group on the Construction Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object and select Insert > STL.

• Select the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object, right-click in the Geometry window, and select Insert
> STL.

• Select the STL option from the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context

• Right-click an existing STL object and select Insert > STL.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > STL

• Import STL File

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

• Importing an STL File

• Construction Geometry Object Reference (p. 123)

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622 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
STL Support
Imports and meshes a support structure that is an STL (Stereolithography) file, of either volumeless or
solid type. This feature is designed primarily for inserting volumeless (that is, not watertight) supports
such as those created by Additive Prep. The mesh is generated with elements that are internally divided
into subdivisions for sampling the presence of material to determine the overall density of the element
to be used as knockdown factors.

Once this object is inserted, use right-click Generate Supports to mesh the support.

Properties (p. 624)

Dependencies (p. 625)

Methods (p. 625)

Options (p. 625)

Information (p. 626)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 623
STL Support

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Source: File or STL. If you choose File, enter the File Name in the
File Name property. If you choose STL, an STL dropdown menu
appears where you select from previously imported Construction
Geometry STLs.

File Name: Use this property to navigate to the appropriate folder

and select your STL support file.

Length Units: A drop-down menu with units. Choose the units used
in the support file. Millimeters is the default setting.
Definition Nonlinear Effects: Yes (default) or No. This property applies nonlinear
effects to the finite element body.

STL Support Type: The type of support in the STL file. Options

Volumeless: These are usually thin, single-bead width support walls

that are not watertight, such as lattice or tree-type supports, or
Block/Heartcell/Rod/Line supports from Additive Prep. Other names
in the industry for this type include thin wall, vector, and facet.

Solid: These supports are standard, watertight geometry bodies.

Custom supports from Additive Prep are in this category. Other
names in the industry for this type include thick wall, bulk, and

Wall Thickness: Wall Thickness value is the thickness of a single-bead

width laser scan set by your machine. Available only if STL Support
Type = Volumeless.

Subsample Rate: Subsample Rate value. Each element is divided

into sampling regions to determine an overall element density used
as a material knockdown factor within that element. A Subsample
Rate of 5 (default) = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 subdivisions. Subsample Rate
affects the accuracy of element density.

Element Size: The element size, which is taken from the part's mesh
size criteria. Read-only indication visible only after mesh generation.
Display Support View: A drop-down menu with the following options:

STL View: Displays the STL support.

Mesh View: Displays the elements. Visible only after mesh generation.

Knockdown Factors: Displays the element densities. Visible only

after mesh generation.

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624 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Statistics Read-only indications only visible once you have generated the mesh
for the support.

Nodes: The number of nodes generated for the support.

Elements: The number of elements generated for the support.

Volume: The volume of all the elements generated for the support.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Support Group (p. 639).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: None.

Insertion Methods
• Select the AM Process object and then select the STL Support option from the AM Process Context

• Right-click the AM Process object and then select the Insert > STL Support.

• Select the Support Group object and then select the STL Support option from the AM Process
Context Tab.

• Right-click the Support Group object and then select the Insert > STL Support.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert

– Predefined Support (p. 503)

– Generated Support (p. 229)

– STL Support (p. 623)

– Commands (p. 81)

• Generate Mesh: Generates a mesh of elements for the support using Subsample Rate to determine
knockdown factors.

• Create Named Selection of Generated Elements: Creates a Named Selection consisting of the
generated elements for the support.

• Create Named Selection of External Element Faces: Creates a Named Selection consisting of
the faces of the generated elements for the support.

• Suppress: Suppresses the STL support from the simulation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 625
STL Support

• Clear Generated Data: Clears any generated elements on the supports.

Additional Related Information

LPBF Simulation Guide

Identify and/or Generate Supports

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626 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
During a Multistage Cyclic Symmetry simulation, you need to specify one or more Stage objects in
combination with Cyclic Regions or Pre-Meshed Cyclic Regions and Interstage (p. 371) objects. Once
properly defined, this combination of features enables the accurate and efficient simulation of rotationally
periodic structures, from gears to turbomachinery assemblies. For a detailed discussion and underlying
theory, see Multistage Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.

This object is scoped to body selections (only). These bodies also define the bodies of a Sector for an
associated Cyclic Region or a Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region.

Object Properties (p. 628)

Tree Dependencies (p. 628)

Insertion Methods (p. 628)

Worksheet (p. 628)

Right-click Options (p. 629)

Additional Related
Information (p. 629)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 627

Object Properties
The Details pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Select how you want to scope the object, using either
a Geometry Selection (default) or a Named Selection.
Definition Suppressed: Options include Yes or No (default). Removes (and
re-includes) the object from analysis processes.

Behavior: Read-only property that displays the symmetry type. Currently,

only Cyclic is supported.

Cyclic Region: Use this property to specify the desired Cyclic Region
or Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region object to be used to define the stage.
Advanced Stage Name: Read-only property that displays the application generated
name for the object that is included in the input file.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Object: Symmetry (p. 649).

• Valid Child Objects: Figure (p. 209) and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Select the Symmetry folder and:

• Select the Stage option from the Symmetry Context tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Stage.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Stage.

The stage worksheet (see below) displays automatically when a Stage object is selected. Use the
worksheet to specify Harmonic Index values for standalone Static Structural analyses, Modal analyses,
or Steady-State Thermal analyses during your multistage analysis.

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628 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Stage

• Suppress

Additional Information
Multistage Cyclic Symmetry Analysis
Interstage (p. 371)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 629
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630 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Stress Tool (Group)
Provides stress safety tools for analyzing simulation results.

Applies to the following objects: Safety Factor, Safety Margin, Stress Ratio, and Stress Tool

Object Properties (p. 631)

Tree Dependencies (p. 632)

Insertion Methods (p. 632)

Right-click Options (p. 633)

Additional Related
Information (p. 633)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

For Stress Tool:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Theory
Factor - Appears only if Theory is set to Max Shear Stress.
Stress Limit - Appears only if Stress Limit Type is set to Custom
Stress Limit Type - Appears if Theory is set to any stress tool except
Mohr-Coulomb Stress.
Tensile Limit - Appears only if Theory is set to Mohr-Coulomb
Stress and Tensile Limit Type is set to Custom Value.
Compressive Limit - Appears only if Theory is set to Mohr-Coulomb
Stress and Compressive Limit Type is set to Custom Value.
Tensile Limit Type - Appears only if Theory is set to Mohr-Coulomb
Compressive Limit Type - Appears only if Theory is set to Mohr-
Coulomb Stress.

For Safety Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 631
Stress Tool (Group)

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method
Geometry - Use selection filters to pick geometry, click in the Geo-
metry field, then click Apply.
Definition Type – Read-only display of specific stress tool object name.
Display Time
Calculate Time History
Use Average
Results - Read-only Minimum
display of the following
values: Maximum: Displays only for Stress Ratio.
Minimum Occurs On
Maximum Occurs On: Displays only for Stress Ratio.
Information - Read-only Time
display of the following
values: Load Step
Iteration Number

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object:

– For Stress Tool: Solution (p. 599) in a static structural or transient structural analysis.

– For Safety Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio: Stress Tool.

• Valid Child Tree Objects:

– For Stress Tool: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), Safety Factor, Safety Margin,
and Stress Ratio.

– For Safety Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio: Alert (p. 13), Comment (p. 87), Conver-
gence (p. 145), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• For Stress Tool, use any of the following methods after highlighting Solution (p. 599) object in a
static structural or transient structural analysis:

– Open the Toolbox drop-down menu on the Solution Context Tab and select the Stress Tool.

– Right-click the Solution (p. 599) object or in the Geometry window Insert > Stress Tool > Max
Equivalent Stress or Max Shear Stress or Mohr-Coulomb Stress or Max Tensile Stress.

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632 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• For Safety Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio, use any of the following methods after highlighting
Stress Tool object:

– Choose Safety Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio on Stress Tool Context tab.

– Right-click the Stress Tool object or in the Geometry window > Insert > Stress Tool > Safety
Factor, Safety Margin, or Stress Ratio.

Right-click Options
The right-click context menu option Evaluate All Results - is available for Safety Factor, Safety Margin,
Stress Ratio, and Stress Tool.

Additional Related Information

• Stress Tools

• Maximum Equivalent Stress Safety Tool

• Maximum Shear Stress Safety Tool

• Mohr-Coulomb Stress Safety Tool

• Maximum Tensile Stress Safety Tool

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 633
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634 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Substructure Definition
You use the properties of the Substructure Definition object to define the characteristics (stiffness,
mass, damping) of the matrices generated during the process of creating the superelement during a
Substructure Generation analysis. By default, all bodies of your model are scoped to this object.


Only Named Selections and Remote Point objects can be selected as interfaces.


The application treats added masses (from Point Masses and Distributed Masses) as internal
to the superelement.


You can drag-and-drop any Named Selection or Remote Point onto this object for automatic

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 635
Substructure Definition

Properties (p. 636)

Dependencies (p. 637)

Methods (p. 637)

Options (p. 637)

Information (p. 637)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry Geometry: Read-only property that displays the number of bodies of the model.
Definition Physics Type: Read-only property indicating the physics type (Structural).

Matrix Reduction Method: Read-only property indicating the Component Mode

Synthesis (CMS) method - the only available method.

Interface Method: Options include Fixed (default) or Free.

Lumped Mass Formulation: Specify the desired lumped mass matrix formulation.
Options include Program Controlled (default), Off, and On. The Off setting uses

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636 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
the element-dependent default mass matrix formulation and the On setting uses
a lumped mass approximation.

Generate Damping Matrix: Specify whether to generate a damping matrix. Options

include Program Controlled (default), Yes, and No.
Interfaces Number of Interfaces: Read-only display of the number of interface entries detected
by the application.

Number of Master Nodes: Read-only display of the number of superelement

master nodes resulting from interfaces.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Substructure Definition.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
This object is automatically included in the analysis system.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Commands

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Substructure Generation Analysis

• Substructure Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 637
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638 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Support Group
Groups Predefined Support and/or Generated Support objects in an AM Process simulation. Also use
this object to detect element faces for a Generated Support.

Properties (p. 639)

Dependencies (p. 640)

Methods (p. 640)

Options (p. 640)

Information (p. 641)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 639
Support Group

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection (default) and Named

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

Named Selection: Displays when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selec-
tion. Select a desired Named Selection from the drop-down menu.
Detect The Detect Group category includes the properties listed below. You use these
Group properties to automatically detect element faces to be applied to Generated
Supports. See Identify and/or Generate Supports for more information.

Generate On Remesh
Overhang Angle
Detect Above Z Location
Output Type
Group By

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: AM Process (p. 17).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Predefined Support (p. 503), Generated Support (p. 229), and STL Sup-
port (p. 623).

Insertion Methods
• Select the AM Process object and then select the Support Group option from the Supports group
on the AM Process Context tab.

• Right-click the AM Process object and then select the Insert > Support Group.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert

– Predefined Support (p. 503)

– Generated Support (p. 229)

– STL Support (p. 623)

– Commands (p. 81)

• Detect Supports: Detect element faces to be applied to Generated Supports.

• Detect and Generate Supports: Detect element faces and generate supports for the build

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640 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional Related Information
LPBF Simulation Guide

Identify and/or Generate Supports

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 641
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642 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Represents a section plane to which you can scope results.

Object Properties (p. 643)

Tree Dependencies (p. 643)

Insertion Methods (p. 644)

Additional Related
Information (p. 644)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Coordinate System


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Construction Geometry (p. 123).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 643

Insertion Methods
• Select the Surface option from the Construction Geometry drop-down menu on the Model Context

• Select the Surface option from the Create group on the Construction Geometry Context tab.

• Right-click the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object and select Insert > Surface.

• Select the Construction Geometry (p. 113) object, right-click in the Geometry window, and select Insert
> Surface.

• Right-click an existing Surface object and select Insert > Surface.

Additional Related Information

• Specifying a Surface

• Specifying Construction Geometry

• Construction Geometry Object Reference (p. 123)

• Path Object Reference (p. 481)

• Solid Object Reference (p. 595)

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644 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Surface Coating
Applies a surface coating (shell layer) of a specified material and thickness over one or more faces of
your model. This feature is beneficial when you want to include the ability to accurately evaluate surface
stresses or to overlay your structure with thin parts, such as modeling Thermal Barrier Coatings or sheet
metal over support structures. To accurately model this type of application, Mechanical enables you to
specify the thickness, stiffness behavior, coordinate system, and material.


During a Cyclic Symmetry analysis, the application does not expand Surface Coating results.

Properties (p. 646)

Dependencies (p. 646)

Methods (p. 647)

Options (p. 647)

Information (p. 647)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 645
Surface Coating

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Specify this property as either Geometry Selection or Named

Geometry: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection. Use
the Face selection filters to pick your geometry, click in the Geometry field, then
click Apply.

Named Selection: Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Named Selection.
This field provides a drop-down list of available face-based (only) user–defined
Named Selections.
Definition Stiffness Behavior: Options include the following.

• Stress Evaluation Only (default): Use this option to evaluate stresses and
strains on the exterior surface(s). Elements do not provide any stiffness
contribution to the model. This option does not require a Thickness entry.

• Membrane Only: Elements have membrane stiffness only.

• Membrane and Bending: Elements have membrane and bending stiffness.


By default, Mechanical automatically sets the Shell Offset to Bottom

for all Stiffness Behavior settings.

Thickness: Define the thickness of the Surface Coating. This property can be
designated as a parameter.

Material: Using the fly-out menu of this property you can select an existing material,
create a new material definition, or import a new material. Creating and/or
importing materials automatically open the Engineering Data Workspace, enabling
you to make your material selections/specifications. Once you have completed
either of these operations, you must refresh the Model cell in the Project
Schematic to bring new data into the Mechanical application.

Coordinate System


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

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646 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Geometry (p. 233) object or the Body (p. 51)

• Click Surface Coating option on the Geometry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Geometry (p. 233) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Surface

• Select the desired face geometry from the parts available beneath the geometry object, right-
click, and select Insert > Surface Coating. This option automatically specifies the geometry.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation (p. 173)

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass (p. 165)

– Surface Coating

– Thickness (p. 659) (available based on analysis specifications)

– Layered Section (p. 379) (available based on analysis specifications)

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

• Applying a Surface Coating

• Scoping Results to Surface Coating

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 647
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648 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Represents all definitions of symmetry or periodic/cyclic planes within a model. Each symmetry definition
is represented in a Symmetry Region (p. 651) object, each periodic definition is represented in a Periodic
Region (p. 485) object, and each cyclic definition is represented in a Cyclic Region (p. 485) object.

Object Properties (p. 649)

Tree Dependencies (p. 649)

Insertion Methods (p. 650)

Right-click Options (p. 650)

Additional Related
Information (p. 650)

Object Properties
The Symmetry object does not include any Details pane properties. However, if you have Beta Options
active, the Details pane includes Graphical Expansion properties. Note that these Graphical Expansion
properties are not supported when a Cyclic Region is specified.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), Image (p. 249), Periodic/Cyclic Re-
gion (p. 485), Symmetry Region (p. 651), and General Axisymmetric (p. 225).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 649

Insertion Methods
• Automatically inserted in the tree if model includes symmetry planes defined in DesignModeler (using
the Symmetry or Enclosure feature).

• For manual insertion, use any of the following methods after highlighting Model object:

– Choose Symmetry on the Model Context Tab.

– Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window > Insert > Symmetry.


Only one Symmetry object is valid per Model.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Symmetry Region

– Linear Periodic

– Cyclic Region

– Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region

– General Axisymmetric

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Symmetry Application

• Symmetry Context Tab

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650 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Symmetry Region
Defines an individual plane for symmetry or anti-symmetry conditions (including linear periodic sym-
metry). The Symmetry (p. 649) folder house all Symmetry Region objects.

Properties (p. 651)

Dependencies (p. 652)

Methods (p. 652)

Options (p. 652)

Information (p. 653)

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object includes the following properties. See the Specify Symmetry in the
Mechanical Application section for more information about these properties, their options, and how
they are applied.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection and Named Selection.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 651
Symmetry Region

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Geometry: Specify the geometry using geometry selections.

Named Selection: Specify the desired Named Selection.

Definition Scope Mode



Apply To

Coordinate System

Symmetry Normal

Periodic Direction

Linear Shift


Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Symmetry (p. 649).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
• This object is automatically inserted if the model includes symmetry planes defined in DesignModeler
(using the Symmetry or Enclosure feature).

• Manually insert the object using any of the following methods after you highlight the Symmetry

– Select Symmetry Region (or Linear Periodic) on the Symmetry Context Tab.

– Right-click the Symmetry object, on an existing Symmetry Region, Periodic Region, or Cyclic
Region object, or in the Geometry window Insert > Symmetry Region (or Linear Periodic).

• Linear Periodic: The Symmetry Context Tab (as well as the context menus) contains a Linear Periodic
option. When selected, a Symmetry Region object is placed in the Outline with the Type property
automatically set to Linear Periodic.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Symmetry Region

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652 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
– Linear Periodic

– Cyclic Region

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Symmetry Application

• Symmetry Region

• Symmetry in the Mechanical Application

• Symmetry Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 653
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654 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Thermal Point Mass
Represents the heat from surrounding objects.

Properties (p. 655)

Dependencies (p. 656)

Methods (p. 657)

Options (p. 657)

Information (p. 657)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 655
Thermal Point Mass

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method - Specify as Geometry Selection (default) or Named
Selection or Remote Point (only available when a user-defined Remote
Point exists in the tree).
Geometry - Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selec-
tion. Displays the type of geometry (face, edge, vertex) and the number
of geometric entities (for example: 1 Face, 2 Edges) to which the boundary
has been applied using the selection tools. Use selection filters to pick
geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply. The Remote At-
tachment option is the required Applied By property (see below) setting
if the geometry scoping is to a single face or multiple faces, a single edge
or multiple edges, or multiple vertices.
Named Selection - Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Named
Selection. This field provides a drop-down list of available user–defined
Named Selections.
Remote Points - Visible when the Scoping Method is set to Remote Point.
This field provides a drop-down list of available user–defined Remote Point.
Applied By - Specify as Remote Attachment (default) or Direct Attach-
Coordinate System - Available when the Applied By property is set to
Remote Attachment. Allows you to assign the Thermal Point Mass to a
local coordinate system if previously defined using one or more Coordinate
System objects. The Thermal Point Mass is automatically rotated into the
selected coordinate system if that coordinate system differs from the global
coordinate system.

The individual coordinate properties, X/Y/Z, are available when the Applied
By property is set to Remote Attachment. Define coordinate origins directly.
These properties can be designated as a parameter.

• X Coordinate

• Y Coordinate

• Z Coordinate

Location - Available when the Applied By property is set to Remote At-

tachment. Allows you to change the location of the load. Once relocated,
click in the Location field and then click Apply.
Definition Thermal Capacitance - Can be designated as a parameter.
Pinball Region

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

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656 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Valid Child Tree Objects: Commands (p. 81), Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Geometry (p. 233) object or Body (p. 51) object:

• Select the Thermal Point Mass option on the Geometry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Geometry (p. 233) object, Body object, or in the Geometry window and select
Insert > Thermal Point Mass.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Thermal Point Mass

– Commands (APDL)

• Promote Remote Point (Remote Attachment only)

Additional Related Information

• Thermal Point Mass

• Coordinate Systems

• Geometry Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 657
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658 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines variable Thickness properties on selected faces or surface bodies that are scoped to it. When
you scope a Thickness object to one or more surface bodies, either by Geometry Selection or using
a Named Selection, the application automatically updates the Thickness property of the corresponding
surface bodies.


This object overwrites the Thickness property value of the Surface Body (p. 51) object.

Object Properties (p. 659)

Tree Dependencies (p. 660)

Insertion Methods (p. 660)

Thickness Display
Options (p. 661)

Right-click Options (p. 661)

Additional Related
Information (p. 662)

Object Properties
The Details properties for this object include:

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Geometry: Displays when the Scoping Method property is set to

Geometry Selection. In this case, use selection filters to pick
geometry, click in the Geometry field, then click Apply.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 659

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Named Selection: Displays if the Scoping Method property is set
to Named Selection. Select a Named Selection from the available
drop-down list.
Definition Scope Mode: Read-only indication of either Manual or Automatic.



Offset Type
Tabular Data - Independent Variable
appears if Thick-
ness is set to Tabu- Coordinate System
lar Data.
Function - appears Unit System: Read-only indication of the active unit system.
if Thickness is set
to a function. Angular Measure: Read-only indication of the angular measure used
to evaluate trigonometric functions.
Graph Controls - Number of Segments
appears if Thick-
ness is set to a Range Minimum
Range Maximum


The above description applies to a Thickness object that you manually insert into the tree.
When you include thickness associated with a surface body that you import from Design-
Modeler, an automatically generated Thickness object is added as a child object beneath
the associated Surface Body object. Read-only object properties in the Scope and Definition
categories are available for these automatically generated Thickness objects. Additionally,
the right-click context menu item Make Thickness Manual is available for the automatically
generated version of the object.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Geometry (p. 233).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Geometry (p. 233) object:

• Select the Thickness option from the Geometry Context Tab.

• Right-click the Geometry (p. 233) object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Thick-

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660 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Thickness Display Options
In the Geometry window, the application draws the thickness value you specify in the Thickness
property when you 1) select the Show Mesh option and the Thick Shells and Beams option, 2) when
you have the Mesh object selected, or 3) when you have a result selected. An example of this display
is shown below. As illustrated, there is a Surface Body with no thickness and a Thickness object selected
with a Thickness property value of 20mm displayed using the Show Mesh and Thick Shells and Beams


This display feature is not supported when you 1) scope the Thickness object to Elements
and 2) specify the Thickness property using the Tabular or Function options.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert >

– Element Orientation

– Point Mass

– Distributed Mass

– Surface Coating

– Thickness

– Layered Section (p. 379)

• Suppress/Unsuppress

• Search Faces with Multiple Thicknesses

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 661

Additional Related Information

• Specifying Surface Body Thickness

• Geometry Context Tab

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662 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A folder object that houses all of the part transformations that you create.

Object Properties (p. 663)

Tree Dependencies (p. 664)

Insertion Methods (p. 664)

Right-click Options (p. 664)

Additional Related
Information (p. 664)

Object Properties
The Details Pane properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Transform Mesh: Options include Yes (default) and No. Controls whether the
application automatically transforms the mesh of your transformed parts. Setting
this property to No instructs the application to clear the mesh of your transformed
parts when updated.

Regenerate Contacts: Options include Yes and No (default). This property controls
whether the application automatically generates contact on your transformed parts.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 663

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Object: Comment (p. 87).

Insertion Methods
• Select the Model object and then select the Part Transform option on the Model Context Tab.

• Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window and select Insert > Part Transform.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Part Transform

• Show All Bodies

• Invert Visibility

• Transform

• Suppress/Unsuppress

Additional Related Information

Specifying Part Transformations.

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664 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Evaluates the quality of mapping across source and target meshes. It provides quantitative measures
that help identify regions on the target where the mapping failed to provide an accurate estimate of
the source data. You can add validation objects under the Imported Element Orientation (p. 315), Imported
Load (p. 321), Imported Thickness (p. 347), or Imported Trace (p. 353) objects.

Properties (p. 666)

Dependencies (p. 667)

Methods (p. 667)

Options (p. 667)

Information (p. 667)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 665

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition File Identifier: Specify the file identifier(s) from parent object. This property is only
available when data is imported through the External Data system.

Layer (Imported Trace (p. 353) only): Specify the layer from the PCB layout.

Row: The row of the parent worksheet.

Data: The data type for the imported load.

Component: The vector component (X, Y, Z).

Complex Component: The real/imaginary component for complex loads.

Shell Face: Specify the top/bottom for loads applied to shells.

Settings Type: Specify Reverse Validation, Distance Based Average Comparison, Source
Value, or Undefined Points.


Not all options are available when validating Imported Trace or Impor-
ted Heat Generation.

Number of Points: Available when Distance Based Average Comparison is

selected. Specifies how many points to use in the distance based average mapping

Output Type: Specify either Relative Difference or Absolute Difference. (This is

not displayed for the Source Value or Undefined Points types.)
Graphics Display: Specify either Scaled Spheres, Colored Spheres, Colored Points, Con-
Controls tours, or Isolines (Isolines are only available for Source Value Output Type when
element mesh data is provided)

Line Thickness: Available when Display is set to Isolines. Control the thickness
of the isolines by selecting Single, Double, or Triple.

Scale: Specify scale multiplier for increasing and decreasing sphere sizes. Not
displayed for Colored Points.

Display Minimum: Appears if object state is solved. Graphics display will use this
value to show only items above this threshold. Must be greater than the Minimum
and less than the Maximum property. (This is not displayed for the Undefined
Points type.)

Display Maximum: Appears if object state is solved. Graphics display will use this
value to only show items below this threshold. Must be greater than Minimum

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666 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
and less than Maximum property. (This is not displayed for the Undefined Points

Display In Parent: Graphics items can be overlaid on parent objects when this
item is set to On.

Legend Divisions: Control how many contour colors to use in displaying graphics
data. (This is not displayed for the Undefined Points type.)
Statistics Minimum: Read-only minimum value for entire mapped points. (This is not
displayed for the Undefined Points type.)

Maximum: Read-only maximum value for entire mapped points. (This is not
displayed for the Undefined Points type.)

Number Of Items: Read-only number of currently displayed items

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Objects: Imported Element Orientation (p. 315), Various Imported Load
Types (p. 321), Imported Thickness (p. 347), or Imported Trace (p. 353) objects.

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Image (p. 249), and Figure (p. 209).

Insertion Methods
Select the imported object and:

• Select the Validation option on the Imported Fields Context tab.

• Right-click and select Insert > Validation.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Analyze: Executes the validation.

• Export: Exports the data to a text file in tabbed delimited format.

• Clear Generated Data

Additional Related Information

• Imported Load (p. 321) Object Reference

• Imported Thickness (p. 347) Object Reference

• Mapping Validation

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 667
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668 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Applies velocity as an initial condition for use in a Transient Structural analysis or an Explicit Dynamics

Velocity object for a Transient analysis: Object

Properties (p. 670)

Dependencies (p. 671)

Methods (p. 671)

Options (p. 671)

Information (p. 671)

Velocity object for an Explicit Dynamics analysis:

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 669

Object Properties
The Details view properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Scope Scoping Method

Geometry – Appears if Scoping Method is set to Geometry Selection.

In this case, use selection filters to pick geometry, click the Geometry
field, then click Apply.

Named Selection – Appears if Scoping Method is set to Named Selec-

Definition Input Type - Choose Angular Velocity, Drop Height, or Velocity.

Define By

Total– Magnitude; appears if Define By is set to Vector.

Direction- Appears if Define By is set to Vector.

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670 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Coordinate System – Available list; appears if Define By is set to Com-

X, Y, Z Component – Values; appears if Define By is set to Components.

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Initial Conditions (p. 359).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting Initial Conditions object:

• Click Velocity option on the Initial Conditions Context tab.

• Right-click the Initial Conditions object or in the Geometry window Insert > Velocity.

Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Insert > Velocity/Angular Velocity/Drop Height

• Suppress

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for additional information:

• Define Initial Conditions

• Transient Structural Analysis

• Explicit Dynamics Analysis

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 671
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672 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Cell
Defines an individual face or edge group, defined manually or automatically. Virtual Cell objects do
not appear in the tree.

Object Properties (p. 673)

Creation Options (p. 673)
Additional Related Information (p. 673)

Object Properties
The properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
General Cell Class - Read-only indication of cell class for selected Virtual Cell object.
Geometry - Read-only indication of components that make up the Virtual Cell
Suppressed - Read-only indication of suppression status of selected Virtual
Cell object.
Project to Underlying Geometry - Defines whether the mesh should project
to the original underlying geometry (Yes) or faceted geometry (No).

Creation Options
• For automatic creation of virtual cell regions, a Virtual Cell object is created for each region that
meets the criterion specified in the Details view of the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object.

• For manual creation of Virtual Cell objects, highlight the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object, select one
or more faces or one or more edges in the Geometry window, and then do one of the following:

– Choose Merge Cells on the Virtual Topology Context Tab.

– Right-click the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object and select Insert > Virtual Cell from the context

– Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Virtual Cell from the context menu.

Additional Related Information

• Virtual Topology Overview

• Virtual Topology Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 673
Virtual Cell

• Meshing: Virtual Topology (in the Meshing help)

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674 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Hard Vertex
Defines a virtual hard vertex, which allows you to define a hard point according to your cursor location
on a face, and then use that hard point in a split face operation. Virtual Hard Vertex objects do not
appear in the tree.

Object Properties (p. 675)

Creation Options (p. 675)
Additional Related Information (p. 675)

Object Properties
The properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
General Geometry - Read-only indication showing that one vertex makes up the Virtual
Hard Vertex object.
Suppressed - Read-only indication of suppression status of selected Virtual
Hard Vertex object.
Virtual Hard Vertex Location - Read-only indication of the XYZ location of
the Virtual Hard Vertex object.

Creation Options
Highlight the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object. Select the face to split in the Geometry window. Position
your cursor on the face where you want the hard point to be located, left-click, and do one the following:

• Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Virtual Hard Vertex at + from the context

• Choose Hard Vertex at + on the Virtual Topology Context Tab.

Additional Related Information

• Virtual Topology Overview

• Virtual Topology Context

• Meshing: Virtual Topology (in the Meshing help)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 675
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
676 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Split Edge
Defines a virtual split edge. Virtual Split Edge objects do not appear in the tree.

Object Properties (p. 677)

Creation Options (p. 677)
Additional Related Information (p. 677)

Object Properties
The properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
General Geometry - Read-only indication of components that make up the Virtual
Split Edge object.
Suppressed - Read-only indication of suppression status of selected Virtual
Split Edge object.
Split Ratio - Defines the location of the split for the selected Virtual Split
Edge object. Represented as a fraction of the total length of the edge. The
default is 0.5.

Creation Options
Highlight the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object, select the edge to split in the Geometry window, and
then do the following:

• To define the split location according to your cursor location on the edge, right-click in the Geometry
window and select Insert > Virtual Split Edge at + from the context menu, or choose Split Edge
at + on the Virtual Topology Context Tab.

• To define the split without specifying the location, right-click in the Geometry window and select
Insert > Virtual Split Edge from the context menu, or choose Split Edge on the Virtual Topology
Context Tab. By default the split ratio will be set to 0.5, but it can be changed later using the Virtual
Topology Properties dialog.

Additional Related Information

• Virtual Topology Overview

• Virtual Topology Context

• Meshing: Virtual Topology (in the Meshing help)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 677
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
678 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Split Face
Defines a virtual split face. Virtual Split Face objects do not appear in the tree.

Object Properties (p. 679)

Creation Options (p. 679)
Additional Related Information (p. 679)

Object Properties
The properties for this object include the following.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
General Geometry - Read-only indication of components that make up the Virtual
Split Face object.
Suppressed - Read-only indication of suppression status of selected Virtual
Split Face object.
Vertices - Read-only indication showing that two vertices were selected.

Creation Options
Highlight the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object, select two vertices on the face that you want to split in
the Geometry window, and then do one of the following:

• Choose Split Face at Vertices on the Virtual Topology Context Tab.

• Right-click the Virtual Topology (p. 681) object and select Insert > Virtual Split Face at Vertices
from the context menu.

• Right-click in the Geometry window and select Insert > Virtual Split Face at Vertices from the
context menu.


Virtual Hard Vertex (p. 675) objects can be defined for use in split face operations.

Additional Related Information

• Virtual Topology Overview

• Virtual Topology Context

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 679
Virtual Split Face

• Meshing: Virtual Topology (in the Meshing help)

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680 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Virtual Topology
Represents all definitions of face or edge groups, and all definitions of virtual split edges, virtual split
faces, and virtual hard vertices within a model. Each definition is represented in a Virtual Cell (p. 673),
Virtual Split Edge (p. 677), Virtual Split Face (p. 679), or Virtual Hard Vertex (p. 675) object, respectively.
Virtual Cell, Virtual Split Edge, Virtual Split Face, and Virtual Hard Vertex objects do not appear in
the Outline.

Properties (p. 682)

Dependencies (p. 682)

Methods (p. 682)

Options (p. 683)

Information (p. 683)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 681
Virtual Topology

Object Properties
The Details Pane for this object include the following properties. The Lock position of dependent
edge splits setting applies to virtual split edge behavior.

Category Properties/Options/Descriptions
Definition Method
Custom Gauss Curvature Angle
Feature Angle
Advanced Custom Aspect Ratio
Contact Angle
Edge Angle
Shared Boundary Ratio
Advanced Generate on Update
Simplify Faces
Merge Face Edges
Lock position of dependent edge splits
Statistics Virtual Faces - Read-only indication
Virtual Edges - Read-only indication
Virtual Split Edges - Read-only indication
Virtual Split Faces - Read-only indication
Virtual Hard Vertices - Read-only indication
Total Virtual Entities - Read-only indication

Tree Dependencies
• Valid Parent Tree Object: Model (p. 443).

• Valid Child Tree Objects: Comment (p. 87), Figure (p. 209), and Image (p. 249).

Insertion Methods
Use any of the following methods after highlighting the Model object:

• Select Virtual Topology on the Model Context tab.

• Right-click the Model object or in the Geometry window Insert > Virtual Topology.


Only one Virtual Topology object is valid per Model.

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682 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Right-click Options
In addition to common right-click options (p. 2), relevant right-click options for this object include:

• Generate Virtual Cells

• sGenerate Virtual Cells on Selected Entities

Additional Related Information

See the following sections for more information:

• Virtual Topology Overview

• Virtual Topology Context Tab

• Meshing: Virtual Topology (in the Meshing help)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 683
Release 2023 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
684 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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