Apc200 Ecm
Apc200 Ecm
Apc200 Ecm
User Manual
Firmware version 4.0
1 Functional specification ..............................................................................................................................6
1.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 External interfaces .......................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Man Machine interface.................................................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Shift lever........................................................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Display ................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.3.3 Other .................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Operating modes....................................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Normal driving...................................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.2 Diagnostic mode .................................................................................................................................. 12
1.4.3 Limp Home mode................................................................................................................................. 12
1.4.4 Shutdown mode ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.5 Mode identification ............................................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Operating Characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.5.1 System ................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.5.2 On/Off inputs........................................................................................................................................ 13
1.5.3 Analogue inputs ................................................................................................................................... 14
1.5.4 Speed sensor inputs ............................................................................................................................ 14
1.5.5 On/Off outputs...................................................................................................................................... 14
1.5.6 Analogue outputs ................................................................................................................................. 14
1.5.7 Speedometer output (combined with RS232 transmit)........................................................................ 14
1.5.8 Communication interfaces ................................................................................................................... 15
1.6 Functional description.............................................................................................................................. 16
1.6.1 External inputs ............................................................................................................................. 16
1.6.2 General ................................................................................................................................................ 19
1.6.3 Transmission gear changing................................................................................................................ 19
1.6.4 Direction reversal protections ...................................................................................................... 21
1.6.5 Behaviour in neutral ............................................................................................................................. 21
1.6.6 Output functions................................................................................................................................... 22
2 Environmental conditions ............................................................................................................................... 24
2.1 Nature of environmental conditions........................................................................................................ 24
2.2 Behaviour of the system under certain conditions ............................................................................... 24
2.3 Environmental standards and limits ....................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Interference immunity standards and limits .......................................................................................... 24
3 Design and development tools ....................................................................................................................... 25
4 Diagnostics and Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 Diagnostics and maintenance ................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 26
4.1.2 Self Diagnostic Functions .................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Technical guidelines for installation ....................................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Power supply ....................................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.2 Input signals......................................................................................................................................... 32
4.2.3 Output signals ...................................................................................................................................... 33
4.2.4 Communication interfaces ................................................................................................................... 34
5 Control system: Analog Input Signals Calibration ....................................................................................... 35
5.1 Activating the calibration mode............................................................................................................... 35
6 Control system: Automatic Transmission Calibration ................................................................................. 37
6.1 Performing an automatic transmission calibration ............................................................................... 37
6.2 Heating up the transmission by using the ‘HEAT’-mode...................................................................... 39
6.3 Calibration condition messages and calibration errors........................................................................ 41
6.3.1 Calibration condition messages........................................................................................................... 41
6.3.2 Calibration errors ................................................................................................................................. 41
7 Statistics............................................................................................................................................................ 42
1 Applicable safety guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 44
2 Safety concept .................................................................................................................................................. 44
2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
2.2 ECM/APC200 implementation .................................................................................................................. 44
3 Considered faults ............................................................................................................................................. 45
4 Behaviour in case of faults.............................................................................................................................. 45
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 45
4.2 Reset Condition......................................................................................................................................... 45
4.3 Over voltage............................................................................................................................................... 46
4.4 Under voltage ............................................................................................................................................ 46
4.5 Internal faults............................................................................................................................................. 46
4.6 Redundant Shutdown Path Error ............................................................................................................ 46
4.7 Program out of control ............................................................................................................................. 47
4.8 Intermittent power loss............................................................................................................................. 47
4.9 Single faults on analogue outputs .......................................................................................................... 47
4.10 Single faults on on/off outputs .............................................................................................................. 47
4.11 Incorrect input patterns .......................................................................................................................... 48
4.12 Speed sensor faults ................................................................................................................................ 48
4.13 Analogue sensor failure ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.14 Transmission ratio faults ....................................................................................................................... 49
4.15 Converter Temperature problem ........................................................................................................... 49
4.16 Service requests...................................................................................................................................... 49
4.17 Indication of faults .................................................................................................................................. 50
4.18 Indication of faults that have previously occurred.............................................................................. 50
5 Behaviour when faults are removed............................................................................................................... 51
5.1 Over voltage............................................................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Under voltage ............................................................................................................................................ 51
5.3 Internal faults............................................................................................................................................. 51
5.4 Redundant Shutdown Path Error ............................................................................................................ 51
5.5 Program out of control ............................................................................................................................. 51
5.6 Intermittent power loss............................................................................................................................. 51
5.7 Single faults on outputs ........................................................................................................................... 51
5.8 Multiple faults on outputs......................................................................................................................... 51
5.9 Incorrect input patterns ............................................................................................................................ 51
5.10 Speed sensor failure ............................................................................................................................... 51
5.11 Analogue sensor failure ......................................................................................................................... 51
6 Specific measures to guarantee Fault tolerance........................................................................................... 52
7 Organisational measures to protect from external factors .......................................................................... 53
7.1 Identification .............................................................................................................................................. 53
7.2 Traceability and configuration control.................................................................................................... 53
7.3 Sourcing..................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.4 Software ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
8 Listing of Fault Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 1: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Con trol System
Chapter 1: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
1 Functional specification
1.1 General
The APC200 (Transmission Controller for ECM) is a device used to control the shifting of the Spicer Off
Highway Products ECM power shift transmissions. ECM means Electronic Controlled Modulation and refers
to a transmission control technology that is available on a range of transmission models.
ECI means Electronic Controlled Inching. This refers to the capability of ECM transmissions with APC200 to run
at very low controlled speed at virtually any engine speed. This function is desirable in a/o. forklift truck
applications. To date, within these models, five transmission types are supported: TE10, TE13, TE17, TE27 and
TE32 transmissions with 3/3 or 4/4 gear sets.
Engine Speed
APC200 Turbine Speed
Drum Speed
Output Speed
Chapter 1: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The APC200 takes care of all transmission related functions in order to achieve superior shift quality and
high reliability. Additionally it can control the engine speed either through use of a suitable servomotor on
the injection pump or via the standardized SAE J1939 – TSC1 CAN protocol.
The built in self-test and trouble shooting features allow fast problem resolution.
The integration in the vehicle wiring system is straightforward and mainly involves connections between the
APC200, the shift selector, the speed sensors, and the transmission control valve.
Additionally the APC200 requires some connections for supplying power and for selection of different
operating modes. For more detail, check the application specific wiring diagrams. Refer to paragraph
4.2 for details about the installation.
The different connector pin functions for the APC200 are listed below.
Chapter 1: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Ptg pull to ground Input internally pulled high, must be connected to Ground to activate.
Alternately senses resistance 0 - 5 kOhm.
Ptp pull to plus Input internally pulled low, must be connected to Plus to activate.
Stg switch to ground Output switches internally to Ground. Other side of Load must be
connected with Plus.
Stp switch to plus Output switches internally to Battery plus. Other side of Load must be
connected with Ground.
Pwr power supply line connected to battery
Gnd ground ground reference line or supply line
Sns sense sensor input for frequency, voltage or current
Pwm pulse width modulated Output uses PWM to control the output current. When combined with
the proper sns input, closed loop current control is possible.
Comm communication control line used for communicating information with other controllers
and / or PC’s
Hbrg bi-directional motor Output can control the speed of a DC motor in both directions
In below table all references to terminals have prefix TC meaning they refer to the APC200 connector
A01 A1 PPWR Pwr Permanent Battery Plus Permanent Battery Plus
A02 B1 VFS0+ Pwm Fwd VFS Hi Side Out Fwd VFS Hi Side Out
A03 C1 VFS0- Sns Fwd VFS Lo Side In Fwd VFS Lo Side In
A04 D1 VFS1+ Pwm 2nd VFS Hi Side Out 2nd /4 VFS Hi Side Out
A05 E1 VFS1- Sns 2nd VFS Lo Side In 2nd /4th VFS Lo Side In
A06 F1 VFS2+ Pwm Rev VFS Hi Side Out Rev VFS Hi Side Out
A07 G1 VFS2- Sns Rev VFS Lo Side In Rev VFS Lo Side In
st rd st rd
A08 H1 VFS3+ Pwm 1 /3 VFS Hi Side Out 1 /3 VFS Hi Side Out
st rd st rd
A09 J1 VFS3- Sns 1 /3 VFS Lo Side In 1 /3 VFS Lo Side In
A10 K1 DO0 Stp RSP Drive Solenoid + RSP Drive Solenoid +
A11 A2 ANI0 Ptg Pressure feedback Pressure feedback
A12 B2 DIGIN0 Ptp Digital Input 0 (typically for shift lever) * Digital Input 0 (typically for shift lever) *
A13 C2 DIGIN 1 Ptp Digital Input 1 (typically for shift lever) * Digital Input 1 (typically for shift lever) *
A14 D2 DIGIN2 Ptp Digital Input 2 * Digital Input 2 (typically for shift lever) *
A15 E2 DO1 Stp Digital output 1 (optional warning lamp) 2nd/4th VFS selector
st rd st rd
A16 F2 DO2 Stp 1 /3 VFS selector 1 /3 VFS selector
A17 G2 DIGIN3 Ptp Digital Input 3 * Digital Input 3 *
A18 H2 DIGIN4 Ptp Digital Input 4 (typically for shift lever) * Digital Input 4 (typically for shift lever) *
A19 J2 DIGIN5 Ptp Digital Input 5 (typically for shift lever) * Digital Input 5 (typically for shift lever) *
A20 K2 DO3 Stg RSP Drive Solenoid - RSP Drive Solenoid -
A21 A3 GND Gnd Supply Ground Supply Ground
A22 B3 SS0 Sns Drum speed sensor+ Drum speed sensor+
A23 C3 SS0 Gnd Drum speed sensor - Drum speed sensor -
A24 D3 SS1 Sns Output speed sensor+ Output speed sensor+
A25 E3 SS1 Gnd Output speed sensor - Output speed sensor -
A26 F3 SS2 Sns Engine speed sensor+ Engine speed sensor+
A27 G3 SS2 Gnd Engine speed sensor - Engine speed sensor -
A28 H3 ANI1 Ptg TransmTemperature TransmTemperature
A29 J3 ANI2 Ptg Converter out temperature Converter out temperature
A30 K3 GND Gnd Signal Ground Signal Ground
Chapter 1: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
B01 L1 VFS4+ HbrgA Engine servo motor A Engine servo motor A
B02 M1 ANI4 Sns 5V Reference voltage out 5V Reference voltage out
B03 N1 VFS5+ HbrgB Engine servo motor B Engine servo motor B
B04 P1 ANI5 Sns Analog input 5 (0-5V) * Analog input 5 (0-5V) *
(typically for engine servo pos feedback) (typically for engine servo pos feedback)
B05 R1 VFS6+ Pwm Analog output 6 * Analog output 6 *
B06 S1 ANI6 Sns Analog input 6 (0-5V) * Analog input 6 (0-5V) *
B07 L2 CANL Comm CAN Lo CAN Lo
B08 M2 CANH Comm CAN Hi CAN Hi
B09 N2 RXD Comm RS232 RXD RS232 RXD
B11 R2 SS3 Sns Turbine speed sensor+ Turbine speed sensor+
B12 S2 SPWR Pwr Switched Battery Plus Switched Battery Plus
B13 L3 DIGIN6 Ptp Digital Input 6 * Digital Input 6 *
B14 M3 DIGIN7 Ptp Digital Input 7 * Digital Input 7 *
B15 N3 DIGIN8 Ptp Digital Input 8 * Digital Input 8 *
B16 P3 DIGIN9 Ptp Digital Input 9 * Digital Input 9 *
B17 R3 ANI3 Ptg Analog input 3 (0-5V) * Analog input 3 (0-5V) *
B18 S3 SGND Gnd VFS Ground VFS Ground
* Note that different configurations are supported. The Input / Output mix can be varied through the use of
parameter sets which determine the exact I/O allocation. Further, most non-transmission related functions
can be routed through the CAN bus instead.
For application specific wire assignment, please refer to the wiring diagram.
Connector layout :
1.3.2 Display
The display is located on the APC200 front panel and consists of:
After power up, the display defaults to the last display mode (if the display mode was not the error display)
selected when the controller was last powered down.
Typically, this will be the gear position mode. In this mode, the centre left digit shows the actually engaged
direction and the centre right digit shows the currently engaged range (gear). Pressing the 'M' switch changes
the displayed information group, while pressing the 'S' button selects the item within the group.
While pushing the switch (and about 0.5 seconds after it is released) the display shows which information
is about to be displayed.
Chapter 11: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
There are 3 display groups: the most commonly used one allows switching between gear display,
vehicle speed and travelled distance display.
The second group shows the shift lever position and some other less used but nevertheless quite relevant
values (see below).
The third display accessed with the M-button isn’t actually a group of screens but is used to inform you about
any current or previously active errors. The display normally shows ‘ — — ‘ to indicate there are no faults, but
if one or more faults are (or have been) detected, the most severe one is shown until you press the ‘S’ -
button. Doing so reveals the next error until no more errors are present, at which time again the ‘ — — ‘ sign
is shown.
Display mode Comment
Reflects the actually engaged transmission direction and range.
Shows vehicle speed in km/h or MPH (parameter setting). Speeds are shown
with a 0.1 km/h or 0.1 MPH resolution.
DIST Shows the travelled distance in km or Miles (parameter setting). Distance is
shown with a 0.1 km or 0.1 Mile resolution. By pressing the “S” button during
3 seconds the distance trip counter is reset to 0.
OPER Shows the total operating time of the vehicle (engine running). Operating time
is shown with a 1 hour resolution and has a range of 0 to 49999 hours. The
number digits show the hours, the number of dots in between show the
number of times 10000 hours needs to be added to the number shown:
1 2 3 4 = 1234 hours
1 2.3.4. = 31234 hours
Reflects the current shift lever direction and position.
ESPD Shows measured engine speed (RPM)
TSPD Shows measured turbine speed (RPM)
OSPD Shows measured output speed (RPM)
SRAT Reflects the current speed ratio (calculated as TSPD/ESPD [turbine speed /
engine speed]) and is an important factor in automatic shifting.
TQ I Measured turbine torque at transmission input side (Nm)
TTMP Shows transmission temperature in °C
ERR The error display. By pressing the “S” button you can scroll through the errors
codes. If an error code is blinking, this indicates that the error was active in
the past but not active anymore.
When the controller detects an error, the 'E' led blinks slowly to indicate this. You can always select the
error display mode (ERR) to view the nature of the problem. An overview of the error codes is documented
in a separate document “APC200 ECM-ECI Error Codes ver1.1.xls”.
1.3.3 Other
Additionally several on/off switches and position sensors with function described in section 1.6.1 can be
used to control the different operating functions. The control system can receive state information of these
inputs either directly through its own inputs or via the CAN-bus using standardised messages.
Chapter 12: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Note: On some transmissions, ratios normally not selectable are used to substitute those that can
no longer be selected.
The controller uses default limits; all shifts use a default modulation curve. Inching is disabled.
The GPOS / CPOS display indicates the letters ‘LH’ left of the direction/position indication.
However, in case the error is related to the pressure feedback signal, SHUTDOWN mode remains
selected until the controller is switched off.
Chapter 13: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
1.5.1 System
Operating temperature range -40°C to +80°C
Sealing IP67
Supply Voltage nominal 24V
min - max. 18V – 30Vdc
Over voltage conditions 5 min @ 48V
500ms @ 220V
2 ms @ 300V
Maximum continuous total load 12 Amperes
current @ 24V
The main interface with the driver is the shift lever. It allows selecting the driving direction and the different
ranges. The shift lever output signals serve as inputs for the APC200 and is remote controlled through
CAN. The selection of which type of shift lever is use, is defined in the configuration sets. By selecting the
corresponding configuration, the defined shift lever is used. For automatic mode the shift lever position will
limit the gear in which the controller is allowed to shift to. Check the wiring diagram how the shift lever
needs to be connected to the APC200.
The selection of how the hydraulic lever position is connected, is defined in the configuration sets. By
selecting the corresponding configuration, the defined hydraulic lever position signal source is used. Also
in the configuration sets the target engine speed as a function of the hydraulic lever position needs to be
The selection of how the manual /automatic selection is connected, is defined in the configuration
sets. By selecting the corresponding configuration, the defined manual / automatic selection is
used. If the manual / automatic selection is not used, automatic selection can be defined to be
always active. Manual => Automatic
Switching from manual to automatic is possible in all circumstances.
1.6.2 General
The APC200 takes care of the following functions
speed_ratio = ---------------------- <1
Automatic upshifting
An automatic shift to a higher gear is made when the accelerator pedal is pressed, the turbine speed exceeds a minimum
speed, and the slip in the converter (speed ratio) has reached a certain value. This occurs when the tractive effort in the
higher gear is higher than the tractive effort in the lower gear. The below table indicates for each gear the different
Minimum turbine speed for automatic upshifting:
F1-F2 1400 1650
F2-F3 1450 1700
Chapter 20: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Shift 2-3
Turbine rpm
Automatic downshifting
An automatic shift to a lower gear is made when the tractive effort in the lower gear exceeds the tractive effort in the
higher gear (i.e. when the speed ratio drops below a certain limit) Below, a typical downshift curve is shown (speed
ratio as function of turbine speed).
Shift 3-2
Turbine rpm
Chapter 21: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Used when the accelerator < 20% and when the speed ratio >= 1. On the vehicle, it means that the driver has released
the accelerator pedal.
speed_ratio = ---------------------- >1
Automatic upshift
In principle no automatic up-shifts occur in braking mode. The only exception is when the transmission overspeed
limit (depends on transmission model) is reached and the shift lever indicates a higher range than the one selected
on the transmission.
Automatic downshift
Downshifts occur based on the output speed.
If the engine speed is below the limit for direction changes, and the vehicle speed is sufficiently low, the direction change
is made immediately.
If the engine speed however exceeds the engine limit, the transmission will remain in neutral, and the warning lamp
will be switched on until the limit is satisfied.
The engine speed limit is typically disabled but can be activated on request.
The APC200 uses the SAE J1939 TSC1 message to control the speed (not the torque) of the engine. The source
address is 03 by default and the destination address is 00. The message has a priority of 6 and is transmitted at a bit
rate of 250 kbps every 20 ms.
The APC200 has a H-bridge output capable of controlling standard (BOSCH) engine control servomotors with
position feedback.
This provision can optionally be used to provide ‘throttle by wire’. Several engine control modes are available.
Alternatively, the APC200 can be programmed to send TSC1 messages on the CAN bus to control a SAE J1939
compatible engine.
Chapter 23: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The APC200 implements this functionality by slipping the direction clutches, limiting the power that can be absorbed
from the engine.
2 Environmental conditions
The Hardware / Software combination is tested using Kontron in circuit emulators and PLS Fastview66 debuggers.
Chapter 26: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
4.1.1 General
Principally there are no specific devices required for first level troubleshooting as the APC200 incorporates several self-
test features assisting in this process.
Nevertheless, use of digital multi-meters and simple tools such as an indicator lamp will be required to pinpoint exact
causes of problems.
More in depth troubleshooting and system tuning involves use of a WIN95 Compatible PC with appropriate software and
FLASH parameter programming equipment.
The APC200 allows recall and modification of non-volatile parameters through RS232.
This way, installators can, given the necessary equipment, choose to adapt certain parameters to suit their needs.
From a maintenance point of view, this is relevant in so far that the APC200 allows reading back the (modified)
parameters along with serial number, part number and modification date. Several PC hosted tools have been developed
to ease the service and trouble shooting process.
Pressing a switch (M or S) shortly reselects the current group or mode. This feature is applicable in all diagnostic-
After powering up, the display test is activated.
Releasing the switch engages a scrolling text display showing the part number and the version. When pushing the S-
switch, the display switches back to the display test mode, showing:
Followed by the program identification string, e.g. ECM 3. 5 r 6 After releasing the S-button, the display again
lightens up all segments.
Chapter 28: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The display shows which inputs are active. Each segment of the display indicates a specific logical input. Different
segments can be switched on simultaneously if different inputs are activated simultaneously. In total there are fourteen
inputs: ten digital and four analogue inputs (in this group treated as if they were digital pull to ground inputs).
Digital inputs numbered 0 – 9 are shown on the segments as shown below. Analogue inputs 0 –3
are shown on segments numbered 10 – 13 below.
Below example indicates that input 1, 4 and 5 are on. All others are off.
By pressing the ‘S’- switch repeatedly, each individual input is shown in more detail.
While pressing the ‘S’- switch, the display shows the logic-input number with the matching harness wire. – I.e.
below display corresponds with input one connected to wire A12.
Pressing the S-switch at the last analogue input brings back the overview on the display.
Releasing the switch brings an overview of the 4 analogue inputs on the display. The values, displayed in kΩ, are
separated by a dot.
Above display corresponds with a first input of 1 kΩ, a second of 2 kΩ the last two of 0 kΩ. Values that are more
accurate can be found while running through the input specific displays (S-switch).
Chapter 29: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
While pressing the switch, similar to the display of digital inputs, the left side of the display gives information about which
input is tested; the right side gives the matching wire. The displayed value when the S-switch is released is the
resistance in .
Note: Although the APC200 also has 4 current sense and 3 voltage sense inputs, these are not directly
accessible through diagnostic displays.
The current sense inputs are treated in combination with analogue output test modes The voltage sense inputs
are not yet supported by the diagnostics modes. Speed sensor test
When selecting this mode the display shows:
After the last channel is shown, another press on the ‘S’ switch re-selects the speed sensor overview.
The display shows which outputs are active. Similar to the digital input test overview screen, each segment of the
display indicates a specific input.
Different segments can be switched on simultaneously if different outputs are activated simultaneously.
The displayed value after the M-switch is released is the PERMANENT VOLTAGE Vp in Volts as measured on wire
The two other modes of this group are switched voltage (Vs) and sensor voltage (Vsen), also expressed in Volts.
Vs is measured on wire B12. This power supply input is used to allow the APC200 to control the power down process –
allowing it to save statistical information in FLASH before actually shutting down.
Vsen is measured off an internally generated voltage regulator and should be near 8.0V.
It can be measured on any unloaded analogue input channel (e.g. ANI0 on A11). The Vsen voltage is used as a
reference for the analogue inputs.
Improper grounding may degrade the control system’s operation. The fact that most outputs conduct pulsed
signals tends to generate switching noise on the ground lines. If the ground lines have insufficient quality or
are shared with other loads, serious degradation of the analogue input signal quality may result.
Chapter 32: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
Tuning Link
The communication protocol is RS232 compatible and is intended to use with existing SOHP Tuning tools and is reserved
for SOHP use only.
Chapter 35: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The optional DANA tool “Dashboard” includes a user friendly interface to perform the calibration of analog
input signals using a PC. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Dashboard” help or contact
a DANA sales representative.
Stand-alone calibration mode is activated by pressing the ‘S’-switch for at least 15 seconds on the APC200 front panel
while powering up the APC200. When stand-alone calibration mode is entered the display shows (see also overview
Switching off the power of the APC200 is the only way to leave the calibration display mode. By pressing the ‘M’-
switch, the existing calibration modes are displayed (see overview above), pushing the ‘S’-switch starts the
calibration of the currently displayed mode.
The actually unused calibration modes, such as throttle pedal , brake pedal and
servomotor may be deactivated through the controller software. Int his case, pressing the S
button for calibration start, the display shows:
Chapter 37: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The optional DANA tool “Dashboard” includes a user friendly interface to perform the automatic transmission
calibration using a PC. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Dashboard” help or contact a
DANA sales representative.
When activating the calibration mode, the APC200 display will automatically be set at the right display mode for
starting an automatic transmission calibration. If this calibration is started after having already selected other
calibration modes, make sure to push the ‘M’-switch until the display shows:
Before the automatic calibration can be started, a number of conditions need to be fulfilled:
If one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the corresponding display will be shown. Please see paragraph 6.3.1 for a
listing of those displays.
The automatic transmission calibration procedure starts. This is indicated on the APC200-display:
Chapter 38: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
‘c1’ stands for ‘clutch 1’ being forward, while ‘M1’ stands for ‘mode 1’ of the calibration. When all clutches have been
calibrated, the APC200 displays:
At this point, the automatic calibration has completed successfully. A complete automatic transmission
calibration can take 10 to 15 minutes.
To exit the automatic calibration mode, you need to switch off the ignition key the vehicle. Make sure that the APC200
has powered down – wait for 2 seconds. Now restart the vehicle and the new tuning results will be activated
This power down is very important because at this point the results obtained in the calibration are saved to
the permanent memory of the APC200.
If you get any different information on the APC200 display as described above, there can be two possible reasons:
the calibration conditions are not fulfilled (temperature is too low, parking brake switched off, the vehicle is moving,
engine rpm is too high or too low)
a calibration error has occurred during the calibration (message starting with an 'E'). See paragraph 6.3 for further
By selecting REVERSE on the shift lever, while the automatic calibration is performing, the procedure will abort the
automatic calibration immediately and restart the APC200. You can use this as an emergency procedure when
something goes wrong during the calibration procedure.
Note: by aborting the automatic calibration, the calibration is not finalized and needs to be done from the beginning
Chapter 39: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
The heating mode is especially provided to allow easy and quick heating of the transmission before performing an
automatic transmission calibration.
When this heating mode is activated, the following signals that are normally interpreted are now ignored:
Requested Gear (cabpos): no matter what gear is requested, the transmission will be put in highest gear.
Parking Brake input: the signal from the parking brake switch is completely ignored to allow engaging
forward or reverse with the parking brake activated.
Brake pedal position: this signal is ignored to avoid declutch if the brakes are fully applied.
This results in a reduced functional mode on the transmission, always put in highest gear and only reacting to direction
selections. The requested direction will be engaged regardless of the parking brake state or the brake pedal signal.
When this mode is activated, it allows easy heating of the transmission. Simply apply the parking brake and select a
direction. The transmission will stall against the brakes, but this does not create a very high load on the machine
because the highest gear is selected (lowest torque transfer).
Paragraph 5.1, explaining how to enter the calibration mode, also displays how the ‘HEAT’-mode can be activated.
Once you see on the display “tran”, you can press the M-button once to go into the “heat”-mode. The APC200 will
To trigger the 'HEAT'-mode, push the S-button. The APC200 will display the sump temperature:
This means the actual sump temperature of the transmission is 20°C. Perform the
The following figure shows a graphical representation of the transmission heating up cycle.
During this warm up procedure, it is possible that the converter out temperature of the transmission
exceeds the maximum limit. This is a consequence of heating up the transmission using this quick
When this occurs, the engine speed will be limiting to half throttle when the APC200 has engine control
or forcing neutral when the APC200 has no engine control. To solve this, simply leave the transmission in
neutral for a minute and throttle the engine to around 1300 rpm. This will allow the heat in the converter to
be evacuated.
After one or two minutes, you can resume the heating up procedure if the transmission temperature has not
reached 60 °C yet
Chapter 41: APC200 ECM/ECI Transmission Control System Description
7 Statistics
The APC200 automatically and permanently keeps track of certain operating conditions.
Controller Lifetime Time that the APC200 has been powered (ever)
Power up-count Number of times the controller was powered
Fault Count Number of times a specific fault has occurred
Fault Time Time a specific fault has been detected
Fault Timestamp Last moment of occurrence of a specific fault relative to the
Controller Lifetime
POST results Information about how many times the Power Up Self Tests
have detected problems
Production Test results Information about results of production testing
Display mode Last selected display mode and set of sub groups
Time in each gear Time that the transmission has operated in each gear position
Shifts to each gear Number of shifts to each gear position that ever occurred
Maximum speed Value and ‘time over limit’ for speed in each gear
Maximum temperature Value and ‘time over limit’ of transmission temperature
This information can be used to get an idea about the way the vehicle has been used in the field in case of a field
Based on application requirements this list can be extended.
The information can be accessed with specialised tools that download and interpret the statistical data from the APC200
upon request.
The memory limitation for this kind of storage is 4kBytes.
Fault Detection &
1 Applicable safety guidelines
The control system was designed and developed in close adherence to ISO1508.
2 Safety concept
2.1 General
The safety concept is based on the control system's safety classification according to ISO 1508 and on the definition
of the Fail Safe State for a power shift transmission used in earthmoving equipment.
The applicable safety class requires considering single faults affecting driver safety and a redundant method to
achieve the fail-safe state in case of a single safety critical fault.
The fail-safe state (to be attained when all else fails) is:
- Fail to Neutral
These properties are used in the APC200 to implement the safety concept.
ECM requires that 2 clutches can be pressurised simultaneously. Normally the pressure in 1 clutch is increasing
while the pressure in the other clutch is decreasing. If the overlap is not carefully monitored, one can achieve a
situation in which clutch 1 is closed while clutch 2 is not opened yet. This situation is called "locking clutches." The
result is that the transmission stops instantly. The APC200 software deals with potential problems related to this by
continuously monitoring relations between and changes in various speed signals.
All faults described below refer to electrical connections. The APC200 is in no way capable of detecting mechanical
problems on its input and output devices except indirectly by analysing the speed signals.
The APC200 monitors its inputs and outputs in order to detect internal and external faults.
Due to hardware limitations, fault monitoring is not always possible. The detection principles and their limitations are
described wherever applicable.
All detected faults are reported within 0.3 seconds, but only safety critical faults are acted upon.
Faults resulting in unwanted clutch engagement result in immediate selection of Neutral using one of two available
redundant shutdown methods. Depending on the severity, this reaction can be permanent (until power is switched off)
or last until the fault is removed.
Some faults are tolerated but the performance of the system is crippled when the fault persists.
3 Considered faults
Under voltage
Over voltage
Internal faults
Program out of control
Single faults on outputs
Incorrect input patterns
Intermittent power loss
Speed sensor faults
Analogue sensor failure
Redundant Shutdown Path fault
REMARK: A special case of error codes are the so called 'Exceed Parameter' codes. These are not so much codes
that report a problem, but rather indicate a certain machine operating state. These codes give an indication of the
machine operating state in regard to some programmed limits that may be exceeded.
They are optional and need to be activated (as a package) by DANA.
4.1 General
It is considered critical to be able to select Neutral in all circumstances. Selection of Neutral also
is considered the safe state in case of many faults.
The APC200 has been designed to guarantee automatic selection of Neutral in some conditions. This is accomplished
through use of two separate watchdog timers and a redundant shutdown path for outputs.
The initialisation phase takes about 1 second. It includes Power On Self Test and integrity testing of the
redundant shutdown path.
After power up, the APC200 is in the so-called Neutral Lock State. This means that the transmission remains in Neutral
until the shift lever is cycled physically through Neutral and then in the desired gear.
4.3 Over voltage
The APC200 is very tolerant to large transients on its power lines. Even power supply levels up to 48 V will not
damage circuit components.
However, a magneto-resistive sensor supply voltage in excess of about 16.5Vdc prevents the speed sensor circuit from
operating (fault indicated). A fault indication on the display is given to warn the driver of the problem.
The term RSP refers to the Redundant Shutdown Path integrated on the transmission control valve as described in
1.4.4 Shutdown mode.
At power up, before the solenoid is activated, the pressure feedback (Analog Input 0) must indicate low pressure.
Then after activating the solenoid, the pressure must rise within a given timeout. After power-up, the pressure
feedback signal is ignored if the engine speed is lower than 500 RPM. When the engine speed exceeds this limit, this
signal is still ignored for an additional 2 seconds to allow the system to build up the pressure.
If any of this fails or occurs too late, permanently flagged faults are generated, and the APC200 is not
allowed to operate.
This RSP is required for ensuring system safety and is permanently monitored electrically and system wide by using
pressure feedback. Any fault related to it causes the APC200 to enter Shut Down mode.
4.7 Program out of control
The watchdog timers reset the APC200 automatically if due to a program disturbance either one is not timely reset (150
Additionally, during program execution, critical variables are continuously checked for content integrity. If faults are
detected, the APC200 defaults to the reset state.
In order to circumvent this problem, each critical on/off output is cyclically toggled very shortly in order to capture all
A three input direction selection mechanism (using redundancy) is used to allow detecting any fault related to the
direction inputs.
A fault on the direction inputs immediately results in the selection of Neutral.
Range selection related inputs
Two inputs are used to encode 3 ranges, allowing to do some fault checking.
An incorrect pattern is flagged as a fault. During its presence, the last correct position remains selected.
If one or two vehicle speed sensors fail (turbine, output or drum sensor), the controller will signal the error but will
calculate the value based on the remaining sensors. This will allow the driver to continue driving.
If more than one sensor or the engine speed sensor fail, the controller is no longer considered safe to
operate. In this case, the controller will switch to LIMP HOME mode.
A sensor specific fault indication on the display is given to warn the driver of the problem.
" Inching and declutch are disabled. A fault is indicated on the display.
If one of the direction clutches is supposed to be engaged and the transmission output speed is above a minimum
value for checking, the actual ratio is compared to the expected value. Measured transmission ratios are accepted
within 5% deviation on the expected ratio.
If the deviation on the ratio exceeds these limits, the appropriate fault is flagged and the APC200 enters Shut Down
mode, leaving the transmission inoperable.
Restarting the APC200 is necessary to eliminate the fault state.
More advanced, the fault information can also be collected using the appropriate CAN messages. For
details on how to do this, refer to the vehicle's Manual.
In order to find out which fault was last detected hold the 'S' switch for about a second. The display will then show
the fault area (4 character string).
When holding the button another second or so, the display shows the number of times the fault has ever occurred
(since the last time the fault counters were cleared).
When the ‘S’ switch is released, the full fault code is shown. A flashing display indicates a faults that’s no longer
If several faults coexist, pressing the ‘S’ switch before the normal display is resumed selects the next fault for
After the last fault has been displayed, the display shows ' -- ' meaning no more errors are
As mentioned for the indication of faults that are currently active, the fault information can be collected by
using the error menu on the APC200 display or by using the appropriate CAN messages (black box).
As indicated above, faults that have been previously detected since power-up or since the last time they were shown
are shown as flashing text to allow to differentiate them from active faults.
Please not that active faults are shown with higher priority than intermittent faults.
Also note that once an intermittent fault was shown, it will not be shown again until it actually occurs again.
5 Behaviour when faults are removed
Production Test
During the production cycle, all units receive following tests:
Refer to the ‘APC200 production test procedure' for details about the process.
7 Organisational measures to protect from external factors
7.1 Identification
Each APC200 unit is marked with a label showing following items:
Spicer Off Highway Products Logo
Serial Number
Spicer Part Number
Program version reference
7.3 Sourcing
Spicer Off Highway Products Europe is the only supplier for the APC200 described in this document.
All shipped units are produced, tested, and inspected by the Controls group of the SOHP plant located in
Brugge (Belgium Europe). This guarantees strict conformance to above stated identification and traceability
7.4 Software
Parameter programming communication services can be disabled during normal operation. In that case, modifications to
APC200 parameters are only possible with the shift lever in Neutral. The APC200 contains tables of boundaries limiting
the range of modification of FLASH parameters; in order to assure safe values for limits at all times.
A full listing of these error codes, their explanation, severity, effect and possible cause is provided in the
document ‘APC200 ECM-ECI Error Codes ver1.4.xls’.