MBA II Notification
MBA II Notification
MBA II Notification
It is hereby notified that MBA II -Semesters (Regular, Ex & Improvement) Examinations FOR THE
ACADEMIC YEAR 2022-23 will be held in the month of AUGUST/SEPTEMBER, 2023 and that the
following is the schedule for payment of prescribed examination fee through online Banking transaction and
submission of downloaded NRs and Photo-forms to the undersigned:-
Payment of Fee For Colleges
Without late fee 31-08-2023
With a late fee of Rs.250/- 02-09-2023
Particulars Exam. Fee Amount
For Regular Students Rs.1050/-
Backlogs above (2) two Papers Rs.950/-
Backlogs up to (2) two Papers Rs.500/-
For Improvement (each Paper) Rs.300/-
Instructions to the Candidates:
1) The Candidates have to verify and confirm their eligibility as per the academic norms of their course before
remittance of the examination fee for registration to the forth coming examinations to the Principal of the college
concerned through online &
2) Examination Fee once remitted will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
3) It may however be noted that appearance in the ensuing examinations by the candidates will be subject to scrutiny
of their eligibility according to academic rules and promotion norms. In case of any deviation, suchcandidates shall
have to forego the results thereof.
Instructions to the Principals:
1) First of all, ascertain the eligibility of each candidate to be registered for ensuing examinations before
uploading/sending their forms and Nominal Rolls to the undersigned through online to and
2) Consolidated amount of Examination Fee(s) shall be paid in the form of online payment be made into “Registrar,
KU Examinations Account (52026910298)” of the State Bank of India, K.U. Branch, Warangal (IFSC Bank Code
3) If any deviation found, college(s) concerned will be levied a penalty of ₹20,000/- and so on and so forth as per the
resolutions passed by the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate.
4) Late fee of ₹1,000/- will be imposed to accord late permission to eligible candidates, if any, after the due date. No
application will be entertained after the commencement of the notified examinations.
5) The Principals shall submit:
a) Covering Letter, along with down-loaded Nominal Rolls and photo-forms of the registered candidates;
b) No Dues Certificate(s) shall be obtained from the O/o the Dean, College Development Council and Academic
Audit,KU for every examination before submission for the NRs, etc.;
c) Requisite Examination Fee in the form of online banking transaction voucher shall be as per the downloaded
6) In case of delay in the above submission as per the above mentioned scheduled dates, the undersigned will charge
a penalty of Rs.2,000/ - per day and the same shall be paid through Online Payment Slip.
Note: - Detailed Time-Table of Theory Examinations in this regard will be notified in due course.