Goblin Punch GLOG Pregens
Goblin Punch GLOG Pregens
Goblin Punch GLOG Pregens
Str Attack 13
Dex* Defense 14
Con Stealth* (5 +/- Dex) 5 (4)
Int -1 Move* (12 +/- Dex) 12 (11)
Wis Initiative (= Wis Score) 10
Cha Save (5 + Lvl +/- Cha) 6 Portrait
*Encumbrance: 1 Money: 2c
Name: Shango Level: 1
Player: Class: Thief
XP: Convictions:
- Humor makes everything better.
HP: 3 - Take care of your friends.
Str 11 Attack 11
Dex* 12 +1 Defense 12
Con 7 -1 Stealth* 7
Int 9 Move* 13
Wis 9 Initiative 9
Cha 15 +2 Save 8 Portrait
*Encumbrance: Money: 2c
Name: Rasha Red Hand Level: 1
Player: Class: Wizard (Elementalist)
XP: Convictions:
- Honor the Prophetess and her Church.
HP: 9 - Self-preservation.
Str 8 -1 Attack 10
Dex* 9 Defense 10
Con 13 +1 Stealth* 5
Int 15 +2 Move* 12
Wis 12 +1 Initiative (= Wis) 12
Cha 13 +1 Save 7 (11 vs elements) Portrait
*Encumbrance: Money: 2c
Name: Henry Twelve-Fingers Level: 1
Player: Class: Barbarian
XP: Convictions:
- If it's scary, run up and hit it.
HP: 8 - I will be “cultured” and “civilized”.
Str 9 Attack 11
Dex* 8 -1 Defense 10
Con 9 Stealth* 4
Int 9 Move* 12
Wis 11 Initiative 11
Cha 7 -2 Save 4 Portrait
*Encumbrance: Money: 2c
Name: Baby Troll Level: 1
Player: Class: Troll
XP: Convictions:
- Fire bad!
HP: 7 - The best place to be is on top.
Str 13 +1 Attack 12
Dex* 11 Defense 11
Con 11 Stealth* 4
Int 11 Move* 12
Wis 8 -1 Initiative 11
Cha 9 Save 4 Portrait
*Encumbrance: Money: 2c