Quote & Suvey LTM2018
Quote & Suvey LTM2018
Quote & Suvey LTM2018
Watson Wyatt:
companies with engaged employees outperform
others by 47% to 202%
Leadership Training
for Managers
Employee Engagement:
Employee Engagement: Turnover
Engaged employees are 87% less likely
to leave
Source: Result of 2013 US nationwide study done by
© 2018 Dale Carnegie Training® Dale Carnegie Training and MSW Research. © 2018 Dale Carnegie Training®
80% 100%
If it is not managed,
nothing else
can be managed.”
Source: 2012 US nationwide study done by Source: Dale Carnegie Training Indonesia 2014
MSW Research for Dale Carnegie Training. Survey in 6 Cities
(November 19, 1909–November 11, 2005) was a writer,
management consultant and university professor. His writing
focused on management-related literature.
© 2018 Dale Carnegie Training® © 2018 Dale Carnegie Training®
George Land is an author, speaker, consultant, and general systems scientist. In 1965 he
founded a research and consulting institute to study the enhancement of creative
performance.This research ultimately led to the formulation of Transformation Theory-a
theory of natural processes that integrates principles of creativity, growth, and change.
From these principles Dr. Land developed unique strategic thinking and innovation
processes for organizations. He invented the first computer-interactive approaches to
group innovation, decision-making and strategic thinking. His exceptional processes are
now licensed by over 400 major corporations worldwide. Dr. Land has also taught
interdisciplinary science and creative/innovative process to the faculties of some three
dozen universities.
Peter F. Drucker
“People do
what you
not what you
Gen X Gen Y
1965–1985 1986–2000
Rudeness & Its Noxious Effects Rudeness & Its Noxious Effects
“Grumpy managers who have a
tendency to lash out are sometimes “The mere thought of being on the
tolerated in businesses if their direct receiving end of verbal abuse hurts
reports are thick-skinned types who people’s ability to perform complex
don’t complain about anything. tasks requiring creativity, flexibility,
But beware of more distant effects: and memory recall.
It’s likely that other employees are Verbal abuse affects more than just
harmed by these incidents, even if those who experience it directly, it
they only hear about them apparently ‘can harm innocent
secondhand.” bystanders’.”
Source: Research by Christine Porath (University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business) & Amir Erez Source: Research by Christine Porath (University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business) & Amir Erez
(Warrington College of Business Administration at University of Florida). Published in Academy of Management Journal, (Warrington College of Business Administration at University of Florida). Published in Academy of Management Journal,
quoted in Harvard Business Review, March 2008 quoted in Harvard Business Review, March 2008
© 2018 Dale Carnegie Training® © 2018 Dale Carnegie Training®
Verbal Abuse
• Mr Gates is portrayed
as a workaholic who
pushed one colleague
to put in 81 hours in
four days then laughed When You Criticize Someone, You
at his request for days Make It Harder for that Person to
off. Change
Daniel Goleman | Harvard Business Review
December 19, 2013
© 2018 Dale Carnegie Training® © 2018 Dale Carnegie Training®
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet, and
author of short stories. Known for his biting wit, he became one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London,
and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. Several of his plays continue to be widely performed, especially “The
Importance of Being Earnest”.
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