Flee From Defiling Habits
Flee From Defiling Habits
Flee From Defiling Habits
Alcoholic Beverages
and Norwasthedrink
Drug Addiction
In addition to barbituratedepressants
and stimulants, amphetamines, and
hallucinogens, there are the
tranquilizers-a non-
barbituratesdepressant. These are
the "wonder drugs" introduced in the
1950's as sedatives to relieve anxiety
without the dangers of
barbiturates.Manyoftheirtrade names-
Miltown, Equanil, Placidyl, Doriden,
Noludar, Librium, Valmid, and others-
have become household words.
Tranquilizers are also very habit-
"Deliriants" are chemicals that can be
sniffed or swallowed. They produce
delirium, or a confused state of
intoxication resulting in drowsiness,
dizziness, slurred speech,
unconsciousness, and often
hallucinations. Many deliriants are
contained in
thinner, and cleaning fluid. Even
ground nutmeg in. sufficient doses
may cause delirium or even death.