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美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中文網

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美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

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評論 中⽂ 中 雙語 ⽂# $ % & '

國對伊朗 哪 判
What the U.S. Gets Wrong About Iran


Ibn Khaldun, the 14th-century North 14世紀的 學者伊本·赫勒 寫 帝

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第1⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

African scholar, wrote that empires 國往往 會 續超 三代 第⼀代的

tended not to last beyond three 始者是⼀群 悍的男⼈ 由困難
generations. The founders of the first- 稱之為「 意 」(asabiyyah)
generation are rough men united by 的 團結 在⼀ 第⼆代⼈守
hardship, grit and group solidarity, a 先 的成 ⽽ 到了第三代或第四
concept he called asabiyyah. The next 代 財富和 位的舒 了 ⼼和團
generation preserves the achievements 結 使 們在 ⼀代 壯志的 ⼒
of their forebears. By the third or fourth 者⾯ ⼀擊
generation, however, the comforts of
wealth and status erode ambition and
unity, leaving them vulnerable to a new
generation of power seekers with fire in
their bellies.

In the 1979 Iranian revolution, religious 在1979年的伊朗⾰命中 ⼼的

fundamentalists with fire in their bellies 原 主義者把 個國 成了⼀個
transformed the country into an anti- 的伊斯蘭神 國 天 伊朗仍
American Islamist theocracy. Today 由其第⼀代⾰命者之⼀ 83歲的 ⾼
Iran is still led by one of its first- 袖哈梅 伊 從1989年開始
generation revolutionaries — 83-year- 治伊朗 哈梅 伊得 維 久 治的
old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 原因之⼀是 ⾼度 惕和殘暴的⽅式
Khamenei, who has ruled since 1989. 治 伊朗 為⾃⼰ 治的⼤
Among the reasons for Mr. Khamenei’s ⼈ 世界上 ⼤的超 ⼤國都 推
longevity is that he rules Iran with the 翻
hyper-vigilance and brutality of a man
who believes that much of his own
society, and the world’s greatest
superpower, aspire to unseat him.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第2⾴(共23⾴)
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Under Mr. Khamenei’s leadership, anti- 在哈梅 伊的 下 主義已成為

Americanism has become central to 伊朗⾰命⾝ 的核⼼ 事實上 少
Iran’s revolutionary identity, and 國 伊朗 樣 從 的 治和⾦融
indeed few nations have spent a greater 本中動⽤了占 ⼤ 例的 試
percentage of their finite political and 推翻 國 的世界秩序 在當代 國
financial capital to try and topple the 乎所 的國 安 問題上——包括俄羅
U.S.-led world order than Iran. On 斯 烏克蘭 中國對台灣的威 核
virtually every contemporary American 和 路戰—— ⿊蘭都 ⾃⼰的利益
national security concern — including 在 國對 的位置
the Russian invasion of Ukraine,
Chinese threats against Taiwan, nuclear
proliferation, and cyberwarfare —
Tehran defines its own interests in
opposition to the United States.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第3⾴(共23⾴)
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As I explained to U.S. lawmakers 正如我 向 國議員 釋的那樣 ⼈

recently, one need only look at how 們只 看看普丁在喬治亞 克⾥ 亞和
Vladimir Putin’s brazen military 利亞肆 忌憚的軍事冒險是怎樣
adventures in Georgia, Crimea, and 相信 可 肆 忌憚 烏克蘭
Syria convinced him he could invade 明⽩伊朗 個伊斯蘭共和國是如何
Ukraine with impunity, to understand 作的 伊朗成功 固了在伊拉克
how the Islamic Republic operates. The 利亞 黎巴 和 ⾨的強⼤代理⼈
country’s successful entrenchment of 再加上 國 性 從阿富汗 軍
powerful proxies in Iraq, Syria, ⼀步使伊朗相信⾃⼰的成功 國
Lebanon and Yemen, coupled with 可 免的 落 種 阻 了拜登
America’s humiliating withdrawal from 府 2015年伊朗核協議的努⼒ 在
Afghanistan, have further convinced 川普治下 國 出了該協議
Iran of its own success as well as
America’s inevitable decline. This
dynamic has hampered the Biden
administration’s attempts to revive the
2015 Iran nuclear deal that Donald
Trump withdrew from.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第4⾴(共23⾴)
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Although the nuclear program has 儘管核計劃 伊朗輕易損失了2000多億

easily cost Iran over $200 billion in lost 元的⽯油 ⽽且 沒 阻⽌ 報
oil revenue and has not deterred Israel ⾊列在 ⿊蘭的核 ⾏的明⽬
from reportedly carrying out brazen 的暗 和破 ⾏為 但 國越是
assassinations and acts of sabotage ⼒於外交努⼒ 伊朗妥協的緊 越
against Tehran’s nuclear sites, the more 即使核協議 ⿊蘭的世界
committed the United States has been 會
to diplomacy, the lesser Iran’s sense of
urgency to compromise. Even if the
nuclear deal is revived, Tehran’s
worldview will endure.

Multiple U.S. administrations have 多屆 國 府都曾試 或 服伊朗

attempted to coerce or persuade Iran to 考 其⾰命的 神 質 失
reconsider its revolutionary ethos, but 告終 原因 簡單 對於⼀個 打擊
have failed. The reason is simple: U.S.- 帝國主義為組 原則 提的神 府來
Iran normalization could prove deeply 伊關 正常 可 會 破 它
destabilizing to a theocratic government 的 定
whose organizing principle has been
premised on fighting American

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第5⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

Herein lies the conundrum. By and 問題 出在 裡 的來 國⼀直

large, the United States has sought to 在 ⼀個顯 想 之 的
engage a regime that clearly doesn’t ⾏ ⼀個在 中 勃
want to be engaged, and isolate a ruling 發 的 治 ⽽ 間的推
regime that thrives in isolation. Yet over 移 伊朗 ⽰出它的影響⼒已經⼤
time, the Iranian regime has shown it’s 到 法忽視 到 法 ⾰ 殘暴到
too influential to ignore, too dogmatic 法推翻 ⼤到 法完 制的
to reform, too brutal to overthrow, and 度
too large to fully contain.

A sound U.S. policy must reconcile the ⼀個明智的 國 策必須協 制伊朗

short-term objectives of countering 的短期⽬ 即核 ⼼和 域 ⼼ 同
Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions ⼜ 妨 期⽬ 的實現 即建 ⼀
without hampering the long-term goal 個由⼈⺠的國 利益⽽ 治者的⾰命
of a representative Iranian government 意 型 動的伊朗代議制 府
that is driven by the national interests
of its people, rather than the
revolutionary ideology of its rulers.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第6⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

In the zero-sum worldview of 在伊朗⾰命 的 和世界 中 開

Iran’s revolutionary elite, opening 國 可 會 來 弱 們私⼈⼩幫 的
up the country could bring in 競爭 對伊朗的許多 治和軍事 來
competition that would undermine ⼒之爭 是關於⾰命意 型 或
their private mafias. For many among 伊斯蘭 ⽽是關於誰 制 個國 的
Iran’s political and military elite the ⼤ 源
battle for power is not about
revolutionary ideology or Islam, but
about who controls the country’s vast

“At the beginning of the revolution the 「⾰命之初 個 的普 成員中

rank and file of the regime consisted of 80%是 ⼦ 義的信 們對
80 percent indoctrinated believers — 現實⼀ 所知 20%是 ⼦和 ⾊
ignorant of global realities — and 20 」伊朗國 的⼀名 授告 我
percent charlatans, and chameleons” a 的學⽣ 的已當上了⾼官 「 天的
professor inside the country, whose 況正好相 20%是信 80%是
students rose to senior official ⼦ 們當官是為了 財富和
positions, told me. “Today it is the 」
opposite: 20 percent are believers, and
80 percent are charlatans who flock
around officials for wealth and

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第7⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

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U.S. policy toward Iran has for years 國對伊朗的 策多年來⼀直⾯臨 ⼀

faced a paradox that has been poorly 個尚未得到 了 的悖論 對抗 個
understood: The coercive policies 伊斯蘭共和國的核 ⼼和 域 ⼼所
needed to counter the Islamic 的 性 策( 如制裁) 可 會在
Republic’s nuclear and regional 意中加強⽽ 是 弱伊朗 對 ⼒
ambitions — i.e., sanctions — may 的 制
inadvertently serve to strengthen, not
weaken, the regime’s grip on power.

When Mr. Trump tried to entice Kim 當川普試 ⽤朝鮮可 擁 的財富願景

Jong-un with a vision of the riches his 來引 ⾦正恩 (川普曾告 ⾦正恩
country could have — “You could have 「你可 在那裡 世界上 好的
the best hotels in the world right there” 店 」) 名朝鮮 ⼈沒 被打
— the North Korean president wasn’t 動 沒 結束⾃⼰的核計劃 獨裁
moved to end his nuclear program. 的⾃⾝利益 被其 治的⼈⺠的福祉之
There is often a fundamental tension 間往往存在 ⼀個 本性的⽭
between the self-interest of
dictatorships and the well-being of the
people they rule.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第8⾴(共23⾴)
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Although sanctions force adversarial 儘管制裁 使 對國 付出⾼昂代價

nations to pay a high cost, they do not, 但制裁本⾝並沒 太多推翻威 的
on their own — with the possible ⼒記 可 南 除外 事實上 ⼀
exception of South Africa — have a 國 ⾄從其 治 中受益
strong track record of unseating
authoritarian regimes from power.
Indeed, some even benefit from their
political isolation.

The actor Sean Penn, who had met the 演員⻄恩· 曾 已 的古巴獨裁者
late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, once 爾·卡斯楚⾒ ⾯ 在⼀ 晚宴上 告
told me over a dinner we were both 我 「 爾喜 開玩笑 如果
attending that “Fidel likes to joke that if 國 對古巴的制裁 會在第⼆天
America were to ever remove the 挑 的事 國 裁 明
embargo against Cuba, he would do ⽩⾃⼰的 ⼒在( 國 本主義和
something provocative the next day to ⺠社會隔絕的) 境中才 得到
get it reinstated. He understands his 好的維 」
power is best preserved in a bubble,”
sequestered from international
capitalism and civil society.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第9⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03



Like Castro, Mr. Khamenei too 卡斯楚⼀樣 哈梅 伊 明⽩ 的

understands that the greater danger to 神 治⾯臨的更⼤危險 是
his theocracy is not global isolation but ⽽是融 當 國 得
global integration. When that isolation 於 弱 哈梅 伊願意考 種作
becomes too debilitating, Mr. Khamenei 為釋 閥⾨的戰 性交易 對哈梅 伊
is willing to consider a tactical deal to 來 理想的狀 是恰到好 的
serve as a release valve. For Mr. 哈梅 伊 想 伊朗 成朝鮮
Khamenei, the ideal position is just the 想 成杜拜 希 在 受制裁
right amount of isolation. Mr. 的 況下在 市場出售伊朗⽯油 但
Khamenei wants to be neither North 想 伊朗完 融
Korea nor Dubai. He wants to be able to
sell Iran’s oil on the global market
without sanctions, but he doesn’t want
Iran to be fully integrated in the global

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第10⾴(共23⾴)
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The former president of Iran, 伊朗 穆 ·哈 對我

Mohammad Khatami, once told me that 哈梅 伊曾經告 伊斯蘭共和國
Mr. Khamenei used to tell him that the 要 國為 哈梅 伊從未
Islamic Republic needed enmity with 對 國的 忌 曾在2019年 「⾄
America. Mr. Khamenei has never 於 國 何問題都 法 國
hidden his cynicism about the United 的 判只會 來經濟上和 神上的損
States. “With regard to America” he 失 」
said in 2019, “no problem can be
resolved and negotiations with it have
nothing but economic and spiritual

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While Mr. Khamenei’s animosity 雖 哈梅 伊對 國的 意 是 真

toward the United States is no doubt 的 但 符合 的⾃⾝利益 ⼀直
earnest, it is also in his self-interest. His 堅定 移 ⼒於⾰命的核⼼原則 對
commitment to the revolution’s core 原則中的 何妥協 都會破 伊本·
principles has been ironclad. 赫勒 久 到的 對 何
Compromising any of these principles 的 期存在都⾄關 要的 團結
could erode the group solidarity that
Ibn Khaldun long ago observed is
central to the longevity of any regime.

Eric Hoffer, the American philosopher 國哲學 ⾥克· 弗在《狂 ⼦

put it succinctly in his book, “The True 群眾 動 經》(The True Believer:
Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Thoughts on the Nature of Mass
Mass Movements”: “Hatred is the most movement)⼀書中寫得簡 明了 「在
accessible and comprehensive of all 所 推動團結的作⽤⼒中 仇 是 好
unifying agents,” adding, “Mass ⽤和 ⾯的 」 「群眾 動
movements can rise and spread without 的發⽣和發 壯⼤ 要相信上帝
belief in a god, but never without belief 但從來都少 了相信 個 王 」
in a devil.”

If Iran’s revolutionary elite have 如果伊朗的⾰命 在相對 的 境

thrived in relative isolation, why 下 勃發 為什 國 直
doesn’t the United States simply restore 伊朗的關 個問題的基礎是假設
relations with Iran? Built into this 國 ⼒單⽅⾯實現關 正常 ⽽伊
question is the assumption that 朗沒 受或 絕的 ⼒
America has the power to unilaterally
normalize relations, and Iran has no
agency whether to accept or decline.

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In contrast to the Cold War, when the 戰 期 國在 斯科 續的外交

United States had a continuous 存在 ⽽且擁 千名訓練 素的俄羅
diplomatic presence in Moscow and 斯專 相 之下 ⾃1979年 國駐
thousands of trained Russia specialists, ⿊蘭⼤使 被佔 來 國 府在伊
the U.S. government has been absent 朗 於 席狀 乎沒 在該國打交
from Iran since the 1979 seizure of the 的經驗
U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and boasts of
little in-country expertise.

This estrangement and lack of 種 和 乏了 助 了 國國

understanding has fueled what the 安 問H·R· 克⾺斯 所 的「戰略
former U.S. National Security adviser ⾃戀」 即僅僅 國⾏為的 鏡來
H.R. McMaster has called “strategic 知世界事件的趨 ⾃由主義者經常
narcissism,” the tendency to perceive 爭辯 伊朗 可 軟 其⾰命意
world events solely through the prism 型 或增強溫和 的 ⼒ 守
of U.S. behavior. Liberals often argue 則 為 國採 更強硬的 法可 會
that engaging Iran could soften its 使伊朗 其意 型 或者 上
revolutionary ideology or empower 從 的 險 兩種⽅法都沒
regime moderates. Conservatives have 奏
argued a tougher U.S. approach could
either force Iran to abandon its ideology
or risk the implosion of the regime.
Neither approach, on its own, has

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Since 1979, every U.S. administration — ⾃1979年 來 除了喬治·W·布希 府

save for that of George W. Bush — has 每⼀屆 國 府都試 伊朗的關
attempted to improve relations with 吉 ·卡 府試 享伊拉克
Iran. Jimmy Carter’s administration 的 姆· 賽因計劃 伊朗的 報
tried to build confidence with Iran’s 得伊朗 ⾰命 的信 但
new revolutionary regime by sharing 報沒 引 視 羅 · 向伊朗
intelligence, which would go unheeded, 府發了三封信 未 到回 喬治
that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was ·H·W·布希的 演 向伊朗傳 了⼀個
planning to invade Iran. Ronald Reagan 信息——「 意會產⽣ 意」 爾·柯
sent three unanswered letters to the 林頓希 2000年在聯合國會⾒伊朗 ⾰
Iranian government. George H.W. 穆 ·哈
Bush’s inauguration speech included a
message — “goodwill begets goodwill”
— for Iran. Bill Clinton hoped to meet
Iran’s reformist president Mohammad
Khatami at the United Nations in 2000.

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Barack Obama wrote multiple private 巴拉克· 巴⾺在回憶 中 給哈梅

letters to Mr. Khamenei whose response 伊寫了多封私⼈信 得到的回應是
was to suggest ways America “could 建議 國如何「停⽌再 帝國主義
stop being an imperialist bully,” as Mr. 者」 唐 ·川普 府於2020年暗 了
Obama recalled in his latest memoir. 伊朗少 卡⻄姆· ⼀名伊朗
Even Donald Trump — whose 官員稱 即使川普 ⾄少 提出 哈
administration assassinated Maj. Gen. ·魯哈 會⾯的
Qassim Suleimani of Iran in 2020 —
made at least eight requests to meet
with President Hassan Rouhani,
according to an Iranian official.

By contrast, there is not a single known 相 之下 從未 伊朗 ⾼ ⼈為

example of Iran’s supreme leader 了實現關 正常 提出 國官員
initiating a public or private dialogue ⾏ 開或私下對話的已知例⼦
with U.S. officials in the hopes of ⽌ 的外交官 從事核協議
normalizing relations. Most recently, he 判的 國官員會⾯ 哈梅 伊 為
has forbidden his diplomats to meet 國的和 對 構成的⽣存威 ⼤於
U.S. officials working on renegotiating 雙⽅ 戰的 續
the nuclear deal. Mr. Khamenei
recognizes that rapprochement with the
United States poses far more of an
existential threat to him than continued
Cold War.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第15⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

To be clear, the United States has 要明確的是 國 曾犯下 難性的

also made catastrophic errors. The 錯 2003年的伊拉克戰爭 伊朗的什
2003 Iraq war spread Iran’s Shia 神 治傳 到伊拉克 並促 了
theocracy to Iraq, and facilitated Iran’s 伊朗在 的 川普 府2018年單
regional ascent. The main outcome of ⽅⾯ 出核協議的主要結果卻是伊朗擁
the Trump administration’s unilateral 更先 的核計劃
2018 withdrawal from the nuclear
agreement is an Iran with a far more
advanced nuclear program.

If U.S. attempts to engage Iran have 如果 國 伊朗的 試基本上沒

gone largely unreciprocated, and U.S. 得到回報 ⽽ 國 伊朗的企 在
attempts to coerce Iran have largely ⼤ 度上 得其 那我們該怎 辦
backfired, where does that leave us?

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第16⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

There is no silver bullet that can 沒 丹妙 可 伊朗 的性質

transform the nature of the Iranian 或 伊關 伊朗 出 意義的妥協的
regime or the U.S.-Iran relationship. 例⼦ 多 但 乎所 例⼦都是因為
Few examples exist of Iran agreeing to 的 況 續的 ⼒ 國
meaningful compromise, but nearly all 的外交⼿段相結合 實現具 ⽅
of them have been under similar 核協議⽽⾔ 意味 約束它
circumstances: a combination of ⽽ 是 除它 同樣的 式應該 ⽤於
sustained global pressure and rigorous 約束——儘管 是 除——伊朗在中東的
U.S. diplomacy, to achieve a specific 影響⼒
resolution. In the case of the nuclear
deal, that means restraining, rather
than eliminating it. And that same
formula should be applied to limit —
although not eliminate — Iranian
influence in the Middle East.

Robert Cooper, a decorated European 知名 外交官羅伯 ·庫珀曾參 伊朗

diplomat who negotiated with Iran, 判 促 戰略耐⼼ 「⾰命
urges strategic patience. “Revolutionary 會 其 ⼈那樣思考 」 告
powers don’t think the way others do,” 我 「 們 想 ⾃⼰在世界上的位
he told me. “They don’t want a different 置 們想要⼀個 同的世界 為你
place in the world; they want a different 可 們是沒⽤的 但是當 們開
world. It’s no good thinking you can 始 或 下 們的⾰命 可
change them, but a moment may come 來了……那 你 可 ⾏動了 」
when they begin to doubt or to get over
their revolution … then you can start

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第17⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

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Mr. Khamenei has not publicly 哈梅 伊沒 開 現出 何 但

exhibited any doubts, but he has at 當 ⼼ 的存在受到威 ⽽且
times shown an ability to make tactical ⼀ 安 的 之路 會 ⽰出戰
compromises when he has feared his 妥協的 ⼒
regime’s existence is at stake, and there
is a safe path of retreat.

William J. Burns, the director of the 中 局局 威廉·伯恩斯是2015年 伊朗

C.I.A., and one of the diplomatic 成的核協議的外交 者之⼀ 寫
architects of the 2015 nuclear 該協議是由「強硬的外交 制裁的
agreement with Iran, wrote that the 經濟影響⼒ 國 共 的 治影響⼒
agreement was spawned by “tough- 可 使⽤武⼒的軍事影響⼒」催⽣
minded diplomacy, backed up by the 出來的 天 外交沒 強硬 制裁沒
economic leverage of sanctions, the 得到 執⾏ 國 共 更難 成
political leverage of an international ⿊蘭 乎相信拜登 沒 興 在中
consensus, and the military leverage of 東再 發 軍事衝
the potential use of force.” Today
diplomacy has not been tough-minded,
sanctions are not enforced fully,
international consensus is more
difficult to obtain and Tehran appears
convinced that President Biden has no
interest in another military conflict in
the Middle East.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第18⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

The clerical regime that has ruled 去四⼗年來 治伊朗的⽂ 病

Iran over the last four decades is 但它仍繼續存在 原因是
terminally ill, yet it continues to endure, 乏可⾏的 代⽅ 它 法 ⾏ 意義
in part due to a lack of viable 的 ⾰ 是因為它 理由 ⼼ 樣
alternatives. It cannot meaningfully 會加 它的 伊朗經濟的天 四
reform, out of well-founded fears that 騎⼠—— 腐 管理 和⼈
doing so would hasten its death. The 才 失——普 存在 伊朗 該 的其
four horsemen of Iran’s economy — ⼒—— 利亞 黎巴 ⾨和伊拉
inflation, corruption, mismanagement, 克——之間的共同 是 安 經濟失
and brain drain — are endemic. The 和 度
common denominators between Iran
and its regional spheres of influence —
Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq — are
insecurity, economic failure, and
profound unhappiness.

Crane Brinton, the author of the 開 性 作《⾰命 析》(The Anatomy

seminal book “The Anatomy of of Revolution)的作者克蘭·布林頓 為
Revolution,” argued that most ⼤多 ⾰命在 終正常 之 都經 了
revolutions experience a radical period, ⼀個 期 即「 怖 治」 儘管
the “reign of terror,” before normalcy 伊朗的⾰命 久 平息了 但
eventually sets in. Although 正常 ⼀直難 實現 原因在於現
revolutionary fervor long ago subsided 狀中強⼤且 固的利益
in Iran, normalcy has been elusive,
partly because of powerful entrenched
interests in the status quo.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第19⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

The goal of Mr. Khamenei and his 哈梅 伊和 的⾰命同黨—— 下的真正

revolutionary cohorts — the remaining 信 ——的⽬ 是 免⼀個正常的伊朗
true believers — is to avoid a normal 國關 的正常 使該伊
Iran, and normalization with the United 斯蘭共和國失去幫助維 安
States, which would deprive the Islamic ⼒的外 對⼿ 即伊本·赫勒 所寫的
Republic of the external adversary that 意 雖 從 來看 是⼀個失
has helped maintain the cohesion of the 的策略 但年 旬的哈梅 伊沒
security forces, the asabiyyah that Ibn 那 哈梅 伊的⾸要 從來都
Khaldun wrote about. Although this is a 是伊朗的國 利益 ⽽是 的
losing strategy in the long run, the 團結和國 社會的
octogenarian Mr. Khamenei’s time
horizon is limited. Mr. Khamenei’s
priority has never been about Iran’s
national interest, but it’s to keep his
regime united and the international
community divided.

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第20⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

If the four-decade history of the Islamic 如果我們 個伊斯蘭共和國的40年

Republic is any guide, Mr. Khamenei 史作為參照的話 結論是哈梅 伊 怕
may be unwilling or incapable of 願意或 法 成 共 來
marshaling an internal consensus to 國的核協議 除 到 團結正在
revive the nuclear deal with the United 動 社會倦怠 開始為 ⼀代的 ⼒
States unless he feels regime solidarity 者提供助⼒ 悖論在於 它往往只
is faltering, and societal exhaustion is 在 ⼤的 ⼒下才會妥協 ⽽同樣的
beginning to fuel a new generation of 外 ⼒和 卻 助於它 活⼒
power seekers. The paradox of the
Islamic Republic is that it tends to
compromise only under severe
pressure, yet that same external
pressure and isolation help keep it alive.

It is a game Mr. Khamenei has been ⼗年來 哈梅 伊越來越擅 種

perfecting for decades.

Karim Sadjadpour(@ksadjadpour)是喬治城⼤學兼 授 是卡 基國 和平基⾦會⾼ 研 員 主要關注

伊朗和 國對中東外交 策
翻譯 Cindy Hao 明
擊 看本⽂ ⽂

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第21⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03


⻄⽅ 制下 普丁在伊朗找到 盟友


在戰爭 伊 乎各 了⼀步


中國富 現出
中國式「 」 中國 冠「
1. 2. 潮 當企 3.
⼀場只為 平 」困局 代價
演的 治 動 ⾼昂 兩難

只 或⽅便
「 局 」
4. 中 同意從 境爭 5. 6. 疆伊寧封
為何 引中國年
議 軍 城 ⽉ ⺠⽣問

中國 ⼈
7. 普丁稱下 8. 9. 為什 世界沒那
台灣 「 ⾊
平會⾯ 平了
」戰 升

爾斯繼 王位
從 和質 中
出的 國君主

https://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20220817/iran-america-nuclear-policy/zh-hant/dual/ 第22⾴(共23⾴)
美國對伊朗有哪些誤判? - 紐約時報中⽂網 2022/9/13 下午5:03

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