ARE 510 5 Databases
ARE 510 5 Databases
ARE 510 5 Databases
D. Ouis
1st semester 2015
Like a library, secondary storage is used to store information.
How is this stored information organized?
Information systems consist of people, procedures,
software, hardware, and data.
In today’s world, and because of their versatility, databases
are found almost everywhere powering all sorts of projects:
Two ways to view data: physical view and the logical view.
Physical view: the actual format and location of the data.
Logical view: its meaning, what we see on the PC screen
Data Organization
In the logical view, data is organized into groups or
• Character: It is the most basic logical data element. It is
a single letter, number, or special character.
• Field: a group of related characters. It is an attribute
of some entity (person, place, thing…).
• Record: a collection of related fields.
• Table: a collection of related records.
• Database: A database is an integrated collection of
logically related tables.
The database is an organized collection of data in the form
of related tables (payrolls, benefits, …) containing records
(for each employee).
Key Field
Each record in a database has at least one distinctive field,
the key field, or the primary key, and which makes that
tables can be inter-related by it. E.g. Employee’s id.
A typical 3D hypercube
A four-dimensional database structure
Object-Oriented Database
Since the early 1980s.
They are more flexible and store data with instructions to
manipulate the data.
Information is represented in the form of objects.
Data is organized according to:
• Classes: general definitions.
• Objects are specific instances of a class that can contain
both data and instructions to manipulate the data.
• Attributes are the data fields an object possesses.
• Methods: instructions for manipulating or retrieving attribute
Example of a rectangle (object) with length and width
(attributes, or properties) and its area (method, or behavior)
Types of Databases
Databases may be small or large, limited in accessibility or
widely accessible.
4 types: individual, company, distributed, and commercial.
Or a microcomputer database to be used by just one
The DBMS are under the direct control of the user.
They are stored either on the user’s HD or on a LAN file
May be stored on a central database server and
managed by a DB administrator. Users have access to
the DB through their microcomputers linked to LAN or
If data is stored in several locations, it is then made
accessible through a number of communications
DB servers on a client/server network provide the link
between the data.
It is generally an enormous DB that an organization
develops to cover particular subjects.
It offers access to this database to the public or selected
outside individuals for a fee.
Sometimes also called information utilities or data
ERIC: started in 1968, includes:
• Journal articles
• Books
• Research syntheses
• Conference papers
• Technical reports
• Dissertations
• Policy papers
• Other education-related materials