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VI SEM CSE CS8691 Artificial Intelligence

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Anna University

B.E.(Computer Science and Engineering) – 2017 Regulations

VI SEM CSE CS8691 Artificial Intelligence
AI applications – Language Models – Information Retrieval- Information Extraction –
Natural Language Processing - Machine Translation – Speech Recognition – Robot –
Hardware – Perception – Planning – Moving

UNIT-V Question and Answers

(1) Define communication.
Communication is the intentional exchange of information brought about by the production and
perception of signs drawn from a shared system of conventional signs. Most animals use signs to
represent important messages: food here, predator nearby etc. In a partially observable world,
communication can help agents be successful because they can learn information that is observed or
inferred by others.
(2) What is speech act?
What sets humans apart from other animals is the complex system of structured messages known as
language that enables us to communicate most of what we know about the world. This is known as
speech act.
Speaker, hearer, and utterance are generic terms referring to any mode of communication.
The term word is used to refer to any kind of conventional communicative sign.

(3) What are the capabilities gained by an agent from speech act?.
 Query other agents about particular aspects of the world. This is typically done by
asking questions: Have you smelled the wumpus anywhere?
 Inform each other about the world. This is done by making representative statements:
There's a breeze here in 3 4. Answering a question is another Pund of informing.
 Request other agents to perform actions: Please help me carry the gold. Sometimes
indirect speech act (a request in the form of a statement or question) is considered
more polite: I could use some help carrying this. An agent with authority can give
commands (Alpha go right; Bravo and Charlie go lejl), and an agent with power can
make a threat (Give me the gold, or else). Together, these kinds of speech acts are called
 Acknowledge requests: OK.
 Promise or commit to a plan: I'll shoot the wumpus; you grab the gold.

(4) Define formal language.

A formal language is defined as a (possibly infinite) set of' strings. Each string is a concatenation of
terminal symbols, sometimes called words. For example, in the language of first-order logic, the terminal
symbols include A and P, and a typical string is "P A Q." . Formal languages such as first-order logic
and Java have strict mathematical definitions. This is in contrast to natural languages, such
as Chinese, Danish, and English, that have no strict definition but are used by a community.

(5) Define a grammar.

A grammar is a finite set of rules that specifies a language. Formal languages always
have an official grammar, specified in manuals or books. Natural languages have no official
grammar, but linguists strive to discover properties of the language by a process of scientific
inquiry and then to codify their discoveries in a grammar.

(6) What are the component steps of communication? Explain with an example.
The component steps of communication
A typical communication episode, in which speaker S wants to inform hearer H about proposition
P using words W, is composed of seven processes:
1) Intention. Somehow, speaker S decides that there is some proposition P that is worth
saying to hearer H. For our example, the speaker has the intention of having the hearer know
that the wumpus is no longer alive.
2) Generation. The speaker plans how to turn the proposition P into an utterance that
makes it likely that the hearer, upon perceiving the utterance in the current situation, can infer
the meaning P (or something close to it). Assume that the speaker is able to come up with
the words "The wumpus is dead," and call this W.
3) Synthesis. The speaker produces the physical realization W' of the words W. This
can be via ink on paper, vibrations in air, or some other medium. In Figure 22.1, we show
the agent synthesizing a string of sounds W' written in the phonetic alphabet defined on
page 569: "[thaxwahmpaxsihzdehd]." The words are run together; this is typical of quickly
spoken speech.
4) Perception. H perceives the physical realization W' as Wi and decodes it as the words
W2. When the medium is speech, the perception step is called speech recognition; when it is
printing, it is called optical character recognition.
5) Analysis. H infers that W2 has possible meanings PI, . . . , P,.
We divide analysis into three main parts:
a) syntactic interpretation (or parsing),
b) Semantic interpretation, and
c)Pragmatic interpretation.
Parsing is the process of building a parse tree for an input string, as shown in
Figure 22.1. The interior nodes of the parse tree represent phrases and the leaf nodes represent
Semantic interpretation is the process of extracting the meaning of an utterance as
an expression in some representation language. Figure 22.1 shows two possible semantic
interpretations: that the wumpus is not alive and that it is tired (a colloquial meaning of
dead). Utterances with several possible interpretations are said to be ambiguous.
Pragmatic interpretation takes into account the fact that the same words can have different
meanings in different situations.
6) Disambiguation. H infers that S intended to convey P, (where ideally P, = P).
Most speakers are not intentionally ambiguous, but most utterances have several feasible
interpretations.. Analysis generates possible interpretations;if more than one
interpretation is found, then disambiguation chooses the one that is best.
7) Incorporation. H decides to believe P, (or not). A totally naive agent might believe
everything it hears, but a sophisticated agent treats the speech act as evidence for P,, not
confirmation of it.
Putting it all together, we get the agent program shown in Figure 22.2. Here the agent
acts as a robot slave that can be commanded by a master. On each turn, the slave will answer
a question or obey a command if the master has made one, and it will believe any statements
made by the master. It will also comment (once) on the current situation if it has nothing
more pressing to do, and it will plan its own action if left aloine.
Here is a typical dialog:
I feel a breeze. Go to 12.
Nothing is here. Go north.
I feel a breeze and I smell a stench
and I see a glitter. Grab the gold.
Fig 22.1 shows the seven processes involved in communication,using the example
sentence “The wumpus is dead”.

(7) Define a Lexicon and grammar for language consisting of a small fragment of English.
The next step is to combine the words into phrases. We will use five nonterminal symbols
to define the different kinds of phrases: sentence (S), noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP),
prepositional phrase (PP), and relative clause e el clause).' Figure 22.4 shows a grammar
for l o , with an example for each rewrite rule. lo generates good English sentences such as
the following:
John is in the pit
The wumpus that stinks is in 2 2

(8) What is parsing? Explain the top down parsing method.

Parsing is defined as the process of finding a parse tree for a given input string.
That is, a call to the parsing function PARSE, such as

should return a parse tree with root S whose leaves are "the wumpus is dead" and whose
internal nodes are nonterminal symbols from the grammar Eo.
Parsing can be seen as a process of searching for a parse tree.
There are two extreme ways of specifying the search space (and many variants in between).
First, we can start with the S symbol and search for a tree that has the words as its leaves. This is
called top-down parsing
Second, we could start with the words and search for a tree with root S. This is called bottom-up
Top-down parsing can be precisely defined as a search problem as follows:
 The initial state is a parse tree consisting of the root S and unknown children: [S: ?I.
In general, each state in the search space is a parse tree.
The successor function selects the leftmost node in the tree with unknown children. It
then looks in the grammar for rules that have the root label of the node on the left-hand
side. For each such rule, it creates a successor state where the ? is replaced by a list
corresponding to the right-hand side of the rule..

(9) Formulate the bottom-up parsing as a search problem.

The formulation of bottom-up parsing as a search is as follows:

The initial state is a list of the words in the input string, each viewed as a parse tree
that is just a single leaf node-for example; [the, wumlpus, is, dead]. In general, each
state in the search space is a list of parse trees.
The successor function looks at every position i in the list of trees and
at every righthand side of a rule in the grammar. If the subsequence of the list of trees starting at
i matches the right-hand side, then the subsequence is replaced by a new tree whose
category is the left-hand side of the rule and whose children are the subsequence. By
"matches," we mean that the category of the node is the same as the element in the righthand
side. For example, the rule Article + the matches the subsequence consisting
of the first node in the list [the, wumpus, is, dead], so a successor state would be
[[Article:the], wumpus, is, dead].
The goal test checks for a state consisting of a single tree with root S.
(10) What is dynamic programming?
Forward Chaining on graph search problem is an example of dynamic programming.
Solutions to the sub problems are constructed incrementally from those of smaller
sub problems and are cached to avoid recomputation.

(11) Construct a parse tree for “You give me the gold” showing the sub categories
of the verb and verb phrase.

(12) What is semantic interpretation? Give an example.

Semantic interpretation is the process of associating an FOL expression with a phrase.
(13) Construct a grammar and sentence for “John loves Mary”

(14) Construct a parse tree for the sentence “Every agent smells a Wumpus”
(15) Define lexical,syntactic, and semantic ambiguity.
Lexical ambiguity, in which a word has more than one meaning. Lexical ambiguity is
quite common; "back" can be an adverb (go back), an adjective (back door), a noun (the
back of the room) or a verb (back up your files). "Jack" can be a name, a noun (a playing
card, a six-pointed metal game piece, a nautical flag, a fish, a male donkey, a socket, or a
device for raising heavy objects), or a verb (to jack up a car, to hunt with a light, or to hit a
baseball hard).
Syntactic ambiguity (also known as structural ambiguity) can occur with or without
lexical ambiguity. For example, the string "I smelled a wumpus in 2,2" has two parses: one
where the prepositional phrase "in 2,2" modifies the noun and one where it modifies the
verb. The syntactic ambiguity leads to a semantic ambiguity, because one parse means that
the wumpus is in 2,2 and the other means that a stench is in 2,2. In this case, getting the
wrong interpretation could be a deadly mistake.
Semantic ambiguity can occur even in phrases with no lexical or syntactic ambiguity.
For example, the noun phrase "cat person" can be someone who likes felines or the lead of
the movie Attack of the Cat People. A "coast road" can be a road that follows the coast or
one that leads to it.
(16) What is disambiguation?
Disambiguation is a question of diagnosis. The speaker's intent to communicate
is an unobserved cause of the words in the utterance, and the hearer's job is to work
backwards from the words and from knowledge of the situation to recover the most likely
intent of the speaker.. Some sort of preference is needed because syntactic and semantic
interpretation rules alone cannot identify a unique correct interpretation of a phrase or
sentence. So we divide the work: syntactic and semantic interpretation is responsible for
enumerating a set of candidate interpretations, and the disambiguation process chooses the
best one.
(17) What is discourse?
A discourse is any string of language-usually one that is more than one sentence long.
Textbooks, novels, weather reports and conversations are all discourses. So far we have
largely ignored the problems of discourse, preferring to dissect language into individual
sentences that can be studied in vitro. We will look at two particular subproblems:
reference resolution and coherence.
Reference resolution
Reference resolution is the interpretation of a pronoun or a definite noun phrase that
refers to an object in the world. The resolution is based on knowledge of the world and of
the previous parts of the discourse. Consider the passage "John flagged down the waiter.
He ordered a hani sandwich."
To understand that "he" in the second sentence refers to John, we need to have understood
that the first sentence mentions two people and that John is playing the role of a customer
and hence is likely to order, whereas the waiter is not.
The structure of coherent discourse
If you open up this book to 10 random pages, and copy down the first sentence from each
page. The result is bound to be incoherent. Similarly, if you take a coherent 10-sentence
passage and permute the sentences, the result is incoherent. This demonstrates that
sentences in natural language discourse are quite different from sentences in logic. In
logic, if we TELL sentences A, B and C to a knowledge base, in any order, we endl up
with Ithe conjunction A A B A C. In natural language, sentence order matters; consider
th~ed ifference between "Go two blocks. Turn right." and "Turn right. Go two blocks."

(18) What is grammar induction?

Grammar induction is the task of learning a grammar from data. It is an obvious task
to attempt, given that it has proven to be so difficult to construct a grammar by hand and
that billions of example utterances are available for free on the Internet. It is a difficult task
because the space of possible grammars is infinite and because verifying that a given grammar
generates a set of sentences is computationally expensive.
Grammar induction can learn a grammar from examples, although there are limitations
on how well the grammar will generalize.

(19) What is information retrieval?

Information retrieval is the task of finding documents that are relevant to a user's need for
information. The best-known examples of information retrieval systems are search engines
on the World Wide Web. A Web user can type a query such as [AI book] into a search engine
and see a list of relevant pages. An information retrieval (henceforth IR) system can be
characterized by:
1) A document collection. Each system must decide what it wants to treat as a document:
a paragraph, a page, or a multi-page text.
2) A query posed in a query language. The query specifies what the user wants to know.
The query language can be just a list of words, such as [AI book]; or it can specify
a phrase of words that must be adjacent, as in ["AI book"]; it can contain Boolean
operators as in [AI AND book]; it can include non-Boolean operators such as [AI book
3) A result set. This is the subset of documents that the IR system judges to be relevant to
the query. By relevant, we mean likely to be of use to the person who asked the query,
for the particular information need expressed in the query.
4) A presentation of the result set. This can be as simple as a ranked list of document
titles or as complex as a rotating color map of the result set projected onto a three dimensional
(20) What is clustering?
Clustering is an unsupervised learning problem. Unsupervised clustering is the problem of
discerning multiple categories in a collection of objects. The problem is unsupervised because the
category labels are not given.
We are familiar with terms such as “red giant” and “white dwarf”,but the stars do not carry these
labels – astronomers had to perform unsupervised clustering to identify these categories.
(21) What is agglomerative clustering?
Agglomerative clustering creates a tree of clusters going all the way down to the individual
documents. We begin by considering each document as a separate cluster. Then we find the
two clusters that are closest to each other according to some distance measure and merge
these clusters into one. The distance measure between two clusters can be the distance to
the median of the cluster. Agglomerative clustering takes time O(n2),where n is the
number of documents.

(22) What is K-means clustering?

K-means clustering creates a flat set of exactly k-categories.It works as follows :
i) Pick K documents at random to represent the K categories.
ii) Assign every document to the closest category.
iii) Compute the mean of each cluster and use K-means to represent the new value
of the K categories.
iv) Repeat the steps (ii) and (iii) until convergence.
K-means takes O(n)

(23) What is information extraction?

Information extraction is the process of creating database entries by skimming a text and
looking for occurrences of a particular class of object or event and for relationships among
those objects and events.
We could be trying to extract instances of addresses from web pages, with database fields
for street, city, state, and zip code; or instances of storms from weather reports, with fields for
temperature, wind speed, and precipitation. Information extraction systems are mid-way between
information retrieval systems and full-text parsers, in that they need to do more than consider a
document as a bag of words, but less than completely analyze every sentence.
The simplest type of information extraction system is called an attribute-based system
because it assumes that the entire text refers to a single object and the task is to extract
attributes of that object.
For example, the problem of extracting from the text "17in SXGA Monitor for only $249.99"
the database relations given by
3 m m E ComputerMonitors A Size(m, Inches(l7)) A Price(m, $(249.99))
A Resolution(m, 1280 x 1024) .
Some of this information can be handled with the help of regular expressions, which define a
regular grammar in a single text string. Regular expressions are used in Unix commands such
as grep, in programming languages such as Perl, and in word processors such as Microsoft
(24) What is machine translation? Explain different types.
Machine translation is the automatic translation of text from one natural language (the source) to
another (the target). This process has proven to be useful for a number of tasks, including the
1. Rough translation, in which the goal is just to get the gist of a passage. Ungrammatical
and inelegant sentences are tolerated as long as the meaning is clear. For example, in
Web surfing, a user is often happy with a rough translation of a foreign web page.
Sometimes a monolingual human can post-edit the output without having to read the
source. This type of machine-assisted translation saves money because such editors can
be paid less than bilingual translators.
2. Restricted-source translation, in which the subject matter and format of the source
text are severely limited. One of the most successful examples is the TAUM-METEO
system, which translates weather reports from English to French. It works because the
language used in weather reports is highly stylized and regular.
3. Pre-edited translation, in which a human preedits the source document to make it conform
to a restricted subset of English (or whatever the original language is) before
machine translation. This approach is particularly cost-effective when there is a need to
translate one document into many languages, as is the case for legal documents in the
European Community or for companies that sell the same product in many countries.
Restricted languages are sometimes called "Caterpillar English," because Caterpillar
Corp. was the first firm to try writing its manuals in this form. Xerox defined a language
for its maintenance manuals which was simple enough that it could be translated
by machine into all the languages Xerox deals with. As an added benefit, the original
English manuals became clearer as well.
4. Literary translation, in which all the nuances of the source text are preserved. This is
currently beyond the state of the art for machine translation.
(25) Draw a schematic for a machine translation system for English to French.

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