Reviewer in IMAP
Reviewer in IMAP
Reviewer in IMAP
Technological Importance
Technology - the application of science to provide
society and its members with those things that are Manufacturing-Economic
needed or desired
o Transformation of materials into items of
Technology provides the products that help greater value by one or more processing
our society and its members live better and/or assembly operations
What do these products have in common?
- They are all manufactured
Manufacturing is the essential factor that
makes technology possible
What is Manufacturing?
The word manufacture is derived from two
Latin word manus (hand) and factus (make);
the combination means “made by hand”
Manufacturing Industries
“Made by hand” accurately described the
fabrication methods that were used when the Industry consists of enterprises and organizations
English word “manufacture” was first coined that produce or supply goods and services
around 1567 A.D.
Industries can be classified as:
Most modern manufacturing operations are
accomplished by mechanized and automated
1. Primary industries- cultivate and exploit The number of different product types made
natural resources e.g., agriculture, mining, each year in a factory can be counted
forestry, fishing, livestock, petroleum When the number of product types made in
2. Secondary industries - take the outputs of the factory is high, this indicates high product
primary industries and convert them into variety
consumer and capital goods e.g., aerospace, Although P is quantitative, it is much less exact
construction, food processing, publishing than Q because details on how much the
3. Tertiary industries - service sector e.g., designs differ is not captured simply by the
banking, education, health and medical, real number of different designs
estate, restaurant Soft product variety-small differences between
products, e.g., between car models made on
the same production line, with many common
Manufactured Products parts
Hard product variety-products differ
Final products divide into two major classes:
substantially, e.g., between a small car and a
1. Consumer goods - products purchased
large truck, with few common parts (if any)
directly by consumers (Cars, clothes, TVs,
tennis rackets) Manufacturing Capability
2. Capital goods - those purchased by
A manufacturing plant consists of processes
companies to produce goods and/or provide
and systems (and people) to transform a
services (Aircraft, computers, communication
certain limited range of materials into
equipment, medical apparatus, trucks,
products of increased value
machine tools, construction equipment
The three building blocks - materials,
processes, and systems - are the subject of
modern manufacturing
Product Quantity Q
Manufacturing capability includes:
The quantity of products Q made by a factory 1. Technological processing capability
has an important influence on the way its 2. Physical product limitations
people, facilities, and procedures are 3. Production capacity
Annual quantities can be classified into three
Technological Processing Capability
Production range Annual Quantity Q
Low production 1 to 100 units The set of available manufacturing processes
Medium production 100 to 10,000 units in the plant (or company)
High production 10,000 to millions of Certain manufacturing processes are suited to
units certain materials, so by specializing in certain
processes, the plant is also specializing in
certain materials
Product Variety Includes not only the physical processes, but
also the expertise of the plant personnel
Product variety P refers to different product - A machine shop cannot roll steel
types or models produced in the plant - A steel mill cannot build cars
Different products have different features
- They are intended for different markets
- Some have more parts than others
Physical Product Limitation
Given a plant with a certain set of processes,
there are size and weight limitations on the
parts or products that can be made in the
Product size and weight affect:
- Production equipment
- Material handling equipment
Production, material handling equipment, and
plant size must be planned for products that
lie within a certain size and weight range
Product Capability
Defined as the maximum quantity that a plant
can produce in a given time period (e.g.,
month or year)under assumed operating
Operating conditions refer to number of shifts
per week, hours per shift, direct labor
manning levels in the plant, and so on
Usually measured in terms of output units,
such as tons of steel or number of cars
produced by the plant
Also called plant capacity