Infj A
Infj A
Infj A
Seeking Purpose
Perhaps because their personality type is so
uncommon, Advocates tend to carry around a sense –
whether conscious or not – of being different from most
people. With their rich inner lives and their deep, abiding Fortunately, this sense of being out of step doesn’t
desire to find their life purpose, they don’t always fit in diminish Advocates’ commitment to making the world a
with those around them. This isn’t to say that Advocates better place. Advocates are troubled by injustice, and they
can’t enjoy social acceptance or close relationships – typically care more about altruism than personal gain.
only that they sometimes feel misunderstood or at odds They often feel called to use their strengths – including
with the world. creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others
and spread compassion.
Nothing lights up Advocates
like changing someone else’s Thoughtful and compassionate, Advocates pour a
great deal of energy and care into their relationships. This
life for the better. doesn’t mean that they always feel appreciated in return.
Advocates tend to act with great thought and care, and
it can frustrate them when other people don’t recognize
Many Advocates see helping others as their mission in their good intentions. As a result, even constructive
life, and they’re always looking for ways to step in and criticism may feel incredibly personal or hurtful to these
speak up for what is right. People with this personality persona lities.
type also aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, in the
hope that unfairness and hardship can become things
of the past. At times, however, Advocates may focus A Personal Mission
so intently on their ideals that they don’t take adequate
care of themselves – a pattern that can lead to stress
and burnout. Many Advocates feel that their life has a unique
purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth
to fulfill. For people with this personality type, one of
the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this
purpose – and then, once they’ve found it, striving to do
onnecting with Others
C it justice.
(and Themselves) When Advocates encounter inequity or unfairness,
they rarely give up – instead, they consult their intuition
Advocates may be Introverted, but they value deep, and their compassion to find a solution. With their innate
authentic relationships with others. Few things bring ability to balance the heart with the head, Advocates are
these personalities as much joy as truly knowing another hardwired to right the wrongs of the world, no matter how
person – and being known in return. Advocates enjoy big or small. These personalities just need to remember
meaningful conversations far more than small talk, and that while they’re busy taking care of everyone else, they
they tend to communicate in a way that is warm and need to pause sometimes and take care of themselves
sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make as well.
a powerful impression on the people around them.
Creative – Advocates aren’t exactly like everyone Passionate – Advocates crave a sense of purpose
else – and that’s a wonderful thing. People with in life. Rather than living on autopilot or sticking to
this personality type embrace their creative the status quo, they want to chase after their ideals.
side, always on the lookout for opportunities to This isn’t a personality type that shies away from
express themselves and think outside the box. big dreams – in fact, Advocates are energized and
impassioned by the beauty of their visions for the future.
Insightful – These personalities know all too well that
appearances can be misleading. Advocates strive to Altruistic – People with this personality type aren’t
move beyond superficiality and seek out the deeper truths happy to succeed at another person’s expense. Advocates
in life. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to want to use their strengths for the greater good, and they
understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs. rarely lose sight of how their words and actions might
affect others. In their heart of hearts, they want to make the
Principled – Advocates tend to have strong beliefs world a better place, starting with the people around them.
and values, particularly when it comes to matters of
ethics. When Advocates talk about topics close to their
heart, their conviction and heartfelt idealism can inspire
and persuade even the sternest of skeptics.
Advocate Weakness
Sensitive to Criticism – Advocates aren’t averse of real life. Advocates might find it difficult to appreciate
to feedback – that is, unless they believe that their jobs, living situations, or relationships if they’re
someone is challenging their most cherished continually fixating on imperfections and wondering
principles or values. When it comes to the issues whether they should be looking for something better.
that are near and dear to them, people with this
personality type can become defensive or dismissive. Avoiding the Ordinary – Advocates yearn to do
extraordinary things with their lives. But it’s hard to
Reluctant to Open Up – Advocates value honesty achieve anything extraordinary without breaking it down
and authenticity, but they’re also private. They may into small, manageable steps. Unless they translate their
find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable about dreams into everyday routines and to-do lists, Advocates
their struggles, not wanting to burden someone else may struggle to turn their grand visions into reality.
with their issues. Unfortunately, when Advocates don’t
ask for help, they may inadvertently hold themselves Prone to Burnout – Advocates’ perfectionism and
back or create distance in their relationships. reserve leave them with few options for letting off
steam. People with this personality type can exhaust
Perfectionistic – The Advocate personality type is all themselves if they don’t balance their drive to help others
but defined by idealism. While this is a wonderful quality in with necessary self-care and rest.
many ways, it doesn’t always leave room for the messiness
“Love comes more naturally to the
human heart than its opposite.”
Advocates (INFJs) look for depth and meaning in People with this personality type create a depth
their relationships – and their romantic relationships to their relationships that can hardly be described in
are no different. This is a personality type known for conventional terms. Because of their sensitivity and
having a vibrant, vivid imagination, but few Advocates insight, Advocates can make their partners feel heard
can imagine themselves settling for a match founded on and understood in beautiful ways. Advocates aren’t
anything less than true love. afraid to express their love, and they feel it with all their
It can take time for Advocates to find a compatible
As romantic partners,
Advocates are warm, caring,
honest, and insightful – and Friendships
they patiently work to uncover
“The most I can do for my friend is
their loved one’s innermost simply be his friend.”
needs and desires.
Parenthood isn’t easy, but few Advocates expect it A Job Well Done
to be. These personalities know that many of life’s most
worthwhile pursuits are also the most challenging – a Advocates strive to make sure that their children
mindset that helps Advocates keep sight of joy and grow up with a firm understanding of the difference
fulfillment amid the daily struggles of raising children. between right and wrong. Parents with this personality
In many ways, parenting allows Advocates to make type encourage their children to fight for a cause that
wonderful use of their strengths, including creativity, they believe in and to be the best they can be. Whatever
compassion, and the incredible strength of devotion that age their children might be, Advocates can find a great
they feel toward those they love. deal of fulfillment and meaning simply in helping their
children learn to be true to themselves.
Advocates’ determination to be
helpful can leave them feeling Advocate Managers
taken advantage of.
Although they tend to be well liked among their
colleagues, Advocates are still Introverts. From time As managers, Advocates may dislike wielding their
to time, they may need to step back and work alone, power. They prefer to think of everyone as equals, no
pursuing their own goals in their own ways. This isn’t matter what a person’s business card might say. Rather
a sign of resentment or ill will – but rather a signal of than micromanage their subordinates, Advocates often
Advocates’ need to balance serving others with their prefer to empower them to think and act independently.
own self-care. They work hard to encourage others and promote an
atmosphere of mutual respect.
If you feel understood right now, it’s because you So here’s our question for you, Advocate: Are you
are. Years of research have given us deep insights into ready to take full advantage of your unique strengths
the unique strengths and challenges of Advocates like – to unlock your true, exceptional potential? If so, your
you. We understand your creativity and your passion and Premium Profile will give you new insights into your
your commitment to doing the right thing, but we also personality, your relationships, your career path, and your
understand the dark side of your personality type: the life’s mission. This is the journey of a lifetime – and you’ll
nagging fear that you might not reach your full potential find everything you need to get started by moving on to
and make the most of your one wild and precious life. the next section.