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a term that means one's public self-image. It refers to the emotional and social
sense of self that everyone has and expects everyone to recognize. When having
conversation, strategies are needed to create a comfortable interaction between
the speaker and the hearer. The speaker must know the appropriate ways to
speak, according to Yule (1996) this is called “polite social behavior”. It is one
of the ways people keep face and the feelings of others in communication. In
general, being polite means being considerate of other people's feelings. A
positive relationship will develop between two people when they feel
comfortable with each other. To ensure a productive conversation, politeness is
essential. As speakers, people should be able to plan what they say to sound
good to the people listening and avoid words that may hurt their feelings.
According to Brown & Levinson (1987), politeness strategies should be used
by speakers and hearers to respect each other. Therefore, in speaking, using
politeness is needed.
Brown and Levinson (1987) explain there are four politeness strategies,
which are Bald on Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness, and Off
Record. These strategies are very important to use, because often when
speaking, speakers have the potential to hurt their hearers, as expressed by
Brown and Levinson (1992) that every speech act has the potential to threaten
the face of the hearer. Which means, this concept shows that being polite is very
difficult to do without knowing the strategies, because it requires language
learning, as well as the development of strategies to consider the emotions of
the hearer.
television program where individuals or groups discuss one or more topics
proposed by the Talk Show host. Personal stories or hot issues are topics that
are usually discussed in talk shows.
The reason the author chooses the Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube channel
as the object of research is because the Jay Shetty Podcast channel is one of the
well-known talk show YouTube channels. This YouTube channel has several
advantages compared to other YouTube channels that carry the same theme,
including the Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube channel presenting inspirational
content, a variety of topics that are relevant to modern life today, exceptional
quality of guests and interviews such as inviting inspirational and influential
figures, professional production, and displaying simplicity and honesty. So that
by analyzing how Jay Shetty uses positive politeness strategies will help in
applying politeness strategies in everyday life, and can also provide additional
new insights related to the use of positive politeness strategies in conversation.
markers”. Then, the 13 data that used negative politeness strategies were
analyzed, the most dominant are 3 data on the “give deference” strategy and 3
data on “be conventional”. This research contributes to the author as a basis for
research related to the use of politeness strategies in movie scripts.
The second was Muhammad Taofik Adriansyah (2019) with the title
“Positive and Negative Politeness Expressions Used in Blackkklansman
movie”. This study focused on analyzing the reasons actors and actresses adopt
positive and negative politeness methods in the Blackkklansman movie as well
as the strategies' utilization in the movie. Theories from Brown and Levinson
(1992), and Thomas (1980) were the main theories used by the author in this
study. The findings of the data analysis led to the conclusion that, with 29 data,
positive politeness techniques outnumber negative politeness tactics in the
Blackkklansman movie. The reason for using the strategy is more heavily
influenced by social distance, according to 36 data, because of the traits that
exist in people who must essentially be social, particularly in the police force
with a variety of traits, thoughts, and social statuses faced by the community.
This study contributes to the author's research on how the reasons for using
positive and negative politeness strategies based on the theories of Brown and
Levinson (1992) and Thomas (1980).
The third was Rivaldi Abdillah Setiana (2021) with the title “Positive
politeness strategies used by Niki and Zach in Zach Sang show’s interview”.
This study focused on research on positive politeness strategies. The interview
between Zach and Niki in the Zach Sang Show is used as the object of his
research. The theory of Brown and Levinson (1987) was the theory used by the
writer in this study. The results of this study found that there were at least 82
data and 14 types of positive politeness strategies in Zach Sang Show's
interview with Niki and both implemented these strategies by considering
rewards and circumstances: sociological variables. This research contributes to
the author's research as a provider of the same theory as the theory the author
The fourth was Muhamad Fauzan Fikri (2022) with research entitled
“Positive Politeness Strategies in Women's Language of Transgenders in
YouTube Interviews and TV Shows”. In this study, the transition from male to
female is the main focus. The author used Lakoff's (2004) theory and Brown &
Levinson's (1987) positive politeness strategies in this study. This study found
that Laverne Cox used 12 intensifiers, 11 lexical hedges, 4 emphatic stresses, 1
tag question, 3 empty adjectives, and 1 avoidance of swear words along with 1
notice/attend to H, 4 use in-group identity markers, 11 exaggerations, 3 avoid
agreeing, 1 give (or ask for) reasons, 8 presuppose/raise/asset common ground,
2 jokes, and 3 assert/presuppose S's knowledge of and concern for H's wants.
On the other hand, Caitlyn Jenner applies 30 emphatic stresses, 20 lexical
hedges, 7 empty adjectives, 3 rising intonations, and 13 intensifiers. He also
uses 12 exaggerations, 8 avoid disagreement, 1 notice/attend to H, 1 use in-
group identity markers, 21 presuppose/raise/assert common ground, 8 seeking
agreement, 7 give (or ask for) reasons, 1 includes both S and H in the activity,
and 2 offer or promise. This research provides the author with an understanding
of the relationship between politeness strategies and women's language.
The fifth was the research of Agil Nofri Azmi (2022). His research is
titled “Positive Politeness Strategies Used by Jimmy Fallon In The Tonight
Show's YouTube Channel”. This research focused on examining one topic,
namely positive politeness strategies in interviews between Jimmy Fallon and
guest stars of The Tonight Show. The theory of Brown and Levinson (1987)
was the theory used by the author in this study. The results of this study, found
112 data, and found 14 types of positive politeness strategies in Jimmy Fallon's
interview with guest stars on The Tonight Show. In The Tonight Show, Jimmy
Fallon dominantly used the positive politeness strategy of exaggeration with a
total of 50 data. Meanwhile, 62 positive politeness strategies with exaggeration
and giving (or asking for) reasons were dominantly used by the guest stars, and
they implemented these strategies by considering rewards. and circumstances:
sociological variables. This research contributes to the author's research as a
comparison in terms of findings, so that this research can help evaluate the
significance or novelty of the author's research.
From these previous studies, the author is inspired to do the same thing,
which is to examine the use of positive politeness strategies, but the difference
is that this study is more focused on categorizing how the use of positive
politeness strategies to male and female, because many studies that have been
conducted in the field of language and gender politeness conclude that there are
actually differences in language politeness patterns between men and women
(Nurjanah et al., 2017). The way men and women speak shows differences such
as in the use of words or lexicon, intonation and tone of voice, prosodic
phenomena, in sentence structure, and other syntactic elements (Đenana, 2019).
Thus, based on this explanation, the author is interested in examining the
positive politeness strategies used by Jay Shetty to male and female guest stars
on the Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube channel. In this study, the research objects
that the author chose are the six most popular talk show videos on the Jay Shetty
Podcast YouTube channel. The theory of positive politeness strategies
proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987) is the theory used in this study.
Therefore, the author decided to propose “Positive Politeness Strategies Used
by Jay Shetty in Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube Channel” as the title of the
The way men and women speak shows differences such as in the use of words
or lexicon, intonation and tone of voice, prosodic phenomena, in sentence
structure, and other syntactic elements (Đenana, 2019). In addition, according
to Lakoff (1975) in (Đenana, 2019) women tend to use more polite sentence
patterns more often than men. Thus, based on this explanation, the author is
interested in examining the positive politeness strategies used by Jay Shetty to
male and female guest stars in the Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube Channel.
Based on the background above, the author concludes that there are two
questions that are the focus of this study, they are:
in the related study of positive politeness strategies. Practically, this research is
expected to provide insight and knowledge for readers regarding how to apply
politeness strategies in speaking with interlocutors to be applied in daily
conversations. For example, in situations when communicating with people
who are not too close or with strangers, then as an example the speaker can use
the positive politeness strategy “lntensify interest to H” to create the impression
that the speaker is very enthusiastic about something proposed by the
interlocutor, so that the result can produce a positive reaction from the
interlocutor which makes it possible to build a closer relationship with the
The author in this study has two research questions. First, what are the
types of positive politeness strategies used by Jay Shetty to male and female
guest stars in talk show videos on Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube Channel? The
second, what factors influence the choice of positive politeness strategies used
by Jay Shetty in talk show videos on Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube Channel?
To answer the first question, the author uses Brown and Levinson's
(1987) politeness strategy theory to find out the types of positive politeness
strategies used by Jay Shetty to male and female guest stars in talk show videos
on the Jay Shetty Podcast YouTube Channel. According to Brown and
Levinson (1987) politeness strategies are divided into four types of strategies,
namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record.
While the positive politeness strategy itself, according to Brown and Levinson
(1987) is divided into 15 strategies which are, notice/attend to H (goods, needs,
wants, interests), exaggerate (approval, interest, sympathy with H), use in-group
identity markers, , include both S and H in the activity, intensify interest to H,
seek agreement, assert/presuppose/raise common ground, give (or ask for)
reasons, avoid disagreement, joke, assert or presuppose S’s knowledge of and
concern for H’s wants, promise/offer, be optimistic, assume/assert reciprocity,
and give gifts to H (corporation, goods, understanding, sympathy).
To answer the second question, the author still uses the same theory
from Brown and Levinson (1987). There are two factors influence the choice
politeness strategies, namely Payoffs and Circumstances: Sociological
The following are definitions of key terms to make it easier for readers
to understand the terms used by the author in this study.
1.6.1 Pragmatics
1.6.2 Politeness
1.6.4 Positive Politeness Strategies