Intervention Plan Per Math
Intervention Plan Per Math
Intervention Plan Per Math
Department of Education
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF _________________________________
____________________________________ SCHOOL
II. Intensive Remediation Activities - Comprehensive reading with Sept.2022 – - Printed reading None Grade 2 Teachers -The learners will
understanding June 2023 materials/flash School buffer with the help of the able to answer or
- Give activities on basic math cards/ window supplies will be parents in practice gain knowledge on
operations cards utilized reading at home how to answer the
- Focus on the least learned math problems.
topics -The learners
- Give practice problems which could generally
aligns on the level of the answer the math
learners and in increasing problems and
level of difficulty every time exercises
the problem are given. independently.
Hence even
without or with
small time of
supervision of the
III. Monitoring Process Provide assistance on the Quarterly o Assessment Tools School Buffer Grade __ Teachers Greater student
assessment tool to be used. Instructional materials Materials School Head engagement,
Analyze the assessment which increases
results. their enthusiasm
Evaluate the result for the subject.
Prepare a simple yet impactful
competency-based Improved
instructional materials based Minimum
on the least learned Proficiency Level
competency (MPL) of learners
in Grade __
IV. Evaluation Report Provide remediation report July, 2022 School Buffer Grade __ Teachers Improved
Make accomplishment report Materials School Head Minimum
Proficiency Level
(MPL) of learners
in Grade __