Customer Activity Statement
PPG requires a general understanding of your business and how the merchandise you purchase from Sigma
Paints Saudi Arabia Ltd. will be used so that the proper export procedures may be followed. Accordingly,
please complete the following form:
Company Name: __| SAFARI OIL & GAS LTD CO
Contact Name: FAHEEM ULLAH.
Street Address: _| 32245 | King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz Rd | Ghirnatah | Dammam | Kingdom of Saudi Arabi
{6687 4935] SAFARI GROUP BUILDING | 3rd FLOOR | EDJB4935
city: _| Dammam State:_| Eastern | Postal Cod 32248 _| Country:_| KSA
Telephone: Email:
Street Address: _| 32245 | King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz Rd | Ghirnatah | Dammam | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
City: _| Dammam state: _| Eastern | PostalCode: | 32245 _| Country: _| KSA.
Ship To:* |
Street Address:
City: State: Postal Code: Country:
7. Please advise if your company Is Involved in any of the following activities by checking the applicable box.
answer "YES" to any of these activities, please provide the following information in the blank space directly below the
(a) Describe the specific activity (e.9., program, service provided, etc.) in detail, and
(b) Confirm if and how any of the PPG products you purchase are used in conjunction with that activi
| Nuclear activities YES NO
Shis includes research on or development, design, manufacture, construction, testing, maintenance, storage |L]_ Bl
or handling of nuclear weapon or any other nuclear explosive device, nuclear reactor, nuclear power
generating plant or facility, facility for fabrication, conversion, processing or storage of nuclear fuel, or other
similar activities as well as components thereof
Chemical or biological weapons activities YES NO
This includes the design, development, production, stockpiling or use of chemical or biological weapons O 8
Rocket systems and unmanned air vehicle activities YES
nis includes the design, development, production, use, maintenance or storage of racket systems inowuding |] Dsl
"Additional ship-to addresses must be provided on PPG's Adilitonal Ship-To Addresses form,
Page 1of2Palistic missile sysiems, space launch vehidles, sounding rockets, and unmanned air vehicles Including
cruise missile systems, target drones, and reconnaissance drones
Waritime nuclear propulsion activities YES NO
ing inoludes any activity relating maritime nuclear propulsion plants, their land prototypes and taciities for |.
their construction, support or maintenance
Wilitary activities YES NO
wa ages any activity with a miltary or defense organization or an entity owned or controled byamiitary|O
aridefonse organization including pare-miltary, police and/or government securty entities
2. Please specify below the specific uses you have planned for the PPG products you order
Note: You MUST describe bolow what you plan on doing with the PPG products you purchase from the PPG
business mentioned above.
c “Types of PPG Products* Intended End-Use
= Use Gere produck description such as epaxy coatings, e-glass, latex paint - Do not include ‘specific product code or
|We confirm thatthe foregoing information is complete and accurate and thatthe individual signing Below has authority to
legally bind the company.
If the information concerning activities or uses changes for this or a future shipment purchased from the PPG
business mentioned above, we will immediately advise PPG.
‘Signed on behalf of SAFARI OIL & GAS LTD CO. (Insert Company Name)
Please complete the section below in its entirety:
X wv (Signature) Project Manager (Job Title)
Faheem Ullah edName) _9/4/2022 (Date) +966597440796 __ (Phone)
966597440796 __
* This statement must be stamped.
+ This statement is valid for ONE YEAR from the date of signing.
PPG will rect ds inforaton as confidential anew not closet excep ex requred by a, regaltion, creer or simi Proce
Rev. O15