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FYP Evaluation Criteria, Spring 2022

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Electronic Engineering Project

The aim of a final year project (FYP) is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge that students have
acquired in their studies. The FYP is a project or academic task that must be accomplished individually by
every undergraduate students of engineering program in order to obtain the attributions to graduate. In this
context, the FYP plays a crucial role in the teaching-learning process. It is also a way of identifying the ability of
the student to perform an industrial project or applied research linked to the knowledge discipline. So this
exercise can be considered as a motivation for the students because it allows them choose methods, tools and
make decisions during its development.

FYP Selection and Proposal Defense

The department of Electronic Engineering allows groups of maximum 2 students and discourages individual
projects. So, a student has to find a perfect group where they can work as an active member of the team.
Once a group is finalized, the members have to come up with an innovative idea about the FYP. The idea may
be proposed by the faculty, industry or their own. The students have to prepare an initial draft which explains
the idea of the project before contacting a faculty member for supervision. The supervisor can partially or
wholly change the proposed idea depending on its feasibility and practical value. The students have to go
through the above procedure and finalize their group and supervisor before the end of 6 th semester.

Assessment of FYP

In the 2nd week of 7th semester each group has to appear for the title defense of FYP in front of the evaluation
committee. In addition to supervisor, the evaluation committee of a FYP group comprises two other faculty
members approved by the chairman of the department. Each group is allowed 20 minutes for presentation,
and 5-10 minutes for question/answer session. Moreover, the students have to submit the project proposal on
the prescribed template. In case of major concerns, the evaluation committee gives two more weeks to the
particular group to address the shortcomings.
The project evaluation committee assesses the progress through four presentations each carrying 5%
marks. Similarly, the final examination committee comprising an external examiner, project supervisor and
department chairman, awards the final 45% of marks.

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FYP Evaluation criteria (as per prospectus)

Final defense, Project Report and

Sessional Presentations
Viva Examination

Evaluator Supervisor Evaluation Committee External + Supervisor + Chairman

weightage 35% 20% 45%

5%: 1st Presentation
(proposal defense): 2nd
week of 7th semester
5%: 2nd Presentation
15% 20% (progress report):
Distribution External Supervisor Chairman
(in 7th (in 8th Midterm exam week of 15% 15% 15%
semester) semester) 7th semester
5%: 3rd Presentation
(progress report): Final
term exam week of 7th
5%: 4 Presentation
(progress report):
Midterm exam week of
8th semester

Table 1 : Evaluation Criterion for FYP

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Table 2 below gives the rubric points as well as mapping of the CLOs and PLOs for the final year project.

PLOs Domain CLOs
outcomes Rubric points
LO-1 Team Work PLO-9 A-2 To display active participation in team
Project PLO-11 A-3 To manage the resources to complete the
management assigned task
LO-3 Safety PLO-6 P-3 To follow appropriate safety precautions

LO-4 Relation with PLO-8 A-3 To contact supervisor regularly and follow
Supervisor his/her guidelines.
LO-5 Motivation and PLO-10 C-5 To precisely justify the scope of project
LO-6 Methodology/ PLO-3 C-5 To develop solutions that meet specified
Design needs for an engineering problem at hand
LO-7 PLO-1 C-2 To get background knowledge about the
LO-8 and PLO-10 P-2 To present an engineering task in an
organization organized and effective manner
LO-9 PLO-5 P-4 To measure the simulation and experimental
Data acquisition
data within the expected range of values
LO-10 Data PLO-4 C-4 To analyze the acquired data as per the
interpretation relevant theory
LO-11 Design issues PLO-3 C-6 To understand the specifications,
awareness parameters and constraints of the design.
LO-12 Developed PLO-8 A-3 To render the final prototype in a
Prototype presentable form.
To write the FYP report in the given format,
LO-13 Report Writing PLO-12 C-3 with illustrations to clearly highlight the
LO-14 Illustrations and PLO-5 P-5 To draw the illustrations and schematics
schematics with proper and consistent annotations.

Table 2 Rubric points and mapping of CLOs and PLOs

Table-3 below gives details of Final year project Rubrics

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Level of proficiency
S# Rubric Points (8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good (0-2)
1. Take an active 1. Give input and/or 1. Joins a group
position in group by recommendations cooperatively.
assigning tasks confidently. 2. Acknowledge Neither listens
and/or speaking for 2. Complete assigned members of the nor contributes
the group. tasks in a timely group. in the group
2. Take responsibility fashion. 3. Listens attentively
for end product that 3. Respect differing to members of the
1. Team work
reflects the minority points of view. group.
as well as the 4. Agree on group 4. Be prepared and
majority conclusions priorities, goals and reliable members of
of the group. procedures. the group.
3. Encourage and 5. Contribute to the
acknowledge the end product of the
work of other group group
The student achieves The student achieves The student The student does
the milestones in the milestones in time achieves the neither achieves
Project time and as per but does not milestones in as per the milestones in
2. Management requirements. addresses all requirements but time nor meet
(LO-2) requirements. not within time the
constraints requirements.

Demonstrates Demonstrates sound Demonstrates Does not follows

complete compliance compliance with shortfalls in related practices
Safety with related related practices of following related of safety and
3. (LO-3) practices of safety safety and health. practices of safety health.
and health. and health.

Meetings with Student could not Sporadic contact Complete failure

supervisor are very take initiative and with supervisor. in relationship
productive and return having Clear guidelines with supervisor.
involved a two-way extended the agreed given by supervisor
discussion and tasks but these
Relation with
exchange of disregarded by
4. Supervisor
information. student
Rigorous record of
tasks completed with
linkages back to the
aims and objectives
clear identified.
Precise Scope of project Sound Unclear
Motivation justification of justified motivation but motivation,
5 and project scope scope of project Scope of
5. Objectives need to be project not
(LO-5) refined justified.

Page 4 of 12
Realistic plan for Realistic plan for Basic plan is No or
Methodology/ project with minor project with only given without unclear
6 major details plan for the
Design details covered covered adequate details
execution of
(LO-6) project

Comprehensive Competent organized but No or little

and background study incomplete & background
7 Background
systematically of problem, inconsistent study of
Engineering executed market, and background study problem,
background study existing solutions of problem, market, and
of problem, conducted and market, and existing
(LO-7) market, and reported existing solutions solutions
existing solutions
Contents Contents organized Contents Contents
organized in in order and with organized in unorganized,
Presentation and
detail and in proper details, order, inability to unable to
8 organization order, able to answer most answer some answer any
skills answer all questions questions questions,
questions with adequately, proper accurately, faltering
(LO-8) precision, fluent English used. hesitant English English used.
English used. used.
Simulation/ Simulation/ Poorly executed
experimental results experimental results simulation/exper
9 Data acquisition experimental with
obtained in detail leading to undesired imental results
(LO-9) adequate results
and with accuracy results presented
The results are
The results are The results are The
interpreted according according to the interpretation of
according to the
Data interpretation to the background background theory, results is very
10 background theory.
(LO-10) theory. The role of however, no poor and does
The role of proposed
proposed design is improvement has not comply with
design is highlighted
not well justified. been proved the theory
in the results.
Specifications, Specifications,
parameters &
parameters & parameters &
constraints of design
11 Design issues constraints of design constraints of design Specifications,
are present and have
awareness are present and have are present but parameters &
adequate knowledge
(LO-11) in detail knowledge unclear about their constraints of
about their
of calculations and calculations and design are
calculations and
acquirement. acquirement. missing.
Prototype is in Refined Prototype Crude development Prototype not
finished product developed of prototype developed
12 prototype
Report Writing The report is in The report is in The report is in The report is not
Page 5 of 12
standard format standard format and standard format but in standard
with proper is readable structured in a format and
headings, page confusing manner completely
13 (LO-13)
numbers, captions, unorganized
font size and
perfectly structured
Illustrations and All illustrations and All illustrations and All illustrations and The illustrations
schematics schematics are schematics are drawn schematics are and schematics
14 (LO-14) drawn using a CAD using a CAD tool with drawn using a CAD are copied from
tool with proper and proper and consistent tool with internet source.
consistent annotations. The line inconsistent
annotations. The line width and annotation annotations.
width and fonts are not
annotation fonts are consistent throughout
consistent the report.
throughout the

Table-3 Final year project rubrics

Supervisor Assessment (35%)

Table 1 show the project evaluation criterion, where 35% are allocated for sessional and will be awarded by
the concerned supervisor. The supervisor awards the 15% and 20% at the end of 7th and 8th semester
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Group no: --------------
Project Title: _______________________________________________________
Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks
Rubric Points (8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good (0-2) CN CN
1. Take an active position 1. Give input 1. Joins a group
in group by assigning and/or cooperatively.
tasks and/or speaking for recommendations 2. Acknowledge Neither listens
the group. confidently. members of the nor
2. Take responsibility for 2. Complete group. contributes in
end product that reflects assigned tasks in 3. Listens the group
the minority as well as a timely fashion. attentively to
Team work the majority conclusions 3. Respect members of the
(LO-1) of the group. differing points of group.
3. Encourage and view. 4. Be prepared
acknowledge the work of 4. Agree on group and reliable
other group members. priorities, goals members of the
and procedures. group.
5. Contribute to
the end product
of the group
The student achieves the The student The student The student
milestones in time and as achieves the achieves the does neither
Project per requirements. milestones in milestones in as achieves the
Management time but does not per requirements milestones in
(LO-2) addresses all but not within time nor meet
requirements. time constraints the
Demonstrates complete Demonstrates Demonstrates Does not
compliance with related sound compliance shortfalls in follows related
Safety practices of safety and with related following related practices of
(LO-3) health. practices of safety practices of safety and
and health. safety and health. health.

Meetings with supervisor Student could not Sporadic contact Complete

are very productive and take initiative and with supervisor. failure in
involved a two-way return having Clear guidelines relationship
Relation with discussion and exchange extended the given by with supervisor.
Supervisor of information. Rigorous agreed tasks supervisor but
(LO-4) record of tasks completed these disregarded
with linkages back to the by student
aims and objectives
clear identified.
Presentation 1(5%): Project Proposal
Evaluation Committee Assessment
Group no: --------------

Project Title: _______________________________________________________

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Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks
Rubric Points (8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good (0-2) CN CN
Precise Scope of Sound Unclear
Motivation justification of project motivation motivation,
and project scope justified but scope of Scope of
Objectives project need project not
(LO-5) to be refined justified.
Realistic plan Realistic plan Basic plan is No or
for project with for project with given unclear
minor details only without plan for
Design major the
covered details adequate
(LO-6) execution of
covered details project
Comprehensive Competent organized but No or little
and background incomplete & background
systematically study of inconsistent study of
executed problem, background problem,
background market, and study of market, and
(LO-7) study of existing problem, existing
problem, solutions market, and solutions
market, and conducted and existing
existing reported solutions
Contents Contents Contents Contents
organized in organized in organized in unorganized,
Presentation and
detail and in order and with order, unable to
order, able to proper details, inability to answer any
skills (LO-8)
answer all answer most answer some questions,
questions with questions questions faltering
precision, adequately, accurately, English used.
fluent English proper English hesitant
used. used. English used.
Evaluator Name:

Note: Handover to Supervisor after evaluation.

Presentation 2(5%): First Progress

Evaluation Committee Assessment

Group no: --------------

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Project Title: _______________________________________________________
Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks(10)
Rubric (0-2) CN CN
(8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good
Points Unsatisfactory
Contents Contents
organized in
organized in detail unorganized,
Presentation Contents organized order and in
and in order, inability to
and in order, answer detail, answer
answer all answer any
organization some questions most questions
questions with questions,
Skills accurately, hesitant adequately,
precision, fluent Faltering English
(LO-8) English used. proper English
English used. used.
Simulation/ Simulation/ Poorly executed
Data experimental experimental simulation/exper
results obtained in
acquisition results leading to with adequate imental results
(LO-9) undesired results results presented
and with accuracy
The results are
The results are
interpreted The results are The
Data according to the according to the interpretation of
according to the
interpretatio background background results is very
background theory.
n theory. The role of theory, however, poor and does
The role of
(LO-10) proposed design is no improvement not comply with
proposed design is
highlighted in the has been proved the theory
not well justified.
Specifications, Specifications, Specifications,
parameters & parameters & parameters &
constraints of constraints of constraints of
Design issues Specifications,
design are present design are present design are
awareness parameters &
and have in detail and have adequate present but
(LO-11) constraints of
knowledge of knowledge about unclear about
design are
calculations and their calculations their calculations
acquirement. and acquirement. and acquirement.
Evaluator Name:

Note: Handover to Supervisor after evaluation.

Presentation 3(5%): Second Progress

Evaluation Committee Assessment

Group no: --------------

Page 9 of 12
Project Title: _______________________________________________________
Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks(10)
Rubric (0-2) CN CN
(8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good
Points Unsatisfactory
Contents Contents
organized in
organized in detail unorganized,
Presentation Contents organized order and in
and in order, inability to
and in order, answer detail, answer
answer all answer any
organization some questions most questions
questions with questions,
Skills accurately, hesitant adequately,
precision, fluent Faltering English
(LO-8) English used. proper English
English used. used.
Simulation/ Simulation/ Poorly executed
Data experimental experimental simulation/exper
results obtained in
acquisition results leading to with adequate imental results
(LO-9) undesired results results presented
and with accuracy
The results are
The results are
interpreted The results are The
Data according to the according to the interpretation of
according to the
interpretatio background background results is very
background theory.
n theory. The role of theory, however, poor and does
The role of
(LO-10) proposed design is no improvement not comply with
proposed design is
highlighted in the has been proved the theory
not well justified.
Specifications, Specifications, Specifications,
parameters & parameters & parameters &
constraints of constraints of constraints of
Design issues Specifications,
design are present design are present design are
awareness parameters &
and have in detail and have adequate present but
(LO-11) constraints of
knowledge of knowledge about unclear about
design are
calculations and their calculations their calculations
acquirement. and acquirement. and acquirement.
Evaluator Name:

Note: Handover to Supervisor after evaluation.

Presentation 4(5%): Third Progress
Evaluation Committee Assessment
Group no: --------------

Project Title: _______________________________________________________

Page 10 of 12
Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks(10)
Rubric (0-2) CN CN
(8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good
Points Unsatisfactory
Contents Contents
organized in
organized in detail unorganized,
Presentation Contents organized order and in
and in order, inability to
and in order, answer detail, answer
answer all answer any
organization some questions most questions
questions with questions,
Skills accurately, hesitant adequately,
precision, fluent Faltering English
(LO-8) English used. proper English
English used. used.
Simulation/ Simulation/ Poorly executed
Data experimental experimental simulation/exper
results obtained in
acquisition results leading to with adequate imental results
(LO-9) undesired results results presented
and with accuracy
The results are
The results are
interpreted The results are The
Data according to the according to the interpretation of
according to the
interpretatio background background results is very
background theory.
n theory. The role of theory, however, poor and does
The role of
(LO-10) proposed design is no improvement not comply with
proposed design is
highlighted in the has been proved the theory
not well justified.
Specifications, Specifications, Specifications,
parameters & parameters & parameters &
constraints of constraints of constraints of
Design issues Specifications,
design are present design are present design are
awareness parameters &
and have in detail and have adequate present but
(LO-11) constraints of
knowledge of knowledge about unclear about
design are
calculations and their calculations their calculations
acquirement. and acquirement. and acquirement.

Evaluator Name:

Note: Handover to Supervisor after evaluation.

Presentation 5: Final Presentation (45%)

External Examiner and Chairman Assessment

Group no: --------------

Page 11 of 12
Project Title: _______________________________________________________
Supervisor Name: __________________________________
Level of proficiency Marks
Rubric (8-10) Excellent (5-8) Very Good (2-5) Good (0-2) Unsatisfactory CN CN
Contents organized in Contents organized Contents
Presentation detail and in order, Contents organized in order and in unorganized,
and answer all questions in order, answer detail, answer most inability to answer
organization with precision, fluent some questions questions any questions,
Skills English used. accurately, hesitant adequately, proper Faltering English
(LO-8) English used. English used. used.
Prototype is in Refined Prototype Crude development Prototype not
finished product form developed of prototype developed
The report is in The report is in The report is in The report is not in
standard format with standard format standard format but standard format
Report proper headings, and is readable structured in a and completely
Writing page numbers, confusing manner unorganized
(LO-13) captions, font size
and perfectly
Illustrations All illustrations and All illustrations and All illustrations and The illustrations
and schematics are drawn schematics are schematics are and schematics are
schematics using a CAD tool with drawn using a CAD drawn using a CAD copied from
(LO-14) proper and consistent tool with proper tool with internet source.
annotations. The line and consistent inconsistent
width and annotation annotations. The annotations.
fonts are consistent line width and
throughout the annotation fonts
report. are not consistent
throughout the

Evaluator Name:

Note: Handover to Supervisor after evaluation.

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