10 35378-Gujs 1241638-2914345
10 35378-Gujs 1241638-2914345
10 35378-Gujs 1241638-2914345
Gazi University
Journal of Science
Songul SAHIN *
Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 55139, Samsun, Türkiye
• A tetrahalogenated Schiff base was synthesized and characterized.
• FMOs, NLO, and MEP were studied by the DFT method.
• In silico ADMET and target identification studies were performed.
• Antipsychotic efficacy was evaluated by docking studies.
Schiff bases are compounds that containing a C=N double bond and are expressed by the general formula
R1R2C=NR3, where the R groups are organic side chains. These classes of organic compounds are also
known as azomethines or imines [1] and can be prepared by condensation of a primer amine and an active
carbonyl compound (aldehyde or ketone) [2]. Schiff bases are known for a variety of biological and
therapeutic properties [3], such as antifungal, anticancer, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. They are
also used as heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts, dyes, polymers, and metal removal agents in water
[4]. Schiff bases have some advantageous properties such as readily available starting materials, easy
preparation and modification methods [5].
Halogen atoms are commonly used as substituents in pharmaceutical science by medicinal and organic
chemists. However, the prevalence of halogens in pharmaceutical chemistry is not proportional. Fluorine
is by far the spearhead of halogenated drugs. Chlorinated drugs follow in second place. Bromine and iodine
atoms are sparse. Statistics on halogenated drugs approved by the FDA between 1988 and 2006 show that
fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine account for 57%, 38%, 4%, and 1%, respectively [6]. In addition,
organofluorine drugs account for nearly 20-25% of all marketed drugs [7, 8]. This proportion of fluorine is
an issue that synthetic chemists should pay special attention to.
Fluorine with its small size and high electronegativity plays an important role in medicinal chemistry. The
substitution of a fluorine atom in an organic compound can alter a number of properties of drug candidates
compared to nonfluorinated counterparts. In particular, these effects of fluorine relate to physicochemical
and pharmacokinetic (ADME) properties. Thanks to the high electronegativity of fluorine, fluorinated
compounds exhibit improved chemical or metabolic stability, membrane permeation, enhanced biological
activity [9], binding affinity or interactions [9, 10]. Substitution of fluorine compared to hydrogen atom
confers the following functions to a molecule: high electronegativity, greater stability, and greater
lipophilicity [9]. A fluorine atom can be bonded to a molecule from different positions. However, the largest
bonding type of fluorine drugs among Ar-F, Het-F, Ar-CF3, alkyl-CRF and others is registered as Ar-F
containing drugs with 45.3% [7].
Dopamine receptors are a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family. They are associated
with some psychotic and neurodegenerative disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson's
disease, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [11]. Dopamine receptor D2 (D2R) is an important
therapeutic target for the development of antipsychotics, including typical and atypical drugs (first- and
second-generation) [11] and for treatment of schizophrenia [12, 13]. However, the pathophysiology of
schizophrenia is not limited to the dopamine hypothesis, which states an increase in dopamine-dependent
neuronal activity, but is also associated with serotonergic, glutamatergic, GABAergic, and cholinergic
systems [12, 14]. Serotonin 2 (5-HT2) type receptors are associated with the serotonergic mechanism of
schizophrenia [15]. 5-HT2A receptor antagonists can enhance the antipsychotic effect of first- and second-
generation antipsychotics and reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia [16]. Atypical antipsychotics have
some advantages over typical antipsychotics and work better than them [13, 16]. The action of atypical
antipsychotics as multi-receptor antagonists is one of the reasons why they offer more benefits [13]. Indeed,
atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine and risperidone antagonize multiple receptors, including 5-HT1A,
5-HT2A, and D2 [8, 10, 12, 13]. Clozapine remains a prototype for atypical antipsychotics [17].
In the current study, we synthesized a chlorine- and fluorine-substituted tetrahalogenated Schiff base
(THSB) and characterized it by combining a number of spectroscopic methods. In addition, we have
deepened the study to analyze the electrostatic and surface properties, polarizability, and crystal architecture
of the compound using DFT calculations. We then performed in silico ADMET and target prediction
studies. In the last section, we investigated the antagonistic effect of the Schiff base compound against
dopamine (D2) and serotonin (5-HT2A) receptors by docking studies. We also performed the docking
studies for the antipsychotics clozapine and risperidone to compare the antagonistic potential of the newly
synthesized compound.
2.1. Chemicals
All tools used in this study are listed in the following subtitles.
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
X-ray diffraction
Diffraction data were acquired using a Bruker Apex II Quazar instrument. The SHELXTL package [18]
was used to solve and refine the X-ray diffraction data. All non-hydrogen atoms were refined
anisotropically. The free publCIF software [19] was used to edit and preview the CIF file. Molecular
graphics were created using Mercury [20]. The CheckCIF validation report [21] was provided by the IUCr
website, https://checkcif.iucr.org/, by uploading the CIF file of the compound. For more information on the
crystallographic data parameters, see the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC) website [22],
https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/, where CCDC 2211899 contains the additional crystallographic data for this
Spectroscopic analysis
The experimental FTIR spectrum of the title compound was recorded with a Perkin Elmer instrument
between 400-4000 cm-1 using the ATR technique. The UV-Vis spectrum was recorded with a Thermo
Scientific UV-Vis spectrophotometer between 200-800 nm in an ethanol solution at four concentrations
ranging from 1.03 x E-04 M to 5.88 x E-05 M. The theoretical FTIR and UV-Vis spectra were calculated
at the DFT [23]/B3LYP/6-311 ++ G (d, p) level of theory [24] in the gas phase using the Gaussian 03W
program package and the GaussView molecular visualization program [25].
ADMETLab 2 [26] was used for ADME prediction and physicochemical descriptor calculation.
SwissADME [27] was used to determine the physicochemical parameters. ProTox- II [28] was used for
toxicity endpoint prediction. TargetHunter [29], PPB [30], and SwissSimilarity [31] were used to determine
potential biological targets.
Docking studies
PDB [32] provided 3D structures of the dopamine D2 receptor (PDB ID: 6CM4 [33]) and serotonin 5-
HT2A receptor (PDB ID: 6A93 [34]) with the antipsychotic risperidone. AutoDock4 and AutoDockTools4
[35] were used for ligand and receptor preparation and docking experiments. PLIP [36] was used to
determine complex interactions. Open Babel [37] was used for a file format converter.
Experimental procedure
Using the FTIR spectra of THSB, we determined the functional groups in the molecule. Theoretical (in the
gas phase) and experimental (in the solid phase) FTIR spectra of THSB are shown in Figure 2. The main
functional groups in the molecule are: Azomethine double bond, azomethine hydrogen, phenolic hydroxyl
group, aromatic hydrogens, aromatic double bonds, and aromatic halogen bonds of fluorine and chlorine
atoms. The stretching vibration for phenolic hydroxyl occurs at 3141 cm -1. The stretching vibration for
aromatic hydrogen atoms is seen at 3083 cm-1. The stretching band of azomethine hydrogen occurs at 2921
cm-1. Azomethine double bond vibrations are observed at 1653 cm-1. Aromatic double bond vibrations occur
at 1616, 1583, 1481 and 1458 cm-1 as four unique values. The band at 1342 cm-1 is assigned to the aromatic
carbon-oxygen stretching vibration. The bands at 1254 and 1195 cm-1 are evaluated as aromatic carbon-
nitrogen bond vibrations. The bands at 1105 and 1054 cm-1 are evaluated as single-bond stretching
vibrations between aromatic carbon and azomethine carbon. The bands at 950 and 801 cm-1 are assigned to
the stretching vibrations of fluorine and chlorine, respectively. Visual representations of the experimental
and theoretical FTIR spectra of THSB are given in Figure 2. The FTIR spectra of THSB are coherent with
each other, with minor deviations due to different molecular interactions in the solid and gas phases.
As an indicator of the electronic transitions in THSB, both the experimental and theoretical UV-Vis spectra
are shown in Figure 3 and Figure S1. Experimentally, we observed two absorption maxima at 320 nm and
250 nm, accompanied by a shoulder at 217 nm in ethanol. Theoretically, only one absorption maximum
was observed at 347 nm in the gas phase. We evaluated the band at 320 nm as belonging to the π→π*
transition of the azomethine group. The bands at 217 and 250 nm are assigned to the n→π* and π→π*
transitions, for which aromatic rings and bound substituents are responsible [38]. The concentration-
dependent UV-Vis spectra are shown in Figure 3, indicating the concentrations studied. At higher
concentrations, we observed a splitting of the absorption bands and deviations from the Lambert-Beer law
due to enhanced molecular interactions.
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Figure 3. Experimental UV-Vis spectra of THSB in ethanol at 1.03 x E-04 (red), 8.2 x E-05 (blue), 6.89 x
E-05 (green), and 5.88 x E-05 M (purple) concentrations
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Suitable crystals for X-ray analysis of THSB were crystallized from absolute ethanol. A crystal with
dimensions 0.20 x 0.10 x 0.07 mm3 was used for data collection. THSB has a monoclinic crystal system (
= ; 90o, 90o, 98.90o : a b c; 16.102 (5) Å, 3.7816 (11) Å, 20.481 (6) Å) and a space group P21/n.
The other crystal data, data collection and refinement parameters are listed in Table S1. The experimental
and computational geometrical parameters including bond lengths, bond angles, and torsions for THSB are
listed in Table S2, Table S3, and Table S4, respectively. The unit cell plot (Z=4) and ORTEP structure with
a probability level of 50% for THSB are shown in Figure 4. In the bottom right of Figure 4, we have shown
intermolecular secondary interaction points in the THSM and indicated the interacting atoms (F2, Cl2, O1,
H5, H3) along with the bond lengths. We have also included the list of hydrogen bonds in the molecule in
Table 1. From the Figure 4 and Table 1, we can see that molecular assembly is predominantly stabilized by
two intermolecular (H3---O1/2.46 Å and H5---N2/2.61 Å) and one intramolecular (H2---N1/1.88 Å)
hydrogen bonds. We see the same interacting atoms in Figure 6, which shows dnorm plots on the Hirshfeld
surface of THSB with different positions. Deep and dim red dots on the Hirshfeld surface represent strong
and weak interaction sites in a molecule [39]. On this surface (Figure 6), deep reds are on atoms O1 and
H3, the others are dim red and are on atoms F2, Cl2, and H5 of the molecule (see Figure S2 for high
resolution). The strongest hydrogen bonding in Table 1 is indicated between atoms O1 and H3 for
intermolecular interactions, and this strongest interaction was also doubly confirmed by the deepest red
dots on the Hirshfeld surface. The other Hirshfeld surfaces, including shape index, di, de, dnorm,
curvedness, and fragment patch are shown in Figure 5. Adjacent blue-red triangles in the shape index map
and flat surfaces in the curvedness map show the presence of π-π type interaction (π-π stacking) [40]
established between aromatic rings. We have also investigated the contribution of individual atoms to all
non-covalent interactions in Figure 7 using the fingerprint analysis of CrystalExplorer [41]. The largest
contribution belongs to the H interactions with 45.8%. This is followed by the interactions between C and
other atoms with 18.7%. The others are as follows: Cl 15.7%, F 14%, O 4.2%, and N 1.6%. All the above
interactions show a crystalline architecture and crystal lattice as shown in Figure 8 for THSB.
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Figure 4. A unit cell view of THSB (left), thermal ellipsoid plot diagram of THSB with a 50% probability
level (top right), secondary interaction places of THSB along with interacted atoms and bond lengths
(bottom right)
Figure 5. Hirshfeld surfaces mapped with shape index, di, de, curvedness, dnorm and fragment patch for
Figure 6. Views of dnorm surface from different positions, small and big red dots sign out molecular
interaction places (on the O1, Cl2, F2, H3, H5 atoms)
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Figure 7. The contribution percentage to whole intermolecular interactions per each atom
In this section, we carried out all calculations using the Gaussian 03W and GaussView program packages.
Geometry optimization, frequency and energy calculations were performed using the B3LYP method and
the 6-311 ++ G (d, p) basis set. The other settings were kept in the default mode of the program.
The MEP surface of THSB is provided in Figure 9. The color codes change in the range of -4.478 x E-02
and 4.478 x E-02. The negative and positive extreme points in this map show the deepest red and deepest
blue regions, respectively. In this map, colors changes according to the electron density of the molecule,
and the regions with high electron density and low electron density are colored red and blue, respectively.
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The regions between red and blue indicate neutral regions. In this way, reactive regions of a molecule,
intermolecular interaction points, and electrophilic and nucleophilic attack regions can be determined by
means of the MEP map [42]. In Figure 9, the reddish-yellow region is spread over the phenolic oxygen
atom (O1), and this atom can act as a hydrogen acceptor or electrophilic attack center in any possible
intermolecular interactions or reactions. The blue regions are spread over the H1, H3, H4, and H5 atoms,
and these atoms can involve in hydrogen bond formations or act as nucleophilic attack centers. We have
already seen the atoms O1, H3, and H5 in the intermolecular interactions for the mentioned roles above.
The highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, also known as HOMO
and LUMO orbitals or frontier molecular orbitals, determine the ability to donate and accept electrons
between the ground and excited states of a molecule. These orbitals and their energy gap (ΔE) are a useful
method for determining chemical reactivity, kinetic stability, polarizability, and predicting the softness and
hardness of a molecule [43]. Figure 10 shows a pictorial representation of the HOMO and LUMO orbitals.
The HOMO, LUMO, and HOMO-LUMO gap energies for THSB are -6.7239, -2.55483, and 4.1756 eV,
respectively, as shown in Figure 10. The HOMO and LUMO orbitals are localized throughout the molecule
and show charge delocalization within THSB. From the energies of these orbitals, we also calculated the
FMO parameters (global reactivity descriptors), as indicated in Table 2. The ionization potential (I=-
EHOMO) and electron affinity (A=-ELUMO) depend directly on the energies of the HOMO and LUMO
orbitals and are calculated to be 4.1756 and 6.7239 eV for THSB, respectively. The chemical hardness
(=(I-A)/2) and softness (S=1/2η) determine the reactivity of a molecule [44]. They are related to the energy
of the band gap between HOMO and LUMO orbitals, and hard and soft molecules have large and small
energy gaps, respectively [45]. Chemical hardness provides information about an atom's resistance to
charge transfer, while softness is a measure of an atom's ability to accept electrons [46]. A hard molecule
expresses low reactivity, high chemical stability, and low polarizability, while a soft molecule means the
opposite. The calculated values of chemical hardness and softness for THSB are 2.0378 and 0.2390,
respectively. The electronegativity (χ=(I+A)/2) is a measure of the electron attraction capacity of the
molecules and was calculated to be 4.6361 for THSB. The electrophilicity index (ω = μ /2η) is defined as
the energy change of an electrophilic species when it reacts with a strong nucleophile, or the stabilization
energy gained when the system is saturated with electrons, and it is used to predict biological activity [46].
The calculated value of ω is 5.1473. Good nucleophilic and electrophilic species are characterized by low
and high values of μ and ω, respectively [47]. The chemical potential (μ =-(I+A)/2) for THSB was
calculated to be -4.6361. The energy gap value of THSM (4.1756) is not an extreme value to compare, as
different groups have reported lower [46, 48, 49] and higher [45, 50] energy gap values. Therefore, we
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cannot draw concrete conclusions and say that the THSM is stable or not stable, polarizable or not
polarizable, chemically reactive or not reactive, biologically active or not active. For an accurate
comparison, we should have comparable molecules that differ only slightly.
The values for the mean dipole moment (), isotropic mean polarizability (iso), anisotropic polarizability
(aniso), and mean first-order hyperpolarizability (tot) for THSB are shown in Table 3. In this table, the
NLO parameters were calculated using the x, y, and z components of THSB. These calculations were
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performed to the equations given in [51]. An NLO active molecule is a one that has easily polarizable
electrons and generally consists of three components, including a donor group, an acceptor group, and a
conjugated bridge [52].
Since the Gaussian output file gives the results in atomic units (a.u.), the final values were converted to esu
units using the equations in Table 3. The mean dipole moment () was determined to be 1.1226 D, and
mean isotropic (iso) and anisotropic polarizability (aniso) were calculated to be 9.2788 x 10-26 and
4.5341x10-23 esu, respectively. The value of first order hyperpolarizability (tot) were determined as
0.9476x10-30 esu. Urea, also known as carbamide, is used as a prototype for evaluating the
hyperpolarizability properties of the studied compound and for comparative purposes [51]. The mean
dipole moment of THSB is smaller than that of urea (0.8175-fold), but the first-order hyperpolarizability,
an important parameter for the high NLO capacity of THSB, is 2.5411-fold larger than that of the standard
molecule urea. Therefore, THSM can be considered as a candidate NLO material.
Table 3. Calculated values of mean dipole moment, mean iso/aniso polarizability, and first-order
hyperpolarizability and their computational components
Parameters B3LYP Parameters B3LYP Parameters B3LYP
x -0.4409 xx -122.8121 xxx -96.7163
y -0.8466 yy -122.9734 yyy -22.7344
z -0.5908 zz -123.3726 zzz 10.7546
(Debye) 1.1226 xy -7.5902 xyy 6.1558
urea [51] 1.3732 xz 2.2006 xxy 57.3448
/urea 0.8175 yz 3.0944 xxz -10.3128
iso (a.u.) -0.6261 xzz -13.1156
aniso (a.u.) 305.9467 yzz -7.4725
iso (esu) 9.2788x10-26 yyz -3.2122
aniso (esu) 4.5341x10 -23
xyz 3.2985
(a.u.) 107.2048
tot (esu) 0.9476x10-30
urea (esu) [51, 53] 0.37289x10-30
tot/urea 2.5411
1 a.u. = 0.1482 × 10−24 esu for ; 1 a.u. = 0.0088393 × 10−30 esu for [54]
The physicochemical properties of THSB were listed in Table 4 to show the deviations from the idealized
properties according to the online platforms ADMETLab. 2 and SwissADME. Appropriate limits for the
oral bioavailability of a chemical substance are available for both ADMETLab and SwissADME
algorithms, and the corresponding radar plots are shown for THSB in Table 4. ADMETLab 2.0 and
SwissADME show the ideal ranges with mustard and pink colors, respectively. The properties of our
compound are shown with a blue line in the ADMETLab.2 diagram, and with a red line in the SwissADME
In the ADMETLab 2.0 results, among the investigated physicochemical parameters (molecular weight,
volume, nHA, nHD, nRot, nRing, nRig, nHet, fChar, TPSA, logS, logP, logD7.4), logD, logS and logP
show deviations from the acceptable range. LogP and logD deviate from maximum, while LogS deviates
from minimum. These parameters indicate the logarithm of water solubility (logS), the n-octanol/water
partition coefficient (logP), and the n-octanol/water partition coefficient at pH=7.4 (logD7.4). They are
important for oral absorption, membrane permeability, hydrophilic bonding, dissolution in body fluid, and
biomembrane penetration. Hence, it is necessary to consider them at the beginning of the drug development
stages. A suitable range for LogP, LogD, and LogD is 0-3 logmol/L, 1-3 logmol/L, and (-4)-0.5 logmol/L,
respectively. The values calculated of these parameters for THSB are 4.784, 3.976, and -5.75, respectively.
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In the SwissADME results, among the six parameters studied, lipophilicity (LIPO), size, polarity (POLAR),
insolubility (INSATU), insaturation (INSATU), and flexibility (FLEX), the INSATU value is outside the
appropriate range. The ideal INSATU value is between 0.25 and 1.0 (0.25<fraction Csp3<1). The calculated
value of INSATU for THSB is 0.00.
Input OC1=CC=C(F)C(F)=C1\C=N\C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1Cl
Formula Nr (Not reported) C13H7Cl2F2NO
Molecular weight 300.99 302.10
Heavy atoms Nr 19
Aromatic heavy atoms Nr 12
Fraction Csp3 Nr 0
Number rotatable bonds 2 2
Hydrogen bond acceptors 2 4
Hydrogen bond donors 1 1
Molar refractivity Nr 72.10
TPSA (Å2) 32.590 32.59
logS -5.75 -4.77 (poorly soluble)
LogP(o/w) 4.784 4.47
logD (logP at phys. pH) 3.976 Nr
nRing 2 Nr
MaxRing 2 Nr
nHet 6 Nr
fChar 0 Nr
nRig 13 Nr
Flexibility 0.154 Nr
Stereo Centers 0 Nr
One of the major obstacles in drug development is poor pharmacokinetic properties. This is followed by
low efficacy and toxicity [55]. Pharmacokinetics includes the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and
excretion (ADME) of a drug in the body. Early ADMET profiling is necessary to avoid the time-consuming
process, high cost, and waste of resources. Various in silico tools have been developed for this purpose
[56]. Some medicinal chemistry and ADME endpoints for THSB are listed in Table 5. In this table, the red
circle indicates poor pharmacokinetic properties, and the green circle indicates that the endpoint meets the
accepted requirements of the domain. Table 5 shows that THSB deviates from Fsp3, MCE-18, Pfizer, and
GSK rules. Fsp3 is the number of saturated carbon atoms compared to the whole molecule, and the ideal
range for this value is greater than or equal to 0.42 (Fsp 3 0.42/excellent). MCE-18 is a measure of the
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effective value, novelty, and lead potential of a molecule. It can be calculated by a combination of
aromaticity, non-aromaticity, chirality, spiro value, and quadratic index. If the values of MCE-18 are greater
than or equal to 45, the molecule is classified as "excellent." The calculated value for THSB is 13.00 and
is classified as insufficient. The Lipinski rule refers to absorption or permeability [57], while the Pfizer rule
refers to toxicity [58]. In the Pfizer rule, there is an analogy for toxicity between low polarity and high
lipophilicity. A high logP value (> 3) and a low TPSA value (< 75) of a compound are likely to be associated
with increased toxicity. The calculated values of logP and TPSA or THSB are 4.784 and 32.59
(ADMETLab. 2.0), so THSB could be a toxic compound. The GSK rule emphasizes that the improvement
of desired ADMET results is more possible with low values of logP ( 4) and molecular weight ( 400)
[59], and 0 violations of the GSK rule are considered excellent. The found value of logP for THSB is 4.784,
and therefore it is not classified in the green range.
For the ADME parameters, there are no violations of the adsorption endpoints, and most of them are
classified as green. The distribution endpoint Fu, the unbound fraction of a drug in plasma, does not
represent a good value for THSB. The calculated clearance rate (CL) is 1.917 ml/min/kg, and İT is
considered a poor value. The optimal threshold for CL is more than 5 ml/min/kg [26].
THSB exhibits some toxic activities related to the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and aryl
hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). In addition, the compound was found to be moderately toxic in terms of
carcinogenicity and mutagenicity (Table S5), which is consistent with the Pfizer rule mentioned above.
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Table 5. Medicinal chemistry and ADME predictions according to the ADMETLab 2.0
Medicinal Chemistry ADMETLab 2.0 Indicator Prediction
QED 0.799
SAscore 2.530
Fsp 0.000
MCE-18 13.000
NPscore -1.430
Lipinski rule Accepted
Pfizer rule Rejected
GSK rule Rejected
Golden triangle Accepted
PAINS 0 alert
Alarm NMR rule 2 alerts
BMS rule 0 alert
Chelator rule 0 alert
Papp (Caco-2 permeability) -4.864
MDCK permeability 1.2xE-05
Pgp-inhibitor 0.039 ---
Pgp-substrate 0.001 ---
HIA (Human intestinal absorption) 0.003 ---
F (30% Bioavailability) 0.001 ---
F (20% Bioavailability) 0.431 -
PPB (Plasma protein binding) 100.3%
VD (Volume distribution) 1.236
BBB penetration (Blood-brain barrier) 0.445 -
Fu 0.822%
CYP1A2 inhibitor 0.966 +++
CYP2C19 inhibitor 0.848 ++
CYP2C9 inhibitor 0.643 +
CYP2D6 inhibitor 0.65 +
CYP3A4 inhibitor 0.107 --
CYP1A2 substrate 0.61 +
CYP2C19 substrate 0.084 ---
CYP2C9 substrate 0916 +++
CYP2D6 substrate 0.798 ++
CYP3A4 substrate 0.177 --
T1/2 (Half life time) 0.061 h (short) -
CL (Clearance rate, ml/min/kg) 1.917 (low)
Tips: For the classification endpoints, the prediction probability values are transformed into six
0-0.1(---), 0.1-0.3(--), 0.3-0.5(-), 0.5-0.7(+), 0.7-0.9(++), and 0.9-1.0(+++).
poor; excellent; medium
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
To identify potential biological targets of THSB, we performed ligand-based screening across platforms
based on molecular fingerprints using several web tools, including Polypharmacology Browser 2 (PPB2),
TargetHunter, and SwissSimilarity web tools. These tools use single or multiple fingerprint algorithms or
sometimes their combinations (Tables 6 and 8), to predict potential targets for the compounds under
investigation by loading SMILES or 2D structures of small molecules. We used the multiple fingerprint
and combination methods of PPB 2 and SwissSimilarity, and path-based fingerprint method (FP2) of
TargetHunter for the search. In PPB2 and TargetHunter, the entire ChEMBL database was selected as the
ligand screening library, and in SwissSimilarity, the ChEMBL-approved drug database was selected. The
results of PPB2 are presented in Table 6 by listing the first twenty results. The results of TargetHunter are
presented in Table 7 by listing the first ten results. For the SwissSimilarity platform, we reported the search
parameters in Table 8 and listed the first two results (Table 9) with the highest similarity score. For the
molecular docking studies, we adopted the results from the database of approved drugs (SwissSimilarity
platform), as they are fully approved drugs.
PPB 2 and Target Hunter together revealed that THSB is effective as an antagonist against the bacteria
Pseudomonas fluorescents, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, PPB 2 suggests an
inhibitory effect of THSB on these targets: ATPase_family_AAA_domain-containing_protein_5,
Plasmodium falciparum guanine_nucleotide-binding_protein_G(s)_subunit_alpha,
nuclear_receptor_ROR-gamma, prelamin-A/C, survival_motor_neuron_protein, beta-lactamase_AmpC, 6-
phospho-1-fructokinase, ataxin-2, histone-lysine_N-methyltransferase_H3_lysine-9_specific_3, PC-3,
hepatitis_C_virus, DNA_polymerase_iota, luciferin_4-monooxygenase, geminin, HCT-116, and U-251
(Table 6). TargetHunter listed very similar compounds (Table 7) that have in vitro results along with their
targets. The other potential activities were predicted for Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis,
Enterococcus faecium, radical scavenging activity, acidic alpha-glucosidase, sentrin-specific protease 1,
and beta-amyloid A4 protein.
The SwissSimilarity search was limited to approved drugs, and THSB showed similarity to the approved
antipsychotics, loxapine (similarity rate: 0.469) and clozapine (similarity rate: 0.404). The other
comparative parameters between the above antipsychotics and THSB are shown in Table 9. Clozapine is
an atypical drug (second generation) and has antagonistic effects on both 5-HT2A and D2 receptors [60].
Therefore, due to the moderate similarity between clozapine and THSB, docking experiments were
performed on these receptors.
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Table 6. Druggable target list for THSB predicted by Polypharmacology Browser according to various
fingerprint methods
No APfp Xfp MQN SMIfp Sfp ECfp4 Ffp1 Ffp2 Ffp3 Ffp4 No of mols
Name (ID)
1 ATAD5 (1741209) 0.082 0.207 0.188 9
Table 7. Similar structure list to THSB for top ten compounds from ChEMBL database and their
bioactivity. The results were retrieved from Target Hunter and listed to path-based fingerprints (FP2)
8 0.71 Pseudomonas fluorescens Activity 6.25 g ml-1
Escherichia coli 6.25 g ml-1
Bacillus subtilis 12.5 g ml-1 [61]
Staphylococcus aureus 6.25 g ml-1
9 0.70 Sentrin-specific protease 1 INH Not active
10 0.67 Beta amyloid A4 protein INH 24.9%
Radical scavenging activity IC50 >1000 M
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
Table 8. Selection of search parameters for molecular similarity prediction by means of Swiss Similarity
Table 9. The two drugs similar to THSB with a similarity score of 0.404 and 0.469 from the ChemMBL-
approved drugs, and their indications
Molecular structure
We performed molecular docking experiments according to the SwissSimilarity results, which revealed the
highest similarity rate between the query compound (THSB) and the antipsychotics clozapine and loxapine.
These are very similar drugs, differing only by the bridging atom between the phenyl groups (Table 9).
Both are atypical drugs used to treat schizophrenia. Loxapine [64] and clozapine [17] show antagonistic
effects on both dopamine D2 receptors and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors. Therefore, we investigated the
dual antagonistic effects of THSB on D2 and 5-HT2A receptors by molecular docking experiments. The
accessible 3D complex of these receptors is with risperidone, another atypical antipsychotic. Therefore,
6CM4 (D2 complex) and 6A93 (5-HT2A complex) were downloaded from the PDB database. Prior to
docking studies, the ligands and receptors were prepared. The grid box containing the active residues of D2
and 5-HT2A is shown in Figure S3. Risperidone and clozapine were used as control drugs. Docking
experiments were repeated with three ligands (two antipsychotics and the query compound) for both
dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A receptors.
The docking conformations and interaction maps with the ligands for D2 (PDB ID: 6CM4) and 5-HT2A
(PDB ID: 6A93) are shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively. Table 10 shows a comprehensive interaction
analysis between the ligands (THSB and the control drugs) and the receptors. The best binding scores of
THSB were found to be -8.30 and -6.94 kcal/mol for D2 and 5-HT2A receptors, respectively. The remained
docking parameters are shown in Table S6. For the D2 receptor, the binding energy of the ligand (-8.30
kcal/mol) was higher than that of clozapine (-8.07 kcal/mol) but lower than that of risperidone (-11.84
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
kcal/mol). THSB did not show superior antagonistic effect for the 5-HT2A receptor (binding energy: -6.94
kcal/mol) compared with the control drugs risperidone/-10.10 kcal/mol and clozapine/-11.47 kcal/mol. The
control drugs continued to have the highest binding energies, which were higher than that of THSB.
In the D2-ligand interactions, the PHE189 residue was involved in the hydrophobic interactions for both
THSB and risperidone. Residues TRP386, PHE389, and PHE 390 interacted together with risperidone and
THSB and are involved in the π-stacking interactions. No common residues were found to be involved in
the interactions between clozapine and THSB complexes
In the 5-HT2A-ligand interactions, the clozapine complex showed no common interactions with the THSB
complex. Residues TRP 336 and PHE 340 were involved in π-stacking interactions, and these interactions
were found to be common for risperidone and THSB complexes.
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
Table 10. Docking results and comprehensive interaction parameters between ligands (query compound
and antipsychotics) and receptors (D2R and 5-HT2A)
Dopamine D2 receptor (D2R)/6CM4 Serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT2A)/6A93
Docking score (kcal/mol)
Query compound -8.30 -6.94
Clozapine -8.07 -10.10
Risperidone -11.84 -11.47
Interaction analysis
Interacted residues Distance (Å) Interacted residues Distance (Å)
Query compound
Hydrogen bonds SER193, HIS393 2.88, 3.12 - -
Hydrophobic PHE189 3.33 - -
Halogen bonds TYR416 3.62 - -
Π-stacking TRP386, TRP386, 4.99, 4.76, 4.56 TRP336, TRP336, 4.62, 4.74, 4.67
…., …. PHE389, PHE390 4.89 PHE340
Hydrogen bonds TYR408 3.93 THR160, THR160, 3.43, 3.43, 3.60
— TYR370
Hydrophobic VAL91, LEU94, 3.97, 3.14, 3.16, VAL156, ILE163, 3.37, 3.76, 3.21
interactions TRP100, TYR408 3.70, 3.98 PHE340
…. TRP413
Halogen bonds VAL91 2.99 - -
Π-stacking - - - -
…., ….
Salt bridges ASP114 3.54 ASP155 3.10
Hydrogen bonds - - THR160, TYR370, 3.80, 3.96, 3.96
— TYR370
Hydrophobic PHE189, PHE382, 3.91, 3.87, 3.49, TRP151, VAL156, 3.20, 3.21, 3.28,
interactions TRP386, PHE389, 3.84, 3.60, 3.92, ILE163, LEU228, 3.92, 2.60, 3.30,
…. PHE389, PHE390,
PHE390, TYR408
3.93, 3.39 PHE243, PHE332,
PHE339, VAL366,
3.73, 3.27, 3.77
Π-stacking TRP386, TRP386, 4.86, 4.88, 5.25, TRP336, PHE340 5.35, 4.73
…., …. PHE389, PHE390 4.95
Salt bridges ASP114 2.89 ASP155 2.92
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
Figure 11. Docking conformations of query compound and antipsychotics, clozapine and risperidone
(left) with dopamine receptor D2; the interacted residues with ligands and secondary interaction types
Figure 12. Docking conformations of query compound and antipsychotics, clozapine and risperidone
(left) with serotonin receptor 5-HT2A; the interacted residues with ligands and secondary interaction
types (right)
Songul SAHIN/ GU J Sci, 37(1): x-x (2024)
Finally, we reported a newly synthesized Schiff base compound substituted with two chlorine and two
fluorine atoms ((THSB). We also revealed its crystallographic information and molecular properties,
including secondary interactions, crystalline arrangement, surface analysis, electronic properties, chemical
reactivity descriptors, and nonlinear optical properties. After the structural studies, in silico medicinal
evaluations were performed because THSB contains pharmacologically active components such as fluorine
and chlorine substituted with the aromatic ring, and imine groups. In this context, some physicochemical
parameters affecting the pharmacokinetic effects were analyzed. The compound was evaluated based on
ADME endpoints and some medicinal properties. To avoid random docking studies of THSB,
comprehensive target identification studies were performed in drug or chemical library databases using
based fingerprinting methods. Because of the moderately high similarity between THSB and the
antipsychotics clozapine and loxapine, which are antagonists for the dopamine receptor (D2) and the
serotonin receptor (5-HT2A), we selected these targets for molecular docking experiments. The 3D
structures of the schizophrenia-related targets were obtained from the PDB database (complex with the
antipsychotic risperidone). The results showed that the binding energy of the THSB-D2 complex was higher
than that of the clozapine-D2 complex. For 5-HT2A ligand complexes, the control drugs remained the best
rated compared with THSB.
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