Diagnostic Palpation in Osteopathic Medi-7437305
Diagnostic Palpation in Osteopathic Medi-7437305
Diagnostic Palpation in Osteopathic Medi-7437305
June 2011
Statement of originality
The work contained in this thesis is entirely my own work, and has not been submitted, in
part or in whole, in connection with any other course of study or degree.
This thesis examines the extent to which the development of expertise in diagnostic
palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive processing.
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 review, respectively, the literature on the role of analytical and
non-analytical processing in osteopathic and medical clinical decision making; and the
relevant research on the use of vision and haptics and the development of expertise within
the context of an osteopathic clinical examination.
The two studies reported in Chapter 4 examined the mental representation of knowledge
and the role of analogical reasoning in osteopathic clinical decision making. The results
reported there demonstrate that the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine is
associated with the processes of knowledge encapsulation and script formation. The four
studies reported in Chapters 5 and 6 investigate the way in which expert osteopaths use
their visual and haptic systems in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. The results
suggest that ongoing clinical practice enables osteopaths to combine visual and haptic
sensory signals in a more efficient manner. Such visuo-haptic sensory integration is likely
to be facilitated by top-down processing associated with visual, tactile, and kinaesthetic
mental imagery.
Taken together, the results of the six studies reported in this thesis indicate that the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated
with changes in cognitive processing. Whereas the experts’ diagnostic judgments are
heavily influenced by top-down, non-analytical processing; students rely, primarily, on
bottom-up sensory processing from vision and haptics. Ongoing training and clinical
practice are likely to lead to changes in the clinician’s neurocognitive architecture.
This thesis proposes an original model of expertise in diagnostic palpation which has
implications for osteopathic education. Students and clinicians should be encouraged to
appraise the reliability of different sensory cues in the context of clinical examination,
combine sensory data from different channels, and consider using both analytical and non-
analytical reasoning in their decision making. Importantly, they should develop their skills
of criticality and their ability to reflect on, and analyse their practice experiences in and on
I wish to thank Dr. David Melcher, Dr. Rachel Seabrook and Dr. Nick Holmes for their
guidance at the beginning of this research project.
I wish to thank my colleagues Professor Stephen Tyreman, Steve Vogel and Hilary Abbey
for their advice and constructive criticism on the early drafts of this thesis’ neurocognitive
model of expertise. In particular, I wish to thank Professor Stephen Tyreman and Steve
Vogel for our scholarly debates on models of osteopathic diagnosis.
I wish to thank my former colleagues and students at Oxford Brookes University for their
advice and support.
I wish to thank my friend Graham Sharman for his knowledge of osteopathic education,
advice and support.
I wish to thank all osteopaths and students who participated in the studies reported in this
thesis. Without their help, the thesis would not have been possible.
Finally, I wish to thank my wife Sonia and our children Carolina and Nuno for their love,
inspiration and unconditional support through all these many years of studying. Sonia, in
particular, deserves millions of kisses for her love, patience, encouragement, and for being
my inspiration. Thank you!
Publications and presentations
Parts of the work included in this thesis has been submitted for publication, published, and
presented at peer-reviewed scientific meetings.
Esteves, J. E., Geake J. and Spence C. (2008). Multisensory integration in an osteopathic
clinical examination setting. Int J Osteopath Med 11(4): 159-159.
Conference presentations
Oral presentations
Esteves, J., Geake, J. and Spence C. (2008). Knowledge representation, causality and
analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine: results from a lexical decision-task.
Oral Presentation at Osteopathy 2008, Osteopathic learning and practice – a global
future, General Osteopathic Council, 03rd February 2008. London, UK.
Esteves, J., Spence, C. and Geake, J. (2008). Knowledge representation, causality and
analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine. Oral Presentation at School of Health
and Social Care Research Conference, Oxford Brookes University, 06th June 2008.
Oxford, UK.
Esteves, J., Spence, C. and Geake, J. (2008). Multisensory integration in an osteopathic
clinical examination setting. Oral Presentation at the International Conference on
Advances in Osteopathic Research, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, 05-
07th September 2008. Florida, USA.
Esteves, J. and Spence, C. (2010). Am I imagining things? Eyes closure during a clinical
examination improves diagnostic reliability in experienced osteopaths. Oral
Presentation at the Body Representation Workshop, Goldsmiths University of
London, 30th March 2010. London, UK.
Esteves, J. and Spence, C. (2010). Investigating the role of vision and touch in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. Platform Presentation at the International
Conference on Advances in Osteopathic Research, Italian College of Osteopathic
Medicine, 28th-30th May 2010 in Milan, Italy.
Esteves, J. (2010). Looking inside the ‘black box’: investigating processes in osteopathic
education and practice. Keynote Presentation at the Jornadas Lusofonas de
Osteopatia e Saude, Lusofona University, 06th November 2010 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Poster presentations
Esteves, J., Geake, J. and Spence C. (2007). How do osteopaths use their senses in an
osteopathic clinical examination? Poster Presentation at AMEE 2007 Association for
Medical Education in Europe Conference 25-29th August 2007. Trondheim, Norway.
Esteves, J., Geake, J. and Spence C. (2007). How do osteopaths use their senses in an
osteopathic clinical examination? Poster Presentation at the Oxford Autumn School
in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oxford, September. Oxford, UK.
Esteves, J., Spence, C. and Geake, J. (2007). How do osteopaths use their senses in an
osteopathic clinical examination? Poster Presentation at the Body Representation
Workshop, University of Trento, October 2007. Rovereto, Italy.
Multisensory Research Forum, University of Hamburg, 16-19th July 2008. Hamburg,
Esteves, J. and Spence, C. (2010). Eyes closure during a clinical examination reduces
diagnostic variability in experienced osteopaths. Poster Presentation at the
International Multisensory Research Forum, University of Liverpool, 16-19th June
2010. Liverpool, UK.
Table of contents
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................5
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................7
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................19
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................23
2.2 Reliability of palpation and clinical examination in osteopathic medicine and other
manual medicine disciplines ..................................................................................................... 61
2.2.1 Reliability of palpation and clinical examination in other medical specialities .................66
2.3 Summary.........................................................................................................................67
3.3 Summary.......................................................................................................................113
Metacognition ................................................................................................................ 137
Biomedical Knowledge................................................................................................... 137
Osteopathic knowledge.................................................................................................. 139
Clinical knowledge ......................................................................................................... 141
Analogical reasoning ..................................................................................................... 143
4.1.5 Discussion................................................................................................................. 144
Empirical prediction 1 .....................................................................................................195
5.2.3 Methods .....................................................................................................................195
Participants ....................................................................................................................195
Procedure ......................................................................................................................196
Analysis .........................................................................................................................197
5.2.4 Results.......................................................................................................................198
Time spent on the clinical examination ...........................................................................198
Use of different sensory modalities in the clinical examination.........................................199
Proportion of time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and visuo-haptic ...................200
Timecourse for vision, haptics and visuo-haptic ..............................................................202
Modality reliability and appropriateness for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.............204
Intra-examiner and inter-examiner reliability in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction .......205
Lumbar spine .............................................................................................................205
Thoracic spine............................................................................................................205
Pelvis (sacroiliac joints) ..............................................................................................206
5.2.5 Discussion .................................................................................................................206
5.3 Conclusions..................................................................................................................211
Participants.................................................................................................................... 235
Analysis......................................................................................................................... 235
6.2.4 Results ...................................................................................................................... 236
On the role of vision, haptics, and visuo-haptic integration ............................................. 236
On the role of visual, tactile and kinaesthetic mental imagery ......................................... 237
Associations between visuo-haptic integration and mental imagery ................................ 238
6.2.5 Discussion................................................................................................................. 239
Appendix 1: Case scenario used in Study 4.1 ........................................................................ 301
Appendix 2: Study 4.1 extract from the novice’s un-coded verbal protocol ......................... 307
Appendix 3: Case scenarios and knowledge items used in Study 4.2 .................................. 313
Appendix 7: Questionnaire on attention and mental imagery - Study 6.2 ............................. 324
List of tables
Table 4.1: Clinical Reasoning Codes .......................................................................................... 127
Table 4.2: Summary table of knowledge descriptors from verbal protocols.................................. 128
Table 4.3: Summary table of knowledge descriptors from post-hoc explanations ........................ 129
Table 4.4: Mean response times (in milliseconds) and standard errors as a function of expertise and
item type. ................................................................................................................................... 155
Table 4.5: Mean error rates and standard errors as a function of expertise and item type. .......... 158
Table 5.1: Mean total time spent in the clinical examination for the three participant-examiners. . 184
Table 5.2: Mean time spent (in seconds) by the three different participant-examiners using vision
alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the clinical
examination ............................................................................................................................... 184
Table 5.3: Mean proportion time spent by the three different participant-examiners using vision
alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the clinical
examination. .............................................................................................................................. 185
Table 5.4: Mean scores to statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of the different
sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static positional asymmetry, motion
asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels of expertise. ................................. 188
Table 5.5: Mean total time spent in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise . 199
Table 5.6: Mean time spent (in seconds) by the different participant-examiners across the three
levels of expertise using vision alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics
(visuo-haptic) in the clinical examination..................................................................................... 199
Table 5.7: Mean proportion time spent by the different participant-examiners across the three levels
of expertise using vision alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-
haptic) in the clinical examination ............................................................................................... 200
Table 5.8: Mean scores to statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of the different
sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static positional asymmetry, motion
asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels of expertise .................................. 204
Table 6.1: Mean confidence scores to perceptual judgments of somatic dysfunction per
experimental condition, and across the three levels of expertise ................................................. 227
Table 6.2: Inter-observer reliability between the three expert examiners (E1, E2 and E3) at session
one (run one) on each experimental condition. ........................................................................... 228
Table 6.3: Inter-observer reliability between the three intermediate examiners (I1, I2, I3) at session
one (run one) on each experimental condition ............................................................................ 229
Table 6.4: Inter-observer reliability between the three novice examiners (N1, N2, N3) at session one
(run one) on each experimental condition. .................................................................................. 230
Table 6.5: Mean agreement scores to statements on attention to vision and haptics and visuo-
haptic integration across the three levels of expertise..................................................................236
Table 6.6: Mean agreement scores to statements on mental imagery across the three levels of
List of figures
Figure 2.1: The hypothesised structure of human memory outlining the relationship amongst
different forms of memory............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 2.2: Knowledge restructuring and clinical reasoning at subsequent levels of expertise
development ................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 3.1: Clinician’s view perspective of haptic exploration of soft tissue dysfunction, showing
hand occluding anatomical structures from sight......................................................................... 107
Figure 4.1: Proportion of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical knowledge application. ............... 130
Figure 4.2: Characteristics of novice, intermediate, and expert clinical reasoning. ...................... 131
Figure 4.3: Mean response times (msecs) for signs and symptoms, encapsulated, and biomedical
items, and other signs and symptoms (filler items)...................................................................... 157
Figure 4.4. Mean error rates for signs and symptoms, encapsulated, and biomedical items, and
other signs and symptoms (filler items)....................................................................................... 159
Figure 5.3: Cameras 1 and 2 position relative to the examiner, subject and treatment plinth. ..... 178
Figure 5.4: Mean proportion time spent using vision alone, haptics alone and vision and haptics
combined (visuo-haptics) in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise (each
participant-examiner).................................................................................................................. 185
Figure 5.5: Mean time for vision, touch/haptics, and vision and touch/haptics combined sampled at
15 seconds intervals from the start of the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise.
.................................................................................................................................................. 186
Figure 5.6: Mean proportion time spent using vision alone, haptics alone and vision and haptics
combined (visuo-haptics) in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise. ........... 201
Figure 5.7: Mean time for vision, haptics, and vision and haptics combined sampled at 15 seconds
intervals from the start of the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise. ............... 202
Figure 6.1: Room overview with individual clinical examination ‘stations’.................................... 218
Figure 6.3: Unimodal [haptics-eyes open with vision occluded] condition (participant’s eyes open
inside the goggles). .................................................................................................................... 221
Figure 6.4: Unimodal [haptics-eyes open with vision occluded] condition. .................................. 222
Figure 6.6: Intra-observer variability [experimental condition x level of expertise]. .......................225
Figure 6.7: Mean proportion inter-observer agreement between first and second sessions (runs one
and two) in the visuo-haptic condition..........................................................................................231
List of abbreviations
AACOM American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
CI Confidence interval
EEG Electroencephalography
H-D Hypothetico-deductive
Kw Weighted kappa
LOC Lateral occipital complex/cortex
MSK Musculoskeletal
UV Ultraviolet
WM Working memory
Chapter 1: Introduction
The present chapter serves primarily as an introduction to this thesis. Initially, the
background and nature of the research problem are discussed, and their relevance to
osteopathic education highlighted. In the next section, the aim and objectives of this thesis
are re-iterated, and the hypothesis under investigation presented. Finally, an outline of
how the work is organised is provided.
Osteopaths commonly treat back problems which represent a prevalent and costly cause
of pain and disability (Andersson et al., 1999; Maniadakis and Gray, 2000). Founded in
1874 by Andrew Taylor Still, an American physician, osteopathic medicine (or osteopathy)
is a system of manual diagnosis and treatment for a range of musculoskeletal and non-
musculoskeletal clinical conditions. It is distinguished from other health care professions
by the fact that it is practised according to an articulated philosophy (Seffinger, 1997). Its
claimed unique philosophy of health care is supported by current medical practice with an
emphasis on the unity of the body, interrelationship between structure and function, and an
appreciation of the body’s self-healing mechanisms (Seffinger, 1997; McPartland and
Pruit, 1999). One of its defining characteristics is the emphasis placed on the
musculoskeletal system as an integral part of patient care (Rogers et al., 2002).
Osteopaths utilize a wide range of therapeutic techniques to improve function and support
homeostasis that has been altered by somatic dysfunction (WHO, 2010). Somatic
dysfunction is described as the altered or impaired function of skeletal, arthrodial, and
myofascial components of the somatic (body) framework and their related vascular,
lymphatic, and neural elements (DiGiovanna, 2005c).
Since its inception, in 1874, osteopathic medicine has developed into two distinct forms of
clinical practice. Whereas in the USA, osteopaths have full medical practice rights; in the
UK and in Australia, osteopaths have a limited scope of practice with an emphasis on the
provision of manual therapy (Hartup et al., 2010). Notwithstanding this, in the UK
osteopaths operate as primary contact practitioners and follow a four or five-year
academic programme of study. At the point of graduation, students are required to
possess a clinical competence profile which enables them to effectively operate as
autonomous health care practitioners. This competence profile is reflected on a well-
developed clinical reasoning (GOsC, 1999). Clinical reasoning is widely recognised as the
essential element for competent autonomous health care practice (e.g., Higgs and Jones,
2000; Jones and Rivett, 2004). Although osteopathic curricula share commonalities with
allopathic medical curricula, as a reflection of the osteopathic philosophy, osteopathic
curricula emphasise the application of manual methods of patient examination and
treatment. As a result of this emphasis, clinical decision making is heavily reliant on
palpatory diagnostic findings. In fact, the GOsC (General Osteopathic Council) in their
Standard 2000; Standard of Proficiency requires osteopaths to conduct a thorough and
detailed physical examination of the patient, using observational and palpatory skills, to
inform clinical reasoning and subsequent osteopathic diagnosis (GOsC, 1999).
According to authors in the field of osteopathic medicine, one of the main purposes of an
osteopathic clinical examination is the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction (e.g. Greenman,
1996; DiGiovanna, 2005a). Typically, somatic dysfunctions are diagnosed by the visual
and palpatory assessment of tenderness, asymmetry of motion and relative position,
restriction of motion and tissue texture abnormalities (DiGiovanna, 2005c). As a result, it
can be argued that osteopaths make perceptual judgments regarding the presence of
somatic dysfunctions based on information conveyed by their senses. Notwithstanding
this, in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction, osteopaths are nonetheless likely to engage
in a series of other cognitive processes such as the encoding and retrieval of diagnostic
information, mental imagery, reasoning, and decision making. These cognitive processes
are all likely to play important and synergistic roles in osteopathic clinical reasoning. One
could, in fact, argue that osteopathic medicine belongs to the same category of
perceptually skilled medical specialities as radiology. Whereas in radiology, interactions
between perception, knowledge representation, and reasoning have been subject to
research (e.g. Lesgold et al., 1988; Raufaste et al., 1998); the perceptual and behavioural
aspects of diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine are largely unknown. Crucially,
little is known regarding the development of professional expertise in diagnostic palpation.
In the last decade, it has been recognised that the outcomes of research in the field of
expertise development provide an important framework for the design and implementation
of teaching and learning methodologies in professional domains such as medicine
(Boshuizen, 2009). Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have claimed that expert
osteopaths demonstrate palpatory literacy to the extent that they often speak of having
‘listening’ or ‘seeing’ hands (Kappler, 1997). However, how do osteopaths reach this level
of expertise? Is the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation associated with
changes in cognitive processing? How do experts process and bind together diagnostic
data across different senses? Are novice students more consistent in their diagnoses by
focusing their attention on only a single sensory modality of input at a time? This thesis
addressed these questions in an attempt to develop and validate a model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation.
anatomy, physiology, and pathology. On this point, Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of
osteopathic medicine, claimed that:
…with a correct knowledge of the form and functions of the body and all
its parts, we are then prepared to know what is meant by a variation in a
bone, muscle, ligament, or fibre or any part of the body, from the least
atom to the greatest bone or muscle (Still, 1902, p. 21).
Despite long-held beliefs amongst authors in the field of osteopathic medicine that the
application of anatomical and physiological (i.e., biomedical) knowledge is central to
osteopathic diagnosis (e.g., Still, 1902; Stone, 1999); these views have yet to be
empirically validated. Evidence from other medical domains demonstrates that as a result
of their exposure to real cases, biomedical knowledge becomes encapsulated into high
level but simplified causal models and diagnostic categories that contain contextual
information regarding the patient (Schmidt and Boshuizen, 1993). However, do these
processes occur in osteopathic medicine? Considering its claimed unique philosophy of
clinical practice, does biomedical knowledge remain strongly represented in the LTM
(Long-term memory) of expert osteopaths? In pursuing the development of a model of
expertise in diagnostic palpation, this thesis also addressed these questions.
In the next section, this thesis’ aims, objectives and hypotheses are presented.
Subsequently, details of how the work is organised are provided.
The primary aim of this thesis was to develop and validate a model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation that can be used in osteopathic education and research. In order to
develop and validate this model, this thesis examined the extent to which the development
of expertise in diagnostic palpation, from the stage of a novice student to that of an
experienced clinician, is associated with changes in cognitive processing. In particular, the
specific question: ‘How do expert osteopaths use their visual and haptic systems in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction?’ was the primary target of this thesis. As other cognitive
processes such as the encoding and retrieval of diagnostic data, and reasoning, are likely
to play important roles in osteopathic clinical decision making, the specific question: ‘What
are the characteristics of osteopathic clinical reasoning in terms of knowledge
representation and reasoning strategies at different levels of expertise?’ was also explored
in this thesis.
This thesis proposes a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation to inform best practice in
osteopathic education. In the absence of research investigating the perceptual and
behavioural aspects of diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine, indirect evidence
from the fields of cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, and medical cognition
were used to support this thesis’ hypothesis. On this point, it is important to highlight that
the cognitive neuroscience and education nexus has been highlighted in the literature as a
possible future avenue for research in the field of education (e.g., Geake and Cooper,
2003; Goswami, 2004). Although little has been attempted as a means of using cognitive
neuroscience as a future avenue for research in the field of medical cognition, suggestions
have nevertheless been made as to the value of this approach (Norman, 2000; Talbot,
2004). It was, however, beyond the scope of this thesis to examine the neurophysiological
correlates of expertise in diagnostic palpation; instead using research methods and
methodologies commonly used in the fields of experimental and cognitive psychology,
exploratory links are nevertheless made.
1.2.2 The hypothesis under test
This thesis sought to gather empirical evidence to test the hypothesis that the
development of diagnostic palpatory in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in
cognitive processing. In particular, ongoing clinical practice is likely to alter the way in
which expert osteopathic clinicians gather diagnostic data through their visual and haptic
systems, process and retrieve information, and make clinical decisions. This thesis’ main
hypothesis led to the following empirical predictions:
Prediction 1
Prediction 2
Prediction 3
If ongoing clinical practice causes expert clinicians to learn how to combine sensory
information from different modalities in a more effective way than novices, then they
should be more consistent in their diagnoses when simultaneously using vision and
haptics. Novices, by contrast, should produce more consistent diagnoses by focusing their
attention on only a single sensory modality of input at a time.
Prediction 4
If, as expertise develops, the clinician’s decision making process is increasingly guided by
the use of exemplars, then a reorganisation of their declarative memory system should
have taken place. Consequently, biomedical and osteopathic knowledge become
encapsulated into high-level but simplified causal models and diagnostic categories that
contain contextual information regarding similar patient encounters. As the concept of
structure-function reciprocity is central to osteopathic clinical practice, biomedical
knowledge remains, however, highly represented in the osteopaths’ LTM, across all levels
of expertise. Extensive clinical practice leads to an increasing use of episodic memories of
previous patients in the diagnosis of new cases. The transfer between newly-presented
objective and subjective clinical information and similar information stored as episodic
memories is achieved through analogical reasoning. As a result, expert osteopaths are
more accurate in their diagnoses.
In order to investigate the thesis main hypothesis and its associated empirical predictions,
six experiments were conducted using a range of research methods and methodologies
adapted from the fields of cognitive and experimental psychology, and from research
investigating the reliability of palpation as a diagnostic tool. Chapters 4 to 6 are the
empirical chapters of this thesis. The next two chapters present a literature review
supporting this thesis’ lines of enquiry. Chapter 2 reviews the relevant literature on the role
of analytical and non-analytical processing in osteopathic and medical clinical decision
making. Particular attention is given to the role of knowledge representation and analogical
reasoning in clinical decision making. In addition, the reliability of palpation in the fields of
osteopathic medicine, chiropractic, and physiotherapy is reviewed; and the findings
compared to other areas of clinical practice. Chapter 3 reviews the literature relevant to the
use of vision and haptics and the development of expertise within the context of an
osteopathic clinical examination. Evidence from the fields of cognitive neuroscience and
experimental psychology is reviewed to support the development of empirical predictions
addressed in Chapters 5 and 6. As previously mentioned, Chapters 4 to 6 are empirical.
The two experiments reported in Chapter 4 explore the mental representation of
knowledge and the role of analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine in participants at
different levels of clinical expertise. Chapter 5 reports on two experiments investigating the
way in which osteopaths and students use their senses in various aspects of an
osteopathic clinical examination aimed at diagnosing a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic
spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis. The two experiments reported in Chapter 6 examined how
osteopaths and students use their visual and haptic systems in the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction. In particular, the first experiment investigated whether the simultaneous use
of vision and haptics improves diagnostic consistency. Furthermore, it also examined the
effects having one’s eyes closed or open during the haptic exploration of somatic
dysfunction has on diagnostic reliability. The second experiment reported in Chapter 6,
examined the perceived role of mental imagery, visuo-haptic integration and selective
attention to vision and haptics in the context of an osteopathic clinical examination.
Chapter 7 deals with the primary aim of this thesis, namely a model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation is presented, and its implications to osteopathic education are
discussed in the context of both classroom and clinical based learning.
Chapter 2: Literature review: Diagnostic palpation, analytical and
non-analytical processing in osteopathic and medical clinical
decision making
Osteopaths are consulted daily by patients suffering from a wide range of both
musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal related problems. Authors in the field of
osteopathic medicine have claimed that the profession’s approach to patient’s diagnosis
and treatment is underpinned by a distinctive philosophy of clinical practice (e.g.,
Seffinger, 1997). Osteopaths seek to understand the causes of impaired health, with the
aim to provide individually-tailored care. The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction is central to
osteopathic clinical decision making because it normally indicates altered or impaired
function of the body framework (Kuchera and Kuchera, 1992). Although the clinical signs
of somatic dysfunction (e.g., altered tissue texture) are typically diagnosed through
observation and palpation, diagnostic findings need, however, to be interpreted in the
context of subjective information gathered at the case history-taking stage of the
consultation. As primary contact practitioners, osteopaths should be able to effectively use
clinical reasoning to manage clinical uncertainty, both ethically and effectively (GOsC,
1999). In analogy to other autonomous healthcare professions, clinical reasoning is a core
component of osteopathic professional practice.
This chapter reviews the relevant literature on the role of analytical and non-analytical
processing in osteopathic and medical clinical decision making. In so doing, particular
attention is given to the role of knowledge representation, development and re-structuring,
as well as reasoning strategies in clinical decision making. Considering the central role of
diagnostic palpation in the clinician’s decision making process, its reliability is also
reviewed. This chapter supported the development of this thesis’ experimental predictions
concerning the role of knowledge and reasoning in diagnostic palpation. The chapter starts
by reviewing the role of clinical reasoning in the development of expertise in the
osteopathic and medical professions. In reviewing that literature, links to research
investigating the role of analytical and non-analytical reasoning strategies are made. In
particular, research examining the development and re-structuring of different types of
knowledge in the clinical domain is reviewed, with links to osteopathic clinical practice
made. The chapter concludes by surveying the literature concerning the reliability of
palpation in the osteopathic and other manual medicine disciplines. Links to research
demonstrating similar findings in other areas of clinical practice, are also made. Whilst
reviewing the literature on diagnostic reliability, links to the thesis’ research questions are
Clinic-based learning plays a central part in both the development of students’ clinical
competence, and in shaping their future style of practice. Using an apprentice-style
learning model, osteopathic clinical tutors are tasked with the mission of facilitating the
students’ development of clinical reasoning, and the integration of professional and
biomedical knowledge into the clinical setting (Wallace, 2008). According to Wallace,
students are seen to be apprentices to more experienced clinicians. Typically, these
clinicians have been in clinical practice for a considerable number of years, and have
developed their professional knowledge and competence to the level of expert
practitionership. Interestingly, it is not uncommon to find students who report that their
tutors on occasion, are unable to explain their clinical findings and decision making
process. It seems that at times, some of their decisions are primarily based on clinical
intuition. In particular, expert clinicians seem to be able to locate areas of dysfunction,
which leave students perplexed, and, at times, fascinated. On this point, Mattingly (1991)
has argued that clinical reasoning is a highly imagistic and deeply phenomenological mode
of thinking, which is based on tacit knowledge acquired through clinical experience. For
example, in the context of a clinical examination, expert clinicians seem to be able to make
decisions which are based upon the perception of wholeness, rather than on a focus on
isolated individual sections (Mattingly, 1994, p. 234). On the role of clinical experience in
diagnostic palpation and osteopathic clinical decision making, Kuchera and Kuchera
(1992, p. 111) have put forward an interesting argument:
However, one should ask: how is this level of expertise achieved? Glaser (1999, p. 88) has
argued that expertise is “proficiency taken to its highest level”. In their everyday working
activities, experts use thinking strategies that are largely shaped by their ability to perceive
large and meaningful patterns. In contrast, novices are only able to recognise smaller, and
less developed patterns (Glaser, 1999, p. 91). According to Glaser (1999, p. 97), expertise
is attained through exposure to “situations where there are complex patterns to be
perceived, and where recognition of these patterns implies particular moves and
procedures for solution”. Feltovich and colleagues (2006, p. 57) have argued that expertise
constitutes an adaptation, and its development is intimately associated with the ability to
gather an extensive set of skills, knowledge, and mechanisms that monitor and control
cognitive processes to efficiently and effectively perform within a specific domain. Experts
are therefore able to re-structure, re-organise, and refine their representation of
knowledge, skills, and actions in order to effectively operate in their workplace (Feltovich et
al., 2006).
The adaptive processes associated with the development of expertise are likely to have
profound effects on the nature of brain processing (Hill and Schneider, 2006, p. 675).
Learning is the result of experience and in some cases occurs by the rewiring of neural
pathways, i.e., neuroplasticity (Longstaff, 2005). Considering the plastic nature of the
human brain, it can be argued that the development of diagnostic expertise in osteopathic
medicine is likely to be associated with behavioural, neuroanatomical, and
neurophysiological adaptive changes. Achieving expertise within a specific domain of
professional practice, art, or sport is, however, a lengthy process. There is now a general
consensus amongst researchers in the field of expertise development that it takes
approximately 10,000 hours of intense deliberate practice to become an expert within a
chosen domain (e.g., Ericsson et al., 2007). In clinical practice, it has been suggested that
expertise is partially developed through clinical reasoning (Higgs and Jones, 2000;
Carneiro, 2003; Rivett and Jones, 2004). Understanding the way in which expert
osteopaths process and interpret diagnostic information is therefore crucial to the
development of a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation, and the implementation of
effective teaching and learning strategies. In support of this argument, Jensen and
colleagues (2008, p. 123) have recently argued that “an enhanced understanding of what
distinguishes novices from experts should facilitate learning strategies for more effective
education”. Furthermore, it supports the underpinning rationale for this thesis.
This section reviews the relevant literature on clinical reasoning, which informed the
development of this thesis’ experimental predictions concerning the role of knowledge and
reasoning in osteopathic clinical decision making. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to
provide an extensive review of all available literature on clinical reasoning in the health
professions. Instead, a nuanced understanding of the cognitive processes likely to be
involved in diagnostic palpation was required. To this end, a general overview of the main
findings from research on clinical reasoning conducted over the last 30 years is initially
provided. In reviewing that literature, the chapter highlights the scarcity of research
investigating clinical reasoning in osteopathic medicine. Following that initial overview, the
literature review is then focused on research exploring the role of analytical and non-
analytical reasoning strategies in the clinical reasoning process. Whilst reviewing the
relevant literature, links to osteopathic clinical practice are made.
Clinical reasoning is the thinking and decision making process that informs and underpins
autonomous clinical practice, involving the interrogation and application of both declarative
and procedural knowledge, reflection, and evaluation (Higgs and Jones, 2000). Clinical
reasoning is a complex process occurring within a multidimensional context. It provides the
integrative element between knowledge, cognition, and metacognition, which enables
clinicians to take the best judged action in situations of clinical uncertainty (Higgs and
Jones, 2000; Higgs, 2004).
Clinical reasoning in the autonomous health professions is likely to make use of higher-
order cognitive processes associated with reasoning, problem-solving, decision making,
memory encoding and retrieval, metacognition, and perception. Before embarking on a
review of the relevant and available research on clinical reasoning, models of reasoning
and problem solving are briefly reviewed. In addition, links to their underpinning
neurophysiological correlates are made. This brief review provides the basis for a critical
appraisal of the literature on clinical reasoning, and for the development of this thesis’
experimental predictions, and in particular, regarding to the putative role of analogical
reasoning in osteopathic clinical decision making.
One analogue, named source, is typically more familiar or better understood than the
second analogue, named target. Holyoak (2005, p. 117) argued that “this asymmetry in
initial knowledge provides the basis for analogical transfer, using the source to generate
inferences about the target”. Commonly, the target operates as a retrieval cue for a
potentially relevant source analogue. In the mapping stage of analogical reasoning,
similarities between source and target are considered with new inferences about the target
likely to be made. Analogical reasoning typically leads to the formation of an abstract
schema for that particular set of conditions, which include the source and target as their
major components (Holyoak, 2005, p. 117). It can be argued that in familiar clinical
situations, expert osteopaths are likely to utilise analogical reasoning strategies in order to
effectively diagnose and manage their patients. In support of this viewpoint, evidence from
the field of allopathic medicine have demonstrated a link between the development of
expertise, and the use of analogical reasoning strategies (e.g., Eva et al., 1998).
Analogical reasoning is likely to play a central role in this thesis’ model of diagnostic
reasoning expertise. Consequently, relevant literature from the fields of medical cognition
and cognitive neuroscience is reviewed in this chapter.
Research on clinical reasoning in medicine and other health care professions has been
influenced by various theories underpinning the process of reasoning (see Norman,
2005a, for a review). These theories can be largely divided into two groups: those viewing
the mind as containing specialised reasoning modules, and those seeing the mind as
containing general-purpose reasoning systems (i.e., dual-process theory; (Barbey and
Barsalou, 2009). Whilst according to the modular theory, the mind is formed by dedicated
modules which are unavailable to conscious awareness and deliberate control, and only
process specific types of information; dual-process theorists propose that reasoning is
based on both an associative and a rule-based system (Barbey and Barsalou, 2009).
Using basic cognitive processes such as similarity, association, and memory retrieval, the
associative system enables individuals to make fast and unconscious judgments. In
contrast, rule-based judgments are slow, deliberate, and conscious. Barbey and Barsalou
have argued that whereas deductive reasoning depends on rule-based, formal
procedures; inductive reasoning is primarily based on the rapid retrieval, and appraisal of
world knowledge. This dichotomy is further illustrated in the recent debate in the field of
medical cognition regarding the role of analytical and non-analytical processing in clinical
reasoning. For example, Croskerry (2009b) has recently proposed a model for diagnostic
reasoning, which is largely informed by evidence from the dual-process theory.
From a neurophysiological perspective, the dual-process theory predicts that depending
on cognitive demand, different cortical regions are recruited. When tasks are easy or
familiar to the problem-solver, reasoning typically involves the associative system, and the
recruitment of the left inferior frontal gyrus, the temporal lobes and the PPC (Posterior
parietal cortex). In contrast, complex reasoning tasks requiring the use of the rule-based
system, typically recruit the PFC (Prefrontal cortex), in particular, its ventrolateral
subregion (see Barbey and Barsalou, 2009, for a review).
So far, the evidence reviewed in this section supports the argument that clinical reasoning
in osteopathic medicine is likely to make use of different reasoning strategies. These are
likely to be dependent on task difficulty and familiarity with the patient’s reported signs and
symptoms. Information conveyed by the osteopath’s different senses during an
osteopathic clinical examination provides him/her with diagnostic data needed in order to
formulate an appropriate diagnosis and establish a relevant management plan. Although
the clinical decision making is likely to be heavily reliant on information conveyed by
different sensory systems, osteopaths’ diagnostic reasoning process is nonetheless likely
to be dependent on both analytical and non-analytical reasoning strategies. Norman,
Young and Brooks (2007) argued that in medicine non-analytical reasoning is a central
component of diagnostic expertise at all levels. Of clear relevance to this thesis is the fact
that non-analytical reasoning is primarily experience-based, and dependent on similarity to
previously encountered clinical examples and exemplars (e.g. Norman et al., 2007).
Therefore, studying both analytical and non-analytical aspects of osteopathic clinical
reasoning is likely to contribute to the development of a robust model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation. Evidence informing the development of a model of expertise in
osteopathic medicine, requires an appraisal of the literature examining the process of
clinical reasoning in medicine and other health care professions. In reviewing the relevant
literature, particular attention is given to the role of cognition, knowledge, metacognition,
and analogical reasoning in clinical reasoning.
Clinical reasoning in the health professions has been investigated by process and content
orientations. Whereas the process-oriented approach emphasises cognition and
behaviour; the content-oriented perspective emphasises clinical knowledge (Higgs and
Jones, 2000). Research using the process-oriented paradigm aims to provide a better
understanding of the nature of clinical reasoning, and on the development of clinical
reasoning expertise. This research was heavily influenced by the information processing
theory developed by Newell and Simon (1972). In contrast, research investigating the
structure and content of knowledge is underpinned by the view that clinical reasoning and
clinical knowledge are interdependent (Higgs and Jones, 2000). Most of this research has
been conducted by Schmidt and colleagues, who have argued that expertise in clinical
reasoning is linked to depth and organisation of clinical knowledge (e.g., Schmidt et al.,
1990; Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992; Schmidt and Boshuizen, 1993; Boshuizen and
Schmidt, 2000).
Authors engaged in the early stages of research into the nature of medical problem
solving, postulated that doctors’ clinical reasoning resembles an hypothetico-deductive
approach (Elstein et al., 1978). In their seminal work, Elstein and colleagues conducted a
number of studies using post-hoc thinking aloud techniques to investigate the cognitive
processes used by clinicians to reach a diagnosis. Based upon their findings, they
proposed a four-stage model of clinical reasoning, which includes: 1) cue acquisition; 2)
hypothesis generation; 3) cue interpretation; and 4) hypothesis evaluation. They argued
that their model describes a set of cognitive operations associated with memory
organisation, decision making, and probabilistic estimation (Elstein et al., 1978, p. 116).
The hypothetico-deductive reasoning approach involves the generation of hypotheses
based on clinical data and knowledge, followed by testing through clinical examination and
further inquiry. According to Elstein et al., hypotheses are purposefully retrieved from the
clinician’s LTM, and set up as a problem space.
encourage the osteopath to consider the whole patient. Despite this, Sprafka argued that
when used correctly, the hypothetico-deductive model enables the clinician to solve
difficult clinical problems.
Apart from the field of allopathic medicine, the use of hypothetico-deductive reasoning in
clinical decision making has also been examined in other health care professions. For
example, in physiotherapy, Doody and McAteer (2002) conducted a qualitative study
employing a retrospective verbal protocol methodology to examine the diagnostic
reasoning of 10 expert and 10 novice practitioners. Their results demonstrated that all
participants in their study used a hypothetico-deductive model of reasoning. The experts,
however, also made significant use of pattern-recognition. According to Doody and
McAteer, pattern-recognition, within a hypothetico-deductive framework, occurs when
clinicians move from the stage of hypothesis generation to hypothesis evaluation without
further testing, i.e., cue interpretation. This is likely to be explained by an immediate
recognition of signs and symptoms associated with a particular clinical condition. It can be
argued that the automatic move from hypothesis generation to hypothesis evaluation
demonstrates that in familiar situations, clinicians are likely to use inductive reasoning
Doody and McAteer’s (2002) findings are relevant to osteopathic medicine. Considering
the similarities between musculoskeletal physiotherapy and osteopathic medicine in terms
of scope of practice, diagnosis and treatment, one could argue that osteopaths may use
similar diagnostic reasoning strategies. In fact, preliminary results from a small-scale study
conducted by the author, showed similar findings to those reported by Doody and
McAteer. I conducted a qualitative study to explore the diagnostic reasoning of 3 expert
osteopaths and 3 graduating students whilst diagnosing and treating a different, previously
unseen patient (Esteves, 2004). Using similar methodologies to those utilised by Doody
and McAteer, my findings revealed that all participants operated within a hypothetico-
deductive framework, with substantial evidence of pattern-recognition. In analogy to
Sprafka’s (1997) previously reported findings, the participants’ hypothetico-deductive
approach was supported by an application of relevant knowledge of osteopathic
philosophy and principles. Considering the small-scale and unpublished nature of this
previous work, my findings should, however, be interpreted with caution.
criticised it. It has been highlighted that the hypothetico-deductive reasoning is
characteristic of novice practitioners; hence it fails to provide a reliable account of what
occurs in familiar situations (Groen and Patel, 1985; Patel et al., 1986). Moreover, it has
been argued that cognitive processes responsible for hypotheses generation and
evaluation remain largely unknown (Charlin et al., 2000).
So far, some of the evidence presented here (e.g., Doody and McAteer, 2002), indicates
that although clinicians may operate within a hypothetico-deductive framework, pattern-
recognition is likely to inform their clinical decision making in situations of familiarity. In
fact, pattern-recognition or inductive reasoning has been widely endorsed by researchers
as the diagnostic reasoning cognitive strategy used by experts in non-problematic, or
familiar clinical situations (e.g., Groen and Patel, 1985; Patel et al., 1986; Barrows and
Feltovich, 1987; Patel et al., 1990; Norman et al., 2007). Interestingly, authors such as
Barrows and Feltovich (1987), and Charlin and colleagues (2000) have argued that
pattern-recognition reflects hypothetico-deductive reasoning performed at an unconscious
level. Although these arguments were put forward several years ago, they are in fact
aligned with recent views from dual-process theorists, who propose that reasoning is
based on both an associative and a rule-based system (see Barbey and Barsalou, 2009,
on this point). According to several authors in the field of medical cognition, pattern-
recognition is based on a rapid recognition of salient clinical features which are similar to
previously encoded information in our LTM (e.g., Regehr and Norman, 1996; Rea-Neto,
1998; Coderre et al., 2003).
In an early review on the development of expertise in visual diagnosis, Norman et al.
(1992) concluded that expert diagnosis in both radiology and dermatology includes a large
perceptual component, which is based on non-analytical, rapid, and largely unconscious
processing. Considering the importance of both vision and haptics in the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction, pattern-recognition is therefore likely to play a central role in the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation. Authors in the field of osteopathic
medicine have proposed that osteopaths should develop their own ‘palpatory reference
library’ (Parsons and Marcer, 2005 p. 18). The development of this ‘library’ is, however,
likely to take considerable time, and be dependent on appropriate teaching and learning
experiences that enable students to successfully recognise both normal and abnormal
tissue states. Understanding the role of different cognitive processes in the development of
diagnostic expertise can provide educators with opportunities to appraise, and implement
teaching and learning strategies that promote the development of clinical competence in
osteopathic medicine.
Another area of research using the process-oriented line of enquiry has examined the
directionality of reasoning used by novices and expert clinicians (e.g., Patel et al., 1986;
Patel et al., 1990; Arocha et al., 1993). Researchers have proposed two distinct types of
diagnostic reasoning: backward and forward reasoning. Whereas backward reasoning is
characterised by a re-interpretation of clinical diagnostic data, or the acquisition of new
data to evaluate an hypothesis; forward reasoning refers to the inductive reasoning
process in which the evaluation of clinical data leads directly to the evaluation of a
diagnostic hypothesis (Patel et al., 1990). In an early study, Patel and Groen (1986) found
an association between the directionality of reasoning and diagnostic accuracy. Clinicians,
who just used a forward reasoning strategy, were significantly more accurate in their
diagnosis of acute bacterial endocarditis. In contrast, inaccurate diagnoses were
associated with the combined use of forward and backward reasoning.
In a subsequent study by this research group, Arocha and colleagues (1993) examined the
hypothesis generation and evaluation of 12 medical students at different stages of their
training. In particular, they investigated the directionality of reasoning, and the confirmation
or rejection strategies in generating and evaluating diagnostic hypotheses. They found
differences between students with different levels of expertise. When faced with
contradictory information, second-year students ignored cues in the case, or re-interpreted
them in order to fit their initial hypothesis. Third-year students, in contrast, generated
competing hypotheses to support clinical data. Fourth-year students initially generated
multiple initial hypotheses, and then narrowed down the problem space by elaborating a
single coherent working diagnosis. Arocha et al.’s findings demonstrated that compared to
the fourth-year students, second- and third-year students were less competent at
evaluating hypotheses. They tended to consider diagnostic hypotheses for longer periods
of time without accepting or rejecting them. Taken together, the evidence from the work of
Patel and colleagues demonstrates that the development of diagnostic expertise in
medicine is associated with an increased ability to effectively use forward reasoning
strategies (Patel et al., 1986; Arocha et al., 1993).
The concept of backward and forward reasoning is present in the theoretical models of
osteopathic clinical decision making proposed by authors in the field of osteopathic
medicine. For example, Stone (1999, p. 289) argued that during the initial stage of
exploring and formulation working hypotheses, osteopaths reason backwards from a
number of potential sources of pain in the area(s) reported by the patient, to arrive at a
working diagnosis. According to Stone, this type of analytical reasoning requires a good
memory and the ability to simultaneously consider a number of working hypotheses.
Hypotheses are then confirmed or rejected by the findings from the clinical examination.
The author’s viewpoint highlights the importance of the clinical examination, and in
particular, the role of palpation in osteopathic diagnosis and patient care. Stone (1999, p.
296) argued that the osteopathic clinical examination differs from other areas of clinical
practice such as physiotherapy, because it considers the pathological nature of the
patient’s problem in the context of the individual’s biomechanical and functional state.
Although Stone’s proposed reasoning model is grounded on the evidence from the field of
allopathic medicine, it nevertheless fails to take into account changes in cognitive
processing that are likely to occur during the development of diagnostic expertise.
Because expert opinion from authors in the field of osteopathic medicine tends to inform
the use of models of diagnosis and care commonly used by osteopathic educators (see
Fryer, 2008, on this point), a nuanced understanding of the nature of osteopathic
diagnostic expertise is therefore warranted.
The evidence from relevant research using the process-oriented line of enquiry highlights
the debate regarding the type of cognitive processes utilised by clinicians, in their clinical
decision making. More than 30 years of research in the area have contributed to the
development of different conceptual frameworks, which all attempt to explain the effects of
expertise on diagnostic reasoning. Despite challenges from several researchers in the field
of medical cognition regarding its validity as a universal model of clinical reasoning, the
hypothetico-deductive method (Elstein et al., 1978) has played an important role in the
teaching of students from a range of health care professions, including osteopathic
medicine. Much of the earlier debate in the field of medical cognition concerning an expert
model of clinical reasoning was focused on the idea that expert clinicians would simply use
one mode of thinking and decision making. More recently, researchers have used
evidence from the dual-process theory to challenge the concept that experts only use one
mode of reasoning. For example, Norman et al. (2007), and Croskerry (2009b) have
argued that models of diagnostic expertise need to take into consideration the role of both
analytical and non-analytical processing in clinical decision making. Evidence from these
studies is likely to inform the development of a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation in
osteopathic medicine, and is therefore reviewed later in this chapter. Furthermore, a
consideration of the literature examining the mental representation of knowledge in clinical
reasoning is also required. On this point, Charlin et al. (2000) have argued that a further
understanding of the nature of cognitive processes required for clinical reasoning can be
sought by exploring the content and structure of clinicians’ knowledge base.
1. The body is a unit; the person is a unit of body, mind and spirit.
Effective osteopathic clinical reasoning and patient care is likely to depend on well-
developed and coordinated different types of knowledge. Authors in the field of osteopathic
medicine have claimed that in their application of osteopathic principles, clinicians
incorporate current medical and scientific knowledge (Lesho, 1999; WHO, 2010).
Theoretical models of osteopathic clinical reasoning highlight the important role played by
the anatomical and physiological knowledge in patient diagnosis and treatment. In fact, the
AACOM (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine) endorse the view
that the osteopathic philosophy of care “embraces the concept of the unity of the living
organism’s structure (anatomy) and function (physiology)” (AACOM, 2002). Basic sciences
such as anatomy and physiology are typically regarded as core components of what is
described in the literature on medical cognition as biomedical knowledge. Considering the
claimed key role of biomedical knowledge in the practise of osteopathic medicine, it was
important that the validity of these claims were investigated in this thesis.
Palpation and observation are important vehicles in providing the osteopath with the
relevant clinical data regarding the patient’s tissue states. However, on the issue of
diagnostic palpation and palpatory findings, Lewit (1999) argued that despite being central
to the diagnosis in manual medicine; it is difficult to appropriately describe the information
palpation provides. On this point, Parsons and Marcer (2005 p. 26) have postulated that it
is through the summation of both qualitative and quantitative palpatory findings that
osteopaths make decisions regarding the presence, nature and temporal profile of the
underlying somatic dysfunction. Whereas the quantitative aspects of somatic dysfunction
are associated with objective measurements of range of motion; the qualitative dimension
deals with the perception of altered tissue texture and joint mobility. Parsons and Marcer
(2005 p. 18) acknowledge that the qualitative dimension of palpation is, however, highly
subjective, and therefore propose that osteopaths would benefit from developing their own
‘palpatory reference library’. This would enable them to interpret their own palpatory
findings in the context of the underlying functional or pathophysiological changes that
contributed to the onset of the patient’s symptoms. Similarly, Kappler (1997) argued that
palpatory findings need to be effectively linked to the underpinning knowledge of anatomy,
physiology and pathology. On the role of palpation in the clinical decision making process,
Frymann (1963, p.17) postulated that the “interpretation of observations made by palpation
is the key which makes the study of the structure and function of tissues meaningful”.
Taken together, views from these authors in the field of osteopathic medicine highlight the
important synergy between analytical processing (i.e., the role of biomedical, clinical, and
osteopathic knowledge) and non-analytical processing (i.e., perceptual judgments based
on information conveyed by the senses) in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
In the UK, osteopaths are required by their statutory registering body (i.e., GOsC) to
demonstrate a detailed and integrated knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and
osteopathic principles (i.e., osteopathic knowledge), in order to inform and guide rational
clinical decision making activities (GOsC, 1999). These requirements are part of the GOsC
Standard of Proficiency which serves as the benchmark for assessing graduating
osteopathic students, and for registered clinicians to maintain their professional
competence and statutory registration. However, what is the role of these different types of
knowledge in osteopathic clinical reasoning? In particular, are there differences in
knowledge content and structure between novice and expert practitioners? Considering
the scarcity of evidence in the field of osteopathic medicine, the review now focuses on the
key findings emerging from research investigating the development of clinical expertise
from a content-oriented perspective. This review aims to provide insights into the cognitive
processes likely to be associated with the development of palpatory expertise. Before
considering the relevant literature on knowledge content and structure, models of LTM and
their cognitive and neurophysiological correlates, are briefly reviewed. This review
provides the basis for an effective interpretation of the literature on clinical reasoning, and
for the development of this thesis’ experimental predictions.
Some of the information acquired by osteopaths during their training, and throughout their
professional clinical practice, is likely to be maintained for substantial periods of time in
their LTM. The information concerns both clinical skills and knowledge of, for example,
anatomy and physiology. Authors in the fields of psychology and cognitive neuroscience
tend to split LTM into two main categories – declarative and non-declarative, which reflect
the nature of information that is stored, and the fact that not all knowledge is the same
(Gazzaniga et al., 2002, p. 313). Whereas declarative memory is dependent upon
conscious recollection, such as, remembering the origin and insertion of particular muscle;
non-declarative memory is independent of conscious recollection, for example
remembering how to perform an osteopathic technique. Declarative memory is also known
as explicit memory; and non-declarative memory as implicit or procedural memory. Fig 2.1
illustrates the main memory systems. An important distinction between declarative and
non-declarative memory systems is their associated neural architecture. Whereas the
declarative memory system relies on a number of temporal lobe structures such as the
hippocampus, medial temporal lobe, and the diencephalon; the non-declarative system is
dependent on a number of neocortex, cerebellar, and basal ganglia structures (e.g., Kolb
and Whishaw, 2003).
Figure 2.1: The hypothesised structure of human memory outlining the relationship amongst
different forms of memory (After Gazzaniga et al., 2002, p. 314).
As illustrated in Fig 2.1, declarative memory can be further subdivided into episodic and
semantic memories. Episodic memory refers to a particular time and setting, and it allows
one to relive an experience. In contrast, semantic memory is based on facts or figures, and
it is more often related to familiarity. Both semantic and episodic memories are of direct
relevance to this thesis. A nuanced understanding of episodic memory, in particular,
provides an important framework for interpreting the clinical reasoning model proposed by
Schmidt and colleagues (e.g., 1990).
Whereas semantic memory is likely to include biomedical and osteopathic knowledge;
episodic memory will be responsible for storing memories of, for example, particular
clinical encounters. The concept of episodic and semantic memories was initially proposed
by Tulving (1972). Tulving (cited in Kolb and Whishaw, 2003, p. 458) argued that “episodic
memory is a neurocognitive (that is, a thinking) system uniquely different from other
memory systems that enable human beings to remember past personal experiences”. In
the context of clinical practice, the episodic memory system is likely to enable clinicians to
consciously recollect experiences of particularly relevant clinical encounters. So far, the
evidence indicates that it is plausible to argue that the development of expertise is likely to
be underpinned by the formation of episodic memories from patient encounters.
Authors in the field of medical cognition have argued that the core of expertise is based
upon an extensive, integrated, flexible and adaptive body of knowledge that facilitates
pattern-based retrieval at the expense of excellent problem-solving skills (Schmidt et al.,
1990; Charlin et al., 2000; Boshuizen, 2003). Schmidt and Boshuizen (1993) proposed an
elaborated model of expertise development, in which the student progresses through a
series of consecutive phases, all characterised by different knowledge structures
underlying clinical practice. Initial stages are characterised by an elaboration of causal
networks explaining the causes and consequences of diseases in terms of biomedical
knowledge. As a result of their exposure to real clinical cases, biomedical knowledge is
transformed into narrative structures named ‘illness scripts’. This process requires a
reorganisation of their declarative memory system in which biomedical knowledge
becomes encapsulated into high level, but simplified causal models, and diagnostic
categories that contain contextual information regarding the patient. Once the script has
been instantiated, it remains available in the clinicians’ memory as episodic traces of
previously diagnosed patients. The third stage of this model is characterised by the use of
episodic memories of previous patients in the diagnosis of new cases. Schmidt and
Boshuizen argued that each type of knowledge forms a layer in memory, which remains
available for use in situations where more recently acquired structures fail to produce an
adequate representation of the problem. More recently, Boshuizen and Schmidt (2000)
have argued that this model represents a theory of acquisition and development of
knowledge structures, which clinicians and students utilise in the diagnosis of their
patient’s clinical problem (see Fig 2.2, for a representation of their model). This model of
expertise development has been subject to ongoing research and its validity endorsed
(e.g., Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992; Boshuizen et al., 1995; Rikers et al., 2004; Schmidt
and Rikers, 2007).
Figure 2.2: Knowledge restructuring and clinical reasoning at subsequent levels of expertise
development (Adapted from Boshuizen and Schmidt, 2000, p. 18).
by the use of episodic memories of previous clinical encounters in the diagnosis of new
Although the model proposed by Schmidt and co-workers emerged from studies
investigating the clinical reasoning of allopathic doctors, links to the field of osteopathic
medicine can nevertheless be made. In fact, the preliminary findings from my previous
small-scale study (Esteves, 2004) suggests that this model has the potential to provide an
accurate account of the nature of clinical reasoning in osteopathic medicine. I found
preliminary evidence indicating differences in knowledge content and structure between
experienced osteopaths and advanced students. In particular, my findings indicated that
experienced osteopaths use mental scripts as a clinical reasoning strategy. Based upon
these previous findings, and the scarcity of evidence in osteopathic medicine, it was
important that the mental representation of knowledge and the processes that contribute to
its development and re-structuring were examined, as part of this doctoral research
The initial work of Schmidt and colleagues (e.g., 1993) suggested that during the
development of clinical expertise in medicine, biomedical knowledge becomes
encapsulated (i.e., re-structured) into high level diagnostically relevant concepts, and
simplified causal models, explaining signs and symptoms. In a subsequent follow-up
study, Boshuizen et al. (1995) conducted two experiments designed to investigate the way
in which the learning and practise of medicine contributes to the re-structuring of
knowledge. They found that although graduating medical students had a good knowledge
about clinical conditions in patients, and their associated enabling conditions; they were
not able to fully integrate the knowledge of contributing factors into their clinical reasoning.
These findings contrasted with the experts’ ability to use information about enabling
conditions in their clinical decision making process. The authors proposed that the experts’
ability to integrate this information in their reasoning is attributed to the formation of ‘illness
scripts’. Boshuizen et al. argued that whilst the application of biomedical knowledge in
diagnostic clinical cases is likely to be the driving force for the encapsulation of knowledge;
the formation of ‘illness scripts’ is likely to be driven by clinical experiences with patients.
The authors concluded that clinical experience plays a critical role in knowledge re-
structuring. They proposed three different types of learning in the development of medical
expertise: conceptual, procedural, and perceptual. According to Boshuizen et al. (1995, p.
273), “knowledge encapsulation is an advanced form of the re-structuring phase in a cycle
of conceptual learning”. In the formation of ‘illness scripts’, however, a large part of
learning occurs informally, through patient contact, often through perceptual learning. The
link between perceptual learning and ‘illness script’ formation is of direct relevance to this
thesis. Boshuizen et al. highlight the importance of diagnostic information conveyed by the
clinician’s senses, in enabling them to effectively diagnose his/her patient’s problem.
Multisensory experiences associated with patient contact are particularly important in
acquiring knowledge about enabling conditions (see also Schmidt and Rikers, 2007, for a
review). Boshuizen et al. (1995) argued that perceptual learning, linked to conceptual and
procedural knowledge, play a critical role in the development of diagnostic expertise.
Although the evidence reviewed so far has consistently demonstrated that knowledge
becomes encapsulated as expertise develops, biomedical knowledge is nevertheless likely
to play an important role in patient diagnosis. In particular, it is important that students
effectively develop their biomedical knowledge, i.e., anatomy, physiology, and
pathophysiology. On this point, Woods (2007) has recently argued that biomedical
knowledge is likely to enable novice students to develop a robust mental representation of
disease categories. Over time, students are likely to retain their clinical knowledge, and
maintain their diagnostic competence in situations of clinical uncertainty. Critically,
osteopaths are required to effectively deal with clinical uncertainty as part of their role as
primary contact healthcare practitioners.
The role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning has been investigated by several
researchers. In an early study, Boshuizen and Schmidt (1992) conducted two experiments
using concurrent thinking aloud techniques to investigate the role of biomedical knowledge
in the diagnostic reasoning process of medical students and expert clinicians. Their results
demonstrated that experts have more in-depth biomedical knowledge than novices, and
participants at intermediate levels of their medical training. Furthermore, they found
evidence that the experts’ biomedical knowledge becomes encapsulated into clinical
knowledge. Boshuizen and Schmidt argued that their findings suggest a tacit role of
biomedical knowledge in expert clinical decision making. Although expert clinicians may
not verbalise their thoughts in terms of biomedical-related concepts, this type of knowledge
is nevertheless an important building block of clinical knowledge. More recently, Rikers et
al. (2005) found similar evidence supporting the hypothesis that biomedical knowledge is a
critical component of clinical knowledge. Expert clinicians in their lexical decision study
were considerably faster and more accurate than students at judging both biomedical and
diagnostic target items. Although their findings provide further support to the knowledge
encapsulation hypothesis, critically, they demonstrate that biomedical knowledge remains
strongly represented in the LTM of expert medical practitioners. Interestingly, Charlin et al.
(2007) have recently argued that biomedical knowledge in its encapsulated form
constitutes the anatomy of an ‘illness script’. Taken together, these results support long-
held views from authors in the field of osteopathic medicine, that biomedical plays a
central role in patient diagnosis and care. Although clinical experience is likely to lead to
knowledge re-structuring (i.e., encapsulation), it could be argued that biomedical
knowledge is nevertheless expected to remain well-represented in the osteopath’s LTM. In
fact, Patel and colleagues (2005) have argued that expertise in perceptually based
medical specialities such as radiology and dermatology requires a well-developed
biomedical knowledge for diagnostic classification. Considering the similarities between
these medical specialities and osteopathic medicine in terms of the application of
anatomical and physiological knowledge, and the role of perception in diagnostic
reasoning, it could be argued that biomedical knowledge is likely to be a critical component
of expert osteopathic clinical decision making.
Several researchers have also argued that biomedical knowledge plays a critical role in
situations of clinical uncertainty (e.g., Norman et al., 2006; Woods, 2007; Woods et al.,
2007b). For example, Woods et al. (2007b) conducted two experiments using
comprehension quizzes and diagnostic tests, to examine the relationship between
biomedical knowledge and performance on complex cases. In their study, novices were
taught to diagnose a number of hypothetical diseases using either knowledge of causal
mechanisms, or a list of clinical features. Their findings demonstrated that novice
participants who learned causal mechanisms outperformed those who learned the clinical
features. Woods et al. argued that the knowledge of causal mechanisms (i.e. biomedical
knowledge) provides a useful framework for students when faced with situations of clinical
uncertainty. In analogy to the experts, novices may not apply biomedical knowledge in the
diagnosis of simple and routine cases. The value of biomedical knowledge may, in fact,
only be revealed when diagnostic complexity encourages its use (Woods et al., 2007b).
Taken together, the evidence from studies using free recall measures, and decision tasks,
reveals that although biomedical knowledge remains strongly represented in the clinicians’
LTM, it becomes encapsulated as expertise develops. Biomedical and clinical knowledge
play an important role in what authors from the field of medical cognition; refer to as
analytical reasoning or processing. Despite the important role of knowledge in clinical
decision making, ongoing clinical practice leads to the formation of episodic memories
from patient encounters. In the diagnosis of routine cases, clinicians use episodic
memories from previous cases in the diagnosis of new ones. The rapid recognition of
similarities between cases promotes transfer. On this point, Norman et al. (2006, p. 344)
argue that people typically solve problems by rapidly, and unconsciously, recognising their
similarities to previously solved ones. Non-analytical reasoning has been regarded as a
critical component of diagnostic expertise (Norman et al., 2007). Understanding the likely
interplay between analytical and non-analytical reasoning strategies in osteopathic clinical
decision making, requires, however, a consideration of evidence from the literature
exploring the links between metacognition, analogical reasoning, dual-processing theories,
and diagnostic expertise.
On the role of metacognition
A number of authors have argued that metacognition plays an important role in the
development of diagnostic expertise and professional autonomy (e.g., Jones et al., 2000).
For example, Rivett and Jones (2004, p. 406) have argued that expert clinicians are able
to effectively use metacognitive strategies to self-monitor and self-evaluate their cognitive
processes. Consequently, in the absence of metacognition, clinicians are unable to
effectively use their clinical reasoning to manage clinical complexity (Rivett and Jones,
2004, p. 406).
Metacognition was initially defined by Flavell (1979) as higher order thinking that actively
monitors the cognitive processes engaged in thinking and learning. Metacognition includes
both bottom-up cognitive monitoring processes (e.g., error detection, source monitoring in
memory retrieval), and top-down cognitive control processes (e.g., conflict resolution, error
correction); and it is intimately related to executive function (Fernandez-Duque et al., 2000,
p. 288). From a neurophysiological perspective, the metacognitive processes involved in
conflict resolution and error correction recruit mid-frontal areas such as the ACC (Anterior
cingulate cortex), and the DLPFC (Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (Fernandez-Duque et al.,
2000). This involvement of frontal areas in metacognitive processing, is also similar to the
observed recruitment of the PFC in complex reasoning tasks requiring the use of the rule-
based system (see Barbey and Barsalou, 2009, for a review). It could be argued that
metacognition may provide the link between analytical and non-analytical processing in
clinical decision making in osteopathic medicine.
The literature reviewed in this chapter provides strong evidence demonstrating that the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation is associated with the formation of
episodic memories. Interestingly, the link between the retrieval of episodic memories and
metacognition has been highlighted by Koriat (2007). According to Koriat, a range of
metacognitive processes involved in source monitoring, and self-controlled decision
making are required to avoid memory errors and illusions of familiarity. Although Norman
et al. (2007) have argued that in clinical practice, the retrieval process is fast and not
accessible to introspection; Kahneman (2003) argues that automatic and unconscious
judgments call for the use of slow and analytical reasoning strategies intended to
effectively monitor our decisions. More recently, Croskerry (2009b) on a discussion of the
dual-process theory in clinical decision making, proposed that metacognition is essentially
an expression of the rule-based system monitoring in action. Metacognition, the clinician’s
ability to reflect in action, plays a critical role in clinical safety (Croskerry, 2009b). Although
Croskerry’s argument emanates from the field of allopathic medicine, it is equally relevant
to osteopaths; educators should therefore ensure that students develop metacognitive
representations that translate into predictions. Of direct relevance to this thesis, is Bar’s
argument that predictions are initially based on gist information conveyed by the senses. It
is therefore plausible to argue that in familiar clinical situations, expert osteopaths are
likely to employ analogical reasoning strategies in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
It is widely recognised by authors in the field of osteopathic medicine that the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction is complex and highly subjective. Parsons and Marcer (2005 p. 18)
have proposed that improvements in the perception of altered tissue texture, may be
achieved through the development of ‘palpatory reference libraries’. The development of
individual ‘palpatory reference libraries’ may assist clinicians in quickly making non-
analytical judgments. However, their development is likely to require extensive clinical
practice and familiarity with normal and altered patterns of function and dysfunction. It
could also be argued that their development and subsequent diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction may be facilitated by the use of verbal descriptions and analogies from the
physical world.
Chaitow (2003, p. 181) suggested that when assessing cranial function clinicians should
think in terms of a ‘slight surging sensation’ sometimes described as feeling as though the
‘tide is coming in’ or a ‘feeling of fullness under the palpating hand’. Becker (cited in
Chaitow, 2003, p. 202) uses terms such as ‘potency’ and ‘fulcrum’ to describe feelings of
function and dysfunction. Moreover, Beal (1989) proposes a series of descriptors that have
been developed to characterise palpatory findings. For example, in the acute stages,
superficial muscles may be spasmed providing an atonic or putty consistency, whereas
deeper tissues may have a doughy quality linked to tissue oedemas. Although these
opinion-based arguments from authors in the field of osteopathic medicine lack an
evidence-based framework, they are nevertheless supported by the work of Maher and
colleagues (1998) who demonstrated that manual therapists employ verbal descriptions to
describe the clinical signs associated with spinal stiffness.
Moreover, Kaufman and co-workers (1996) found that medical students and cardiologists
used analogies from the physical world whilst processing information about the mechanical
properties of cardiovascular physiology. Analogies were used to produce robust
representations in novel situations, bridging gaps in understanding, and in establishing
associations that led to modified explanations. However, compared to expert clinicians,
students used analogies differently. Whereas students generated analogies to explain all
categories of questions; experts generated more analogies from the clinical domain than
from any other source domain. Kaufman et al. (1996) proposed that analogies should be
used in practice when students develop an adequate representation of their target
knowledge domain; so they can effectively establish links between familiar sources and
targets. The use of verbal descriptors and analogical reasoning in an osteopathic clinical
examination context are therefore potential elements of diagnostic reasoning in
osteopathic medicine.
Interestingly, Lacey and Campbell (2006) in a series of laboratory based studies designed
to investigate the mental representation of crossmodal visuo-haptic memory during familiar
and unfamiliar object recognition concluded that verbal descriptions play an important role
in haptic and visual encoding and haptic retrieval. They argued that haptic objection
recognition may in fact be mediated by verbal descriptions. These findings interpreted in
conjunction with views from authors in the field of osteopathic and manual medicine
highlight the likely complex interplay between analytical and non-analytical reasoning
strategies in osteopathic clinical decision making.
Compared to other aspects of clinical decision making, the role of analogical reasoning in
the development of diagnostic expertise is, however, under-researched (see Kaufman et
al., 1996; Eva et al., 1998; Norman, 2005a; Patel et al., 2005). Notwithstanding this, links
between analogical reasoning and the development of expertise have been established in
other professional domains (e.g., Ball et al., 2004). It can therefore be argued that
analogical reasoning may play an important role in the development of expertise in
diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine. Further support for this hypothesis can be
found in the evidence emerging from neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies
investigating the neural correlates of analogical reasoning. In particular, links between
analogical reasoning, object recognition (e.g., Deshpande et al., 2010), and mental
imagery (e.g., Luo et al., 2003; Qiu et al., 2008) have been made. This crucial evidence is
reviewed in Chapter 3 of this thesis.
Although a number of researchers in the field of medical cognition have proposed that
diagnostic expertise is characterised by the use of specific decision making strategies, and
knowledge representation; Norman (2005a) has argued that diagnostic expertise is likely
to be dependent on several types of representations and reasoning strategies. Recent
evidence from the study of reasoning and decision making, in particular from dual-process
theories, propose that everyday’s’ decision making is underpinned by two distinct systems
of judgment (e.g., Stanovich and West, 2000; Kahneman, 2003; Stanovich, 2004).
Whereas System 1 is a rapid, automatic, and intuitive mode of processing which shares
commonalities with perception; System 2 is a slow, deliberative, and analytical mode of
processing (Schwartz and Elstein, 2008). In the context of clinical practice, judgments
made using System 1, benefit from the power of pattern recognition and prototypicality
(Schwartz and Elstein, 2008). According to Stanovich and West (2000), System 1 is highly
contextualised. Therefore, the recognition of similarities between previously diagnosed
clinical problems and novel ones is likely to be associated with this automatic,
unconscious, and intuitive system. Notwithstanding that, there are instances when System
1 clinical judgments, require the use of a slow and analytical System 2 in order to monitor
our judgments and explore further alternatives (Schwartz and Elstein, 2008). According to
Schwartz and Elstein, the dual-process theory may provide an explanation for individual
and contextual differences in clinical reasoning.
Recently, Evans (2008) conducted an extensive review of all available literature on dual-
process theories, and concluded that although there is good empirical evidence supporting
dual-process accounts of decision making; the current divisions into System 1 and 2 are
probably incorrect. Evans has proposed that we should talk about type 1 and type 2
processing, because dual-process accounts refer primarily to the speed, cognitive load,
and the level of awareness associated with these processes. Differences between type 1
and type 2 may be linked, for example, to the use of WM (Working memory) resources.
Evans (2008, p. 271) argued that “it is perfectly possible that one system operates entirely
with type 1 processes and that the other includes a mixture of type 1 and 2 processes, the
latter being linked to the use of working memory, which this system uses – among other
In an attempt to take both individual and contextual differences in reasoning into account,
Croskerry (2009b) has recently proposed a unified model of diagnostic reasoning, which
takes into account recent evidence from dual-process theories. Croskerry has argued that
in the vast majority of times, the quick recognition of signs and symptoms, or particular
patient features (e.g., visual cues associated with pathology), tends to activate a pattern
and judgments are therefore rapid, automatic, and intuitive. When signs and symptoms are
not easily recognised, clinicians make use of slower, analytical, and largely conscious
processes associated with System 2. On the role of System 1 in clinical practice,
Croskerry proposes that ongoing exposure to clinically relevant visual and haptic
diagnostic cues enables clinicians to automatically recognise patterns of dysfunction.
Interestingly, he goes on to say that repetitive analytical processing in System 2 leads to
pattern recognition and default to System 1 processing. Croskerry’s argument and model
of diagnostic reasoning are of direct relevance to this thesis. It is possible that as a result
of ongoing osteopathic clinical practice, the repetitive exposure to complex clinical
situations enable the clinicians to start recognising palpatory and visual signs of
dysfunction, and therefore engage on non-analytical processing.
Taken together, the evidence from dual-process theories provides an important framework
for understanding the analytical and non-analytical processes likely to be associated with
diagnostic palpation. Despite its centrality in osteopathic diagnosis and patient
management, the reliability of palpation as a diagnostic tool remains nonetheless
controversial. In the next section, the literature concerning the reliability of palpation in the
osteopathic and other manual medicine disciplines is reviewed. Whilst reviewing the
literature on diagnostic reliability, links to the thesis’ research questions are made.
Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have claimed that osteopathic clinical
examination is unique in the sense that palpation integrated with motion testing is the
principal element of the clinical examination (Kuchera et al., 1997). Palpation is central to
osteopathic diagnosis and is mediated through touch and proprioception. Competent
osteopathic examination requires constant integration of information from different sensory
modalities (e.g., vision and haptics). Notwithstanding this important role in patient
diagnosis and care, the reliability of diagnostic palpation has been questioned. Studies that
have investigated the intra- and inter-examiner reliability of spinal palpatory diagnostic
procedures in osteopathic medicine and other manual medicine disciplines demonstrate
that, in general, diagnostic palpatory tests lack clinically acceptable levels of reliability (for
reviews, see Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006; Haneline and Young, 2009).
procedures are of direct relevance to this thesis and employed experimental procedures.
Typically, in a clinical practice setting osteopaths are likely to utilise a multisensory
approach to their clinical examination. Of direct relevance to the purpose of this thesis and
associated research methodologies are Stochkendahl et al.’s findings that both examiner
level of clinical experience and the use of symptomatic participants did not improve
Despite its typically associated poor levels of reliability, the assessment of soft tissue
texture is a key component in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. In a well-conducted
and reported reliability study, Fryer and Paulet (2009) examined the inter-examiner
reliability associated with the identification of altered tissue texture in the thoracic spine
region. Ten graduating osteopathy students examined four predetermined areas of the
thoracic region on ten asymptomatic participants. These four predetermined areas were
identified by one of the researchers as exhibiting signs of altered soft tissue texture. In
order to standardise palpatory assessment methods, all examiners attended a one-hour
consensus training session a week prior to the study. The results demonstrated only fair
levels of inter-examiner reliability (overall κ =0.26; first 5 assessments κ =0.32). The
authors argued that despite the high sensitivity of the cutaneous mechanoreceptors of the
hand to the stimuli, their findings highlight the complexity of assessing altered soft tissue
texture. Fryer and Paulet propose that the assessment of tissue texture should be
considered in conjunction with more reliable measures such as the assessment of
tenderness and motion. No attempts were, however, made to interpret their findings in the
context of behavioural and neuroimaging evidence on the perception of form and texture,
which could have potentially shed some light on this, recognised complexity.
Notwithstanding Fryer and Paulet’s important views, the reliability of static palpation for
asymmetry and motion palpation in various regions of the pelvis and spine has typically
been poor (e.g., Mior et al., 1990; Spring et al., 2001; Degenhardt et al., 2005; Kmita and
Lucas, 2008).
Based on a three part positional clinical diagnostic screen for the lumbar spine commonly
taught at undergraduate level (e.g. Greenman, 1996), Spring and associates (2001)
investigated its associated inter- and intra-examiner reliability. Their findings revealed poor
intra-examiner (κ range = -0.14 – 0.16) and inter-examiner reliability scores (κ = 0.04).
Spring et al. concluded that the reliability of this three part static positional asymmetry
diagnostic protocol remains questionable. They proposed that in the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction clinicians should consider the various diagnostic criteria in combination.
In another study, Degenhardt et al. (2005) examined the inter-examiner reliability of
common osteopathic palpatory tests used to evaluate the lumbar spine. Three
experienced osteopathic clinicians initially assessed the lumbar spine segments of 42
participants for the presence of tenderness, tissue texture changes, vertebral positional
asymmetry and range of motion asymmetry. Results from their initial evaluation
demonstrated that the inter-examiner agreement for tenderness was fair (κ = 0.34). In
contrast, for the assessment of tissue changes, motion and positional asymmetry inter-
examiner agreement was slight to poor (κ < 0.20). On completion of this first study, the
three osteopaths underwent a period of consensus training designed to address areas of
disagreement on palpatory findings and develop a standardized approach to their
evaluation. On a second trial following this consensus training, the three clinicians
evaluated the lumbar spine of 77 participants from another subgroup. Results from this
second trial revealed significant improvements in inter-examiner agreement, with reliability
into the substantial range for assessment of tenderness (κ = 0.68) and moderate range for
paraspinal tissue texture (κ = 0.45).
Kmita and Lucas (2008) in a well-designed and conducted study investigated the inter-
and intra-examiner reliability of position asymmetry tests commonly used in the diagnosis
of pelvic somatic dysfunction. Whilst investigating diagnostic consistency they also
explored differences between experienced osteopaths and final year undergraduate
osteopathy students. The two experienced osteopaths had 5 and 10 years of clinical
experience. The results demonstrated consistently low levels of inter-examiner reliability.
Notwithstanding this, the authors found evidence that experienced osteopaths were
consistently more reliable than students at landmark palpation in the pelvic region.
Although Kmita and Lucas acknowledge that their results need to be carefully considered
because of the small sample size, they nevertheless argued that osteopathic teaching
institutions should critically consider the value of teaching unreliable clinical measures to
the diagnosis of pelvic dysfunction.
In a more recent systematic review, Haneline and Young (2009) examined the literature
concerning the inter- and intra-observer reliability of static spinal palpation. Their results
demonstrate that static palpation for tenderness and pain tends to show higher and more
acceptable degrees of reproducibility. Notwithstanding this, Haneline and Young (2009)
argued that their findings suggest that this component of static palpation may be highly
dependent on the patients’/models’ ability to recall the same site of discomfort from
examination to examination. It is highly likely that patients are aware of the location of
tender or pain areas and will therefore lead examiners to areas of discomfort (Haneline
and Young, 2009).
Sommerfeld, Kaider and Klein (2004) investigated the levels of agreement between two
experts ‘cranial’ osteopaths regarding the palpatory assessment of the ‘primary respiratory
mechanism’ as described within the context of osteopathy in the cranial field. The two
clinicians examined 49 healthy participants on two occasions, once at the head and once
at the pelvis. Results demonstrated poor inter- and intra-examiner levels of agreement;
and on occasion the palpatory findings were influenced by the examiners’ respiratory
rates. Sommerfeld and colleagues (2004) argued that in light of their findings the role of
primary respiratory mechanism palpation for clinical reasoning and the plausibility of its
underpinning theoretical models should be reconsidered. An interesting point, which is of
direct relevance to this thesis, Sommerfeld et al. (2004) highlight the possibility that the
primary respiratory mechanism could be influenced by the use of mental images in
connection with perception. It is plausible that the perception of somatic dysfunction in the
area of ‘cranial osteopathy’ can be influenced by, for example, untested models of function
and dysfunction. Links between mental imagery and diagnostic palpation are explored in
Chapter 3 of this thesis.
In contrast to studies investigating the reproducibility of motion palpation and soft tissue
texture, the majority of those that have investigated the reliability of pain and tenderness
have demonstrated clinically acceptable levels of both intra- and inter-examiner reliability
(κ = 0.40 or greater) (Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for reviews). These
results may, however, be confounded by the focus on only one of the diagnostic criteria for
somatic dysfunction (e.g. motion palpation) in reliability studies.
in the lumbar spine (ICC = 0.96); but moderate to poor reliability in the thoracic spine (ICC
= 0.70).
More recently, Brunse et al. (2010) conducted an inter-examiner reliability study on the
diagnosis and clinical examination of MSK (musculoskeletal) chest pain. Two experienced
chiropractors and two senior chiropractic students examined 80 patients who had
previously presented at an emergency cardiology department. Their study protocol
included a case history taking and a full clinical examination. Results demonstrated that
the experienced chiropractors were more consistent in their diagnosis of MSK chest pain
(κ =0.73) than students (κ =0.62). However, no significant differences between students
and clinicians were found regarding the different components of the examination. In fact,
aspects of the clinical examination such as the assessment if motions showed poor to fair
inter-examiner agreement scores for both chiropractors (κ range, 0.10 to 0.31) and
students (-0.02 to 0.38). In contrast, assessment of pain provocation showed slightly
higher levels of agreement. These findings are in line with the outcomes of both Seffinger
et al.’s (2004) and Stochkendahl et al.’s (2006) reviews. The authors argued that clinical
experience supports the chiropractors’ clinical reasoning by contributing to a more
consistent diagnostic procedure with associated higher levels of reproducibility.
Experience did not however help with individual elements of the clinical protocol.
The evidence of clinically unacceptable levels of inter- and intra-examiner reliability in most
diagnostic palpatory tests have contributed to an intense debate regarding their use in
osteopathic and manual medicine clinical practice. In an opinion paper, Wainner (2003)
raised some important and interesting issues regarding the reliability of clinical
examination in manual medicine. He argued that at times poor diagnostic reliability
outcomes have in fact been associated with clinical tests which have good sensitivity and
specificity. In this case, the validity of a clinical test is more important than its reliability.
Similarly, Herbert (2004) on a debate on the accuracy of diagnostic tests in
musculoskeletal care argues that the process of applying and interpreting clinical tests is
probabilistic. Although the findings of a clinical test are likely to increase or decrease the
probability of a specific diagnosis, it is unrealistic to think that the results of one test in
isolation would clearly lead to a specific diagnosis or to its absence.
Although the results of reliability studies in manual medicine suggest that perhaps the
observed poor inter- and intra-examiner reliability is associated with poor validity of the
clinical tests commonly employed in professional practice; Humphreys et al. (2004) have
nevertheless demonstrated good inter-examiner reliability (κ range, 0.46 to 0.76) amongst
novice chiropractic practitioners in the diagnosis of cervical intervertebral fixations in
models with congenital block vertebrae. These results indicate that motion palpation tests
are reliable, sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunctions when used in
individuals with substantial and non-reversible restrictions in joint mobility.
Attempts to improve the diagnostic reliability amongst students have recently been made
through the work of Howell and colleagues. Howell et al. (2008a) developed a haptic
simulator for palpatory training of first year osteopathic students; and conducted a pilot
study examining the effectiveness of the VHB (Virtual haptic back) in training osteopathic
students in palpatory diagnosis. Their results suggest that training using the VHB simulator
can improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis. In a follow-up on their pilot study,
Howell and colleagues (2008b) investigated the improvement in accuracy and speed of
diagnosis in tissue compliance. Eighty nine students participated in the study. The authors
found that six training sessions improved speed and diagnostic accuracy of first year
students. These preliminary results are encouraging and support the objectives of this
thesis in investigating the cognitive factors underlying expertise in diagnostic palpation in
osteopathic medicine.
More recently, Yen et al. (2005) tested the inter-examiner reliability of abdominal
examination in an acute paediatric emergency setting performed by three different types of
medical practitioners: paediatric emergency department residents; paediatric emergency
department attending physicians; and paediatric surgeons. Physicians independently
gathered information regarding the patients’ medical history and subsequently performed
an abdominal clinical examination on a total of 68 patients over a period of 12 months.
Physicians explored bowel sounds; presence or absence of abdominal distension,
rebound tenderness, tenderness to palpation, and abdominal guarding; they were also
asked to attempt a diagnosis of peritonitis. Pairwise comparisons between residents and
attending physicians demonstrated poor inter-examiner agreement for all components of
the abdominal examination (κ range, -.04 to 0.38). Similarly, comparisons between
attending physicians and surgeons showed that apart from the presence of rebound
tenderness (κ =0.54), all other results were below clinically acceptable values (κ range,
0.04 to 0.34).
Taken together, findings from these studies demonstrate similar trends to those reported in
the field of manual medicine; thus suggesting that perhaps the reliability problem in
general may be linked to how individual perceptual judgements regarding the nature of the
lesion or dysfunction are made. For example, Donovan and Manning (2007) propose a
Bayesian model for radiology image perception which has the potential to explain patterns
of eye movement typically seen in expert radiologists. They argued that radiologic
diagnosis requires both perceptual and cognitive skills involved in diagnostic decision
making. Donovan and Manning (2007) go on to say that experts have a large prototypical
knowledge of anatomy which enables them to better recognise pathology. Consequently,
they learn how to effectively direct their attention to the location of pathology. The
proposed model has direct relevance to this thesis. It could be argued that extensive
training and clinical practice would enable expert osteopaths to effectively combine
information from different sensory modalities in a Bayesian fashion (see Chapter 3 for a
review on BDT - Bayesian decision theory). A strong anatomical knowledge representation
would enable osteopaths to recognise dysfunction and pathology when information
conveyed by their senses suggests deviation from what is regarded as normal.
2.3 Summary
The primary aim of this thesis was to develop and validate a model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation which can be used by osteopathic educators to effectively support
their students’ development of clinical competence. To this end, exploring how osteopaths
at different levels of expertise coordinate different types of knowledge, reasoning
strategies and memories from previous patient encounters provides important insights into
the cognitive processes associated with the development of expertise in diagnostic
palpation. Despite more than 30 years of research examining clinical reasoning in the
health professions models of osteopathic clinical decision making remain largely
theoretical. Therefore, indirect evidence from the fields of medical cognition and cognitive
neuroscience has been reviewed to support the development of this thesis’ hypotheses.
The literature reviewed in this chapter has provided evidence to suggest that extensive
clinical practice in osteopathic medicine may lead to changes in the mental representation
of knowledge, and in the way osteopaths process diagnostic information. This evidence
reviewed here suggests that if, as expertise develops, the clinician’s decision making
process is increasingly guided by the use of exemplars, and then a reorganisation of their
declarative memory system should have taken place. Consequently, biomedical and
osteopathic knowledge are likely to become encapsulated into high-level but simplified
causal models and diagnostic categories that contain contextual information regarding
similar patient encounters. As the concept of structure-function reciprocity is central to
osteopathic clinical practice, biomedical knowledge would remain, however, highly
represented in the osteopaths’ LTM, across all levels of expertise. Extensive clinical
practice is likely to lead to an increasing use of episodic memories of previous patients in
the diagnosis of new cases. The transfer between newly presented objective and
subjective clinical information and similar information stored as episodic memories is
putatively achieved through analogical reasoning. As a result, expert osteopaths are likely
to be more accurate in their diagnoses.
The evidence reviewed in this chapter has also demonstrated that the reliability of
palpation as a diagnostic tool is typically poor and below clinically accepted levels of
reliability. Notwithstanding this, the literature concerning the reliability of palpation in other
areas of clinical practice demonstrates similar trends. Understanding the rules and laws
underlying multisensory integration may provide an explanation for at least part of the poor
reliability of diagnostic tests in osteopathic practice. The links between the reliability of
diagnostic palpation and multisensory integration are explored in the next chapter of this
Chapter 3: Literature review: Multisensory perception, mental
imagery, neuroplasticity, and diagnostic palpation
Clinical decision making in osteopathic medicine and other manual medicine disciplines is
typically guided by an appropriate and contextually relevant case history-taking and clinical
examination. According to authors in the field of osteopathic medicine, one of the main
purposes of an osteopathic clinical examination is the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction
(e.g. Greenman, 1996; DiGiovanna, 2005a). Typically, somatic dysfunctions are diagnosed
by the visual and palpatory assessment of tenderness, asymmetry of motion and relative
position, restriction of motion and tissue texture abnormalities (DiGiovanna, 2005c).
Imagine yourself as a clinician examining a middle-aged man presenting with acute lower
back pain. Your patient looks pale and is generally unwell. On examination, you find an
area of acute tenderness over his left lower abdominal quadrant suggesting the presence
of kidney pathology. This scenario illustrates the role of the senses in providing the
clinician with information required to reach a clinical diagnosis. In order to diagnose your
patient’s problem you will rely on information conveyed by different sensory systems. From
a purely neurophysiological perspective, reaching a diagnosis will require an ongoing
interaction between ascending and descending mechanisms in your nervous system.
These two mechanisms both evoke sensations, lead to perceptions, and elicit stored
memories. Ascending mechanisms begin with the activity of sensory receptors, which
translate the energy present in mechanical, thermal or chemical stimuli into signals that all
neurons can use. The amount of sensory information being transduced by the CNS
(Central nervous system) is, however, vast. Descending mechanisms allow the CNS to
select just those events that require immediate attention; and therefore provide the basis
for interpreting meaningful ascending signals (Hendry et al., 2008). These processes
underpin two important aspects of sensory physiology, namely sensation and perception.
Whereas sensation refers to the detection of a stimulus of an event; perception relates to
the interpretation and appreciation of that event (Blake and Sekuler, 2006; Hendry et al.,
This dichotomy between sensation and perception in the field of osteopathic medicine is
discussed by Beal (1989). He argues that palpatory diagnosis involves a three-staged
process. The first stage involves reception or sensing. Tactile sensory signals are then
transduced by receptors to the brain. Finally, information is perceived and analysed. This
analysis and interpretation of palpatory findings is dependent on association with previous
examples encountered in clinical practice. According to Beal, it is likely that palpatory
perception is influenced by stimuli detected by other sensory modalities such as vision.
Webster (1947, p. 32) provides an interesting view on this dichotomy between sensation
and perception in diagnostic palpation. He argued that “we should feel with our brain as
well as with our fingers, that is to say, into our touch should go our concentrated attention
as all the correlated knowledge that we bring to bear upon the case before us…”
Although clinicians are likely to diagnose with ‘all their senses’ (Sprafka, 1997, p. 234), in
osteopathic medicine the exploration of compliance, texture, temperature, and movement
of musculoskeletal structures is arguably ideally suited to the haptic system. The haptic
system is a perceptual system mediated by two afferent subsystems, cutaneous and
kinaesthetic, that typically involves active manual exploration (Lederman and Klatzky,
2009). The haptic system has perceptual and memory functions involved in the recognition
of object shape, and surface texture. Although vision is likely to work in synergy with the
haptic system; the nature of the visual processing of tactile inputs continues to be
investigated. According to Lederman and Klatzky, visual involvement could include:
This section reviews the behavioural and neural correlates of visual and haptic perception.
Initially, a general overview of the anatomy and physiology of the somatosensory system is
provided. Whilst reviewing that literature, research on crossmodal visuo-haptic perception,
mental imagery, and experience-based neuroplasticity is critically examined with the links
made to osteopathic clinical practice. Although the literature reviewed in this chapter
emerges, primarily, from the fields of cognitive neuroscience and experimental psychology,
it enables educators to understand the cognitive, perceptual, and physiological processes
likely to underpin the development of competence in diagnostic palpation.
The somatosensory system is responsible for processing sensory stimuli contacting the
body (e.g. the texture of objects). The somatosensory system is classically defined as
having four modalities: touch, nociception, proprioception and temperature (McGlone and
Reilly, 2010). This subsection focuses on the anatomy and function of the somatosensory
system. This includes a description of its associated sensory receptors and how these are
wired to the brain.
carried to the brain by myelinated fibres whereas pain and warmth are primarily
transduced by unmyelinated fibres (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006;
Hendry and Hsiao, 2008).
Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles are both rapidly-adapting phasic receptors. Pacinian
corpuscles are extremely sensitive to high-frequency vibrations. However, because they lie
deep in the subcutaneous tissue, their ability to localise the source of vibration is poor
(Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008). With
regard to the hand, Pacinian corpuscles provide a neural vibratory representation of
objects grasped in the hand (Johnson, 2002). In contrast, Meissner corpuscles are highly
precise at discriminating the location of a changing stimulus. This is made possible by their
small receptive field and superficial localisation in the dermis (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff,
2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008). Meissner corpuscles are responsible for
providing the CNS with a representation of motion signals from the whole hand (Johnson,
Merkel discs and Ruffini endings are both slowly adapting tonic receptors. Merkel discs are
involved in the transduction of steady pressure and texture. In analogy to Meissner
corpuscles, they have small receptive fields and are located in the superficial layers of the
skin. Merkel discs are particularly good at discriminating slow moving stimuli (Silverthorn,
2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008). Due to their
characteristics and localisation, Merkel discs play an important role in the perception of
form and texture (Johnson, 2002). Ruffini endings, on the other hand, have large receptive
fields and are located in the deep layers of skin. Ruffini endings respond to deep pressure
and stretching of the skin (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry
and Hsiao, 2008). They play a role in the perception of forces acting parallel to the skin
surface thus creating a neural representation of skin stretch over the entire hand as well as
other parts of the body (Johnson, 2002).
Although active manual exploration is typically regarded as being mediated by the
cutaneous and kinaesthetic afferent subsystems (Lederman and Klatzky, 2009); in the
context of osteopathic medicine, thermoreceptors located in the skin of the clinician’s
hands are also likely to be activated in the detection of areas of increased heat normally
associated with inflammation. Thermoreceptors for non-noxious warm and cold stimuli
consist of free nerve endings located in the skin, skeletal muscle, liver and hypothalamus.
They respond over temperatures ranging between approximately 15ºC and 43ºC.
Thermoreceptors are slowly adapting tonic receptors, which respond best to a change in
temperature (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao,
Nociceptors are free nerve endings located in the skin, joint capsules, bone, viscera and
the walls of the blood vessels. Nociceptors do not respond to light pressure or to mild
temperature changes. Instead, they respond to extreme, noxious chemical, mechanical or
thermal stimuli associated with actual or potential tissue damage. They initiate adaptive,
protective responses (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and
Hsiao, 2008). Recent evidence has also demonstrated that human hairy skin is innervated
by unmyelinated free nerve endings (C-tactile afferents) conveying information related to
tactile stimulation associated with affiliative and affective touch (Löken et al., 2009;
McGlone and Reilly, 2010). Whereas mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and
proprioceptors are intimately associated with haptic perception; nociceptors and C-tactile
afferents are unlikely to be activated during diagnostic palpation of soft tissue dysfunction.
Therefore, for the purposes of this thesis, this part of the literature review is focused on the
mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and proprioceptors and their associated pathways.
Sensory receptors responsible for detecting the position of our body limbs are called
proprioceptors. Neuronal signals transduced by cutaneous mechanoreceptors during
active manual exploration are likely to be coordinated or combined with proprioceptive or
kinaesthetic signals to produce an integrated representation of tactile experiences (Blake
and Sekuler, 2006, p. 481). Proprioceptors are located in the muscles and joints and play
an important role in motor control. There are 3 main types of proprioceptors: muscle
spindles, Golgi tendon organs, and joint receptors (Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005;
Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008).
Ascending pathways to the brain
Information projects to the brain via three major somatosensory pathways: one for touch
and conscious proprioception, one for pain and temperature and a third one for
unconscious proprioception. These three main pathways are respectively: the dorsal
column system, anterolateral system, and the spinocerebellar pathway (Silverthorn, 2004;
Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008). The exact pathway via which
information associated with pleasant touch reach the brain is still unknown; however, it is
plausible that C-tactile afferents travel up in the anterolateral system (McGlone and Reilly,
Heavily myelinated sensory fibres, transmitting sensations of fine touch, vibration, and joint
position, enter the spinal cord and ascend in the ipsilateral dorsal columns. These first
order neurons initially synapse in the dorsal column nuclei situated in the medulla. Second
order neurons then decussate at the medulla before ascending to synapse in the
contralateral thalamus. Finally, third order neurons originate at the thalamus and project to
the primary somatosensory cortex located in the parietal lobe (Purves et al., 2001;
Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008).
Compared to the dorsal columns system, this is a slower (8-40 m/sec) system. It is
composed of the anterior spinothalamic and lateral spinothalamic tracts. Unmyelinated (C
fibres) and small myelinated (A delta) primary sensory nerve fibres transmit sensations of
pain, tickle and itch, crude touch, and temperature from the periphery to the CNS. First-
order neurons in the anterolateral system enter via dorsal root and synapse in the dorsal
horn (laminae I-VI). Second-order neurons cross (decussate) immediately to the
contralateral anterior and lateral spinothalamic tracts. Second-order neurons in the
anterolateral system terminate in the Reticular nuclei of the brainstem, and thalamus.
Crude tactile stimuli primarily project to the thalamus where they synapse with third-order
neurons that ascend to the somatosensory cortex. Noxious stimuli, in contrast, tend to
project to the reticular nuclei where they synapse with fibres ascending to the thalamus
and other cortical and subcortical regions associated with the processing of pain (Purves
et al., 2001; Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao,
Spinocerebellar pathway
There are two main fibre tracts ascending the spinal cord to the cerebellum: the posterior
spinocerebellar tract and the anterior spinocerebellar tract. The cerebellum receives
proprioceptive input from muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs, and joint capsule
receptors regarding the position of skeletal muscles, tendons, and joints (Silverthorn,
2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008). Evidence of the
involvement of cerebellar regions in haptic perception is, however, still preliminary.
Recently, Miquée et al. (2008) in an fMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) study
found evidence of cerebellar activation during the haptic perception of shape. These
findings support Blake and Sekuler’s (2006, p. 481) argument that proprioceptive signals
play a synergistic role in the representation of tactile experiences.
Primary and secondary somatosensory cortices are located in the parietal lobe. The
somatosensory cortex contains a representation of our different body parts. However, this
representation is not proportional to the size of the body area it represents, but instead is
reflects the density of cutaneous receptors. Richly innervated body parts such as the
tongue, lips, fingers, and genital regions are all represented in the cortex by a
disproportionately large area relative to their actual size. Within the area of the
somatosensory cortex representing a particular body part, columns of neurons are
dedicated to specific types of receptors. Importantly, the rapidly and slowly adapting
attributes of different sensory receptors are maintained from the periphery up to the cortex.
Here, rapidly and slowly adapting receptors are independently represented in adjacent
cortical strips (Purves et al., 2001; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al., 2006; Hendry and Hsiao,
Apart from the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, other cortical areas have
been extensively linked to the haptic perception of texture and shape. For example, the
involvement of posterior parietal, occipital, and frontal areas in haptic perception has been
well-documented (see Amedi et al., 2001; Miquee et al., 2008). This evidence is reviewed
in greater detail in Section 3.1.2. So far, the reviewed literature provides important
underpinning knowledge to understand the dichotomy between bottom-up and top-down
processing in diagnostic palpation. Moreover, it enables educators to appraise Willard et
al.’s (2010) recent argument that ongoing training in diagnostic palpation leads to
enlargements in the cortical representation of the digits of the osteopaths’ hands.
3.1.2 Behavioural and neural correlates of visuo-haptic perception
This subsection reviews the relevant literature on visuo-haptic perception and mental
imagery processes which is directly relevant to this thesis and to the development of
model of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine. This subsection initially
reviews evidence from behavioural, neuroimaging, electrophysiological, and TMS
(Transcranial magnetic stimulation)1 studies before considering the role of mental imagery
in osteopathic practice and in visuo-haptic perception, more generally.
The perception of altered soft tissue texture is central to the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction. Although it could be argued that the haptic system provides the ideal means
for detecting abnormalities in soft tissue texture, vision is likely to play an important
complementary role. Evidence from behavioural, neuroimaging, and TMS studies provides
an importance framework for understanding the putative role of vision and haptics in the
perception of altered soft tissue texture. Critically, it equips educators with the
underpinning knowledge to appraise how diagnostic palpation is taught, practised, and
In an attempt to investigate whether the simultaneous use of vision and touch improves
discrimination performance associated with the perception of texture, Guest and Spence
(2003) conducted three laboratory-based experiments using forced-choice discrimination
tasks. Participants were required to assess the roughness of textile samples in the
presence of a congruent or an incongruent textile distractor. Their findings suggest that
vision and touch act as independent sources of roughness information. Vision may be
better suited for tasks determining spatial density of texture; whereas touch is likely to be
better for tasks requiring the judgment of roughness. Guest and Spence found no
evidence that using vision and touch together improved their participants’ performance.
They concluded that their findings demonstrated that visuotactile integration of texture
perception occurs in a weighted manner. They argued that information individually
available to visual and tactile modalities is subject to the allocation of attention. If vision
and touch can potentially provide similar sensory information regarding texture (roughness
in this case) then there is no need for multisensory integration. Instead, directing attention
to either vision or touch enables the individual to extract all relevant sensory information.
TMS enables researchers to investigate the role of a specific cortical region in a particular
behaviour. This is achieved by disrupting the function of a target cortical area for a short period of
time, therefore creating a temporary virtual brain lesion (Pascual-Leone et al., 2000).
Similar findings were also observed by Merabet and co-workers (2004). They conducted a
TMS study to investigate the role of occipital and somatosensory cortices in a tactile
discrimination task. They found that applying low-frequency TMS to the occipital cortex
disrupted the discrimination of the spatial element of the task, i.e. judging the distance
between raised dots. In contrast, TMS applied to the somatosensory cortex led to the
disruption of tactile discrimination of roughness. As a control, Merabet et al. tested an early
blind participant with bilateral occipital cortical damage following a stroke. Their findings
were similar to those of the TMS experiment. This participant was able to perceive
roughness but not to discriminate the distance between raised dots. The authors
concluded that the occipital cortex is involved in the spatial element of tactile
discrimination; whilst the perception of roughness is mediated by the somatosensory
Lederman and Klatzky (2004) reviewed the evidence from behavioural studies using
sensory conflict and sensory dominance paradigms on the perception of texture. They
concluded that there is no evidence of fixed sensory dominance regarding the
multisensory perception of texture by vision and haptics. They argued that the dominance
of one sensory modality over the other is dependent on the emphasis on particular aspects
of surface, i.e. texture, roughness, and spatial density. For the perception of
macrogeometric properties2, vision is likely to be superior to haptics. By contrast, the
haptic system is better or equal to vision at discriminating microgeometric properties.
Lederman and Klatzky’s findings are important to the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction involves the assessment of both micro- and
macrogeometric soft tissue structures. Consequently, educators, students and clinicians
should appraise the appropriateness and reliability of vision and haptics in the assessment
of different soft tissue properties.
More recently, Whitaker et al. (2008a) investigated the relative contribution of tactile and
visual cues, either in isolation or in combination, to the perception of ‘naturalness’ in wood
and fabric. Different material properties, such as texture, colour, compliance, and thermal
quality all contribute to the perception of ‘naturalness’. Whitaker et al. (2008a) found that
for the wood and fabric, participants were more accurate when vision and touch were used
simultaneously. For the perception of fabric, participants were, however, less accurate
Whereas macrogeometric material properties refer to shape, size, and spatial density;
microgeometric properties refer to surface roughness, compliance, and thermal quality (Lederman
and Klatzky, 2004).
when touch was used in isolation. They concluded that for the perception of wood and
fabric texture, vision and touch contribute in qualitatively different ways. They argued that
the varied performance across different sensory modalities may be attributable to their
relative sensitivities for the various properties of these materials. Overall, their results
suggest that the combined use of vision and touch may facilitate the perception of
‘naturalness’ in wood and fabric. In analogy to the perception of ‘naturalness’, the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction requires clinicians to make perceptual judgments
regarding a multitude of anatomical tissue properties. Whitaker et al.’s (2008a) findings are
therefore relevant to this thesis.
In a recent review of the evidence from behavioural, neuroimaging, and TMS studies on
the visual and tactile contributions to the perception of texture, Whitaker, Simões-Franklin,
and Newell (2008b) found scarce evidence to suggest that for the perception of texture,
information is integrated in an optimal fashion across vision and touch. They argued that
qualitatively different information about texture is represented across the visual and tactile
modalities. Therefore, each modality encodes texture information in a way that is more
appropriate to the physiology of the sensory system concerned. For example, coarse
texture involves the recruitment of slowly adapting mechanoreceptors (e.g. Merkel
receptors); whereas fine texture is processed through fast-adapting mechanoreceptors
such as Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles. Whitaker and colleagues concluded that vision
and touch play an independent but complementary role in the perception of texture. One
can, however, argue that differences in sensory encoding do not preclude multisensory
integration. The multisensory perception of texture is likely to occur at cortical level, and
being influenced by top-down cognitive processing. In fact, Whitaker and colleagues found
evidence from neuroimaging research using familiar objects, to suggest a role for
multisensory integration in the perception of texture. The multisensory perception of
texture is nonetheless likely to be influenced by top-down processes such as mental
imagery (see Newman et al., 2005).
The evidence from behavioural, neuroimaging, and TMS studies has demonstrated that
vision and haptics are likely to play a synergistic role in the perception of altered soft tissue
texture. This evidence should, however, be considered in conjunction with the findings
from neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies investigating crossmodal interactions in
object recognition.
Visuo-haptic crossmodal interactions in object recognition
Apart from tissue texture, diagnostic palpation seeks to determine the compliance,
positional symmetry, and movement of soft tissues and joints (Lewit, 1999; DiGiovanna,
2005c). Diagnostic palpation is likely to depend on neurophysiological processes similar to
those observed in studies investigating the neural correlates of haptic shape recognition.
Recent evidence demonstrating crossmodal interactions in primary sensory cortices have
challenged long-held beliefs that the senses operate autonomously during real-life
cognition (see Alais et al., 2010, for a recent review). Furthermore, results from studies
demonstrating the involvement of high-order association areas of the neocortex in
multisensory processing could suggest that the neocortex is indeed multisensory in nature
(Ghazanfar and Schroeder, 2006, for a review). It is therefore plausible to argue that, for
example, the haptic perception of soft tissue texture and compliance may involve
recruitment of primary somatosensory and visual areas as well as high-order association
regions of the neocortex.
In order to explore the role of top-down and bottom-up inputs into visual areas during
haptic shape perception, Peltier and colleagues (2007) conducted an fMRI study in which
participants had to separately discriminate haptic and visual shape or texture. Their
findings identified the PCS (Postcentral sulcus) as a haptic selective-region, and the IPS
and the LOC as both haptic- and visual shape-selective regions. Connectivity analyses
suggested the existence of bottom-up inputs from the PCS to parts of the IPS; and top-
down processing from the LOC and parts of the IPS to the PCS. Peltier et al. argued that
interactions between multisensory regions and those usually regarded as unisensory
involve both bottom-up and top-down processing. Similar findings had been reported by
Saito and co-workers (2003). In a study designed to examine the neural correlates of
crossmodal matching between visual and tactile shape information, they found that object
shape information is likely to be integrated in the posterior IPS during visuotactile
crossmodal matching tasks.
Merabet and co-workers (2007) conducted an fMRI study designed to explore the role of
visual areas in the tactile processing of sighted individuals. They found clear crossmodal
activity in visual areas when participants were engaged in tactile processing. Results
showed strong activation of V1 (Primary visual cortex) and a de-activation of higher order
visual areas such as V2, V3, and V4 (all belonging to the extrastriate cortex). The authors
concluded that their results suggest that tactile processing affects the occipital cortex by
two distinct pathways: a suppressive top-down pathway descending through visual areas;
and an excitatory pathway emerging from outside the visual systems that directly affects
Despite being traditionally regarded as part of the visual system (e.g., Goodale and Milner,
1992), the involvement of the occipito-temporal region in crossmodal object recognition is
now well-established. For example, Amedi and colleagues (2001) in a series of fMRI
studies found evidence that this area of the ventral visual pathway typically involved in
visual object recognition, is also active in haptic object recognition. Considering the
similarities between their results and those from studies that have investigated congenitally
blind individuals, Amedi et al., however, argued that visual imagery despite having a
possible small modulatory effect is not crucial for haptic object recognition. This area of the
ventral visual pathway can therefore be putatively involved in the palpatory diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction.
Further evidence suggesting that higher order visual areas may be involved in the haptic
perception of soft tissue texture and compliance, emerge from the work of Stilla and
Sathian (2008). They recently investigated haptic selective shape and texture specific
brain regions; and the multisensory nature of texture and shape selective areas.
Participants were required to perceive haptic texture and shape stimuli presented to their
right hand; and visual shape and texture stimuli presented centrally. Haptic and visual
stimuli were presented separately, and the participants were required to keep their eyes
closed during the entire haptic shape and texture tasks. For the haptic perception of
shape, the results demonstrated significant activation of somatosensory areas, IPS and
LOC. Furthermore, the activation of motor regions such as the premotor cortex; and frontal
regions such as the middle frontal gyrus and the ACC, were also observed. With regard to
the haptic perception of texture, activity was observed in the parietal operculum and
posterior insula as well as in the right MOC (Medial occipital cortex). When areas involved
in both haptic and visual shape discrimination were correlated, Stilla and Sathian identified
significant activity in the left posterior IPS and right LOC. Correlation between haptic and
visual texture discrimination revealed the involvement of the right MOC. These findings
reveal that the perception of shape and texture requires multisensory processing and a
considerable involvement of visual areas. The authors highlight that the involvement of the
LOC in shape discrimination and the MOC in texture perception could suggest that these
processes would involve top-down pathways mediating visual mental imagery; or bottom-
up somatosensory inputs. The reported involvement of motor and frontal regions in shape
perception could potentially be associated with higher order cognitive factors such as
mental imagery.
The multisensory nature of object recognition was also investigated by Tal and Amedi
(2009) who used a novel fMRI-based adaptation paradigm to identify the neuroanatomical
basis for coding visuo-haptic object recognition. Their findings suggest the existence of a
network of cortical regions with bimodal neurons which forms an important part of the
visuo-haptic integration of objects in humans. Clear crossmodal adaptation was observed
in this network, which includes occipital (LOC and calcarine sulcus), parietal, in particular
the anterior IPS, and prefrontal (precentral sulcus and the insula) areas. Tal and Amedi
have argued that the results provide evidence of multisensory visuo-haptic integration.
Further evidence emerges from electrophysiological studies. For example, Lucan and
colleagues (2010) have recently investigated the role of the LOC in somatosensory object
recognition using high density EEG (Electroencephalography). Participants had to
recognise three shapes presented to their index finger whilst having the viewing of the
hands occluded by a dark partition. The authors found evidence of an early involvement of
the LOC in tactile object recognition. They argued that their findings lend support to the
hypothesis that tactile shape discrimination involves a multisensory cortical network.
These results provide further evidence that visual areas, such as LOC, are actively
involved in tactile shape discrimination.
Taken together, the evidence from neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies reveal
that object shape and texture recognition relies on crossmodal visuo-haptic networks. The
existence of bimodal neurons in areas of the somatosensory and visual cortices, provide
evidence of visuo-haptic integration in object recognition (Tal and Amedi, 2009).
Notwithstanding this, the perception of shape and texture is nevertheless likely to involve
both top-down and bottom-up processing (e.g., Saito et al., 2003; Peltier et al., 2007). For
example, top-down processing associated with mental imagery is likely to play an
important role in the perception of shape and texture (e.g., Stilla and Sathian, 2008).
Mental imagery
Mental imagery is an important component of our daily thinking activities and it is therefore
likely to play an important role in osteopathic clinical reasoning. For example, first year
undergraduate students are required to develop a detailed knowledge and understanding
of the three-dimensional nature of the body regions to assist visualisation of anatomical
structures when practising palpation (e.g., OBU, 2006). Critically, mental imagery and
perception share many functional and biological processes (Reisberg and Heuer, 2005). It
is therefore important that students, clinicians, and educators understand the impact
mental imagery may have on their diagnostic judgments, and on the process of learning
diagnostic palpation.
Reisberg and Heuer (2005) argue that images are organised depictions which share many
similarities with perception. Mental images do, however, depict the represented content
rather than describing it. Although both depictions and descriptions qualitatively represent
the same content they achieve it in different ways. Depictions are related to the ‘unity’ of
the whole representation. On this point, Reisberg and Heuer illustrate their argument with
the word ‘mouse’. A depiction includes a representation of the whole anatomy, relationship
between body parts and particular viewing angle. In contrast, there is nothing in the
description of the word ‘mouse’ that would provide this unity of representation. Links
between these theoretical perspectives and the field of osteopathic medicine can be made.
It could be postulated that prolonged training and clinical practice enables osteopaths to
use mental images to depict their knowledge of anatomy. If this is the case then one would
expect a strong mental representation of biomedical knowledge amongst expert
osteopathic clinicians. A reliance on biomedical knowledge could therefore constitute an
important component of their clinical reasoning; both whilst interpreting information
acquired at case history and at the stages of clinical examination. Visual mental imagery
could therefore enable clinicians to effectively access relevant knowledge representations
from their memory.
On the topic of mental image formation, Farah (2000, p. 275) has argued that the process
of forming visual mental images is like running the process of perception backwards.
Whereas in perception, retinotopically organised representations trigger a sequence of
more central representations which lead to relatively abstract inferotemporal and parietal
cortical representations; in imagery, these cortical representations are used to activate the
earlier retinotopic representation, in a process described as top-down. An important
differentiation between top-down and bottom-up processing in image formation is the
automaticity of that processing. According to Farah (2000, p. 275), on occasion, we see
familiar objects that we fail to recognise. In parallel, we regularly think about familiar
objects without immediately forming a visual mental image of them. In contrast to visual
perception and object recognition, the formation of mental images is putatively dependent
on the intervention of attentional processes that enable the activation of retinotopic cortical
memory areas (Farah, 2000, p. 275).
In a review of the literature on the neural foundations of imagery, Kosslyn and his
colleagues (2001a) found evidence of an engagement of early sensory areas e.g., V1 for
visual imagery; and primary motor regions for motor mental imagery. Although visual
mental imagery and visual perception share many mechanisms; they do not draw on
identical processes. Moreover, there is evidence that imagining manipulating objects leads
to activations in several areas of the motor system including M1 (Primary motor cortex)
(e.g., Parsons et al., 1995; Richter et al., 2000). An important point which is of direct
relevance to this thesis, is the finding that visual mental imagery can alter activation in
early visual areas and therefore our belief and expectations have the potential to alter what
is perceived during experience. One could argue that in the context of osteopathic
medicine, expectations of particular diagnostic findings in a clinical examination can
putatively bias perceptual judgments. Furthermore, the use of osteopathic models of
diagnosis which lack proven validity (e.g., craniosacral models, e.g., Moran and Gibbons,
2001; Sommerfeld et al., 2004) during an osteopathic examination can potentially lead to
incorrect diagnostic judgments.
Subsequent to Kosslyn et al.’s (2001a) review, Ganis and co-workers (2004) surveyed the
evidence from neuroimaging, neuropsychological, TMS, and behavioural studies in order
to investigate visual mental imagery. In line with previous research, they found convergent
evidence that visual mental imagery and visual perception share many similar neural
processes; and that visual imagery is not a unitary process but is dependent on
interactions taking place between a series of subprocesses. There is, for example,
evidence that in order to achieve the same image transformation people adopt different
strategies which ultimately have an impact on the associated neural activity. Moreover,
there is some evidence that motor imagery is involved in mental rotational tasks such as
rotating a picture of a hand (e.g., Parsons et al., 1995), or three-dimensional multi-armed
angular stimuli (e.g., Richter et al., 2000). These findings are supported by the work of
Kosslyn et al. (2001b) who reported activity in M1 when participants were instructed to
physically manipulate the object prior to scanning and later imagine that rotation. Taken
together, these findings suggest that, on occasion, motor imagery may concurrently occur
during an osteopathic clinical examination. For example, it could be argued that if
osteopaths choose to close their eyes during their clinical examination, they will be more
likely to imagine the anatomical regions being physically assessed. Additionally, clinicians
are likely to utilise their anatomical and biomechanical knowledge as templates for these
putative mental imagery strategies.
Despite the lack of research investigating the role of mental imagery in osteopathic
diagnosis; several authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have provided expert
accounts regarding its potential role. For example, Mitchell (1976, p. 125) makes links
between the concepts of visual and palpatory literacy and mental imagery. He goes on to
say that:
In addition, Upledger (cited in Chaitow, 1999, p. 50) proposes that in order to develop
cranial palpatory skills, clinicians should:
“Memorise the feel of the subject’s pulse so that you can reproduce it in
your mind after you have broken actual physical contact with the
subject’s body; you should be able to mentally reproduce your palpatory
perception of the pulse after you have broken contact.”
“…imagine that your hands are totally moulded to the head, without more
than a few grams of pressure, and with whole hand contact shift your
focus to the proprioceptors in your wrists and lower arms. Sense what
these rather than the neural receptors in your hand are feeling…”
Kappler (1997, pp. 473-4) when discussing Frymann’s (1963) work, postulates that
osteopaths feel through their palpating fingers on the patient, they use visual anatomical
images to see the structures under their palpating fingers, consider what is normal and
abnormal, and form confident judgments which are based on knowledge acquired through
Evidence from research on the neural correlates of visuo-haptic perception indicates that
mental imagery may indeed play an essential role in the tactile perception of certain object
properties. On this point, Sathian, Prather and Zhang (2004) in a review of the literature
from neuroimaging studies in humans, found evidence consistently demonstrating the
involvement of a number of visual cortical areas in tactile/haptic perception. The authors
suggested that this observed phenomenon may be attributed to the use of visual mental
imagery during tactile/haptic perception; or, alternatively, attributed to multisensory
processing. Multisensory processing in visual areas may be directly caused by ascending
connections from somatosensory areas or indirectly via descending top-down projections
from high-order multisensory areas.
Lacey and Campbell (2006) conducted two experiments using verbal, visual and haptic
interference tasks at both encoding and retrieval, to investigate the mental representation
of crossmodal visuo-haptic memory during familiar and unfamiliar object recognition. Their
findings provide evidence that crossmodal memory in the recognition of familiar object is
dependent on a network of visual, verbal, and haptic mental representations. By contrast,
the perception of unfamiliar objects relies primarily on visual representations.
Notwithstanding this, verbal descriptions also play an important role in haptic and visual
encoding and haptic retrieval. In fact, haptic objection recognition may be mediated by
verbal descriptions.
Lacey and his colleagues (2009) surveyed the recent neuroimaging literature on visuo-
haptic convergence in the perception of object shape, with particular regard to the role of
the IPS and LOC. They focused their attention on visual imagery and multisensory
representation, processes likely to putatively explain this convergence. They suggested
that object imagery is critical for the recognition of familiar objects. This would rely on top-
down connections from the prefrontal and parietal regions to the LOC, facilitating retrieval
from memory. For familiar objects, there is less somatosensory activity because global
shape can be promptly recognised with reduced bottom-up processing. In contrast,
recognition of unfamiliar objects is likely to rely on spatial imagery. In this case, the IPS
facilitates somatosensory inputs to the LOC.
Subsequently, Lacey and colleagues (2010) conducted two fMRI studies designed to test
the visual imagery hypothesis during haptic shape perception of familiar and unfamiliar
objects. They found overlapping activity in the LOC bilaterally, left-sided frontoparietal
areas, and thalamic regions. The authors postulated that visual imagery is closely related
to haptic perception of shape for familiar objects. Activity in frontoparietal regions such as
the OFC (Orbitofrontal cortex) could suggest retrieval and evaluation of information from
LTM. For example, they propose that the OFC could be implicated in evaluating
hypotheses about object representation by generating analogies with existing
representations (see also Bar, 2007; Deshpande et al., 2010).
Recent observations of PFC and occipital cortical activity during the haptic perception of
familiar object shape (Deshpande et al., 2010; Lacey et al., 2010) suggested that these
activations may be attributed to top-down processes associated with analogical reasoning.
In fact, Qiu and colleagues (2008) have argued that that the involvement of the left
fusiform gyrus and left PFC during the stages related to analogical mapping and retrieval,
in a analogical reasoning task, may indeed be attributed to visual mental imagery. They
suggested that participants retrieved information from memory and maintained it by means
of visual mental imagery for the period of time required to map information between source
and target. This involvement of the fusiform gyrus and proposed explanations are in line
with those proposed by Luo et al. (2003), who argued that, in analogical reasoning, one is
likely to make use of visual mental imagery strategies to make links between target and
source. The findings from these studies suggest that it is plausible to speculate that
analogical reasoning and mental imagery may be core components of osteopathic clinical
decision making. Visual mental imagery can provide the link between palpatory diagnosis
and representations of tissue dysfunction encoded in the clinician’s LTM.
Apart from visual mental imagery, tactile and motor or kinaesthetic imagery are also likely
to play a role in the palpatory diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. For example, tactile mental
imagery may be associated with the formation of tactile images representing patterns of
normal and abnormal soft tissue texture. The neural correlates of tactile mental imagery
have been examined by Yoo and colleagues (2003). They used fMRI to compare actual
hand stimulation to imagined hand stimulation on thirteen healthy volunteers. When
comparing conditions of tactile imagery and tactile hand stimulation, partial overlapping
activations in the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices were observed.
Specifically, the tactile imagery task led to activations in the primary and secondary
somatosensory cortices, as well as frontal areas such as the DLPFC and BA 6 (Brodmann
area 6 - pre-motor cortex and supplementary motor area). Increased brain activity in these
frontal areas suggests the involvement of WM. The authors argued that this may have
been attributed to mental rehearsal. Alternatively, and in line with the arguments put
forward by Luo et al. (2003) and Qiu et al. (2008), the involvement of working memory-
related areas may be attributable to the generation of analogies between source and
With regard to mental motor imagery, Szameitat, Shen, and Sterr (2007) conducted an
fMRI experiment on fifteen healthy participants in order to study the neural correlates of
motor imagery of complex everyday movements. These included whole body activities
such as swimming and upper extremity tasks such as eating with knife and fork. A further
aim of the study was to identify the specificity of cortical activations associated with whole
body and upper extremity movements. The results demonstrated the activations of a
cortical network that included the lateral and medial premotor cortices, left parietal regions,
and the right basal ganglia. In addition, Szameitat and colleagues (2007) found that
differences between upper extremity and whole body imagined movements were primarily
situated in the inferior lateral cortices including the primary somatosensory cortex.
According to the researchers, this finding is likely to correspond to the homuncular
organisation of that area and the sensorimotor aspects of upper extremity movements.
They speculated that an element of tactile imagery is likely to be linked to the imagined
movements of the upper extremity. From an osteopathic perspective, it could be argued
that these results suggest that it is possible that aspects of palpatory examination may be
associated with motor or kinaesthetic imagery. This may include imagined movement
patterns occurring under the palpating fingers which may be based on osteopathic models
of diagnosis and care.
More recently, Olivetti Belardinelli et al. (2009) investigated whether vividness of visual
and kinaesthetic imagery is associated with cortical specific activity in sensory and motor
areas. Their findings demonstrated an involvement of sensory specific areas during mental
imagery. In particular, and relevant to this thesis, they found cortical specific activity in
early visual areas (BA 17/18) during the mental visual imagery; activity in post-central
gyrus (BA 2) during tactile imagery; and activations in pre-central gyrus areas such as BA
4/6 (pre-motor areas) during kinaesthetic imagery. The authors postulated that vividness is
related to the image format. Individuals seem to be able to generate more representations
which rely on the same networks as those typically involved in perception.
The literature reviewed in this subsection has provided evidence suggesting that is
plausible to hypothesise that the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction is a multisensory
experience, which relies on both bottom-up crossmodal visuo-haptic processing and top-
down processing associated with mental imagery and analogical reasoning. With particular
regard to the perception of altered soft tissue texture, vision and haptics are likely to play a
synergistic role. The development of a robust neurocognitive model of expertise in
diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine requires also a consideration of the literature
examining the neural and behavioural correlates of expertise. It is important that
osteopathic educators understand the impact that ongoing clinical practice is likely to have
on the clinician’s cognitive architecture.
Expert osteopaths demonstrate palpatory literacy to the extent that they often speak of
having ‘listening’ or ‘seeing’ hands (Kappler, 1997). The effective use of highly developed
and refined palpatory skills supports the diagnosis of dysfunction (GOsC, 1999). Although
these claims lack empirical validation, it is plausible that expert osteopaths acquire these
skills through years of deliberate practice.
Deliberate practice has typically been regarded as an important predictor for the
development of expertise on a range of fields of professional practice (e.g., medicine) and
sports (e.g., Ericsson et al., 1993; 2007). For example, Ericsson (2007) argued that
observed differences in clinical decision making processes are attributed to ongoing
deliberate practice. The concept of deliberate practice initially developed by Ericsson and
colleagues (1993), was influenced by the work of Simon and Chase (1973) on the
acquisition of expertise in the sport of chess. Ericsson et al.’s (1993) framework is based
on the premise that expert performance is primarily the result of years of intense and
appropriately-guided practice. Although this is a plausible hypothesis, individual
differences within the same level of osteopathic expertise could account for observed
differences in clinical reasoning processes (Esteves, 2004), or diagnostic variability (e.g.
Mior et al., 1990).
contributes to the observed improvement in tactile acuity. However, the results need to be
interpreted with caution. Although the authors compared the tactile acuity in the index
fingers of both dominant and non-dominant hands of chiropractic students, the absence of
a control group does not provide strong support for Chandhok and Bagust’s hypothesis.
The results may be confounded by, for example, the participants’ practice on the task.
Furthermore, the reproducibility and sensitivity of the 2-point discrimination task as an
indicator of tactile acuity has been questioned (e.g., Bell-Krotoski and Buford, 1997;
Lundborg and Rosen, 2004). For example, Bell-Krotoski and Buford have argued that a
difference in applied force during the sensory stimulation makes it possible for participants
to successfully perform the 2-point discrimination test.
Foster and Bagust (2004) modified their research group’s previous investigation
(Chandhok and Bagust, 2002) to include chiropractors with more than five years of post-
qualifying clinical experience in their study. In addition, they investigated the palpatory
sensitivity in detecting a nylon monofilament under a variable number of sheets of paper.
Participants were blindfolded during the detection task. Their findings demonstrated that
although tactile acuity improved through the chiropractic undergraduate programme; those
improvements were not retained during professional clinical practice. As ageing leads to
progressive impairments in tactile acuity, Foster and Bagust’s findings may be explained
by a progressive deterioration in tactile acuity amongst the experienced clinicians.
Notwithstanding this, palpatory ability improved across the different levels of training and
clinical expertise. Foster and Bagust argued that although the 2-point discrimination
threshold task provides good insights into the development of tactile acuity in practice; it is
not a good measure of palpatory ability. One could argue that it seems plausible that the
observed improvements in tactile ability throughout the different levels of expertise may
indicate the occurrence of cortical neuroplasticity rather simply being associated with
peripheral changes in the size of receptive fields. However, despite the fact that intensive
training in the use of the hand in complex skills requiring precise sensory input leads to
increased spatial representation in the somatic afferent system; it is still unclear whether
the enlargement of the representations of trained fingers in the somatosensory cortex is
associated with an increase in the skilled use of the fingers (Mountcastle, 2005, p. 444).
Arguably, Mah-Jong players develop haptic capabilities similar to those observed amongst
manual medicine practitioners. Eight Mah-Jong experts (mean training duration 9.1 +/- 4.6
years) and twelve healthy, sighted individuals who were naïve to Mah-Jong, participated in
the study. All had to perform a two-dimensional tactile shape discrimination of Mah-Jong
tiles in the absence of vision. They were required to keep their eyes closed throughout the
experimental session. Saito and their co-workers predicted that stronger activations in the
visual cortex, including the multisensory ventral association areas in the visual cortex,
would be observed in participants who were well-trained on the tactile discrimination of
Mah-Jong tiles. In line with their experimental hypothesis, they observed activations in the
left LOC and V1 when the expert participants performed the tactile discrimination of Mah-
Jong tiles. In contrast, naïve individuals showed activations in the LOC but not in V1.
Furthermore, the researchers also observed similar patterns of activation in the expert
group whilst performing Braille tactile discrimination tasks. Saito et al. (2006) argued that
the observed activations in the primary visual cortex of well-trained individuals may be
attributable to long-term training-related cross-modal plasticity. These findings are
important for this thesis because they support the hypothesis that extensive periods of
training and subsequent clinical practice may lead to visual-tactile cross-modal plasticity in
the brains of osteopathic clinicians. Further evidence linking V1 to the development of
tactile expertise amongst Mah-Jong players could have been obtained through a TMS
study. Applying TMS to the occipital cortex during a tactile discrimination task would have
contributed to a further development of their causality hypothesis. Saito et al.’s (2006)
results could be explained by a higher reliance on visual imagery amongst experts. That is,
they may have relied on learned visual representations of Mah-Jong tiles whilst performing
tactile discriminations.
= 0.15 – 1.00). Mior et al. argued that with regard to the motion palpation tests analysed,
experience does not play an important role in the clinicians’ diagnostic reliability. Instead,
the authors suggested that, with experience, clinicians may develop their own diagnostic
criteria to determine the results of a particular test; thus leading to idiosyncratic palpatory
Regardless of the conflicting evidence reviewed so far (Mior et al., 1990; Chandhok and
Bagust, 2002; Foster and Bagust, 2004), the way in which expert osteopathic clinicians
perceive clinical data using their various senses, process information, and make clinical
decisions might all reasonably be expected to be shaped by their extensive prior clinical
experience. It could therefore be suggested that the nervous system of osteopaths may
undergo alterations at a functional level, which may result from their extensive use of
vision and haptics in patient diagnosis and management. Although both neuroanatomical
and neurophysiological adaptations which occur as a result of extensive training and
practice have been extensively studied with professionals, such as musicians (for a
review, see Hill and Schneider, 2006), research investigating multisensory integration in
the field of medical cognition is relatively scarce. The behavioural correlates of expertise in
the visual domain in, for example, radiology, have nevertheless been studied fairly
extensively (see Patel et al., 2005; Norman et al., 2006, for reviews). For example, Nodine
et al.’s (2002) work using eye tracking techniques, has demonstrated expertise effects in
terms of eye-fixation dwell time amongst expert radiographers, leading the researchers to
conclude that expert practitioners rapidly and accurately detect the majority of breast
lesion using global recognition strategies. Similar expertise effects can arguably occur in
osteopathic medicine, in parts of the clinical examination requiring visual inspection of, for
example, gross postural changes. It is also plausible to argue that extensive osteopathic
clinical practice leads to increased efficiency in multisensory integration, which results from
experienced-based crossmodal neuroplasticity.
Experience-based neuroplasticity
The hypothesis that the way in which expert osteopathic clinicians convey diagnostic data
by their senses is likely to be associated with functional and structural changes in their
nervous systems requires a thorough consideration of adult neuroplasticity. Long-held
beliefs that cortical and subcortical structures were unchangeable after childhood have
been challenged by the evidence emerging from the growing number of studies
investigating experience-based neuroplasticity. Pascual-Leone and his colleagues (2005)
have argued that all neural activity, including mental practice, leads to change, which
results from plasticity; and factors such as experience, functional significance and
environmental pressures play a critical role. Bukach, Gauthier, and Tarr (2006) have
argued that studying the cognitive and neural correlates of expertise provides researchers
with a unique window into the functional plasticity of mind and brain. Similarly, Munte,
Altenmuller, and Jancke (2002) argued that the musician’s brain provide an ideal model for
studying experience-driven neuroplasticity.
William James (1890) was the first author to introduce the concept of plasticity to the field
of psychology. Adult neuroplasticity has been regarded as an evolutionary measure that
allows the nervous system to escape the limitations of its own genome, and hence adapt
to physiological changes, environmental challenges, and experiences (Pascual-Leone et
al., 2005). Therefore, neuroplasticity should be regarded as an ongoing state of the
nervous system throughout the life span that leads to changes in human behaviour
(Pascual-Leone et al., 2005). Mercado (2009, p. 153) postulated that cognitive plasticity is
nevertheless dependent on “1) the availability of specialised cortical circuits; 2) the
flexibility with which cortical activity is coordinated; 3) the customisability of cortical
Modifications of human behaviour that result from experiences are central to this thesis.
Extensive clinical practice over a number of years both at the undergraduate level and
later in professional practice can undoubtedly modify human behaviour expressed in the
form of clinical competence. Furthermore, it can be argued that the nervous system of
osteopaths will undergo alterations at both the functional and structural levels, which result
from extensive exposure to multisensory experiences and ongoing learning and decision
making processes. It is therefore important that educators understand these processes in
order to effectively support the development of their students’ diagnostic capabilities.
The role of neuroplasticity in the development of expertise has now been explored in a
numbers of contexts and professional groups. Bor and Owen (2007) reviewed recent
evidence from neuroimaging studies on the neural correlates of expertise. They found
converging evidence from three studies that the acquisition of expertise involves a network
of frontal and parietal regions, in particular the DLPFC and PPC. The authors suggested
that these areas play a primary role in coordinating activity in content-specific areas.
Although these findings fail to provide evidence regarding those areas involved in learning,
the authors postulated that they may reflect the important role of chunking in the
development of expertise.
Evidence concerning the neural correlates of medical expertise is, however, still
preliminary. In radiology, Haller and Radue (2005) have demonstrated that expert
radiologists appear to have a modified visual system with evidence of the selective
enhancement of brain activation associated with the viewing of radiological images. These
results may, however, be simply attributed to enhanced visual attentional selectivity. More
recently, Harley and co-workers (2009) used fMRI to measure neural activity in both LOC
and fusiform gyrus in expert radiologists as they diagnosed abnormalities in chest x-rays.
They found a strong correlation between expertise and neural activity in the FFA (Fusiform
face gyrus), and a negative correlation between expertise and activity in the LOC. They
suggested that training in radiology may lead to an ability to engage the FFA whilst
suppressing existing neural representations. The involvement of the fusiform gyrus and
LOC may nevertheless be attributed to top-down visual mental imagery processes
occurring in clinical decision making.
Further evidence emerges from Leff et al.’s work (2008), who used fNIRS (Functional
near-infrared spectroscopy) to investigate the effect of surgical expertise on cortical
activity. Using a knot-tying task based on a real-life surgical technique, they observed
decreased activation of the PFC in expert surgeons whilst performing the knot-tying task.
By contrast, increased cortical activity in the PFC was observed amongst the ‘surgical’
novices. Leff et al. have argued that alterations in cortical activity, in particular the
decreased activation of the PFC observed in expert surgeons, are likely to be associated
with a continuum through phases of learning in surgical skills.
Although research on the neural correlates of medical expertise is still in its infancy, more
extensive and robust evidence can be found in others areas of professional practice. For
example, in the field of music, Elbert et al. (1995) have demonstrated a significant
enlargement in the cortical representation of the left hand in the somatosensory cortex of
string players; therefore supporting the hypothesis that experience contributes to cortical
plasticity. These findings emerged from a neuroimaging study comparing activations in the
somatosensory cortices of experienced musicians and non-musicians, to tactile stimulation
of the digits of both hands. Participants in the musician group were all string players who
had played their instruments for a mean period of 11.7 years (range, 7 to 17 years).
Moreover, the effects of piano practise on cortical plasticity in different age categories
were investigated by Bengtsson et al. (2005). Using DTI (Diffusion tensor imaging), a
neuroimaging technique which allows researchers to investigate the direction of axonal
transmission, Bengtsson et al. (2005) found positive correlations between the length of
practice and axonal fibre tract organisation in different cortical areas for each age period
(i.e. childhood, adolescence, and adulthood). They argued that extensive training within
critical developmental periods is likely to lead to cortical-specific plasticity in white matter.
Interestingly, Ramón y Cajal (1904) was the first to consider that the development of
expertise in pianists may have a neuroanatomical basis. He argued that in order to
understand this complex phenomenon it becomes necessary to consider, in addition to the
reinforcement of pre-established organic pathways, the formation of new pathways
through dendritic ramification and arborisation (Ramón y Cajal, 1904).
The effects of long-term professional training on adaptive neuroplasticity have also been
widely investigated in London taxi drivers (e.g. Woollett et al., 2009, for a recent review).
For example, using structural MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scans, Maguire et al.
(2000) compared the brains of experienced taxi drivers with those of non taxi drivers. Their
findings revealed that the taxi drivers had significantly larger posterior hippocampi. As the
posterior region of the hippocampus is involved in storing spatial representation of the
environment, Maguire et al. concluded that this cortical area can expand as a result of
extensive exposure to environmental demands. The authors argued that their results
demonstrate that the healthy human brain has capacity for local experience-driven
neuroplasticity. Despite the plausibility of their argument, it can however be argued that
some of these taxi drivers may have already possessed large hippocampi, before they
started their professional careers. Causality should therefore be interpreted with caution.
Taken together, the evidence reviewed in the last two small subsections supports the
argument that the expert osteopaths’ claimed palpatory literacy (Kappler, 1997) may be
the result of neuroplasticity. The brains of expert osteopaths may undergo structural and
functional changes resulting in, for example, enlarged cortical representation of their
hands, or leading to an increased efficiency in multisensory integration. Further evidence
from the literature examining the links between crossmodal plasticity and sensory
deprivation, and eye closure and mental imagery is, however, required.
function in blind individuals are likely to be explained by crossmodal plasticity; observed
changes in short-term visually deprived individuals are more likely to a representation of
normal physiology with the unmasking of existing cortical connections. In support of their
viewpoint, Amedi et al. (2005) point us to evidence demonstrating that the occipital cortex
is not purely visual but it plays a role in tactile, auditory and potentially also in linguistic
processes. Interestingly, Amedi et al. argued that observed changes in temporarily visual-
deprived participants are unlikely to be attributed to crossmodal plasticity, which is unlikely
to occur in a short period of five days. They may alternatively reveal the normal physiology
of the occipital cortex which became active with tactile processing when visual influence
was removed. The putative role of mental imagery is also considered and illustrated by the
argument that whilst sighted individuals read through visual recognition of words, where
spatial information provided by the visual system plays an important role, blind individuals
learn to rely on verbal descriptions and verbal memory to interpret the meaning of
information sensed by their haptic system.
Similarly, Shore and Dhanoah (2008) conducted two experiments in which they examined
the effect closing the eyes in the dark whilst performing a tactile discrimination task. The
results from their first experiment demonstrated that performance was better when the
eyes were closed than when participants kept them open. In a second experiment, they
also explored the effect of depriving participants of visual input for ninety minutes. The
results of this second experiment demonstrated that performance improved for the
deprived group, but not for the non-deprived one. The authors suggested that closing the
eyes can modulate behavioural performance and is likely to modify neural processing.
They argued that when we close our eyes we free up the visual cortex for other tasks such
as visual imagery. The findings from these two studies (Kawashima et al., 1995; Shore
and Dhanoah, 2008) are of direct relevance to this thesis and the hypotheses under
investigation because when expert clinicians close their eyes during an osteopathic clinical
examination they are likely to rely on top-down pathways mediating processes such as
mental imagery.
In a follow-up study, Marx et al. (2004) evaluated the impact of the selected rest condition
(eyes open or closed in the dark) on cortical activity during visual stimulation. Visual
stimulation was achieved through fixation of a LED (Light emitting diode) or dim-light room
illumination. The findings supported previous observations suggesting the existence of an
interoceptive mental state when the eyes are closed; and an exteroceptive mental state
characterised by attention when the eyes are opened in total darkness.
More recently, Hüfner and collaborators (2008) investigated the influence of saccadic eye
movements on brain activity with eyes open and eyes closed in complete darkness. They
replicated the findings of Marx et al. (2003, 2004) in that simple fixations in the dark with
the eyes closed led to activation of somatosensory, visual and auditory cortices and
vestibular regions. By contrast, fixations with the eyes open gave rise to activations in
oculomotor regions, and in those known to subserve attentional function. Furthermore,
they found that cortical activity was different when participants performed saccadic
movements with their eyes closed or open. For example, saccades with the eyes open led
to activation of areas subserving attentional function such as the IPS and superior parietal
lobe. By contrast, saccades with the eyes closed led to a relative de-activation of those
cortical areas.
Furthermore, Hüfner and colleagues (2009) conducted a fMRI study to investigate patterns
of brain activity in blind individuals in conditions of eyes open and closed. Eleven blind and
twelve sighted individuals participated in the study. Participants in the visually-impaired
group included both early blind and congenitally blind individuals. Hüfner et al.’s results are
similar to those reported by Marx et al. (2003, 2004) in that they claim evidence of both an
exteroceptive mental state (with the eyes open) characterised by activity in the oculomotor
regions and attentional systems; and an interoceptive mental state (eyes closed)
characterised by patterns of activity in the sensory systems. The results from the blind
participants did, however, differ slightly from those observed in sighted individuals. The
patterns of activation were less pronounced and occurred in other areas. For example,
when congenitally blind individuals kept their eyes open, the results demonstrated little
activity in the frontoparietal attentional system. Hüfner et al. claim that this is likely to be
explained by the fact that these individuals were not expecting to see. When congenitally
blind individuals kept their eyes closed, the researchers observed activity in
somatosensory areas but no activity in visual, auditory, and olfactory regions. The authors
suggested that differences in the observed activations with eyes open demonstrate the
functional re-organisation of congenitally blind individuals’ brains. By contrast, the results
from the eyes-closed condition are likely to be residues of the ‘interoceptive’ mental state
found in sighted individuals.
When translated to the field of osteopathic medicine, the findings of Kawashima et al.
(1995), Mark et al. (2003, 2004), Shore and Dhanoah (2008), and Hüfner et al. (2008,
2009) indicate that it is plausible to think that palpation with one’s eyes closed may be
dominated by multisensory brain activity and mental imagery. The use of mental imagery
may, in fact, be a critical factor in the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine.
So far, this review has provided evidence to support the argument that the development of
expertise in diagnostic palpation is likely to be associated with neuroanatomical and
neurophysiological adaptations. If extensive osteopathic clinical practice causes rewiring in
the osteopaths’ brains, then it is plausible to argue that crossmodal neuroplasticity is likely
to lead to increased efficiency in the multisensory integration of clinically-relevant
diagnostic data. This improved efficiency in the integration of diagnostic data is likely to be
facilitated by top-down processing associated with mental imagery and analogical
reasoning. Despite the plausibility of this hypothesis, the evidence suggests that diagnosis
of somatic dysfunction is likely to be a multisensory experience. Neuroimaging and
neurophysiological studies demonstrating crossmodal interactions in the primary sensory
and high-order association cortices occurring in, for example, object recognition suggest
that similar physiological processes may, indeed, occur in the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction. A consideration of the literature examining multisensory integration, sensory
dominance, and crossmodal attention is therefore also required in order to inform the
development of a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine.
DiGiovanna (2005b) argued that during palpation, osteopaths should focus their attention
on information gathered by sensory receptors located in their fingertips and hands.
Notwithstanding this, she postulated that visual cues regarding, for example, changes in
skin colour and appearance are important aids to palpation. These claims provide support
for this thesis in that the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction may rely on multisensory
In fact, Sprafka has gone so far as to argue that osteopaths diagnose with ‘all’ of their
senses. ‘The physician looks, feels, and smells while listening to the patient’ (Sprafka,
1997, p. 234). When reported clinical symptoms are questionable, the use of all their
senses in patient evaluation may potentially help the clinician to arrive at a more accurate
clinical history. For example, clinicians look for evidence of skin lesions, observe the
patient’s body language, consider their personal hygiene and link these clinical findings to
information gathered during their case history taking to formulate a clinical diagnosis
(Sprafka, 1997).
In laboratory-based psychophysical studies, combining and integrating the information
from multiple different sensory modalities has been shown to contribute to the more robust
perception (i.e., to deliver perceptual judgments that have reduced variance associated
with them) of the objects and events in the environment (Deneve and Pouget, 2004; Ernst
and Bülthoff, 2004).
From a clinical perspective, the diagnostic information that is available to the senses can,
however, sometimes be incongruent, hence delaying its classification and even, on
occasion, leading to misdiagnosis. For example, patients presenting with lower back pain
sometimes report levels of pain and tenderness that do not appear to equate to signs of
altered tissue texture and inflammation gathered via the osteopath’s eyes and hands.
Osteopaths make perceptual judgments regarding the nature of the patient’s clinical
problem based on objective and subjective diagnostic data. Perception is, however, far
from perfect (Dror, 2005). Researchers now believe that human perception reflects a
probabilistic process. Consequently, whenever a person estimates an environmental
property, their perceptual estimate will necessarily have some variance associated with it
(e.g. Ernst, 2006). In other words, if the same environmental property is estimated 100
times, all 100 perceptual estimates will likely vary slightly from one another. This variance
may be attributed to the inherent noise of neural transmission in the CNS (Ernst and
Bülthoff, 2004). What is more, Degenhardt et al. (2005) have argued that people are not
static entities and therefore the dynamic nature of the human body in general, and the
CNS in particular, may challenge the clinician’s ability to perform palpation reliably. It can
therefore be argued that understanding the rules and laws underlying multisensory
integration will provide an explanation for at least part of the poor reliability of diagnostic
tests in osteopathic practice.
Although no attempts have yet been made to pursue this line of enquiry in osteopathic
medicine or other manual medical disciplines, a link has recently been made between
expertise and multisensory integration in the area of cardiology (Vukanovic-Criley et al.,
2006). Using computer graphic animations and virtual patient examinations, Vukanovic-
Criley et al. (2006) tested 860 clinicians across different levels of expertise for four aspects
of cardiac examination including knowledge, visual and auditory skills, and the integration
of auditory and visual skills. They found that cardiac specialists tested significantly better
than students and non-specialists in all four subcategories of competence. Based upon
their findings, Vukanovic-Criley et al. (2006) argued that a possible explanation for the
poor performance of both students and non-specialists may have been related to a failure
to use both auditory and visual information from the patient’s cardiovascular examinations.
The role of palpation alone as a diagnostic tool has also been investigated in dermatology.
Dermatology is a medical speciality where diagnosis typically relies on vision. Although
consultant dermatologists routinely combine palpation and vision; medical students are
likely to focus their attention on what they see (Cox, 2007). It could therefore be argued
that students may miss out relevant diagnostic cues regarding, for example, the texture of
some skin lesions. In a feasibility study designed to investigate whether palpation alone
could distinguish between two common dermatoses, Cox (2007) found that an expert
clinician, with his vision occluded by a curtain, diagnosed 90% of the cases correctly. The
author argued that his preliminary findings demonstrate that palpation does have an
important role in the diagnosis of dermatological conditions. These preliminary findings
also provide evidence that palpation alone is likely to be important in the perception of soft
tissue texture. These results can be interpreted in the light of evidence from behavioural,
neuroimaging, and TMS studies demonstrating that the tactile/haptic modality is likely to
be the dominant modality in, for example, the perception of fine texture (see Whitaker et
al., 2008b, for a review on this point).
Clinical breast examination is another component of clinical practice where the use of
vision and haptics has been considered. McDonald and colleagues (2004) reviewed the
literature on the performance and reporting of clinical breast examination and found
evidence that standardised examination techniques improve the clinicians’ performance.
During a clinical breast examination, clinicians typically use visually inspection and a
palpatory assessment to detect lumps and visual cues associated with the presence of
breast cancer (McDonald et al., 2004). Evidence from several studies indicates that clinical
breast examination is an important complement to mammography; with a number of
reports demonstrating that cancers missed by imaging techniques can be detected
through clinical examination (see McDonald et al., 2004, for a review). On this point,
Gladwell (2009, p. 209) notes that many breast-cancer specialists believe that
mammograms should be supplemented by regular and detailed clinical breast
by a mechanical device. In order to investigate their research question, Maher and Adams
(1996) included two experimental conditions in their study. Participants had to make their
perceptual judgments in conditions of vision and touch and touch alone – vision was
occluded by darkened opaque goggles. The results demonstrated that participants judged
stimuli as significantly stiffer when vision was occluded. The authors suggested that these
findings may be attributed to the directing of the participants’ attention to the tactile and
proprioceptive modalities. This study is the only published report where a comparison of
bimodal and unimodal perceptual judgments in manual medicine has been attempted.
However, the potential limitations of the study include the absence of any report as to
whether participants kept their eyes open during the vision occlusion condition; and
whether they were instructed to direct their gaze to their hand during the bimodal
conditions. Furthermore, no comparisons between students, clinicians, and lay people
were attempted.
Kappa coefficients provide a measure of true agreement when two or more raters examine the
same diagnostic data to reach a diagnosis. In determining inter- and intra-rater reliability, it takes
into consideration the agreement that can be expected purely by chance. It does therefore indicate
the proportion of agreement beyond that expected by chance (Sim and Wright, 2005).
the case of Calvert el al.’s study, it is plausible that participants may have imagined
corresponding speech sounds to the small set of ‘silent’ lip movements that they saw.
Driver and Noesselt’s argument lends support to this thesis hypothesis that in the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine, links between
multisensory perception and mental imagery can be made.
The evidence presented in this subsection supports the argument that multisensory
perception in the context of a clinical examination provides clinicians with a more robust
framework in order to accurately diagnose their patients’ clinical problem. The
standardized use of clinical examination routines, which take multisensory perception into
account, may potentially improve the reliability of palpation as a diagnostic tool. Support
for this argument requires, however, a consideration of the literature investigating the rules
and laws underlying multisensory integration.
In osteopathic practice, diagnostic cues arising from the senses will be processed at
several different levels within the CNS. Interactions between vision and touch/haptics have
been extensively studied and this research has provided an important framework for the
investigation of multisensory integration in osteopathic medicine. This research has
emerged from the study of crossmodal links in spatial attention (see Spence and Driver,
2004), from the study of modality appropriateness and intersensory interactions in the
judgement of specific perceptual attributes (Welch and Warren, 1980, 1986), and, more
recently, from the study of the optimal integration of different sources of sensory
information (e.g., Ernst, 2006).
Crossmodal attention
From an osteopathic perspective, it would seem likely that during the standing observation
of a patient, visual attention to a particular clinical feature (e.g., to the redness associated
with inflammation) may draw the osteopath’s tactile attention to their hands should either
or both of them be placed at the relevant location on the patient’s body. In fact, Spence,
Pavani and Driver (2000) have demonstrated the existence of robust crossmodal links in
endogenous spatial attention between the visual and tactile modalities, such that
whenever a person attends visually to a particular location then their tactile attention is
also likely to be directed to the same location as well. Spence and his colleagues (2000)
demonstrated that these crossmodal links in spatial attention were symmetrical, such that
when a person focuses his or her tactile attention on a particular hand, or a particular point
in space where the hand happens to be, then their visual attention will likely be drawn
towards the attended hand as well (see also Driver and Spence, 2004, for a review;
Congedo et al., 2006).
The crossmodal links that also exist for the case of exogenous spatial attention between
vision and touch may also play a role in osteopathic clinical practice. For example, the
tactile stimulation received whilst an osteopath palpates a patient’s back is likely to
automatically (i.e., exogenously) draw their visual attention to that location as well. This
viewpoint is supported by the work of Kennett and colleagues (e.g. Kennett et al., 2001;
2002) who, in a series of electrophysiological and psychophysical experiments,
demonstrated crossmodal visuo-tactile interactions in exogenous covert spatial attention.
Although research on crossmodal spatial attention demonstrates that vision can produce
crossmodal interference effects over tactile judgments (e.g., Driver and Spence, 2004, for
a review); touch also exerts modulatory effects on vision. For example, Spence and
Walton (2005) investigated whether participants attending to a visual task could selectively
ignore distracting vibrotactile information. Participants had to make speeded discriminatory
responses to a series of visual targets whilst ignoring task-irrelevant vibrotactile stimuli
presented to either hand. Spence and Walton found that people were unable to attend to
vision whilst ignoring touch. In particular, participants were slower and less accurate when
the spatial location of the vibrotactile distractor was incongruent with that of the visual
target. Interestingly, participants who crossed their hands over the midline displayed
patterns of crossmodal congruency effects that were different from those who did not
change their hand position. Spence and Walton have argued that when people have to
attend to vision and ignore touch, the extent of the crossmodal congruency effect is
dependent on both the external location and the initial hemispheric projection of the target
and distractor stimuli.
The effect of directing attention to either vision or touch during the discrimination of surface
texture was investigated by Zompa and Chapman (1995). Twelve participants were trained
to make speeded discriminations between a change in the intensity of a visual stimulus
and a change in the tactile sensation of texture of a surface. Attention was either divided
between vision and touch (neutral cue), directed to the modality that changed (valid cue),
or to the modality where changes did not occur (invalid cue). Zompa and Chapman found
that the participants’ performance was considerably better when their attention was
selectively directed towards touch, compared to when it was directed to vision.
These studies have demonstrated that crossmodal congruency effects are likely to occur
in the context of an osteopathic clinical examination. For example, when attending to
particular visual diagnostic cues the osteopathic tactile attention is also likely to be directed
to the same external location. When visual and tactile diagnostic cues are congruent,
these crossmodal spatial links are likely to enhance the perception of somatic dysfunction.
Furthermore, attending to the tactile modality during the discrimination of soft tissue
texture may also improve the robustness of diagnostic perceptual judgments.
Notwithstanding this, when the external location of both visual and tactile/haptic cues are
incongruent, diagnostic accuracy may be affected. This may occur, for example, in the
palpatory assessment of pelvic mobility. Educators should encourage students to become
aware of these crossmodal congruency effects as they are likely to have an impact on the
reliability and validity of their diagnostic judgments.
attended at a time. On this point, Welch and Warren (1980) argue that the degree of
intersensory bias is caused by the observer’s directed attention to the most appropriate
modality to the task.
Alais and Burr (2004) studied the spatial localisation of auditory and visual stimuli in
experimental conditions of good vision, slightly and severely blurred vision. Their results
demonstrated a dominance of vision over audition under conditions of good vision; and the
dominance of audition over vision when vision was severely blurred. Of direct relevance to
models of optimal sensory integration are the findings for less blurred visual stimuli. In this
experimental condition, Alais and Burr found that neither sense dominated perceptual
judgments. They argued that their overall results could be explained by a model of optimal
sensory integration rather than by a model of sensory dominance.
Ernst, Lange, and Newell (2007) explored how object shape recognition is achieved by
vision and haptics; and how this information is shared across modalities. To fulfil these
aims, they reviewed the literature and conducted experiments involving the active
exploration of Lego pieces by vision and haptics. Their findings revealed a cost in
crossmodal relative to unimodal recognition performance. Ernst et al. argued that their
findings demonstrate that visuo-haptic object recognition is orientation-specific even when
individuals explore objects from a range of different viewpoints. They highlight that
although the optimal integration hypothesis would predict that when vision and haptics are
simultaneously available, multisensory integration would automatically occur; in the
perception of complex objects the prediction is not so straightforward. For example, the
authors argue that the haptic exploration of objects occludes parts of the object from
vision. This is highly relevant to osteopathic practice and is central to this thesis. Whilst
palpating the patient’s soft tissue structures, the osteopath’s hand will occlude the
anatomical structures from sight (see Fig. 3.1). This point should therefore be taken into
consideration when exploring the multisensory perception hypothesis in osteopathic
clinical examination. Ernst and colleagues (2007) further highlight that when investigating
multisensory integration in object recognition one needs to consider that whilst the
gathering of haptic sensory information through active palpation is slow and sequential; the
gathering of visual cues is typically based on the fast, parallel processing of retinal input
(see also Gaissert et al., 2010, on this point).
Figure 3.1: Clinician’s view perspective of haptic exploration of soft tissue dysfunction, showing
hand occluding anatomical structures from sight.
Attention and diagnostic expertise
The evidence presented in this subsection has, so far, supported the argument that
selectively attending to an external location or sensory modality may enhance the
perception of somatic dysfunction. Considering the absence of research investigating
crossmodal spatial attention in the context of a clinical examination, an appraisal of the
evidence concerning the behavioural correlates of diagnostic expertise in radiology (see
Patel et al., 2005; Norman et al., 2006, for reviews) provides further support to this thesis
hypothesis. For example, Krupinski and co-workers (2003) investigated whether there are
particular physical features of nodules associated with pulmonary disease that capture
visual attention, thus contributing to increased recognition and detection by radiologists.
Six radiologists were instructed to search for nodules on a series of chest images whilst
their eye-position was tracked. The results indicate that dwell time was only influenced by
nodule size and conspicuity. Smaller and less noticeable nodules received more visual
attention than larger and more conspicuous ones. Krupinski et al. argued that certain
characteristics of pulmonary nodules tend to hold the radiologist’s attention once that
nodule has been fixated; rather than the individual features of the nodule per se.
Nodine and co-workers (2002) investigated the timecourse of lesion detection on digital
mammograms using eye tracking and diagnostic decision time to compare the
performance of expert and novice radiographers. The results demonstrated that experts
detected 71% of true lesions within 25 secs; whereas novices detected 46% of lesions
within 40 secs. Moreover, the experts’ performance was also superior in terms of fixation
dwell time and levels of confidence associated with their decision making. Nodine et al.
concluded that expert radiographers detect the majority of breast lesion by global
recognition within 25 secs. They hypothesise that image perception is likely to rely on
initial global recognition processes. Noticeable breast alterations are likely to be flagged
for the consequent focal search, which then enables the practitioner to evaluate each
identified alteration for potential abnormalities. Nodine et al. nevertheless argued that
extending one’s search beyond global recognition increases the likelihood of diagnostic
error. Interestingly, Nodine et al.’s viewpoint is in contrast with Croskerry’s (2009a) recent
argument that through the use of both analytical and non-analytical reasoning strategies in
their decision making, clinicians may prevent the occurrence of diagnostic errors.
It can be argued that extensive clinical practice in osteopathic medicine may lead to
changes in the way osteopaths attend to relevant diagnostic cues, and accurately
diagnose their patient’s problem. With particular regard to their visual system, it could be
argued that in the context of a standing postural assessment expert osteopaths will rapidly
detect deviations from normal structure and function by relying on global recognition, Type
1, non-analytical processing processes. Notwithstanding the usefulness of non-analytical
processing in familiar clinical situations; educators should nevertheless encourage
students to consider the value of analytical processing in ensuring the reliability of their
judgments, in particular in situations of clinical complexity.
Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
In an osteopathic clinical examination, any variance associated with visual and tactile
perceptual estimates is nevertheless likely to be significantly bigger than the maximum
11% discrepancy between vision and haptics introduced in Ernst and Banks’ (2002)
laboratory study (and in many other previous studies that have utilised the intersensory
conflict situation), and therefore the optimal integration model might break down (see also
Rock and Harris, 1967, on this point). For example, visual and haptic cues regarding
altered tissue texture may be discrepant between them and not correspond to, for
example, the information regarding any pain and tenderness provided by the patient.
Indeed, it has recently been demonstrated that multisensory integration can sometimes
break down as the spatial separation between the signals is increased (Gepshtein et al.,
2005; though see also Congedo et al., 2006). In a series of psychophysical experiments
designed to investigate how the CNS determines how to combine visual and haptic
signals, Gepshtein et al. observed that when signals emanated from the same location,
sensory discrimination was optimal. They argued that the spatial separation of haptic and
visual signals is one of the features that determine whether or not the CNS integrates
signals conveyed by different sensory modalities. However, as sensory signals are not
necessarily completely fused into a single unified percept, the CNS needs to be able to
estimate the reliability of the sensory signals so that decisions can be made, or actions
taken, in an optimal fashion (Ernst, 2006; see also Helbig and Ernst, 2007b).
Helbig and Ernst (2007b) investigated whether individuals integrate information about
visual and haptic shape in a statistically optimal fashion. Participants had to evaluate the
shape of 3D objects in conditions of bimodal visuo-haptic and unimodal visual or haptical.
They observed that participants weighed visual and haptical cues according to the
reliability and therefore concluded that individuals integrate visual and haptic shape
information in an optimal fashion. When visual information became less reliable,
participants weighed haptic cues more heavily. Helbig and Ernst (2007b) argued that their
findings are well within the predictions of the MLE model.
Although the MLE model provides a good framework for understanding optimal sensory
integration, in osteopathic medicine, decision making, and prior knowledge regarding the
value of visual or haptic cues, are likely to play an important role in the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction. Ernst (2006) recently suggested that BDT may provide a good
theoretical framework for understanding multisensory integration. This view is further
supported by Deneve and Pouget (2004) who postulated that multisensory integration
should be regarded as a dialogue between the senses rather than as the convergence of
all sensory information onto a single supramodal brain region. Visual and haptic signals
can nevertheless have a biasing effect on multisensory perceptual judgments (see Helbig
and Ernst, 2007a).
It could be argued that undergraduate students and clinicians should develop a basic
understanding of BDT in an attempt to improve the reliability of diagnostic palpation. In
fact, Kassirer (2010) has recently suggested that a working knowledge of Bayes’ rules
enables clinicians to understand concepts such as the specificity and sensitivity of
diagnostic tests. Students should be exposed to these concepts at the early stage of their
undergraduate education, whilst developing their clinical examination skills. Interestingly,
Rao and Kanter (2010) have recently proposed that in order to support the use of
biomedical and clinical knowledge in their clinical decision making, medical students
should develop numeracy knowledge and skills, including concepts of probabilistic
thinking, in their first year at medical school.
BDT is a probabilistic theory, which ‘regards probability as a measure of belief about the
predicted outcome of an event’ (Doya and Ishii, 2007, p. 3). BDT is commonly used in, for
example, everyday clinical practice. Assume one of your patients is concerned about
having a rare, but life-threatening, clinical condition, which occurs in 1% of the population.
You encourage him to go to his doctor and take a very reliable (95%) clinical test. Two
weeks afterwards, your patient tells you that the result of the test came back as positive.
Although he is really concerned about the result, does this mean he has developed the
disease? From a BDT perspective, the chances that he has developed the problem are
16.1%. In order to calculate the posterior probability of prediction being true, given data,
BDT takes into account the prior probability of having the disease = 0.01, the likelihood of
testing positive = 0.95, and chance of false positive tests. That is, the chances of having
the disease, given positive result are equal to the proportion of diagnosed patients out of
all the people who get a positive result.
and a decision making process (Ernst and Bülthoff, 2004; Ernst, 2006, p. 122). Fig 3.2
provides a schematic illustration of a BDT in the field of perception/action.
Figure 3.2: Sensation/perception/action representation including BDT (after Ernst and Bülthoff,
Using a BDT model for multimodal integration, Bresciani and colleagues (2006) examined
the sensory integration of visual and tactile sequences of events. Their results
demonstrated that touch had a stronger influence on visual perceptual estimates. The
authors proposed that these findings may be attributed to the fact that touch was the more
reliable of the two sensory modalities. Moreover, Bresciani et al. observed that in
comparison to unimodal stimulations, bimodal events produced lower variance in the
participants’ perceptual estimates. The authors argued that their findings suggest that
when presented with visual and tactile signals likely to emanate from the same physical
event, the CNS integrates them automatically. Bresciani and colleagues concluded that
their results provide evidence that visual and tactile signals were integrated by the CNS in
a weighted manner. What is not clear here is the potential role of modality-specific
attention on cue weighting and integration.
The role of modality-specific attention on cue weighting and integration was explored by
Andersen and co-workers (2005) who investigated the audiovisual perception of rapid
flashes and beeps, and found that their findings are better explained by an early MLI
(Maximum likelihood integration) model. Early and late MLI models are dependent on the
effects of attention on sensory cues. When stimuli are perceived in terms of their
categories, rather than on a continuous scale, MLI can happen prior or after
categorisation, i.e. early or late. Early MLI models predict that cue combination occurs
prior to the effects of attention (Spence, 2010). Similar findings were reported by Helbig
and Ernst (2008) who, in a study designed to explore whether attending to vision or
haptics modulates multisensory integration, found that visual-haptic sensory cue weighting
is independent of modality-specific attention. Helbig and Ernst’s findings provide evidence
of early integration of sensory cues.
Taken together, evidence from multisensory integration studies suggest that for example,
in a clinical examination of motion asymmetry for the sacroiliac joint, one could predict that
if sensory signals are integrated in a weighted-manner, visuo-haptic sensory signals would
be likely to produce higher (and less variable) levels of intra-examiner agreement than
vision or haptics when evaluated individually. Considering the high complexity of clinical
practice, it can be argued that the BDT provides a good theoretical framework for
understanding multisensory integration in the context of an osteopathic clinical
examination. BDT does also provide a good framework for understanding the development
of palpatory expertise, and process of clinical decision making in osteopathic medicine.
3.3 Summary
demonstrating the existence of bimodal neurons in somatosensory and visual areas (Tal
and Amedi, 2009), suggests that it is plausible to argue that visuo-haptic integration is
likely to be central to the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. However, considering the
complexity of decision making in clinical practice, perceptual judgments regarding the
presence of soft tissue and joint dysfunction are likely to involve both top-down and
bottom-up processing. Top-down processing associated with mental imagery is expected
to have an important role in the osteopath’s clinical decision making.
The way in which expert osteopathic clinicians gather diagnostic data through their visual
and haptic systems, process information, and make clinical decisions might all reasonably
be expected to be shaped by their extensive clinical experience. The evidence reviewed
here, suggests that the nervous system of osteopaths may undergo alterations at a
structural and functional level, which may result from their extensive use of vision and
haptics in patient diagnosis and management. It is therefore plausible to argue that
crossmodal neuroplasticity is likely to contribute to an increased efficiency in multisensory
integration of diagnostic data. Expert osteopaths’ improved efficiency in multisensory
integration is expected to be facilitated by top-down processing associated with mental
imagery and analogical reasoning. During their training, osteopaths learn to use mental
images to depict their knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics. Later in their professional
clinical practice, they are likely to use mental images to effectively access relevant
knowledge representations from their memory. Mental imagery strategies and analogical
reasoning can arguably provide the link between palpatory diagnosis and representations
of tissue dysfunction encoded in the osteopath’s LTM.
The literature reviewed in this chapter has also provided evidence to suggest that
extensive clinical practice in osteopathic medicine may lead to changes in the way
osteopaths attend to relevant diagnostic cues, integrate sensory information, and
accurately diagnose their patient’s problem. Expert clinicians are expected to learn how to
combine sensory information from different modalities in a more effective way than
novices. Therefore, they are likely to combine data from multiple sensory cues in a way
that is consistent with BDT, i.e. taking into consideration sensory estimation, prior
knowledge, and a decision making process. BDT also provides an appropriate framework
to predict how multisensory perception occurs when vision and haptics are not
simultaneous available to the clinician. For example, in the context of an osteopathic
clinical examination, whilst palpating the patient’s soft tissue structures, the osteopath’s
hand is likely to occlude the anatomical structures from sight. In this particular case, BDT
provides a more appropriate interpretive theory than the MLE model.
Chapter 4: Mental knowledge representation, reasoning, and
diagnostic expertise
The present chapter explores the mental representation of knowledge and the role of
analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine in participants at different levels of clinical
expertise. Using supporting evidence from osteopathic and allopathic medicine, a rationale
for the design of the two reported studies is initially presented. Subsequently, a detailed
qualitative analysis of the findings from Study 4.1 is provided, and links to the design of
Study 4.2 and its experimental predictions are made. Study 4.2 and its findings are then
reported. Finally, this chapter concludes by discussing the general findings and their
implication for a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation, and osteopathic education. In
particular, the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies such as PBL (Problem
based learning) and CBL (Case based learning) in supporting the development of
students’ clinical competence is appraised in the light of preliminary evidence gained from
researching the mental representation of knowledge and the role of analogical reasoning
in osteopathic medicine.
If biomedical knowledge plays a central role in diagnosing the cause of the patient’s
clinical problem, it is nevertheless conceivable that in osteopathic practice this biomedical
knowledge is informed by the underpinning osteopathic philosophy and principles. Sprafka
(1997) argues that osteopaths have a more holistic conceptualisation of health and
disease. The knowledge of osteopathic philosophy and principles, described as
osteopathic knowledge for the purpose of this thesis, provides a fundamental framework
for effective patient care (DiGiovanna, 2005a). Although it has been argued that in
allopathic medicine in general, problem solving is primarily guided by the use of exemplars
and analogy (Patel et al., 2005), the underpinning osteopathic philosophy of clinical
practice may resemble approaches used in specialities such as radiology, where causality
plays an important role. Moreover, osteopaths commonly employ models of structure-
function relationship to interpret the significance of somatic dysfunction within the context
of objective and subjective clinical data (WHO, 2010).
subjective clinical information and similar information stored as episodic memories may be
achieved through analogical reasoning. On the role of analogical reasoning in everyday
decision making, Bar (2007) has argued that analogies map novel inputs to internal
representations in LTM that most resemble that new input.
It is therefore conceivable that analogical reasoning may play a more important role than
knowledge of causal mechanisms in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction in typical
patients. Authors in the field of allopathic medicine have argued that a functional
understanding of the system in question is less important in the context of similarity (Patel
et al., 2005). Notwithstanding this, an in-depth conceptual understanding of causal
mechanisms plays a crucial role in the management of complex cases (Norman, 2005a;
Patel et al., 2005; Woods et al., 2007b). Although it appears that expert medical clinicians
no longer use biomedical knowledge as a first line of explanation in their diagnosis,
Schmidt and colleagues have demonstrated that biomedical knowledge is activated in
expert diagnostic reasoning through its relation with clinical knowledge (de Bruin et al.,
2005; Rikers et al., 2005). Links to osteopathic practice can be made, and one can
therefore argue that in the osteopathic diagnosis of familiar clinical cases both biomedical
and osteopathic knowledge are active components of clinical knowledge.
Although research in clinical reasoning in the health professions has been conducted for
over 30 years (for reviews, see Norman, 2005a; Norman et al., 2006; Schmidt and Rikers,
2007), models of clinical reasoning in osteopathic medicine remain largely theoretical.
Whilst early research suggested that existing models from other autonomous healthcare
professions may be applicable to the context of osteopathic medicine (Sprafka, 1997;
Esteves, 2004), its claimed unique philosophy of clinical practice, and reliance on
diagnostic palpation, does nevertheless require a teachable evidence-informed conceptual
Considering the exploratory nature of Sprafka’s (1997) and Esteves’ (2004) studies it is
however prudent to avoid generalising findings to the entire osteopathic profession.
Furthermore, the use of verbal ‘think-aloud’ protocols employed in Sprafka (1997) and
Esteves (2004) studies may have failed to provide a true account of how clinicians access
different types of knowledge whilst processing objective and subjective clinical information.
Rikers and colleagues have recently advocated the use of decision-tasks in studies
investigating the use of different types of knowledge in clinical reasoning (Rikers et al.,
2004; Rikers et al., 2005). Despite criticisms regarding the use of verbal protocols as data,
I believe that considering the under-researched nature of osteopathic clinical reasoning, a
combination of on-line ‘think-aloud’ and post-hoc explanations provided the most suitable
methodological approach for exploring the mental representation of knowledge, and
reasoning strategies, in the initial pilot study. Apart from providing insights into the
cognitive processes that are likely to be associated with diagnostic palpation, it provided
an opportunity to validate and develop materials used in Study 4.2, employing a decision
task paradigm as advocated by Rikers et al. (2004). The aim of Study 4.2 was to further
explore the mental representation of knowledge and the role of analogical reasoning in
osteopathic medicine in participants at different levels of clinical expertise. Findings from
these two exploratory studies provided important preliminary insights into the analytical
and non-analytical processing associated with diagnostic palpation in the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction.
The pilot study, investigated whether my previous findings (Esteves, 2004), using
qualitative case study research, could be replicated using an experimental design using a
combination of on-line think-aloud and post-hoc methodologies. The second purpose of
this experiment was to explore clinicians’ knowledge in terms of content (biomedical,
osteopathic, and clinical) and structure as a means of suggesting hypotheses about the
mechanisms that may be responsible for changes in the course of development towards
expertise; and with regard to their role in expert osteopathic clinical reasoning. Finally, the
author explored the use of different reasoning strategies in clinical case processing. In
Study 4.2, the author investigated if the reliance on different types of knowledge changes
with experience. In particular, the author investigated whether the knowledge
encapsulation hypothesis proposed by Schmidt and colleagues is valid in the context of
osteopathic medicine. Furthermore, the potential role of analogical reasoning in
osteopathic medicine was explored. For the purpose of Study 4.2, the author adapted
Rikers et al.’s (2004) study to the field of osteopathic medicine.
4.1.1 Aims
changes in the course of development towards expertise; and with regard to their
role in expert osteopathic clinical reasoning.
4.1.3 Methods
osteopathic clinical reasoning, the use of exploratory research supports the generation of
hypotheses for further investigation (Robson, 2002).
This study was approved by the OBUREC (Oxford Brookes University Research and
Ethics Committee) and was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of
For the purpose of this thesis, participating students are classified as novices or
intermediates. This follows the model of medical expertise development initially proposed
by Schmidt and colleagues (1990). This framework was considered more appropriate than
the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition (Dreyfus and Dreyfus, 1986) due to its emphasis on
knowledge acquisition and re-structuring. Typically, in studies conducted by Schmidt and
colleagues (e.g., Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992) in the domain of allopathic medicine,
novices are students who are in the pre-clinical training years whereas intermediates are
students who have already completed a substantial portion of their clinical training. In
order to minimise sampling errors, novices are students who have nearly completed their
pre-clinical training and intermediates are students in final year of their undergraduate
training. Experts are clinicians with a minimum of 7 years post-qualifying clinical
experience, thus fulfilling criteria laid down by several authors in the area of professional
expertise (e.g., Chase and Simon, 1973). Arguably, seven years of post-qualifying clinical
practice are also in line with a minimum of 10,000 hours of deliberate practice
recommended by Ericsson et al. (2007) In addition, experts need to possess some
teaching experience (e.g., Doody and McAteer, 2002).
clinical elements of the programme with approximately 1500 hours of supervised clinical
practice. The osteopath was the ‘expert’ in this experiment.
Participants were presented with a clinical case of a 40-year-old female university lecturer,
with a history of lower back and right-sided leg pain. In addition to her musculoskeletal
symptoms, the patient presented with a gynaecological history of uterine fibroids, and a
past medical history of post-natal depression; sports and road-traffic related injuries.
Reported symptoms and observed clinical findings are described in Appendix 1. The case
was developed in collaboration with another member of the teaching faculty at OBU,
osteopathy programme, from the case notes of a patient previously treated by the author.
To ensure its validity, the case was further evaluated by another osteopath who did not
take part in the experiment. Although the case was complex, it reflected the nature of
contemporary osteopathic clinical practice. The case was presented on 50 typed cards,
each containing one of more items that characterised the patient clinical presentation: past
and present medical history, clinical examination findings and other information regarding
signs, symptoms and contributory factors. The case presentation followed a similar
structure of that employed by Boshuizen and Schmidt (1992), investigating the role of
biomedical knowledge in medical diagnostic reasoning.
Participants were instructed to think aloud while processing information contained in the
clinical case description. If participants fell silent for more than 5 seconds, they were
prompted to try and keep talking. The use of verbal protocols as data has been classified
in three main categories; Level one, two and three verbalisations (Ericsson and Simon,
1984). These categories are related to the time of the verbalisation with regard to the
cognitive task, and the relationship between considered and verbalised information. In
short, methods can be distinguished between concurrent think-aloud and retrospective
protocols (Ericsson and Simon, 1984; Patel and Arocha, 2000). For the purpose of this
experiment, a concurrent think-aloud protocol combining Levels 1 and 2 verbalisations was
used. Level 1 verbalisations occur without prompting whilst participants attend to the
cognitive tasks, and it is assumed they represent the content of the participant’s WM
(Ericsson and Simon, 1984). Therefore, it is argued that a strong correlation between
heeded and verbalised information exists. Level 2 verbalisations are the result of a
process named concurrent probing, which occurs when participants are prompted to keep
talking whilst attending to the cognitive task (Ericsson and Simon, 1984). Although a
strong correlation between heeded and verbalised information still exists, verbal protocols
may represent a combination of information from both WM and LTM. Verbalisations were
audiotaped and verbatim transcripts were produced.
After completing the case, participants were asked to provide (in writing) a working
diagnosis and a management plan. In addition, they were asked to provide alternative
differential diagnoses and to describe the pathophysiological processes, and predisposing
and maintaining factors underpinning their diagnosis and management plan. Post-hoc
explanations have been used by researchers such as Schmidt and colleagues (e.g.,
Boshuizen and Schmidt, 1992) as a means of studying the role of biomedical knowledge in
expert clinical reasoning. Written post-hoc explanations were used for analysis.
All participants were tested individually and in order to ensure familiarity with the
experimental procedure, a practice case preceded the experimental case. This approach
is supported by Ericsson and Simon (1993) who recommend that participants should
experience the process of concurrent verbalisation before attending to the experimental
cognitive task.
Verbal protocols were transcribed in their totality and subsequently typed up as verbatim.
Special marks for recognisable pauses and for unusual and long silences were used
(Someren et al., 1994). Transcripts were subsequently reviewed by the researcher while
listening to the audiotapes. Any inaccuracies in transcription were corrected. Transcripts
were then coded blind as to the osteopaths’ level of expertise. The last stage prior to
analysis was segmentation, which was based on pauses in the protocols. An extract from
the novice’s un-coded protocol is included in Appendix 2.
Protocols were then coded using a qualitative coding framework previously developed by
the researcher (Esteves, 2004). This coding framework, which had previously been
adapted from Doody and McAteer’s study (2002) in the field of musculoskeletal
physiotherapy, is based upon Elstein et al.’s (1978) H-D (Hypothetico-deductive) model of
reasoning. Following IF: THEN rules, which are characteristic of an H-D model of
reasoning, protocols were initially coded for evidence of and inter-relationship between
hypothesis generation, cue interpretation and hypothesis evaluation. In contrast with
previous research (Esteves, 2004), cue acquisition, which is the first stage of the H-D
model, was not important in this context because information regarding the patient’s
clinical condition was provided on each of the 50 cards. Considering the aims of the
experiment, words or combination of words concerning biomedical, osteopathic, and
clinical knowledge concepts were extracted from the IF: THEN process of hypothesis
generation, cue interpretation and hypothesis evaluation. Considering the exploratory
nature of this pilot study and the length of extracted verbal protocols, it was decided that
this form of analysis was more appropriate than the propositional analysis methodology
endorsed by Patel and colleagues (e.g., Arocha et al., 2005).
problem; (3) separation of analogy generation from other problem-solving processes; and
(4) ruling-out of common cases that involve only surface similarity without relational
similarity. In this pilot study, analogising applied to instances when participants recognised
that the clinical case representation could be solved with a known type of solution
approach; or when the case was recognised as being similar to one or more specific
‘instances’ of a clinical situation previously encountered that was managed with reference
to such similarities. Norman (2005a) links the hypothesis generation stage of the H-D
model to an early identification of possible diagnoses through recognition of similar prior
All codes were reviewed by one of the members of the research supervisory team. Inter
and intra-coder reliability of the coding scheme and coding procedure was considered by
having the protocols checked on two separate occasions. Inter-coder reliability showed
78% agreement and intra-coder reliability 82% agreement, both above a minimum
acceptable agreement of 70% (Someren et al., 1994). The final coding framework is
displayed in Table 4.1.
Code Definition and example
Hypothesis Making an assumption. Using cues or cue interpretation as a basis for making an
generation assumption
Example: “I’m thinking mega stress, two small children, divorce, expecting to see
someone who has got probably very tense muscles, headache, lower back pain,
periods disturbed…”
Cue Evaluation of cues, assessing the values of cues in relation to the hypotheses.
interpretation Making an appraisal of the usefulness of cues. How feasible is the hypothesis?
Example: “the stress incontinence might be coming from the uterine fibroids”
Example: “pain in her right lower extremity is worse on coughing and sneezing so
I’m now thinking more of a disc and facet irritation…”
Example: “There is mention of the hysterectomy… and the fibroid is quite big, so
that’s something to be aware of with referral of pain to the back…”
Example: “…it could be some underlying pelvic-sacral torsion still going on…”
Analogical Recognition that the clinical case representation can be solved with a known type
reasoning of solution approach; or recognition of similarities to one or more specific
‘instances’ of a clinical situation previously encountered that was managed with
reference to such similarities
Example: “I have a little bit of experience of this from a previous student during
the straight leg raising…obviously I would try it with this patient…”
Table 4.1: Clinical Reasoning Codes
4.1.4 Results
This section describes the results of this pilot study. Firstly, the characteristics of the verbal
protocols are described. Secondly, results from the application of biomedical, osteopathic
and clinical knowledge are presented. Finally, this section provides an overview of the
characteristics of osteopathic clinical reasoning and highlights between-participant
differences. The characteristics of osteopathic clinical reasoning are supported by a
detailed qualitative analysis of the participants’ verbal protocols using the coding
framework previously outlined in Sub-Section 4.1.2.
Results from the qualitative analysis are presented as verbatim quotations. In order to
preserve clarity in the presentation, some of the quotations have been edited. The
essence of the quotes, however, remains unchanged.
The three verbal protocols were substantially different in terms of their elaborateness. The
longest protocol was produced by the novice and consisted of 1237 segments, from which
318 knowledge-application propositions could be extracted. The expert’s protocol was the
shortest, consisting of 496 segments that contained 201 knowledge-application
propositions. The intermediate’s protocol consisted of 919 segments, containing 319
knowledge-application propositions. Between-participant differences in terms of
elaborateness and number of knowledge-application propositions need to be prudently
interpreted. Clearly the data only informs of inter-individual effect of which typicality is not
quantifiable, although every effort was made for typicality in participant selection.
Table 4.2 shows the number and proportion of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical
knowledge propositions extracted from the three verbal protocols.
Nº of osteopathic propositions 18 30 56
Table 4.3 shows the number and proportion of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical
knowledge propositions extracted from the three post-hoc explanations.
Nº of propositions 12 14 14
Nº of biomedical propositions 4 7 8
Nº of osteopathic propositions 4 0 1
Nº of clinical propositions 4 7 5
Taken together, these results suggest that as expertise develops, the clinician’s decision
making process may be increasingly guided by the application of clinical knowledge.
Results suggest that as a function of increasing clinical experience both biomedical and
osteopathic knowledge may become encapsulated under high level but simplified causal
models and diagnostic categories. This view is further supported by the results from the
post-hoc explanations. Whereas both intermediate and novice provided their diagnosis
and pathophysiological explanations in a list-like format, the expert’s diagnosis and
subsequent explanations were more of a narrative form, which is typical of a script-like
knowledge representation. Furthermore, the expert’s post-hoc explanations contained an
equal amount of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical knowledge. This was in clear
contrast with both novice and intermediate explanations, which were primarily focused on
a list of biomedical and clinical propositions with insufficient consideration to relevant
underlying contributory factors.
Although biomedical and osteopathic knowledge may become encapsulated under clinical
knowledge, results from this pilot study provide evidence of an overt role of biomedical and
osteopathic knowledge in clinical decision making at different levels of expertise. In
particular, results suggest that biomedical knowledge may play a central role in expert
osteopathic clinical reasoning. Osteopathic models of structure-function relationship
support this central role of biomedical knowledge in patient diagnosis and patient
`The proportion of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical knowledge application from both
verbal protocols and post-hoc explanations at different levels of expertise is illustrated in
Figure 4.1. A detailed qualitative analysis of knowledge application is included at the end
of Sub-Section 4.1.2.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the clinical reasoning of participants who took part in the pilot study.
This model is a revision of the framework initially conceptualised in my previous research
(Esteves, 2004).
Figure 4.2: Characteristics of novice, intermediate, and expert clinical reasoning.
Results demonstrate that the clinical reasoning process of all participants in this
experiment was cyclical, as the various stages did not occur in a set sequence. All
participants generated hypotheses regarding the nature of the presented patient problem
from early stages in the think-aloud process. Generated hypotheses included both
differential diagnostic hypotheses as well as hypotheses concerning causal underlying
contributory factors to the patient’s problem. Hypotheses concerning underlying
contributory factors included for example, aspects of the patient’s medical history and
psychosocial issues. This provides evidence that clinicians in this study actively pursued
casual lines of enquiry aimed at identifying the causes of impaired health. Following the
generation of a hypothesis, all participants went a step further to interpret available cues or
immediately made a judgment as to the value of a hypothesis. This immediate move from
hypothesis generation to hypothesis evaluation, which occurred in the majority of times,
provides evidence of non-analytical processing, i.e. pattern-recognition, amongst all
participants. This is illustrated in the expert’s response to Item 5:
So just two weeks ago after she had been playing golf, so I’m definitely
thinking SIJ…
Although not always evident in the verbal protocols, this immediate hypothesis evaluation
may be attributed to a rapid recognition of similarities between features of the experimental
case and previously experienced clinical encounters. The transfer between presented
features and analogous clinical encounters may be achieved by means of analogical
Using the final coding framework, a detailed qualitative analysis of the participants’ verbal
protocols is presented in nine sections: hypothesis generation, cue interpretation,
hypothesis evaluation, metacognition, biomedical knowledge, osteopathic knowledge,
clinical knowledge, and analogical reasoning.
Hypothesis Generation
All participants generated hypotheses from the outset of the think-aloud process.
Generated hypotheses included both differential diagnostic inferences regarding the origin
of the problem and its related pathophysiology, as well as underlying contributory factors
that could be regarded as enabling conditions for the presented clinical condition.
The number of generated hypotheses varied across the three levels of expertise and it
was linked to differences in elaborateness of all three verbal protocols. The expert
generated a total of 47 hypotheses, which included 21 differential diagnostic hypotheses
and 16 hypotheses concerning underlying contributory factors. The intermediate generated
a total of 62 hypotheses, including 17 differential diagnostic hypotheses and 45
hypotheses regarding contributory factors. The novice generated a total of 74 hypotheses
that included 23 differential diagnostic hypotheses, and 51 hypotheses concerning
contributory factors to the patient’s clinical problem.
Hypotheses were expressed in different ways and their level of sophistication was
dependent of the participant’s level of expertise and consequent application of biomedical,
osteopathic, and clinical knowledge. All participants demonstrated an ability to make links
between differential diagnostic inferences and underlying contributing factors in their
reasoning. An example from the expert illustrating the integration of both differential
diagnosis and contributory factors in response to Item 4:
Thinking low back, lets say L/S and SIJ which is a common problem
when pregnant because of the ligaments becoming lax, it doesn’t say
whether she injured herself, but I’m wondering about injuries and
possible compensations related to the pregnancy that haven’t been
previously addressed.
She enjoys gardening and plays golf and netball once a week, so
gardening flexing forward while standing and putting high pressure onto
the low back, therefore prone to back pain and possible annular disc
injuries. She plays golf, so again torsional problems with the discs and
possibly medial epicondylitis problems as well as shoulder injuries.
However, there were occasions in which both novice and intermediate considered
differential diagnostic hypotheses or underlying contributory factors in isolation. These are
two examples provided by the intermediate’s response to Item 6:
If right-sided trauma to the neck at the age of twenty-five when all the
epiphyses have ossified, it is more likely to get predisposed to
accelerated osteoarthritis and facet joint approximation.
Cue Interpretation
Participants in this experiment did not always test the feasibility of a hypothesis by
appraising the value of specific presented clinical features. In the majority of cases
participants immediately moved from hypothesis generation to hypothesis evaluation, thus
providing evidence of non-analytical processing. Results do nevertheless provide evidence
that cue interpretation was used in situations where switching between non-analytical and
analytical processing was required. When presented clinical features included a higher
degree of complexity, participants appraised the relevance of those clinical features before
evaluating the feasibility of a hypothesis. This included both a careful interpretation of
information from case history and results from the clinical examination. On occasions, the
expert used cue interpretation as a means of further evaluating the feasibility of a
judgment already made. This ability to cyclically move between hypothesis evaluation and
cue interpretation is illustrated in the expert’s response to Item 13:
The intermediate’s response to Item 9 provides evidence of how features in case history
were interpreted before a judgment was made:
The patient sits on a chair continually leaning to her left side and this is
on the right side, so she’s leaning away from the injury, which is going on
her right side.
And how relevant cues from the clinical examination were interpreted in Item 29:
Elevated right shoulder ties in with the same pattern there. Scoliosis,
which could be a functional scoliosis ties in with a possible disc injury.
In response to Item 7, the novice appraises the feasibility of several differential diagnostic
hypotheses by interpreting relevant features in the patient’s case history:
Participants were also able to evaluate the feasibility of diagnostic hypotheses in the
context of their underlying contributory factors. This is illustrated by the novice’s response
to Item 29:
She looks like she had T/L problems, she’s got a lot of hypertonicity
everywhere, she’s got quite a lot of structural problems and pain into the
right lower extremity and she’s got an anterior pelvic tilt, so all her shock
absorption has been taken away, pretty much in the whole of the back,
right down from an O/A right through to a L5/S1.
Hypothesis Evaluation
All initially generated hypotheses were evaluated and a judgment was made regarding
their feasibility. Although there were instances when participants fully interpreted available
cues before a judgment was made, in the vast majority of times participants immediately
judged the value of a hypothesis without any further analysis. This occurred in the early
stages of the think aloud process. Results suggest that this non-analytical processing,
described as pattern-recognition, may be attributed to a rapid recognition of similarities
between features of the presented case and previously experienced analogous clinical
encounters. Inferences should however be made with caution as participants largely failed
to overtly connect presented information with previously experienced situations. It can
nevertheless be argued that this reflects a limitation of the think-aloud methodology, as
this non-analytical processing is not amenable to introspection. Evidence of this rapid
recognition of a pattern can be found in the way the expert interprets the onset of the
clinical problem in response to Item 5:
So just two weeks ago after she had been playing golf, so I’m definitely
thinking SIJ, I’m thinking muscular involvement as well as SIJ.
And in the way the expert evaluates the patient’s reported symptoms in response to Item
6. This example illustrates a possible activation of an instantiated script by the expert, in
which the rapid interpretation of signs and symptoms leads to the formulation of both most
likely working diagnosis and alternative differential diagnoses:
For the last week she’s noticed a sharp pain down the back of her right
thigh which goes down to the lateral aspect of her ankle so she has got a
nerve root involvement, which could be coming from a possible disc
problem, it could be coming from possible piriformis irritation, it could be
coming from possible, I would say SIJ as well as maybe something
gynae, something cervix.
This rapid interpretation of presented signs without further analysis is also evident in the
intermediate’s reasoning process. Response to Item 31 illustrates how this rapid
recognition helped the intermediate to rule out more serious pathology:
And how the interpretation of a clinical sign supported the novice’s clinical judgment in
response to Item 9:
She’s leaning away from the pain, so this definitely tells me she’s got
inflammation on the right side of her lower back probably caused by an
annular strain or disc herniation.
She’s noticed a sharp pain down the back of her right thigh which goes
down to the lateral aspect of her ankle…she has got some sort of nerve
root compression…highly likely to be L5-S1 region because that’s the
dermatome pattern that the pain is following but yes I’d like to know a
little bit more about what’s happening.
Results demonstrate that the evaluation of formulated hypotheses was supported by the
application of different types of knowledge and reasoning strategies. Hypothesis
evaluation in this experiment was generally underpinned by a correct application of
knowledge. The application of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical knowledge and the role
of analogical reasoning will be presented in subsequent sub-sections.
The results suggest that participants were able to actively monitor their own cognitive
processes during the experimental procedure. This occurred when clinical features
presented with a higher degree of complexity and associated clinical uncertainty. Results
provide evidence that this metacognitive capability informed the formulation and evaluation
of specific hypotheses. An example provided by the expert in response to Item 26:
Whilst evaluating a likely working hypothesis, the novice actively considers other open
lines of enquiry. From the novice’s response to Item 10:
She’s been forward bending at the time, playing golf, high rotation, high
speed with the compression on the back, so it is now sort of focusing me
around a disc herniation, however in the back of my mind I still have
some sort of space occupying lesion. I will not rule that out until I find
something that would rule it out for me.
Biomedical Knowledge
A qualitative analysis of the verbal protocols demonstrates that all participants overtly
applied knowledge of causal mechanisms, i.e. biomedical knowledge in their clinical
reasoning process. This application of biomedical knowledge occurred during both the
interpretation of features reported in the case history and findings from the clinical
examination. Results provide evidence that the application of biomedical knowledge in this
experiment was intimately related to the osteopathic philosophy and principles of clinical
practice. In particular, links between underlying contributory factors and the ANS
(Autonomic nervous system) were overtly made. The expert’s response to Item 18,
provides evidence of these links:
She is quite stressed due to her job and recent litigious divorce, so that
means her whole system is probably in adrenal fatigue, so her circulation
is probably not as good as it should be, her sympathetic outflow is quite
In response to Item 33, the expert overtly applies biomedical knowledge in the evaluation
of diagnostic palpatory findings:
The novice provides similar interpretation to palpatory findings presented in Item 33:
In response to Item 4, the novice correctly uses biomedical knowledge to link the patient’s
presenting complaint to her past medical history and pregnancy-related physiological
She had a similar pain when she was pregnant with her second child so
that then tells me that it could have been around the SIJ area due to
relaxin relaxing the ligaments around the pelvic area.
In response to Item 22, the intermediate makes use of biomedical knowledge to evaluate
the underlying causal factors associated with additional reported symptoms:
onset of the patient’s presenting complaint may be causally related to underlying
physiological factors:
It started two weeks ago after she had been playing golf, so what I then
need to know is where on her menstrual cycle she was, whether she was
at the time where she could be releasing relaxin, if she’s releasing relaxin
that looses all her ligaments, she then started playing golf she might
have been predisposed to over-rotating, if she’s over-rotating, she could
have strained any of the ligaments in her lower back, her SIJ ligaments,
her iliolumbar ligaments, but she could also have rotated a little bit too
much and she could have strained her annular ligament.
Although the quality of the applied biomedical knowledge was generally good across the
three levels of expertise, the intermediate’s verbal protocol provides evidence of
incorrect/incomplete relations made between reported signs and symptoms and underlying
pathophysiology. In response to Item 16, the intermediate fails to link abdominal pain and
bloating as symptoms of underlying gynaecological pathology:
Taken together, results from both qualitative and quantitative analysis of biomedical
knowledge application by participants in this pilot study suggest that this form of
knowledge is central to the diagnostic process in osteopathic clinical practice. In particular,
there is evidence that biomedical knowledge plays an important role in the interpretation of
diagnostic palpatory findings associated with the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
Although there is evidence that suggests that its role changes with the development of
expertise, it appears that biomedical knowledge does nevertheless remain central to
osteopathic diagnosis and patient management.
Osteopathic knowledge
The results demonstrate that all participants overtly used knowledge of osteopathic models
of structure-function relationship in their clinical decision making process. Although the
number and proportion of osteopathic knowledge propositions extracted from the
intermediate and expert’s protocols were considerably smaller than those extracted from
the novice’s ones; the results do, however, suggest that osteopathic knowledge is
intrinsically part of the clinical decision making process across different levels of expertise.
The qualitative analysis of the verbal protocols demonstrates that this clinical decision
making process goes beyond diagnosing the origin of the problem and associated
pathophysiological changes to include both contributing factors and patient management
strategies. The overt application of osteopathic knowledge was intimately linked to the
application of biomedical knowledge and occurred both during the interpretation of findings
from the case history and clinical examination. In response to Item 21, the expert
evaluates the consequences of a previously suffered injury as a potential contributory
factor to the patient’s clinical condition. An extensive use of biomedical knowledge, which
is underpinned by a biomechanical-postural structure-function model of diagnosis,
supports the expert’s prediction:
In response to Item 49, the expert actively links the findings from clinical examination to
this previously-stated prediction, whilst considering possible treatment strategies. Again,
the application of biomedical and osteopathic knowledge is intertwined in this extract from
the expert’s verbal protocol:
She’s got decreased range of motion in the right proximal tib-fib joint and
decreased range of motion in the right talocrural joint, which makes
sense, if you’ve got a proximal tib-fib joint dysfunction you’re going to
have a talocrural joint dysfunction and therefore one has to consider the
whole knee-ankle complex together. If it isn’t working properly in terms of
rotation, shock absorption and locking and unlocking, it could be unstable
thus affecting the hip and SIJ.
Probably standing on her feet for long periods as well as long periods of
sitting at the computer so I’m thinking about all the postural
Results suggest that osteopathic knowledge underpins the application of biomedical
knowledge in osteopathic diagnosis and patient management. Its less overt use in
comparison to biomedical knowledge may be attributed to its progressive encapsulation
under clinical knowledge during the development of expertise. Results presented in the
next section lend support to this viewpoint.
Clinical knowledge
The qualitative and quantitative analysis of both verbal protocols and post-hoc
explanations suggest that as expertise develops, clinical reasoning is increasingly guided
by the application of clinical knowledge. Results suggest that this progressive reliance on
clinical knowledge may be attributed to the clinicians’ exposure to real patients in real
clinical settings, and it may demonstrate that a re-organisation of their declarative memory
system has taken place. Biomedical and osteopathic knowledge may therefore become
encapsulated under simplified causal and diagnostic categories. Clinical knowledge
contains information regarding the clinical presentation, including signs and symptoms,
underlying pathophysiological changes or breakdown in compensation, underlying
predisposing and maintaining factors, and osteopathic management. In response to Item
4, the novice demonstrates a developing ability to include different elements of clinical
knowledge in the interpretation of presented signs and symptoms:
She’s forty, so it could be the onset of spondylosis, she could have a disc
degeneration, osteophytes, she could have a SIJ strain, a pelvic sacral
torsion, she could just have just a plain ligament strain, she could have a
disc herniation, I can’t rule that out because I don’t know if it is radiating
or not, she is very stressed and she might well be sitting in her job, stress
doesn’t do the body any good and so this could well have predisposed
her to an annular disc strain.
She had a similar problem during her second pregnancy but not as bad
as it is now at the time the pain improved with osteopathic treatment, so
she previously had a possible disc injury, which could be recurring due
to the irritation from the golf, prolonged sitting and the gardening, flexing
Although pain is constant throughout the day, there is increased pain and
stiffness on waking, so there is definitely a difference from a daily pattern
it’s not a progressive constant pain, which again points more to a disc
prolapse, than it would be to a spinal pathology like a space-occupying
lesion, and it decreases slightly within an hour means it is inflammatory
as she wakes up and the oedema starts to clear.
A qualitative analysis of the expert’s verbal protocol suggests that as result of 18 years of
clinical practice, the decision making process is primarily guided by the application of
clinical knowledge. In addition, results suggest the availability of instantiated scripts
derived from previous clinical encounters. The availability of these instantiated scripts may
therefore lead to a rapid recognition of presented signs and symptoms and to a
subsequent automatic formulation and evaluation of diagnostic hypotheses. This rapid
interpretation of signs and symptoms leading to the formulation of a clinical judgment is
evident in the expert’s response to Item 14:
She has no bladder or bowel disturbance since the onset of her problem,
it doesn’t necessarily rule out a disc but it certainly means is not a central
disc prolapse, and also she has only pain down one leg.
Further evidence that clinical knowledge may become central to the decision making
process with the development of expertise emerges from the expert’s post-hoc
explanation. The narrative way in, which the working diagnosis is described, suggest a
script knowledge type of mental representation. This working diagnosis contains
information regarding the origin of the problem, pathological states of the tissues,
contributory factors or enabling conditions as well as the precipitating factor:
Although the intermediate’s post-hoc working diagnosis does not contain the same level of
detail as that provided by the expert, it does nevertheless provide evidence of an
application of clinical knowledge. The omission of information regarding contributory
factors or enabling conditions suggests that the intermediate may still be at the stage
where knowledge is represented by a combination of encapsulated and pre-encapsulated
networks. This is the intermediate’s post-hoc working diagnosis:
Posterolateral disc bulge at L5/S1 with associated muscle spam of right
QL/paraspinal musculature and right piriformis/gluteal hypertonicity.
In contrast to both intermediate and expert, the novice’s post-hoc working diagnosis
suggests that this participant’s knowledge is still characterised by lists of pre-encapsulated
terms. Although the novice’s working diagnosis contains elements of clinical, biomedical,
and osteopathic knowledge it lacks the other participants’ level of organisation:
Analogical reasoning
Although not always evident in the verbal protocols, the higher incidence of pattern
recognition amongst all participants’ may be related to the use of analogical reasoning.
The recognition of similarities between a previously experienced clinical encounter (the
source) and experimental clinical case (the target) may have speeded the formulation of a
clinical judgment. Results suggest that this process may have in some instances been
facilitated by having a known solution to the clinical problem, or by having effectively
managed a similar clinical condition. Evidence of the first mode of analogical transfer,
known as schema-based analogy, is present in the expert’s response to Item 22:
Evidence of the latter mode of analogical transfer, known as case-based analogy, arises
from the novice’s response to Item 41:
I have a little bit of experience of this from a previous student during the
straight leg raising…obviously I would try it with this patient.
I have a little bit of experience with depression, if somebody has had
depression before they can easily try to recognise some of the
The lack of substantial evidence regarding the use of analogical reasoning may be
attributed to the methodology employed in this pilot study. It does however follow a similar
trend to studies investigating the role of analogical transfer in problem solving. When
participants are not prompted to actively make links between presented and analogous
problems, scarce evidence of analogical reasoning typically emerges. Results do
nevertheless suggest that analogical reasoning may play a central role in the osteopathic
diagnosis and treatment of familiar or typical clinical conditions. The use of analogical
reasoning by all participants in this experiment may be directly linked to their clinical
experience and availability of episodic memories from previous analogous clinical
4.1.5 Discussion
The first objective of this quasi-experimental pilot study was to replicate my previous
unpublished findings (Esteves, 2004) with a combination of on-line think-aloud and post-
hoc methodologies. The results presented so far, largely replicated those previously found
by my previous research. These results demonstrate that the clinical reasoning of
participants in this study was a cyclical process involving a continuous formulation and
evaluation of clinical judgments. There is evidence that participants operated within an
osteopathic philosophical framework of clinical practice, as their clinical judgments went
beyond a simple consideration of differential diagnostic hypotheses to include working
hypotheses concerning causal underlying contributory factors to the patient’s problem. In
support of this standpoint, the results demonstrate that all three participants considered in
their decision making process the origin of the patient’s clinical condition, associated
pathophysiological processes as well as its underlying contributory factors and osteopathic
management strategies. Links between the patient’s previous medical history and current
clinical presentation are illustrated in this extract from the expert’s verbal protocol:
Taken together, these findings provide further empirical support for theoretical frameworks
which postulate that clinical reasoning in osteopathy is aimed at understanding the nature
of the clinical problem in the context of the whole individual (Sprafka, 1997; Sammut and
Searle-Barnes, 1998; Lesho, 1999; Stone, 1999). Furthermore, the results demonstrate
that although the cyclical process of hypothesis generation and evaluation is far from being
exclusive to the osteopathic profession, clinicians are nevertheless able to consider these
strategies within a more global and holistic conceptualisation of health and disease
(Sprafka, 1997). For example, here the expert establishes a link between diagnostic
palpatory findings, the patient increased levels of stress and her disturbed autonomic
In analogy to my previous findings (Esteves, 2004), these results further suggest that
metacognition may play an important role in osteopathic diagnosis and management.
Participants demonstrated the ability to actively monitor their own cognitive process during
the experimental procedure, especially when presented clinical features were associated
with a degree of clinical uncertainty. Particularly important for the purpose of this thesis is
the finding that metacognitive regulation was still evident in the expert. This finding
supports the view that metacognition is a core integrative element of clinical reasoning,
playing a central role in the development of expertise in the health professions (Higgs and
Jones, 2000; Rivett and Jones, 2004). Moreover, this result suggests that the expert
knowledge is not tacit as some authors argue (e.g., Mattingly, 1991; Coulter, 1998). These
authors argue that expert knowledge often remains tacit because clinicians do not have to
verbalise their thoughts. The results do, however, need to be carefully interpreted because
of the nature of the experimental task and the fact that only one expert participated in this
pilot study. The involvement of this participant in clinical undergraduate teaching may have
contributed to the observed metacognitive regulation, as clinicians do regularly have to
share their cognitive process with students whilst evaluating and treating patients.
Therefore, it could be argued that this finding may not reflect the true nature of expert
clinical practice. The role of metacognition in expertise development does, however,
deserve further consideration in future experiments investigating the neurocognitive nature
of clinical reasoning. Support for this view arises from the field of cognitive neuroscience.
For example, Shimamura (2000) postulates that there is a considerable convergence of
issues associated with metacognition, WM, executive control and frontal lobe function.
Metacognitive regulation involves attention, conflict regulation, error correction, inhibitory
control and emotional regulation (Fernandez-Duque et al., 2000).
The second objective of this pilot study was to explore clinicians’ knowledge in terms of
content and structure and therefore suggest hypotheses regarding the mechanisms that
may be responsible for changes in the course of development towards diagnostic
expertise. In particular, the role of biomedical, osteopathic, and clinical knowledge in
expert osteopathic clinical reasoning was explored. Results from this pilot study are in line
with my previous findings (Esteves, 2004). Taken together, findings from both studies
suggest that as expertise develops, clinical reasoning in osteopathic medicine may be
increasingly guided by an emphasis on clinical knowledge. Although aspects of the novice
and intermediate’s clinical reasoning in this pilot study were characterised by an
elaboration of causal networks explaining the causes and consequences of patient’s
clinical condition in terms of biomedical and osteopathic knowledge, the three participants
in this pilot study made considerable use of clinical knowledge in their decision making
process. For instance, this application of clinical knowledge is evident in the way the
novice made a link between enabling conditions such as age and obstetric history and
possible gynaecological clinical problems:
The results therefore suggest that as a result of their exposure to real patients in the
clinical setting, participants’ biomedical and osteopathic knowledge may have become
encapsulated into high level, but simplified causal models and diagnostic categories that
contain contextual information regarding the patient. Apart from supporting my previous
findings (Esteves, 2004), these results are in line with those from the field of allopathic
medicine (e.g., Rikers et al., 2004; Rikers et al., 2005). Although the results suggest a re-
organisation of knowledge into narrative structures containing biomedical and osteopathic
knowledge, they suggest that biomedical knowledge may nevertheless play a central role
in expert clinical decision making thus supporting the view that the application of
anatomical and physiological knowledge is central to osteopathic practice (e.g., Stone,
1999; AACOM, 2002). The central role of biomedical knowledge in osteopathic clinical
decision making is illustrated in the novice’s interpretation of diagnostic palpatory findings:
Apart from the link between biomedical knowledge and osteopathic philosophy and
principles, the overt use of biomedical knowledge in this pilot study may also be attributed
to the complexity of the experimental clinical case. Norman and colleagues have
demonstrated that biomedical knowledge plays a critical role in the diagnosis of complex
clinical cases (e.g., Woods et al., 2007b). Furthermore, Woods et al. (2007b) have argued
that the use of more challenging cases increases the potential gain for participants who
rely on their biomedical knowledge for diagnosing the problem.
The third objective of this pilot study was to investigate the use of different reasoning
strategies in clinical case processing and to suggest hypotheses regarding their role in
osteopathic diagnosis and patient management. In particular, the author was interested in
exploring the role of analogical reasoning. Results provide evidence of the use of
hypothetico-deductive reasoning and pattern-recognition by all participants in this pilot
study. Although the analysis of their verbal protocols shows that they operated within a
hypothetico-deductive framework, their decision making process was primarily based on
pattern-recognition. These results replicated my previous results (Esteves, 2004), and are
in line with findings from the field of allopathic medicine where a strong association
between pattern recognition and expertise was found. Patel and colleagues have
highlighted that the hypothetico-deductive reasoning is characteristic of novice
practitioners hence it fails to provide a reliable account of what occurs in familiar situations
(Groen and Patel, 1985; Patel et al., 1986). Findings from this pilot study suggest that this
non-analytical processing, described as pattern-recognition, may be attributed to a rapid
recognition of similarities between the presented clinical case and episodic memories of
previously-treated patients. According to this hypothesis, experiences retained from
previous clinical encounters are encoded as episodic memories and therefore are not
merged into some prototypical form. This view, which may provide an explanation for the
reasoning behaviour demonstrated by the expert in this pilot study, was first proposed by
Schmidt and colleagues (e.g., Schmidt et al., 1990).
If the use of exemplars becomes central to the diagnosis and management of typical
patients, then analogical reasoning becomes the ideal candidate for effective transfer
between new and analogous experienced clinical situations. Results from this pilot study
provide initial support to this hypothesis. Results demonstrated that all three participants
were able to provide an explanation for the problem based on previously managed clinical
situations, or by having a solution to the presented clinical problem. Although this is an
under-researched area in the field of medical cognition, it is nevertheless interesting to
observe that there is an emerging interest in the subject (see Eva et al., 1998; Norman,
2005b; Patel et al., 2005). Support for the analogical reasoning hypothesis in this and
subsequent studies, does however need to be carefully considered. When participants are
not prompted to actively make links between presented and analogous problem, scarce
evidence of analogical reasoning normally emerges. This is typically noticeable in novices,
who, with limited domain-specific knowledge, are more likely to consider similarity within
the content of a problem at the level of surface features (Eva et al., 1998). Therefore, any
change in the surface features of a problem hinders transfer, as the novice is not able to
recognise the similarity at the deeper, structural level of problem content (Eva et al., 1998).
Furthermore, the use of think-aloud methods may fail to provide evidence of how
participants recognise similarities between presented cases and episodic memories of
previously treated patients. This limitation may be explained by the fact that this non-
analytical processing is not amenable to introspection (Norman et al., 2007).
…sharp pain down the back of her right thigh which goes down to the
lateral aspect of the ankle means she has got a nerve root involvement
coming from a possible disc problem, but it could also be caused by a
piriformis irritation or SIJ as well as something gynaecological.
This pilot study has a number of methodological limitations which warrant discussion. For
example, the small number of participants limits the generalisability of this study’s findings
to the entire osteopathic profession. Moreover, the use of a qualitative coding framework
that was based upon Elstein et al.’s (1978) H-D model of reasoning may have lacked
validity in investigating the mental representation of knowledge. Although the H-D coding
framework was successfully used in previous studies (Doody and McAteer, 2002; Esteves,
2004), the use of a propositional analysis coding framework (Arocha et al., 2005) may
have produced slightly different research findings. Notwithstanding this study’s limitations,
its findings provided important preliminary insights into the cognitive processes associated
with the development of expertise in osteopathic clinical decision making. In particular, it
enabled the author to develop the experimental predictions used in Study 4.2.
4.2.1 Aim
Research questions
Experimental prediction 1
Novices, in contrast, have more difficulty in linking presented signs and symptoms to
encapsulated concepts. Therefore, they are slower and make more errors at evaluating
encapsulated items.
Because presented signs and symptoms are strongly related to encapsulated concepts in
the osteopath’s LTM, osteopaths are faster and make fewer errors than students at
evaluating related signs and symptoms.
Experimental prediction 2
Experimental prediction 3
If, as expertise develops, the clinicians’ decision making process is increasingly guided by
the use of exemplars, then it is possible that analogical reasoning may play an important
role in the diagnosis and management of typical patients. Because unrelated signs and
symptoms from other similar clinical problems are strongly related to episodic memories of
previous patients encoded in the osteopath’s long-term memory, osteopaths are faster and
make fewer errors than students at judging unrelated signs and symptoms.
Experimental prediction 4
4.2.3 Methods
This study was approved by the OBUREC and was conducted in accordance with the
1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
OBU. The 4th year students were the ‘novices’ in this study. At the time of the study, these
students had completed all biomedical and osteopathic taught elements of the
undergraduate programme. In addition, they had all completed approximately 700 hours of
supervised clinical practice. The 5th year students were the ‘intermediates’. At the time of
the study, these students were near graduation hence having completed all pre-clinical
and clinical elements of the programme with approximately 1250 hours of supervised
clinical practice. The osteopaths were the ‘experts’ in this study. None of these students or
osteopaths had previously participated in the pilot study. This study was approved by the
OBUREC and was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
Case A described a 40-year-old female university lecturer, with a history of lower back and
right-sided leg pain, previously described and used in the pilot study. Case B described a
71-year-old retired gentleman with a history of neck pain, which originated from my
previous high-fidelity field study (Esteves, 2004). The case descriptions were one page in
length and consisted of 130 and 112 propositions, respectively. In order to ensure
familiarity with experimental procedure, a shorter practice case preceded the experimental
cases. The practice case described a 24-year-old male student presenting with lower
abdominal pain.
Participants had to decide whether or not a target item was related to the presented case.
48 items per case were assembled: 8 encapsulated (clinical knowledge) items, 8
presented signs and symptoms, 8 biomedical items, 8 osteopathic items and 16 unrelated
signs and symptoms from analogous clinical cases (Appendix 3). The unrelated signs and
symptoms were used as filler items. Encapsulated, biomedical, and osteopathic items
were considered if they represented inferences based on at least 2 propositions in the
case description. These potential high-level inferences were extracted from the experts’
verbal protocols in the pilot study and my previous case study (Esteves, 2004). For
example, the text associated with the case describing the 40-year-old female university
lecturer included the following information: “…recently divorced, mother of 2, presents with
right-sided low back pain, which started 2 weeks ago after playing golf. In the last week
she developed a sharp pain radiating down the back of her right thigh to the outside of her
ankle. Sitting, walking and turning in bed aggravate her symptoms. Sleeping on her left
side and ibuprofen relieve the pain…” Radiculopathy would represent a possible
encapsulated item, sacroiliac ligament inflammation a biomedical item and
decompensation a possible osteopathic item. These inferences were supported by most of
the information provided in the text. In contrast, the signs and symptoms were explicitly
presented in the case. Radiating pain and antalgic posture are examples of a symptom
and sign presented in the text. Unrelated signs and symptoms originated from analogous
clinical cases previously managed by the author. Paraesthesia and night pain provide
examples of unrelated but analogous signs and symptoms included in the text. Clinical
case descriptions and items were developed in collaboration with another member of the
osteopathy teaching faculty at OBU and further verified by another osteopath who did not
take part in the study. Materials were subsequently piloted prior to use.
Stimuli were presented on a Toshiba Satellite Pro A200 laptop computer equipped with a
15’’ colour monitor using SuperLab 4.0.3 software (Cedrus Corp., San Pedro, California).
Participants used the laptop keyboard to write their diagnosis. In addition, an 8-button
Cedrus Response Box (RC-830; Cedrus Corp., San Pedro, California) which is internally
accurate to approximately 500 microseconds was used. However, as the RC-830 is a USB
device, the need for a USB driver introduces a delay of about 5 milliseconds. This delay is
however considerably smaller than that associated with a typical USB keyboard. For
example, PS/2 keyboards’ reaction time accuracy ranges from 16 to 35 milliseconds.
Participants made related, non-related judgments on the response-box, using their index
fingers (left=not related; right=related). Two response keys were marked for participants
(green=related; red=not related). Stimuli were presented at a viewing distance of
approximately 70 cm.
A modified lexical decision task was developed based upon that used by Rikers and
colleagues (2004). All participants were tested individually. The experiment took place in a
room at OBU SHSC (School of Health and Social Care), Marston Road Campus. Each
session consisted of 2 blocks of trials. Blocks corresponded to cases A and B and
contained 3 trials each. Trials were always presented in a sequential order. The first trial
contained the full case description and diagnosis. The subsequent trial contained the
instructions related to subsequent item presentation. Finally, the last trial contained a
fixation cross that remained visible for 500 milliseconds between each stimulus
presentation and the different item types. Block presentation was counterbalanced and
target item presentation was randomised for each participant. In order to ensure familiarity
with the experimental procedure, a practice block preceded the experimental ones. The
experimental procedure took approximately 30 minutes to complete.
Participants studied each case description presented on the computer screen for a period
of 4 minutes. Following this, they were asked to state the most likely diagnosis (es).
Answers to this question were typed using the laptop inbuilt keyboard. No time restrictions
were introduced for this task. Immediately after having pressed ‘enter’ to validate their
response, participants were presented with brief instructions related to the subsequent
item presentation. These instructions remained visible for 10 seconds. Instructions were
then replaced by fixation cross that appeared in the centre of the computer screen for 500
milliseconds. This was subsequently replaced by a target item, which remained visible until
participants made a response. Participants had to decide as quickly and correctly as
possible whether the presented item was related to the case or not, by pressing the
allocated keys in the RC-830 Response Box for yes or no. At the beginning of the
experiment, participants were informed that items were considered related if they were
either literally stated in the case or if they were inferences made by participant after having
studied the case. Inferences included potential links to previous real-life clinical
encounters. Once a response was made, the target item disappeared and was replaced by
a fixation cross. This fixation cross remained on the screen for 500 milliseconds. The
SuperLab software automatically registered response times and any error made by
participants once the key was pressed. In addition, stated diagnoses were recorded by the
software. Data for the practice block was not included in the analysis.
between the different levels of expertise. A two-way random effect, absolute agreement
ICC model was used as a test of inter and intra-rater agreement (McGraw and Wong,
1996). Combined intra and inter-rater reliability was fair as represented by an ICC (Intra-
class correlation coefficient) (2, 1) of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.31 to 0.92; p< 0.001)4.
From each case, available data concerning reaction times and error rates was averaged to
obtain a mean response time and a mean error rate for all levels per item type. If normally
distributed, the data was then analysed using a 3x5 mixed-design ANOVA (expertise level
x item type) with expertise level as the between-participants factor and item type as within-
participants factors. In order to make pairwise comparisons between the different levels of
expertise, Tukey HSD post-hoc tests were used. In addition, planned comparisons on the
effects of each item type were also made. The author used paired samples t-tests for
comparisons between item types per level of expertise. In order to specifically test the
experimental predictions the author used one-way ANOVA tests to assess differences in
response times and error rates for encapsulated items, biomedical items, signs and
symptoms and other signs and symptoms (filler items). Expertise level was the between-
participants factor. Tukey HSD post-hoc tests were also used when effects were significant
at p< 0.05.
4.2.4 Results
Three aspects of the data were examined: 1) diagnostic accuracy; 2) mean response
times (RT) per item; and 3) mean error rates per items. These were examined across the
three levels of expertise
Diagnostic accuracy
Pestana and Gageiro (2005) report a scale for interpreting ICC values as follows: 0.91-1.00
indicates excellent reliability; 0.81-0.90, good; 0.71-0.80, fair; 0.61-0.70, slight; and less than 0.60,
SE=0.16) were slightly less accurate than Year 4 students (mean=2.9; SE=0.28), no
statistically significant difference between these two levels of expertise was observed
Response times
Table 4.4 shows the mean response times per item across the three levels of expertise.
The author examined differences in response times using a 3x5 mixed design ANOVA with
expertise (expert/intermediate/novice) as the between-participants factor and item type
(signs and symptoms/encapsulated/biomedical/osteopathic/other signs and symptoms) as
the within-participants factor. This analysis revealed a statistically significant main effect of
expertise level [F (2, 57) =4.2, MSE=4774775.5, p=0.02, η²=0.13], and a main effect of
item type [F (4, 228) =27.4, MSE=193049.3, p = 0.00, η²=0.33]. Additionally, a statistically
significant interaction between expertise and item type was found [F (8, 228) =3.9,
MSE=193049.3, p = 0.00, η²=0.12].
Table 4.4: Mean response times (in milliseconds) and standard errors as a function of expertise
and item type.
Post-hoc Tukey HSD tests revealed that the osteopaths were significantly faster for item
types than the Year 4 students (p=0.02). No statistically significant differences between
osteopaths and Year 5 students were however found (p=0.73). In addition, there was no
statistically significant difference between Year 4 and Year 5 students (p=0.11)
A one-way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of expertise on the response time for
encapsulated items [F (2, 57) =5.2; MSE=945430.3, p=0.008, η²=0.16]. Tukey HSD tests
demonstrated that the experts [M=1988 msecs, SE=308] were statistically significantly
faster (p=0.007) for encapsulated items than the novices [M=2958 msecs, SE=308]. No
statistically significant differences between osteopaths and Year 5 students were however
found (p=0.61).
A one-way ANOVA on the response times for signs and symptoms revealed no statistically
significant differences between osteopaths and students in their processing time [F (2, 57)
=1.5; MSE=752626.5, p=0.23, η²=0.05].
Furthermore, examination of response times for biomedical knowledge items also showed
no statistically significant differences across all three levels of expertise [F (2, 57) =2.1;
MSE=1106428.8, p=0.13, η²=0.07]. This finding suggests that biomedical knowledge is
central to the clinical decision making process across the levels of osteopathic expertise.
Finally, differences in response times at judging other signs and symptoms (filler items)
across the three levels of expertise were examined. A one-way ANOVA revealed a
statistically significant main effect of expertise [F (2, 57) =3.7; MSE=1313114.9, p=0.03,
η²=0.11]. Tukey HSD tests demonstrated that both the experts [M=2407 msecs, SE=362]
were statistically significantly faster (p=0.05) for other signs and symptoms than the
novices [M=3278 msecs, SE=362]. No statistically significant differences between
osteopaths and Year 5 students were found (p=0.99).
Figure 4.3 illustrates the mean response times for signs and symptoms, encapsulated
items, biomedical items, and other signs and symptoms across the three levels of
osteopathic expertise.
Figure 4.3: Mean response times (msecs) for signs and symptoms, encapsulated, and biomedical
items, and other signs and symptoms (filler items).
The planned comparison t-tests showed that Year 4 students judged signs and symptoms
faster than encapsulated items [t (19) =-4.4; p = 0.00, d=0.98], biomedical items [t (19) =-
4.1; p=0.001, d=0.92], osteopathic items [t (19) =-6.0; p = 0.00, d=1.3] and other signs and
symptoms (filler items) [t (19) =-6.1; p = 0.00, d=1.4]. Year 4 students also judged
encapsulated items [t (19) =-2.5; p=0.02, d=0.6] and biomedical items [t (19) = -3.4;
p=0.03, d=0.8] faster than filler items. Moreover, they were statistically significantly faster
at judging encapsulated items [t (19) = -2.7; p=0.02, d=0.6] and biomedical items [t (19) = -
3.9; p=0.001, d=0.9] than osteopathic items.
Similarly, Year 5 students also judged signs and symptoms faster than encapsulated items
[t (19) =-3.6; p=0.002, d=0.8], biomedical items [t (19) =-4.6; p = 0.00, d=1.0], osteopathic
items [t (19) =-3.8; p=0.001, d=.9] and filler items [t (19) =-4.7; p = 0.00, d=1.1]. However,
in contrast with Year 4 students, no other statistically significant differences between item
types were found for Year 5 students.
Osteopaths judged encapsulated items [t (19) =-3.4; p=0.003, d=0.8], biomedical items [t
(19) =-2.1; p=0.05, d=0.5] and osteopathic items [t (19) =-2.9; p=0.01, d=0.6] faster than
other signs and symptoms (filler items). They also judged signs and symptoms faster than
osteopathic items [t (19) =-3.9; p=0.001, d=0.9] and filler items [t (19) =-5.4; p = 0.00,
d=1.2]. There was no statistically significant difference between signs and symptoms and
encapsulated items or biomedical items. In addition, there was no statistically significant
difference between encapsulated items and biomedical or osteopathic items. Finally, no
statistically significant difference between biomedical items and osteopathic items was
found for osteopaths.
Error rates
Table 4.5 shows the mean error rates per item across the three levels of expertise. There
was a statistically significant main effect of expertise level [F (2, 57) =9.3, MSE=483.7, p =
0.00, η²=0.3], and a main effect of item type [F (4, 228) =14.5, MSE=148.7, p = 0.00,
η²=0.2]. A statistically significant interaction between expertise and item type was also
found [F (8, 228) =2.2, MSE=148.7, p=0.02, η²=0.1].
Table 4.5: Mean error rates and standard errors as a function of expertise and item type.
Post-hoc Tukey HSD tests showed that the osteopaths made statistically significantly
fewer errors for item types than the Year 5 (p=0.01) and Year 4 students (p = 0.00). There
was no statistically significant difference between Year 4 and Year 5 students in terms of
their error rates (p=0.42).
A one-way ANOVA on the error rates for signs and symptoms revealed no statistically
significant differences between osteopaths and students [F (2, 57) =0.9; MSE=140.5,
p=0.39, η²=0.03].
A one-way ANOVA on the error rates at judging other signs and symptoms (filler items)
revealed a statistically significant main effect of expertise [F (2, 57) =8.7 MSE=210.8,
p=0.001, η²=0.2]. Tukey HSD tests demonstrated that both the osteopaths [M=19.4,
SE=4.6] made statistically significantly fewer errors (p = 0.00) for other signs and
symptoms than the Year 4 students [M=38.4, SE=4.6]. Osteopaths also made statistically
significantly fewer errors (p=0.01) than the Year 5 students [M=30, SE=4.6]
Figure 4.4 shows the mean error rates times for signs and symptoms, encapsulated items,
biomedical items, and other signs and symptoms across the three levels of osteopathic
Figure 4.4. Mean error rates for signs and symptoms, encapsulated, and biomedical items, and
other signs and symptoms (filler items).
The planned comparison t-tests showed statistically significant differences between signs
and symptoms and encapsulated items [t (19) =-3.0; p=0.007, d=0.7], biomedical items [t
(19) =-2.6; p=0.02, d=0.6], osteopathic items [t (19) =-5.2; p = 0.00, d=1.2] and other signs
and symptoms (filler items) [t (19) =-6.3; p = 0.00, d=1.4] for Year 4 students. In addition,
there was a statistically significant difference between filler items and encapsulated items
[t (19) =2.4; p=0.03, d=0.5] and biomedical items [t (19) =3.2; p=0.004, d=0.7]. Mean error
rates were also statistically significantly higher for osteopathic items in comparison to
encapsulated items [t (19) =2.8; p=0.01, d=0.6] and biomedical items [t (19) =3.5; p=0.002,
Year 5 students made statistically significantly fewer errors at judging signs and symptoms
than encapsulated items [t (19) =-3.2; p=0.004, d=0.7], biomedical items [t (19) =-2.2;
p=0.04, d=0.5], osteopathic items [t (19) =-2.8; p=0.01, d=0.6] and filler items [t (19) =-3.0;
p=0.007, d=0.7]. No other statistically significant differences were found.
4.2.5 Discussion
The study 4.2, examined the mental representation of knowledge and the role of
analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine in osteopaths, and Year 4 and 5
undergraduate students. Based on the knowledge encapsulation hypothesis proposed by
Schmidt and colleagues (e.g., Schmidt et al., 1990; Schmidt and Rikers, 2007) and
suggested by the initial findings, it was predicted that the presentation of signs and
symptoms would activate related encapsulated concepts in the osteopaths’ LTM. As a
result of a repeated application of knowledge in the clinical environment, biomedical and
osteopathic knowledge become encapsulated into high-level knowledge structures that
explain signs and symptoms. These high-level, but simplified representations are known
as clinical knowledge. Continuous clinical practice may eventually lead to script formation
and to the encoding of episodic memories related to patient diagnosis and management.
In contrast, Year 4 students, due to their limited clinical experience, are unable to provide
a synopsis of clinical cases through the application of clinical knowledge. Year 5 students,
on the other hand, may have already reached a stage of development where clinical
knowledge plays an important role in guiding their clinical reasoning processes. This may
be attributed to the nature of osteopathic training in the UK, where students at the point of
graduation are required to have achieved a minimum of 1,000 clinical contact hours. A
considerable proportion of this time is spent in diagnosing and managing patients in the
clinical context, and this typically occurs in the final year of their undergraduate training.
Therefore, no significant differences between osteopaths and Year 5 students in judging
the encapsulated items were expected.
The results provide empirical support for the thesis’ predictions, and are in line with the
knowledge encapsulation hypothesis. Osteopaths were significantly faster and made fewer
errors judging encapsulated items than Year 4 students. Moreover, no significant
differences in processing time for encapsulated concepts between osteopaths and Year 5
students were found. Notwithstanding this, osteopaths made considerably fewer mistakes
judging encapsulated items than the fifth year students. In addition, osteopaths were more
accurate in their diagnoses than both student groups. The results suggest that in
comparison to Year 4 students, clinical knowledge is strongly represented in the
osteopaths’ LTM systems. In line with the knowledge encapsulation theory, it is
conceivable that whilst studying the clinical cases, encapsulated concepts would have
become highly activated and were therefore part of the experts’ case representations
(Rikers et al., 2004; Schmidt and Rikers, 2007). Consequently, osteopaths were faster and
more accurate at judging encapsulated items because these had been activated during the
studying stage of the experiment. In contrast, both student groups were significantly faster
and made fewer errors at judging related signs and symptoms than other item types. In
line with Schmidt and Rikers’ (2007) view, these results suggest that students directed
their resources to isolated signs and symptoms in an attempt to link each of these to
biomedical knowledge concepts they acquired. Results for the fifth year student group do
nevertheless provide evidence of knowledge encapsulation taking place.
and symptoms may have primed the activation of encapsulated items in the experts’
memory systems. However, in contrast with their findings (Rikers et al., 2004), no
differences between related signs and symptoms and encapsulated items were found.
This suggests that although there is evidence of a progressive re-structuring of knowledge
during the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine, other forms of knowledge are
still highly represented in the experts’ LTM.
Despite its putative role in osteopathic diagnosis, the extensive use of biomedical
knowledge in this study may be attributed to the complexity of both case scenarios.
Although these cases were similar to those typically managed by osteopaths in
musculoskeletal practice, they included information which required participants to consider
alternative differential diagnoses. Biomedical items could have therefore been activated
during the study stage of the experiment in response to the presented complexity. Links
between clinical complexity and the use of biomedical knowledge have been demonstrated
in other areas of clinical practice (e.g., Woods et al., 2007b).
Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have claimed that the profession’s approach to
diagnosis and patient management is underpinned by a unique philosophy of clinical
practice (Seffinger, 1997). The results from this pilot study suggest that although
osteopaths and students make use of osteopathic knowledge, its use is not as overt as
with biomedical knowledge. Furthermore, the results from the pilot study suggested that
clinical knowledge include both biomedical and osteopathic concepts. It was therefore
expected that osteopathic concepts related to models of diagnosis and care would be
activated during the studying period of this experiment. The results demonstrated that
participants were, in general, slower and more error prone in evaluating osteopathic items
than related signs and symptoms, encapsulated and biomedical items.
Extensive exposure to real cases in a real clinical setting, leads to the next stage of
expertise development which is characterised by the use of episodic memories of previous
patients in the diagnosis and management of new cases (e.g., Schmidt et al., 1990;
Schmidt and Boshuizen, 1993; Schmidt and Rikers, 2007). Schmidt and colleagues (1993;
2007) have argued that each type of knowledge forms a layer in memory, which remains
available for use in the diagnosis of similar problems in the future. In the context of
similarity, the retrieval process is rapid and unconscious (Norman et al., 2007). The dual-
process theory indicates that judgments made using System 1 are highly contextualised
(Stanovich and West, 2000). Findings from the pilot study suggested that this process may
be attributed to a rapid recognition of similarities between newly-presented clinical data
and episodic memories of previous clinical encounters. If the use of exemplars becomes
central to the diagnosis and management of typical patients, then it can be argued that
analogical reasoning would become the ideal candidate for effective transfer between new
and previous analogous clinical encounters. Bar (2007) has proposed that the human
brain is able to extract a central idea from a situation and use it to derive an analogy. In
analogical reasoning, the input is therefore linked to memory as a means of facilitating
interpretation, projecting attributes and generating predictions (Bar, 2007).
Because unrelated signs and symptoms from other similar clinical problems are strongly
related to episodic memories of previous patients encoded in the osteopath’s LTM, it was
predicted that osteopaths would be faster and more accurate than students at judging
unrelated signs and symptoms. The link between episodic memories, analogical
reasoning, and the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine was therefore
explored. The results lend empirical support to this thesis’ predictions. Osteopaths were
significantly faster and made fewer errors judging other signs and symptoms than the
fourth year students. However, no significant differences in processing time between
osteopaths and the fifth year students were found. Nonetheless, osteopaths made
considerably fewer mistakes judging other signs and symptoms than the fifth year
students. The findings suggest that whilst studying the clinical case, signs and symptoms
from analogous clinical cases may have led to automatic script activation. Once a script
has been instantiated, it remains available in the clinicians’ memory as episodic traces of
previously diagnosed patients (Schmidt and Boshuizen, 1993). Whilst surface similarities
between cases may have led to rapid pattern-recognition, processing of similarities at the
deeper, structural level of problem content would have required other cognitive processes
such as analogical reasoning. Patel and colleagues (2005) have argued that with the
development of expertise, the clinical reasoning is increasingly guided by the use of
exemplars, and analogy becomes less dependent on a functional understanding of the
system in question. Analogies map novel inputs to internal representations in LTM that
most resemble that new input (Bar, 2007). Bar has argued that data related to these
internal representations is therefore activated to predict what else might be expected in
similar situations. He concluded by suggesting that in this associative activation, taking
contextual similarities into account ensures that only the most relevant predictions are
generated. I would argue that analogical reasoning is likely to play an important role in the
interpretation of diagnostic palpatory findings. Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine
have acknowledged the subjectivity of diagnostic palpation, and proposed that osteopaths
should develop their own palpatory reference library (Parsons and Marcer, 2005). The
development of these palpatory reference libraries may be facilitated by analogical
Differences in performance between osteopaths and the student groups may be attributed
to the students’ limited clinical experience and subsequent limited number of episodic
memories that can be used as source analogues. Alternatively, differences may be
attributed to the novices’ limited ability to recognise similarities at structural level of the
problem (Eva et al., 1998).
The results showed no differences in processing time between osteopaths and fifth year
students. However, osteopaths made significantly fewer errors at judging analogous signs
and symptoms. These findings suggest the existence of metacognitive processes
designed to accurately monitor mental performance. Although this had its own time costs,
the osteopaths were considerably more accurate. The retrieval of episodic memories
requires a variety of metacognitive processes which are responsible for accurate memory
performance, including source monitoring and self-controlled decision making processes
designed to avoid memory errors and illusions of familiarity (Koriat, 2007). Kahneman
(2003) has argued that automatic and unconscious judgments require the use of slow and
analytical reasoning strategies designed to effectively monitor our decisions. Links
between metacognition and clinical expertise have been previously demonstrated (Higgs
and Jones, 2000; Rivett and Jones, 2004). Furthermore, the osteopaths’ performance in
this study demonstrates that expert knowledge is not tacit as previously argued (e.g.,
Mattingly, 1991; Coulter, 1998).
4.3 Conclusions
This chapter examined the mental representation of knowledge and the role of analogical
reasoning in osteopathic medicine across three levels of expertise. Evidence from these
two studies demonstrates that the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine is
associated with the processes of knowledge encapsulation and script formation. The
results also provided preliminary empirical evidence suggesting a link between clinical
expertise, episodic memories, and analogical reasoning in osteopathic medicine. In
addition, there was evidence that biomedical knowledge is a core component of
osteopathic clinical reasoning. The findings were largely in line with the author’s initial
The results support the general validity of the utilised research methods and
methodologies, and selection of participants. Notwithstanding this, there are a number of
limitations which merit discussion. Firstly, the overt use of biomedical knowledge across
the three levels of expertise may have been influenced by the complexity of the two clinical
case scenarios. Although both cases were from within the domain of contemporary
osteopathic practice, authors from the field of medical cognition have argued that
biomedical knowledge plays a critical role in the diagnosis of complex clinical cases (e.g.,
Woods et al., 2007b). Secondly, the observed reaction times in Study 4.2 may have been
confounded by the way in which participants responded to the target items. For example,
looking at the response box prior to responding to the target items may have contributed to
slower response times. The data from reaction times was, however, normally distributed,
thus suggesting a potential minor confounding effect. Finally, the exploratory nature of
these two studies and their associated small sample sizes limit the generalisability of their
findings to the entire osteopathic profession. Notwithstanding this, the results of these two
exploratory studies suggest that during the development of expertise in osteopathic
medicine, diagnostic palpation is likely to become influenced by top-down analytical and
non-analytical processing. Cognitive mechanisms are likely to include knowledge
encapsulation and script formation, and analogical reasoning. A strong mental
representation of biomedical knowledge is also likely to support the interpretation of
palpatory findings in the context of the underlying functional and pathological tissue
changes that contributed to the onset of the patient’s problem.
Despite their preliminary nature, these results have implications for osteopathic education.
Students are likely to benefit from developing their clinical examination skills within the
context of PBL and CBL tutorials. In a recent review of the literature, Boshuizen (2009)
concluded that there is evidence demonstrating that a well-designed and managed PBL
environment provides the best means to prepare students for professional practice. In
particular, real-life but complex PBL and CBL scenarios enable students to effectively deal
with clinical uncertainty and the ambiguity of clinical data (Kassirer, 2010). Furthermore,
Eshach and Bitterman (2003) argued that real-life PBL tutorials allow students to acquire
clinical case scenarios which contain both verbal and non-verbal representations, such as
visual and tactile sensory data. Critically, these non-verbal representations are likely to
promote the transfer of learning and facilitate the process of clinical decision making
(Eshach and Bitterman, 2003). These teaching and learning strategies, supported by an
early exposure to real-life clinical encounters, are likely to promote the process of
knowledge encapsulation and script formation; and to enable students to successfully form
memories of normal and abnormal soft tissue patterns.
Chapter 5: Exploring the use of vision and haptics in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction
Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have claimed that the hallmark of osteopaths
is their effective use of a highly developed and refined skill of palpation (e.g., GOsC,
1999). Used in conjunction with other clinical evaluation methods such as visual
inspection, diagnostic palpation plays a central role in osteopathic clinical decision making.
Guided by an appropriate and contextually relevant case history-taking, osteopaths use
the clinical examination as a means of identifying the presence of altered function in the
patient’s somatic framework (e.g., Kuchera and Kuchera, 1992). Although the existence of
somatic dysfunction, and its putative pathophysiological mechanisms have been
questioned by researchers in the field of osteopathic medicine (e.g., Fryer, 2003; Fryer et
al., 2010a); its diagnosis is nevertheless regarded by osteopaths as important to their
clinical decision making (Fryer et al., 2009; Fryer et al., 2010b). Diagnostic judgments
regarding the presence of somatic dysfunction take into consideration, for example, the
tenderness, texture, and compliance of soft tissues (Greenman, 1996; Lewit, 1999;
DiGiovanna, 2005c). In a recent survey, British osteopaths reported that the presence of
altered soft tissue texture, and the quality and range of joint mobility, are important clinical
findings for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction in the spine and pelvis (Fryer et al.,
2010b). Notwithstanding this, the signs of altered tissue texture and joint mobility have
been consistently reported as lacking clinically acceptable levels of intra- and inter-
examiner reliability (e.g., Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for reviews).
The majority of these clinical signs of somatic dysfunction are conveyed by the clinician’s
senses, in particular, vision and haptics. Information conveyed by the senses (i.e., what
can be thought of as bottom-up processing) is likely to be processed in various areas of
the clinician’s brain, taking into account both prior knowledge and experience (i.e., top-
down processing, or prior knowledge).
Perceptual judgments regarding the presence of somatic dysfunction are likely to depend
on both analytical and non-analytical reasoning strategies. The results from the two
studies reported in Chapter 4 provided preliminary evidence suggesting that in the
development of expertise in osteopathic medicine, biomedical knowledge and osteopathic
knowledge become encapsulated into high level, but simplified causal models, and
diagnostic categories that contain contextual information regarding the patient. Despite
this, biomedical knowledge remains strongly represented in the expert clinicians’ LTM,
thus playing a critical role in osteopathic clinical reasoning. In fact, it can be argued that a
strong mental representation of anatomical, physiological, and pathophysiological
knowledge is likely to enable both experienced osteopaths and students to effectively
diagnose the presence of somatic dysfunction. Moreover, the evidence from the two
studies reported in Chapter 4 suggests that analogical reasoning is likely to be used by
experienced clinicians when presented signs, symptoms, and contextual clinical data, are
analogous to similar information stored in their LTM as episodic memories. Analogical
reasoning can arguably provide the link between palpatory diagnosis and representations
of tissue dysfunction encoded in the osteopath’s LTM. Taken together, the findings
reported in Chapter 4 contribute to the development of a model of expertise in diagnostic
palpation. The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction cannot be made in the absence of
subjective information gathered at the case-history taking stage of the consultation.
Instead, the findings from a clinical examination need to be carefully interpreted in the
context of the patient’s present and past medical history, and contributory factors to the
development of the problem such as his/her work-related activities.
haptics are likely to play a synergistic role, and occur within the context of crossmodal
visuo-haptic networks. Considering the evidence demonstrating the presence of bimodal
neurons in somatosensory and visual areas of the brain (e.g., IPS and LOC, Tal and
Amedi, 2009), then visuo-haptic integration is most likely to be central to the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction.
Although the validity and reliability of diagnostic palpation has been extensively examined
in fields of manual medicine (e.g., Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for
reviews) and other non-manual medical disciplines (e.g., Gadsboll et al., 1989; Jarlov et
al., 1991a; Yen et al., 2005); attempts to investigate the role of multisensory integration in
the context of a clinical examination are still preliminary. For example, Vukanovic-Criley et
al. (2006) found that in comparison to students and non-specialists, consultant
cardiologists were better at simultaneously integrating auditory and visual information in a
virtual cardiologic patient examination. Meanwhile, Maher and Adams (1996) investigated
the impact of vision on tactile/kinaesthetic judgments of stiffness in a group of
physiotherapists, physiotherapy students, and lay people, and found that participants
judged stimuli as significantly stiffer when vision was occluded. They argued that their
findings were attributed to the directing of the participants’ attention to the tactile and
proprioceptive modalities; however, no comparisons between students, clinicians, and lay
people were attempted.
Considering the absence of research examining the way in which clinicians use their
senses in an osteopathic clinical examination, it was decided that a quasi-naturalistic
observation research approach would provide the ideal means for gathering preliminary
data supporting the design of subsequent studies. Naturalistic observation of work
practices has been endorsed as a valid research method to study the development of
expertise in professional settings (see Clancey, 2006, for a review). However, in the
context of osteopathic medicine this would require an observation of clinicians and
students whilst diagnosing and managing a real, previously untreated patient. Considering
the aims of Studies 5.1 and 5.2, it was decided that a structured participant observation in
a laboratory setting would have higher validity and reliability. The term quasi-naturalistic
observation is therefore used to describe the research method utilised for the purpose of
these two studies.
Study 5.1, i.e., the pilot study, explored the way in which one experienced osteopath and
two students used their senses in various aspects of an osteopathic clinical examination
aimed at diagnosing a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis,
on eight different participants with a history of chronic low back pain. Furthermore, the
study examined the intra-examiner reliability in identifying a somatic dysfunction, whilst
attempting to make links between intra-examiner levels of agreement and the use of the
different senses in their clinical examination. Importantly, the purpose of Studies 5.1 and
5.2 was not to investigate the reliability of diagnostic palpation but to understand how
expert and novice practitioners use their visual and haptic systems in the context of a
clinical examination. Finally, the pilot study provided an opportunity to validate and further
develop the utilised research method and methodologies.
Study 5.2, an exploratory study, which largely replicated the approach previously used,
aimed to investigate how five experienced osteopaths and ten students used vision and
haptics in an osteopathic clinical examination on one subject with a history of chronic low
back pain. The purpose of the clinical examination was, in analogy to Study 5.1, to
diagnose the presence of a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and
5.1.1 Aims
• To explore the way in which one experienced osteopath and two students used
their senses in various aspects of an osteopathic clinical examination aimed at
diagnosing a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis,
on eight different participants with a history of chronic low back pain.
• To explore the links between intra-examiner levels of agreement and the use of the
different senses in their clinical examination.
• To validate and further develop the utilised research method and methodologies.
• Are there differences in the way in which expert clinicians and undergraduate
osteopathy students use their senses in an osteopathic clinical examination?
5.1.3 Methods
• time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and simultaneous use of vision and
• the proportion of time spent using vision alone (i.e. time spent looking at the model
without the use of touch and proprioception), haptics alone (i.e. time spent
palpating the model’s tissues whilst looking away or with the eyes closed), and the
simultaneous use of vision and haptics;
• timecourse in clinical examination when different senses were used (i.e. vision
alone, haptics alone, and visuo-haptic);
• subjective responses to a questionnaire on modality appropriateness/reliability
related to different elements of clinical examination (i.e. differentiation of tissue
textures; static positional asymmetry; motion asymmetry; and the assessment of
This study was approved by the OBUREC and was conducted in accordance with the
1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
A sample of eight participants (5 male, 3 female) with a history of chronic low back pain,
recruited by a poster advert from the staff and students at OBU were used as the models
for the clinical examination. The mean age of the sample was 39 years (range 34-47; SD
4.7). Six participants had mild symptoms of lower back pain on the day of the study, whilst
two were asymptomatic. Whilst authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have argued
that asymptomatic participants may present with non-painful somatic dysfunctions (e.g.,
Potter et al., 2006), the use of symptomatic individuals who have clinically meaningful
dysfunctions may produce a more conclusive definition or demonstration of the reliability of
osteopathic clinical examination methods (Degenhardt et al., 2005). Although the use of
symptomatic participants may lead to higher baseline variability, it does nevertheless
reflect the nature of osteopathic clinical practice, thus contributing to a more ecologically
valid experimental setting. All of the participant-models were nevertheless screened by the
author, who is a practising osteopath, for the presence of any clinical condition that would
make them unsuitable for an osteopathic clinical examination. Participant-models would
have been excluded from the study if they had presented with non-mechanical pain;
thoracic spine pain; widespread neurological signs and symptoms; were unwell and/or
reported weight loss; had a structural deformity; or if they had a past history of carcinoma;
and/or were on steroid medication (Gibbons and Tehan, 2000, pp. 5-7). Height and weight
were obtained to calculate the BMI (Body mass index; weight in kilograms divided by the
square of the individual’s height in metres). The mean BMI was 23.4 (range 20.1-26.3; SD
2.7), which indicates that the sample ranged from normal weight to mildly overweight (e.g.,
Kumar and Clark, 2002). None of the participants fell into the obese category, which could
have had a negative impact in terms of clinical findings due to problems associated with
excess adipose tissue (Potter et al., 2006).
lumbar spine and pelvic regions. When the joints in the thoracic and lumbar spine had
been identified, they were marked on the subject’s skin using an UV (Ultraviolet) marking
pen at the inferior edge of the superior spinous process. The use of an UV marking pen
has been endorsed by several authors (e.g. Downey et al., 1999; Potter et al., 2006) in an
attempt to address reported difficulties in correctly identifying and labelling the appropriate
spinal segment (e.g., French et al., 2000; Potter et al., 2006). Identified somatic
dysfunctions in the pelvis were then recorded on a card using three possible outcomes
(i.e., positive on the left, positive on the right, no dysfunction present).
Whilst conducting their examination, the examiners were videotaped in order to support
further behavioural analysis. Data was acquired by means of two digital camcorders.
Camera 1 provided a close-up view (from behind the participant) (see Figure 5.1), while
camera 2 provided a wide-range view (side-view of the participant; see Figure 5.2). In
order to ensure the participants’ confidentially is maintained, the examinations are
demonstrated by the author on a colleague. The position of the two cameras in relation to
the examiner and subject is shown in Figure 5.3. The experiment took place in the
communication suite room at OBU SHSC, Marston Road Campus.
Figure 5.1: A close-up view of a participant.
Figure 5.2: A wide-angle view of a participant.
Figure 5.3: Cameras 1 and 2 position relative to the examiner, subject and treatment plinth.
In addition, the participants-examiners were also asked to complete a questionnaire
designed to explore the role of sensory modality appropriateness/reliability in the use of
sensory information during a clinical examination.
The whole procedure was conducted on two separate days with each participant
examining four participant-models on two separate occasions on the same day. Participant
fatigue and potential after-effects on participant-models that may arise from repeated
clinical examinations were addressed by limiting the experiment to four participant-models
per experimental session. The participant-models were divided into two different groups.
Each subject only attended one session.
The first part of the osteopathic clinical examination was a postural analysis performed
with the subject standing. Brief information regarding the subject’s clinical history of lower
back pain was provided to the participant-examiners prior to their starting the clinical
examination. This ensured that the clinical examination was contextually relevant to the
subject’s clinical condition. The participant-examiner observed the subject from the sides,
back and front in order to identify any postural asymmetries that might be attributable to
the presence of somatic dysfunction in the subject’s thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and
pelvis. Palpation was included in order to confirm the examiner’s initial observation. This
palpation was used to detect areas of muscle hypertonicity or other palpatory or visual
clues (e.g. pain, redness or heat) to the presence of somatic dysfunction (Gibbons and
Tehan, 2000). The subject was then instructed to perform a series of spinal movements:
flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation to the left and to the right as a means of
determining the presence of asymmetry in the spinal movements or a reduction in the
range of movement (Potter et al., 2006). Following on from this, the examiner assessed
the pelvis for asymmetry or any reduction in the range of movement by instructing the
subject to bend forward as smoothly as possible while attempting to touch the floor. The
examiners used their thumbs to palpate the PSIS (Posterior superior iliac spine) to
determine whether one appeared to move more cephalward or ventral than the other. The
standing examination was then completed by instructing the subject to flex their left hip
and knee to a minimum of 90° hip flexion, whilst th e examiner palpated the most posterior
portion of the left PSIS and midline of the sacrum at the same level, following an
examination protocol proposed by Greenman (1996). The procedure was repeated on the
opposite side.
palpation made in the standing position. Next, the examiner assessed the sacroiliac joints
for asymmetry or any reduction in range of movement by instructing the subject to bend
forward as far as possible with their arms placed between their knees. The examiner’s
thumbs monitored the movement of the two PSIS (Greenman, 1996). The subject was
then instructed to perform a series of trunk movements: flexion, extension, lateral flexion,
and rotation to the left and to the right as a means of determining the presence of
asymmetry in the thoracic and lumbar spinal movements or a reduction in the range of
movement. The participant evaluated the range of motion, whilst considering the quality of
movement, movement end feel, and symmetry (Greenman, 1996). Additional diagnostic
evaluation of the cervico-thoracic and thoracic spine by means of passive range of motion
assessment and palpation was performed, if required.
In the third part of the clinical examination, the participant-examiners performed a passive
range of motion assessment of the lumbar spine with the subject lying on his or her right
side on an adjustable-height plinth, following an examination protocol described by Potter
et al. (2006). The examiner moved the subject’s lumbar spine into flexion and extension
using the bent lower extremities as a lever. Whilst performing this movement, the examiner
palpated each of the lumbar spine interspinous spaces as a means of identifying areas of
hypo/hypermobility in the lumbar spine, which would contribute to the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction. Furthermore, an assessment of muscle hypertonicity or other palpatory and
visual clues (e.g. pain, redness or heat) to the presence of somatic dysfunction was also
In the final stage of the clinical examination, participant-models were asked to lay prone on
the plinth. A passive examination of the thoracic spine was then used to detect areas of
hypo/hypermobility. This was achieved by instructing the participant-examiner to apply an
anterior cephalic force through the spinous processes of the thoracic spine (Potter et al.,
2006). In parallel, palpation was used to detect areas of altered tissue texture, which may
be related to the presence of somatic dysfunction.
Following the completion of the clinical examination protocol, the subject went into a
separate room and lay in a prone position on a treatment plinth. Following the protocol
described by Potter et al. (2006), a member of the research team used a handheld,
battery-operated UV lamp (Berol Detective Lamp, Sandford UK) to detect and record the
marks made on the thoracic and lumbar spines on two acetates; one for the thoracic spine
and the other for the lumbar spine. The corners of the acetates were signalled on the
subject’s back with a coloured pen and visual landmark points, such as moles and scars,
were also recorded on the acetates to ensure accuracy for further positioning in the
second recording. Once the marks had been recorded on the acetates, they were removed
from the subject’s back with a non-alcoholic antiseptic solution. This marking procedure
helped to ensure the accuracy of the inter-examiner and intra-examiner data.
Once each participant-examiner, i.e., novice, intermediate or expert, had repeated the
clinical examination on each of the four participant-models, the whole process was then
repeated again with the participant-models presented in a different random order, after the
first examination. In order to limit as much as possible any physical activities that could
have significantly impacted on the mechanical function of their spine and pelvis, the
second round of clinical examinations occurred within two hours of the first. Just as in
Potter et al.’s (2006) study, blinding the examiner to each subject was difficult to
accomplish. However, considering the fact that each examiner conducted their second
examination in a random order approximately 2 hours after the first one, the chance of the
examiner remembering an individual subject’s clinical symptoms was reduced.
Furthermore, and echoing Potter et al.’s (2006) argument, the fact that the examiners did
not label the dysfunctional segment should also have made recall somewhat more difficult.
Once the whole process was completed, each participant-examiner was asked to
complete a questionnaire designed to explore the role of sensory modality
appropriateness/reliability in the various aspects of an osteopathic clinical examination
(see Appendix 4). An additional sample of seventeen participants was invited to complete
the questionnaire in order to provide further statistical data. The participants were asked to
mark somewhere between “Totally Disagree” and “Totally Agree”, on a 100mm Visual
Analog Scale (VAS) (see Zampini et al., 2003), the point that represented their view
regarding each statement on the appropriateness of different sensory modalities for the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
Video streams generated by camera 1 (close-up view) and camera 2 (wide-range view) for
each individual participant, were viewed and coded using the fOCUS II software (Open
University). Codes for vision, haptics, visuo-haptic use and transition between different
aspects of the clinical examination were created using the fOCUS II software. fOCUS II is
a software programme used in naturalistic observational research in the fields of
developmental and cognitive psychology (e.g., Bethell et al., 2007, for a study).
Measurements for the time spent using vision alone (i.e. the time spent looking at the
subject without the use of haptics), haptics alone (i.e. the time spent palpating the
subject’s tissues whilst looking away or with eyes closed), and the simultaneous use of
vision and haptics for the overall clinical examination; and total time spent in clinical
examination were subsequently made. A sample of all of the codes and time
measurements were reviewed by one of the members of the research team. Inter- and
intra-coder reliability of the coding procedure and time measurements was considered by
having a random sample of the video streams checked on two separate occasions, with
relatively high levels of inter- and intra-coder reliability (κ = 0.78 and 0.90, respectively).
The data from the separate video streams, which corresponded to the same clinical
examination, was carefully combined into a single data file, which was then used for
further analysis.
The proportion of time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and the simultaneous use
of vision and haptics in relation to the total time spent in clinical examination was
calculated. Descriptive statistics were subsequently used to calculate the proportion of
time per sensory modality (i.e., vision, haptics, and visuo-haptic) spent by each individual
participant-examiner. Planned comparisons were made on the time spent per sensory
modality at each level of expertise using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test. Between-
participant differences (novice/intermediate/expert) were not attempted because there was
only one participant per level of expertise.
A further analysis of the single combined data files was carried out in order to determine
the timecourse in the clinical examination when the different senses were used (see
Appendix 5). Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the time spent using the different
senses for every 15 seconds of the initial 240 seconds of each clinical examination.
The data from the questionnaires were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Differences in participants’ agreement with statements regarding the appropriateness and
reliability of different sensory modalities for the assessment of tissue texture, motion
asymmetry and positional asymmetry, were analysed using separate 3 x 3 mixed design
ANOVAs with expertise (novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor
and sensory modality (vision/haptics/visuo-haptic) as the within-participants factor.
Differences in the degree of agreement with statements regarding the assessment of
tenderness and pain were analysed using a 3 x 4 mixed design ANOVA with sensory
modality (vision/haptics/audition/visuo-haptic) as the within-participants factor. Multiple
comparisons between the different levels of expertise and sensory modality were analysed
with Tukey HSD post-hoc tests.
In order to calculate the level of intra-examiner reliability in the thoracic and lumbar spines,
the distance from each recorded mark was measured to a fixed point at the edge of the
acetates. A one-way ANOVA was performed in order to examine the variance between the
two measurements in the thoracic and lumbar spines. A two-way random effect, absolute
agreement ICC model was used as a test of intra-examiner agreement (McGraw and
Wong, 1996). The degree of intra-examiner agreement/reliability for the joint perceived to
be the most clinically relevant to receive a manipulation in the pelvis was calculated using
the weighted kappa (Kw) score. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
Version 14 for Windows.
5.1.4 Results
Table 5.1 shows the mean total time spent in the clinical examination for the three different
participant-examiners. All three participants spent on average similar amounts of time to
complete their clinical examinations.
Level of expertise Mean (secs) Std. Deviation
Expert 344 95
Intermediate 388 73
Table 5.1: Mean total time spent in the clinical examination for the three participant-examiners.
Table 5.2 shows the mean time spent by the three different participant-examiners using
vision alone, haptics alone and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-
haptic) in the clinical examination.
Table 5.2: Mean time spent (in seconds) by the three different participant-examiners using vision
alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the clinical
examination (Standard deviations in brackets).
Proportion of time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and visuo-haptic
Table 5.3 and figure 5.4 illustrate the mean proportion of time spent by the three different
participant-examiners using vision alone, haptics alone, and on the simultaneous use of
vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the clinical examination.
Level of expertise Vision Haptics Visuo-haptic
Table 5.3: Mean proportion time spent by the three different participant-examiners using vision
alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the clinical
examination (Standard deviations in brackets).
Figure 5.4: Mean proportion time spent using vision alone, haptics alone and vision and haptics
combined (visuo-haptics) in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise (each
An analysis of Fig. 5.4 shows that in comparison to the students, the expert spent a
considerably larger proportion of his/her time making simultaneous use of vision and
haptics; however, no inferential statistics could be used because only one participant per
group took part in this study. The planned comparison Wilcoxon tests showed that the
expert made significantly more use of vision and haptics together than either alone [z=-
3.52; p = 0.00] or vision alone [z=-3.51; p = 0.00]. No significant differences between the
use of vision alone and haptics alone were found [z=-1.81; p=0.07]. The intermediate-level
osteopath also made a significantly greater use of both vision and haptics in comparison to
either haptics alone [z=-3.46; p=0.001] or vision alone [z=-3.52; p = 0.00]. The
intermediate also made significantly more use of haptics alone than vision alone [z=-3.52;
p = 0.00]. The novice spent proportionally more time with vision and haptics combined
than with vision alone [z=-3.52; p = 0.00]. Significantly greater use of haptics alone in
comparison to vision alone was also found [z=-2.02; p=0.04]. Although the novice spent
proportionally more time using vision and haptics together than haptics alone, it failed to
reach statistical significance [z=-1.76; p=0.08].
Figure 5.5 highlights the mean cumulative time for vision, haptics, and vision and haptics
combined sampled at 15 seconds intervals after the start of the clinical examination across
the three levels of expertise.
Figure 5.5: Mean time for vision, touch/haptics, and vision and touch/haptics combined sampled at
15 seconds intervals from the start of the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise.
Visual inspection of Fig. 5.5 points to an earlier emergence of unimodal vision as the
preferred sensory modality for the initial stages of the clinical examination in the novice
osteopath. Vision remained the prevalent sensory channel for the initial seven latencies
(from the beginning of the examination up to 105 seconds). From 105 to 225 seconds, the
combined use of vision and haptics emerged as the preferred strategy to extract sensory
data from the examination. From 120 seconds onward, the evidence suggests a
progressive use of haptics by itself, which eventually became the prevalent sensory
channel 240 seconds after the start of the examination. In parallel, the use of vision alone
decreased during the clinical examination, becoming minimal from 165 seconds onward.
The first part of the osteopathic clinical examination corresponded approximately to the
initial 90 seconds, whereas the third and fourth parts of the examination in which an
assessment of mobility and tissue texture was carried out equate approximately to
Latencies from 150 seconds onward.
In contrast with the novice osteopath, visual inspection of Fig. 5.5 reveals an earlier
emergence and more consistent use of combined vision and haptics throughout the initial
240 seconds of the clinical examination for both the intermediate and expert. This was
particularly noticeable in the case of the expert osteopath whose use of unimodal vision or
unimodal haptics alone was kept to a minimum throughout the clinical examination.
Although differences in the use of vision and haptics between the expert and intermediate
osteopath were minimal for latencies up to 150 seconds, there was evidence of an
emergence of haptics alone in the case of the intermediate from 165 seconds onward. For
the intermediate, unimodal haptics became the preferred sensory modality after 240
seconds. This finding is analogous to that encountered in the case of the novice.
Table 5.4 shows the mean scores to statements regarding the appropriateness and
reliability of the different sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static
positional asymmetry, motion asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels
of expertise. The participants’ views regarding each statement, from Totally Disagree (0) to
Totally Agree (100), were marked on a 100mm VAS.
Diagnostic Level of Expertise Sensory modality
Vision Haptics Visuo-haptic Audition5
Table 5.4: Mean scores (mm) to statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of the
different sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static positional asymmetry, motion
asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels of expertise (Standard deviations in
For the assessment of tissue texture, any differences in participants’ agreement with the
statements were examined using a 3 x 3 mixed design ANOVA with expertise
(novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor and sensory modality as
the within-participants factor. This analysis revealed a statistically significant within-
participants main effect of sensory modality [F(2,54)=212.6; MSE=212.4, p = 0.00,
η²=0.89]. The participants considered the integration of vision and haptics (M=88.6,
SE=2.27) to provide the most appropriate and reliable sensory information, followed by
Audition is commonly not used in the assessment of soft tissue texture, positional asymmetry, and motion
haptics alone (M=26.1, SE=3.94) and vision alone (M=17.5, SE=3.34). No statistically
significant interaction between sensory modality and expertise [F(4,54)=1.7; MSE=212.4,
p=0.15, η²=0.11], or between-participants main effect of expertise [F(2,27)=1.7;
MSE=530.8, p=0.19, η²=0.11] were found. These findings demonstrate that osteopaths at
different levels of expertise consider the integration of visual and haptic signals to provide
the most appropriate and reliable sensory information for the assessment of muscle
hypertonicity or other tissue changes such as redness, heat or oedema.
Statements concerning the assessment of tenderness and pain also included audition
alone. It was reasoned that with regard to tenderness and pain, clinicians may simply
prefer to rely on the information reported verbally by the patient and therefore processed
by means of their ears. Differences in the reliability and appropriateness of different
senses were examined using a 3x4 mixed design ANOVA with expertise
(novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor and sensory modality
(vision/haptics/audition/visuo-haptic) as the within-participants factor. This analysis
revealed a statistically significant within-participants main effect of sensory modality
[F(3,81)=90.2; MSE=363.9, p = 0.00, η²=0.77]. Consistent with the statements concerning
the assessment of tissue texture, static and motion asymmetry, participants across the
three levels of expertise regarded the integration of visual and haptic sensory information
as the most appropriate and reliable means of obtaining clinical data (M=90.4, SE=1.52),
followed by haptics alone (M=43.4, SE=4.92). Interestingly, audition alone, in the form of
the information reported by the patient, was regarded by all of the participants as being a
more appropriate and reliable modality for the assessment of tenderness and pain
(M=31.8, SE=4.59) than vision alone (M=12.6, SE=2.27). No statistically significant
interaction between sensory modality and expertise [F(6,54)=0.8; MSE=336.9, p=0.58,
η²=0.06] or between-participants main effect of expertise [F(2,27)=1.6; MSE=490.2,
p=0.23, η²=0.10] were found. The results of this questionnaire provide an important insight
into how osteopaths use their senses in the context of a clinical examination. They
highlight that in general, osteopaths at different levels of expertise consider the integrated
use of vision and haptics to provide more reliable and appropriate sensory information
regarding the different diagnostic criteria for somatic dysfunction than the unimodal use of
vision, haptics or audition.
Lumbar spine
A one-way ANOVA performed to test for variance between the two measurements in the
lumbar spine made by each participant, showed no main effect of measurement for the
expert [F(1,7)=0.1; MSE=617.9, p=0.75], intermediate [F(1,7)=2.4; MSE=1302.8, p=0.17]
or the novice [F(1,7)=0.4; MSE=2163.4, p=0.56]. These results therefore argue against
there being any systematic difference between the positions of the two marks on the
lumbar spine. Intra-examiner reliability for the expert was good to excellent represented by
an ICC (2, 1) of 0.96 (95% CI, 0.81 to 0.99). Intra-examiner reliability for the intermediate
was poor to good with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.47 (95% CI, -0.16 to 0.86). Intra-examiner
reliability for the novice was poor to excellent as represented by an ICC (2, 1) of 0.81 (95%
CI, 0.33 to 0.96)6.
Thoracic spine
A one-way ANOVA performed to test for systematic differences between the two
measurements in the thoracic spine for each participant, showed no main effect of
measurement for the expert [F(1,7)=2.3; MSE=969.6, p=0.65], intermediate [F(1,7)=5.5;
MSE=1023.6, p=0.052] or the novice [F(1,7)=0.3; MSE=1099.1, p=0.63]. Therefore, no
evidence of a statistically significant difference between the positions of the two marks in
the thoracic spine was found. However, considerably more variance was found in the
intermediate osteopath with borderline significant results being obtained. Intra-examiner
reliability for the expert was poor to excellent with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.15 to
0.94). Similarly, intra-examiner reliability for the intermediate was poor to excellent
represented by an ICC (2, 1) of 0.79 (95% CI, 0.19 to 0.96). Intra-examiner reliability for
the novice was poor to good represented by an ICC (2, 1) of 0.29 (95% CI, -0.55 to 0.81).
The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints demonstrated moderate intra-
examiner reliability for the expert (κw = 0.43; 95% CI, 0.0 to 0.90), and intermediate (κw =
0.52; 95% CI, 0.06 to 0.98), and poor intra-examiner reliability for the novice (κw = 0.08;
95% CI, 0.0 to 0.49)7. From a clinical perspective, a κ value of at least 0.40 is considered
to be the benchmark for interpreting the results of participants’ physical examination
(Fjellner et al., 1999).
5.1.5 Discussion
The objective of this pilot study was to explore the way in which one experienced
osteopath and two students used their senses in the context of a realistic clinical
examination aimed at diagnosing somatic dysfunctions in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine,
and pelvis, of eight chronic low back pain sufferers. Whilst exploring how osteopaths
Pestana and Gageiro (2005) report a scale for interpreting ICC values as follows: 0.91-1.00
indicates excellent reliability; 0.81-0.90, good; 0.71-0.80, fair; 0.61-0.70, slight; and less than 0.60,
Landis and Koch (1977) devised a scale for interpreting κ values as follows: 0.81-1.00
demonstrates almost perfect reliability; 0.61-0.80, substantial reliability; 0.41-0.60, moderate
reliability; 0.21-0.40, fair reliability; and below 0.20, poor reliability.
gather data from their different senses, attempts were made to link the observed intra-
examiner diagnostic consistency to the use of the different senses that are pertinent to
clinical examination (namely vision, touch, proprioception and audition). This investigation
was supplemented by a small-scale, nested questionnaire survey, designed to gather the
views from osteopaths and students on the appropriateness and reliability of vision,
haptics, and audition in relation to the diagnostic criteria for somatic dysfunction. Finally,
this pilot study enabled the author to validate and further develop the research method and
methodologies and to develop empirical predictions to be subsequently tested in the Study
The results of this pilot study indicate that an expert osteopath, when asked to diagnose
the presence of somatic dysfunctions in the spine and pelvis following a defined
examination protocol, relied more heavily on the combined use of vision and haptics to
extract sensory data than did the novice. Furthermore, the results show that when
compared to the novice, the expert osteopathic clinician in this pilot study was more
consistent at diagnosing somatic dysfunction. These findings provide the first preliminary
empirical evidence regarding the use of different sensory modalities in the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction. Although these findings cannot be generalised, they are nevertheless
in line with evidence emanating from other areas of medical practice. For example,
Vukanovic-Criley and colleagues (2006) found an association between clinicians’ ability to
integrate visual and auditory sensory data in a cardiovascular examination and the
development of expertise. They argued that, with the exception of cardiology specialists,
the poor performance observed in their study for medical students, internal medicine
residents, and non-specialists in cardiology may have been attributable to an inability to
use both visual and auditory information from virtual patient examinations. It is
nevertheless important to highlight that this study differed significantly in terms of its
methodology. Whereas Vukanovic-Criley et al. used a computer-based assessment tool;
the author used a high-fidelity experimental task representing a core osteopathic
capability. Additionally, the use of individuals presenting with a history of chronic low back
pain enabled participants to focus their examination and subsequent diagnosis on a real
clinical problem. It can therefore be argued that this approach created an experimental
setting that closely resembled clinical practice (see Ericsson and Williams, 2007, for a
recent discussion on laboratory-based studies of expertise). As a result, the three
participants could not make a choice regarding the unimodal or bimodal use of vision or
haptics at specific points in their examination, but had instead remained focused on their
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction, thus supporting the validity of this study’s used
methodology. It can therefore be argued that the prevalent bimodal use of vision and
haptics may provide a representative account of expert osteopathic practice, whilst
potentially providing the means for more consistent perceptual diagnostic judgments.
The results of this pilot also highlight the salient differences in the timecourse for vision,
haptics, and visuo-haptic use in the clinical examination among the expert osteopath,
intermediate and novice students. The obvious early emergence and subsequent
prevalent use of vision and haptics together observed for the expert clinician, contrasts
with the behaviour displayed by the novice, who seemed unable to focus on more than
one sensory modality at any given time. These findings are interesting and require further
investigation. Although the observed differences may have been the result of an
underdeveloped competence in clinical examination displayed by the novice; links to
research in the timecourse of radiological perception and clinical decision making can
nevertheless be attempted. For example, Nodine and co-workers (2002) have
demonstrated expertise effects in terms of eye-fixation dwell time amongst expert
clinicians. While it was reasoned that similar expertise effects could occur in parts of an
osteopathic clinical examination, further evidence was at this stage required. Results from
Study 5.2 would therefore provide further crucial evidence.
It can, however, be argued that these preliminary findings may have been confounded by
the structured observational set-up used in this pilot study. Although all three osteopath
participants followed the established protocol for clinical examination, with no significant
differences in the total time spent per examination found, the presence of two video
cameras may have contributed to a change in their usual approach to patient examination.
That is, the participants may have unconsciously tried to improve their performance as the
experimental setting resembled a structured assessment of clinical practice. Altered
behaviour in observed participants is always one of the potential weaknesses of
observational research methods (Robson, 2002; though see Clancey, 2006, for a review
on observation studies of expertise in natural settings). The author is nonetheless
confident that these confounding effects may have been minimal. With the exception of the
novice, results from the observed clinical examinations, are supported by data that
emerged from the questionnaire responses.
Finally, these results demonstrate that a clinical examination protocol aimed at diagnosing
the presence of somatic dysfunctions that includes the assessment of tissue texture,
postural and motion asymmetry, and tenderness (DiGiovanna, 2005c), and therefore
resembles osteopathic musculoskeletal practice, may lead to more reliable clinical findings
(e.g. Jull et al., 1997; Potter et al., 2006). These results further demonstrate that an expert
osteopath can reliably diagnose the presence of somatic dysfunctions in the spine and
pelvis. Although the expert demonstrated a higher degree of intra-examiner agreement for
the lumbar spine and pelvis than for the thoracic spine, these results are analogous to
those reported by Potter et al. (2006). These authors have suggested that one of the
possible reasons for reduced levels of agreement in the thoracic spine may be related to
its densely packed bony anatomy, which is more difficult to examine (Potter et al., 2006).
The variability in intra-examiner reliability emerging from this study may be attributed to
differences in clinical competence across different levels of expertise or instead reflect the
inherent variance in perceptual judgments made within the CNS (Ernst and Bülthoff, 2004;
Ernst, 2006). If the latter holds as a potentially viable explanation, it is possible that the
expert osteopath’s CNS may have undergone changes that allow for more reproducible
and accurate performance.
Taken together, the findings from this pilot study suggest that the expert osteopath is
better able to simultaneously extract information from vision and haptics than the novice
osteopaths who tend to focus on one sensory modality at a time in the context of a clinical
examination. It is therefore plausible to predict that during the development of expertise in
osteopathic medicine, the integration of visuo-haptic information may become central to
the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction thus contributing to increased diagnostic consistency.
These predictions were explored in Study 5.2. The results of this pilot study also support
the general validity of the utilised research method and methodologies.
5.2 Study 5.2
5.2.1 Aim
The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate the way in which osteopaths and
undergraduate students use their visual and haptic systems in a clinical examination.
Research questions
• How do osteopaths at different levels of professional expertise use their visual and
haptic systems in an osteopathic clinical examination?
• Is there a link between diagnostic consistency and the way in which osteopaths
and students use their visual and haptic systems in a clinical examination?
Empirical prediction 1
5.2.3 Methods
This study was approved by the OBUREC and was conducted in accordance with the
1964 Declaration of Helsinki.
7-24) with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience. The participating
students were undergraduates at OBU in the five-year undergraduate BSc (Hons)
Osteopathy programme. The osteopaths were members of the clinical faculty at OBU. The
3rd year students were the ‘novices’ in this experiment. At the time of the experiment these
students had received instruction in osteopathic musculoskeletal clinical examination
methods and had on average completed approximately 400 hours of supervised clinical
practice. The 5th year students were the ‘intermediates’. At the time of the experiment
these students had completed all pre-clinical and clinical elements of the programme with
approximately 1200 hours of supervised clinical practice. The osteopaths were the
‘experts’ in the study. None of the examiners had previously participated in Study 5.1.
The whole procedure was conducted in one single day with each participant examining the
participant-model on two separate occasions. In order to prevent the aggravation of the
participant-model symptoms, regular resting breaks were introduced throughout the day.
No adverse reaction to the repeated clinical examinations was reported by the participant-
Codes for vision, haptics, visuo-haptic use and transition between different aspects of the
clinical examination were generated for each individual participant from the video streams
produced by cameras 1 and 2. Measurements for the time spent using vision alone,
haptics alone, and the simultaneous use of vision and haptics for the overall clinical
examination; and total time spent in clinical examination were subsequently made. A
sample of all of the codes and time measurements were reviewed by the author, and by
one of the members of the research team. Inter- and intra-coder reliability of the coding
procedure and time measurements demonstrated relatively high levels of inter- and intra-
coder reliability (ĸ = 0.65 and 0.92, respectively). The data from the separate video
streams, which corresponded to the same clinical examination, was carefully combined
into a single data file, which was then used for further analysis.
Variability in the total time spent in clinical examination was analysed using separate one-
way ANOVA with expertise (novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants
factor. Multiple comparisons between the different levels of expertise and sensory modality
were analysed with Tukey HSD post-hoc tests. Bonferroni-corrected t-tests (p<0.05) were
used for all post-hoc comparisons.
Differences in the time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and the combined use of
vision and haptics for the overall clinical examination, and on the proportion of time spent
using vision alone, haptics, and visuo-haptics in the clinical examination per level of
expertise were analysed using a 3 x 3 mixed design ANOVA with expertise
(novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor and sensory modality
(vision/haptics/visuo-haptic) as the within-participants factor. Multiple comparisons
between the different levels of expertise and sensory modality were analysed with Tukey
HSD post-hoc tests. Bonferroni-corrected t-tests (p<0.05) were used for all post-hoc
comparisons. In addition, planned comparisons were made on the proportion of time spent
per sensory modality at each level of expertise using paired t-tests.
In order to determine the timecourse in the clinical examination when the different senses
were used, descriptive statistics were used to calculate the time spent using the different
senses for every 15 seconds for the entire duration of each clinical examination.
Differences in the time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and the combined use of
vision and haptics in the initial 30 seconds of the clinical examination per level of expertise
were analysed using a 3 x 3 mixed design ANOVA with expertise
(novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor and sensory modality
(vision/haptics/visuo-haptic) as the within-participants factor. Independent samples t-tests
were used to compare the use of vision alone, haptics alone, and the combined use of
vision and haptics by the novice, intermediate, and expert participants.
Considering the small sample size used in this study, differences in the participants’
agreement with statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of different
sensory modalities for the assessment of tissue texture, motion asymmetry and positional
asymmetry, were analysed using non-parametric inferential tests. Within-participant
differences regarding the appropriateness and reliability of each sensory modality
(vision/haptics/visuo-haptic) were analysed using separate Friedman tests. Between-
participant differences were analysed using separate Kruskal-Wallis tests with the level of
expertise (expert, intermediate, and novice) as the between-participants factor.
The level of intra-examiner reliability for somatic dysfunctions diagnosed in the thoracic
and lumbar spines was calculated following the protocol used for Study 5.1. Initially, the
distance from each recorded mark was measured to a fixed point at the edge of the
acetates. Subsequently, the variance between the two measurements in the thoracic and
lumbar spines was calculated using a one-way ANOVA test. A two-way random effect,
absolute agreement ICC model was then used as a test of intra-examiner agreement. The
degree of intra-examiner agreement/reliability for diagnoses of somatic dysfunction in the
sacroiliac joints was calculated using the weighted kappa score. All statistical analyses
were performed using SPSS Version 16 for Windows.
5.2.4 Results
The mean total time spent in the clinical examination for the participant-examiners at the
three different levels of expertise is shown in Table 5.5. A one-way ANOVA showed no
effect of expertise regarding the total time spent in the clinical examination [F(2, 27)= 2.8;
MSE=12682.3, p=0.08, η²=0.17].
Table 5.5: Mean total time spent in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise
Table 5.6 shows the mean time spent by the different participant-examiners using vision
alone, haptics alone and on the combined use of vision and haptics (visuo-haptic) in the
clinical examination.
Table 5.6: Mean time spent (in seconds) by the different participant-examiners across the three
levels of expertise using vision alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics
(visuo-haptic) in the clinical examination (Standard deviations in brackets).
by haptics (M=74.8 sec, SE=7.5) and vision (M=50.2 sec, SE=6.3). No statistically
significant interaction between sensory modality and expertise [F(4,54)=0.3; MSE=2904.1,
p=0.9, η²=0.19], or between-participants main effect of expertise [F(2,27)=2.8;
MSE=4227.4, p=0.08, η²=0.17] were found. Although all participant-examiners spent
statistically significantly more time simultaneously using vision and haptics, no differences
between the three levels of expertise were found.
Proportion of time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and visuo-haptic
The mean proportion of time spent using vision, haptics and vision and haptics combined
(visuo-haptic) in the clinical examination across the three levels of osteopathic expertise
are reported in Table 5.7 and Figure 5.6.
Table 5.7: Mean proportion time spent by the different participant-examiners across the three levels
of expertise using vision alone, haptics and on the simultaneous use of vision and haptics (visuo-
haptic) in the clinical examination (Standard deviations in brackets).
Figure 5.6: Mean proportion time spent using vision alone, haptics alone and vision and haptics
combined (visuo-haptics) in the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise.
Differences in the proportion of time spent using vision alone, haptics, and visuo-haptics in
the clinical examination per level of expertise were analysed using a 3 x 3 mixed design
ANOVA with expertise (novice/intermediate/expert) as the between-participants factor and
sensory modality as the within-participants factor. The analysis demonstrated a statistically
significant within-participants main effect of sensory modality [F(2,54)=197.3; MSE=0.1, p
= 0.00, η²=0.88]. The results are similar to those revealed by the analysis of the time spent
per sense in the clinical examination. The participant-examiners made statistically
significantly greater use of vision and haptics (M=0.68, SE=0.2), than of haptics alone
(M=0.19, SE=0.15) or vision alone (M=0.13, SE=0.16). No statistically significant
interaction between sensory modality and expertise [F(4,54)=1.4; MSE=0.1, p=0.24,
η²=0.09] was found. Although the experts made slightly greater use of vision and haptics
together, in comparison to both intermediates and novices, this difference failed to reach
the required level of statistical significance (p<0.05).
Timecourse for vision, haptics and visuo-haptic
Figure 5.7: Mean time for vision, haptics, and vision and haptics combined sampled at 15 seconds
intervals from the start of the clinical examination across the three levels of expertise.
Although all participants spent significantly more time using vision and haptics together,
the timecourse analysis provides evidence that in the case of both novice and intermediate
practitioners, vision alone is the favourite sensory modality for the initial stages of the
osteopathic examination. In the case of the novices, vision alone remained the dominant
sensory modality for the initial 30 seconds.
Differences in the time spent using vision alone, haptics alone, and the combined use of
vision and haptics in the initial 30 seconds of the clinical examination per level of expertise
were analysed using a 3 x 3 mixed design ANOVA with expertise as the between-
participants factor and sensory modality as the within-participants factor. The analysis
revealed a statistically significant within-participants main effect of sensory modality
[F(2,54)=24.6; MSE=97.8, p = 0.00, η²=0.48], and a statistically significant interaction
between sensory modality and expertise [F(4,54)=2.7; MSE=97.8, p=0.04, η²=0.17].
Independent samples t-tests demonstrated that the novices [M=21.3, SE=3.5] made
statistically significantly greater use of vision alone [t (18) =-2.1; p=0.04] than the experts
[M=11.5, SE=3.1]. No statistically significant differences between novices and
intermediates [M=19.0, SE=2.8] (p=0.6) were found. Similarly, no statistically significant
differences between intermediates and experts (p=0.09) were found. In contrast to the use
of vision alone, the experts [M=18.5, SE=3.1] made a statistically significantly greater use
of vision and haptics [t (18) =-2.1; p=0.04] than the novices [M=8.7, SE=3.5]. No
statistically significant differences between experts and intermediates [M=11.0, SE=2.8]
(p=0.09), and between intermediates and novices (p=0.6) were found. Haptics alone was
not used by the participants in the initial 30 seconds of the clinical examination. Taken
together, these results demonstrated that the way in which experts and novices used their
senses in the initial 30 seconds of the clinical examination was statistically significantly
different and point towards an earlier emergence of vision alone as the preferred sensory
modality by the novices, and of vision and haptics as the preferred strategy amongst the
From 60 seconds onward, the simultaneous use of vision and haptics became the
preferred strategy to gather diagnostic data from the clinical examination. The way in
which novices and intermediates simultaneously used vision and haptics was in fact
similar to the pattern displayed by the expert practitioners. Notwithstanding this, and in
contrast with the experts, both novices and intermediates made considerable more use of
vision alone during the rest of their clinical examinations. In analogy to Study 5.1, the initial
90 seconds corresponded to the first part of the clinical examination. The third and fourth
parts of the examination, which corresponded to the specific assessment of intervertebral
joint mobility and soft tissue texture, occurred from 150 seconds onwards.
A visual inspection of Fig 5.7 demonstrates an earlier emergence and consistent use of
vision and haptics together throughout the clinical examination. Despite this, from
approximately 150 seconds onwards, all participants spent a considerable proportion of
their time using haptics alone. Participants either closed their eyes during their haptic
exploration of soft tissue texture and intervertebral joint mobility, or shifted their gaze away
from the area being palpated. This important finding suggests that although the
simultaneous use of vision and haptics is the experts’ preferred strategy for extracting
sensory data from their clinical examination, haptics alone may nevertheless be regarded
as the most appropriate sensory modality for specific aspects concerning the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction. Eye closure during palpation may also potentially indicate the
reliance on top-down cognitive processing associated with mental imagery. Looking away
from the palpated anatomical regions may, in contrast, indicate a selective attention to the
haptic modality as a means of reliably diagnosing the presence of somatic dysfunction.
Modality reliability and appropriateness for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction
The mean scores to statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of the
different sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static positional
asymmetry, motion asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels of
expertise are reported in Table 5.8.
Assessment Expert (n=5) 14.4 (14.6) 39.5 (22.4) 91.8 (6.4) 30.1 (22.9)
of tenderness
and pain Intermediate (n=5) 14.1 (12.1) 54 (24.4) 88.1 (7.4) 40.6 (29.1)
Novice (n=5) 9.4 (10.5) 36.7 (32.9) 91.2 (10.6) 24.6 (22.8)
Table 5.8: Mean scores to statements regarding the appropriateness and reliability of the different
sensory modalities in the assessment of tissue texture, static positional asymmetry, motion
asymmetry and tenderness and pain, across the three levels of expertise (Standard deviations in
separate Friedman tests. This analysis revealed a consistently statistically significant
higher agreement to the statements regarding the integration of vision and haptics in the
assessment of tissue texture (χ2 (2) = 14.1, p=0.001), positional asymmetry (χ2 (2) = 19.7,
p = 0.00), motion asymmetry (χ2 (2) = 15.6, p = 0.00), and tenderness and pain (χ2 (3) =
31.1, p = 0.00). Separate Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyse between-participant
differences; however, the results consistently failed to reach statistical significance
(p>0.05). Taken together, these results demonstrate that both osteopaths and students
judge the integration of visual and haptic signals to offer the most appropriate and reliable
sensory information for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. These results echoed those
of Study 5.1.
Lumbar spine
The variance between the two measurements in the lumbar spine, per level of expertise,
was calculated using a one-way ANOVA test. The results revealed no main effect of
measurement for the experts [F(1,9)=0.8; MSE=4987.1, p=0.43], intermediates
[F(1,9)=0.1; MSE=414.9, p=0.81] or the novices [F(1,9)=0.04; MSE=1122.5, p=0.86]. No
systematic differences between the positions of the two marks on the lumbar spine were
found. Intra-examiner reliability for the experts was good to excellent represented by an
ICC (2, 1) of 0.98 (95% CI, 0.80 to 0.99). Intra-examiner reliability for the intermediates
was poor to good with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.08 (95% CI, -0.78 to 0.84). Intra-examiner
reliability for the novices was poor to excellent as represented by an ICC (2, 1) of 0.74
(95% CI, -0.17 to 0.97).
Thoracic spine
Systematic differences between the two measurements in the thoracic spine for each level
of expertise were calculated using a one-way ANOVA test. The results showed no main
effect of measurement for the experts [F(1,9)=1.3; MSE=7091.4, p=0.31], intermediates
[F(1,9)=0.8; MSE=5355.7, p=0.41] or the novices [F(1,9)=0.2; MSE=980.8, p=0.71]. These
results provided no evidence of statistically significant differences between the positions of
the two marks in the thoracic spine. Intra-examiner reliability for the experts was poor to
excellent with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.84 (95% CI, 0.08 to 0.98). Intra-examiner reliability for the
intermediates was poor to excellent with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.71 (95% CI, -0.25 to 0.97).
Intra-examiner reliability for the novices was poor to excellent with an ICC (2, 1) of 0.87
(95% CI, 0.20 to 0.99).
Pelvis (sacroiliac joints)
The diagnosis of somatic dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints demonstrated excellent intra-
examiner reliability for the experts κw = 1.0 (95% CI, 1.0 to 1.0), and intermediates κw =
1.0 (95% CI, 1.0 to 1.0), and moderate intra-examiner reliability for the novices κw = 0.55
(95% CI, 0.0 to 1.0).
5.2.5 Discussion
The empirical procedure used in the pilot study was largely replicated for the purpose of
Study 5.2. The primary aim of this quasi-naturalistic observational study was to investigate
the way in which five experienced osteopaths and ten osteopathy undergraduate students
used their visual and haptic systems in a clinical examination on one chronic low back
sufferer. In analogy to the pilot study, the main objective of the osteopathic clinical
examination was to diagnose the presence of a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic spine,
lumbar spine, and pelvis. It was predicted that during the development of expertise in
osteopathic medicine, it is possible that the combination of visuo-haptic sensory signals in
an osteopathic clinical examination may become central to the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction, thus contributing to increased diagnostic effectiveness and reliability. This
empirical prediction was based on recent theories of optimal integration of sensory
information (e.g. Ernst and Banks, 2002; Deneve and Pouget, 2004; Bresciani et al., 2006;
Ernst, 2006; Helbig and Ernst, 2007b), crossmodal spatial attention (e.g., Zompa and
Chapman, 1995; Spence et al., 2000; Kennett et al., 2001; Kennett et al., 2002; see also
Driver and Spence, 2004, for a review) and neural (e.g., Haller and Radue, 2005; Hill and
Schneider, 2006, for a review; Saito et al., 2006; Harley et al., 2009) and behavioural (e.g.,
Binns, 1937; Vukanovic-Criley et al., 2006; Cox, 2007) correlates of expertise.
The results of this study are largely in line with my experimental predictions. Importantly,
they demonstrate that the simultaneous use of vision and haptics is an important aspect of
a global and structured clinical examination strategy aimed at diagnosing the presence of
somatic dysfunctions in the pelvis and thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine. Although
all participants spent a significantly similar proportion of time spent using vision, haptics,
and visuo-haptics in the examination, it could be argued that these results may be
attributed to the clinical experience already gained by novice students at the time of this
study. Moreover, the results from the clinical examination are largely in line with the overall
views obtained from the participants regarding the reliability and appropriateness of
different senses in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. Therefore, it seems plausible to
propose that the ability to combine vision and haptics in a clinical examination setting may
occur earlier than what the findings from Study 5.1 suggested. Furthermore, it is plausible
that their active involvement in patient diagnosis and care in a clinical setting may
contribute to this enhanced ability to combine vision and haptics. Notwithstanding this,
crucial differences in the timecourse analysis were found. Whereas the novices, at start of
their clinical examination, focused their attention on the use of vision alone; the experts
made a more consistent combined use of vision and haptics throughout their examination.
Interestingly, the way in which the intermediate students used their senses demonstrates a
behavioural pattern that is more closely related to that of the experts. Therefore, it seems
plausible to propose that as a result of ongoing clinical practice, osteopaths learn how to
combine sensory information from a clinical examination in a more efficient manner. In
fact, and in line with this study’s empirical prediction, this ability to effectively combine
sensory data may contribute to more consistent perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction. The results of this study also demonstrate that in comparison to the novices,
the experts were more consistent in their diagnosis of somatic dysfunction in the thoracic
spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis.
The participants in this study had to conduct a clinical examination on an individual with a
history of chronic low back pain who was mildly symptomatic on the day of the procedure.
Prior to the start of their clinical examination, the participants were provided with brief
clinical information regarding the subject’s history of low back pain. Consequently, the
clinical examination was likely to have been contextually relevant and ecologically valid.
Importantly, the provision of this relevant, but limited, clinical data, is likely to have
contributed to top-down processing associated with clinical decision making. It is possible
to argue that the bottom-up processing of sensory data from vision and haptics is likely to
have been influenced by top-down processing. These findings can be interpreted in the
context of theories of optimal integration of sensory information. In particular, I would
argue that in the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation, clinicians are likely to
combine clinical data from vision and haptics sensory cues in a way that is consistent with
BDT (e.g., Deneve and Pouget, 2004; Ernst, 2006). Clinicians are likely to take into
account sensory estimation, prior knowledge, and a decision making process; and may be
the result of ongoing deliberated practice (see Ericsson et al., 2007, for a review of
deliberate practice).
Several authors have argued that deliberate practice is an important predictor for the
development of professional expertise (e.g., Ericsson et al., 1993; 2007). Ericsson and
colleagues have argued that deliberate practice is likely to be responsible for differences in
clinical decision making; occurring as a result of years of intense and appropriately-guided
practice. All experts in Studies 5.1 and 5.2 had considerable experience as clinicians and
educators. One could therefore argue that their ability to effectively combine sensory data
in a way that is consistent with theories such as BDT (e.g., Deneve and Pouget, 2004;
Ernst, 2006) may be attributed to their ongoing professional development activities, which
are informed by a self-evaluative approach to their clinical practice. The experts may have
developed the ability to effectively estimate the value of different sensory cues in the
context of their patient’s clinical history and examination findings. It is reasonable to argue
that the metacognitive processes identified in Studies 4.1 and 4.2 (see Chapter 4) may
underpin the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation. Further support to this point
emerges from the work of Kahneman (2003), who argued that the use of slow and
analytical reasoning strategies is required to effectively monitor our automatic and
unconscious judgments. Similarly, Croskerry (2009b) has proposed that whilst diagnostic
reasoning is typically based on rapid, automatic, and intuitive judgments; clinicians should
nevertheless be able to make use of slower, analytical, and largely conscious processes,
when signs and symptoms are not easily recognised. As part of their development of
clinical competence required for autonomous osteopathic practice, students are actively
encouraged to develop metacognitive skills. One could argue that the observed similarities
between novices, intermediates, and experts in the way they used vision and haptics in
their examination, may indicate that the ability to combine sensory information in a
Bayesian way, is likely to be initiated at the beginning of the students’ clinical education
The students and expert clinicians’ active involvement in patient diagnosis and care
provides them with a range of multisensory experiences, which are likely to enable them to
learn how to process multisensory clinical data. In fact, there is evidence of learning
occurring following exposure to multisensory training tasks. For example, Seitz and
colleagues (2006) have demonstrated that a multisensory audiovisual training procedure
can enhance visual learning and produce significantly faster learning than unisensory
visual training. It can therefore be argued that the experts in both Studies 5.1 and 5.2 and
that of Vukanovic-Criley et al. (2006) may have learned to more efficiently combine the
information available to their various different senses thus leading to superior diagnostic
performance and reliability. The evidence from studies designed to test models of the
optimal integration of sensory information (Ernst and Banks, 2002; Deneve and Pouget,
2004; Ernst and Bülthoff, 2004; Ernst, 2006; Helbig and Ernst, 2007b) is, thus far,
consistent with this hypothesis. For example, although visual perception can be
significantly changed by the sensory signals being presented to the other modalities,
evidence from psychophysical studies suggests that the ability to decide when and how to
combine sensory signals within the CNS, often appears to be achieved in a statistically
optimal manner (Andersen et al., 2005; Shams et al., 2005; Violentyev et al., 2005). It is
therefore conceivable that as a consequence of their extensive clinical experience, expert
osteopaths may have acquired an enhanced ability to extract sensory information in a
statistically optimal fashion, particularly, in a way that is consistent with BDT.
In a discussion of how people’s brains construct their mental worlds, Frith (2007) has
suggested that the Bayesian way in which our brains predict behaviour and make
perceptual judgements is shaped by experience and influenced by top-down processes
(see also Frith and Frith, 2006, for a review). It is likely that in the case of osteopathic
medicine, and in analogy to other perceptually-based medical domains such as radiology
and dermatology, expert clinicians have a superior ability at coordinating causal, analytical
and exemplar-based processes in their clinical decision making (e.g., Norman et al.,
2006). Considering that the participants in this study presented with a history of chronic
back pain, one can argue that visuo-haptic processing may have been influenced by top-
down processes involved in clinical decision making. In fact, the findings from the two
studies reported in Chapter 4 support this argument. It is conceivable that, for example,
analogical reasoning may have provided a link between sensed visual and haptics cues
and representations of tissue dysfunction in the participants’ LTM.
The putative interactions between bottom-up and top-down processing, which may have
occurred during the clinical examination, also provide an important framework for
interpreting the differences in the timecourse for vision, haptics, and visuo-haptics across
the three levels of expertise. By analogy with the results from Study 5.1, there is evidence
of an early emergence and subsequent prevalent use of vision and haptics together for the
expert clinicians. In contrast, the novice students seemed to favour vision alone as the
modality of choice for the initial stages of their clinical examination; suggesting a potential
inability to focus their attention on more than one sense at a time.
It could be argued that the automatic pattern recognition process, which is characteristic of
expert clinicians (e.g., Patel et al., 2005), may be closely linked to changes in the experts’
attentional system that are associated with extensive clinical practice. In support of this
viewpoint, Haller and Radue (2005) have argued that expert radiologists appear to have a
modified visual system with evidence of the selective enhancement of brain activation
associated with the viewing of radiological images. Similarly, Harley et al. (2009) have
proposed that training in radiology may contribute to an enhanced ability to engage the
FFA whilst suppressing existing neural representations. Moreover, Croskerry (2009b) has
suggested that ongoing exposure to clinically relevant visual and haptic diagnostic cues is
likely to enable practitioners to rapidly recognise patterns of disease and dysfunction.
Therefore, the experts observed early emergence of visuo-haptic use during the model’s
initial standing examination suggests that visual attention to a particular part of the body,
where meaningful clinical information such as an obvious postural asymmetry, could have
drawn their haptic attention to the attended visual cue. For example, Spence et al. (2000)
have demonstrated the existence of robust crossmodal links in endogenous spatial
attention between the visual and tactile/haptic modalities (see Driver and Spence, 2004;
Spence and Gallace, 2007, for reviews).
Despite a prevalent higher use of vision and haptics together at various stages of their
examinations, the timecourse analysis also shows that all participants spent a
considerable proportion of their time using haptics alone. The use of haptics alone was
particularly noticeable during the palpation of soft tissue texture and joint mobility.
Although the integration of the individual signals from separate sensory modalities is
typically regarded as a bottom-up process, clinicians may nevertheless need to make
choices regarding which sensory modality is more suitable to make accurate perceptual
judgements in particular clinical situations. Multisensory integration in an osteopathic
clinical examination setting may therefore be dependant upon crossmodal discrimination.
Although vision has the best spatial resolution and therefore typically dominates over
touch for spatial judgments, when one sensory channel is selected as the most
appropriate, it may become dominant and therefore completely override the sensory
signals available to the osteopath’s other senses (Welch and Warren, 1980; 1986). This
sensory dominance could nevertheless be determined by the specific modality own
perceptual estimate and its associated reliability (Ernst and Bülthoff, 2004). Evidence of
potential crossmodal interactions in the clinical examination emerge from the timecourse
analysis. Potentially, participants across all three levels of expertise made use of vision
alone and haptics alone at stages of the clinical examination when they presumably
considered those senses as being the most reliable and appropriate. There is nevertheless
evidence to suggest that the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine is
associated with an ability to make simultaneous use of vision and haptics in the diagnosis
of somatic dysfunction. It could even be that for the assessment of tissue texture, where
haptics may theoretically provide the most appropriate information, a multisensory
approach can nevertheless be favoured (Lederman and Klatzky, 2004; Spence and
Zampini, 2006).
Although the diagnosis of altered soft tissue texture might arguably be ideally suited to the
haptic system, evidence from neuroimaging studies demonstrates the existence of bimodal
neurons in somatosensory and visual areas (Tal and Amedi, 2009). One could therefore
argue that visuo-haptic integration of sensory cues is likely to play a central role in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. The results from Studies 5.1 and 5.2 so far support the
plausibility of this argument. However, participants across all three levels of expertise
made use of vision alone and haptics alone at stages of the clinical examination when they
presumably considered those as being most reliable and appropriate. In particular, I found
evidence that, at times, clinicians and students chose to close their eyes or to look away
from the palpated area. Although authors in the field of osteopathic medicine advocate eye
closure during palpation to enhance the clinician’s tactile perception of dysfunction (e.g.,
Magoun, 1997; Chaitow, 2003); eye closure can however modulate behavioural
performance and is likely to modify neural processing (e.g., Marx et al., 2003; Shore and
Dhanoah, 2008). Looking away from the palpated area may, in contrast, indicate selective
attention to the haptic modality as a means of reliably diagnose the presence of somatic
dysfunction. By focusing their attention on a sensory modality at a time, students may, for
example, be able to reduce the uncertainty associated with the perception of somatic
dysfunction. The effects of having one’s eyes closed or open during palpation are explored
in Chapter 6.
5.3 Conclusions
This chapter examined how osteopaths across three levels of expertise used vision and
haptics in an osteopathic clinical examination aimed at diagnosing the presence of a
somatic dysfunction in the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis. Evidence from the two
exploratory studies reported here, demonstrates that during the development of expertise
in osteopathic medicine, the combination of visuo-haptic sensory signals in an osteopathic
clinical examination becomes central to the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction, and is likely
to contribute to increased diagnostic consistency. I would argue that as a result of their
experience, osteopaths learn how to combine sensory information in a more efficient
fashion. Arguably, the experts’ enhanced ability to simultaneously extract information from
vision and haptics may be due to ongoing neural adaptations that occur as a result of
deliberate practice. Providing students with multisensory learning experiences in both
classroom and clinical settings may contribute to this enhanced ability to integrate
information from different sensory modalities in an optimal way, which leads to accurate
diagnostic judgments. A robust model of expertise in diagnostic palpation requires,
however, further insights into effects having one’s eyes closed or open during the haptic
exploration of somatic dysfunction have on diagnostic reliability.
The results of these two studies support the general validity of the utilised research
method and methodologies, and the selection of participants. Despite this, it could be
argued that the age of the participant-examiners, clinical experience in the field of
osteopathic medicine, or previous training in other fields of health care practice may all be
potential confounders. For example, with experience, manual therapists are likely to
develop their own diagnostic criteria to determine the results of a particular test; thus
leading to idiosyncratic palpatory findings (Mior et al., 1990). Similarly, novice students
with experiences in other fields of health care practice may have already developed the
ability to effectively process clinical data from different sensory modalities. In both cases, it
would be difficult to claim that the observed findings are purely attributed to the
development of palpatory expertise in osteopathic medicine.
Chapter 6: Eye closure, visuo-haptic integration, and mental
imagery in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction
The studies reported in this thesis have, so far, provided evidence that the development of
expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in
cognitive processing. In Chapter 4, the mental representation of knowledge and the role of
analogical reasoning in osteopathic clinical decision-making were investigated. The
evidence from those two exploratory studies demonstrates the existence of differences in
knowledge representation across three different levels of professional expertise. In
particular, there is evidence that experts in their decision-making rely on high-level, but
simplified knowledge structures. Notwithstanding this, biomedical knowledge remains
strongly represented in the experts’ LTM. This strong mental representation of biomedical
knowledge is particularly relevant to the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. Although as a
result of their ongoing exposure to signs of dysfunction and pathology in clinical practice,
clinicians are likely to learn to automatically recognise patterns of abnormal function; a
well-developed anatomical and physiological knowledge enables them to interpret the
relevance of their visual and palpatory diagnostic findings.
In Chapter 5, the way in which osteopaths and students use vision and haptics in an
osteopathic clinical examination was examined. The results from those two exploratory
studies suggested that the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation is associated
with an ability to make simultaneous use of vision and haptics in the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction. However, there was evidence that, at times, haptics became the dominant
sensory modality, in particular with regard to the assessment of soft tissue texture and
intervertebral joint mobility. During their haptic exploration of tissue texture and
compliance, clinicians and students chose to close their eyes or to divert their gaze away
from the palpated area.
Thus far, there is evidence to suggest that during the development of diagnostic expertise,
diagnostic palpation is likely to be influenced by top-down analytical and non-analytical
processing. Further insights are, however, required to inform the implementation of
teaching and learning strategies that promote the development of students’ clinical
competence. Although authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have postulated that
eye closure during palpation may improve the perception of somatic dysfunction (Magoun,
1997; Chaitow, 2003), these claims lack empirical support. Crucially, it is important that
osteopathic educators are aware of what, for example, the effects of eye closure have on
diagnostic judgments in terms of the neural processing of sensory signals obtained during
a clinical examination. For example, Shore and Dhanoah (2008) examined the effect of
closing the eyes in darkness whilst performing a tactile discrimination task and found that
performance was better when the eyes were closed than when participants kept them
open. Shore and Dhanoah argued that when we close our eyes we free up the visual
cortex for other tasks such as visual mental imagery. This view is supported by Marx and
colleagues (2003; 2004) who, in series of neuroimaging studies, found evidence of two
different states of mental activity: with the eyes closed, an interoceptive mental state
characterised by multisensory activation and visual mental imagery; and with the eyes
open, an exteroceptive mental state that is typified by brain activity in oculomotor and
attentional regions. Taken together, evidence from these studies may provide further
insights into the cognitive processes associated with diagnostic palpation. Perceptual
judgments regarding the presence of somatic dysfunction are based on information
conveyed by the clinicians’ senses, and made in the context of subjective information
gathered during the case-history taking stage of their clinical encounter. The way in which
osteopaths use their senses and the influence that top-down processes associated with,
for example mental imagery, may have on their diagnostic judgments require further
In the present chapter, two studies are reported. Study 6.1 investigated whether the
simultaneous use of vision and haptics improves diagnostic consistency. Furthermore, the
study explored what effects having one’s eyes closed or open during the haptic exploration
of somatic dysfunction has on diagnostic reliability. In order to achieve its intended aims,
the research methods and methodologies previously used in Studies 5.1 and 5.2 were
modified. The focus of Study 6.1 was on the diagnosis of altered tissue texture and
intervertebral joint mobility in the lumbar spine. Although the assessment of altered tissue
texture and intervertebral joint mobility have typically been associated with poor levels of
reliability (see Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for reviews); they are
regarded by osteopaths as important indicators of musculoskeletal dysfunction (Fryer et
al., 2010a). The clinical examination was performed in experimental conditions of bimodal
(vision and haptics) and unimodal (haptics alone) sensory testing. The author reasoned
that this experimental approach, adapted from studies in the field of multisensory
integration (e.g., Ernst et al., 2007), would provide important insights into the role of vision
and haptics in the perception of tissue texture, shape, and compliance (see Lederman and
Klatzky, 2004; Whitaker et al., 2008b, for reviews).
Study 6.2 examined the perceived role of mental imagery in a clinical examination using a
cross-sectional survey approach. In addition, this exploratory study examined the
perceived role of visuo-haptic integration and selective attention to vision and haptics in
the context of an osteopathic clinical examination. The two studies reported here were
approved by the OBUREC and all participants gave their written informed consent.
6.1.1 Aims
• To investigate whether the simultaneous use of vision and haptics in the diagnosis
of somatic dysfunction improves diagnostic consistency.
• To explore what effects having one’s eyes closed or open during the haptic
exploration of somatic dysfunction in the lumbar spine have on diagnostic reliability.
Research questions
• Does the simultaneous use of vision and haptics in the diagnosis of somatic
dysfunction improve diagnostic consistency?
• What effects do eye closure and visual occlusion have on the haptic exploratory of
somatic dysfunction?
Experimental prediction 1
In contrast to novices, expert osteopaths are more consistent in their own perceptual
judgments of somatic dysfunction in the lumbar spine when using vision and haptics
together to extract diagnostic data.
Experimental prediction 2
In comparison to the novices, the experts are more consistent in their own perceptual
judgments in the haptics-eyes-closed condition. By contrast, the novices display more
consistent (i.e. less variable) judgments in the haptics-eyes-open condition.
6.1.3 Methods
Nine participants at different levels of osteopathic expertise were recruited from the
student population and academic staff at OBU: Three 2nd year and three 3rd year
undergraduate osteopathy students, and three registered osteopaths practising in the UK
who were at the time of the study, members of the clinical faculty at OBU (mean time since
graduation = 17 years, range 11-22 years). The 2nd year students were the ‘novices’ in this
experiment. At the time of the experiment, these students had already received tuition in
osteopathic musculoskeletal clinical examination methods. The 3rd year students were the
‘intermediates’. At the time of the experiment these students had all completed all of the
pre-clinical elements of their undergraduate training. The osteopaths were classed as the
‘experts’ in the study.
In contrast to the four studies reported so far in this thesis, students were recruited from
the four-year full-time undergraduate programme at OBU. The curricular content and
learning outcomes from both 2nd and 3rd years of the full-time programme are broadly
equivalent to those related to the 3rd and 4th years of the five-year mixed-mode
undergraduate programme, from where participants were recruited for the purpose of
Studies 5.1 and 5.2. Despite these similarities, at the time of the experiment, the 2nd year
students had only completed 100 hours of supervised clinical practice with very limited
direct patient contact. The 3rd year students, by contrast, had completed approximately
250 hours of supervised clinical practice, including approximately 100 hours of direct
involvement in patient diagnosis and care. These nuanced differences between the clinical
learning experience in the full-time and mixed-mode programmes are likely to be reflected
in the way ‘novices’ and ‘intermediates’ process sensory data across vision and haptics.
Although the findings of Studies 5.1 and 5.2 supported the general validity of the research
approach and the selection of participants, the similarities in the results across the groups
suggest that other factors such as previous professional experience may have confounded
the findings. Typically, students on the mixed-mode undergraduate programme at OBU
are mature students with a range of academic and professional qualifications and
experience, including health care practice. By contrast, the vast majority of undergraduate
students on the full-time programme are school-leavers studying for their first professional
qualification. The author reasoned that the recruitment of 2nd year and 3rd year students
from the full-time programme would enable more robust comparisons between novices
and experts to be made.
A sample of 18 models (mean age = 21.8 years, SD = 5.2, range 19-37, six males, twelve
females) were recruited from the student and staff population at OBU to be used for the
clinical examination. Nine participants had a history of lower back pain but none were
symptomatic on the day of the study. All of the models were included in the study. They
were screened by the author, who is a practising osteopath, for the presence of any
clinical condition that would make them unsuitable for an osteopathic clinical examination.
Models would have been excluded if they had presented with non-mechanical pain;
thoracic spine pain; widespread neurological signs and symptoms; were unwell and/or
reported weight loss; had a structural deformity; or if they had a past history of carcinoma;
and/or were on steroid medication (Gibbons and Tehan, 2000). Participants would also
have been excluded if they had been unable to lay prone on a treatment plinth for more
than 30 minutes. Height and weight were obtained to calculate the BMI (weight in
kilograms divided by the square of the individual’s height in metres). The mean BMI was
22.6 (SD = 2.7, CI = 21.3-23.9), indicating normal weight distribution (Kumar and Clark,
2002). Although the use of asymptomatic individuals prevents generalisation of this study’s
findings to clinical practice, it was reasoned that requiring symptomatic individuals to lay
prone for extended periods of time could have potentially caused an exacerbation of their
clinical condition. Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have nevertheless argued
that asymptomatic subjects may present with non-painful somatic dysfunctions (e.g.,
Potter et al., 2006). Moreover, Stochkendahl et al. (2006) in their systematic review of
reliability studies on spinal manual examination, found evidence that the use of
symptomatic participants did not improve reliability. Consequently, the selection of
asymptomatic participants was considered to be appropriate for an exploratory study,
which aims to inform educational practice, rather than clinical practice.
Examiner consensus training
One week prior to the study, in an attempt to optimise individual consistency in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction; the participant-examiners attended a session designed
to reach a consensual agreement regarding the clinical examination protocol to be used. It
was agreed that the examination would focus on the detection of altered soft tissue texture
and altered intervertebral passive range of motion. Parts of the clinical examination
protocol were adapted from a study by Degenhardt et al. (2005). Both students and
experienced practitioners were familiar with these clinical examination techniques. This
consensual training has been advocated by a number of researchers in osteopathic
medicine (e.g., Degenhardt et al., 2005; Paulet and Fryer, 2009).
Data collection took place in two sessions in one of the clinical skills laboratories at OBU.
Nine treatment plinths were placed in rows with blue screen curtains dividing them. A table
was placed at the head of each plinth, on which the record sheets were laid together with
an envelope for their collection (see Figs 6.1 and 6.2). Nine models laid prone on each of
the 9 plinths. At the beginning of the experiment, the author marked the spinous processes
of the five lumbar vertebrae. The marks were then checked by one of the research
assistants. Each spinous process was marked with a surgical skin marking pen to ensure
that the repeated clinical examination would not remove the mark. The models were
instructed not to talk to the examiners during the clinical examination.
Figure 6.2: Individual clinical examination ‘station’.
The nine examiners entered the room and were assigned to a model. They were blinded to
any information regarding the models’ clinical history. In order to mask any diagnostic
clues associated with the presence of tenderness or pain that could be reported by the
models, examiners wore ear plugs throughout the experiment. Examiners had
approximately 2 minutes to identify a somatic dysfunction in the lumbar spine, i.e. the
vertebral segment that in their opinion was the joint most clinically relevant to receive a
spinal manipulation. The clinical examination was conducted as follows:
Palpation of the subcutaneous tissue medial and inferior to the transverse processes,
down to the level of the facet joints was used to detect areas of altered tissue texture such
as muscle hypertonicity or other palpatory clues (e.g. heat), which may be related to the
presence of somatic dysfunction;
A passive examination of the lumbar spine was then used to detect areas of
hypo/hypermobility. The examiners applied an anterior cephalic force through the spinous
processes of the lumbar spine to assess motion asymmetry in the transverse plane.
Anterior-posterior translational mobility was assessed with the application of an anterior
cephalic force through the spinous processes of the lumbar spine.
At the end of their clinical examination, the participant-examiners recorded their diagnosis
on their record sheet (see Appendix 6). When somatic dysfunctions were present, the
examiners were required to identify the lumbar spine segment (L1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). If more
than one somatic dysfunction had been identified, the examiners were required to make a
decision regarding which one was, in their opinion, the most clinically relevant one. In the
absence of somatic dysfunctions, the examiners were asked to record ‘Nil’ on their record
sheet. Following the diagnosis, the participants were asked to rate their diagnostic
confidence, from ‘Not at all’ (0) to ‘Very confident’ (100), on a 100 mm VAS. Following the
completion of round one of the clinical examination protocol, all participant-examiners left
the room.
The examiners were required to assess the lumbar spine under experimental conditions of
unimodal sensory testing [haptics-eyes open] and [haptics-eyes-closed] and bimodal
sensory testing [visuo-haptic]. This was achieved as follows:
Unimodal [haptics-eyes open] condition – the examiners entered the room guided by one
of the six research assistants and were instructed to perform the clinical examination with
their vision occluded. Vision was occluded by means of a pair of custom-made opaque
goggles that enabled light to enter but prevented determination of edges or objects (see
Figs 6.3 and 6.4). Participants were instructed to keep their eyes open inside the goggles;
and this was monitored by the research assistants. The examiners performed the clinical
examination on each model; and were instructed to make a judgment as to which vertebral
segment was in their opinion dysfunctional. When the joint in the lumbar spine had been
identified, the examiners were helped by the research assistants in identifying the spinous
process of the dysfunctional lumbar segment. The examiners pointed with their fingers to
the level of the diagnosed somatic dysfunction in order to enable the research assistants
helping the examiners in the completion of their record sheets. If no somatic dysfunction
had been diagnosed, the examiners were asked to communicate that finding to the
research assistants and to record ‘Nil’ on their record sheet. Following their diagnostic
judgment, the examiners moved away from the treatment plinth, and removed their
goggles to record their findings and to rate their diagnostic confidence on a VAS. On
completion of their clinical examination and recording of findings, participants put their
goggles back on and moved to the next treatment plinth in order to assess a new model.
The procedure was completed once all models had been assessed. Apart from the
experimental differences in sensory testing, the clinical examination procedure was
identical in all three conditions.
Figure 6.3: Unimodal [haptics-eyes open with vision occluded] condition (participant’s eyes open
inside the goggles).
Figure 6.4: Unimodal [haptics-eyes open with vision occluded] condition.
Figure 6.5: Unimodal [haptics-eyes closed] condition.
Bimodal [visuo-haptic] condition – the examiners re-entered the room and were instructed
to perform the clinical examination using vision and haptics simultaneously.
In order to minimise fatigue among examiners and consequent impact on data validity the
entire experimental procedure was repeated on a second day with a different group of 9
models. To limit order effects, the sequence of procedures was counterbalanced as
Day 1
Day 2
In addition, the order of presentation of the different models was also changed at the end
of each experimental condition. The models were instructed to move to another treatment
plinth before the examiners re-entered the room.
Inter- and intra-observer reliability for segments perceived to be the joint most clinically
relevant to receive a manipulation in the lumbar spine was calculated using the linear
weighted kappa score together with their associated 95% CI (Fleiss and Cohen, 1973).
This provided a measure of inter- and intra-individual diagnostic consistency. In addition,
observed proportion agreement (Po) and the proportion of expected agreement by chance
(Pe) were calculated for each one of the six possible diagnostic judgments, i.e., L1, 2, 3, 4,
5, or nil. Weighted kappa scores were calculated for each individual within their level of
expertise [expert, intermediate, novice] and per within-participants factor [visuo-haptic]
[haptics-eyes-closed] and [haptics-eyes open]. This provided a measure of intra-examiner
Inter-observer reliability was calculated using the diagnostic judgments from the first
sessions (run one) on each experimental condition, within each level of expertise. The
intra- and inter-observer kappa scores were interpreted according to Landis and Koch
(1977) scale: 0.81-1.00 almost perfect reliability; 0.61-0.80, substantial reliability; 0.41-
0.60, moderate reliability; 0.21-0.40, fair reliability; and below 0.20, poor reliability.
In order to evaluate potential learning effects between the first and second run within the
visuo-haptic condition, comparisons between the observed proportion agreements were
made. It was reasoned that examiners could recognise particular aspects of the model
being assessed, and thereby remember their previous diagnostic judgment, rather than
using the clinical examination protocol to produce a new decision. Whilst this would be
more unlikely to happen in the haptics alone conditions due to the occlusion of vision, it
was a possibility that needed to be considered in the visuo-haptic condition. A difference
of more than 0.10 between the observed agreement in the first and second run was
considered to be significant, i.e., to demonstrate a learning effect (see Andriesse et al.,
2009, on this point).
The data from the confidence scores were analysed using descriptive and inferential
statistics. Differences in participants’ confidence scores per within-participants factor
[haptics-eyes-open], [haptics-eyes-closed] and [visuo-haptic] were analysed using
separate Kruskal-Wallis tests with the level of expertise [expert, intermediate, novice] as
the between-participants factor. Pairwise comparisons were analysed with Mann-Whitney
U post-hoc tests. The absence of normality in the distribution of confidence scores
determined the use of non-parametric statistical tests. All statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS Version 17 for Windows and MedCalc.
6.1.4 Results
Figure 6.6 highlights the mean intra-observer weighted kappa scores for each
experimental condition [visuo-haptic; haptics-eyes-closed; haptics-eyes open] across the
three levels of osteopathic expertise.
Bimodal [visuo-haptic] condition
The simultaneous use of vision and haptics contributed to slightly more consistent
perceptual judgments of somatic dysfunction in the lumbar spine amongst the novices
(mean κw = 0.30 (95% CI: 0.00-0.60); mean Po = 0.31; mean Pe = 0.22), in comparison to
the experts (mean κw = 0.21 (95% CI: -0.13-0.56); mean Po = 0.39; mean Pe = 0.24) and
the intermediates (mean κw = 0.20 (95% CI: 0.05-0.35); mean Po = 0.33; mean Pe =
0.20). In the absence of non-overlapping 95% CIs, it cannot be stated that any one of the
differences between groups is significant. Mean intra-observer reliability scores across the
three levels of expertise were only fair to poor (Landis and Koch, 1977). From a clinical
perspective, a κ value of at least 0.40 is considered to be the benchmark for interpreting
the results of participants’ physical examination (Fjellner et al., 1999). Although a κ value
of at least 0.40 may be clinically acceptable, it can be argued that intra-observer reliability
should be higher than inter-observer reliability for most judgments of sensory stimuli.
Experts were considerably more consistent in their own perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction in the haptics-eyes-closed condition (mean κw = 0.45 (95% CI: 0.29-0.61);
mean Po = 0.52; mean Pe = 0.23). In contrast, both intermediates (mean κw = 0.13 (95%
CI: -0.01-0.27); mean Po = 0.26; mean Pe = 0.22) and novices (mean κw = 0.13 (95% CI: -
0.01-0.27); mean Po = 0.26; mean Pe = 0.18) displayed poor levels of intra-observer
reliability. The presence of non-overlapping 95% CIs for the estimated reliability of the
expert group, demonstrates that these practitioners were significantly more consistent in
their own diagnoses than the intermediates or the novices.
Both novices (mean κw = 0.30 (95% CI: 0.14-0.46); mean Po = 0.33; mean Pe = 0.21) and
intermediates (mean κw = 0.30 (95% CI: 0.14-0.44); mean Po = 0.39; mean Pe = 0.22)
were more consistent in their judgments of somatic dysfunction in the haptics-eyes-open
condition than the experts (mean κw = 0.20 (95% CI: 0.04-0.36); mean Po = 0.30; mean
Pe = 0.25). Considering the overlapping 95% CIs, it cannot be stated that the between-
group differences are significant.
Confidence scores
Table 6.1 shows the mean confidence scores to the perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction for each experimental condition, across the three levels of expertise.
Level of expertise Experimental condition
Visuo-haptic Haptic eyes-closed Haptic eyes-open
Table 6.1: Mean confidence scores to perceptual judgments of somatic dysfunction per
experimental condition, and across the three levels of expertise (Standard deviations in brackets).
The author examined differences in participants’ confidence scores for each experimental
condition [visuo-haptic; haptics-eyes-closed; haptics-eyes open] using separate Kruskal-
Wallis tests. For the visuo-haptic condition, a Kruskal Wallis test revealed a statistically
significant effect of level of expertise (χ2 (2) = 56.4, p = 0.00). Post-hoc pairwise
comparisons using Mann Whitney U tests with Bonferroni correction demonstrated
statistically significant differences between experts and intermediates (p = 0.00, r = 0.49),
between experts and novices (p = 0.00, r = 0.31), and between novices and intermediates
(p = 0.001, r = 0.23).
For the haptics-eyes-open condition, the analysis showed a significant effect of level of
expertise (χ2 (2) = 67.1, p = 0.00). Pairwise comparisons revealed statistically significant
differences between experts and intermediates (p = 0.00, r = 0.45), between experts and
novices (p = 0.00, r = 0.30), and between novices and intermediates (p = 0.00, r = 0.23).
Taken together, these findings demonstrate that expert osteopaths were always
considerably more confident in their perceptual judgments, than the students.
Inter-observer reliability per level of expertise
Table 6.2 presents the inter-observer reliability between the three expert participants for
each experimental condition. The inter-observer reliability was calculated from the results
of the first run on each experimental condition.
` Experts
E1-E2 E1-E3 E2-E3
κw Po/ Κw Po/ κw Po/
(95% CI) Pe (95% CI) Pe (95% CI) Pe
Table 6.2: Inter-observer reliability between the three expert examiners (E1, E2 and E3) at session
one (run one) on each experimental condition (95% CI in brackets). Po represents the percentage
of observed agreement amongst examiners. Pe represents the percentage of expected agreement
amongst examiners, which is based on the probability of chance agreement.
Apart from an observed fair agreement between examiners E2 and E3 in the haptics-eyes
open condition, the inter-observer agreement was consistently poor (κw<0.20). On a
number of occasions, the observed agreement was below the expected agreement by
chance alone.
Table 6.3 shows the inter-observer reliability between the three intermediate participants
for each experimental condition. The level of inter-observer agreement was largely poor.
I1-I2 I1-I3 I2-I3
κw Po/ κw Po/ κw Po/
Table 6.3: Inter-observer reliability between the three intermediate examiners (I1, I2, I3) at session
one (run one) on each experimental condition (95% CI in brackets).
Table 6.4 presents the inter-observer reliability between the three novice participants for
each experimental condition. In general, the level of inter-observer reliability was poor.
N1-N2 N1-N3 N2-N3
κw Po/ κw Po/ κw Po/
Table 6.4: Inter-observer reliability between the three novice examiners (N1, N2, N3) at session
one (run one) on each experimental condition (95% CI in brackets).
Figure 6.7 illustrates the mean proportion of observed agreements between examiners in
the first and second sessions (i.e., runs one and two) of the visuo-haptic condition.
Figure 6.7: Mean proportion inter-observer agreement between first and second sessions (runs one
and two) in the visuo-haptic condition.
The results suggest a potential learning effect in the intermediate group. Whereas both
experts and novices showed a reduction in their mean proportion observed agreement
from the first to the second session; participants in the intermediate examiners’ group
improved from a mean of Po = 0.17 to Po = 0.30. The intermediates’ intra-observer
reliability scores in the visuo-haptic condition may have therefore been confounded by a
potential learning effect.
6.1.5 Discussion
The first aim of Study 6.1 was to investigate whether the simultaneous use of vision and
haptics improves diagnostic consistency in perceptual judgements of altered tissue texture
and intervertebral joint mobility in the lumbar spine, in individuals across three levels of
osteopathic expertise. In general, the inter- and intra-observer reliability according to
weighted kappa statistics varied between poor and fair. These results are largely in line
with those typically reported in reliability studies in the field of manual medicine (e.g.,
Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006). Considering the use of asymptomatic
participant-models and overall kappa scores below the recommended κ value of at least
0.40 (Fjellner et al., 1999), the results from Study 6.1 cannot be generalised to clinical
practice. Notwithstanding this fact, the main purpose of this study was not to investigate
the reliability of diagnostic palpation but to understand how expert and novice practitioners
use their visual and haptic systems in the context of a clinical examination designed to
assess soft tissue texture, compliance, and mobility in the lumbar spine. These results
need to be considered in the context of professional education rather than clinical practice.
Based on the findings from the two studies reported in Chapter 5, it was predicted that in
contrast to novices, expert osteopaths would be more consistent in their own perceptual
judgments of altered soft tissue texture and intervertebral joint mobility when using vision
and haptics together to extract diagnostic data. Interestingly, the results from this study
showed that when compared to the experts, novices were in fact slightly more consistent
in both their own judgments, i.e., intra-observer reliability, and when compared to other
novice examiners, i.e., inter-observer reliability. Despite this, the presence of overlapping
95% CIs prevents the author from arguing that those between-group differences are
These findings raise the important question of whether novices combine sensory
information from vision and haptics in a more effective manner than experts; or if the
results rather reflect a sensory dominance effect in bimodal conditions. In line with the
novices’ superior performance in the haptics-eyes-open condition, it seems plausible that
the novices’ performance in the visuo-haptic condition may be attributed to a sensory
dominance of haptics over vision in bimodal conditions rather than multisensory integration
of visuo-haptic information. On this point, Ernst and Bülthoff (2004) have argued that in
bimodal conditions the sensory modality providing the most reliable perceptual estimate is
likely to dominate the final perceptual judgment. It is therefore possible that the novices in
the Study 6.1 considered the haptic system as the sensory channel providing the most
reliable estimate regarding the presence of altered soft tissue texture and intervertebral
joint mobility. Despite their performance in the visuo-haptic condition, one could still argue
that experts may, as a result of ongoing clinical practice, learn how to combine sensory
information from different modalities in a more effective way. In fact, a detailed inspection
of the experts’ individual scores reveals that one of them was considerably more
consistent in his/her judgments (κw = 0.49) than all of the novices (mean κw = 0.30). This
finding may nevertheless be attributed to this particular individual’s own style of clinical
practice. In fact, the experts’ poor inter-observer reliability supports this argument.
Whereas the novices may have processed visual and haptic cues in a bottom-up fashion;
in the case of the experts, top-down processing may have largely overridden the bottom-
up processing of sensory cues.
The second aim of Study 6.1 was to explore what effects having one’s eyes closed or
open during the haptic exploration of somatic dysfunction has on diagnostic reliability.
Authors in the field of osteopathic medicine have claimed that eye closure during palpation
enhances the clinician’s tactile perception of dysfunction (e.g., Magoun, 1997; Chaitow,
2003). Based on these accounts, and those of researchers in the field of multisensory
integration (e.g., Shore and Dhanoah, 2008), it was predicted that when compared to the
novices, experts would be more consistent in their own perceptual judgments in the
haptics-eyes-closed condition. The novices would, in contrast, display more consistent (i.e.
less variable) judgments in the haptics-eyes-open condition. The results are largely in line
with this study’s experimental prediction. Considering the existence of non-overlapping
confidence intervals for the experts’ estimated intra-observer reliability, it could be argued
that the clinicians were more consistent in their own diagnoses than both groups of
students. Rather than suggesting focused attention on the haptic modality, it can be
argued that the experts’ superior performance in the haptic-eyes-closed condition is likely
to be linked to mental imagery and multisensory brain activity. Eye closure is likely to have
freed-up visual areas for mental imagery and putatively to multisensory activity (see Marx
et al., 2004; Shore and Dhanoah, 2008, on this point). One could therefore argue that
mental imagery and multisensory processing are likely to underpin the development of
diagnostic expertise in osteopathic medicine. These processes may enable expert
clinicians to access mental representations of normal and altered soft tissue texture and
intervertebral joint mobility from their LTM. In support for this point, Lederman and Klatzky
(2009) have argued that knowledge-directed processes (e.g. visual mental imagery) may
facilitate or mediate haptic perception. The findings from Study 6.1 did not, however,
enable the author to clearly endorse these hypotheses; a cross-sectional survey was
therefore conducted in order to further explore his evolving theory. The use of mental
imagery associated with each clinician’s own style of clinical practice may also provide an
explanation for the poor inter-observer levels of agreement. Notwithstanding their superior
intra-observer agreement, the poor inter-observer scores suggest that expert diagnostic
palpation may be largely dependent on top-down processing.
argument is supported by the work of Vukanovic-Criley et al. (2006) who found an
association between clinicians’ ability to integrate visual and auditory sensory data in a
cardiovascular examination and the development of expertise.
The findings from Study 6.1 provided the first preliminary empirical evidence that eye
closure can improve the intra-observer reliability of perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction in expert osteopaths. Moreover, by focusing their attention on the haptic
modality students improve their diagnostic consistency. In Study 6.2, the author examined
practitioners’ own views regarding the role of mental imagery, visuo-haptic integration and
selective attention to vision and haptics in the context of an osteopathic clinical
6.2.1 Aim
• To examine practitioners’ own views regarding the role of mental imagery, visuo-
haptic integration and selective attention to vision and haptics in the context of an
osteopathic clinical examination.
• How do experts and osteopathy students perceive the role of mental imagery,
visuo-haptic integration and selective attention to vision and haptics in the context
of an osteopathic clinical examination?
6.2.3 Methods
A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire developed for the purpose
of this study and based upon the Object-Spatial Imagery Questionnaire (OSIQ)
(Blajenkova et al., 2006) and on literature from the field of osteopathic medicine (e.g.,
Frymann, 1963; Chaitow, 2003), multisensory integration (e.g., Welch and Warren, 1986;
Ernst and Bülthoff, 2004) and mental imagery (e.g., Kosslyn et al., 2001a; Yoo et al., 2003;
Reisberg and Heuer, 2005; Olivetti Belardinelli et al., 2009). The questionnaire, consisting
of one initial statement ‘For the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction…’ followed by six
individual statements was initially piloted on a small sample of students and academic
osteopathy staff at the BSO (British School of Osteopathy) and OBU. The final version of
the questionnaire contained three items exploring the role of vision and haptics, and visuo-
haptic integration; and three items exploring respectively the role of visual, tactile, and
kinaesthetic mental imagery (see Appendix 7). The six final questionnaire items were as
• I can close my eyes and easily picture the anatomical structures under my
palpating fingers.
• I can close my eyes and easily picture patterns of normal and altered tissue texture
that I have experienced.
• I can easily mentally imagine normal and altered movement patterns in the
anatomical regions being assessed.
Participants rated their agreement with each statement in the context of a diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction from ‘Totally agree’ (0) to ‘Totally agree’ (100), on a 100 mm VAS.
The data from the agreement scores were analysed using descriptive and inferential
statistics. Differences in participants’ agreement scores per item [attention to vision],
[attention to haptics], [visuo-haptic integration], [visual imagery], [tactile imagery], and
[kinaesthetic imagery] were analysed using separate Kruskal Wallis and one-way ANOVA
tests with the level of expertise [expert, intermediate, novice] as the between-participants
factor. Pairwise comparisons were analysed using Mann-Whitney U and Hochberg post-
hoc tests. Planned comparisons were made on each item agreement scores at each level
of expertise using paired t-tests. In addition, Spearman and Pearson correlation tests were
used to investigate associations between mental imagery and visuo-haptic integration.
Non-parametric tests were used in instances where the data was not normally distributed.
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Version 17 for Windows.
6.2.4 Results
Table 6.5 shows the mean agreement scores to the questionnaire items on the role of
attention, attention to haptics, and visuo-haptic integration across the three levels of
Table 6.5: Mean agreement scores to statements on attention to vision and haptics and visuo-
haptic integration across the three levels of expertise (Standard deviations in brackets).
Differences in participants’ agreement scores to the item concerning the role of attention to
vision were examined using a Kruskal-Wallis test. No statistically significant differences
were revealed as a function of the three levels of expertise (χ2 (2) = 0.4, p = 0.84).
With regards to the item on the role of attention to haptics, a Kruskal Wallis test revealed a
statistically significant effect of the level of expertise (χ2 (2) = 14.6, p = 0.001). Post-hoc
pairwise comparisons showed significant differences between experts and novices (p =
0.02, r = 0.40), and between intermediates and novices (p = 0.00, r = 0.42). No statistically
significant differences between experts and intermediates were found (p = 0.4, r = 0.10).
With regards to the participants’ belief that they automatically integrate information across
vision and haptics, a Kruskal Wallis test revealed a statistically significant effect of the level
of expertise (χ2 (2) = 14.1, p = 0.001). Post-hoc pairwise comparisons highlight statistically
significant differences between experts and intermediates (p = 0.00, r = 0.46), and
between experts and novices (p = 0.001, r = 0.45). No statistically significant differences
between intermediates and novices were found (p = 0.83).
Figure 6.8 and table 6.6 illustrate the agreement scores to the questionnaire items on
visual, tactile and kinaesthetic mental imagery across the three levels of expertise.
Level of expertise
Visual imagery Tactile imagery Kinaesthetic
Table 6.6: Mean agreement scores to statements on mental imagery across the three levels of
expertise (Standard deviations in brackets).
A one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant main effect of expertise for the item
on visual mental imagery [F (2, 92) =10.9; MSE=439.9, p = 0.00, η²=0.19]. Post-hoc
Hochberg tests showed that the level of agreement with the visual mental imagery item
was statistically significantly higher amongst expert osteopaths [M=80, SE=2.5] than
amongst intermediates [M=58, SE=3.5, p = 0.00] and novices [M=56, SE=4.6, p = 0.00].
There was no statistically significant difference between intermediates and novices
With regard to the tactile mental imagery item, a one-way ANOVA revealed a statistically
significant main effect of expertise [F (2, 92) =17.3; MSE=332.9, p = 0.00, η²=0.27]. Post-
hoc Hochberg tests revealed statistically significant differences in the agreement scores
between expert osteopaths [M=73, SE=3.7] and intermediates [M=49, SE=3.0, p = 0.00].
Differences between experts and novices were also statistically significant [M=46, SE=3.0,
p = 0.00]. No statistically significant differences between intermediates and novices were
observed [p=0.91].
On the role of kinaesthetic mental imagery in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction a one-
way ANOVA revealed a statistically significant main effect of expertise [F (2, 92) =14.8;
MSE=336.1, p = 0.00, η²=0.24]. Post-hoc Hochberg tests revealed statistically significant
differences in the agreement scores between expert osteopaths [M=72, SE=3.8] and
intermediates [M=54, SE=3.0, p<.001]; and between experts and novices [M=45, SE=3.0,
p = 0.00]. No statistically significant difference between intermediates and novices was
found [p=0.16].
The planned comparison t-tests performed for the expert group showed statistically
significantly higher agreement to the visual mental imagery item in comparison to the
tactile mental imagery [t (25) = 2.2; p = 0.04, d = 0.46] and kinaesthetic mental imagery
item [t (25) = 2.5; p = 0.02, d = 0.53]. No statistically significant difference between tactile
and kinaesthetic imagery was found [p = 0.71]. These results therefore suggest that expert
osteopaths believe that visual mental imagery is likely to be the dominant form of imagery
in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
In order to examine associations between the expert osteopaths’ belief that they
automatically integrate diagnostic data across vision and haptics and the role of mental
imagery, the author initially aggregated the scores for all three mental imagery statements.
A subsequent Pearson correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant association
between visuo-haptic integration and the combined scores for mental imagery amongst
expert osteopaths [r²= 0.238, p = 0.004].
6.2.5 Discussion
The primary aim of the two studies reported in this chapter was to investigate how
osteopaths having different levels of expertise use their visual and haptic systems in the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. The results showed that when expert clinicians were
asked to close their eyes during the haptic exploration of soft tissue texture and
intervertebral joint mobility, their diagnostic consistency improved: that is, a higher degree
of intra-individual agreement was observed in their perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction. It is plausible that eye closure may have freed-up the visual cortex for mental
imagery and multisensory activity which in turn enabled individual clinicians to make more
robust (i.e., less variable) judgments. The findings from Study 6.2 support the hypothesis
that mental imagery and multisensory integration are likely to play an important role in the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation. Taken together, the results from these
two studies provide empirical evidence suggesting that the development of expertise in
diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive
Although the reliability of diagnostic palpation in manual medicine has been extensively
researched, with the majority of studies reporting findings below those considered clinically
acceptable (see Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for reviews); fewer
researchers have attempted to investigate whether clinical experience improves its
reliability (e.g., Mior et al., 1990; Chandhok and Bagust, 2002; Foster and Bagust, 2004).
This evidence is, however, still conflicting. Whereas, for example, Bagust and colleagues
(2002; 2004) demonstrated improvements in tactile acuity in chiropractors; Mior et al.
(1990) observed that with regard to the assessment of motion palpation, experience did
not improve the clinicians’ diagnostic reliability. Critically, the behavioural and perceptual
aspects of diagnostic palpation and their role in the development of professional expertise
remain largely unstudied. Although Beal (1989) argued that the analysis and interpretation
of palpatory findings is dependent upon previous association to examples encountered in
clinical practice, and likely to be influenced by other sensory modalities such as vision,
empirical support for these views is still lacking.
To my knowledge, the four studies reported in Chapters 5 and 6 constituted the first
attempt to investigate the role of multisensory integration in the development of expertise
in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine. Preliminary results from Studies 5.1 and
5.2 indicated that the expert osteopaths were better able to simultaneously extract
information from vision and haptics, whereas novice osteopaths tended to concentrate on
only a single sensory modality of input at a time. Notwithstanding this, it was noticed that
the experts made use of vision alone and haptics alone at stages of the clinical
examination when they presumably considered those senses as being the most reliable
and appropriate. Critically, their focus on the haptic modality was at times associated with
eye closure. The results of the two studies reported in this chapter are largely in line with
those reported in Chapter 5. Despite the experts’ poorer performance in the visuo-haptic
condition, the results from the haptic-eyes-closed condition and subsequent cross-
sectional survey indicate that the development of diagnostic palpation expertise in
osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive processing. Importantly, it
could be argued that these findings indicate that expert osteopaths rely on System 1
automatic, unconscious, and intuitive decision-making (see Stanovich and West, 2000;
Schwartz and Elstein, 2008; Croskerry, 2009b).
Recent research on the brain does seem to suggest that the Bayesian way in which our
brains predict behaviour and make perceptual judgements is shaped by experience and
influenced by top-down processes (see Frith and Frith, 2006, for a review; Frith, 2007).
Mental imagery is likely to be one of those top-down processes, and its use may enable
expert clinicians to combine diagnostic data in a more effective way, in particular, during
eye closure. Eye closure during palpation is a phenomenon commonly observed in clinical
practice and it has been advocated as a way of enhancing the osteopath’s tactile
perception of somatic dysfunction (e.g., Magoun, 1997; Chaitow, 2003). From a
neurophysiological standpoint, eye closure during haptic exploration may, however, be
associated with different patterns of brain activity and cognitive processing. Mark et al.
(2003; 2004) investigated the patterns of brain activity in conditions of eyes open and eyes
closed in darkness and found that whereas eye closure leads to an interoceptive mental
state characterised by visual mental imagery and multisensory activity; keeping one’s eyes
open without retinal stimulation leads to an exteroceptive mental state which is
characterised by activity in ocular motor and attentional brain regions. Although research
exploring the effects of eye closure on haptic processing is still scarce (e.g. Shore and
Dhanoah, 2008), preliminary findings demonstrate that eye closure improves haptic
perception. The findings of the two studies reported in this chapter are partly in line with
this research (Marx et al., 2003; 2004; Shore and Dhanoah, 2008) and indicate that it is
plausible to argue that palpation with one’s eyes closed may be dominated by
multisensory brain activity and mental imagery.
Mental imagery is an important component of our daily thinking activities and it may
therefore be a critical factor in the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine.
Mental imagery and perception share many functional and biological processes (Reisberg
and Heuer, 2005). Different forms of mental imagery (i.e. visual (Kosslyn et al., 2001a);
tactile (Yoo et al., 2003); kinaesthetic (Olivetti Belardinelli et al., 2009)) may enable expert
osteopaths to access mental representations of normal and altered structure and function
from their LTM; and in top-down processing associated with decision-making. In contrast,
novice osteopaths are likely to rely primarily on bottom-up sensory processing from the
haptic modality. In support of this point, Lacey and colleagues (2010) have argued that
haptic perception of familiar shapes involves top-down processes from the PFC into
extrastriate visual areas. Despite the lack of empirical research, a number of authors in the
field of osteopathic medicine have postulated that mental imagery may indeed facilitate the
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction (e.g., Frymann, 1963; Mitchell, 1976; DiGiovanna,
2005b). For example, Mitchell endorsed the view that eidetic imagery - typically associated
with unusual image vividness – is important in enabling osteopaths to effectively diagnose
tissue dysfunction. Similarly, DiGiovanna (2005b) argued that in the palpation of deeper
anatomical structures it is useful for osteopaths to mentally visualise the depth of the
palpation. Taken together, the results of Studies 6.1 and 6.2 provide empirical support for
these opinion-based arguments emerging from the field of osteopathic medicine.
In Study 6.1, practitioners focused their clinical examination on the diagnosis of altered
tissue texture and intervertebral joint mobility. Despite their typically associated poor levels
of reliability (see Seffinger et al., 2004; Stochkendahl et al., 2006, for reviews), these two
clinical signs of somatic dysfunction have nevertheless been considered by authors in the
field of osteopathic medicine as important indicators of altered musculoskeletal function
(see Fryer et al., 2010a on this point). Although there is controversy regarding the causes
of abnormal tissue texture, Fryer and colleagues (2010a) have recently proposed that
increased tissue fluid and inflammation present in deep paraspinal tissues may be
responsible for the perception of altered tissue texture on palpation. Notwithstanding this,
accurate estimates of altered tissue texture are nevertheless likely to be influenced by a
number of confounding factors including both individual tissue variability (Paulet and Fryer,
2009) and changes occurring in response to palpation. From a psychophysical
perspective, tissue texture perception and intervertebral joint mobility are multidimensional
tasks. They are likely to rely on spatial and temporal processing depending on the tissue
properties (e.g. roughness and hardness) and proximal stimulus (e.g. spatial deformation)
(see Lederman and Klatzky, 2004 on this point). In clinical practice, osteopaths are likely
to extract information on the fine details of soft tissue properties (e.g., texture and
hardness), compliance and shape – material and geometric properties. Although touch has
typically been shown to dominate over vision for the perception of fine texture (see
Lederman and Klatzky, 2004; Whitaker et al., 2008b, for reviews); clinicians may
nevertheless process information according to the value that a particular sensory modality
possesses on the basis of their professional experience and training (see Lederman and
Klatzky, 2004 on this point). Interestingly, the results reported in this chapter demonstrate
that although experts in Study 6.2 believe they focus their attention on the haptic modality,
evidence from Study 6.1 demonstrates that focusing attention entirely on the haptic
modality did in fact contribute to higher intra-individual variability in their perceptual
judgments. That is, despite their belief system, the results demonstrate that the estimation
of somatic dysfunction is likely to be influenced by both multisensory brain activity and top-
down processing associated with mental imagery.
The findings of Studies 6.1 and 6.2 have implications for osteopathic education. Although
students in the early stages of their training are likely to focus their attention on the haptic
modality as a means of reducing the uncertainty associated with the perception of soft
tissue dysfunction; they should nevertheless be encouraged to extract and combine
information from different sensory modalities in their clinical examination. Furthermore,
students should be encouraged to regularly experience normal and altered patterns of
tissue texture and joint mobility, during both their practical classroom and clinical based
learning, in order to develop their own ‘palpatory reference library’ (Parsons and Marcer,
2005). Supported by a well-developed knowledge of anatomy, physiology and
biomechanics, students are more likely to effectively and accurately diagnose their
patients’ problem. For example, in the field of radiology, Donovan and Manning (2007)
have argued that the experts’ substantial prototypical knowledge of anatomy enables them
to better recognise pathology. As a result, expert radiologists learn how to effectively direct
their attention to the location of pathology in a Bayesian fashion (see also Ernst, 2006).
Donovan and Manning’s (2007) model is directly in line with the results reported here. I
would argue that extensive training and clinical practice enables osteopaths to combine
information from vision and haptics more efficiently. A well-developed knowledge of
anatomy is likely to enable osteopaths to recognise dysfunction and pathology when
information conveyed by their senses suggests deviation from what is regarded as normal.
6.3 Conclusions
This chapter examined how osteopaths at different levels of expertise use their visual and
haptic systems in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. The findings suggest that on-going
clinical practice enables osteopaths to combine information from vision and haptics more
efficiently. Mental imagery may facilitate this process by enabling expert osteopaths to
access mental representations of normal and altered structure and function from their
LTM; and in the process of clinical decision-making. Perceptual judgments of somatic
dysfunction are largely influenced by top-down, non-analytical processing. In contrast,
students are likely to rely primarily on bottom-up sensory processing from the haptic
modality. By focusing their attention on the haptic modality, students are more able to deal
with the sensory uncertainty of palpatory diagnosis.
Chapter 7: General discussion and conclusions
In this chapter, I will discuss the findings of the studies that have been reported in this
thesis. I will also propose a putative neurocognitive model of expertise in diagnostic
palpation, which is grounded on the reviewed literature and empirical evidence obtained in
this thesis. Although the research in this thesis was primarily focused on investigating the
perceptual and behavioural aspects of diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine, I
believe that the findings can help educators implement teaching, learning, and assessment
strategies designed to optimise the development of competence in diagnostic palpation.
To this end, whilst proposing this thesis’ model of diagnostic palpatory expertise, the
implications to osteopathic education are discussed and directions for future research
The studies reported in this thesis were designed to test the hypothesis that the
development of expertise in diagnostic palpation is associated with changes in cognitive
processing. Based upon the literature reviewed in Chapters 2 and 3, the prediction was
made that ongoing clinical practice is likely to alter the way in which experienced clinicians
gather data through their visual and haptic systems, process and retrieve information, and
make clinical decisions.
The studies reported in Chapter 4 were designed to answer the following question ‘What
are the characteristics of osteopathic clinical reasoning in terms of knowledge
representation and reasoning strategies at different levels of expertise?’ The results from
those studies provided evidence of a link between the development of professional
expertise in osteopathic medicine and the processes of knowledge encapsulation and
script formation. Specifically, there was evidence that in the continuum from novice to
expert, both biomedical knowledge and the knowledge of osteopathic models of diagnosis
and care become encapsulated into high-level, but simplified knowledge structures that
facilitate the rapid recognition and interpretation of signs, symptoms, and contributory
factors to the patient’s problem. Notwithstanding this, biomedical knowledge remains
strongly represented in the clinician’s LTM and is, therefore, likely to support the
interpretation of palpatory findings in the context of the underlying functional and
pathological tissue changes. With ongoing clinical practice, osteopaths are likely to encode
episodic memories related to patient diagnosis and management. The results of those
studies provided preliminary empirical evidence that analogical reasoning is likely to
promote the transfer between new and previous analogous clinical encounters encoded in
the clinician’s LTM as episodic memories. Moreover, the data from the studies reported in
Chapter 4 indicated that the experienced osteopaths made use of both Type 1 (non-
analytical) and Type 2 (analytical) processing in their clinical decision-making. Based upon
these findings, the argument was made that diagnostic palpation is likely to be influenced
by top-down analytical and non-analytical processing.
The four studies reported in Chapters 5 and 6 were designed to answer the following
question ‘How do expert osteopaths use their visual and haptic systems in the diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction?’ Specifically, the studies reported in Chapter 5 explored the way in
which osteopaths and students used vision and haptics in an osteopathic clinical
examination aimed at diagnosing the presence of a somatic dysfunction in the thoracic
spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis. The results from those studies demonstrated the expert
clinicians made a more consistent combined use of vision and haptic information
throughout their clinical examination. In addition, the experts were more consistent in their
own diagnostic judgments. By contrast, the novices tended to concentrate on only a single
sensory modality of input at a time. These results suggest that ongoing clinical practice
enables osteopaths to combine sensory information from vision and haptics in a more
efficient manner. By learning how to combine sensory data in a manner that is consistent
with BDT, osteopaths are likely to be more consistent in their own perceptual judgments of
somatic dysfunction.
The two studies reported in Chapter 6 further examined how osteopaths and students use
their visual and haptic systems in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. Building upon the
findings from the studies reported in Chapter 5, Study 6.1 investigated whether the
simultaneous use of vision and haptics improves diagnostic consistency. Additionally, this
study explored what effects having one’s eyes closed or open during the haptic exploration
of somatic dysfunction has on diagnostic consistency. The second study reported in
Chapter 6 was designed to examine practitioners’ own views regarding the role of mental
imagery, visuo-haptic integration, and selective attention to vision and haptics in the
context of an osteopathic clinical examination. The results of both studies support the
hypothesis that ongoing clinical practice enables osteopaths to combine visual and haptic
sensory signals in a more efficient manner. Such visuo-haptic sensory integration is likely
to be facilitated by top-down processing associated with mental imagery. Visual, tactile,
and kinaesthetic imagery are likely to play a central role in enabling experts to access
mental representations of normal and altered structure and function from their LTM.
Taken together, the results from the six studies reported in this thesis are largely in line
with my initial predictions. In particular, they demonstrate that the development of
expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in
cognitive processing. Diagnoses of tissue dysfunction are largely influenced by top-down,
non-analytical processing. Students, by contrast, are likely to rely primarily on bottom-up
sensory processing from vision and haptics. Perceptual judgments of tissue dysfunction
are, in this case, primarily supported by Type 2, analytical processing.
Figure 7.1: A putative neurocognitive model of expertise in diagnostic palpation in osteopathic
The model runs from left to right. Subjective and objective information available at the
case-history and clinical examination stages of the consultation is conveyed by the
osteopath’s sensory systems. The way in which osteopaths use their senses is influenced
by the cognitive architecture, clinical experience, own style of practice, and by clinical skills
stored in the clinician’s non-declarative LTM system. The determinants of the model are
linked to other main components of this conceptual framework by dotted lines. Palpatory
and visual signs of dysfunction are interpreted within a dynamic workspace using a range
of cognitive processes associated with reasoning, problem-solving, memory retrieval, and
decision-making. If the visual and haptic signs of dysfunction are familiar to the osteopath,
a diagnosis is made using rapid, non-analytical reasoning strategies. Mental imagery and
analogical reasoning play an important role in retrieving familiar patterns of dysfunction
from the clinician’s LTM. If the signs of dysfunction are unfamiliar or complex, a diagnosis
is reached using slow, conscious, analytical processing strategies. In this case, further
information may be needed before a diagnosis can be made. Top-down cognitive
processing occurring within this dynamic workspace can be strongly influenced by a
‘cognitive miser’ function. In situations of perceived familiarity, osteopaths are likely to
attend to limited amounts of clinical data and rely on heuristics to reach a diagnosis.
Sensory systems
Bottom-up processing begins with the activity of sensory receptors. Although the haptic
system is ideally suited for the perception of microgeometric tissue properties; vision plays
an important role in the perception of macrogeometric properties (Lederman and Klatzky,
2004). Consequently, an array of sensory receptors is recruited to gather relevant clinical
data. These include photoreceptors located in the retina as well as the mechanoreceptors,
thermoreceptors, and proprioceptors located in the skin, tendons and joints of the
osteopath’s hands. The mechanoreceptors, in particular, play an important role in
detecting signs of altered tissue texture, compliance, and movement. Slowly adapting
Merkel discs are particularly important in the perception of form and coarse texture, and
the detection of movement (Johnson, 2002; Silverthorn, 2004; Longstaff, 2005; Bear et al.,
2006; Hendry and Hsiao, 2008; Whitaker et al., 2008b). Fine texture, by contrast, is
primarily conveyed through fast-adapting mechanoreceptors such as Meissner and
Pacinian corpuscles (Whitaker et al., 2008b). Information transduced by the various
sensory receptors projects to a number of brain structures, including the primary and
secondary visual and somatosensory cortices, and areas of the frontal lobe. In these
various cortical regions, sensory information is processed and interpreted to reach a
perceptual judgment of somatic dysfunction.
visual and haptic cues in order to learn how to combine information from different sensory
modalities in an effective way. An early emphasis on diagnosis is likely to lead to an
overreliance on top-down processing at a stage of their education where their knowledge
and clinical experience is limited to effectively attempt a diagnosis.
Although improvements in the teaching and practice of diagnostic palpation are required,
the way in which expert clinicians’ use their senses in the context of a clinical examination
is nevertheless likely to be influenced by factors such as the individual osteopath’s
cognitive architecture, clinical experience, and his/her own style of clinical practice. As a
result of ongoing clinical practice, the brains of experienced osteopaths are likely to
undergo changes at structural and functional level. Evidence from neuroimaging studies
demonstrates that, for example, in the case of musicians, long-term professional training
leads to significant enlargement in the cortical representation of their dominant hand (e.g.,
Elbert et al., 1995; Bengtsson et al., 2005). Although the findings from the studies in this
thesis do not provide direct empirical evidence to support this hypothesis, it is nonetheless
plausible to argue that similar enlargements in the cortical representation of the digits of
both hands can be observed in the brains of experienced osteopaths. Furthermore, it is
conceivable that the ongoing use of diagnostic palpation in the clinical setting leads to
crossmodal visuo-haptic activations similar to those observed by Saito el al. (2006) in a
group of expert Mah-Jong players. The experiments reported in this thesis provide
evidence that the development of expertise in osteopathic medicine is associated with
changes in cognitive processing. The expert osteopaths’ enhanced ability to combine
sensory data from vision and haptics is likely to be, in part, underpinned by experience-
dependent neuroplasticity. As a result, experts and novices are likely to use different
cortical networks in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
to be the same. In support of this viewpoint, Schwarzkopf et al. (2011) have recently found
evidence of a link between structural differences in the primary visual cortex and the
perception of visual illusions. The authors have argued that the surface area of the primary
visual cortex predicts variability in conscious experience. Differences in the cognitive
architecture are therefore an important determinant in this proposed model of diagnostic
palpatory expertise. These differences may provide an explanation for the variability in
diagnostic consistency, and should be taken into consideration when supporting students
in both classroom and clinic-based learning environments. It is important that educators
acknowledge these differences, and avoid imposing unvalidated models of diagnosis that
are primarily based on their own experiences.
Other important determinants in this proposed model include the clinician’s professional
and personal value systems, and his/her own style of clinical practice. Authors in the field
of osteopathic medicine have claimed that the profession is practised according to a
unique philosophy of health care (Seffinger, 1997). This claimed unique philosophy of
clinical practice can be regarded as an important component of an osteopath’s
professional value, and is therefore likely to influence their approach to diagnosis and
care. Professional values are, in turn, likely to be influenced by the individual clinician’s
own personal value system. In the context of osteopathic medicine, this is likely to include
the clinician’s own interpretation of osteopathic philosophy and principles, and his/her own
preferred model of diagnosis and care. For example, in the diagnosis and management of
a patient presenting with lower back pain, one osteopath may consider it more appropriate
to use a biomechanical structure-function model, whereas another osteopath would apply
a bioenergetic structure-function model in the care of the same patient (see Greenman,
1996; WHO, 2010, on osteopathic models of structure-function). These different
approaches to diagnosis and care are likely to have an impact on the way in which
osteopaths examine their patients, and may be partly responsible for the variability in
diagnostic agreement observed in some of the studies reported in this thesis. Moreover,
with experience, clinicians may develop their own diagnostic criteria to interpret the
findings of a particular test. Mior et al. (1990) argued that this factor is likely to explain the
idiosyncrasy of palpatory findings typically reported in the literature. It is therefore
important that educators require students to critically appraise the plausibility of
established models of diagnosis and care, and promote the use of clinical examination
techniques that are shown to be reliable and accurate. Critically, clinical examination
techniques are stored in the clinician’s non-declarative LTM system, and modifications to a
particular approach or style of practice are likely to require considerable and conscious
effort. Educators should promote the use of reliable and accurate diagnostic palpatory
tests from the outset of the student’s professional education.
Long-term memory
As a result of years of professional education and ongoing clinical practice, clinicians store
a vast amount of knowledge, clinical skills, and visual and haptic patterns of dysfunction in
LTM. Whereas clinical skills, such as a clinical examination procedure, are stored as
procedural memories in the clinicians’ non-declarative LTM system; biomedical and clinical
knowledge are stored as semantic memories in their declarative LTM. The declarative
LTM system is also likely to include episodic memories of specific patient encounters. The
two different LTM systems therefore constitute an important part of this putative
neurocognitive model of expertise. The information conveyed by the osteopath’s senses
plays a critical role in his/her clinical decision-making process; however, to be meaningful
to the decision-making process, it needs to be interpreted in the context of data retrieved
from their LTM. The evidence from the studies reported in this thesis demonstrates that,
for example, biomedical knowledge is strongly represented in the experts’ LTM.
Consequently, this biomedical knowledge, particularly the knowledge of tissue structure-
function-dysfunction, is likely to be used in the interpretation of palpatory and visual signs
of dysfunction. Similarly, visual and haptic patterns of dysfunction, which become part of
the clinician’s perceptual representation system with years of clinical practice, are likely to
be used to automatically recognise a diagnostic pattern. Support for this argument comes
from the work of Croskerry (2009a), who postulated that in the context of allopathic
medicine, some clinical conditions are typically diagnosed by visual signs alone. The
automatic recognition of a palpatory or visual sign of dysfunction is likely to lead to a
diagnosis of somatic dysfunction using Type 1, non-analytical processing. It is, however,
important to consider that information stored in the non-declarative memory system is
independent of conscious recollection (Gazzaniga et al., 2002). Therefore, the rapid
recognition of perceptual patterns of dysfunction is likely to override attempts to use Type
2, analytical processing in the decision-making process.
The representation of knowledge and skills in the clinicians’ LTM is a critical determinant of
what Eraut (1994, p. 103) has described as professional knowledge. According to this
author, professional knowledge includes the categories of propositional or declarative
knowledge, process knowledge, and moral knowledge. The concepts of declarative
knowledge and process or procedural knowledge are particularly relevant to this putative
model of expertise and have implications to osteopathic education. In order to fulfil the
GOsC requirements for autonomous clinical practice in the UK, students are required to
develop the knowledge regarding the practice of osteopathic medicine; practical skills in
the delivery of osteopathic care and; integrated clinical skills of total osteopathic delivery in
the clinical context (e.g., GOsC, 1999; OBU, 2006). To this end, students at the point of
graduation are required to demonstrate they possess a well-developed declarative
knowledge of, for example, anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, i.e., biomedical
knowledge; and procedural knowledge to undertake various clinical skilled tasks, such as
an osteopathic clinical examination. The findings from the studies in this thesis provide
evidence that with regard to declarative knowledge, biomedical and osteopathic
knowledge become encapsulated into high-level, but simplified knowledge structures. With
ongoing clinical practice, experienced osteopaths are likely to encode episodic memories
of particular patient encounters. These changes in the mental representation of knowledge
and the addition of episodic memories of patient encounters to the clinicians’ declarative
LTM system, is likely to be attributed to their exposure to clinical practice, and their active
involvement in patient diagnosis and care (see Schmidt and Rikers, 2007, on this point).
Diagnostic judgments of soft tissue and joint dysfunction require a dialogue between
neural structures associated with the clinicians’ LTM and their sensory systems. Clinical
decision-making is likely to occur within a dynamic workspace where clinical data
conveyed by the clinician’s senses is interpreted in a manner that is consistent with the
evidence from the dual-process theory (Stanovich and West, 2000; Kahneman, 2003;
Croskerry, 2009b). The familiarity and complexity of palpatory and visual signs of
dysfunction are two important determinants on the use of non-analytical and analytical
reasoning in expert clinical decision-making, and contribute to the dynamic nature of this
In the context of familiarity, Type 1, non-analytical processing is the modus operandi of this
model. The quick recognition of visual and haptic signs of dysfunction leads to rapid,
unconscious, and intuitive diagnostic judgments of somatic dysfunction. I would argue that
despite the automaticity of Type 1 processes, a number of top-down cognitive operations
are likely to occur within this dynamic workspace, in particular mental imagery and
analogical reasoning. For example, in the case of palpatory signs of altered soft tissue
texture, mental imagery strategies are likely to enable experienced clinicians to access
representations of tissue dysfunction stored in LTM. The results from the studies in this
thesis and the evidence from neuroimaging studies support the plausibility of this
argument. In fact, the recent neuroimaging literature on visuo-haptic convergence in the
perception of object shape, demonstrates that mental imagery plays a critical role in the
haptic recognition of familiar objects (Lacey et al., 2009, for a review). In the particular
case of visuo-haptic object recognition, top-down connections from the PFC and parietal
regions to the LOC, facilitate retrieval from LTM. Interestingly, Wilhelmsson and
colleagues (2011) have recently found evidence that medical students use their knowledge
of anatomy to visualise and understand the anatomical relationships between different
parts of the body.
Whereas mental imagery is likely to provide the link between the haptic signs of
dysfunction and the representation of tissue dysfunction stored in the clinician’s LTM;
analogical reasoning enables the clinician to formulate a diagnostic judgment.
Interestingly, Lacey et al. (2010) have recently proposed the existence of a link between
mental imagery and analogical reasoning in the haptic perception of shape (see also Bar,
2007; Deshpande et al., 2010). Analogical reasoning is a form of inductive reasoning
associated with the development of expertise. The various analogical combinations,
particularly those involved in the mapping stage where similarities between source and
target are considered, facilitate the rapid generation of hypotheses regarding the target
(Holyoak, 2005). In this putative model of expertise in diagnostic palpation, the target
represents the case presentation with its associated visual and haptic signs of dysfunction;
whereas the source represents the exemplar stored in the clinician’s LTM with its
associated visual and haptic patterns of dysfunction. It can therefore be argued that in the
context of familiarity, analogical reasoning is an important component of Type 1, non-
analytical processing in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. Notwithstanding this,
analogical reasoning is also important in the diagnosis of complex and unfamiliar cases.
Clinical case exemplars and episodic memories of patient encounters represented in the
expert osteopaths’ LTM are likely to contain perceptual information relevant to those cases
and clinical encounters. Eshach and Bitterman (2003) proposed that in the context of
allopathic medicine, clinical case representations stored in the clinicians’ LTM contain
visual, tactile, auditory, and olfactory information related to specific cases. They argued
that, for example, the unique shape, location, and tactile characteristics of a skin rash, may
be initially used as an index for a specific clinical case, and later as recognition cues that
enable the rapid retrieval from the clinician’s LTM. From an educational perspective,
Eshach and Bitterman (2003) argued that the use of PBL methods enable students to
acquire patient cases that contain both verbal and non-verbal representations, such as
visual and tactile sensory data. These non-verbal representations, which might be ignored
in textbooks and lectures, are likely to promote the transfer of learning and facilitate the
process of clinical decision-making. However, it is unlikely that PBL methods which are
focused entirely on the discussion of paper-based clinical cases retrieved from memory
would enable students to acquire the relevant representations of sensory data. Students
need to be exposed to clinical cases that are genuine and active, which take into account
the uncertainties, complexity, and ambiguity of clinical data (Kassirer, 2010). Importantly,
cases should be presented in a range of verbal and non-verbal representations (Eshach
and Bitterman, 2003). In the context of osteopathic medicine, students need to be exposed
to cases of increasing difficulty and complexity, which include opportunities for students to
acquire a range of sensory experiences relevant to the case in question. This approach is
likely to support the development of ‘palpatory reference libraries’, a concept proposed by
Parsons and Marcer (2005). Moreover, it may facilitate the use of analogical reasoning in
situations of both familiarity and complexity.
When the visual and haptic signs of dysfunction are unfamiliar or complex, diagnostic
judgments are reached using slow, conscious, analytical processing strategies. The
analytical components are deliberate, and include a range of reasoning, attentional,
decision-making, and metacognitive strategies (Stanovich, 2004; Kassirer, 2010).
Diagnostic reasoning and hypothesis testing are enhanced by the way the analytical
system creates and manipulates models of reality in the clinician’s WM (Stanovich, 2004;
Kassirer, 2010). Deductive and analogical reasoning, BDT and crossmodal visuo-haptic
attention, mental imagery, and metacognition are important components of the clinical
decision-making process in situations of unfamiliarity or complexity. Although some of
these top-down cognitive processes underpin non-analytical processing, Evans (2008) has
argued that the analytical system is nonetheless likely to include a combination of Type 1
and 2 processes, as a result of its use of WM resources.
Before diagnostic judgments of somatic dysfunction are formed, expert clinicians are likely
to combine visual and haptic sensory data in a way that is consistent with BDT. Bayesian
decision analysis is a probabilistic theory, which typically requires the use of conscious,
analytical processing strategies. In the processing of visual and palpatory signs of
dysfunction, expert clinicians are likely to take into consideration the sensory estimation of
visual and haptic cues, prior knowledge, and a decision-making process (e.g., Ernst, 2006,
for a review on BDT). In instances of complexity, the weighting and integration of sensory
data is likely to be a conscious and slow process. In fact, it could be argued that clinicians
may resort to mental imagery strategies in an attempt to facilitate multisensory integration.
However, with practice and ongoing exposure to complex patterns of dysfunction,
clinicians are likely to learn how to combine sensory data from vision and haptics in a more
effective way than novices. As a consequence, it could be argued that the integration of
visual and haptic signals is rapid, leading to non-analytic processing. I would argue that
osteopathic students and clinicians should develop a basic understanding of BDT in order
to improve the reliability of diagnostic palpation. On this point, Kassirer (2010) suggested
that a working knowledge of Bayes’ rules enables clinicians to understand concepts such
as the specificity and sensitivity of diagnostic tests.
In addition, it is important that students and clinicians understand that the accuracy and
reliability of their diagnostic judgments is likely to be affected by the occurrence of
crossmodal congruency effects in the context of a clinical examination. Attending to
particular visual signs of dysfunction (e.g. redness, altered posture) may cause the haptic
attention to be directed to the same external location. If the visual and haptic signs of
dysfunction are congruent, crossmodal attention is likely to enhance the diagnostic
judgment. Consequently, diagnostic judgments are likely to be made using rapid, non-
analytical reasoning strategies. However, if the external location of both visual and haptic
signs of dysfunction is incongruent or highly complex, diagnostic judgments should be
made using slow, analytical reasoning strategies. In this case, further diagnostic data may
be required in order to formulate a robust and accurate diagnosis.
Although the interpretation of visual and palpatory signs of dysfunction is in the majority of
times based on the rapid recognition of similar patterns stored in the expert osteopath’s
LTM; clinicians should nevertheless use a range of metacognitive processes to effectively
monitor their decision-making (see Kahneman, 2003, in support of this viewpoint). Expert
osteopaths are likely to diagnose the presence of somatic dysfunction based on a small
number of clinical signs they perceive to be relevant to their patient’s clinical problem. The
typically reported poor diagnostic reliability may, in fact, be attributed to cognitive errors
and illusions of familiarity. On this point, Koriat (2007) proposed that metacognitive
processes involved in source monitoring, and self-controlled decision-making play a critical
role in avoiding these cognitive errors. Similarly, Croskerry (2009b) has argued that
metacognition plays a critical role in clinical safety. Ensuring that osteopathic medicine is a
safe and effective approach to patient care is an important aspect of osteopathic
education. The development of metacognitive proficiency is a critical component of an
osteopath’s clinical competence profile. During their professional journey from novice to
expert, clinicians should develop their skills of criticality and their ability to reflect on, and
analyse their practice experiences in and on action. This metacognitive competence can
be developed by ensuring that PBL and case-based learning (CBL) activities provide
students with opportunities for a retrospective analysis of their performance immediately
after the discussion of a case (Kassirer, 2010). Kassirer argued that in this retrospective
analysis, students should, in collaboration with their tutors, discuss all kinds of diagnostic
and cognitive errors, if there were any. By ensuring that students and clinicians use
analytical reasoning strategies, more reliable and robust diagnostic judgments of somatic
dysfunction might be made.
Despite all attempts to ensure students and clinicians use a combination of analytical and
non-analytical processes in the interpretation of visual and palpatory signs of dysfunction,
the clinical decision-making is likely to be strongly influenced by a ‘cognitive miser’
function. The term ‘cognitive miser’ was initially proposed by Fiske and Taylor (1984) to
illustrate the fact that individuals commonly evaluate information and make decisions using
cognitive shortcuts. Kassirer (2010) has recently highlighted that the analytical reasoning
approach fails to take into consideration the fact that humans are human, not computer
processors. As a consequence, they tend to jump to conclusions, using intuitive heuristics.
According to Stanovich (2004), the cognitive system tends to default to the state requiring
minimal cognitive effort, i.e., the ‘cognitive miser’ function. In situations of perceived
familiarity, osteopaths are likely to attend to limited amounts of clinical data and rely on
heuristics to reach a diagnosis. Moreover, osteopaths are likely to become ‘cognitive
misers’ in situations where the availability of unrepresentative clinical data is perceived as
important to their diagnostic judgments. Interestingly, Stanovich (2009, p. 75) has recently
argued that our incapacity to override the impact of vivid, but unrepresentative information,
is one of the causes for the commonly observed dysrationalic decision-making behaviour
in the real world. Although we are all hardwired to be ‘cognitive misers’, an understanding
of the dual-process models allows for more focused metacognition, that is, clinicians
should be able to identify the system they are using, and determine whether analytical or
non-analytical reasoning strategies are more appropriate for the task in hand (Croskerry,
The proposed model of expertise and the studies in this thesis have a number of
limitations that warrant discussion. Firstly, one could argue that the experts in the studies
in this thesis are experienced osteopaths, rather than being ‘experts’. In their work on the
development of expertise, Ericsson and colleagues (e.g., 2007) have defined an expert as
someone whose skills can be assessed in a public setting, and be shown to be at an
international level in their domain of expertise. For example, expert radiologists are those
who are able to successfully detect early lung cancers in a series of x-rays. Considering
some of the results reported in this thesis, one could argue that there is limited evidence to
support the claim that the experts have better diagnostic expertise than the novices.
Authors in the field of expertise development have consistently argued that it takes
approximately 10,000 hours or 10 years of deliberate practice to become an expert within
a chosen domain (e.g., Ericsson et al., 2007). Despite the general acceptance of these
criteria by researchers involved in the study of expertise, I would argue that these figures
are arbitrary and lack robust empirical validation. For example, it is difficult to predict how
long it takes the nervous system to adapt and modify as a result of professional related
activities. In particular, it can be argued that it takes fewer than 10,000 hours of deliberate
practice in diagnostic palpation to learn how to combine data from vision and haptics. In
fact, deliberate practice in diagnostic palpation starts at the outset of professional
education, and not at the point of graduation. It was therefore reasoned that a minimum of
7 years post-qualifying clinical experience, would fulfil the recommendations set out by
authors in the field of professional expertise (e.g., Chase and Simon, 1973; Ericsson,
2007). Furthermore, all experts were clinicians involved in undergraduate and
postgraduate osteopathic education (see Doody and McAteer, 2002, for a similar criteria in
physiotherapy). Attempts were therefore made to ensure that the ‘experts’ were more than
just experienced osteopaths. The osteopathic profession in the UK is, however, still a
relatively small, and young profession in terms of regulation and professional education.
The pool of potential participants for the studies in this thesis was therefore limited.
Consequently, I had to rely on a convenience sample of clinicians recruited from the
teaching and clinical staff at OBU and the BSO. Notwithstanding these limitations, the
experts’ observed metacognitive proficiency suggests that there were able to self-monitor
and self-evaluate their cognitive processes, and can therefore be regarded as experts (see
Rivett and Jones, 2004, for a discussion on the role of metacognition in diagnostic
Secondly, the results from the studies reported in Chapter 5 may have been confounded
by the novices’ experience in other professional fields, including health care. The sample
included a number of mature students recruited from the mixed-mode undergraduate
programme at OBU, who already possessed other academic and professional
qualifications. Consequently, one could argue that the observed findings may not
necessarily be linked to the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation. Although this
problem was partly addressed in Study 6.1, with the recruitment of pre-clinical students
studying for their first professional qualification, their potential participation in sport or
music related activities may have also confounded the study findings. In addition, the
results from the studies reported in Chapter 5, may have been confounded by the
presentation of information regarding the participant-model’s history of back pain to
examiners prior to their starting the clinical examination. Although that provision of
information ensured that their clinical examination was contextually relevant to the
subject’s clinical condition, the observed diagnostic consistency and enhanced ability to
simultaneously use vision and haptics may have been related to the use of heuristic, non-
analytical reasoning strategies. On the point, Sibbald et al. (2011) have recently
demonstrated that clinical context increased the diagnostic accuracy of common heart
valvular lesions. Despite the improvements in diagnostic accuracy, Sibbald et al. have
argued that clinical context may exert heuristic pressure on clinical examination.
Thirdly, it is possible that in the studies reported in both Chapters 5 and 6, participants
were more consistent with themselves in making diagnostic judgments because on their
second test occasion, they may have recognised aspects that characterised the subject
being assessed. Therefore, they may have remembered their previous judgment, rather
than using the protocol to produce a new decision. Although in the case of Study 6.1, it is
unlikely that examiners would have remembered particular characteristics of the models in
the haptics alone conditions, learning effects were nevertheless a possibility in the visuo-
haptic condition. In general, comparisons between the observed proportion agreements in
the first and second run within the visuo-haptic condition, did not demonstrate a learning
effect. Attempts to limit the occurrence of learning effects were also made in Studies 5.1
and 5.2, where each participant-examiner conducted their second clinical examination in a
random order approximately 2 hours after the initial one. Diagnostic judgments of somatic
dysfunction were marked on the model’s skin with a UV pen. Considering the elapsed time
between the first and second examination, and the fact that participant-examiners did not
label the dysfunctional segment, the participants’ ability to remember their initial judgments
was significantly limited.
Lastly, despite the originality of this research, the results from the studies in this thesis
should still be regarded as preliminary. Investigating the neural and behavioural correlates
of expertise in diagnostic palpation is a complex enterprise, which will require the use of
various research methods and methodologies. Arguably, this thesis constituted the
exploratory stage of a larger research project. Although the proposed neurocognitive
model of expertise in diagnostic palpation is grounded on the evidence from the studies in
this thesis, several components of that model are only supported by indirect evidence from
the fields of experimental and cognitive psychology, and cognitive neuroscience.
Forthcoming studies will further validate this putative model in an attempt to improve the
reliability and validity of diagnostic palpation, prevent the occurrence of diagnostic errors,
and support the development of an evidence-based practice framework for the osteopathic
way in which core clinical skills such as diagnostic palpation, are taught, practised, and
In the first year of their undergraduate education, students start learning and practising a
variety of clinical examination techniques, including basic procedures of static patient
observation in standing and sitting positions, and palpatory techniques designed to
evaluate, for example, soft tissue texture and compliance. The various clinical examination
procedures are typically taught in the context of osteopathic evaluation and technique
classroom based activities. Teaching and learning strategies include a combination of
practical demonstrations and the delivery of theoretical knowledge regarding the purpose
and underpinning rationale for the various clinical examination procedures. Students
typically practise these skills on their colleagues under the supervision of their tutors. In
this context, whilst practising on their colleagues, students are encouraged to develop their
haptic and visual skills by drawing on their developing anatomical, physiological, and
biomechanical knowledge. Apart from ensuring that students develop safe and effective
clinical skills, it is common for tutors to support them in the interpretation of their findings.
Tutors typically do this by examining the model themselves, and by providing the students
with an interpretation of their own findings. Although it could be argued that this approach
enables the students to have a frame of reference for their own findings, it may
nevertheless be responsible for a premature use of non-analytical processing in diagnostic
palpation. Consequently, students may start developing heuristics strategies in their
clinical examination before they have sufficient knowledge, skills, and experience to
interpret their findings. Arguably, this may contribute to the poor reliability of diagnostic
In order to improve this situation, I would argue that students at the early stages of their
professional education should be encouraged to explore visual, tactile, and proprioceptive
sensations without the need of a clinical interpretation of their findings. By providing
students with a safe environment for the initial development of their haptic and visual skills,
educators are supporting a progressive modifiability of their students’ sensory systems.
The emphasis at this stage of their development should be on bottom-up processing. In
fact, the exposure to a range of visual and haptic sensations in the context of a clinical
examination is likely to contribute to an expansion of the cortical maps in, for example, the
somatosensory cortex. The expansion of the cortical representation for the digits in
response to training is a well-established phenomenon in professional groups such as
musicians (e.g., Elbert et al., 1995; Bengtsson et al., 2005). Recently, Willard et al. (2010,
p. 221) have claimed that a similar enlargement of the cortical map of the digits is likely to
occur in the cortex of an osteopath as a result of training in diagnostic palpation. However,
it is important that students be allowed to explore sensory cues in a progressive manner,
i.e. without the need for perceptual judgments and by giving attention to one single
modality of input at a time. For example, in the assessment of soft tissue texture and
compliance, students may be encouraged to focus their attention on the haptic modality in
order to reduce the sensory uncertainty associated with the availability of haptic and visual
cues. Vision, in this case, may be occluded; however, it is critical that the students’ eyes
are kept open as a means of limiting the use of mental imagery at the early stage of their
educational development.
texture and compliance, with their colleagues in a variety of positions, including standing,
sitting and prone. This approach would enable students to start developing their ability to
combine data from different sensory modalities, and to initiate the process of critical
thinking in patient evaluation. I believe that in order to equip students with the skills of
criticality required to dealing with the uncertainty of palpatory findings, students need to
understand concepts of probabilistic thinking, and the sensitivity and specificity of various
clinical tests. Ideally, this knowledge should be acquired alongside the development of
their clinical examination skills. Although first year undergraduate students may fail to see
the relevance of this knowledge of biostatistics at such an early stage of the their
professional development, Rao and Kanter (2010) have recently proposed that an
evidence-based medicine curriculum based on physician numeracy provides students with
a foundation for using biomedical and clinical knowledge in their clinical decision-making.
From an osteopathic perspective, it could be argued that this approach would also enable
students to think critically about concepts relevant to osteopathic clinical decision-making,
namely the validity of the somatic dysfunction concept, and the reliability associated with
its diagnosis. Furthermore, a basic understanding of Bayes rules provides a foundation for
multisensory perception in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
Tutors play a critical role in mediating learning and consequently promoting cognitive
modifiability. Rather than imposing their own models of diagnosis on students, tutors
should, where appropriate, examine the patient/model in collaboration with the students
and engage in discussions regarding the nature of their sensory experiences. Importantly,
tutors should ensure that students engage in discussions regarding the reliability of visual
and haptic cues and their potential intersensory biasing effects in the assessment of soft
tissue texture, postural asymmetry, and intervertebral joint mobility. Tutors should act as
coaches, who monitor the students’ questions and responses, commenting on their
relevance and accuracy (Kassirer, 2010). Importantly, tutors should create a learning
environment whereby the process of demonstration, scaffolding, and communication,
students can confidently develop their ability to use vision and haptics in a clinical
examination context, until it becomes internalised as an independent achievement.
Learning, and arguably cognitive modifiability, occurs in the zone of proximal development
(Vygotsky, 1978; da Fonseca, 2001). To this end, tutors should create increasingly
challenging situations in order to promote learning. With increasing confidence in their
developing clinical skills, it is then important that students start drawing on their anatomical
knowledge when practising, for example, diagnostic palpation.
Apart from the exposure to high-fidelity learning experiences such as those associated
with the practise of diagnostic palpation on other students or patients, students can also
benefit from developing their visual, haptic, and spatial awareness skills in other learning
environments. For example, the use of haptic force-feedback technology has, in recent
years, taken a central role in the development of palpatory skills in medical and veterinary
education (e.g., Baillie et al., 2005; Baillie et al., 2010a). Although the use of haptic force-
feedback technology is generally beyond the reach of most osteopathic academic
institutions in the UK, researchers at the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine
have successfully developed a haptic simulator (VHB) for palpatory training of first year
osteopathic students (Howell et al., 2008a). The preliminary results from their research
have shown that the use of the VHB improved speed and diagnostic accuracy of first year
students in the detection of altered surface compliance (Howell et al., 2008b). Apart from
high-fidelity simulations, haptic force-feedback devices can also be used for computer
games that enable students to develop core palpatory skills. On this point, Baillie et al.
(2010b) have recently reported on the development of a set of computer games designed
to develop veterinary students’ skills of determining object size, shape and firmness, as
well as thinking in 3D. Arguably, these core palpatory skills are equally relevant to
osteopaths. Taken together, the preliminary evidence from the use of haptic simulators in
medical and veterinary education suggests that the reliability of diagnostic palpation in
osteopathic medicine could be improved with their adoption in osteopathic education. This
is, perhaps, an area where osteopathic academic institutions should consider investing
resources in order to facilitate the development of their students’ clinical competence
The skill of thinking in 3D has been considered by doctors and veterinarians as a core
palpatory capability, in particular with regard to processing sensory information gathered
during an internal examination, or whilst building a 3D mental picture of the anatomy
(Baillie et al., 2010b). In osteopathic medicine, first year undergraduate students are
required to develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of the three-dimensional
nature of the body regions to assist visualisation of anatomical structures when practising
clinical examination procedures such as palpation (e.g., OBU, 2006). Apart from drawing
upon their knowledge of anatomy, students are also typically encouraged to use their
developing knowledge of physiology and biomechanics to visualise the application of these
clinical skills (e.g., OBU, 2006). The development of visuo-spatial thinking is intimately
associated with the mental imagery and top-down cognitive processing, and the
development of clinical expertise. On this latter point, Fernandez et al. (2011) have
recently found evidence that spatial cognitive capabilities are central to the work in clinical
anatomy, and both professional education and clinical experience contribute to their further
development. Considering the central role of biomedical knowledge, in particular the
knowledge of clinical anatomy in osteopathic clinical decision-making, it can be argued
that educators should give due attention to the development of their students’ spatial
cognitive capabilities at the early stage of their programme of study.
Once students have acquired sufficient experience in clinical examination to feel confident
in their own sensory skills, they should start interpreting their visual and haptic findings in a
collaborative learning environment where tutors play a leading supporting role. Tutors
should ensure that the top-down processing associated with the perception of signs of
normal and altered function does not completely override their students’ sensory
experiences. To this end, it is critical that students use a combination of analytical and
non-analytical reasoning strategies to interpret their findings. Students should engage in
discussions regarding the nature of their findings, concepts of causality and probability
(Kassirer, 2010).
including published research. Arguably, this approach enables students to develop
metacognitive skills which are essential for autonomous clinical practice.
As students progress through their programme of study, they should be encouraged to use
available opportunities to experience normal and altered patterns of structure and function,
and reflect on the validity and reliability of their diagnostic judgments. Apart from drawing
upon their knowledge of anatomy and human mechanics, students should further develop
their clinical skills by taking into consideration the pathophysiological tissue states,
postural dysfunction, and possible psychosocial issues contributing to pain and disability.
The development of visual and haptic patterns of function and dysfunction leads to what
Parsons and Marcer (2005) labelled as ‘palpatory reference libraries’. Tactile memories
are likely to be stored in the PPC and inferotemporal cortex (Willard et al., 2010). The
PFC, working in synergy with parietal and temporal cortical areas, would then create the
osteopath’s WM of the tactile experience (see Gallace and Spence, 2009, on this point;
Willard et al., 2010). Willard et al. (2010, p. 226) have proposed that tactile memories are
used to compare soft tissue feelings; and based on those memories, students develop a
sense of normal and altered tissue texture.
The development of visual, tactile/haptic memories allows students to start making rapid
diagnostic judgments based on the recognition of particular clinical features. Although this
Type 1, non-analytical processing is a feature of clinical expertise, and therefore likely to
be the strategy commonly used in familiar situations; students should nevertheless be
encouraged to consider the value of Type 2, analytical processing in ensuring the reliability
of their judgments, in particular in situations of clinical complexity. I believe that the use of
PBL and CBL activities provide the ideal means to support the students’ development of
clinical competence. Critically, these PBL and CBL activities should include discussions
centred on carefully selected clinical cases that are unfamiliar to both students and tutors
(Kassirer, 2010). By adopting real-life but complex case scenarios, educators are
promoting the process of knowledge encapsulation and script formation, but also
improving the students’ ability to value the uncertainty and ambiguity of clinical data
(Kassirer, 2010, on the latter point). Effective teaching should equip students with the
ability to appraise their own performance and identify aspects of their reasoning and
decision-making where improvements may be required (Norman, 2009).
7.4 Directions for further research
The studies reported in this thesis demonstrate that the development of expertise in
diagnostic palpation in osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive
processing. The putative neurocognitive model of expertise presented in this thesis has
implications for professional education and CPD. Most of the empirical evidence obtained
in this thesis is, however, largely preliminary, and further validation of the putative model of
expertise is therefore warranted.
The results from the studies in this thesis indicate that mental imagery is likely to play an
important role in enabling clinicians to integrate diagnostic information from vision and
haptics more efficiently. Future research should therefore further investigate the role of
mental imagery and multisensory integration in the development of diagnostic expertise in
osteopathic medicine. In addition, the role of verbal descriptions and analogies to the
physical world commonly used by osteopaths to describe patterns of altered tissue texture
and joint mobility should be examined. Authors such as Beal (1989) have proposed a
series of descriptors to characterise palpatory findings. For example, in acute stages of
low back pain, superficial muscles may be spasmed providing an atonic or putty
consistency whereas deeper tissues may have a doughy quality linked to tissue oedemas
(Beal, 1989). In support to this proposed line of enquiry, Lacey and Campbell (2006)
investigated the mental representation of crossmodal visuo-haptic memory during familiar
and unfamiliar object recognition and concluded that haptic objection recognition may be
mediated by verbal descriptions.
The expert osteopaths’ enhanced ability to combine visual and haptic sensory data may be
partly underpinned by experience-dependent neuroplasticity. In particular, the ongoing use
of diagnostic palpation in the clinical setting is likely to lead to crossmodal visuo-haptic
activations. The neuroplasticity hypothesis may potentially be explored by means of a
longitudinal study investigating training-related changes in soft tissue texture perception,
using neuroimaging and TMS techniques.
A second line of enquiry should provide a further understanding of how expert osteopaths
coordinate different types of knowledge, reasoning strategies and memories from previous
patient encounters in their clinical decision-making. A further examination into the mental
representation of biomedical and clinical knowledge across the different levels of
professional development should be pursued. In addition, dual-process theories should be
further investigated in the context of osteopathic clinical decision-making. The findings
from the studies reported in this thesis demonstrate that whereas the experts’ diagnoses of
tissue dysfunction were largely influenced by Type 1, non-analytical processing; students
relied primarily on Type 2, analytical processing. Research shows that whilst Type 1
processes are deeply dependent on context; Type 2 processes are fairly independent of
context (Croskerry, 2009a). Research in the context of osteopathic medicine could
examine the impact of contextual clinical information on decision-making and the benefits
of switching between analytical and non-analytical processing.
The development of expertise is a slow and complex process. Therefore, investigating the
development of expertise requires the use of multiple research methods and
methodologies, and several years of research. Understanding the neurocognitive
correlates of expertise enables educators to use teaching and learning strategies that are
appropriate to the students’ level of professional development. On this point, Hatala (2011)
has recently argued that without this knowledge, educators in the health professions may
implement teaching strategies that fail to take into consideration how mental
representations affect the learning of a clinical skill.
7.5 Conclusion
This thesis examined the extent to which the development of expertise in diagnostic
palpation is associated with changes in cognitive processing. The primary aim of this
thesis was to develop and validate a model of expertise in diagnostic palpation that can be
used in osteopathic education and research. The results from the studies reported in this
thesis provide evidence that the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation in
osteopathic medicine is associated with changes in cognitive processing. In particular,
they demonstrate that whereas the experts’ diagnostic judgments were largely influenced
by top-down, non-analytical processing; students, relied primarily on bottom-up sensory
processing from vision and haptics. Ongoing training and clinical practice are likely to lead
to changes in the clinician’s neurocognitive architecture. It is therefore fundamental that
osteopathic educators critically appraise the way in which diagnostic palpation and clinical
decision-making are taught, practised and assessed. I would argue that students and
clinicians should consider the reliability of different sensory cues in the context of clinical
examination, combine sensory data from different channels, and be encouraged to use
both analytical and non-analytical reasoning in their clinical decision-making. This
approach may potentially improve the reliability of palpation as a diagnostic tool, and
prevent the occurrence of diagnostic errors associated with the use of unvalidated models
of osteopathic diagnosis and care. Ultimately, during their professional journey from novice
to expert, clinicians should develop their skills of criticality and their ability to reflect on, and
analyse their practice experiences in and on action. The research in this thesis provides
only preliminary evidence regarding the development of expertise in diagnostic palpation in
osteopathic medicine. Notwithstanding this, it provides an important framework for further
research that has implications to osteopathic education and clinical practice.
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The case was presented on 50 typed cards (numbered here from 1 to 50).
3. Leisure activities: She enjoys gardening and plays golf (once a week) and netball
(once a week).
4. Presenting complaint: She presents with right-sided low back pain; had a similar
pain when she was pregnant with her 2nd child.
5. History of presenting complaint: Started 2 weeks ago after she had been playing
6. History of presenting complaint: For the last week she has noticed a sharp pain
down the back of her right thigh, which goes down to the lateral aspect of her
7. History of presenting complaint: Sitting, putting shoes and socks on, walking
and turning in bed, aggravates her lower back pain.
8. History of presenting complaint: The pain in her right lower extremity is worse on
coughing and sneezing.
9. Observation: Attitude: The patient sits on a chair, continually leaning to her left
10. History of presenting complaint: She had a similar problem during her 2nd
pregnancy, but not as bad as it is now; at the time, the pain improved with
osteopathic treatment.
11. History of presenting complaint: She tried some Ibuprofen, which helped
12. History of presenting complaint: Sleeping on her left side with a pillow between
her knees alleviates her symptoms.
13. History of presenting complaint: Her sleep has been disturbed by the pain;
changing position in bed tends to wake her up; although the pain is constant
throughout the day, there is increased pain and stiffness on waking; this decreases
slightly within an hour.
14. History of presenting complaint: She has no bladder or bowel disturbance since
the onset of her problem.
15. History of presenting complaint: Genito-urinary: She suffers from mild stress
incontinence and occasional generalised pelvic discomfort; diagnosed with uterine
fibroids, 3 years ago; fibroids have become more prominent and last year she was
advised that she should consider having a hysterectomy.
17. History of presenting complaint: She doesn’t smoke and considers herself to be
generally in good health; drinks on average 10 units of alcohol per week.
18. History of presenting complaint: She is quite stressed due to her job and recent
litigious divorce.
19. Observation: Appearance: Although she doesn’t look ill, she looks tired.
21. Past medical history: Medial collateral ligament sprain of her right knee at the age
of 19, playing netball.
22. Past medical history: Road Traffic Accident at the age of 25; right-sided impact;
suffered moderate neck whiplash; had several physiotherapy treatment sessions;
improved well, but neck is occasionally stiff.
23. Past medical history: Back pain during her 2nd pregnancy, 5 years ago;
developed symphysis pubis dysfunction towards the end of her 2nd pregnancy;
osteopathic treatment helped to alleviate symptoms; forceps delivery.
24. Past medical history: Post-natal depression following the birth of her second
child, 5 years ago; had counselling and was medicated with anti-depressants.
25. Past medical history: Mild stress incontinence since the birth of her second child,
5 years ago.
27. Medication: Oral contraceptive pill and Ibuprofen for her back pain.
28. Family history: Both parents are alive and well, although her mother has just
recovered from breast cancer.
30. Physical examination - Observation: Gait analysis. Moderate antalgic gait with
patient avoiding right-sided weight bearing.
35. Physical examination: Palpation: Hypertonicity of the bilateral scapulothoracic
muscle group, more marked on the right; mild tenderness on superficial palpation
of the postural interscapular musculature.
36. Physical examination: Active range of motion: Normal expect limited forward
flexion (finger tips can only reach knees), bilateral sidebending and left rotation;
forward flexion and right sidebending limited with associated pain in the lumbar
spine and right sacroiliac joint; squatting causes pain in the right sacroiliac joint.
38. Physical examination: Active range of motion: Marked restriction in right rotation
and flexion of the cervical spine; restriction to movement at the cervicodorsal
junction, being more marked in right rotation than left.
39. Physical examination: Active range of motion, cervical and thoracic
40. Physical examination: Special tests: Slump test positive on the right; patient very
anxious in anticipation of pain; Straight-leg raising test (SLR) positive on the right at
60 degrees; exacerbation of symptoms with associated neck flexion.
41. Physical examination: Pain provocation tests for sacroiliac joint: Exacerbation of
symptoms on the right sacroiliac joint with compression, distraction and thigh thrust
42. Physical examination: Neurological examination: Normal deep tendon reflexes;
downgoing plantar reflexes (bilateral); no sensory loss; power normal.
46. Physical examination: Passive range of motion, lumbar spine: reduced range of
motion at T11-L1 and L3-4; hypermobility of L5-S1.
47. Physical examination: Passive range of motion, pelvis: reduced range of motion
of the left sacroiliac joint and symphysis pubis; hypermobility of right sacroiliac joint.
48. Physical examination: Passive range of motion, lower extremities: Reduced hip
flexion and internal rotation on the right.
50. Physical examination: Passive range of motion, cervical and thoracic spines:
Decreased range of motion at C1-2 and C2-3; C7-T2; T4-6 and ribs 1-2 on the
Appendix 2: Study 4.1 extract from the novice’s un-coded verbal protocol
1 Woman recently divorced…40 years old, two children (aged 9 and 5)…
1.1 okay,
1.2 what can this tell us,
1.3 female,
1.4 forty years of age,
1.5 err,
1.6 so any pathologies that would sort of…
1.7 err…
1.8 roughly…err…associated with this kind of age of err…
1.9 she has had two children,
1.10 so err…
1.11 possible fibroids or cysts…
1.12 err…
1.13 within the uterus,
1.14 err…
1.15 she’s recently divorced,
1.16 so she’s gonna have very high stress levels…
1.17 err…
1.18 so that is going to depress her immune system,
1.19 so…
1.20 this can then have a backlash on…
1.21 the body,
1.22 err…
1.23 two children aged nine and five,
1.24 so she would still be doing quite a lot of fetching and carrying for them…
1.25 they would still be at school err…
1.26 and she…
1.27 she might as well have to take them to school everyday have to fetch them from
school everyday whether she has any help with the children,
1.28 whether she’s financially err stretched with,
1.29 err…
1.30 presuming that she’s now on her own with two children…
1.31 err…
2 Her occupation she is a university lecturer…currently the head of the economics
department with responsibilities for teaching management and research…
2.1 so that contributes to increase her levels of stress for her,
2.2 she’s the head of the department…
2.3 err with responsibilities…
2.4 err as a university lecturer,
2.5 so that tells me she’s got quite a lot of responsibility on her shoulders err…
2.6 she may get help with this,
2.7 she may not get help with this,
2.8 err…
2.9 she probably has to pull herself in different directions all at the same time…
2.10 err,
2.11 she manages a department where several redundancies have just been made due to
poor student recruitment and lack of research grants,
2.12 so that…
2.13 hum she’s gonna be really stressed…
2.14 err…
2.15 thinking,
2.16 wondering she’s now divorced,
2.17 she’s forty,
2.18 she’s got two children,
2.19 and she’s just about been made redundant,
2.20 whilst at the same time,
2.21 having to try to deal with responsibilities that err…
2.22 being head of department comes along with…yeah it just emphasises what the job is
gonna be like.
3 Leisure activities she enjoys gardening and plays golf once a week and netball once a
week good,
3.1 so that’s good news,
3.2 that tells me she does have some time on her own,
3.3 gardening is very bad for your back and very compressive for your back…
3.4 hopefully,
3.5 the…
3.6 nice feeling that she gets out of it will sort of helps to neutralise that…
3.7 she plays once a week and does netball once a week so they…
3.8 are two active err…
3.9 exercises where she can sort of get rid of any anxiety get rid of any stress she can hit
the golf ball as hard as she likes and to completely take all the stress out on it,
3.10 if she non-active so if she’s static at work,
3.11 static at home static in the garden err…
3.12 lots of bending in the garden,
3.13 hopefully the golf and the netball will…get rid of that.
4 She is presenting with right-sided low back pain, she had a similar pain she was
pregnant with her second child…
4.1 so this may help to conjure…
4.2 an image what may be going on with this lady…
4.3 we know she’s quite stressed,
4.4 so…
4.5 she’s gonna have a depressed immune system…
4.6 err…
4.7 which sort of predisposes her to weakness wear and tear…
4.8 err…
4.9 and she has got low back pain and she had a similar pain when she was pregnant
with her second child…
4.10 so that then tells me…
4.11 that it could be around the SIJ area…
4.12 err…
4.13 due to relaxin relaxing the ligaments err…
4.14 around the pelvic area…
4.15 well,
4.16 just relaxing the ligaments all over the body,
4.17 but especially because most of the stress that goes through the SIJ,
4.18 err…
4.19 when you’re pregnant with your child it would strain the ligaments in this area much
more that in any other area of the body,
4.20 err…
4.21 it doesn’t yet saying if it is referring anywhere…
4.22 so presumably is just a localised right-sided low back pain…
4.23 it could come from her low back so it could be err…
4.24 she’s forty, so it could be the onset of…
4.25 err…
4.26 early wear and tear so it could be the onset of spondylosis…
4.27 she could have a disc degeneration,
4.28 she could have osteophytes presentation,
4.29 err…
4.30 she could have a SIJ strain,
4.31 a pelvic sacral torsion,
4.32 err…
4.33 she could just have just a plain ligament strain,
4.34 err…
4.35 she could have a disc herniation err…
4.36 because I can’t rule that out,
4.37 because I don’t know if it is radiating or not…
4.38 err…
4.39 she is very stressed and she might well be sitting in her job…
4.40 err…
4.41 stress doesn’t do the body any good…
4.42 so this could well have predisposed her to having err…
4.43 strained err…
4.44 the annulus of her disc…
4.45 err…moving on.
6 So for the last week she’s noticed a sharp pain down the back of her right thigh which
goes down to the lateral aspect of her ankle…
6.1 okay so this is now telling me that she has inflammation in that area…
6.2 the inflammation is coming from…
6.3 obviously the injury err…
6.4 she has got some sort of nerve root compression because essentially is following a
dermatomal pattern err…
6.5 and is following the sciatic nerve…
6.6 err…
6.7 which sort basically comes from L4 to S3…
6.8 so at some point err…
6.9 in between these levels she…
6.10 she’s compressed the nerve…
6.11 highly likely to be L5-S1 region because that’s the dermatome pattern that …
6.12 err…
6.13 the pain is following…
6.14 err…yes I’d like to know a little bit more about what’s happening.
7 So aggravating factors sitting…
7.1 which is compressive,
7.2 putting shoes and socks which again is compressive forward flexing compressing the
back, walking and turning in bed aggravates her low back pain so we’ve got two
7.3 still got two things sticking out of my mind,
7.4 a disc herniation or…
7.5 some sort of annular tear…
7.6 because sitting putting shoes and socks on…
7.7 err is aggravating for an annular tear…
7.8 however if she can sit…
7.9 and is not hurting…
7.10 so that sort of…
7.11 is one factor that might rule out an annular tear or a herniation…
7.12 so the next thing would be walking and turning in bed aggravates her lower back
7.13 so there is some sort of…
7.14 err…
7.15 rotational movement so that can then be pointing to…
7.16 the SIJ area,
7.17 err…
7.18 if that’s sort of not anteriorising or posteriorising correctly,
7.19 that is going to nip the nerve if you’ve got a pelvic sacral torsion she could have
piriformis syndrome…
7.20 so the piriformis could quite easily err…
7.21 been pinching the sciatic nerve…
7.22 err…okay I need to know a bit more now.
Appendix 3: Case scenarios and knowledge items used in Study 4.2
Past medical history: Medial collateral ligament sprain of her right knee at the age of 19,
playing netball. RTA at the age of 25; right-sided impact, suffered neck whiplash. Low back
and symphysis pubis pain during her 2nd pregnancy, 5 years ago, had forceps delivery.
Fibroids diagnosed 3 years ago.
Family history: Mother has just recovered from breast cancer. Other negative.
General examination: She looks tired and has difficulty in maintaining eye contact.
Moderate antalgic gait with a right-sided weight bearing avoidance. Hyperlordotic lumbar
and cervical spines.
Right-sided lumbar paraspinal and gluteal muscle spasm; tenderness over L5/S1 and right
SIJ; oedema over right SIJ; Hypertonicity, tenderness and increased skin moisture of
thoraco-lumbar paraspinal musculature. Forward flexion and bilateral sidebending limited
with pain in the lumbar spine and right SIJ. Squatting causes pain in the right SIJ.
Pain provocation/special tests: Increased pain in the right SIJ with compression,
distraction and hip abduction at 90 degrees. Pain on palpation of the right SIJ. Straight leg
raising test (SLR) is positive at 60 degrees on the right.
List of Items: Case A
Encapsulated Items
• Acuteness
• Radiculopathy
• T12 Somatic dysfunction
• Sacroiliac dysfunction
• Spondylolisthesis
• Stasis
• Uterine leiomyoma
• Prolapsed intervertebral disc
Biomedical Items
• Increased sympathetic outflow
• Sacroiliac ligament inflammation
• Capsular inflammation
• Ligament laxity
• Nerve root impingement
• Pelvic floor fibrosis
• Suppressed immune system
• Fibroblast activity
Osteopathic Items
• Muscle chain problem
• Pelvic-sacral torsion
• Decompensation
• Compensatory pattern
• Viscerosomatic reflex
• Anteriorised innominate
• Facilitated segment
• Littlejohn model
Presenting complaint: A 71-year-old retired man, who plays golf and enjoys gardening,
presents with right-sided neck and scapular pain, which started 9 months ago when he hit
the ground whilst playing golf. The pain is aggravated by neck movements and relieved by
taking Paracetamol and by keeping his neck straight. He reports that although the pain is
associated with neck movements, there is increased pain and stiffness on waking,
decreasing within 30 minutes. Although he has been able to continue playing golf, he
needs to take Paracetamol to ease his neck pain before he starts. He reports that his
general health is reasonably good. He needs to go to the toilet at least twice a night but on
his last prostate check-up, 4 months ago, apart from a slight prostate enlargement, nothing
abnormal was detected.
Past medical history: Left hip replacement, 15 years ago. Suffered mini-stroke, 7 months
ago. Other negative.
Family history: Mother died of stroke in her eighties. Father died of pneumonia, aged 85.
Other negative.
General examination: Hyperlordotic cervical spine. Reduced thoracic kyphosis with a ‘s’
scoliosis; concave right in the thoracic spine and concave left in the lumbar spine.
Marked hypertonicity and tenderness of his right trapezius and left scalenes and
sternocleidomastoid muscle groups. Hypertonicity of the bilateral scapulothoracic muscle
groups, being more marked on the right. Mild tenderness on superficial palpation of the
postural interscapular musculature. Tenderness on deep segmental palpation of the
erector spinae muscle groups, especially in the cervical and upper thoracic spine. Oedema
over CDJ. Marked restriction in active rotation and sidebending of his cervical spine. Right-
sided rotation and sidebending of the cervical spine exacerbate his symptoms.
Pain provocation/special tests: Increased pain with compression, right sidebending and
extension of his cervical spine. Other negative.
Neurological: Normal deep tendon reflexes; no sensory loss; power normal. Other
List of Items: Case B
Encapsulated Items
• Facet osteoarthritis
• Spondylosis
• C7 Somatic dysfunction
• Transient ischaemic attack
• C1 Somatic dysfunction
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia
• Prolapsed intervertebral disc
• Hyperlipidaemia
Biomedical Items
• Posterior vertebral osteophytes
• Disc degeneration
• Synovial inflammation
• Rectus capitis hypertrophy
• Subchondral sclerosis
• Atheroma
• Bladder musculature hypertrophy
• Capsular fibrosis
Osteopathic Items
• Protracted head
• Superior cervical ganglia
• Muscle imbalance
• Capsular pattern
• Pelvic torsion
• Second-degree lesion
• Inter-arch pivots
• Decompensation
Appendix 4: Questionnaire used in Studies 5.1 and 5.2
Please make a mark (/) along the line, somewhere between “Totally Disagree” and “Totally
Agree”, which represents your view regarding the statement on the appropriateness of
different sensory modalities for the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction. The diagnosis of
somatic dysfunction is based on the differentiation of tissue textures; evaluation of
positional asymmetry; evaluation of motion asymmetry; and assessment of tenderness.
a. Vision alone provides the most appropriate and reliable sensory information.
a. Vision alone provides the most appropriate and reliable sensory information.
3. For the assessment of motion asymmetry (hypo/hypermobility)…
a. Vision alone provides the most appropriate and reliable sensory information.
a. Vision alone provides the most appropriate and reliable sensory information.
Appendix 5: Example of timecourse analysis Study 5.2
vision 300 13.47
visuotactile 302.16 2.16
touch 302.73 0.57
visuotactile 303.28 0.55
touch 307.53 4.25
visuotactile 312.96 5.43
visuotactile 315 2.04
visuotactile 330 15
visuotactile 345 15
touch 346.4 1.4
visuotactile 349.76 3.36
touch 355.6 5.84
visuotactile 356.16 0.56
visuotactile 360 3.84
vision 362.65 2.65
visuotactile 371.73 9.08
visuotactile 375 3.27
vision 381.4 6.4
visuotactile 381.68 0.28
visuotactile 390 8.32
end 397.25 7.25
Appendix 6: Diagnosis record sheet – Study 6.1
Examiner’s Code
Condition: Visuo-haptic
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 NIL
Appendix 7: Questionnaire on attention and mental imagery - Study 6.2
Investigating the role of vision and touch in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction
Please make a mark (/) along the line, somewhere between “Totally Disagree” and “Totally
Agree”, which represents your view regarding the statement on the role of vision and touch
in the diagnosis of somatic dysfunction.
f. I can easily mentally imagine normal and altered movement patterns in the
anatomical regions being assessed.