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Asm 3231

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1. Theme- In this poem the poet talks about the necessity of quiet introspection and
creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings. We should have a
pause from our busy life and think about our actions that are causing a harm to
nature whether knowingly or unknowingly. This realization will make us understand
the importance of peace and harmony. People would avoid war and feeling of
fraternity would prevail.
1. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help to achieve?
Counting upto twelve and keeping still help us put a brake on the rush and humdrum
of life. It will also help us to introspect, reflect and experience silence and peace, In
such a moment, we can find solution to all our problems and difficulties.
2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
No, the poet does not advocate total inactivity. Admitting life be an ongoing process,
he wants man's activities to be positively channelised. In fact, he wants that man
should put an end to his hostile and destructive activities and promote constructive
3. What is the 'sadness' that the poet refers to in the poem?
The 'sadness' the poet refers to is the one that emanates from the isolation which has
made the modern man its victim. This sadness has also made him selfish. He fails to
understand that a healthy life can be lived only in harmony with his fellow beings and
not in isolation.
4. What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life
under apparent stillness? Or
According to Pablo Neruda, what is it that human beings can learn from Nature?
The poet wants to invoke the symbol of automatic self-regeneration from Nature. This
symbol teaches the human beings to be inspired by throbbing life that remains
unnoticed under the cover of decay. Human beings can thus learn that life and death
go hand in hand, so one should focus on life without worrying about death.
1. What will possibly be the effect of keeping quiet?
Keeping quiet will give us an opportunity to analyse our inner selves as well as our
relationship with our surroundings. The effect of this would be on our careless and
irresponsible attitude towards everything. It will make us peaceful and happier.

2 . What differences and distinctions has man built for himself and why does
one feel 'a sudden strangeness' on counting to twelve and keeping quiet?
One feels 'a sudden strangeness' because quiet moments make one aware that
excessive self-indulgence has isolated man. The realisation of this drawback makes
one feel a sudden but unfamiliar strength of human race.

3. What different kinds of wars does the poet refer to in the poem?

The poet refers to wars harming environment, chemical wars and wars fought with
weapons. Together, these wars result in massive fires, release of toxic gases and
destruction of all greenery and life on earth.
4.'Life is what it is all about...' How is keeping quite related to life?
Life is an 'on-going process' and it cannot come to a standstill even after death, for old
always gives birth to new. Keeping quiet is related to life because it provides a pause
to review the actions, decisions, and the entire purpose of human existence.
5. Explain: "I want no truck with death".
The poet does not want to be obstructed by the thoughts of death. He wants to live a
peaceful life without worrying about death, which is an integral part of human lives.
6. Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still.
For once on the face of the Earth
let's not speak in any language,
let stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
a) Why does the poet want men on earth to keep quiet?
The poet wants to promote peace and brotherhood in them and he feels that as long
as men are expressing their views, differences, unrest will prevail. Thus, the poet
wants men on earth to keep quiet and defeat restlessness created by noise.
(b) Which two activities does the poet want us to stop?
The poet wants us to stop the use of all languages and to stop the use of gestures by
(c) What does the poet mean by 'let us not speak in any language?
The poet means not to use any mode of communication and maintain complete
quietness. He does not want us to make any sound or resort to any action whatsoever.
d) How would humanity benefit if people did not speak in any language?
Language breeds linguistic chauvinism which further breeds the desire to dominate. If
for some time, no one spoke on the face of Earth, all these negative sentiments would
fade away in the depth of silence.
e) Describe the pun in the word, 'arms'.
'Arms' can mean the physical body part of any human being it can also mean the
ammunition used in the war. Here the poet uses pun by suggesting to stop the use of
physical body part but also hints not to use warfare gadgets. Pun is a literary device

where a word or a phrase is used in a humorous way to suggest its different meanings
or applications.

7. Fishermen in the cold sea

would not harm whales
and the man gathering salt
would look at his hurt hands.

a) What would happen in moment of silence?

In this exotic moment of silence and introspection, men will become conscious of the
harm they are causing to others and to their own selves. In that moment of inactivity
all such evil will come to an end.
b) What are 'fishermen' symbolic of? What would happen when fishermen
do not harm whales?
The fishermen symbolise man's indiscriminate exploitation of nature for his vested
interests. When fishermen do not harm the whales, the innocent animal will no longer
be under threat of extinction.
(c) What message does the poet convey in these lines?
The poet wants to convey that man's habit of being 'up and doing' and working towards
advancement has resulted in more harm than good. In this mad race he has lost the
feeling of care and concern for his own brethren.
(d)What image does the poet create in the last lines?
The poet creates the image of man's continuous suffering. In his efforts to add comforts
to his life he has paid no heed to the pain he has been causing to himself. However,
when sitting still, man will have time to look after his own self and heal his wounds.
(e)What do the 'hurt hands' imply?
Hurt hands' imply our self-inflicted injuries caused due to our involvement in harmful
activities carried thoughtlessly in our lives.
8. If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.

a) What is Man 'single-minded' about?

Man has a single-minded focus upon progress and advancement. He does so
without thinking about the consequences of his actions that help him to continue
moving ahead.

b) Explain: 'keeping our lives moving!

The expression is a comment on the modern man's mechanised and busy life. Man in
treading the path of destruction in the name of progress. Trapped in a rat race of mad
competition, he knows no rest or peace.
c) How would man benefit if he did nothing and kept quiet?
If man kept quiet and did not involve himself in doing anything, he would introspect. In
these moments of self-analysis, he would realise the harm he has caused to himself
and to mankind. He would also realise the need of strengthening his relationships with
his fellow beings.
(d) What is the 'sadness of never understanding ourselves!?
Man, in his race towards materialism, has sacrificed the fulfillment of his emotional
needs. He does not understand its importance and has thus become sad and isolated.
(e)How has man threatened himself with death?
The increasing arms race and man's unthoughtful actions in the name of progress
have cost the nature dearly. Thus, the threat of death has been brought upon himself
by man only.
f) Why is silence called 'huge'?
It is 'huge' because it is maintained by the entire humanity. Besides, it is bound to have
a huge impact.

Explain the phrases-

a. not move our arms so much- Lack of any physical activity/complete
stillness and silence/no use of weapon
b. exotic moment- When all would be silent and introspecting without
any rush and noise, that would be an unusual or a rare moment.
c. Sudden strangeness- all would be together, meditating silently which
generally does not happen thus would look strange.
d. green wars, - Green wars” means deforestation, greenhouse effect,
ozone layer depletion i.e. harming nature in various ways.
e. victory with no survivors- Man is trying to dominate nature but
ultimately destroying everything,
f. total inactivity- Lack of any mental activity or death
g. threatening ourselves with death- Causing our own
h. this sadness- we don’t understand the consequences of our actions
i. single-minded- being focused only of our progress and improvement,
not about others
j. Life is what it is about- Poet advocates life and wants us to be
mentally alive to nature around us

Poetic device

Pun- Not move our arms(no physical movement/ no use of force or weapon

Alliteration- Hurt hands/clean clothes/ Sudden strange ness

let’s not speak in any language/let’s stop for a second
without rush, without engines
wars with gas and wars with fire


Symbolism- Fishermen/ Man gathering salt/ Example of Earth

Transferred Epithet- Green war/ Cold sea

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