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805-819 (1974)

Pore Size of Microporous Polymer Membranes

H. YASUDA and J. T . TSAI, Camille Dreyfus Laboratory, Research

Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 37709

Pore sizes of microporous polymer membranes were determined by the calculation
based on the gas permeability of porous media. The gas permeability coefficient K
(given by J = K A p / l , where J is the steady-state gas flux, A p is the pressure, difference,
and I = the thickness of a membrane) for porous membrane can be given generally by

where KOis the Knudsen permeability coefficient, t) is the viscosity of the permeant gas,
Bois the geometric factor of a membrane, and A p is the mean pressure of the gas on both
sides of a membrane. From gas permeability measurements which yield the pressure
dependence of gas permeability coefficient (expressed as above equation), the mean pore
size of the porous membrane can be estimated as

where M is the molecular weight of the permeant gas. The validity of this method was
examined with various Millipore filters of which nominal pore sizes are known. It was
confirmed that the method provided a simple and reliable means of estimating mean
pore size of microporous membranes. The method was applied to investigate the in-
fluence of factors involved in preparation of microporous polysulfone membranes by
coagulation procedure. It was found that the mean pore size of porous polysulfone
membrane increases with (1)increasing casting thickness, (2) increasing temperature of
coagulation bath, and (3) decreasing concentration of polymer in casting solution (DMF
as solvent). Water flux and water flux decline due to compaction are also examined
as a faction of pore size, porosity, and the thickness of membranes.

Porous polymer membranes have drawn considerable attention in practi-
cal use in recent years. Depending on their pore size, porous polymer mem-
branes can be used in a variety of fields such as removal of particulates from
air, filtration of colloidal suspension, aseptic wrapping of biomedical sup-
plies, transfer surface through which gases are transferred into liquid(s),
and support for ultrathin semipermeable membranes. The pore size of
porous polymer membrane plays the most important role in the function of
porous membranes in these applications.
@ 1974 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Although several methods t o estimate mean pore size of porous mem-

branes are available, the methods generally involve some ambiguity such as
(1) tortuosity factor and (2) the perturbation caused by the measurements;
e.g., wetting by liquids or penetration of mercury under pressure to estimate
porosity may alter the pore sizes of original membranes. Therefore, if it
were possible t o estimate pore size from gas permeation data alone, this
would provide a simple means t o characterize porous membranes (in dry
state) without causing any alteration of structure by the measurement.
Furthermore, it will provide perhaps the only accurate means to follow the
changes that occur to the pores of porous membranes in some dry-state
reactions such as spattering of metals onto a porous membrane and glow
discharge deposition of polymer into a porous substrate under vacuum.
This study was undertaken in order to find a simple method of estimating
and controlling the mean pore size of microporous membranes during mem-
brane preparation and to use the method in investigating the process of glow
discharge polymerization onto porous membrane which is used to prepare
composite reverse osmosis membranes.
The term “microporous” may need some explanation, since the word
“porous” has been often used without clear definition of pores. As far as
the permeability of gases through polymers is concerned, there is a clear
distinction between porous and nonporous membranes.‘ It should be noted
that nonporous polymers are still permeable, and the concept of “pore” does
not extend t o the free volume or molecular level spaces where the passage of
gases takes place in nonporous polymer membranes. I n terms of pore size,
the microporous membranes referred in this study may be coyjidered as
membranes of which pore size is of the order of 100 8 to 10,000 A (1pm).
The method was first examined using commercially available microporous
membranes (Millipore filters) and was applied to investigate the factors that
influence the porous size of porous polysulfone membranes.

Gas Permeability Measurement
A porous membrane was placed in a Millipore high-pressure cell, and the
assembled cell was connected to a stainless steel tank (1000 cu in. capacity)
which has a pressure transducer. Schematic representation of the system is
shown in Figure 1. After the tank was pressurized t o a predetermined pres-
sure, the ball valve between the tank and the permeability cell was opened
and the decay of the pressure was recorded.
It was empirically found that the initial stage of pressure decay was not
representative of steady flux. I n order to avoid the initial transient stage
of pressure decay, the tank was pressurized t o a pressure approximately
50% higher than the pressure needed for the measurement, and gas was
allowed t o permeate through the test membrane before the recording of
pressure was taken.


Fig. 1. Schematic representation of gas permeability measuring apparahs.

The slopes of the pressure decay curve were measured and recorded a t
various pressures on a linear strip-chart recorder and were used to plot
against the mean pressure.
The identical system was used to measure the maximum pore size by
bubble break-through measurement by simply connecting the downstream
side of the test cell to a test tube containing water in which the connecting
tube was inserted.
For the measurement of maximum pore size by bubble break-through
measurement, a membrane was wetted by water or isobutyl alcohol before
placing it on the test cell. The test cell with a wet membrane was con-
nected t o the tank system. The tank was pressurized slowly with the ball
valve kept open, and the pressure at which the first gas flux in the down-
stream side of the cell was detected by the bubble detector was taken as the
critical pressure p,.
The maximum pore size was calculated by

m, = -

where y is the surface tension of the liquid that occupied the pore (water or
isobutyl alcohol).

Preparation of Porous Polysulfone Membranes

The porous polysulfone films were cast from a 14y0to 20% polymer in
N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solution of polysulfone P-3500 provided
by Union Carbide. Casting was performed a t room temperature in a
nitrogen atmosphere using a multiple-clearance applicator. Membranes
were cast a t designated wet thicknesses (4 to 10 mils) onto a-Mylarfilm belt

moving a 100 cm/min into a temperature-controlled coagulation bath lo-

cated 50 cm from the casting knife. Cast films were kept in the coagulation
bath for approximately 10 min and were then transferred to deionized water
(for 2 hr) and then hung in air to dry.
Water flux of porous polysulfone membranes was measured by connecting
the Millipore test cell to a reverse osmosis test loop but using pure water at
applied pressure of 500 psi. The steady-state water flux was obtained after
24 hr from the initial pressurization of the cell. The compaction factor was
calculated as
initial water flux
compaction factor =
steady-state water flux'
The initial flux was taken 20 sec after the pressurization of a test cell. The
water flux generally declined sharply in the beginning and leveled off after
approximately 6 to 8 hr.

Calculation of Mean Pore Size m from Gas Permeability Data

Gas flux J through a membrane can be generally expressed by

where K is the permeability coefficient (cm2/sec) and A p is the pressure

difference (dyne/cm2) across a membrane of thickness 1 (cm). (See Ap-
pendix for details of units of flux.)
Permeability coefficient K of porous media is shown2t3to be expressed by

K =K ~ + c)
where KO is the Knudsen permeability coefficient (cm2/sec), q is the vis-
cosity (dynes.sec/cm2) of the permeant gas, Bo is the geometric factor of a
membrane (cm2), and A p , is the mean pressure. The mean pressure is
given by the mean of pressures on both sides of a membrane; i.e., (pl p ~ ) /
2, whereas the differential pressure A p is given by (pl - p2).
It has been shown that K Oand Bocan be generally expressed by the follow-
ing two equations for practically all kinds of porous media2:
K - - (6/klq2)emv (3)
Bo = em2/kq2 (4)

where 6/kl = 0.8 for all membranes, q = tortuosity factor, v = average

molecular velocity of a gas, c = porosity, and k = 2.5 for all membranes.

The average molecular velocity of a gas of molecular weight M is given by

and can be considered as a constant for a gas a t a given temperature.

The combination of eqs. (3), (4),and (5) leads to

Equation (6) indicates that the mean pore size m can be calculated from the
pressure dependence of gas permeability of porous membrane without fur-
ther estimation of porosity € and tortuosity factor q. The value of K Ois
obtained by extrapolation of permeability data t o zero pressure, and Bo is
obtained from the slope of the extrapolation (linear line). An example of
plot is shown in Figure 2. Equation (6) further indicates that the calcula-
tion of m does not depend on the nature of the measurement, since Bo/Ko
has the unit of time. I n other words, any value of permeability in terms of
pressure, volume, flow rate, etc., can be used directly in a plot against the
mean pressure. The only necessary procedure is to obtain the intercept K O
and the slope of the linear line of the plot. Therefore, insofar as obtaining
the mean pore size is concerned, it is not necessary to obtain membrane area,
membrane thickness, size of equipment, or some other calibration factors
that are necessary to convert the measuring parameter (e.g., millivolts in
recorder) to gas flux, as long as the proper units of pressure and viscosity
are used.



I 1 I 1
500 I000 I500 2000
Fig. 2. Permeability coefficients vs. mean pressure. He, NZ, and CO,, Millipore VM.

When a porous membrane is used with another porous support, the result
obtained will depend on the pore size of the support. The effect of support
can be analyzed by the situation of a porous-porous composite membrane.
The steady-state gas flux through a composite membrane that consists of
two layers of porous membranes can be expressed using subscripts 1 and 2
to refer t o membrane 1 and membrane 2, respectively, by the following
sets of equations:

J = K 1APl
- = K 2 AP2
- = ~ - AP (7)
11 12 1

Assuming that both layers are typical porous membranes i.e., K values
can be expressed by eq. (a), the overall flow resistance of the composite
membrane l / K can be given by

_1 -- 11 12

K +
K O , ~ (&/v)Apl -k K O , ~ (Bz/71)Ap2' + (10)

The overall Knudsen permeability of the composite membrane KO is

obtained as Ap --c 0 and consequently Api -+ 0, so that

Designating bl = Bl/vG; b2 = B2/q12; kol = K01/11; and k02 = K02/12,and

solving eqs. (7) and (8) simultaneously in terms of Ap, we obtain

Api =
-(~oI + 2bzAp) * ( ( 5 1 - Fco2)2 +
4(koi + biAp) (koz + bzAp))"'
2(b1 - b2)
where Ap should be positive and bl - b2 # 0. On the other hand: substitut-
ing eq. (7) into eq. (2), we have

At relatively high pressure, the experimental results shown in Figure 3

indicate that K is a linear function of the (total) mean pressure; i.e., eq.
(2) is also valid to the composite membrane. Equation (12) can be ex-
pressed by a Taylor series in terms of Ap

Substituting eq. (14) into eq. (13) and comparing with eq. (2),
koi3b2 + k02~bl
b =
(ko1 + ko2l3 .

7 -

6 -


0 I I I I
0 500 1000 1500 2000

Fig. 3. Dependence of K / ? of N? in composite membranes on mean pressure. K /

instead of K is used to obtain separation of lines. Nominal pore sizes of two layers
are shown on each line.

Since b, = amikor = amiKoi/lr,


By virtue of eq. ( l l ) , therefore,

This result indicates that the average pore size of composite film is a
summation of the contribution from each membrane. When the sub-
stractal pore size is relatively large, i.e., kO2 >> kOl, eq. (16) reduces to m =
ml. Evaluation by eq. (11) listed in Table I1 gave good agreement with
experimental data. This method of evaluation can be applied to obtain
the pore size of the coating layer where direct measurement of the perme-
abilities of the coating itself is impossible.


Pore Size Determination
If the equations describing the permeability of porous membranes pre-
sented in the previous section are valid, the values of K Oand slope of the
plot (such as Figs. 1 and 2) should be dependent on the molecular weight

and viscosity of a gas used. HoGvever, the parameter Bo and the mean pore
size m of a membrane should be independent of the gas used as a permeant.
Calculation of mean pore size using various gases with the same mem-
brane would provide proof of the method, although the physical meaning of
mean pore size and its absolute value should be interpreted with caution.
Data obtained with three different kinds of Millipore filters are summarized
in Table I. Results indicate that the method provides consistent values
regardless of the nature of gas.

Mean Pore Size Obtained with Different Gases
Calculated mean pore size, pm
Membrane pore size, pm He NP COP
Millipore VS 0.025 0.030 0.034 0.032
Millipore VM 0.05 0.043 0.047 0.043
Millipore VC 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11

The effect of porous support was examined using Millipore VM (nominal

pore size 0.05 pm) with various porous supports. Results are summarized
in Table 11. Results shows that eqs. (13) and (16) are indeed valid for
composite membranes and observed values of KO and m of composite mem-
branes are in good agreement with corresponding calculated values. Re-
sults also indicate that if the pore size of support is much larger than the
membrane, the observed mean pore size represents the value of the test
membrane. However, if the pore size of porous support is comparable to
the pore size of the test specimen, the observed pore size of the composite is
in between the values of pore sizes of each layer. Even in the l a t t k case,
the pore size of the test membrane can be calculated according to eq. (16).
This is an important aspect because many composite membranes can be

Mean Pore Size of Composite Membranes"
Mean pore size of
KOX lo2, cmP/sec composite, pm
Pore size of support, r m Observed Calculated Observed Calculated
Without support 5.82 - 0.047 -
With filter paper 11.64 11.64 0.047 0.047
5 . 0 (nominal) 11.64 11.60 0.047 0.047
1 . 2 (nominal) 9.12 8.80 0.052 0.048
0.48 8.60 8.45 0.054 0.051
0.11 7.56 7.60 0.068 0.066
0.047 5.80 5.82 0.047 0.047
* Mean pore size was measured using NP as permeant gas. Millipore VM was used with
various porous membranes as support.

tested only as a whole composite. Therefore, this method provides a useful

means t o estimating pore size of an ultrathin layer coated into a porous sub-
strate of known pore size.
The mean pore sizes obtained by this method are compared with maxi-
mum pore size obtained by the measurement of the critical pressure in
Table 111. If ideal liquids which do not affect a membrane are used, the
maximum pore size by the critical pressure measurement should yield
identical values with different liquids. The stability of a membrane against
the wetting liquid affects the values obtained by the method. The results
also indicate the effect of perturbation of pore size by the testing method.
The gas permeability method provides the advantage of the least perturba-
tion and a useful mcans to investigate porous polymeric membranes.

Comparison of Mean Pore Size and Maximum Pore Size
Calculated from Critical Capillary Pressure
Maximum pore size, pm
Mean Nz pore size,
Membrane pm By isobutyl alc. by H20
~~ ~

Millipore VS 0.030 0.084 0.12

Millipore VM 0.043 0.090 0.13
Millipore VC 0.100 0.125 0.21
Polysulfone 1 0.052 0.060 0.07
Polysulfone 2 0.100 0.110 0.12

The absolute numerical values of pore size, particularly as a measure of

cut-off size of filtration process, should be interpreted cautiously, depending
on whether the membrane is used in gas, vapor, or liquid phase, since most
polymeric porous membranes are not absolutely inert t o the environmental
Factors of Preparation that Inflluence Pore Size of Porous
Polysulfone Membranes
The estimate of mean pore size made by using gas permeability data was
applied to investigate the effect of factors involved in the preparation pro-
cedure of forming porous polysulfone membranes. Among factors that
might influence the mean pore size of porous polysulfone membranes, the
concentration of casting solution (DMF as the solvent), casting thickness
(wet thickness), and the temperaturc of the coagulation bath are chosen as
the major factors, and membranes are designed by these three factors using
six-digit numbers. The first two digits refer t o the concentration in per
cent by weight of polymer in casting solution, the second two digits, t o the
casting thickness in mils (thousands of a n inch), and the last two digits to
the temperature of coagulation bath in "C. For instance, a membrane
designated as 160500 indicates that the membrane was cast from 16%
solution using a 5-mil casting thickness and was coagulated in a water bath
a t 0°C.

Once the value of m is determined, it is possible to estimate e / q 2 of the

membrane from eq. (3) or eq. (4) (see Appendix). Although it is possible to
further estimate e by assuming a certain value of q, or q by using value of e
obtained from other measurements, c / q 2 seems to be a better parameter to
characterize transport properties of a membrane because both e and q are
kinetic parameters so far as the transport properties of the membrane are
concerned. I n other words, pores with dead ends do not contribute to the
transport properties of the membrane, and any static measurement to
estimate t does not distinguish through-pores and dead-end pores. If a
constant value of q is assumed, the meaning of the tortuosity factor itself is
lost. Therefore, m and c / q 2 may be used as main parameters to character-
ize porous membranes. Results obtained with porous polysulfone micro-
porous membranes are summarized in Tables IV through VI, using m and
e / q 2 as parameters t o characterize porous membranes.
The properties of porous polymer membranes prepared by the coagula-
tion process are governed by the precipitation rate, which is dependent on
the rate of flow of solvent out of the cast polymer film and the rate of pene-
tration of water into the precipitating front of the cast polymer film a s

Effect of Coagulating Bath Temperature on Properties
of Microporous Polysulfone Membranes
Membrane thickness Pore size, Water flux,' Compaction
series no. X loa,cm I.cm (e/q2) X lop gfd factor
160500 2.5 0.025 39.8 133 13.7
160515 2.8 0.045 25.1 96 16.2
160530 3.1 0.115 11.5 89 24.0
160700 4.3 0.08 18.1 156 16.0
160715 4.5 0.22 15.4 107 38 .O
160740 5.6 0.50 16.0 92.5 55.0
a Steady-state water flux (after compaction).

Effect of Wet Casting Thickness on Properties of
Microporous Polysulfone Membranes
Membrane thickness Pore size, Water flux," Compaction
series no. X 108, cm lrn ( ~ / q *x
) 108 gfd factor
140512 2.8 0.06 27.3 92.5 23.2
140712 3.8 0.08 27.8 96.0 26.1
140912 4.7 0.12 16.2 122.0 31.7
160513 3.1 0.04 35.1 96.0 26.0
160713 4.1 0.05 31.6 70.4 31.5
160913 ' 5.1 0.10 16.4 63.0 35.0
Steady-state water flux (after compaction).

Effect of Polymer Concentration on Properties of
Microporous Polysulfone Membranw

Membrane thickness Pore size, Water flux,* Compaction
series no. X lo3, cm wn (e/q2) X 102 gfd factor
140512 2.8 0.055 32.5 116 23.2
160512 3.1 0.040 30.4 111 14.0
180512 3.2 0.038 24.1 81.5 9.0
230513 4.0 - - 51.7 3.0
140900 6.3 0.10 30.2 166.2 17.3
150900 6.6 0.09 28.6 107.1 16.0
160900 7.4 0.07 27.3 100.0 12.7

6 Steady-state water flux (after compaction).

reported by Frommer and L a n ~ e t . Therefore,

~ the temperature of the
coagulation bath should have a n important effect on the pore size of porous
Results obtained with membranes that were cast under identical condi-
tions but coagulated a t different temperatures are summarized in Table IV.
The logarithm of mean pore sizes and the compaction factors are plotted
against I/T in Figures 4 and 5 , respectively. As can be seen in these
figures, pore size and compaction factor both follow a typical Arrhenius
plot. Under conditions used in these experiments (total amount of polymer

,,o, 30,oc 15,oc OfC

Fig. 4. Mean pore size of microporous polysulfone membranes as a function of tem-

perature of coagulation bath (water). Casting solutions, 16% polymer in DMF.

in a given area being constant), the larger pore size should result in more
bulky membranes, which have a higher tendency of compacting under high
pressure. The thickness of membrane (shown in Table IV), pore sizes, and
compaction factors are in good accordance with process of coagulation.
The decrease of c / q 2 with increasing coagulation temperature despite of
increasing pore size indicates that coagulation a t higher temperature tends
t o produce larger sized pores but fewer numbers of pores in a unit area of
membrane. This aspect and the bulkiness in the direction of membrane
thickness are responsible for the decrease of the steady-state water flux
(after compaction occurred) with increasing pore size of the membranes.

I 5 -


32 33 34 35 36 37
( x104). *K-'

Fig. 5. Compacting factors of microporous polysulfone membranes as a function of tem-

perature of coagulation bath (water). Casting solution, 16% polymer in DMF.

The effect of casting thickness and the influence of polymer concentration

is summarized in Tables V and VI, respectively. These data compare mem-
branes that have varying amount of polymer, due to different casting thick-
ness in the former case and due t o different concentrations of casting solu-
tion in the latter case. The increasing amount of polymer, either due t o
larger casting thickness or due to higher polymer concentration in the cast-
ing solution, tends t o decrease the values of c / q 2 .
The larger casting thickness increases the pore size, whereas the higher
concentration decreases the pore size. This opposing trend may be due t o
higher viscosity of casting solution with higher concentration, which de-
creases the mobility of polymer and increases the resistance of solvent

Figure 6 shows the steady decrease of pore size with increasing conccntra-
tion of polymer in the casting solution. The compaction factor of mem-
branes is also influenccd by the concentration of polymer in the casting
solution, as shown in Figure 7. The compaction factor decreases with
increasing polymer concentration (increasing membrane thickness), which
is also opposite to the trend found with membrane cast a t various casting



'1 1

140415 2u
A 160713

0 9 M I L AT 0°C
0 5 M I L AT 12°C

14 16 18
Fig. 6. Dependence of mean pore size of microporous polysulfone membranes on the
polymer concentration of cast.ing solution (in DMF).

loo I
5 5 '

10 14 18 22 26 30 1
Fig. 7. Dependence of compaction factor of microporous polysulfone membrane on
polymer concentration of casting solution (in DMF). Casting thickness, 5 mils; coag-
ulation temperature, 12'C.

The influence of solvents in the coagulation bath is shown in Table VII.

With the presence of D M F in the coagulation bath, the pore size of a mem-
brane is slightly higher than that of a membrane coagulated in pure water
a t the same temperature. However, a significant increase in water flux
with minimized compaction factor results compared to membranes of com-
parable pore size that are coagulated in a bath without D M F a t different
temperature. The addition of methanol into the coagulation bath resulted
in much larger pore sizes.

Effect of Additives in Coagulating Bath on
Properties of Microporous Polysulfone Membranes"
Concentration, Pore size, pm Water flux,bgfd Compaction factor
pure water 0.025 133 3.6
D M F 0.2 0.035 170 8.1
D M F 1.0 0.045 222 5.0
MeOH 10.0 0.120 220 18.5
MeOH 20.0 0.100 275 9.0
a Series no. 160500.
b Steady-state water flux (after compaction).

Although considerable increase in the initial water flux of porous mem-

branes can be obtained by increasing the mean pore size, the high water
flux may not be utilized if the membrane is used under high pressure. The
difference among the steady-state water fluxes (after membranes have
compacted under 500 psi) is not as great as observed in the initial water
flux. This implies that, depending on the conditions in which a membrane
is used, the mean pore size should be cautiously interpreted. The pore size
of a membrane decreases after it is subjected t o hydraulic pressure of 500
psi. Some results of pore size decrease due to compaction are shown in
Table VIII.
These results may be qualitatively explained by the mechanism of co-
agulation process developed by s t ~ d i e sof~ 'Loeb-Sourirajan-type
~ cellulose
acetate membranes in which the rate of solvent removal and the rate of

Pore Size Change Due to Compaction of Microporous Polysulfone Membraness
Pore size, pm
Membrane series no. Before After
160713 0.06 0.02
160730 0.26 0.08
160740 0.50 0.16
160900 0.08 0.07
160912 0.10 0.07
A membrane was subjected t o water flux test under 500 psi for 24 hr.

water moving into a cast membrane play important roles. Factors that
increase the rate of water moving into a cast membrane will increase the
pore size. Water is a much stronger coagulating agent to polysulfone than
it is t o cellulose acetate, and the minimum pore size obt,ainable with co-
agulated polysulfone is consequently much larger than those with cellulose
acetate. Nevertheless, many factors influence the results in a similar
fashion, and the pore size can be controlled to tailor the properties of micro-
porous membranes.
These results indicate the following trends: pore size is increased by
(1) increasing casting thickness, (2) increasing temperature of coagulation
bath, and (3) decreasing concentration of polymer in the casting solution.
The effective porosity represented by r / q 2 increases with (1) decreasing
casting thickness, (2) decreasing temperature of coagulation bath, and (3)
decreasing concentration of polymer in the casting solution.
The water flux through the membrane is influenced by pore size, porosity,
and the membrane thickness and is not always proportional to the pore size.
The smaller compaction factor seems to be correlated to the smaller pore
size and the larger value of t/q2.
Porous polysulfone membranes which have high water flux, small com-
paction factor, and smaller pore size can be obtained by the combination of
(1) higher concentration of casting solution, (2) smaller casting thickness,
and (3) lower temperature of coagulation bath.
The method of pore size determination described in this paper provides a
very useful means of investigating properties of microporous membranes
and its application can be extended to wide varieties of porous polymer
membranes in different membrane forms such as tubular and hollow fiber
This study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Saline Water,
under Contract 14-30-3157. The authors’ special thanks are due Dr. A. Peterlin,
Director, Camille Dreyfus Laboratory, Research Triangle Institute, for his stimulating
discussion and creative criticism extended to this study.

1. H. Yasuda and C. E. Lamaze, J . Macromol. Sci.-Phys., B5(1), 111 (1971).
2. f.G. Carman, Flow of Gases Through POTOMMedia, Butterworth, London, 1956.
3.E. J. Hopfinger and M. Altman, J . Chem. Phys., 50,2417 (1969).
4.M. A. Frommer and D. Lancet, Reverse Osmosis Membrane Research, Plenum Press,
New York, 1971, pp. 85-110.
5. H. Strathman, P. Scheible, and R. W. Baker, J . Appl. Polym. Sci., 15,811, t971.

Received July 24, 1973

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