Choir Handbook
Choir Handbook
Choir Handbook
Warrenton High School
Table of Contents
Servant and master am I, servant of those dead, and master of those living.
Through me spirits immortal speak the messages that make the world weep,
and laugh, and wonder, and worship.
I tell the story of love, the story of hate, the story that saves, and the story that
I am close to the marriage altar, and when the graves open I stand nearby, I
am the instrument of God
I am Music
Why Choir?
In today’s society there is so much conversation about school curriculum and the use of
academic time. With an emphasis on “back to basics” it becomes increasingly more important
to focus on music as it relates to this ongoing educational discussion.
University studies show that music education instills students with responsibility, discipline,
maturing social skills, communication and analytical skills. Music students tend to possess the
qualities that employers consider essential. Simply put, learning to sing is a positive
preparation for life. Music appeals to part of the mind that opens new horizons. The study of
music supports wonderment, imagination, appreciation and sensitivity. This creativity leads to
an inventive thinking style allowing the individual greater personal choices.
Music is one of the few disciplines that require the individual to access both the cognitive
and affective sides of the mind. Critical assessment, the ability to conceptualize and respond to
any given situation, is the foundation of intelligence as it applies to living a full rich life, and
music is a pathway to this intellectual pattern.
The key to success is completion of the tasks at hand. Positive, productive living is based
on the establishment of habits of tenacity, personal persistence, and commitment. In music,
commitment is fundamental. It becomes a part of the musician’s personality and transfers to
every avenue of life. Participation at the level of excellence is not a personal preference in
music—it is a requisite. The musician quickly discovers that it is not the destination, but the
journey that counts. It is not the product, but the process. The joy of music generates further
growth and understanding of our very existence.
The Warrenton High School vocal music program is a unique organization whose purpose
these life expanding educational opportunities to students so they can further their skills and
nurture personal growth and self-appreciation through an array of musical activities and events,
while embracing all aspects of vocal music education (six curricular choirs plus VoiceMale,
voice lessons, musical, and numerous solo and ensemble opportunities).
“We must encourage our youngsters in such pursuits as music education. In addition to
learning the valuable lesson that it takes hard work to achieve success, no matter what the
arena, music education can provide students with a strong sense of determination, improved
communication skills, and a host of other qualities essential for successful living.”
“We cannot forget that music is an integral part of a student’s educational element. We
must insure that the present ‘back to basic’ mentality includes access to arts and music
education. As we push to increase high school graduation and college entrance requirements,
we must not ignore the cultural and artistic development of our students.”
Welcome to the pride, excitement and fun of the Warrenton High School
Both the choir member and his or her parents should read the following
pages. This Choral Handbook provides information regarding policies, rules,
co-curricular activities, grading policies, organizational structure, calendar,
voice lessons and other information necessary to give choir members and their
families a clear and concise picture of expectations and opportunities for each
WHS choir student.
Again we welcome you to the pride, excitement and fun of the Warrenton
High School Choir Program! May all of your experiences be musically satisfying,
personally meaningful, and a source of great pleasure and pride!
Jarrod Hendricks
Warrenton High School
Phone- 636-456-6902 x 2173
WHS Choir 2013-2014 Curricular Course Offerings
All students are auditioned and placed into performing groups that best fit
their individual needs. All curricular choirs meet daily for one class period
throughout the entire year (four quarters). The extracurricular choirs meet at
different times of the week before and/or after school.
Course Overview:
The Warrenton High School Choral Program is designed to fulfill the needs
of students who enjoy choral singing. The choirs will perform all styles of
choral literature from Renaissance to Contemporary periods. Emphasis will be
placed on solo and ensemble singing. The choirs will perform at festivals,
contests, concerts, and other school events.
Learning Outcomes:
To the student: Most of the progress and success that you will achieve
comes through your willingness to express yourself, your desire to be an
involved member, and your attention to details in the music and remarks given
by the director. To achieve a high degree of success, you must be willing to
work individually as well as within our performance groups, continually strive to
improve yourself as a member of the WHS choirs, and be proud of your
accomplishments. The WHS Choirs will maintain a reputation of performance
excellence through the outstanding work of our students. Talent is nice, but
hard work is better appreciated and rewarded.
Required Materials
Final Note: As you know, your grade depends on your daily attendance
and participation. Your inability to abstain from TALKING will be a negative
influence on your grade. Choir students are traditionally from the upper
25% of their class. You are BRIGHT, TALENTED, and VERY ACTIVE in all
school activities. However, NO STUDENT has the RIGHT TO DISTRACT this
class or any member of this class during the choir rehearsal. It is an
INFRINGEMENT on other students, on the director, on the process of
learning and on the enjoyment of music. NO ONE will be permitted to
interrupt the education of others!
Attendance at Concerts/Performances
You are ill the day of the performance and are absent from the majority of
the school day. To perform, you must attend at least a half day of
classes. If you must miss more than half a day, please call the office and
leave a note for me in advance to report your illness/absence.
A family emergency occurs. Please call the office.
Unexcused absences from performances will negatively effect the letter
grade in choir and may lead to loss of choir membership.
Student jobs or work conflicts are absolutely no excuses for missing a
concert/performance. A year long Choir Calendar appears in this
handbook. Read and share this calendar information with you parents,
employer, coaches, etc. And check for possible conflicts. In the event of a
conflict, COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY!! Talk to your choir director, we
support YOU! Every attempt will be made to be fair and understanding in
the event of unusual circumstances.
Written Work (10%): Being a well-rounded choral student means not only
learning how to sing effectively, but also developing a solid understanding
of musical concepts. WHS choir students will complete worksheets and
quizzes that help to reinforce these educational values. Occasionally, journal
and writing assignments will be assigned.
Concert Choir: Members of these three choirs will wear robes for all
performances. For both men and women, the color of preference is BLACK.
This means black pants, black shoes, and black socks for the men. For the
women, this will include flesh colored hose, black closed-toe character
shoes, plus a nice dress or skirt under the robe. Please note: You are
responsible for the robe and stole assigned to you. You will NOT change
robes during the year without permission from the Director. If your robe is
lost, stolen or damaged, you are expected to replace it at your own expense.
Exactly one week after every concert, you are expected to have hung up your
own robe in the robe room or the rack provided.
Choral Department Officers
Choir Officers will be selected or appointed the last week of the previous
school year from all choirs. These officers will have the opportunity to assist
and advise the choral director in various matters pertaining to the entire
President: The president is perhaps the most visible of all of the officers.
Therefore, this person must be a positive role model for all students in the
Program. Specific duties include, but are not limited to the following:
Daily announcements in Choir
Welcome/Introduction at each concert
Coordinate ushers on concert nights
Run the point of department bulletin boards
Monitor any volunteer activities throughout the year and take attendance
Represent the concerns and needs of your fellow choir members by being
an open and responsive leader
Be a visible assistance to any substitute
Historian: This person will continually take pictures and notes for a choral
archive that can be used for the end of the year video, as well as Newsletter
or press releases. Specific duties include, but are not limited to the
Have a camera at all choir-related event!
Communicate with Yearbook staff (Mrs. Hunter) regarding photos and
Create and maintain a Social Board which Features various events,
activities and accomplishments of choir students
Gather senior pictures from choir March 1
Gather baby pictures choir by April 1
Create the slide show for the Spring concert
Frame the senior picture poster for the wall at the end of the year
Social Chair: This person (s) will assist Vice President in organizing choir
related events throughout the year.
This includes back to school pool/BBQ
Annual Christmas Party
Choir Handbook Contract
By signing this document, I acknowledge that I have read the Choir Handbook
and understand the expectations, guidelines and requirements of the
course. I have also studied the calendar and am aware of my responsibilities
to are mandatory events, such as Winter Concert, Pre Contest Concert,
Spring Concert, Graduation, and any district festivals or performances that
are specific requirements of the choir in which I sing.
Student’s Printed Name
Student’s Signature
I have read the Choir Handbook and understand the requirements of the
course. I have studied the calendar.
Parent/Guardian Signature
All choir members have the opportunity to earn a letter in W choir program. This award is for
recognizing additional service and musical achievement, both in furthering the choir organization
and their own personal growth, throughout their participation in choir co-curricular activities, (co-
curricular: choir activities that take place outside of the curricular school day, but relate to the daily
choir class/curricular experiences). Points can be earned in a variety of co-curricular choir activities,
as listed below. These points accumulate until the student earns a letter. After a student earns their
letter, they start over at zero and begin working towards another letter in the fall. Students are
responsible for keeping any programs or other proof of concert attendance (counting towards a
Letter) to be turned in at the end of the year.
Name__________________________________ Grade_____ TOTAL ________
To earn a letter, a total of 500 points must be earned from any of the following:
1.) District Music Festival
I = 75 pts. ______
II = 50 pts. ______
III = 25pts. ______
3.) District Music Festival
I = 40 pts. ______
II = 25 pts. ______
III = 15 pts. ______
Subtotal points: _____
List Events where you have sung the National Anthem: (10 pts. total)
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Where________________ When________________
Miscellaneous: Check the job that you have assisted in to help out the WHS Choral
Department: (10 pts. each)
_______Computer Work