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Research Design

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Topic – Research Design – Concept, Need, Advantages, Importance &

Features of Good Research Design

The research design is an overall formulation of a research problem. It refers to the overall
strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and
logical way. It is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research. In simple words it is
the general plan of how you will go about your research. According to Smith (1976) – “A
design is a carefully arranged scheme regarding how to conduct an experiment. The design of
an experiment refers to the selection and arrangement of conditions”. According to Kerlinger
– “Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to
obtain answers to research questions and to control variance”. The design of a study defines
the study type (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-
analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive - longitudinal case study), research question,
hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design, and, if applicable,
data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. A research design will typically
include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments
will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected. A research design is a
systematic plan to study a scientific problem. A research design is the arrangement of
conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to
the research purpose with economy in Procedure. The research design is a comprehensive
master plan of the research study to be undertaken, giving a general statement of the methods
to be used.
 Need for Research Design
Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research
operations. It makes the research as efficient as possible by giving maximum information
with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. For construction of a house, we need to
have a proper blueprint prepared by an expert architect. Similarly, we need a proper research
design or plan prior to data collection and analysis of our research project. Preparation of
research design should be done carefully as even a minute error might ruin the purpose of the
entire project. The design helps the researcher to organize his/her ideas, which helps to
identify and correct his/her flaws, if any. In a good research design, all the components with
each other or go together with each other in a coherent manner. The theoretical and
conceptual framework must with the research goals and purposes. Likewise, the data
collection strategy must fit with the research purposes, conceptual and theoretical framework
and approach to data analysis.
In short, the need for research design is as follows –
 Provides firm foundation to the endeavour.
 It reduces inaccuracy.
 Helps to get maximum efficiency and reliability.
 Eliminates bias and marginal errors.
 Minimizes wastage of time.
 Reduce uncertainty, confusion and practical haphazard related to any research
 Helpful for collecting research materials.
 Helpful for testing of hypothesis.
 Gives an idea regarding the type of resources required in terms of money, manpower,
time, and efforts.
 Provides an overview to other experts.
 Guides the research in the right direction.
 Smooth & efficient sailing (sets boundaries & helps prevent blind search).

 Advantages of Research Design

Helps researcher to prepare himself/herself to carry out research in a proper and a
systematic way.
 Ensures project time schedule.
 Consumes less time.
 Better documentation of the various activities while the project work is going on.
 Provides satisfaction and confidence, accompanied with a sense of success from the
beginning of the work of the research project.
 Helps in proper planning of the resources and their procurement in right time. Hence,
a research design is the outline, plan, or strategy that you are going to use to obtain an
answer to your research question.

 Importance of Research Design

The importance of research design lies in the fact that it makes a statement of what is
to be done in order to achieve the research objectives and how it is to be done. It
furnishes the minimum information required for planning the research project. It is an
expression of what is expected of the research exercise in terms of results and the
analytical input needed to convert data into research findings. The research design
furnishes a clear idea as to the activities that would need to be undertaken in order to
achieve the research objective. It enables the researcher to have a frame of reference
and prevent the study from deviating. The research design helps in providing direction
to the computation and interpretation process to arrive at solution and

 Features of Good Research Design

There are following feature of good research design. Which are as follows.
1.Research Design should clarify the Particular research problem.
2.It Provides guideline for specific method of data collection & Analysis.
3.Research Design should be Flexible, efficient & Economical in nature.
4.Research Design minimises Biasness of Study.
5.Research Design must support reliability of data.
 Process of Research Design

The stages in the process of research design are interactive in nature and often
occur at the same time. Designing of research study follows given process.
Steps in research design :

Step 1: Defining Research Problem :

The definition of research problem is the foremost and important part of a
research design process. Defining the research problem includes supplying the
information that is required by the management. Without defining the research
problem appropriately, it is not possible for the researcher to conclude the
accurate, results. While defining research problem, the researchers first analyse
the problems or opportunities in management, then they analyse the situation.
The purpose of clarifying the research problem is to make sure that the area of
concern for research is properly reflected and management decision is correctly
described. After situation analysis, they develop a model for research which
helps in the next step which is specification of information.
Step 2: Assess the Value of Information :
When a research problem is approached, it is usually based on some
information. These data are obtained from past experiences as well as other
sources. On the basis of this information, some preliminary judgement are made
regarding the research problem. There is always a need for additional
information which is available without additional cost and delay but waiting and
paying for the valuable information is quite difficult.
For example, a car manufacturing industry may be concerned about decrease in
the sale of a particular model. A researcher will look for the solutions by
analyzing various aspects.
For this, the researcher has to continuously collect a lot of information and
needs to evaluate them by understanding their value and filtering out useless

Step 3: Select the Approach for Data Collection :

For any type of research, a researcher needs data. Once, it is identified that
which kind of information is required for conducting the research, the
researchers proceed towards collecting the data. The data can be collected using
secondary or primary sources.
Secondary data is the previous collected information for some other purpose,
while the primary data is collected by the researcher especially for the research

Step 4: Select the Measurement Technique :

After collecting data, the measurement technique for the collected data is
selected. The major measurement techniques used in research are as follows :

i) Questionnaire :
Questionnaire is a formal structure which contains questions to collect the
information from the respondents regarding his attitude, beliefs, behavior,
knowledge, etc.

ii) Attitude Scales :

Attitude scales are used to extract the beliefs and feelings of the respondents
regarding an object or issue.
iii) Observation :
It is the monitoring of behaviors and psychological changes of the respondents.
It is widely used in research.

iv) Projective Techniques and Depth Interview :

Sometimes direct questions are not sufficient to get true responses from the
individuals, that is why. different approaches like depth interviews
and projective techniques are used. These techniques allow the respondents to
give their responses without any fear. Researcher neither disagrees nor gives
advice in these techniques.

Step 5: Sample Selection :

Once, the measurement technique has been selected, the next step is selecting
the sample to conduct the research. The researchers in this stage select a sample
out of the total population instead of considering the population as a
whole. Sample can be selected by using two techniques, i.e., random sampling
techniques, and non-random sampling techniques.

Step 6: Selecting Model of Analysis :

Researchers select the model of analysis or technique of data analysis, before
collecting data. After this, researchers evaluate the techniques using
hypothetical values to ensure that the measurement technique would provide the
desired outcome regarding the research problem.

Step 7: Evaluate the Ethics of Research :

While conducting research, it becomes very much necessary for the researcher
to follow ethical practices. The researches which are conducted ethically draws
interests of general public, respondents, clients and other research
professionals. Hence, it becomes the duty of the researcher to evaluate the
practices in research, to avoid any biasness on behalf of the observer and
researcher as well.

Step 8: Estimate Time and Financial Requirements :

This step is one of the most important steps in designing research. Here,
researchers use different methods like Critical Path Method (CPM) and
Programme Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) to design the plan as well as
control process and to determine the resources required.
A flowchart of these activities along with their approximate time is prepared for
visual assessment of the research process. With the help of this chart, the
researcher can find out the sequence of activities to be taken.

Step 9: Prepare the Research Proposal :

The final step in the process of research design is preparing the research
proposal. A research proposal or the research design is prepared the operation
and control of research. An effective research proposal is prepared before actual
conduction of the research.

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