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Lecture01 IntroductionToComputerProgramming

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Introduction to

Computer Programming 1

CCC101 - Computer Programming 1
Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor

Department of Computer Science

College of Computer Studies
MSU - Iligan Institute of Technology
‣ Identify the different components of a computer

‣ Know about programming languages and their


‣ Understand syntax and semantics

‣ Understand Software Development Method and

apply it in problem solving

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‣ an electronic, programmable device that can store, retrieve, and
manipulate data

Major Components

1. Hardware

‣ tangible part of the computer

‣ composed of electronic and mechanical parts

2. Software

‣ intangible part of the computer

‣ consists data and computer programs

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1. Hardware
- Main Memory

- Secondary Memory

- Central Processing Unit

- Input Devices

- Output Devices

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‣ where data and instructions needed by the CPU to
perform are stored

Main Memory

‣ used to hold programs and data that the processor

is actively working on

Secondary Memory

‣ used to hold programs and data for long term use

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6 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CSC100 / Lecture 01

Anatomy of Memory
Memory Cell

‣ an individual storage location in the


Address of a memory cell

‣ the relative position of a memory cell in the

computer’s main memory

Contents of a memory cell

‣ the information stored in a memory cell,

either a program instruction or data

7 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

How is data stored in the memory?

‣ short for Binary Digit

‣ either a 0 or a 1

‣ smallest element a computer can deal with

‣ by grouping them together large range of values can be


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How is data stored in the memory?

‣ the amount of storage required to store a single character

‣ there are 8 bits to a byte

‣ capable of representing 28 = 256 different values

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Central Processing Unit (CPU)
‣ coordinate all computer operations

‣ perform arithmetic and logical operations on data

retrieve instruction from the main memory


execute decode
carry out the instruction determine what the instruction is

10 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Central Processing Unit (CPU)
3.6 GHz AMD A8-7670K Quad-Core Processor

‣ can execute approximately

3.6 billions of instructions
per second
4 GHz Intel® Core™ i7-6700K Quad-Core Processor
‣ able to produce complex
behavior at a speed
almost instantaneous to
human user

11 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CSC100 / Lecture 01

I/O Devices
‣ allows a computer system to interact with the outside world by
moving data in and out of the system

Input Device

‣ peripheral devices used to enter information for computation

e.g keyboard, mice, microphone

Output Device

‣ peripheral devices that receives data from the computer used for
observing the results of computation

e.g. monitor, printer, speaker

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2. Software
‣ programs used by a computer to operate


‣ collection of instructions that makes a computer

perform a speci c task when executed

‣ list of instructions that tell a computer what to do

13 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Software Categories
Applications Software

‣ programs that assist a computer user in accomplishing speci c tasks

e.g. Microsoft Word, Google Chrome, Steam

Systems Software

‣ programs that are needed to keep all the hardware and applications software running
together smoothly

‣ interface between the hardware and the user applications

e.g. Operating systems like Windows, Linux, MacOS


‣ translates a high-level computer program into machine language

e.g. GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

14 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Computer Languages
Machine Language

‣ language directly understood by a computer

‣ collection of binary numbers understood by a speci c CPU

Programming Language

‣ standardized communication technique for expressing

instructions to a computer

‣ like human languages each has it’s own syntax and grammar

15 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Programming Language Categories
Assembly Language

‣ mnemonic codes that correspond to machine language instructions

‣ computer operations are represented by mnemonic codes rather than

binary numbers and variables can be given names rather than binary
memory addresses

High-level Language

‣ used to write programs that are independent of the CPU on which they will
be executed

‣ combine algebraic expressions and English symbols

‣ is not directly understood by a computer

16 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Syntax and Semantics

‣ rules of a speci c programming language

‣ it de nes how we can put together symbols, reserved words

and identi ers to make a valid program


‣ refers to the meaning of a program statement and its purpose

and role in a program

17 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

Syntax and Semantics
Keep in mind,

✓ A program that is syntactically correct is NOT

necessarily semantically correct

✓ A program will always do what we tell it to do,

NOT what we meant to tell it to do

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and Running
a High-level

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Software Development Method
‣ also referred to as the Program Development Lifecycle

‣ basic steps in trying to solve a problem on a computer


1. Problem De nition

2. Problem Analysis

3. Algorithm Design and Representation

4. Coding and Debugging

20 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

1. Problem De nition
‣ a clearly de ned problem is already half the

‣ computer programming requires us to de ne the

problem rst before we even try to create a solution


“Create a program that will determine the number of

times a name occurs in a list.”

21 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

2. Problem Analysis
‣ involves breaking up the problem into smaller and simpler

‣ read the problem statement carefully to obtain a clear idea of

the problem and to determine the inputs and outputs

1. identify the data you have to work with - inputs

2. identify the desired results - outputs

3. develop a list of formulas to specify the relationships between

the inputs and outputs

22 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

2. Problem Analysis
“Create a program that will determine the number of times a
name occurs in a list.”

1. Input to the program

‣ list of names

‣ name to look for

2. Output of the program

‣ the number of times the name occurs in a list

23 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

3. Algorithm Design and Representation

‣ list of steps for solving a problem

‣ a clear unambiguous speci cation of the steps needed to solve a problem

‣ is a well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable

operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts in a nite amount of

‣ it may be expressed using either of the following:

‣ Human Language (English, Tagalog, etc.)

‣ Graphical Representations ( owchart)

‣ Pseudocode which is a cross between human language and a programming

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3. Algorithm Design and Representation
Algorithm using a Human Language:

1. Get the list of names, let's call this nameList

2. Get the name to look for, let's call this the keyName
3. Compare the keyName to each of the names in nameList
4. If the keyName is the same with a name in the list, add 1 to
the count
5. If all the names have been compared, output count

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3. Algorithm Design and Representation
Algorithm using a Graphical Representation:

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3. Algorithm Design and Representation
Algorithm using a Pseudocode:

Let nameList = List of Names

Let keyName = the name to be sought
Let Count = 0
For each name in NameList do the following
if name == keyName
Count = Count + 1
Display Count

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4. Coding and Debugging
‣ After constructing the algorithm, it is now possible
to create the source code. Using the algorithm as
basis, the source code can now be written using
the chosen programming language.


‣ The process of xing errors (bugs) in your program

28 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

4. Coding and Debugging
Types of Errors

Syntax Error / Compile-time Error

‣ occur if there is syntax error in the code

‣ the compiler will detect the error and the program won’t compile

‣ the programmer won’t be able to form an executable program that a user can’t run until
the error is xed

Runtime Errors

‣ displayed during the execution of the program

‣ occurs when the program directs the computer to perform an illegal operation e.g
division by zero

Logic Error

‣ caused by following an incorrect/faulty algorithm

29 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

‣ Learning how to program takes time

‣ It requires you to THINK

‣ It requires a lot of PRACTICE

‣ It requires a lot of PATIENCE

‣ One cannot learn to program just by reading a


30 Jennifer Joyce M. Montemayor / CCC101 / Lecture 01

The programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the
future. You’re going to look like you have magic powers
compared to everybody else.

Gabe Newell
Founder and President, Valve

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