Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Educat
Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Educat
Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Educat
ABSTRACT: Essentially, technology can make things easier for humans to do. Government agencies, companies, and other
institutions use technology, including educational institutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the technologies that has
been widely discussed so far, the metaverse, emerged. The metaverse has great potential in the field of education. By leveraging
the metaverse, educational institutions can create virtual environments that include elements such as Augmented Reality and
Virtual Reality. In Indonesia, the metaverse concept and its application in education are still in the development and exploration
stages. Metaverse can be used as a platform for holding lectures and teaching virtually. The application of the metaverse in higher
education is still being developed and researched to better understand the potential and associated challenges. However, with
the development of technology that continues to develop, the metaverse can be an innovative way to enhance the learning
experience. The method used in this study was a qualitative method based on a literature review. Articles were obtained from
Google Scholar or Harzing's Publish or Perish application. The process of searching for articles used the keywords "metaverse",
"metaverse education", and "metaverse in higher education". There were 15 scientific articles obtained from various national
journals, spanning 2020-2023. The obtained articles were then analyzed using the Bibliometric method. The bibliometric method
can assist researchers to better understand the contents of the bibliography, as well as the directions and trends discussed in each
article that has been collected.
Advances in technology today are inextricably linked to people's lives. We now have access to information from all over the world
as a result of technological advancements (globalization). If the saying "the world is bigger than your backyard" was once true, it
should now be changed to "the world is not bigger than your backyard" because fast access to information in various parts of the
world makes this world seem narrower. Now we can see what is happening in America, for example, even though we are in
Indonesia (Wahyudi & Sukmasari, 2018).
Technological progress is currently very fast and rapid, including in Indonesia. The existence of technology can essentially make
it easier for humans to do something. Government agencies, companies, and other institutions use technology, including in
educational institutions. Several years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on various fields in Indonesia,
particularly the education sector. Educational institutions must be encouraged to use technology for distance learning. Schools
and colleges are adopting digital platforms, applications, and other software to support online learning. During the COVID-19
pandemic, one of the technologies that has been widely discussed so far, the metaverse, emerged. The term metaverse has gained
popularity in recent years as major technology companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, as well as game developers,
have expressed interest in the concept.
The metaverse, first described in author Neal Stephenson's novel "Snow Crash" in 1992, has become a concept used to describe
3D (three-dimensional), VWs (virtual worlds) in which people interact with each other and their environment without the physical
limitations of the real world (Narin, 2021). Users in the metaverse can engage in a variety of activities such as gaming, social
interaction, shopping, working, attending events, and so on. Metaverse environments are frequently set up as 3D worlds with
landscapes, buildings, objects, and other virtual entities. Metaverse has great potential in the field of education.
Identification of problems
Literature Review
Research Objectives
Data Collection
Data Interpretation
Figure 1. Stages of the Qualitative Method (Fadli, 2021)
The results of the 15 articles demonstrate that the use of metaverse has significant benefits and potential in education, and can
significantly increase educational progress. However, digitalization is required for education to be able to adapt to technological
advances and meet changing demands.
As can be seen in Figure 1, the trend of research on the metaverse in education is illustrated based on articles from 2020-2023.
The figure shows that much research has been conducted on education in the context of the metaverse and its relationship with
technology-based learning. It is hoped that this will have a positive effect on educational quality in the future.
Based on the analysis of the research results regarding the metaverse in education, it is concluded that the application of the
metaverse in education in Indonesia has great opportunities and potential to support the learning process. Although the concept
of the metaverse and its application in education is still being developed and explored in Indonesia, technological advancements
and growing interest in innovative learning approaches indicate that the metaverse has promising potential in the future. To
improve the quality of education through the metaverse, we must conduct extensive research on the metaverse, including
developing human resources, adequate infrastructure and access, and collaboration between educational institutions and industry
partners in developing the use of the metaverse in education. Furthermore, digitization is required so that education can adapt to
technological advances and meet the changing demands of the times.
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