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Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Educat

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ISSN(print): 2643-9840, ISSN(online): 2643-9875

Volume 06 Issue 07 July 2023
DOI: 10.47191/ijmra/v6-i7-20, Impact Factor: 7.022
Page No. 2987-2993

Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through

the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning Quality
Slamet Panuntun1, Yoannes Romando Sipayung 2
Islamic Education, STAI Walisembilan of Semarang, Ki Mangunsarkoro Street No. 17, Semarang, Central
Java, Indonesia
S1 Informatics Engineering, Ngudi Waluyo University, Diponegoro Street No. 186, Ngablak, Gedanganak,
East Ungaran District, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Essentially, technology can make things easier for humans to do. Government agencies, companies, and other
institutions use technology, including educational institutions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the technologies that has
been widely discussed so far, the metaverse, emerged. The metaverse has great potential in the field of education. By leveraging
the metaverse, educational institutions can create virtual environments that include elements such as Augmented Reality and
Virtual Reality. In Indonesia, the metaverse concept and its application in education are still in the development and exploration
stages. Metaverse can be used as a platform for holding lectures and teaching virtually. The application of the metaverse in higher
education is still being developed and researched to better understand the potential and associated challenges. However, with
the development of technology that continues to develop, the metaverse can be an innovative way to enhance the learning
experience. The method used in this study was a qualitative method based on a literature review. Articles were obtained from
Google Scholar or Harzing's Publish or Perish application. The process of searching for articles used the keywords "metaverse",
"metaverse education", and "metaverse in higher education". There were 15 scientific articles obtained from various national
journals, spanning 2020-2023. The obtained articles were then analyzed using the Bibliometric method. The bibliometric method
can assist researchers to better understand the contents of the bibliography, as well as the directions and trends discussed in each
article that has been collected.

KEYWORDS: Metaverse, Education, Higher Education

Advances in technology today are inextricably linked to people's lives. We now have access to information from all over the world
as a result of technological advancements (globalization). If the saying "the world is bigger than your backyard" was once true, it
should now be changed to "the world is not bigger than your backyard" because fast access to information in various parts of the
world makes this world seem narrower. Now we can see what is happening in America, for example, even though we are in
Indonesia (Wahyudi & Sukmasari, 2018).
Technological progress is currently very fast and rapid, including in Indonesia. The existence of technology can essentially make
it easier for humans to do something. Government agencies, companies, and other institutions use technology, including in
educational institutions. Several years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on various fields in Indonesia,
particularly the education sector. Educational institutions must be encouraged to use technology for distance learning. Schools
and colleges are adopting digital platforms, applications, and other software to support online learning. During the COVID-19
pandemic, one of the technologies that has been widely discussed so far, the metaverse, emerged. The term metaverse has gained
popularity in recent years as major technology companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, as well as game developers,
have expressed interest in the concept.
The metaverse, first described in author Neal Stephenson's novel "Snow Crash" in 1992, has become a concept used to describe
3D (three-dimensional), VWs (virtual worlds) in which people interact with each other and their environment without the physical
limitations of the real world (Narin, 2021). Users in the metaverse can engage in a variety of activities such as gaming, social
interaction, shopping, working, attending events, and so on. Metaverse environments are frequently set up as 3D worlds with
landscapes, buildings, objects, and other virtual entities. Metaverse has great potential in the field of education.

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Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning
The Metaverse allows educational institutions to create a virtual replica of a school or campus. In this way, students, teachers,
and employees can communicate and interact as quickly as if they were in the same room, using video calls or video conferencing
(Contreras et al., 2022). The use of metaverse in education can result in rich, interactive learning experiences. By leveraging the
metaverse, educational institutions can create virtual environments that include elements such as Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality.In Indonesia, the metaverse concept and its application in education are still in the development and exploration stages.
Although there have been several attempts to utilize virtual and Augmented Reality technologies in learning, the use of metaverse
is still limited. However, with the advancement of technology and the growing interest in innovative learning approaches, the
metaverse could be of great potential in the future. Several educational institutions in Indonesia are starting to explore the use of
the metaverse as a means to create a more interactive learning experience. Application in tertiary education is currently in the
early stages of exploration but has shown promising potential. Metaverse can be used as a platform for holding lectures and
teaching virtually. Not only that but metaverse can also be used to create virtual laboratory rooms and simulations in a variety of
educational settings. Students, for example, in a virtual medical science simulation, can practice medical diagnoses and procedures
in a safe and controlled environment.
The metaverse era raises various challenges to the implementation of the education system in higher education. Generation Z
is familiar with the principles of the metaverse. They are proficient in using and utilizing technology, so they are prepared to carry
out learning activities or lectures using technologically advanced online systems. The metaverse, which is borderless or unlimited
space, poses significant challenges that must be addressed. Some of the challenges of the metaverse era, including the presence
of users as individuals in society in the virtual world are represented by avatars. Individuals are busy monitoring avatar activity all
the time and reducing activity in the real world (Dr. Argyo Demartoto, 202 C.E.).
The application of the metaverse in higher education is currently still being developed and further explored to understand the
potential and associated challenges. However, with the advancement of technology that continues to develop, the metaverse can
be an innovative way to enhance the learning experience. To improve the quality of education through the metaverse, it is
important for us to study the metaverse in depth. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, the use of metaverse-based education is still not
popular. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the suitability of using metaverse in the context of learning in universities. In
addition, this study aimed to provide broader insights into the potential use of the metaverse in creating innovative future


The method used in this study was a qualitative method based on a literature review. According to Walidin, a qualitative method
is a process method for understanding human or social phenomena by developing a comprehensive and complex picture that can
be presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained from informant sources, and carrying out the research in a natural
setting (Fadli, 2021). Meanwhile, the literature review includes descriptions of theories, results, and other research literature
obtained from references used as the foundation for research activities, literature reviews are derived from journals, articles, or
other publications that contain the same topic as raised by the researcher, in order to produce a new piece of writing relating to
a particular topic (Bojonegoro, 2022). As a result, articles were obtained via Google Scholar or Harzing's Publish or Perish
application. The process of looking for articles used the keywords "metaverse", "metaverse education", and "metaverse in higher

Identification of problems

Literature Review

Research Objectives

Data Collection

Data Interpretation

Figure 1. Stages of the Qualitative Method (Fadli, 2021)

IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 07 July 2023 www.ijmra.in Page 2988

Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning
There were 15 scientific articles obtained from various national journals, spanning 2020-2023. The obtained articles were then
analyzed using the Bibliometric method. Bibliometrics is defined as being able to measure or analyze books/literature using a
mathematical and statistical approach (Royani & Idhani, 2018). The Bibliometric method may assist researchers study the contents
of the bibliography, knowing the directions and trends being discussed from each article collected between 2020 and 2023. The
15 articles that have been examined are listed below:

Table 1. Article Review Results

No. Title Review Results
1. Analysis of Potential Implementation This article discussed the potential implementation of metaverse technology
of Metaverse in Interactive as an interactive educational medium, employing a descriptive study method
Educational Media (Analisis Potensi with a literature research approach and analyzing metaverse based on AR and
Implementasi Metaverse pada Media VR from a design standpoint. This article also explored how the metaverse
Edukasi Interaktif) (Akbar Endarto & works, the benefits of using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Martadi, 2022) in education, and the challenges and risks associated with metaverse
technology. The conclusion is that while metaverse technology has great
potential as an interactive educational medium, adequate infrastructure,
training, and regulation are required to reduce risk and ensure equal access.
2. Analysis of the Use of Metaverse This article discussed the use of metaverse technology in the learning process
Technology on Memory Formation in and its potential impact on memory formation in students. This article
the Learning Process (Analisis analyzed the effectiveness of the metaverse in memory formation based on
Penggunaan Teknologi Metaverse Aristotle's law of association and highlights the benefits and risks of using this
terhadap Pembentukan Memori pada technology in education. While the potential of metaverse technology for
Proses Belajar) (Mulati, 2022) memory formation in learning is promising, this article also emphasized the
importance of control and digital literacy in ensuring responsible use.
3. Analysis of Metaverse Potential in the This article discussed the use of bibliometric analysis to identify trends and
Education Sector in Indonesia (Analisis patterns in the growth of scientific research on the metaverse of education.
Potensi Metaverse pada Dunia The analysis revealed that the metaverse of education has been actively
Pendidikan di Indonesia) (Setiawan, debated by researchers in the last two years. This article also highlighted the
2022) advantages and potential challenges of implementing metaverse technology
in education. The conclusion suggested that further research is required to
thoroughly examine the metaverse potential in education in Indonesia.
4. From Immersive to Metaverse: This article discussed the analysis of the gap between immersive technology
Learning and Technology Gaps in implementation and mature metaverse in agricultural education. It
Application in Agricultural Education concluded that most of the learning content and technology design elements
(Dari Immersive ke Metaverse: of the metaverse have not been fully utilized. There are many
Kesenjangan Pembelajaran dan implementation gaps between the current implementation of the mature
Teknologi dalam Penerapan di metaverse. In addition, the education of the mature metaverse is complex
Pendidikan Bidang Pertanian) and expensive. This study suggested careful long-term planning and identifies
(Asfarian et al., n.d., 2022) use cases for metaverse implementation in education. The authors
encourage more research into the metaverse's potential for agricultural
5. Readiness and Impact of Using This article discussed the impact of technology, particularly the metaverse,
Metaverse Technology in Education on education in Indonesia. This article emphasized the importance of quality
(Kesiapan dan Dampak Penggunaan education and the challenges faced by educators in adapting to technological
Teknologi Metaverse dalam advances. It also highlighted the significance of positive thinking and
Pendidikan) (Salim et al., 2023) understanding change in effectively utilizing technology. This article
concluded that metaverse technology has enormous potential in education,
with the potential to increase motivation and expand traditional teaching

IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 07 July 2023 www.ijmra.in Page 2989

Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning
6. Metaverse Potential and This article discussed the metaverse's potential and opportunities in
Opportunities in the Education Sector education. Metaverse is a cutting-edge three-dimensional space technology
(Potensi dan Peluang Metaverse that combines the real world and a sophisticated digital world. This article
Dalam Dunia Pendidikan) (Bonafix & examined the challenges and impact of the metaverse in education, as well
Nediari, 2022) as how it can address emerging limitations in online learning. Although it has
many advantages, the metaverse also has challenges such as freedom and
students' readiness to enter the world of the metaverse. This article also
emphasized the importance of collaborating between technology and
educational research in order to create an effective and innovative metaverse
educational platform.
7. Metaverse: Learning Media in Society This article discussed the use of the metaverse as a learning medium in the
5.0 Era to Improve Education Quality era of Society 5.0 in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
(Metaverse: Media Pembelajaran di Metaverse can be used in the skills-learning process to improve the quality of
Era Society 5.0 untuk Meningkatkan education in Indonesia. This article examined various aspects of using
Kualitas Pendidikan) (Pangestu & metaverse and other technologies in education, including strategies for
Rahmi, 2022) preparing students for Society 5.0, the use of virtual reality in online learning,
the potential of the metaverse in education, game-based learning with
artificial intelligence and immersive technology, and the development of
educational applications using augmented reality. This article also
emphasized the possibilities and limitations of using metaverse in education,
as well as the need for teachers to develop their competency in using this
8. Metaverse and Learning the History of This article discussed the application of metaverse technology, particularly
Islamic Culture In Madrasah: augmented reality (AR), in teaching Islamic culture and civilization in
Challenges And Opportunities madrasah. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the metaverse
(Metaverse dan pembelajaran sejarah in teaching SKI and identify challenges and opportunities for teaching SKI in
kebudayaan Islam di madrasah: the metaverse era. The results revealed that using AR technology to teach SKI
tantangan dan peluang) (Fauzian, benefits students by improving education quality, student motivation, and
2022) media literacy. However, limited access to technology is a challenge. This
article argued that digitalization is required for education to be able to adapt
to technological advances and meet changing demands.
9. Metaverse: Challenges and This article discussed the challenges and opportunities of the metaverse in
Opportunities in Education education, as well as how this technology is applied in education. Metaverse
(Metaverse: Tantangan dan Peluang is considered to be capable of overcoming educational limitations, such as
dalam Pendidikan) (Indarta et al., limited class capacity due to the pandemic, limited distance and time to enter
2022) class, and others. This article also discussed the benefits and risks of using
metaverse in education, as well as the importance of integrating game-based
learning and artificial intelligence with metaverse technologies to enhance
cognitive and social skills in education. Meanwhile, there are some challenges
that need to be overcome. Metaverse has the potential to improve the
learning experience and educational quality in the future.
10. Transformation of the Madrasah This article discussed the transformation of the Madrasah education system
Education System in the Metaverse into a metaverse discourse in the future, the challenges faced, and the
Discourse on the Indonesian Ministry fundamental factors that make the metaverse discourse exist in Madrasah
of Religion Program (Transformasi education. This article also discussed MadrasahLand as an innovation
Sistem Pendidikan Madrasah dalam platform resulting from the transformation of the Madrasah education
Wacana Metaverse pada Program system into the metaverse. However, there are still a number of obstacles
Kemenag RI) (Putri, 2022) impeding its progress. This article also discussed the advantages and
disadvantages of using metaverse technology in education, as well as the
creation of MadrasahLand, a virtual platform for Madrasah education.

IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 07 July 2023 www.ijmra.in Page 2990

Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning
11. Metaverse as an Effort to Face This article investigated the potential of the metaverse in education as a
Educational Challenges in the Future means of addressing future challenges. The metaverse is a virtual world in
(Metaverse Sebagai Upaya which users interact through digital avatars. This article described the
Menghadapi Tantangan Pendidikan di metaverse concept and its potential applications in education, as well as the
Masa Depan) (Ujang Cepi Barlian, advantages and challenges of using it. This article also emphasized the
Nana Ismelani, 2022) importance of incorporating technological advancements into education in
order to remain globally competitive.
12. Utilization of the Metaverse in This article discussed the metaverse concept and its educational potential, as
Education (Pemanfaatan Metaverse di well as its limitations. This article also discussed four different metaverse
Bidang Pendidikan) (Iswanto et al., categories, including augmented reality, lifelogging, mirror world, and virtual
2022) reality, as well as their implications for education. While the metaverse has
the potential to revolutionize education and social communication, there are
also privacy and data protection concerns that must be addressed. This article
also analyzed the educational and entertainment applications of metaverse
technology, as well as privacy and security concerns.
13. Empowerment of Metaverse This article discussed the potential of metaverse technology in increasing the
Technology for the Sustainability of the sustainability of education in Indonesia. Metaverse is a 3D virtual world that
Education Sector (Pemberdayaan makes use of augmented reality, virtual reality, and video technologies.
Teknologi Metaverse Bagi However, the implementation of metaverse-based education still faces many
Kelangsungan Dunia Pendidikan) challenges such as limited infrastructure and technology. This article also
(Sultan & Tirtayasa, 2022) analyzed the challenges and limitations of the metaverse, as well as the
potential use of augmented reality in education. Nonetheless, if used
properly, the metaverse has the potential to significantly advance education.
14. Implementation of Tri Kaya This article discussed the implementation of Tri Kaya Parisudha's teachings in
Parisudha's Teachings in Character character education for the metaverse generation. This article emphasized
Education in the Metaverse the importance of character education in facing the challenges of the
Generation (Implementasi Ajaran Tri metaverse era and the role of schools and teachers in shaping individual
Kaya Parisudha dalam Pendidikan character. The concept of Tri Kaya Parisudha in Hinduism is also explained as
Karakter pada Generasi Metaverse) a guide for good behavior and character building. This article also examined
(Mustofa & Novianto, 2022) the rejection of the Hajj Metaverse by the Indonesian Ulema Council and the
implementation of character education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Hindu
15. Metaverse: Upcoming Education This article explored the metaverse concept in education and its potential to
Concepts (Metaverse: Konsep overcome the limitations of traditional online learning. This article employed
Pendidikan yang Akan Datang) (Aripidi qualitative methods with a literature review to gather data from various
et al., 2022) sources. The results revealed that the metaverse evolves over time and can
be utilized to make online learning more interactive and flexible. This article
also examined the history of online education and the impact of the COVID-
19 pandemic on the education system. This article concluded that the
metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education and create new
opportunities for learning. However, while the metaverse has many
educational benefits, it should be viewed as an additional tool rather than a
substitute for traditional learning.

The results of the 15 articles demonstrate that the use of metaverse has significant benefits and potential in education, and can
significantly increase educational progress. However, digitalization is required for education to be able to adapt to technological
advances and meet changing demands.
As can be seen in Figure 1, the trend of research on the metaverse in education is illustrated based on articles from 2020-2023.
The figure shows that much research has been conducted on education in the context of the metaverse and its relationship with
technology-based learning. It is hoped that this will have a positive effect on educational quality in the future.

IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 07 July 2023 www.ijmra.in Page 2991

Transforming Education in Indonesian Higher Education Through the use of Metaverse to Improve Learning

Figure 1. Visualization of Metaverse Trends in Education

Based on the analysis of the research results regarding the metaverse in education, it is concluded that the application of the
metaverse in education in Indonesia has great opportunities and potential to support the learning process. Although the concept
of the metaverse and its application in education is still being developed and explored in Indonesia, technological advancements
and growing interest in innovative learning approaches indicate that the metaverse has promising potential in the future. To
improve the quality of education through the metaverse, we must conduct extensive research on the metaverse, including
developing human resources, adequate infrastructure and access, and collaboration between educational institutions and industry
partners in developing the use of the metaverse in education. Furthermore, digitization is required so that education can adapt to
technological advances and meet the changing demands of the times.

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