Apollo Tyres Ltd.
Apollo Tyres Ltd.
Apollo Tyres Ltd.
20 22-23
Consolidated Statement
for the year ended March 31, 2023
of Profit and Loss
For the year ended For the year ended
March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022
Revenue from operations
Sole of products C27 241,223.24 205,808.14
Other operating income B24 4,458.06 3.667.64
245,681.30 209.475.78
2. Other income B25 410.92 1,234.81
3. Total income (1+2) 246,09222 210,710.59
4. Expenses
(a) Cost of materials consumed B26A 122,619.59 109,554.29
(b) Purchase of stock-in-trade B268 26,782.74 22,060.30
(c) Chonges in inventories of inished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in (3,031.77) (7,759.56)
(d) Employee beneits expense B26C 26,199.21 25,742.37
R27 5,312.35 4444.23
() Finance costs
() Depreciotion and amortisotion expense B1 14,19L42 13,996.73
(g) Other expenses B26D 39,975.00 34,137.37
232,048.54 202,175.3
Total expenses
5 Profit before share of profit in associate /joint venture, exceptional items 14,043.68 8.534.86
and tax (3- 4)
6 Share of proft in associote /joint venture 2.42 0.96
Profft before exceptional items and tax (5+6) 14,046.10 8,535.82
Exceotiongl items C28 (22577) 59.08
9. Profit before tax (7- 8) 14.271.87
10. Tax expense C6
(o) Current tox 2,506.93 947.96
(b) Deferred tax T18.58 1,142.78
Total tax expense 3.225.51 2.090.74
11. Profit for the year (9-10) 11,046.36 6.386.00
12. Other comprehensive income / (loss)
Items that will not be reclassified to proit or loss
(a) Re-measurement goin / (loss) of defined beneit plans 328.89 35.20
Income tox (85.24) (3.79)
243.65 31.41
Items that will be reclassifed to profit or loss
(a) Exchange differences in translating the inncial stotements of 1,989.27 (1.203.02)
foreign operations
(b) Effective portion of goin / (loss) on designated portion of 63.50 151.36
hedging instruments in cash flow hedge
Income tax (22.19) (52.89)
2,030.58 (4,104.55)
Other comprehensive income / (loss) (1 + I1) 2,274.23 (1,073.14)
Total comprehensive income for the year (11 + 12) 13,320.59 5.312.86
Earnings per share (of ?1 each)
(o) Basic ) 1739 10.06
(b) Diluted () 17.39 10.06
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at March 31, 2023
Notes Asat As at
March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022
1 Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant ond equipment B 158,855,99 157,903.01
(b) Capital work-in-progress C25 1,993.59 5,947.39
Right of use assets C4 7,998.33 8,479.34
(d) Goodwill C3 2,288.21 2,158.07
() Other intangible assets B1 7,386.83 7,372.81
( Intangible assetssun
under development C25 532.03 234.95
(a) Financial assets
Investment in associate /joint venture B2 49.82 48.03
Other ivestments B3 290.94 258.54
iii Other financial assets RA 4,115.74 3,985.10
(h) Deferred tax assets (net) C6 718.92 1,045.22
Other non-current assets BS T74.65 915.95
Total non-current assets 185,005.05 188,348.41
2 Current assets
a) Inventories B 44,284.62 41,553.86
(b) Financial assets
i. Investments B7 4,016.94 4,506.06
Trade receivables BE 24,885.34 20.512.92
Cash and cash equivalents B9 8,360.11 8,706.36
iv. Bank balances other than (ii) obove B1G 102.21 2,100.20
Other financial assets BIl 2,022.64 2 038.34
(c) Other current assets B12 4,915.19 3,691.89
Total current assets 88,587.05 83,109.63
Total Assets (1+2) 273,592.10 271,458.04
1. Equity
(a) Share capital B13 635.10 635.10
(b) Other equity B14 128,142.73 16,886.22
Total equity 128,777.83 17,521.32
2. Non-current liabilities
() Financial liabilities
I. Borrowings B1 37,898.44 44,084.74
Lease liabilities CA 6,141.74 6.404.6
(b) Provisions
(c) Deferred tax liabilities (net) CE
1,347.23 1,479.59
(d) Other non-current liobilities B17 9,728.97 11,906.22
Total non-current liabilities 64,710.37 72,888.72
3 Current liabilities
() Financial liabilities
i. Borrowings B18 17,978.06 17,851.86
Lease liabilities CA 2,187.06 2,267.94
iii. Trade payables B19
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small 306.28 337.63
-Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro 33,232.22 34,971.82
enterprises and small enterprises
Other financial liabilities B20 4,408.25 5,028.44
(b) Other current liabilities 32 18,793.79 177
) Provisions B22 2144.64
(d) Current tax liabilities (net) B23 1,053.60 860.41
Total current liabilities 80,103.90 81,048.00
Total Equity And Liabilities (1+2+3) 273,592.10 271,458.04