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Ex 1.10 (A)

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1 1.

Equation of motion
The given Hamiltonian is:

H= + αq 2 + βq 3 (1)
| {z }
V (q)

The equations of motion can be obtained by

dp H dq H
=− =
dt q dt p

⇒ = −2αq − 3βq 2 (2)

dq p
⇒ = (3)
dt m
To get the second order differential equation, eq. (3) can be derived with
respect to time and then eq. (2) can be plugged in

d2 q 1 dp 1
= = (−2αq − 3βq 2 ) (4)
dt2 m dt m

Phase space
In the upper part of fig. 1, the potential V (q) is plotted, for the case α, β > 0.
The actual used values for the plot are α = β = 1.
To investigate the motion properly, the position of the maxima and minima
are calculated.
dV (q)
= 2αq + 3βq 2 = 0 (5)

⇔ q(2α + 3βq) = 0 (6)

⇒ q1 = q2 = 0 (7)

From this the critical energy Ecrit can be calculated, that denotes the Energy
at the maxima of the potential, which is in this case q1 . From now on q1 will

always refer to the coordinate of the local minimum and q2 to the minimum.
Therefore, the potential is calculated at q1 to obtain Ecrit

4α3 8α3 4α3

Ecrit = V (q2 ) = − = (8)
9β 2 27β 2 27β 2
The actual values for the plotted potential are
q1 = − ≈ −0.6667

Ecrit = ≈ 0.1481
Since energy is conserved the following statement is true

H=E (9)

That allows to get an expression for the trajectories by rearranging eq. (1)
p = ± (E − αq 2 − βq 3 ) (10)

The possible cases for the trajectories can also be discussed without calcu-
First case
Consider a particle at a position q > q1 , with energy E < Ecrit . The par-
ticle is oscillating. But since the potential is not symmetric, the trajectory
in phase space is a distorted ellipse. Closed red trajectory in fig. 1.
Second case
Consider a particle at a position q < q1 , with energy E < Ecrit . The parti-
cle approaches from the left. While doing this, it gains potential energy and
loses kinetic energy. In phases space, this means the momentum p decreases.
Since the Energy of the particle is not big enough to surpass q1 , the particle
reaches a turning point, where the momentum is 0. After that, it is moving
back and gaining kinetic energy again. Open red trajectory in fig. 1.
Third case
Consider a particle at a position q < q1 , with energy E > Ecrit . In compar-
ison to the second case, this particle has enough energy to surpass q1 . After
it surpasses q1 it is accelerated again, until q2 . After q2 it is decelerated,
reaches a turning point and moves back. Green trajectory in fig. 1.
Fourth case
Consider a particle at a position q < q1 , with energy E = Ecrit . This article
reaches a bistable point at q1 , where it remains at rest. If the particle is
disturbed, it can either move to the left or do exactly one oscillation in the
potential well, before it reaches q1 again. Blue trajectory in fig. 1.

Figure 1

Case α, > 0, β < 0
The Potential is mirrored at the y-axis and therefore the phase space portrait
is as well. Calculating the potential with a = 1 and b = −1 results in
q1 = ≈ 0.6667 q2 = 0

Ecrit = ≈ 0.1481

Figure 2

Case α < 0, β > 0
Compared to fig. 1. The potential has the same shape, but is shifted to
the right and downwards. The shift on the y-axis does not affect the phase
space portrait, and the shift to the right introduces the same shift in phase
space. The values for α = −1 and β = 1 result in
q1 = 0 q2 = ≈ 0.6667

Ecrit = 0

Figure 3

Case α, β < 0
This is the combination of both of the earlier cases. The potential is shifted
and mirrored and so is the phase space portrait. The values for α = −1 and
β = −1 result in.
q1 = 0 q2 = − ≈ −0.6667

Ecrit = 0

Figure 4

Limit for q → 0
The equation of movement for the harmonic oscillator in a simple quadratic
potential reads
dp 2
= − αq
dt m
The equation of motion eq. (11) has one term with a linear dependence on
q and one with a quadratic dependence on q. They can be named A and B

d2 q 1
= (−2αq − 3βq 2 ) (11)
dt m | {z } | {z }

For small enough values q, |A| >> |B| and the emotion of motion becomes

d2 q 1
≈ − 2αq (12)
dt m
And is therefore equivalent to the harmonic oscillator.This is true for all q
values that satisfy the following equation

|A| >> |B|

⇔ 2α|q| >> 3β|q|2

⇔ >> |q|

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