Farizkha 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 328 012065
Farizkha 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 328 012065
Farizkha 2019 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 328 012065
*Email: ivanagustafariska@gmail.com
Abstract. The development of urban settlements causes fast flow of urbanization. These
condition leads to the growth of uncontrolled settlements which indicates Urban Sprawl
Phenomenon. The phenomenon of urban sprawl begins with the need of the community to
obtain better living standard, especially for residential functions. That residential function
associated with urban sprawl is driven by settlement growth in certain locations (sporadic
growth), and it is difficult to control (the impacts on the decline in environmental quality due to
changes in certain land functions). By looking at these conditions, the understanding of the
phenomenon of settlement growth must be conducted through the right approach. The
approach views from an ecological element by examining a settlement in one large frame, total
settlement patterns with a two-way classification scheme [1]. This research was conducted to
understand the condition of settlement growth in order to find out the existing growth factors.
The research area is located in the urban Situbondo with growth characteristics influenced by
coastal and agriculture condition becoming the trigger of growth. Based on the results of the
AHP calculation in Situbondo Regency, it is known that the most influential factor on
settlement growth is natural factors with an assessment value of 0.243. Based on the
morphological approach, the influence of natural factors shaping the pattern of ribbon
settlement growth a small observation scale and the octopus pattern in the big range scale
1. Introduction
The growth of urban settlements due to the high flow of urbanization often leads to uncontrolled
growth of urban settlements. The uncontrolled growth of urban settlements becomes an indication of
the phenomenon of urban sprawl [1]. This phenomenon begins with the need for the community to
occupy empty space, especially for residential functions. The occurrence of residential function
associated with urban sprawl is driven by the growth of settlements in certain locations (sporadic
growth), and it is generally uncontrolled. The growth of settlements with the characteristics of urban
sprawl growth is not accompanied by the provision of basic infrastructures; thus, it often creates urban
problems (problems of waste, sanitation, drainage, etc.) [2].
As an example of the phenomenon of urban sprawl is development of settlements in the
metropolitan area of Indonesia, such as the Jabodetabek and Bandung which tend to lead to suburban
areas. On the suburban areas of Jabodetabek, especially in Tangerang Regency, there are many large-
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The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
scale housing developers. In total approximately 60 developers who have assets of housing
development. Bandung suburbs such as Parongpong, Lembang, Cimenyan, Cilengkrang, Cileunyi,
Bojongsoang, Dayeuhkolot, Margahayu and Margaasih also needed 51 formal housing developments
with 93 locations and 2,382.13 hectares of conversion [1]. As a result of developing suburban areas
there have been many city, physical, economic and social problems such as congestion due to
inefficient mobility leading to workplaces, transportation, land, air, reduced suburban land for
agriculture, land conversion, emergence of slums, etc. [3].
Based on the location of the settlements, the most common location of the settlements there is
on the path to human movement and street. However, if viewed based on the characteristics of each
sub-district, the location of these settlements has certain characteristics. For example Situbondo, Panji,
and Panarukan Sub districts in addition to following the district road lane, settlement growth occurs
following the knots of trade and service activities. For Mangaran sub-districts, the location of
settlements tends to spread because of the attraction of natural resources in the form of fertile soil
potential and potential marine resources related to agricultural activities of the population. Housing
tends to develop to the north, which is located in the coastal area of Situbondo Regency. Growth in
coastal areas has characteristics which become dense and slum areas. Therefore, if there is no growth
control of government regulation, the development of settlements will lead to Urban Sprawl.
By examining these background conditions, an understanding of the phenomenon of settlement
growth must be established. The elemental approach to understand the characteristics of residential
growth is one of the suitable approaches. Ekistics views a settlement in one large frame, total
settlements patterns with a two-way classification scheme [4]. The first classification relates to
settlement hierarchies based on scale. The second classification relates to elements of settlements,
namely nature, arthropods, society, shells, and networks [5]. This research was conducted to
comprehend the condition of settlement growth in order to find out the occurring growth factors. The
research area is situated in urban Situbondo with its growth characteristics influenced by coastal
presence. This research aims to understand the characteristics of ecological elements by comparing the
direction of spatial settlement growth. There are two objectives to be achieved: (1) Understanding
settlement growth factors based on the characteristics of the forming element (the approach); and (2)
Analyzing the spatial pattern of settlement development. This study employs quantitative exploration
method which is supported by qualitative methods. The stages of analysis carried out in this study
include: (1) Analyzing the factors influencing the development of settlements; and (2) Analyzing the
periodic trend with periodic analysis of regional image. Factors which influence the development of
settlements are analyzed using the AHP technique to see the weight of the influence of each variable
forming a settlement on the existing development of settlements.
1.1 Characteristics of Settlements
An understanding of the characteristics of settlements in this study broadly refers to several sources,
namely Turner related to the characteristics of settlements based on the nature and Doxiadis related to
settlement characteristics seen from the forming elements and units.
According to Turner (1976) [6] in his book Housing By People, there are 2 types of settlements
based on their nature, namely formal and informal settlements. Formal settlements are settlements
built by the formal sector referring to housing development which is built on several development
regulations and through legal procedures. On the other hand, informal settlements are built by the
informal sector referring to development without regulation and without legal procedures.
Based on its constituent elements, settlements consist of humans, their culture and the place
where humans live (the container) which includes natural and artificial elements (home and networks)
[7]. All of these forming elements combine to form a residential unit scale that is divided into groups
based on the scale from the smallest to the largest unit. Settlement unit groups based on the theory by
Doxiadis are:
Non-Permanent Settlements (Temporary Human Settlement)
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
City (Polises)
National System
International System
1.3 Ekistic
Human settlement is a place that is inhabited by humans that includes content elements and container
elements. Elements of ekistics are divided into five parts, namely nature (human), human (antrophos),
society (society), reflection (shells) and networks (networks)[8]. Ekistics theory is a theory to explain
settlement (human settlement) developed by doxiadis.
a. Natural
Theoretically, it can be said that settlements are part of nature. The research was carried out by
looking at natural elements related to physical appearance of the earth, availability and ability of
the environment.
b. Human
Humans initially started by changing nature by building huts. After that, began to have expertise
in the agricultural revolution which subsequently created various types of houses. In research,
the human element examined is related to the conditions, numbers, and relationships between
c. Community
This study examines the elements of society through sub-variables in the form of social
conditions that exist in the scope of settlements (such as livelihoods, income, education level,
economic conditions and cultural characteristics that exist in the community in the scope of the
research room)
d. Protection
Protection is divided into several categories, namely education, health, administration, security,
industry, storage and others [10].
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
e. Network
The choice of a comfortable dwelling will take into account the availability of the network,
especially the transportation network that contributes to the access of occupancy to centers of
activities and clean water networks as a means of basic human needs.
2. Methodology
2.1 Research Variable
The research variables used in this study are residential building elements that describe the
characteristics of settlements comprehensively. This variable is obtained from a literature review
related to theories about settlements.
Table 1 Research Variable
Nature 1. Availability of natural resources
2. Land capability
1. Type of housing (permanent or non-
2. Housing model
Housing 3. Location of settlement
Physical : 4. Density level of residential area
Nature 5. Housing facilities (completeness and
Houses / housing distribution)
network 6. Land use
1. Clean water infrastructure
2. Electricity infrastructure
3. Road infrastructure
4. Waste and waste processing
and facilities
5. Telecommunications infrastructure
1. population
2. Livelihoods
Social 3. Education level
Non physical 4. Existence of social institutions
Humans 5. Human growth
community 1. Level income distribution
2. Existence of economic institutions
1. Habits
2. Activity
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
The Analysis
No Data Input Analysis Tools Output
Mapping the Analysis of Knowing the
conditions of Periodic image regional images direction of trends
development of area with GIS in residential
settlements devices growth
Identification of Variables were AHP Analysis Knowing the
factors causing obtained from supported by factors that cause
settlement literature stakeholder the growth of
growth review descriptions settlements
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
Figure 1 Hierarchical structure of criteria in AHP (factors that influence the development of settlements
based on forming elements)
The output of the AHP analysis is to know the weight of the influence of each variable and sub-
variables forming the settlements on the phenomenon of residential growth in the research area. The
description of output is supported by an explanation of the results in deep determined stakeholder
interviews into a sample. The results of in deep interview are in the form of understanding the
phenomenon of settlement areas from the point of view of several related stakeholders.
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
If seen in a spatial pattern, the growth of settlements in the urban area of Situbondo can be
divided into two classification zones, the central zone of the urban center growing extensively from
east to west and the northern zone approaching the coastal areas growing from 2003 in Tanjung
Growth poin land in 2018 Growth poin land in 1997 Growth poin land in 2018
The 4rd International Conference in Planning in the 2019 Era of Uncertainty IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 328 (2019) 012065 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/328/1/012065
The settlement growth with a ribbon settlement pattern, extending along the road close to sea access.
The condition of the pattern is related to human activities in Situbondo which are related to coastal
The development of settlements at the beginning of the research year in 1997 showed that there
were concentrations of settlements in the city center, namely Situbondo sub-District, Panji sub-District
with horizontal forms from west to east following arterial roads. But in the period 2009 to 2012 the
development of settlements began to spread southward sporadically, but the highest density
concentrations remained in the city center. In the physical organization of space, the development of
settlements forms the octopus pattern (Octopus / Star Shape Cities) where in this octopus pattern there
are several dominant transportation routes
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the AHP calculation in Situbondo Regency, it can be seen that the most spatial
influential factor in the development of settlements in Situbondo Regency is a natural factor with an
assessment value of 0.243. Natural factors consisting of natural conditions and availability of natural
resources are important factors in the growth of settlements in Situbondo Regency. This physical
factor greatly affects the development of residence in Situbondo because the existence of houses and
settlements will not be separated from the conditions of land and natural resources from the location
occupied. These natural factors will later provide a pattern for expanding settlements in Situbondo
Regency with a value of 0.238. Moreover, the community factors consist of community quality,
income distribution, livelihoods and culture
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[2] Moitra, M. K. (1991). "Environmental improvement of slums The Calcutta experience."
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[4] Doxiadis, C. A. 1976. Ekistic Elements, Action for Human Settlements: 11-27.
[5] Turner, John, (1976), Housing By People: Towards Autonomy in Buildings Environtment:
Pantheon Books, New York
[6] IUCN. (2006). The Future of Sustainability: Re-thinking Environment and Development in the
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[7] Doxiadis, C. A. 1968. Ekistics : an introduction to the science of human settlements. New York:
Oxford University Press