Laser Target Systemaccv1.0.1.1
Laser Target Systemaccv1.0.1.1
Laser Target Systemaccv1.0.1.1
Abstract The reliable wireless transmission of space solar power largely depends on the stabilization of a two-axes gimbaled LASER targeting system. In this paper, a dynamic model for a two-axes gimbaled LASER targeting system is formulated. The validity of the model is veried by simulations and experimental setup. A PID controller is simulated to meet specic design criteria and then implemented in a dSPACE based controller for position control of the LASER target system.
The model is then veried by comparing the actual system response. A PID controller is designed and simulated for achieving certain time and frequency response. The control parameter values are then used to implement PID controller on dSPACE controller board. II. LASER TARGETING S YSTEM M ODEL This paper deals with the position loop design for twoaxes gimbal e.g. yaw gimbal (outer gimbal) and pitch gimbal (inner gimbal). The block diagram shown in Fig. 1 is a typical servo architecture the position loop for two-axes gimbal system. It includes the plant model consisting of servo amplier model, torque motor model, two-axes gimbal dynamics model and laser system model, a position sensor model in the feedback loop and a position controller. In the gure vc controller voltage input for servo amplier, v pwm amplier output voltage, T torque motor output torque, gimbal system angular velocity output, laser system angular displacement output, eb back emf voltage, Pnew position sensor new pixel position output, Pre f pointing command or reference pixel position input for the system, e pixel error. T , and used in this gure will be replaced by necessary notation later in this paper when model for yaw and pitch axis will be developed separately. A. Servo amplier Model Servo amplier is modelled as a combination of power amplier and a rst order low pass lter. Power amplier gain increases the error signal amplitude and the low pass lter removes unwanted high frequency signals. The servo amplier input is driven by a position controller voltage which generates voltage vc corresponding to error signal e. The output of the amplier is a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal whose duty cycle is mapped into the position controller.
Pointing Command
I. INTRODUCTION The concept of collecting solar power in space satellite and wireless transmission of the energy to the ground receiver system has been discussed for past decades. The robust transmission is a major issue which involves precise pointing and tracking functions. In this paper, a two-axes gimbaled LASER targeting system is introduced with scaled down parameter values from space solar power applications. The disturbance due to body motion and vibration poses some critical constraints to achieve the stabilized pointing and tracking performance. Although for this application, rapid response is not a critical factor, but precision in pointing and tracking is not a trivial matter at all. A signicant part of the system delay is due to feedback system which consists of optical system as well as image processing algorithm. In a closed loop conguration, the controller uses the current rectangular coordinate of the LASER dot (.) as system input. Ekstrand [1] derives the equations of motion for twoaxes yaw-pitch gimbal conguration based on the assumption that the gimbals are rigid bodies and have no unbalanced mass.But accurate dynamic modelling and system identication of yaw-pitch gimbal conguration are difcult tasks for practical applications. The applied torque for the gimbals is generated by brushless dc servo motor driven by pulse width modulation technique. The brushless dc motor is popular because of its small size, better cooling scheme and less rotor inertia [2]. Again precise dc motor modelling is not an easy matter due to nonlinear characteristics. Generally PID controller design technique is the most used control scheme in the industry even though there are various controller design techniques developed to enhance the control quality. The controller output is saturated because of voltage limitation of power amplier and current limitation of torque motor [3]. In this paper, a LASER targeting system is developed by formulating its component separately. The physical parameters are obtained from manufacturers data sheet or identied through experimental or simulation results.
e Position Controller
Servo amplifier
(Power Amplifier+Low Pass Filter)
Torque Motor
Gimbal Dynamics
LASER system
Voltage Constant
Position Sensor
Fig. 1: Servo architecture of the position loop for two-axes gimbal system
The transfer function of servo amplier can be modelled as follows: v pwm A0 = vc a s + 1 (1)
where A0 amplier gain and a is the time constant for the low pass lter. Following assumptions are made for this model:
The amplier operates in the linear region. The amplier output is not saturated.
B. Gimbal Model The gimbal axis is driven by the torque motor. For this reason gimbal can be considered as load of the motor. In other words, gimbal dynamics is the part of torque motor mechanical subsystem. Therefore, relation between external torque and output angular velocity for gimbal axis will be shown. For this, following assumptions have been made: Two-axes gimbal is considered a rigid body. There is no mass unbalance. 1) Reference frame and Notations: Consider a two-axes yaw-pitch gimbal system conguration. A LASER system is placed on the inner pitch gimbal. The LASER system gives optical feedback to the sensor. The gimbals are considered as rigid bodies. Three reference frames are introduced as shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, three different origins are shown for three frames. But the center of rotation is assumed to be the same point for the three frames as shown in Fig. 4 : A body-xed frame B, yaw gimbal xed frame A and pitch gimbal xed frame E with coordinates: xa xe xb FrameB : yb ; FrameA : ya ; FrameE : ye (2) za ze zb
Yaw Axis Pitch Gimbal Pitch Axis
The body-xed frame is xed to the gimbal base. The gimbal base does not move even if yaw and pitch gimbal rotate. The origin Ob is the center of mass of the base, xb is along the width of the base and the positive direction is the direction to which LASER system is pointed. yb is along the length of the base and perpendicular to xb . According to right hand rule, zb points downwards. Frame A xed to the yaw gimbal where origin Oa is the center of mass of yaw gimbal. xa ya plane can rotate with reference to za axis which is the yaw axis. za coincides with zb . Yaw gimbal is the outer gimbal frame. So when yaw gimbal rotates, the inner gimbal frame pitch gimbal also rotates. But the gimbal base does not move. Frame E xed to the pitch gimbal with coordinates where origin Oe is the center of mass of pitch gimbal. xe coincides with LASER system optical axis as shown in Fig. 4. LASER system optical axis means the direction at which the LASER is pointed to the screen ye coincides with ya . ye is the axis of rotation for frame E or pitch axis. xe ye plane can rotate with reference to ye axis. ze can be found using right hand rule. When pitch gimbal rotates, neither yaw gimbal nor gimbal base rotate. Based on the assumption that the gimbals are rigid bodies, instead of three origins Ob , Oa , Oe , we shall assume the same origin O as the origin three frames. The attitude of the gimbal system can be established by considering the rotation about each axis in turn required to bring frame B into coincidence with frame E [4]. The rotation is done as follows:
The body-xed frame B is carried into coincidence with the yaw gimbal frame A by a positive angle of rotation about the zb -axis (see Fig.3). Transformation matrix associated with this rotation: cos sin cos 0 0 (3)
RAB = sin 0
0 1
xe Ty Oe ye ze Oa xa ya
RAB is the transformation from B to A, i.e., if a vector vB is expressed by its coordinates in frame B, then RAB vB gives the coordinates of the same vector in frame A. The yaw gimbal frame A is carried into coincidence with the pitch gimbal frame E by a positive angle of rotation about the ya -axis (see Fig.3). Transformation matrix associated with this rotation: REA = cos 0 sin 0 sin 1 0 0 cos (4)
Yaw Gimbal
Tz xb za Ob yb
Gimbal Base
The euler angle and two-axes gimbal attitude can be seen in Fig.4 For the angular velocities of frame B, A and E respectively, ax bx ex (5) by ; ay ; ey bz az ez
B to A xb o ya zb=za xa yb
A to E
xe xa
o ze
Thus the moment of inertia are denoted by J and products of inertia by D and d (with appropriate indices). The mass center of a gimbal is supposed to be in the common center of rotation. Thus it is assumed that the gimbals have no mass unbalance. Now, angular momentum of total gimbal system is the sum of the angular momentum of the yaw and pitch gimbals. The angular momentum H for a gimbal is given by H = J (10)
where bx , by , bz the components of angular velocities in frame B, and similarly for the other vectors. In the traditional ight dynamics the notations bx , by , bz are for the roll, pitch and yaw components respectively. The angular velocity of the yaw gimbal are given by Euler angular relationship [1], ax bx cos + by sin (6) ay = bx sin + by cos az bz + The angular velocity of the pitch gimbal are given by Euler angular relationship [1], ax cos az sin ex ay + ey = ax sin + az cos ez (7) The inertia matrices of the gimbals are denoted by, Yaw gimbal: Jax dxy dxz JA = dxy Jay dyz dxz Pitch gimbal: Jex Dxy Jey Dyz Dxz (9) JE = Dxy Dxz Dyz Jez dyz Jaz
where J is the inertia matrix and is the angular velocity. The moment equation for a rotating frame is given by, dH + H T= dt (11)
where T is the external torque. Further, Ty = total external torque about the pitch gimbal ye axis Tz = total external torque about the pitch gimbal za axis Here the motor torque as well as external disturbance torques (e.g.,friction torque) are included [1]. 2) Yaw Gimbal Model: The basic equation of motion of yaw gimbal is derived in [1] , Ja az = Tz + Td1 + Td2 + Td3 (12)
Equation (12) is a differential equation for the yaw gimbal motion az , where Tz is the total external torque about the yaw gimbal zk axis. Td1 , Td2 and Td3 are torque due to inertial disturbance. Therefore, the yaw gimbal input is torque and output is yaw angular velocity expressed in yaw frame. Here Ja = Jez + Jex sin2 + Jez cos2 Dxz sin 2 (13)
(8) Td1 = [Jex + Jex cos2 + Jez sin2 + Dxz sin 2 (Jey + Jey )]ax ay (14)
Td2 = [dxz + (Jez Jex ) sin cos + Dxz cos(2 )](ax ay az ) (dyz + Dyz cos Dxy sin )(ay + ax az ) (dxy + Dxy cos + Dyz sin )(ax 2 ay 2 ) (15)
Td3 = (Dxy sin Dyz cos ) + [(Ja x Ja z)(ax cos 2 az sin 2 ) + (2Dxz (ax sin 2 + az cos 2 ) + (Dyz sin + Dxy cos )(ey + ay ) Jey ax )] (16) The notations are explained in the Reference frame and notations section. Considering natural symmetry property Dxy = Dyz = Dzx = 0 dxy = dyz = dzx = 0 Jex = Jez (17) (18) (19)
Yaw Gimbal
Fig. 4: Two-axes gimbal with angle rotation among frames (3D view)
Thus using (13), (14), (15) and (16), it is found, Ja = Jaz + Jez Td1 = [Jax + Jex (Jay + Jey )]ax ay Td2 = 0 Td3 = Jey ax Substituting (20), (21), (22), (23) into (12) becomes Ja az = Tz + [Jax + Jex (Jay + Jey )]ax ay Jey ax (24) If Jax + Jex = Jay (25) (20) (21)
the motor torque. Substituting Tz and Tad from (29) and (31) into (30) it is obtained Tam = (Ja s + ba )az is, (32)
Therefore the transfer function of the yaw gimbal model (22) (23) 1 az = Tam (Ja s + ba ) (33)
3) Pitch Gimbal Model: The basic equation of motion of pitch gimbal can be found by using (10) and (11) and taking y component [1] , Jey ey = Ty + (Jez Jex )ex ez + Dxz (ex 2 ez 2 ) Dyz (ez ex ey ) Dxy (ex + ey ez ) (34)
and substituting = ey ay in (7) gives (24) the following form: az = Tz Jey ax ey Suppose that the body is non-rotating, then bx = by = bz = 0 then from (6) and ax = ay = 0 Now (26) becomes Ja az = Tz (29) (28) (27) (26)
This is a differential equation for the pitch angular velocity ey which is output of the system where external torque Ty , gimbal angular rates ex ,ey ,ez and inertia parameters are included. Ty is the sum of the motor torque and external imperfection disturbance torques. The inertia terms represent unwanted disturbances. Considering the products of inertia negligible, Dxy = Dxz = Dyz = 0 Assuming further that Jex = Jez Then (34) becomes, Jey ey = Ty (37) (36) (35)
Now Tz is total external torque which includes the motor torque as well as external disturbance torques (e.g.,friction torque)about the yaw gimbal za axis. In this case only one kind of friction torque is considered which is torque due to viscous damping. Then,Tz is the algebraic sum of motor torque generated by torque motor of yaw gimbal,Tam and torque due to viscous damping, Tad Tz = Tam + Tad (30)
Taking Laplace transform of (37) the transfer function of the pitch gimbal model becomes, ey 1 = Ty Jey s (38)
Similar as yaw gimbal model, the following relation for pitch gimbal motor torque can be established. Tem = (Jey s + be )ey (39)
For modeling Tad , the analogy between mechanical systems with electrical network is used [5]. In case of rotational mechanical system, moment of inertia is analogous to capacitor, spring constant analogous to inductor and viscous damper is analogous to viscous damper.According to [6], the viscous damping force is proportional to the rst power of the velocity across the damper and it always opposes the motion. Now disturbance torque Tad is due to viscous damper of the rotational system. Similar to its translational motion counterpart, for rotational system it can be said that torque due to damping is a linear continuous function of the angular velocity of the motor. Thus Tad = ba az (31)
where Tem is torque generated by torque motor of pitch gimbal and be is the viscous damping coefcient for pitch gimbal axis. Therefore, the transfer function of the pitch gimbal model can be shown, ey 1 = (40) Tem (Jey s + be ) C. Torque Motor Model The motor considered here is DC brushless motor.DC motor consists of two major parts: electrical system and mechanical system. Here the torque motor model has been derived as follows [5] For electrical system as shown in Fig. 5 by writing a loop equation using Kirchoffs Voltage Law, La i + Ra ia + eb = v pwm a (41)
where ba is the viscous damping coefcient and negative sign - indicates the disturbance torque due to damping opposes
This is a differential equation of armature current ia involving input voltage v pwm , back emf of the motor eb , armature
and electrical constant of the motor e = it can be written as az kb = a v pwm m (s + ba )(e s + 1) + 1 J E. Torque Motor and Pitch Gimbal Combined Model Toque motor and pitch gimbal subsystem equations are ey used to nd their combined transfer function v pwm . From (39) and (47), it can be written, (Jey s + be )ey inductance La , armature resistance Ra . Since current carrying armature is rotating in a magnetic eld, its voltage is proportional to speed. So the back emf (electromagnetic force) is linear with angular velocity and has a constant slope called back emf constant which gives eb = kb az (42)
t kb (Jey s + be + Laks+Ra ) ey
La Ra
= kt = =
v pwm kb ey La s+Ra
kt La s+Ra
v pwm (52)
ey v pwm
where az is z component of the angular velocity of yaw gimbal. Taking Laplace transform of (41) (La s + Ra )ia + kb az = v pwm which gives ia = (43)
Using mechanical constant of the motor m = ka key and t b L electrical constant of the motor e = Ra it can be written a as 1 ey kb = (53) b v pwm m (s + J e )(e s + 1) + 1
F. LASER System Model The LASER system is placed on the payload of the inner gimbal pitch axis. When the motor shaft rotates, the payload as well as the laser system rotates. The angular velocity of the gimbal axis causes angular displacement of the laser. The rotational system is equipped with gear for mechanical advantage. Therefore, gear ratio kg must be considered for calculation of angular displacement of the laser. For the LASER system, the input is angular velocity on input gear and the output is the angular displacement of output gear. The ratio of angular displacement is inversely proportional to the ratio of the number of teeth [5]. The behaviour of gear is idealized by the following assumptions: 1) Gear does not exhibit backlash [5]. 2) Gear does not store or absorb energy. Now, az is the angular displacement of output gear, azin is the angular displacement of input gear, az is the angular velocity of the input gear. Then the following expression can be derived: = kg azin az = kg s kg = az s (54) (55) (56) (57) And for pitch gimbal axis,
v pwm kb az (44) La s + Ra The torque generated by the motor is proportional to the armature current which gives, Tam = kt ia (45)
where kt is torque constant. From (44) and (45) the torque motor equation becomes, kt kb kt v pwm az (46) La s + Ra La s + Ra Thus the torque motor model has input voltage v pwm and output motor torque Tam . It has a feedback from motor shaft angular velocity az . Similarly, for pitch gimbal axis it can be shown that kt kt kb Tem = v pwm ey (47) La s + Ra La s + Ra D. Torque Motor and Yaw Gimbal Combined Model Toque motor and gimbal subsystem equations are used to nd their combined transfer function vaz . From (32) and pwm (46), it can be written, Tam = (Ja s + ba )az
t kb (Ja s + ba + Laks+Ra ) az
az or, az or, az
= kt = =
v pwm kb az La s+Ra
kt La s+Ra
v pwm
az v pwm
ey =
kg ey s
G. Sensor Model The sensor system consists of white screen, web camera and matlab image processing toolbox.The system input is angular displacement of laser system due to gimbal axis rotation and the output is new pixular position. The laser is focused on the white screen in front of the laser system. The red laser dot is caught by a webcam on the opposite side of the screen. The screen and webcam are so placed in a rail that the webcam can capture a particular rectangular area of the screen. The laser point on the screen is disturbed by gimbal system vibration or external movement.This causes a linear displacement of the laser point on the screen from the initial pixular position.The linear displacement from initial pixel is detected optically and the new pixel position is calculated by image processing blob analysis. The new pixel position is the input for the next instance of pixular position calculation. Following is the set of equations that calculate the new pixel for sensor block as shown in Fig. 6 y = d tan ey
y y Pnew = y + Pre f
receiver white screen is a square screen of 30.3cmx30.3cm dimension and the screen resolution is 480x480. For keeping the coordinate intuitive we shall express pixel coordinate into cm unit. The lower leftmost corner is the point with coordinate (0, 0) and the upper rightmost corner is the point is (30.3, 30.3). The point of interest where we want laser red dot to be on the receiver screen is (15.15, 15.15) which is the origin of our co-ordinate system. Therefore, in this case, Pre f = 15.15. The maximum pixel error that can happen on both sides of origin for both axes are 15.15 and -15.15. H. Open Loop Transfer Function All the models are assumed to be continuous time system and not to load each other. In this paper, the plant will be used to refer to the system starting from servo amplier block and ending into laser system. Thus the open loop transfer function of the pitch gimbal system from servo amplier to laser system is, kg ey A0 kb = b vc a s + 1 m (s + J e )(e s + 1) + 1 s
where y= linear displacement along vertical axis gimbal axis rotation, d= distance between the laser and screen, ey = angular displacement of the laser due to pitch axis angular velocity ey , y Pnew = new pixel position for pitch axis expressed in y Pre f = desired pixel position for pitch axis expressed
The open loop transfer function of the yaw gimbal system from servo amplier to laser system is, kg az A0 kb = b vc a s + 1 m (s + J a )(e s + 1) + 1 s
III. PID C ONTROLLER D ESIGN PID control is feedback control strategy in which the controller attempts to minimize error(difference between desired output and actual output) by adjusting process control variable. But to realize a PID controller physically is difcult. The solution is to use PIDF (Proportional-IntegralDerivative-Filter) controller. In this paper, we shall use PID and PIDF terms interchangeably. Initially a ProportionalIntegral-Derivative (PID) controller transfer function would
Similar relationship can be found for angular displacement due to yaw gimbal system rotation as shown in Fig. 7. x = d tan az
x x Pnew = x + Pre f
(61) (62)
where x= linear displacement along horizontal axis due to gimbal axis rotation, az = angular displacement of the laser due to yaw gimbal axis angular velocity az , x Pnew = new pixel position for yaw axis expressed in cm, x Pre f = desired pixel position for yaw axis expressed in cm. The yaw gimbal movement produces linear displacement along the horizontal axis while the pitch gimbal movement produces linear displacement along the vertical axis. Now a co-ordinate system has been dened as shown in Fig (8). The
LASER System
LASER System
Servo Amplifier
Pointing Command
Pref +
Position Controller
Servo Amplifier
LASER System
Parameter Power amplier gain, A0 Amplier time constant, a Electrical time constant, e Mechanical time constant, m Electrical time constant, e Resistance, Ra Inductance, La Moment of inertia, Ja Voltage constant, kb Torque constant, kt Viscous daming coefcient, ba Gear ratio, kg LASER-screen distance,d
Value 3.1 0.05 sec 1.1 msec 3.1 msec 1.1 msec 1.3 ohms 1.4 mH 1.1x10e-5 kg m2 0.0678 VDC/rad per sec 0.0678 VDC/rad per sec 0.0016 90 3.6 m
Source [5] [5] Newmark datasheet Newmark datasheet Newmark datasheet Newmark datasheet Newmark datasheet using eq. (49) Newmark datasheet Newmark datasheet experiment Newmark datasheet experiment
+ Pref
TABLE II: Time Response for Open Loop Plant Fig. 10: Closed loop servo architecture for pitch gimbal system
Parameter Rise time (sec) Settling time (sec) Overshoot Peak Up to Torque Motor 0.11 0.198 0 31.65 rads1 Up to LASER System NaN NaN NaN NaN
Servo Amplifier
LASER System
Fig. 11: Open loop servo architecture for yaw gimbal system
A. Parameters Parameter are chosen as shown in Source column of Table (II). Newmark datasheet implies that the values have been selected from Gimbal system manufacturer Newmark System Inc. provided datasheet. Power amplier gain has been chosen from a case study of antenna position control in [5]. The viscous damping coefcient has been chosen from [3] in which robust control of a two axis gimbaled sensor system with multivariable feedback systems is discussed. B. Time and Frequency Response for Open loop Plant model The step response of the open loop LASER targeting system up to torque motor and gimbal block and system up to LASER system block are found as Fig. 13:
Pointing Command
Position Controller
Servo Amplifier
LASER System
+ Pref
Fig. 12: Closed loop servo architecture for yaw gimbal system
be as follows:
Angular Velocity(rad/sec)
Gc = K p +
Ki s + Kd 1 s ( N )s + 1
Angular Displacement(rad)
where Gc is the PID controller transfer function, K p proportional controller gain, Ki integral controller gain, Kd derivative controller gain and N derivative lter co-efcient. The reason why PID controller needs a rst order low-pass derivative lter is that there is high frequency noise at the shaft output position. The lter is used to tune controller poles in such a way so that chattering due to noise does not occur [7].
Time (seconds) Angular Displacement Step Response of Open loop Laser Target System
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0
IV. S IMULATIONS Simulations are performed using Plant transfer function (64) and PID controller transfer function (65). These simulations are for yaw gimbal only.
Time (seconds)
Angular Velocity Impulse Response of Open loop Laser Target System Angular Velocity(rad/sec)
600 500 400 300 200 100 0
can be found as shown Fig. 16. Frequency response can be found as in Fig. 17. V. E XPERIMENT The hardware selected for this developing this LASER targeting system includes the DS1104 dSPACE controller board with an on board 250MHz processor and a GM-6 Newmark two-axis gimbal with a resolution of 3-arc seconds using DC servomotors. Additionally, the hardware design also consists of using Accelus Panel ampliers by Copley Controls. The system block diagram is shown in Fig. 18. A. Model Verication with Experimental Set up
Time (seconds) Angular Displacement Impulse Response of Open loop Laser Target System Angular Displacement(rad)
3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0
Time (seconds)
Experimental data acquisition is done through CME2 software which controls and monitors the motion controller Accelus. Step forward function is the input to the velocity loop. Frequency is 1/100ms. Trace Period is 2000ms. Velocity limit is 300rpm. The model step response is veried with the obtained data. Fig. 19, 20 and 21 show that the step response of proposed model closely follows experimental response. B. PID Controller Model Verication From experimental setup, PID controller parameter values can be found as K p = 0.033,Ki = 0.0495, Kd = 7.5900e004, N = 1, time responses can be found as shown Fig. 22. Frequency response can be found as in Fig. 23. C. Comparison between Proposed Model and Model with Experimental Values
200 90
360 10
10 Frequency (Hz)
Comparison between Proposed Model and Model with Experimental Values is shown in Table III and Table IV. It is observed that experimental values gives slightly poorer response while frequency response gives better response. In both cases, the system is stable. Therefore, verication of our proposed model is done using experimental values of K p , Ki , Kd and N, which eventually shows that the system is stable.
The impulse response is shown in Fig. 14. For the plant up to gimbal block settling time 0.202 seconds and peak amplitude is 585 rad/s at 0.0067 second. And for the plant up to LASER block settling time 0.198 seconds and peak amplitude is greater than 2850 rad/s at greater than 0.35 second. The frequency response of the open loop LASER targeting is found as Fig.15:Gain Margin = -16.9 at 14.7 Hz,Phase Margin = -28.7 at 37.1 Hz,Gain Crossover frequency = 37.1 Hz. It is observed from the open loop response of the system that the closed loop system would be unstable. C. Time Response for Plant with tuned PID Controller and Unity Feedback After tuning the PID controller with values K p = 0.0375,Ki = 0.139, Kd = 0.0016, N = 343.64, time responses
Step Response of Closed loop Laser Target System with Tuned PIDF controller 1.4
Fig. 16: Step Response of Closed loop Laser Target System with tuned PIDF Controller with Unity Feedback
0 3 Magnitude (dB) 50
200 0
90 Phase (deg)
0.5 Simulated response Experimental response 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
360 10
10 Frequency (Hz)
Time (seconds)
Fig. 17: Frequency Response of LASER Targeting System with tuned PID Controller
Time (seconds)
Fig. 20: Step Response of Power Amplier, Torque Motor and Gimbal Block Fig. 18: LASER Targeting System Hardware Block Diagram
[1] B. Ekstrand, Equations of motion for a two-axes gimbal system, Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1083 1091, july 2001. [2] George Ellis, Choosing a servo motor, September 1999. [3] S.B. Kim, S.H. Kim, and Y.K. Kwak, Robust control for a two-axis gimbaled sensor system with multivariable feedback systems, Control Theory Applications, IET, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 539 551, april 2010. [4] B. Etkin and L.D. Reid, Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control, Wiley, 1996. [5] N.S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, Wiley, 2004. [6] C.F. Beards, Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems, Edward Arnold, 1995. [7] A. J. Isaksson and S. F. Graebe, Derivative lter is an integral part of pid design, IEEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, vol. 149, 2002.
VI. C ONCLUSION The development of an accurate model of LASER targeting system for practical applications is not a trivial task.In this paper, there is a nonlinearity in sensor block which inuence the results. However, more nonlinear factors should be considered to nd a better model. Simulated PID controller parameter values in this application gives slightly different results since it does not include nonlinear part in sensor. But the actual system is more complex with nonlinearities. Also, some robust control schemes such as LQG(Linear Quadratic Gaiussian), MCV (Minimum Cost Variance) and Adapative Neural Network will be implemented for the system in future so that it will be very suitable in terms of stability and disturbance rejection.
TABLE III: Time Response Comparison between Proposed Model and Model with Experimental Values
Parameter Rise time (sec) Settling time (sec) Overshoot Peak (rads1 ) Simulation 0.0119 0.2 8.47 1.08 Experiment 0.027 0.54 62 1.62
TABLE IV: Frequency Response Comparison between Proposed Model and Model with Experimental Values
Parameter Gain Margin (dB) Phase Margin (deg) Gain Crossover Frequency (Hz) Peak (rads1 ) Simulation 11.8 120 15 1.08 Experiment 9.33 17 9.55 1.62
Time (seconds)
Fig. 21: Step Response of Power Amplier, Torque Motor, Gimbal Block and Laser block
Step Response of Closed loop Laser Target System with unity feedback experimental 1.8
Fig. 22: Step Response of LASER Targeting System with Experimental Values
Bode Diagram 50
200 0
360 10
10 Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 23: Frequency Response of LASER Targeting System with Experimental Values