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Tutorial 3

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Tutorial 3 : Tourism- Its Origin, Growth and Future.

1. Those days, people started to travel to _ seek food __ and _escape from danger. __.
2. Most of the time, they travel to the short distance because use _foot_ only.
3. The travel further extended for _trade_, _________________ and __adventure_____.
4. _water_ also used as medium of travel.
5. Empire era started from _Egyptians_ to _Greek_ and end by _roman____.
6. The purposes of the travel during empire era are _governmental__, __commercial___,
__educational__ and _religious_.
7. The factors influence people travel during Empire era are _ Affluent population with time and
money __, __Safe and easy travel _, _accepted currencies _, _used languages _ and _ Legal systems
8. Egyptians love to travel for _business_ , _pleasure_and _festivals_ purposes.
9. Egyptians introduced _Cruises journey _ and _trait of purchasing souvenirs__in travel,
10. _travel business _ was introduced by Babylonians after creation of money in 400 B.C
11. Persians were travel for _military_ purpose.
12. They used _ wagons____, __donkeys_, _mules__ to travel.
13. _facilitate____ such as road and _Safety of travellers _ became their priorities.
14. They used road to _indicate the distances__.
15. _modern-day travel___ was shaped by Greeks.
16. _Currency exchange __ and ___Communication__ was introduced by Greeks in travel.
17. _development in___ travel was initiated by Romans when they encouraged a large group of middle-
class people to travel.
18. Romans introduced _excellent roads, transportation and communication systems_, _______ and
rest house__ in tourism.
19. There is no travel during 5th to 12th century; hence is known as _middle ages_ in tourism.
20. ___war__, raids_________, and __disease__ make the travel difficult during the Middle Ages.
21. During Renaissance era, travel was initiated back for __commerce___ and ___pleasure
22. The technologies used to support travel during middle ages are:
Water wheel
23. __domestic trvel__ was introduced during middle ages.
24. Holiday means ____leisure with religious_____
25. When people travel for religious or patronal festivals, its known as _'religious relaxation". __.
26. During renaissance, the travel was initiated for ____education____>
27. Grand tour referred as _a tour to the principal cities and places of interest in Europe _.
28. Travel was conducted during this time for career, education, culture, literary, health, scientific,
business and economic purposes.
29. Young men travel abroad during renaissance time to learn about artists_, _antiuities_ and
_architecture _.
30. _spa_ and __bath___ was introduced during Victoria age for pleasure purpose.
31. _sea___ also became tourist attraction for health benefits
32. __thomas cook___ is father of tourism and travel.
33. He acted as agent___ by _buying tickets_ in bulk and _selling it_ to other on non-profit basis.
34. He introduced ___inclusive tour ___(1855), hotel voucher__ (1867) and _round the world tour____
35. Mass tourism was extended due to _outgoing activities_, __curiosity_, _improvement in
transportation__, _increase wealth___ and ___Safer from disease and physical attack
36. ___.
37. Holiday campus was initiated in 1930 to _24-hour entertainment at an all inclusive price, efficiently
operated with child-minding service-huge bonus for young couples on holiday with their

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