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Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan June 2023, 17(2):48-54

P-ISSN : 1978-225X; E-ISSN : 2502-5600 DOI: https://doi.org/10.21157/j.ked.hewan.v17i2.28242


Renji Mailisa Wahyuni1*, Gunanti², and Deni Noviana²
¹Postgraduate Program in Animal Biomedical Sciences, Department of Pathology and Reproductive Clinics, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
²Department of Pathology and Reproduction Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: renjimailisawahyuni@gmail.com


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of age on wound healing and physical development of local cats (Felis catus) after
ovariohysterectomy. A total of 15 female cats were divided into three age groups (2-4, 5-9, and 10 months old) with each group consisting of five cats. The
treatment group was sterilized using the lateral flank ovariohysterectomy method. Observations of surgical procedures and physical conditions were carried
out during anesthesia, including onset, duration of anesthesia and surgery, body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Post-operative observations
were made to evaluate wound healing, hematological profile (RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, PLT), body weight, Body Condition Score (BCS), bone density, and
growth plate closure. The results showed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) during anesthesia, wound healing, or an increase in body weight,
BCS, and bone density in all age groups. Ovariohysterectomy at 2-4 months old delayed the closure of the bone growth plates (P<0.05).
Ovariohysterectomy in pubertal and post-pubertal cats is safe to perform as long as good surgical preparation is provided.
Key words: Felis catus, ovariohysterectomy, physical development, wound healing

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh umur terhadap penyembuhan luka dan perkembangan fisik kucing lokal
(Felis catus) pasca ovariohisterektomi. Sebanyak 15 ekor kucing betina dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok umur (2-4, 5-9, dan 10 bulan) dengan
masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas lima ekor kucing. Kelompok perlakuan disterilisasi dengan metode lateral flank ovariohysterectomy.
Pengamatan prosedur pembedahan dan kondisi fisik dilakukan selama anestesi, meliputi onset, durasi anestesi dan operasi, suhu tubuh,
frekuensi jantung, dan frekuensi respirasi. Pengamatan pascaoperasi yang dilakukan adalah evaluasi penyembuhan luka, profil hematologi
(RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, PLT), bobot badan, body condition score (BCS), kepadatan tulang dan penutupan lempeng pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan (P>0,05) selama anestesi, penyembuhan luka, peningkatan bobot badan, BCS, dan kepadatan
tulang pada semua kelompok umur. Ovariohisterektomi pada umur 2-4 bulan dapat menunda penutupan lempeng pertumbuhan tulang (P<0,05).
Ovariohisterektomi pada kucing prapubertas dan pascapubertas aman dilakukan selama persiapan pembedahan yang baik terpenuhi.
Kata kunci: Felis catus, ovariohisterektomi, perkembangan fisik, penyembuhan luka

INTRODUCTION Veterinarians’ concerns about pubertal and young

ovariohysterectomy arise because of the risks posed by
Ovariohysterectomy is the most commonly surgical and anesthetic procedures at the pubertal
recommended medical procedure in female cats for (pediatric) age. Veterinarians are also concerned about
population control, prevention of reproductive early estrogen deficiency which is thought to affect the
hormones, and increasing cats’ survival (Adams 2020). balance of metabolism, causing disorders, such as
Ovariohysterectomy in cats has been performed at all orthopedic disorders, obesity, long bone growth and
ages. Five to eight months old is the most common age delayed physical development, immune suppression, and
range chosen by veterinarians for ovariohysterectomy behavioral disorders (Howe 2015).
(Joyce and Yates 2011). Ovariohysterectomy operations The increased risk of complications and the benefits
on cats have also been performed at pubertal and young of ovariohysterectomy in cats are assumed to be
ages by veterinary practitioners in several countries. influenced by several individual factors, such as age,
Ovariohysterectomy in cats aged 5-8 months is body size, and race (Howe 2015). Indonesia currently
considered to support one of the ovariohysterectomy’s does not have recommendations or standards regarding
goals, namely controlling the overpopulation problem the determinations and appropriate age of female cats
because cats at this age range enter puberty, and to undergo ovariohysterectomy surgery, and there are
unwanted pregnancies occur before ovariohysterectomy only a few studies that support ovariohysterectomy for
(Bender 2012). local cats at a certain age. This study aimed to
The benefits of performing ovariohysterectomy in investigate the effect of age on wound healing and the
young cats before the first estrous period are fast physical development of local cats (Felis catus) after
recovery from anesthesia and fast wound healing undergoing ovariohysterectomy surgery.
(Kustritz 2002). Several studies reported that
ovariohysterectomy surgical procedures in young cats MATERIALS AND METHODS
are safe; however, veterinarians remain concerned about
the long-term health risks, including infectious diseases This research was conducted from November 2021
in ovariohysterectomy cats (Porters et al. 2014). to June 2022 at the Terra Veterinary Practice Clinic,

48 Revised 02-11-2022, Accepted 02-12-2022

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

Gading Serpong, Tangerang Regency, Banten. All occurs, clamp the source of the bleeding and ligate the
procedures carried out in this study were approved by blood vessels properly to stop the bleeding. After
the Ethics Commission for Experimental Animals of opening the abdominal cavity, explore the uterus using
the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) the index finger or ovariohysterectomy hook along the
with certificate number 015/KE.02/SK/6/2022. This abdominal wall. The index finger or
experimental research used 15 local female cats based ovariohysterectomy hook was turned medially to
on the method of calculating the number of animal capture the left uterine horn and its ligaments. The
samples by Arifin and Zahiruddin (2017). The cats uterine horn and its ligaments were removed from the
used were in good health based on the results of the abdominal cavity and traced until the uterine and
clinical examination. The cats were divided into three ovarian bifurcations were identified.
surgical treatment groups based on age categories (2-4, The left ovarian suspense ligament close to the
5-9, and ≥10 months), with each treatment group kidney was cut without tearing the ovarian vessels for
consisting of five cats. All of them were acclimatized exteriorization of the ovary. The mesovarium in the
for two weeks and underwent a physical examination broad caudal ligament was perforated to approach the
before surgery. ovarian ligament. The ligaments of the left ovary were
Before administering anesthesia, cats aged 2-4 clamped using two to three hemostats in a position
months fasted for 2-4 hours; cats aged 5-9 and ≥10 under the blood vessels and ligated between the
months fasted for 8-12 hours. All treatment groups hemostats using catgut 3/0 chromic threads for two ties.
were premeditated with atropine sulfate of 0.25 mg/mL The ligated ovarian ligaments were excised and
for 10-15 minutes before the subcutaneous induction of evaluated. The hemostat clamping the ligated ovarian
anesthesia at a dose of 0.02 mg/kg BW. The cats were ligaments was released. Identify the right uterine body
anesthetized using a mixture of 10% ketamine at a dose and trace the bifurcation in a cranial and lateral
of 10 mg/kg BW and 2% xylazine at a dose of 1 mg/kg direction until locating the ovary. Pinching, ligation,
BW intramuscularly. Some measurements in terms of and cutting of the ligament of the right ovary were
heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, onset, carried out in the same way as the previous procedure.
and duration of anesthesia were performed on the Both ovaries that had been cut were removed to get the
anesthetized cats until they were conscious. corpus uteri. The corpus uteri were clamped using two
Surgery was performed using the lateral flank hemostats and ligated between the hemostats using
ovariohysterectomy method. After the operation, the catgut 3/0 chromic threads with two ties. The ligated
cats were given wound care, and an evaluation of uterine corpus was excised and evaluated.
wound healing was carried out. Body weight The remaining pieces of the uterus and omentum
measurements were carried out every week until the were repositioned into the abdomen. The peritoneum
end of the study (24 weeks or 6 months postoperative). was closed with a simple interrupted suture pattern
Radiographic examinations were performed pre- using a 3/0 chromic catgut suture. The muscle was
operative and six months post-operative for closed with a simple continuous suture pattern using a
ovariohysterectomy. The cats were fed commercial cat 3/0 chromic catgut suture. The skin was closed with
feed twice a day and water ad libitum. simple interrupted sutures using 3/0 silk thread. During
the wound closure procedure using stitches, the wound
Ovariohysterectomy Surgery was cleaned with physiological NaCI and given
The ovariohysterectomy surgical procedure was antibiotics, and scars on the skin were given 3% iodine
performed using the lateral flank ovariohysterectomy tincture and closed with bandages.
method (Fossum et al. 2013). The cats were placed on
the operating table in the lateral incumbency position; Wound Healing
the hind legs were straightened, and the right side of Postoperative skin wound healing was evaluated
the abdomen was prepared as the operation area. Hair clinically on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 14th
in the surgical area was shaved and disinfected using postoperative days. The postoperative skin wound
70% alcohol and 3% iodine tincture. A sterile dressing healing scoring system was evaluated using a scoring
was placed over the lateral area of the abdomen to score of 0-5 adopted by Otter et al. (2018). Wounds
reduce contamination from the surrounding were evaluated based on clinical findings using a score
environment. The incision was made in the orientation of zero to a score of five. Score 0= wound healing was
area, namely on the flank with the upper limit position complete, wound edges were in position, and the
of 2 cm from the lumbar and cranial transverse wound was tightly closed; Score 1= mild redness of the
processes, 1-2 cm from the last rib with an incision skin around the wound or incision edges, no open
length of 2-3 cm in the vertical direction. The incision wounds; Score 2= swelling, redness, discharged from
was made to the skin subcutaneously, fatty tissue, an open wound or subcutis; Score 3= partial open
muscle (external obliques abdominal and internal wound of the skin and exposure of the subcutaneous
obliques abdominal muscles), fascia, and peritoneum. layer or muscle (re-suture and further clinical treatment
In an incision in the muscle, it is necessary to pay required); Score 4= complete open wound of skin and
attention to the blood vessels around the muscle area. If Subcutaneous tissue; Score 5= complete open wound in
there are blood vessels that are cut and bleeding and all three layers (emergency care required). Cats were
ligate the blood vessels that are cut and bleeding given oral antibiotics amoxicillin at a dose of 10 mg/kg

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

BW twice a day for 5 days, anti-inflammatory and easily palpable. Score 2= ribs in a short-haired cat
meloxicam orally at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg BW once a were clearly visible, and there was a pronounced
day for 5 days, vitamins C and B complex orally at a twitching of the abdomen and no palpable fat. Score 3=
dose 50 mg/head twice a day for 5 days. Thread the ribs were easily palpable with a little layer of fat,
retrieval was carried out on the 5th day after the the lumbar vertebrae and waist behind the ribs were
ovariohysterectomy operation. The postoperative clearly visible, and there was little abdominal fat. Score
wound was cleaned, the topical antibiotic gentamicin 4= palpable ribs with little layer of fat, loin visible
was applied once a day for 7 days, and the wound behind ribs, few abdominal folds, and no abdominal fat
dressing was changed regularly once a day for seven pads. Score 5= was a proportional BCS, palpable ribs
days. with little fat, visible waist behind the ribs, and there
was little abdominal fat padding. Score 6= palpable ribs
Retrieval and Examination of Bone Radiography with little excess fat, loin and abdominal fat pads can
The cats were placed on a special table for be distinguished but not clearly defined, and no
radiographic examination in the dorsal Recumbency abdominal tightening was found; Score 7= the ribs
position using a Kilo Voltage Peak (kVp) setting of 48 were not easily palpable with a moderate layer of fat,
and milliampere second (mAs) 10. Bone radio graphic the rounding of the abdomen was clearly visible, the
examination was carried out preoperative and 6 months waist cannot be moved properly, and there was a
postoperative. The radiographic images taken were in moderate amount of abdominal fat pads; Score 8= the
the form of growth and bone density in the cats’ long ribs were not palpable with excess fat layer, the waist
bones. Bone growth was evaluated based on the closing was not visible, there was a clear rounding of the
time of the bone growth plates and the assessment of abdomen with protruding abdominal fat pads, and there
bone density was evaluated based on the trabecular were deposits of fat in the waist area. Score 9= ribs
pattern using the Singh Index method (Jang et al. were not palpable with a thick layer of fat; there was
2021). The degree of trabecular pattern change includes abdominal distention without waist, severe fat deposits
score 6= all trabecular groups were visible; Score 5= on the waist, face, limbs, as well as visible extensive
secondary compression trabecular group was not abdominal fat deposits.
visible; Score 4= the secondary compression trabecular
group had disappeared; Score 3= the tensile trabecula Data Analysis
was only clearly visible at the top of the femoral neck; Research variable data were analyzed statistically
Score 2= only primary compressed trabecula were using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
visible; Score 1= the number of primary compression method, the Chi-square test, the Kruskal-Wallis, and
trabecula was greatly reduced and unclear. paired T-Test, at a 95% confidence interval.


Blood samples from the treatment and control
groups were taken from the dorsal antebrachial The mean duration of xylazine ketamine anesthesia
cephalic vein and put into a vacuum tube blood with in cats that were operated on by ovariohysterectomy in
Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) the age group 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months showed that
anticoagulant. Blood tests were carried out on days 0, there was a significant difference with P<0.05, and there
1, 5, and 7 after the ovariohysterectomy operation. were no mean values for the onset of anesthesia and
Blood profile examination, including Hemoglobin duration of surgery with a significant difference
(Hb), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Red Blood Cell (P>0.05). The duration of anesthesia for cats aged 2-4
Count (RBC), White Blood Cell Count (WBC), and months was shorter than for those aged 5-9 months and
Platelets (PLT). For wound healing, it was performed ≥10 months. The maximum effect of anesthesia
using an automatic hematology analyzer calculating (duration of anesthesia) of the ketamine xylazine
machine. combination in cats lasted 30-45 minutes, and full
recovery took 8-12 hours, depending on the dose given
Body Weight Measurement (El-Sherif 2018).
Body weight measurement was carried out every The onset of anesthesia in cats undergoing
week on the same day until the end of the study. All ovariohysterectomy at ages of 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months
cats were weighed using a digital balance and Body was rapid and no adverse symptoms appeared. All cats
Condition Score (BCS) was determined. Evaluation of were calmly anesthetized, no vomiting occurred, and
the cats’ BCS using a nine-point assessment based on good muscle relaxation was produced. All cats in the age
Teixeira et al. (2020), namely an assessment of the group were anesthetized (onset) in about 2-3 minutes and
body condition of cats ranging from a score of one showed signs of decreased consciousness and muscle
(very thin) to a score of nine (very fat). The nine-point relaxation. The average onset of xylazine ketamine
BCS examination was performed by evaluating the Anesthesia in domestic cats was 3.33±2.07 minutes
ribs, spine, waist, and body fat. Score 1= the short- intramuscularly (Rahmiati and Wira 2019). The duration
haired cat’s ribs were clearly visible; no fat was felt; of the ovariohysterectomy operation in all age groups
there was severe abdominal compression, and the lasted about 15-16 minutes. The operation time was
lumbar vertebrae and ilium bones were clearly visible shorter than the ovariohysterectomy performed by Kiani

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

et al. (2014). Ovariohysterectomy in adult female cats and increase in heart rate in the three age groups were
took about 28.3±11.7 minutes and 24.6 minutes using still normal. The normal heart rate of a cat under
the incision method in the pelvic area. The average anesthesia is 60-120 beats/minute, 120-180
values of onset, anesthetic duration, and duration of beats/minute (Thomas and Lerche 2017), or 100-250
ovariohysterectomy surgery in local female cats aged 2- beats/minute (Shelby and McKune 2014). The heart
4, 5-9 and ≥10 months can be seen in Table 1. rate decreased because the cat lost blood volume during
The mean values of body temperature, heart rate the ovariohysterectomy and the effects of the
(beats/minute), and respiration frequency combination of ketamine xylazine and the increase in
(beats/minute) of cats anesthetized with ketamine heart rate occurred at 45 and 60 minutes due to the
xylazine in cats and from the age groups of 2-4, 5-9 and disappearing effects of Ketamine. The decrease in
≥10 months showed no significant difference (P>0.05). respiratory frequency was influenced by the effects of
The average body temperature of cats anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine which can depress the
xylazine ketamine for ovariohysterectomy decreased respiratory center in the medulla oblongata and pons
every 15 minutes up to 45 minutes after induction and and reduce respiration frequency (Noviana et al. 2006).
experienced an increase in temperature after 60 minutes Age at ovariohysterectomy was not a risk factor for
of induction (Figure 1). The average body temperature wound complications, and there was no significant
of cats in the three age groups was normal when they difference (P>0.05) in the development of wound
were anesthetized until they recovered from the healing after ovariohysterectomy in local female cats
anesthesia effects. The normal temperature value for a aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months was performed. Wound
cat under anesthesia is 37.8-36.1° C (Thomas and healing after ovariohysterectomy surgery generally
Lerche 2017) or 36.6-35.5° C (Shelby and McKune occurred on day 5 and all incisions in the three age
2014), and the critical temperature value that can cause groups were closed on day 7 (Figure 2).
adverse effects such as Hypothermia the body was Wound healing after ovariohysterectomy surgery in
<34.0° C (Redondo et al. 2012). the three age groups did not show poor wound healing
The average value of heart rate and respiratory or complications (Figure 2). Ovariohysterectomy and
frequency in all age groups decreased every 15 minutes castration are included in the classification of sterile
until 30 minutes of anesthesia. The heart rate increased (clean) surgery with a low surgical complication rate
at 60 minutes and the respiratory rate increased at 45 and a wound infection rate of 0.0-4.9% (Otter et al.
and 60 minutes after induction (Figure 1). The decrease 2018). Begum and Bhuvaneshwari’s (2019) study also

Table 1. Average onset value, duration of ketamine xylazine anesthesia, and duration of ovariohysterectomy surgery in local
female cats
Age group Number of animals Anesthesia Operation duration
(months) (cats) Onset (minutes) Duration (minutes) (minutes)
2-4 5 2.56±0.35 35.17±2.41a 15.40±1.14
5-9 5 2.60±0.71 41.86± .67 16.80±1.30
≥10 5 3.48±1.50 45.62±5.27 16.40±1.14

Figure 1. Physiological condition of local female cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months induced by ketamine and xylazine
anesthesia during the ovariohysterectomy surgery. A= The average value of body temperature (° C); b= The average heart rate
(Times/Minute); C= The average value of respiration frequency (times/minute)

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

showed that the average complete healing of an lead to a decrease in the concentration of circulating
ovariohysterectomy wound lasted 5-7 days erythrocytes in the peripheral blood (Dhumeaux et al.
postoperative with a percentage (%) of postoperative 2012). The average values of the WBC age groups of
wound complications of 0.05±0.02 in 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months on days 1, 5, and 7 after
ovariohysterectomy surgery with single ligation (one) ovariohysterectomy surgery experienced an increase
and 0.11±0.03 in the group that was ligated with two from the preoperative average value. A temporary
bundles of ovarian ligaments and uterine corpus. increase in WBC is the result of an increase in the
Hematological evaluation (blood test) of local female Hormone Cortisol triggered by stress, anesthetic drugs,
cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months was carried out surgical trauma, and postoperative care (Zlateva and
preoperative and on days 1, 5, and 7 after Marinov 2015).
ovariohysterectomy. The hematological evaluation The surgical stress response during and after
included Hb, PCV, RBC, WBC, and PLT. The mean surgery involves the organism’s physiological reactions
values of preoperative hematological examination for the to restore homeostasis or to resist a stimulus. Somatic
age group 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months were within the and autonomic afferent nerve impulses generated at the
normal range. Statistical analysis of all postoperative site of surgical trauma activate endocrine responses
ovariohysterectomy hematological parameters showed mediated by stimulation of the sympathoadrenal system
no significant difference between the age groups and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. At the
(P>0.05). All age groups experienced the same same time, inflammatory and immune responses begin
postoperative changes in hematological values. After the to develop, mediated by the secreted products of
ovariohysterectomy operation, each treatment age group cytokines from activated leukocytes, fibroblasts, and
experienced changes in hematological parameters on endothelial cells. This compensatory mechanism
days 1, 5, and 7 before the ovariohysterectomy surgery. prevents secondary damage and increases the
Changes in postoperative ovariohysterectomy availability of substrates needed by essential organs
hematological values in the age groups of 2-4, 5-9, and and tissue healing involving changes in hematology,
≥10 months were still within the normal value range. metabolism, and immunomodulation (Rubio et al.
The average values of RBC, Hb, and PCV for all 2022).
age groups on days 1, 5, and 7 after Changes in body weight after ovariohysterectomy
ovariohysterectomy decreased from the preoperative in cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months showed no
average values. Decreased RBC, Hb, and PCV values significant difference between the treatment groups
can be affected by the administration of anesthesia and (P>0.05). Loss of body weight occurred at weeks 1 to
blood loss during surgery (Chandrakala et al. 2017). 2, and at weeks to 24, there was a significant increase
The organ that most often affects the RBC Count in body weight every week after ovariohysterectomy
during surgery under anesthesia is the spleen. (P<0.05) (Figure 3). Body weight increased in all age
Anesthesia-induced relaxation of the scenic vessels will groups after ovariohysterectomy, as noted in the study
Table 2. Average wound healing hematological values of local female cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months post-operative
ovariohysterectomy on days 1, 5, and 7

Figure 2. The wound healing time of local female cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months after ovariohysterectomy surgery

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

Figure 3. Changes in body weight (Kg) of local female cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months postoperative ovariohysterectomy up
to 6 months postoperative

Table 2. Changes in bone density in cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months preoperative and 6 months post-operative
ovariohysterectomy based on trabecular patterns using the singh index method
Age group Before 6 Months
(Months) operation postoperative
2-4 6±0.00 6±0.00
5-9 6±0.00 6±0.00
≥10 6±0.00 6±0.00

Table 3. Long bone growth plate closure in cats aged 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months after 6 months ovariohysterectomy surgery
Number of open Number of closed
Age groups (months) plate animals plate animals P-Value
(n) (n)
2-4 5 0 0.143
5-9 3 2
≥10 0 5

by (Vester et al. 2009). Other studies showed that an Hapsari (2016) also said that this might be influenced
estimated 20% to 30% reduction in food intake is by the age at which the reproductive organs were
required to maintain a neutered cat’s weight as an adult removed. The results of bone density evaluation of cats
(Belsito et al. 2009). Factors that influence the increase at different age groups showed that the age of the cat at
in body weight and BCS after ovariohysterectomy the time of the ovariohysterectomy does not affect the
surgery are increased food intake, low metabolic rate, bone density 6 months after the ovariohysterectomy
and decreased physical activity (Vester et al. 2009). (Table 2).
The increase in cat body weight after The closure of the bone growth plate of cats in the -
ovariohysterectomy surgery can also affect the value of 4 month old group was significantly delayed compared
the BCS (Jukes et al. 2019). Changes in BCS age groups to the ≥10 month age group (P<0.05) (Table 3).
of 2-4, 5-9, and ≥10 months postoperative Ovariohysterectomy performed at a younger age can
ovariohysterectomy had a significant difference delay osteoclast maturation, resulting in delayed
(P<0.05). The age group of ≥10 months old experienced closure of the long bone growth plate in the cats.
a significant increase in BCS compared to the age groups Ovariohysterectomy in cats is a risk factor for late bone
of 2-4 and 5-9 months old. An increase in BCS in cats growth plate closure because reproductive hormones
after ovariohysterectomy at adulthood was also reported are also responsible for growth plate closure (Borak et
in the study of Harper and Watson (2001). The average al. 2015). Estrogen plays a role in reducing
increase in BCS of cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy chondrocyte proliferation and accelerating growth plate
at ages of <4, 4-8 and >8 years old experienced an aging by activating estrogen receptors on growth plates
increase in BCS. Cats that had ovariohysterectomy at the (Thrall and Robertson 2015). There were out of five of
age of 12 months experienced changes in BCS which the 5 – 9 months age group experiencing delays in the
were not only due to increased food intake, but also closure of the growth plates (Table 3). Another study
possibly due to lower metabolic rate and decreased also showed that there was no difference in growth
physical activity (Vester et al. 2009). plate closure in spayed cats at 7 weeks or 7 months old.
The results of the analysis of bone density data The same study reported that ovariohysterectomy
based on the trabecular Singh Index pattern for all age significantly inhibited radial physeal closure compared
groups showed that there was no significant change in to unswayed female cats (Borak et al. 2015).
bone density (P>0.05). Hapsari’s study (2016) reported Ovariohysterectomy performed on cats aged 2-4,
that the removal of the reproductive organs performed 5-9, and ≥10 months showed that ovariohysterectomy
on male cats (castration) did not affect bone density for surgery at a young age or prepuberty was safe and there
up to 3 years postoperative. Significant changes in bone were no complications that occurred during the
density were found in cats castrated for 5 years. ovariohysterectomy procedure and six months after the

Renji Mailisa Wahyuni et al.

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can be done provided good surgical preparation is
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