Contract Check List
Contract Check List
Contract Check List
Mutual Assent
Lucy 醉酒卖地案— objective standard; what the word or conduct manifest—what the parties’
understanding is irrelevant
Augstein 音乐家寻物启事案
【Holding: posting rewarding for returning a computer is an offer.】
Unilateral contract-in a bonus sense//consider the capacity- there at least exist some doubts
about if the performance would be done-可在(full/partial) performance 前随时撤回//
Bilateral contractthe promise one party seeks would be certain
但是本案中的 acceptance issue 没有解决—还回丢失了资料的电脑是否是 full acceptance?—
这是给 fact-finder 去决定的问题.—要看合同意图
2. Offers o Contract
什么是 offer
Unilateral contract 中 offer 的撤回情形
Advertisement 不是 offer—capacity issue—there will be too many breaches of contract.
“first come, first serve”—capacity issue—有这样的语言,就可以成为要约
The court is thinking about the objective approach—no reasonable factfinder who watches
the commercial would have taken it seriously as an offer.
Holding: as a general rule, defendant’s advertisement is not an offer because it did not direct
anyone who appeared and show 7,000,000 points on fourth of July would receive a Harrier
Jet;-没有具体时间,地点,数量要求和严格的 words of limitations.
Rule: there must ordinarily be some language of commitment or some invitation to take
action without further communication.
absence of any words of limitation such as “first come, first served,” renders the alleged offer
sufficiently indefinite that no contract could be formed.
思考:法院 “the possibility that there were other people who interpreted the commercial as an
“offer” of a Harrier Jet does not render that belief any more or less reasonable.--> 到底哪些人是
reasonable person? What would be the percentage?
老师认为:At some point, we should think about what the ordinary viewer thinks
The judge here is a very educational person, but how does the Ads do with the ordinary
对比醉酒卖地案-背景不同—Pepsico aimed at encouraging creativity, fair markethumor
is the point of the commercial;
Public Policy—如果 hold otherwise, Ads would no longer be funny.
这里的语言并不 definite, explicit.
Lucy—the court wanted the individuals to regulate their conduct.
Distinguish with unilateral offer/ “reward cases
Unilateral offer- generally involve public declarations regarding the efficacy or
trustworthiness of specific products,
Promise of reward: the alleged offer is intended to induce a potential offeree to perform
a specific action, often for noncommercial reasons
-Majority: the offer was withdrawn before the performance, and there is no contract.
-The money tendered must be a full performance.
“In this instance Petterson, standing at the door of the defendant’s house, stated to the
defendant that he had come to pay off the mortgage. Before a tender of the necessary
moneys had been made the defendant informed Petterson that he had sold the
mortgage. That was a definite notice to Petterson that the defendant could not perform his
offered promise[.]”
Revocation requires communication- there should be notice,
Argument:所以在债权人转移债权的时候,他没有告诉债务人,所以这不算 revoke
同 意 D 的 第 二 个 offer ( 提 前 还 债 就 可 以 少 还 利 息 ) is a unilateral contract--“The
consideration requested by the defendant for his promise to accept payment was some act to be
performed by the plaintiff.”
但认为 issue 是 what act the D requested as consideration for his promise—认为原告的行为足以
构成 acceptance—what is full performance?
多数意见认为 should give the cash to the creditor’s hand; Here is no “tendering”.
异议认为-show up at the door- tendered the payment- it is the performance
“tender”-your presenting, showing; demonstrating;
--consider that we should not give the creditor the power to reject payment;
3. Acceptance
--Master of the offer a lot of discretions for the offeror to frame the offer.
Mirror Image Rule 重点
UCC 2-207 reject mirror image rule--unfair
“Under the common law of contracts, acceptance must match the offer. The match must be so
complete that the concept is sometimes referred to as the ‘mirror image rule.”
The acceptance must be exactly like the offer;
The UCC 2-207 clearly rejected the mirror image rule- the drafter thought it to be
unfairUnder the rule, the court usually looks to the last communication- normally
found the acceptance to be the performance—makes the contract only comply with one
side’s term;
Restatement 2 Sec. 39 Counter-offers (2)give the party a little more flexibility (there
might be some small change, not to change the entire offer) 可以有小 change
Sec. 59增加了 condition 就不是 acceptance 而是 counter-offer
但 是 从 comment 中 可 以 看 出 — the Restatement is seeking to move the law in a new
direction-->adopt UCC which reject the Mirror Image rule.
CISG—departs from Mirror Image Rule a little 但 是 将 materially change 解 释 的 非 常
broadly (效果上还是和 Mirror Image rule 是差不多的)
UNIDROIT—考虑是否 materially alter the terms
a. United States Life Insurance Co. v. Wilson 保险合同 reinstatement 案
【Unilateral Contract; Mailbox Rule; Insurance contract】
被保险人在网上银行交保费,2007. 7.23 缴纳;7.30 到账;被保险人在 7.28 死亡.
The reinstatement contract— 要 求 performance 的 是 unilateral contract the
REINSTATEMENT clause is a promise by the insurer to reinstate coverage upon
performance by the insured of a single act – payment of the overdue premium.
Mailbox rule the mailed acceptance of an offer is effective when mailed, not when
received or acknowledged.-->在 give possession/control 的时刻
Acceptance 是银行寄出支票的那一天—7.25//为什么不是 7.23?--> it was still possible for
Mr. Griffith to revoke the check; he still had the power to reverse course- not given up
possession/control of the check;
Acceptance is not revocable; The moment they give possession of the check, it is not
Mailbox rule only applies to Acceptance. The offer is revocable until the contract is
对比 Patterson case在这里不是 partial performance 因为原告只需要动动手指或者把支
票放进邮箱里就可以了;而 Patterson 中 involve more of the debtor’s effort to show up
at the door and “tender” the payment;
b. Municipal Consultants & Publishers, Inc. v. Town of Ramapo (Court of Appeals of New
York 1979) 小镇 supervisor 反悔没按要求在合同上签字-Still a contract;
whether the contract is enforceable against the town without the signature of the supervisor.
Generally, where the parties contemplate that a signed writing is required, there is no contract
until one is delivered.
This rule yields, however, when the parties have agreed on all contractual terms and
have only to commit them to writing. When this occurs, the contract is effective at the
time the oral agreement is made, although the contract is never reduced to writing and
合同 writing 形式不是必要条件 when the only missing piece is the formality (the signature),
unless there is a positive agreement (about the necessity of the formality if all the substantive
content had been agreed on, the missing of formality would not negate the formation of a
The enforceability of an incomplete bargain
- incomplete in the sense of formality in this case;
-Another type- incomplete in the sense of the substance;-open terms
--it is within the offeror’s discretion to decide whether the parties could adopt open terms
bargain or incomplete formality;--party autonomy;
General rule (common law)- the more the open terms there are, the more difficulty it
will be to be enforced;
4. Acceptance
Consideration is one kind of formality ;-providing evidence that there is an entry of a
binding transaction;--that this is not a joke;
Bilateral Contract- the return promise constitutes consideration;
Unilateral Contract- the return performance constitutes consideration;
Distinguishing gifts from contracts is usually not difficult . . . The key question is whether
the thing or the promise is offered to get something in return.
The point is--Whether the other party is obligated to do something;--under the
Some jurisdictions would use the language “benefit/detriment”; some jurisdictions would use
the word “exchange”;--但是不管怎么样 court 想看到的是有没有 mutuality of obligation;
Restatement (Second) of Contracts Section 79
-Adequacy of Consideration; Mutuality of Obligation
If the requirement of consideration is met, there is no additional requirement of
(a) a gain, advantage, or benefit to the promisor or a loss, disadvantage or detriment to the
promisee; or—有的法院可能会用这个做 analysis
(b) equivalence in values exchanged; or—not consideration analysis (nowhere would ask
for a fair bargain; the court would allow unfair bargain—but its validity is another question—
unconscionability standard;)
(c) “mutuality of obligation.”—有的法院会用这个 analysis
Requirement contract- under traditional common law- the buyer is just holding a choice to
buy- it could be argued that there is no mutuality of obligation;
Firm Offer— 不 用 consideration, hold the original offer open (irrevocable); 必 须 有
signed writing.
Modification—Common law 需要 consideration;
但是 UCC 不需要
CISG-合同不需要 consideration.
a. Hamer v. Sidway (Court of Appeals of New York 1891) 舅舅保证给侄子钱如果他在 21 前保证
【 Understanding of Detriment—by not drinking or using tobacco, the nephew did suffer
some detriment;】
但是 how the nephew value the right to do these things are not relevant;--only to know that
the nephew promise to do some thing;- the given up of the legal right is sufficient to the
consideration;--the court does not need to worry about the amount of the detriment ; the
court just concern about the existence of the detriment;
如果不考虑 amount of the detriment- 有可能引发 fraud 的问题 -the court will see whether
the transaction is genuine
如果是要求 not killing someone-not consideration-必须是 legal right;
Normally, the court would discuss detriment; 但 是 有 时 候 会 分 析 benefit;- 考 虑
conditional gift- when it comes to motive;
本案中,what is the benefit for the promissor?-在用 benefit 和 detriment 的 jurisdiction
中,只要满足了 detriment 就足够;
Forbearance is a kind of detriment;--obligated not to do something.
b. Weavertown Transportation Leasing, Inc. v. Moran ((Superior Court of Pennsylvania 2003) 为
了公司把自己买的座位转让给公司招待客户—NO Consideration
【Different between Consideration and Conditional Gift—
本案中 the point is to find the motivation of the promisor.】
Motivation for consideration-the promisor is seeking the return of a promise/performance;
Motivation for gift- the promisor just wants to give the gift, and it is the condition which
make it possible to happen.
Moran bought the license;不仅买这个 License 要花钱,还要每年花钱 maintain the license
every year;--Major argument: Moran argues that 这个公司只是 pay for the maintenance of
the license, but he retained the ownership of the license;
What is the gift?-the possibility that the company could have the ticket;- 没 有 Moran 的
granting, 公司不会有机会买到这些票,这是 Moran 认为的 gift;
但是 Weavertown 还要付每年的 maintenance 和 tickets fee—great detriment;
--Moran’s argument: his motivation is not to seek the Weavertown’s detriment; he just
wanted to do something nice;
--Note: 如果是要认定 Moran transferred the ownership of the license-对于 Moran 来说很不
公平,因为这些 license 的价值很高;--it is in no chance that Moran wanted to give up the
license because the Weavertown was just paying for the face value of the ticket;
如果 Moran 是因为不想要这些票或者需要 cash,才做这些 arrangement 呢?--在这时可
能 就 有 exchange 的 嫌 疑 , 而 不 是 just conditional gift;--if the company could find the
evidence that Moran needed cash, the court would consider it a bargain;
老师的想法:法院没有仔细讨论 motivation-一个人给自己的公司提供一些利益,很难说他
没有想要什么 in return 的想法。
如果能够证明原告是为了获得大量现金流才让渡的—那么就会有 exchange 的嫌疑
典型的 conditional gift—告诉一个流浪汉,你如果去服装店旁边的角落,我就会给你一
The detriment incurred must be the ‘quid pro quo’ or the ‘price’ of the promise, and the
inducement for which it was made.
NOTES: 用 mutuality of obligation 来分析-Moran: I can help you arrange the ticket—
just wanted to give the company the possibility of buying the ticket - the Weavertown is
not obligated to buy it- lack of mutuality of obligation;--not suffice consideration;
Gift Promise-reliance doctrine;
6. UCC Part II
UCC Article 2 – Special Rules for Merchants
“Article 2 contains several special rules that apply only to merchants.
UCC Section 2-104(1)
“Merchant’ means a person who deals in goods of the kind or otherwise by his occupation holds
himself out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the practices or goods involved in the
transaction or to whom such knowledge or skill may be attributed by his employment of an
agent or broker or other intermediary who by his occupation holds himself out as having such
knowledge or skill.”
UCC applies to both consumers and merchants;
But CISG and UNIDORIT do not apply to consumers.
UCC Section 2-207—displace Mirror Image Rule
Because the mirror-image rule requires that contracting parties agree to the exact same
terms in order to form a contract, the last party to propose terms before performance
of the contract always controlled the terms of the deal. Because the last party gets the
upper hand in dictating contract terms in this situation, this mirror-image requirement is
also frequently referred to as the ‘last shot rule.’ While that was not necessarily a fair
way to select among conflicting terms on which parties did not agree, it at least has
the virtue of being simple—easy to predict outcomes.
Common Law “Last Shot Rule”—unfair, but simple and certain.
Restatement—Conduct as Manifestation of Assent
(2) The conduct of a party is not effective as a manifestation of assent unless he intends to
engage in the conduct and knows or has reason to know that the other party may infer
from his conduct that he assents.---Subjective requirement+Objective Standard.
(3) The conduct of a party may manifest assent even though he does not in fact assent. In
such cases a resulting contract may be voidable because of fraud, duress, mistake, or other
invalidating cause.
Interpretation of the conduct as acceptance
Knows—subjective standard
Has reason to know—objective standarda reasonable person to interpret the conduct would
say it an acceptance;
重点 UCC 2-207—什么是 acceptance; 有 additional/different terms 会怎么样
--注意 2-207(1) (2) (3)之间的适用次序
--after 2-207 (1), a contract is formed the get to2-207(2)-figuring out the terms of the
contract (when the offer and acceptance are inconsistent)
Only addresses “additional terms”, with no sign of mentioning “different terms”
--2-207(3) follow the “unless” clause in 2-207(1) the knockout rule—apart from the matching
terms, the non-matching terms are knocked out;
When the write-in does not support a contract, but the conduct implied a contract;
适用情形为:当 negotiation 中的 forms 明显不相符,但是双方的行为表明 there is a
contract;比如说两方对 deliver date 有不同意见,他们对于 deliver date 的 terms 都被
knockout, deliver date term will be viewed as an open term; and the terms are determined
on a reasonable standard evaluation by the court or the factfinders—Moving away from the
party autonomy;
Lead to a lot of open terms; the courts are to fill in the open terms .
这里的 supplementary terms-指的是 UCC 中的标准条款(比如 warranty)
2-207(3)的 knockout rule—knocking both the additional terms and the different terms
—as long as they do not match;
但是 2-207(2)项下的 knockout rule (majority approach)—只 knockout different terms.
--2-207(2) does not apply to consumers, only to merchants, 但 是 2-207(1), (3) applies to
a. Flender Corporation v. Tippins International, Inc. 买卖双方在 battle of the form 中提供不
同争议解决条款 【UCC 2-207-different terms- knockout rule】
注 意 : the trial court applied the knockout rule under 2-207(3); but the appellate court
applied the knockout rule under 2-207(2)followed that contract is formed under 2-207 (1);
老师认为 seller’s invoice 中 “the sole terms” indicates 2-207(1) “unless clause”, 所以可能
更同意 trial court 的意见?
为什么二审法院要适用 2-207(2)?—if the fact falls within the “unless” clause, they
will never get to 2-207(2), only to 2-207(3), and the outcomes are identical.
-->Maybe the court thought that it is important to make the announcement in taking the
majority approach in 2-207(2).只是猜想
双方对 2-207 的适用无争议,但是对于 which subsection 有争议;
Rule: Under UCC 2-207(1)mere non-conformance between competing forms will not
undermine the formation of a contract, so long as the parties demonstrate their mutual
assent to essential terms.
The formation of a written contract is defeated only where the offeree responds with
different or additional terms and “explicitly communicate [s] his or her unwillingness to
proceed with the transaction” unless the offeror accepts those terms.
对于第二款到底包括不包括 different terms 有不同的 approach
少数意见:treating different terms as additional terms—offeror’s term will be adopted
多数意见: Knockout Ruleconflicting terms in the offer and acceptance cancel one another.
the offeree’s form is treated only as an acceptance of the terms in the offeror’s form
which did not conflict. The ultimate contract, then, includes those non-conflicting terms
anknd any other terms supplied by the U.C.C.
This approach recognizes the fundamental tenet behind UCC § 2-207: to repudiate
the “mirror-image” rule of the common law.
Professor White advocates this approach as the most fair and consistent with the
purposes of section 2-207.
This will create a lot of open terms, and the courts would be more engaged in drafting
contracts;--policy consideration
7. CISG Part I
a. Asante Technologies, Inc. v. PMC-Sierra, Inc. (U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of California 2001) 被告有多个 places of business 该如何确定;怎样才算 opt out
P is a Delaware corporation; D is also a Delaware corporation, but its corporate headquarters,
inside sales and marketing office, public relations department, principal warehouse, and most
design and engineering functions were located in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Defendant
also maintains an office in Portland, Oregon, where many of its engineers are based.
被告通过一个在加州的 distributor 来在美国销售产品
Holding: the Court finds that Defendant’s place of business that has the closest
relationship to the contract and its performance is British Columbia, Canada.
Consequently, the contract at issue in this litigation is between parties from two different
Contracting States, Canada and the United States. This contract therefore implicates the
Issue 2: whether the parties has opted out the CISG in their Applicable Law Clause
Holding: The Court finds that the particular choice of law provisions in the “Terms and
Conditions” of both parties are inadequate to effectuate an opt out of the CISG.
Selection of a particular choice of law, such as “the California Commercial Code” or the
“Uniform Commercial Code” could amount to implied exclusion of the CISG
Defendant’s choice of applicable law adopts the law of British Columbia, and it is
undisputed that the CISG is the law of British Columbia.
Plaintiff’s choice of applicable law generally adopts the “laws of” the State of California,
and California is bound by the Supremacy Clause to the treaties of the United States.
8. CISG Part II
对比 CISG 和 UCC 的 materially alter:
-UCC 2-207- focus on “surprise”- if this kind of term is commonly used in the industry, it
seems no surprise to the parties;
-CISG focus on the clear line it gives in Article 19
-UNIDORIT 的 materially alter 和 UCC 很像—要求 commonly used.
CISG Modification
CISG Article 29
(1) A contract may be modified or terminated by the mere agreement of the parties.
(2) A contract in writing which contains a provision requiring any modification or termination by
agreement to be in writing may not be otherwise modified or terminated by agreement. However,
a party may be precluded by his conduct from asserting such a provision to the extent that the
other party has relied on that conduct.
(2)-if the parties want to add requirements for the formality, they are free to do so.
--Like “No oral form modification”
--the party may waive their right on requiring the formality;--by his conduct. 比如说两方对合同
没有以书面形式呈现;合同开始履行,三个月后,一方要求按照原先的合同履行并 argue
没有有效修改,另一方可以 argue 另一方在合同开始履行的 reasonable time 没有提出异议就
算 waiver 了对合同修改形式的要求
a. Roser Technologies, Inc. v. Carl Schreiber GmbH
买方发 offer, 卖方在回复的 confirmations 中加入了价金保证条款,要求提供相等的担保或提
前支付价金;后买方接受了卖方新发的 confirmation.
When CSN subsequently insisted on invoking the payment term, and refused to deliver without it.
RTI refused to comply and subsequently bought its requirements elsewhere. RTI sued. CSN
counterclaimed. 后来卖方要求履行价金保证条款时,买方拒绝履行合同义务
Issue: whether a contract had been formed and whether it included the payment term.
----The answer, said the court, depended on what law applied to the transaction.
1) Choice of law issue- UCC 和 CISG 适用的效果是否相同
No, with respect to the battle of the forms, the determinative factor under the CISG is
when the contract was formedThe terms of the contract are those embodied in the last
offer (or counteroffer) made prior to a contract being formed.
CISG adopted the Common law Mirror Image Rule;--The United States District Court
for the Southern District of Ohio has stated that ‘the CSIG applies the common law
concept of mirror image.--
Under the UCC, standard conditions in an acceptance that materially alter the terms of
the agreement are disregarded. Under the CISG, an acceptance with different
standard conditions is not actually an acceptance, but rather is a rejection and
“In order for the contract to exclude the CISG, it must include language which
affirmative states the CISG does not apply.”—没有明确拒绝的 CISG 就会 Apply
---In tension with the party autonomy;
CISG is the applicable law; The parties’ places of business are of different states, and
they are both CISG’s contracting states.
为 什 么 不 适 用 UCC ? -CISG in the U.S. is a kind of federal law (treaty), it is
supreme than the state law.
2) Formation of the contract;-合同何时成立
Buyer (RTI) argues that the its purchase orders were offers and CSN’s confirmation was
acceptance; CSN argues that its confirmation constituted counter-offer.
Rule: Article 19 of CISG;
Material alter- if the additional term impose any duty on the parties.
[CSN’s] order confirmations stated that, “If we have offered a payment target, a
sufficient coverage by our credit insurance company is assumed. In case this cannot [be]
obtained we have to ask for equivalent guarantees or payment in advance.”
The language did not reference any other document but rather was an independent
additional term under Article 19 of the CISG. Furthermore, the additional term was
material under CISG Article 19(3), as it related to payment terms for the goods.
因此 CSN 的 confirmation 是 counter-offer 而不是 acceptance—对 CSN 有利
Acceptance-The court reviews the emails, including one in which RTI noted that it had
received the order confirmations and that CSN should “please proceed with the manufacture
of these plates.
Holding: Article 18(1) of the CISG provides that “A statement made by or other conduct
of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance.” RTI’s acceptance of CSN’s
counteroffer with respect to purchase order is evident from the email exchange.
(1) A promise which the promisor should reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on
the part of the promisee or a third person and which does induce such action or forbearance is
binding if injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise. The remedy granted
for breach may be limited as justice requires.
--dealing with detrimentcould be established by action or forbearance
whether the reasonableness of the reliance is relevant to the question;--when the promise is
too good to be true?//—thinking about both parties perspective; if it is a joke, it is not a
promise (for Pepsi)
比如说 incurred too much detriment that does not comply with the detriment;--unreasonable
(2) A charitable subscription or a marriage settlement is binding under Subsection (1) without
proof that the promise induced action or forbearance.
---it is a departure from promissory estoppelthe only thing that make the promise estopped is
the promise itself, no detriment reliance (action or forbearance) required.
---rejected by most jurisdictions
That will make the promisor to be very cautious when making a too-easy-to-enforcable-promise to
a charitable organization; “Maybe I will never talk to the charitable organization”
a. Ricketts v. Scothorn (Supreme Court of Nebraska 1898) 祖父承诺给孙女钱让她不工作,
Holding: there is an equitable estoppel.
Having intentionally influenced the plaintiff to alter her position for the worse on the
faith of the note being paid when due, it would be grossly inequitable to permit the maker,
or his executor, to resist payment on the ground that the promise was given without
“Reasonably expect”—Intent matters— 如 果 祖 父 没 有 让 她 辞 职 的 意 愿 — 就 没 有
reasonable expectation;会影响结果。
后 来 孙 女 又 找 到 了 工 作 — reducing the damages; it is a kind of fact relevant to the
calculating of damages;--但是孙女还是可以 establish the argument of promissory estoppel;
如果说这个孙女没有辞职,然后祖父 never pays—可不可以 apply promissory estoppel?
No. Under Section 90, there is no detriment she had suffered on reliance of the promise.
What are the outcomes?— 辞 职 了 就 有 remedy; 每 辞 职 继 续 努 力 工 作 却 得 不 到
Policy Choice—disappointment is not detriment;at least allow the remedy when
suffered the detriment;
这 个 法 院 也 不 承 认 charitable organization 的 例 外 , 而 是 在 该 种 情 形 下 将 其 作 为 有
b. Hoffman v. Red Owl Stores, Inc. (Supreme Court of Wisconsin 1965) 面包店主人想加盟,
创 造 了 一 个 one-sided obligation 的 情 况 — use reliance to bound the Red Owl into the
promise; While Hoffman could walk away freely;--有些不公平
原被告之间有很长时间的协商(很奇怪为什么没有 contract),基于加盟商的承诺,原告卖
Ultimately, no contract was reached because the parties could not agree on how much Hoffman
had to invest.—【preliminary negotiation】
injustice would result here if plaintiffs were not granted some relief because of the failure of
defendants to keep their promises which induced plaintiffs to act to their detriment.
c. Mayer v. King Cola Mid-America, Inc. (Court of Appeals of Missouri, Eastern District
【there is even no promise here】
Plaintiff agreed to work for defendant, and moved from his home in Chattanooga, Tennessee to St.
Louis.—He waited for the contract, but the contract was never entered; And Mayer was
注意-Plaintiff recovered judgment for these expenses as prayed for in his Count II-原告在初审获
得了补偿—对于差旅费,被 termination 后的补偿。
Holding: No promissory estoppel cause of action here.
There are three elements to be satisfied to invoke the Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel:
(1) a promise;
(2) a detrimental reliance on such promise; and
(3) injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise.”
Here, Plaintiff did not have a “promise” in the contractual sense.--> the relationship here
would be more properly characterized as an “expectation of a promise” rather than an
accomplished fact.
If the final form of the written contract tendered to plaintiff had not been satisfactory to
him in such matters he could have abandoned the relationship with impunity.
为什么这里没有 promise 呢?像上一个案子一样 like Red Owl, here the partis were
engaging in preliminary negotiation; here there are concrete numbers about
payment;there is tension between the two cases.
需要更多 information—但可以说,虽然本案中已经商讨了 payment, all the numbers,
但 是 还 没 有 commission, 只 是 open term; in open terms, there is actually no
Moreover, even if it could be said that a promise existed here, plaintiff’s action in reliance
thereon constituted no detriment to him.
At the time plaintiff was contacted by Ms. Leary, he was unemployed; he did not forego
continued employment. Although he moved from Chattanooga, Tennessee to St. Louis
in order to commence his duties, he recovered judgment for his moving expenses in the
court below. 他没有 give up his income;
这里是有 detriment 的,但是因为已经被下级法院判决补偿(差旅费),所以这里
没有 Injustice
Statute of Frauds—writing requirement on certain kinds of contracts;---E.g. a contract in
which more than one-year-obligation is included.比如说本案合同中包括期限超过一年的
Promissory Estoppel—Exception of Statute of Frauds, could argue the writing requirement;
因为依赖 oral promise,所以可以 defeat Statute of Frauds requirements.
无 限 期 雇 佣 合 同 -employment at will- 双 方 都 可 以 free at any time to end the
relationship;---very harsh—not subject to the writing requirement of the Statute of
--policy consideration—if not at will, it will let the employer be more cautious when hiring
employee, and if it could be terminated at will, although the employer will fire the employee
easier, the employee could find new jobs quicker.—that’s the trade-off.
Integration clause (1941) A contractual provision stating that the contract represents the
parties' complete and final agreement and supersedes all informal understandings and oral
agreements relating to the subject matter of the contract. — Also termed merger clause;
entire-agreement clause.
Integrated Agreement-this writing represent the entire agreement, and nothing else would
be recognized as a part of the agreement;
Merger Clause-confer that this agreement is an integrated agreementtalking about
prior agreements, contemporaneous agreements, not the future agreement;
Extrinsic Evidence—parol evidence;
“four-corner of the writing”
General Idea—Extrinsic Evidence could not be used to contradict or add or supplement
the writing agreement; it could only be used to interpret the writing agreement;
Major question is that—Do we have an integrated agreement? Does the extrinsic
evidence used to interpret the writing agreement?
If it is not an integrated agreement, the extrinsic evidence could supplement the
agreement;--在不是 integrated agreement 的情况下才可以 supplement.
There are many exceptions to the parol evidence rule;
UCC adopt different rule compared with the common law;
UCC- it okay to use the extrinsic evidence to not only interpret, but also supplement the
writing agreement;--a departure from the common law approach;
Plain Meaning Approach (Traditional)—before the court could even look at the extrinsic
evidence, the court would look at the language of the writing; if its language does not show
any vagueness, the court would not look to the extrinsic evidence.
Modern Approach criticizes the traditional approach—there are language might seem to be
clear at its face, but contain implied vagueness;a court should look all the relevant
--so long as the extrinsic evidence is used to interpret the language, it is admissible, even
if the language of the writing agreement is very clear;
前两个案子其实都是在说 side agreement/collateral agreement 的问题—look to the scope
of the integrated agreement;
Mitchell case-Dissenting-contract covers only limited field 其实是在说 covers only limited
subject matter那么就是说,还可能有其他不是这个 subject matter 的 agreementif it is
not a part of the integrated agreement/the scope of the integrated agreement is limited, it
could vary the principal agreement;
如果没有 merger clause,可不可以用 Mitchell case 中的三个 condition;--这三个 elements
适用于已经有 integrated agreement ,然后判断 collateral agreement 是否可以 vary the
integrated agreement 的情况;(和 traditional Parol Evidence Rule 的适用不同)
a. Mitchell v. Lath (Court of Appeals of New York 1928) 原告买农场,条件是移除对面土地
本案中的问题也是 should the collateral agreement be the essential part of the principal
We can use the ice-house agreement to vary the conveyance agreement if it satisfy the
three conditions;--但是没有满足.
Focus on the closeness of the collateral contract agreement and the written agreement;
背后的逻辑是,如果是是和这个 principal transaction 有关的问题,应该放入 writing
agreement 之中;
Rule: Parol Evidence RuleOral testimony even if admitted will not control the written
contract unless admitted without objection. It applies to attempts to modify such a
contract by parol.
The parol evidence rule “does not affect a parol collateral contract distinct from and
independent of the written agreement”
判断是否是一个 separate agreement-collateral contractOne agreement is entered into
wholly or partly in consideration of the simultaneous agreement to enter into
another, the transactions are necessarily bound together. . . . Then if one of the
agreements is oral and the other is written, the problem arises whether the bond is
sufficiently close to prevent proof of the oral agreement.
这个其实不是 parol evidence ruleSuch an oral agreement as the present is received to
vary (改变) the written contract at least three conditions must exist:
(1) the agreement must in form be a collateral one; 在形式上具有附带性
(2) it must not contradict express or implied provisions of the written contract;
(3) it must be one that parties would not ordinarily be expected to embody in the
writing; or put in another way, an inspection of the written contract, read in the
light of surrounding circumstances must not indicate that the writing appears “to
contain the engagements of the parties, and to define the object and measure the
extent of such engagement.” Or again, it must not be so clearly connected with the
principal transaction as to be part and parcel of it. 不是原来书面合同中的一部
How closely bound to the contract is the supposed collateral agreement is the
decisive factor in each case.
Reasoning: Majority Opinion 认为没有满足第二个(可能没满足)和第三个条件
在书面合同规定的卖方义务之下Are they to do more? Or is such a claim inconsistent
with these precise provisions? It could not be shown that the plaintiff was to pay $500
additional. Is it also implied that the defendants are not to do anything unexpressed in the
条件(3) The presence of the ice house, even the knowledge that Mrs. Mitchill thought it
objectionable would not lead to the belief that a separate agreement existed with regard
to it. Were such an agreement made it would seem most natural that the inquirer should
find it in the contract. Collateral in form it is found to be, but it is closely related to the
subject dealt with in the written agreement – so closely that we hold it may not be
proved.”认为 the oral agreement 可能会 contradict the writing agreement
Dissenting: 条件(2) (3)都满足
By the oral agreement the plaintiff seeks to hold the defendants to other obligations to be
performed by them thereafter upon land which was not conveyed to the plaintiff. The
assertion of such further obligation is not inconsistent with the written contract
unless the written contract contains a provision, express or implied, that the
defendants are not to do anything not expressed in the writing.--> 合 同 中 没 有
integration clause
The subject-matter of the written contract was the conveyance of land. The contract
was so complete on its face that the conclusion is inevitable that the parties intended to
embody in the writing all the negotiations covering at least the conveyance.
I do not think that in the written contract for the conveyance of land here under
consideration we can find any intention to cover a field so broad as to include prior
agreements, if any such were made, to do other acts on the property after
stipulated conveyance was made.
b. Nelson v. Elway (Supreme Court of Colorado 1995) 对原告经营有否决权的 GMAC 要求原
异议意见 - 虽然书面合同非常完整,并且承认 Merger Clause ;但是鉴于本案是 summary
judgment process; 认 为有 fact dispute on whether the extrinsic evidence could establish a
totally separate agreement different from the subject matter of the original writing
Facts: The involving “service agreement” under which the sale price would be dropped and
Nelson would get a fee of $50 per car sold over the ensuing seven years.—is made under oral
有 merger clause
Issue: whether the merger clauses in the Buy-Sell Agreements precluded the consideration of
evidence that the parties intended the Service Agreement to be part of the overall agreement to sell
the dealerships—Yes
Rule: the merger clauses preclude consideration of extrinsic evidence to ascertain the
intent of the parties.--> the terms of a contract intended to represent a final and
complete integration of the agreement between the parties are enforceable, and extrinsic
evidence offered to prove the existence of prior agreements is inadmissible.—very
Even when extrinsic evidence is admissible to ascertain the intent of the parties, such
evidence may not be used to demonstrate an intent that contradicts or adds to the intent
expressed in the writing.
As a lawyer, the best argument is that the extrinsic evidence is not going to contradict
or add the intent expressed in the writing, it is just serve to explain or interpret the
“Where, as here, sophisticated parties who are represented by counsel have consummated a
complex transaction and embodied the terms of that transaction in a detailed written
document, it would be improper for this court to rewrite that transaction by looking to
evidence outside the four corners of the contract to determine the intent of the parties.”
CISG Article 8—No Parol Evidence Rule
(1) For the purposes of this Convention statements made by and other conduct of a party are
to be interpreted according to his intent where the other party knew or could not have been
unaware what that intent was.—subjective knew—the party intent;
(2) If the preceding paragraph is not applicable, statements made by and conduct of a party
are to be interpreted according to the understanding a reasonable person of the same kind as
the other party would have had in the same circumstances.---objective approach
(3) In determining the intent of a party or the understanding a reasonable person would
have had, due consideration is to be given to all relevant circumstances of the case
including the negotiations, any practices which the parties have established between
themselves, usages and any subsequent conduct of the parties.—addressing extrinsic
evidence, as long as the evidence is relevant, it is admissible;
--even if it contradict with the writing agreement; BUT the evidence should be coherent,
c. MCC-Marble Ceramic Center, Inc. v. Ceramica Nuova D’Agostino, S.P.A. (U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit 1998) 原被告贸易会上见面,被告口头承诺打折;书面
【CISG 下 Parol Evidence Rule 是否适用—No】
Because there is no parol evidence rule, the parties could make the argument;
如果适用 CISG 的合同里面有 Merger Clause-那么 extrinsic evidence 还适用吗?
--it is an open question; formatting issueThe party is free to reject all or part of the
application of the CISGthe party needs to be clear in rejecting the CISG ( 一定要清楚的说
reject CISG article 8 之类的);如果只是有 Merger Clause,法院可能不好认定
如果适用 CISG 碰到了 merger clause—可以 argue 没有 clearly opt out the application of
CISG—thus the extrinsic evidence could be used by the court.
Rule & Rationale: Given Article 8(1)’s directive to use the intent of the parties to
interpret their statements and conduct, article 8(3) is a clear instruction to admit and
consider parol evidence regarding the negotiations to the extent they reveal the parties’
subjective intent.”
the drafters of the CISG were comfortable with the concept of permitting parties to rely
on oral contracts because they eschewed any statutes of fraud provision and expressly
provided for the enforcement of oral contracts.
Courts applying the CISG cannot . . . upset the parties’ reliance on the Convention by
substituting familiar principles of domestic law when the Convention requires a different
“[T]o the extent parties wish to avoid parol evidence problems they can do so by including a
merger clause in their agreement that extinguishes any and all prior agreements and
understandings not expressed in the writing
Where the parties have attached different meanings to a promise or agreement or a term
thereof, it is interpreted in accordance with the meaning attached by one of them if at the time
the agreement was made
(a) that party did not know of any different meaning attached by the other, and the other
knew the meaning attached by the first party; or—一方不知道对方有不同意思;另一方明
知对方的合同意图—subjective standard;
(b) that party had no reason to know of any different meaning attached by the other, and the
other had reason to know the meaning attached by the first party.一方不可能知道;另一
方应当明知;---objective standard
如果两方都明知对方的 different meaning 呢(两方都 guilty)?--the court might just look to
the reasonable person (objective standard)—还是要看不同 jurisdiction 采用什么方法
Drafter 想要让 court at least choose one side;--
Plain Meaning Approach to Parol Evidence Rule
a. W.W.W. Associates, Inc. v. Giancontieri (Court of Appeals of New York 1990) 诉讼终止条
【 Plain Meaning Rule 】 — 先 看 language 是 否 clear; 再 确 定 是 否 用 extrinsic evidence 来
interpret contract
Policy Trade-offthe parties should draft the contract carefully;
本 案 中 就 算 看 extrinsic evidence, 也 会 conflict with the provision of the contract;-- 就 算 用
Modern Approach
Note p362 的 问 题 — Seller has all the extrinsic evidence, Buyer has nothing but the written
contract—But the buyer won;The written contract alone is very persuasive;
合同条款中明确注明在一些情况下 either party could terminate the contract;
Rule: Plain Meaning Rule
<First Step>Before looking to evidence of what was in the parties’ minds, a court must
give due weight to what was in their contract.
Whether or not a writing is ambiguous is a question of law to be resolved by the courts.
Parol Evidence RuleEvidence outside the four corners of the document as to what was
really intended but unstated or misstated is generally inadmissible to add to or vary the
Extrinsic and parol evidence is not admissible to create an ambiguity in a written agreement
which is complete and clear and unambiguous upon its face
Thus, we conclude that there is no ambiguity as to the cancellation clause in issue, read in the
context of the entire agreement, and that it confers a reciprocal right on both parties to the
Principles of Interpretation
b. PPG Industries, Inc. v. Shell Oil Co. (Eastern District of Louisiana 1989) 卖方因为火灾无
法提供足量货物--不可抗力条款解释—Read the Grammar;
原告认为 the phrase “reasonably beyond its control” qualifies the rest of the contract clause,
making the exculpation of Shell dependent upon whether the explosion was reasonably
beyond its control; the Court is required to determine whether reading “or” as
disjunctive would defeat the intentions of the parties, and whether the context requires
the Court to determine if a conjunctive meaning is more appropriate.
Rule: These inquiries are necessary only if the Court were to determine as a matter of law
that the contract language is ambiguous.
“Or” is disjunctive and, therefore, Shell is exculpated under Section 8 of the contract,
because of the explosion, regardless of whether the explosion was “reasonably beyond its
原 告 辩 称 the term “reasonably beyond its control” modifies the enumerated events which
follow “or” in Section 8 of the contract.
This interpretation is not in keeping with the plain grammatical meaning of the
Cite 2 cases p367—对比
我们这里的 fire…等列举和 beyond control 是独立的—意思是不需要经历 beyond
control test;
2nd Restatement—let the court to decide the innocent party and the guilty party.
Restatement (Second) of Contracts Section 201 Comment b
b. The problem of context. Uncertainties in the meaning of words are ordinarily greatly reduced by
the context in which they are used. The same is true of other conventional symbols, and the
meaning of conduct not used as a conventional symbol is even more dependent on its setting. But
the context of words and other conduct is seldom exactly the same for two different people , since
connotations depend on the entire past experience and the attitudes and expectations of the person
whose understanding is in question. In general, the context relevant to interpretation of a
bargain is the context common to both parties. More precisely the question of meaning in cases
of misunderstanding depends on an inquiry into what each party knew or had reason to
know, as stated in Subsections (2) and (3). See $ 20 and Illustrations. Ordinarily a party has
reason to know of meanings in general usage.
a. Frigaliment Importing Co. v. B.N.S. International Sales Corp. (S.D.N.Y. 1960)买方卖方对
合同标的“鸡”的种类产生 dispute;采用 narrower interpretation 的原告输;【Plain
meaning approach】
Forms of extrinsic evidence:
trade usage
regulatory environment
market conditions
-- 是 否 不 同 种 类 的 evidence 会 be given much weight?—No, depend on the particular
Judge Friendly put the burden of production on the buyer—chicken means chicken sounds
more reasonable所以让有另外解释的人承担证明责任
There may be no contract—但是法院没有说这个问题;--以后可以 argue;
For the purpose of the seller, they just want to walk away;
本案中 trade usage 和 expert testimony双方提出的相关证据 cancel each other
Trade Usagetalking about the usage to the whole industry; Even if D is a new entrant, he
is expected to act in his due dillegence and have the constructive knowledge of the trade
但是法院并没有这样要求,而是要求原告证明 constructive knowledge;
本案中的 reasonable person standard in different situations;//但是在讲 trade usage 时,采
用 了 actual knowledge standard;one way to harmonize is that the court adopt the
“reasonable new entrant standard”.
详情看 case brief
Rule: Plain Meaning Rule---先看 language 是否 ambiguous—yes—could use extrinsic evidence;
证明商业惯例规则(对于一方不是本行业内人士的证明标准):when one of the parties
is not a member of the trade or other circle, his acceptance of the standard must be made
to appear” by proving either that he had actual knowledge of the usage or that the usage is
“so generally known in the community that his actual individual knowledge of it may be
如 何 证 明 constructive knowledge: the usage is of so long continuance, so well
established, so notorious, so universal and so reasonable in itself, as that the presumption
is violent that the parties contracted with reference to it, and made it a part of their
agreement. (以至于当事人签订了关于它的合同,并使它成为他们协议的一部分)
采用(1st restatement approach) Pure objective approach: Defendant’s subjective intent would
not be significant if this did not coincide with an objective meaning of “chicken.”
Market Conditions:最 strong 的 argument;被告进一步辩称 Defendant makes a further
argument based on the impossibility of its obtaining broilers and fryers at the 33 cents
price offered by plaintiff for the 2½-3 lbs.-->原告知道嫩鸡的价格是 35 美分,也应当知
道被告不可能以减损自己利润的方式来以 33 美分的价格销售嫩鸡;
The court tend to have both the parties enjoy certain benefit; it should make business
“Too good to be true”—unilateral contract;但是这里不是,too good to be true is more
about the big picture, more ambiguous;
But market condition argument is more specific.
Performance: 被告最后 rely on the conduct of the plaintiff after the first shipment原告发
告回复要求继续发货the buyer make objections, but not deny transportation;
结 论 it is clear that defendant believed it could comply with the contracts by delivering
stewing chicken in the 2½-3 lbs. size.// Here it did coincide with one of the dictionary
meanings, with the definition in the Department of Agriculture Regulations to which the
contract made at least oblique reference, with at least some usage in the trade, with the
realities of the market, and with what plaintiff’s spokesman had said.
原告的解释也符合字典的 Meaning(objective meaning)但是没有提供足够的证据;
b. Random House, Inc. v. Rosetta Books LLC (S.D.N.Y. 2001) 作者和出版公司签订电子书出
版协议,被版权公司起诉认为其 exclusive right 包含 the right to public in the form of the
The court would want to look to the whole contract want to give effect to all the articles of
the contract;
Facts: 原 合 同 内 容 : Random House had the exclusive right, within the particular territory, to
“print, publish and sell the work in book form” (emphasis added). Random House claimed that
an ebook involved publishing “in book form.” Rosetta claimed it was not “in book form.
Issue: whether the term “in book form” encompass the form of e-book;--NO
Rule: Plain Meaning Rule 判断是否 ambiguous 的 标准 contract language is ambiguous if it
is capable of more than one meaning when viewed objectively by a reasonably intelligent
person who has examined the context of the entire integrated agreement and who is cognizant of
the customs, practices, usages and terminology as generally understood in the particular trade or
What governs is the language of the contract. If the contract is more reasonably read to
convey one meaning, the party benefitted by that reading should be able to rely on it; the
party seeking exception or deviation from the meaning reasonably conveyed by the words
of the contract should bear the burden of negotiating for language that would express the
limitation or deviation. This principle favors neither licensors nor licensees.
采用原告的解释 would make the contract superfluous
ARTICLE 4.2—focus on the conduct and statement—coming from one party (normally
there will be extrinsic evidence)
(Interpretation of statements and other conduct)
(1) The statements and other conduct of a party shall be interpreted according to that
party's intention if the other party knew or could not have been unaware of that
(2) If the preceding paragraph is not applicable, such statements and other conduct shall be
interpreted according to the meaning that a reasonable person of the same kind as the
other party would give to it in the same circumstances.— 站 在 行 为 相 向 方 的
reasonable person 角度
--follow CISG, innocent party/guilty party;