TEFL ACADEMY TASK 3 AuthenticTexts Submission1 PDF
TEFL ACADEMY TASK 3 AuthenticTexts Submission1 PDF
TEFL ACADEMY TASK 3 AuthenticTexts Submission1 PDF
Authentic Text
Check the Class Description and Notes on Part 2 on the assignment platform before you begin.
The text should be 500 - 700 words long. (4-5 minutes for listening texts).
In this document, provide a copy of the reading text or a transcript of the listening text you
have chosen.
Ensure the text is referenced, and if you have selected a listening text or video, provide a link.
If you choose a reading text, you can shorten and/or adapt it slightly.
Please supply a copy of the original and your adapted version.
If you have adapted the text, briefly explain the decisions you've made about changing the text
in section b) of the essay.
Highlight 12 vocabulary items (words or phrases) which would be useful to pre-teach.
You know exercise is heart smart and good for you. But do you really know how much physical
activity you’re getting? And how can you get more, day in and day out, for your heart health? A fit-
ness tracker may help.
Studies show that consistently using a fitness tracker—a device that tracks your movement, such
as a traditional pedometer or other wearable device, or a smartphone app—can increase your
steps per day by more than a mile, especially if you establish a heart-smart daily goal.
“Fitness trackers are a great tool for heart health,” says Johns Hopkins cardiologist Seth Martin,
M.D., M.H.S. “Being more active and changing your habits is important, but it can be difficult.
Tracking likely helps a lot of people when combined with a clear goal to shoot for.”
“It gives people information and empowers them to start making changes for heart health,” Mar-
tin says. “And often, their activity level was not something they were paying attention to before
they started tracking.”
2. Set a goal. The most common figure is 10,000 steps per day but check with your doctor. If
that is unrealistic or unhealthy, he or she can suggest an individualized plan, such as doub-
ling your 2,000 steps to 4,000.
3. Find activities you enjoy that also fit into your daily life and can be sustained over the
4. Recruit friends and family to use trackers as well. It can create a social support net-
work and even foster a sense of competition.
5. Be accountable. Check your numbers every day and share them with your doctor at your
next appointment.
Follow those five tips, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle — and a healthier heart.
Martin notes that collaborating researchers have tested the mActive program in other patients in
NIH-funded research of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, where an increase in phys-
ical activity was also observed. He hopes to see the system more widely validate and used as part
of routine clinical care.
Currently, with support from the American Heart Association, Martin and colleagues are incorpor-
ating the mActive automated physical activity coaching into a virtual cardiac rehabilitation pro-
gram for patients who have had cardiovascular events.
“I think technology can be a very powerful tool to get people moving more,” says Martin.
Link: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/could-a-fitness-tracker-