What Age Are You?
What Age Are You?
What Age Are You?
0 Male Female
We gave 13 males and 17 females; this makes our survey bias as more females than males were asked and therefore opinions may be different. Age
The majority of people we asked were between 16 and 20. This makes our survey bias as most people asked were in the same age group.
These answers tell us that most peoples favourite channel is Channel 4 as almost half of the people we asked answered with Channel 4. As this channel is the most popular channel amongst our target audience, we will put our documentary on Channel 4.
Eighteen out of the thirty people we asked said their least favourite channel was Channel 5. Therefore we would definitely not consider broadcasting our documentary on Channel 5 as over half of the people questioned said they least preferred it and this would mean our documentary would not be watched by as many people.
Series 1
As the majority of people asked watch between 2-3 hours of television a day, we will ensure that our documentary will be scheduled within prime time hours, something we tried to find out in the next question.
Series 1
Most people will be watching television between 18:00 and 21:00, according to the people we asked. As 21:00 is prime time television we will aim to broadcast our documentary at 20:30 to preecho whichever prime time programme will follow.
Series 1
Rock music and Indie music are the two highest voted choices in this question. As these were the most popular choices of music, we will use both indie and rock music in our documentary.
Series 1
Red was the most popular colour chosen by the people we asked. We will incorporate red into the graphics and opening of our documentary but will still use white for some graphics such as the names and occupations of subjects as white does not detract the viewers from what is on the screen.
Calibri and Impact were favoured over the rest of the fonts. We will try to incorporate both Impact and Calibri into our documentary by using Impact for the opening titles and end titles of our documentary as it is more complex and Calibri for side titles during the documentary as it is simple and wont distract the viewers.
24 of the 30 people we asked said they knew someone with an obsession. This was helpful for us as it proved that there was a large amount of people for us to interview and enough of a variation of obsessions for us to investigate.
Most people we asked said that they had an obsession themselves. This acted as a starter for whom to interview in our documentary as we could asked some of the people who filled in the questionnaire. This also meant that we could use this answer as a statistic in our documentary.
People were most obsessed with a musician or band, although a large proportion of people also chose other, when asked to specify the obsessions were either sports or cleaning. This shows us which obsessions are more common and also gave us an idea of what other obsession categories there are to cover.
4 people thought that their obsession was not common; this would help our documentary as we plan to have a section in it about severe/unusual obsessions.
The length a person has had their obsession helps us gain more knowledge about obsessions and therefore gains us more information about people who have obsessions. 10 people said that they have had their obsession for 1-3 years, this indicates that this is a new and possible minor obsession such as liking a particular band more than another. 6 people said that they have had their obsession for 10+ years indicating that this is a more severe obsession such as cleaning or other obsessive compulsive disorders.
14 people said that their obsession cost them money. As almost half of the people we asked said that it did cost them money, this would be an interesting topic to investigate when filming our documentary as some peoples obsession may cost them a lot of money etc.
14 people also said that their obsession has caused an argument. This would also be a good topic to include in our documentary and could investigate things such as people losing friends or family due to arguments about their obsession.
18 people said that people were aware of their obsession and 4 said people were not. This would be another good question/topic to investigate in order to uncover more about obsessions, why people may keep them a secret or why people may feel the need to tell people about them.
20 people thought that a male narrator was better for a documentary because of this we will use a male narrator in our documentary as this is what our audience has said they preferred.
0 Yes No
21 people though that obsessions could be dangerous. This would be another good series of questions to ask subjects about the dangers of certain obsessions.
21 people said that they didnt think people with obsessions are strange. In our documentary we plan to also interview people who do think people with obsessions are strange and ask them why. This verifies that there are a number of people that do think this too.